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目錄 /contents 1

傳承藝術 Legacy Art Works


新光人壽慈善基金會吳欣盈執行長的話 Executive Director of Shin Kong Life Foundation


Elders Share The Arts (ESTA), National Center for Creative Aging (NCCA) 及其執行長 Susan Perlstein 簡介


Susan Perlstein的話









作品 9

我的手 My Hands


顏色 Color


我的腳 My Feet


我的心 My Heart


四季 Four Seasons


初戀 First Love


海邊 Seaside


夢想 Dreams


朋友 Friends


最愛的食物 Favorite Food


狗的回憶 Memories Of Dogs



出 版 者:財團法人新光人壽慈善基金會 出版日期:2006年8月 文字編輯:康思云、吳少君、江明璇 美術編輯:林泳 聯絡電話:02-23895858分機3797 聯絡地址:100北市忠孝西路一段66號37樓 網 址:http://www.SKLF.org.tw/legacy



Legacy Art Works Recalling the Stories of Life in Art

緣起 傳承藝術(Legacy Art Works)的方案是由美國紐約市的 Elders Share the Arts (ESTA)機構開始發展。「傳承藝術」點 出了一個普遍存在於美國社會相當嚴重的問題與現象: 年長者若體弱多病或是無法參加社區活動,便會成為被 社會孤立的一群。同樣的問題也存在於台灣社會,家庭 結構由小家庭逐漸取代傳統大家庭,體弱或衰病的老人 往往會被疏離。 在養護所中接受照顧的病弱長者們,常常會產生一種 負面的心態:「我被家人拋棄了」或是「我就是進來這 裡等死的。」於是,日復一日,爺爺奶奶們的生活變得 只能達到最基本的生理滿足而已,這也導致他們的功能 越來越退化。從整個大環境來看,台灣已邁入高齡化社 會,亟需培養積極「關心長者」的觀念與行動。 有鑑於此,基金會在2005年開始投入資源,與紐約ESTA (Elders Share The Arts)規劃在台灣服務長者的「傳承藝術」 方案,2005年6月派遣一批對老人服務工作非常有熱忱及 經驗豐富的實務工作者前往美國,接受紐約ESTA機構為 期一週的訓練,除了教導這些實務工作者帶領團體的技 巧外,更針對台灣的風俗民情調整為適合台灣長者的服 務內容。

活動方式 傳承藝術方案主旨是:讓失能長者透過志工的陪伴與 合作,將生命經驗透過創作視覺藝術紀錄下來,並藉由 藝術作品展示會增加長者與社會的互動,期能提昇長者 的生活品質與生命價值。 活動過程為:領導者(Leader)在每次工作坊透過主題 性及目標性的帶領,引導爺爺奶奶們述說自己的生命故 事,並以這些故事為創作的元素,在藝術夥伴(Helper) 一對一的協助下創造出許多美麗且充滿創意的藝術作 品,爺爺奶奶們也許不是專業的藝術家,但作品後面的 故事卻讓人動容。 更重要的是,藉由這樣的機會,爺爺奶奶們重新檢視 自己的生命,回味他們精采的回憶,並向大家分享。對 於長久居住於養護所並缺乏社會互動的長者們來說, 「傳承藝術」使他們的生活又重新燃起火花。 目前本會與「台北市家庭照顧者關懷協會」的兩位資 深社工合作,並於2005年8月開始在台北市榮祥老人養護 所進行傳承藝術工作坊,透過團體帶領者的帶領下,藝 術夥伴(由工作人員、家屬或志工擔任)陪伴病弱年長 者表達自己的生命經驗以創作藝術。


The Legacy Art Works is a program developed by the New Yorkbased Elders Share the Arts (ESTA) in response to a problem widely afflicting communities in the United States: the isolation of elders too frail, ill or otherwise unable to take part in community life. The same phenomenon is emerging now in Taiwan, where the nuclear family is steadily replacing the traditional extended family, resulting in the social isolation of infirm or sick seniors. In Taiwan, incapacitated seniors in nursing homes frequently feel they have been abandoned by family or sent away to await death. Their lives are reduced to meeting the most basic physiological needs, and their place in the world grows ever more remote. There is consequently a pressing need in Taiwan's graying society to foster the concept and action of caring for the elderly. With these goals in mind, SKLF teamed up with ESTA in 2005 to plan the Legacy Art Works project for seniors in Taiwan. In June that year, a group of deeply committed and experienced caregivers went to the United States for a one-week ESTA training course in New York. During the course, they acquired group leadership abilities and other skills tailored to meet the specific needs of serving the elderly in Taiwan.


The Legacy Art Works program was conceived with the purpose of providing opportunities for disabled elders to record their life experience in visual art with the assistance and cooperation of a helper. The program also seeks, by displaying these art works, to enable elders' to interact more fully with society and thereby enhance the quality and value of their life. Activity Approach: Each program workshop is conducted by a leader and focuses on specific themes and objectives. The leader guides seniors in recounting their life stories, and these stories serve as the creative elements in the art works. A helper is assigned to accompany each senior and to provide assistance with the creation of the art works, which include paintings, collages, fans, candles and so forth. Though the seniors may not be professional artists, their creations are beautiful and the stories behind them invariably moving. More importantly, Legacy Art Works gives seniors an opportunity to recall and share with others the warm memories of their life. The program thereby helps seniors long isolated from society in nursing homes to reengage with the community and rediscover the spark of life. SKLF is currently implementing Legacy Art Works in cooperation with two experienced social workers from the Family Caregiver Association, Taipei. The program was launched on a trial basis in August 2005 at the Rongxiang Nursing Home in Taipei city. The program aims to help disabled elders express their life experience in art with the guidance of group leaders and assistance from helpers (rest home staff, family members and volunteers).



吳欣盈 執行長

Executive Director of Shin Kong Life Foundation

我第一次聽到National Center for Creative Aging (NCCA)與 Elders Share the Arts (ESTA)機構,是在2002年秋天洛克菲勒 基金會所舉辦的The Philanthropy Workshop。我的老師Dr. Sal LaSpada建議我,NCCA所提供的一些方案與服務,也許 可以與新光人壽慈善基金會服務弱勢團體的方案相互結 合。於是在去年,ESTA的創辦人和執行長,Susan Perlstein 女士及新光人壽慈善基金會開始與台北市家庭照顧者關 懷協會密切合作,將ESTA的方案引進台灣,這次的成果 發表會即是其中「傳承藝術」方案的成果,希望能引發 社會的關注,將此方案引進台灣的社區中實施。 引發我將「傳承藝術」引進台灣的動機有許多,首 先,是與Susan會面時的感動,集教育家、社會工作者 與藝術家涵養於一身的她,畢生致力於用藝術的力量協 助老人,為老人們充權,讓老人的生活經驗傳承給年輕 一代。另外,在比較過台灣與美國老人服務的情況後, 我發覺台灣較偏重生理層面的照顧,對於老人在心靈上 的需求較為忽略。最後一個原因,是我個人在面臨挑戰 時,常會回想起我爺爺(新光人壽慈善基金會的創始 人)與其他長輩曾經告訴過我的故事,這些長輩的經驗 總是能為我帶來力量。 這個方案讓參與的長者們有重生的感覺,同時也提供 長者與志工互動的機會,並在創作藝術品時建立彼此長 期的關係,在我們試辦的梯次當中,一位藝術夥伴為這 個方案致上特別的感謝,因為在沒有這個方案之前,她 只能花時間陪在母親身旁,她們之間的對話只有「你會 不會冷?」、「你會餓嗎?」這類基本的問題,但在參 與之後,她和罹患阿茲海默氏症(老人失智症)的母親 可以共同完成更有意義的事情,為彼此的生命留下美好 記錄。 我在新光時其中一個重點工作為,借重我在國外的所 學經驗將營利和非營利部門專家們的知識引進台灣,再 結合我們原有的經驗與資源,使其在台灣有許多創新的 做法,不僅僅是讓我們學習到國外經驗,也同樣能讓國 外學習到台灣文化的長處。在經營新光人壽慈善基金會 時,我相信我們應該承擔風險,為台灣創造一些前導性 的方案,引進創新而不同的概念。透過這次的傳承藝術 展示會,我們希望能夠拋磚引玉呼籲民眾重視老人身心 的全面性照顧,同時也營造一波讓不同世代藉著藝術來 對話的趨勢,讓年輕一代能夠了解,即使老人們的身體 與外表會逐漸衰老,但他們能留傳的智慧卻無限寬廣。


I first heard of the National Center for Creative Aging (NCCA)/ Elders Share the Arts (ESTA) in autumn 2002, at The Philanthropy Workshop of the Rockefeller Foundation. My teacher, Dr. Sal LaSpada, had suggested that some of the programs and services the NCCA offers might be able to tie in those disadvantaged minorities that the Shin Kong Life Foundation serves. Over the last year, Susan Perlstein, founder and executive director of the NCCA and my foundation have worked closely with the Taipei Caregiver Association to replicate and adapt two of their successful programs to Taiwan, one of which is “Legacy Works” that you will see in this particular exhibition. We hope people are inspired to bring this to their local communities. There were several things that inspired me to bring Legacy Works to Taiwan. First, meeting Susan, who has dedicated her life as an educator, social worker and artist and used her gift to use art to heal elders and empower them to share their life experiences with a younger generation. Second, after comparing the situation of elderly care between Taiwan and the US, I noticed that while Taiwan care facilities attends to the physical care of the elderly, the attention paid to the wellness of their mind and soul are often overlooked. And finally, I noticed that I often recall the stories that my grandfather (the founder of the Shin Kong Life Foundation) and others have told me, particularly when I need courage when faced with challenges. A project like this makes the elderly participants feel alive, rather than merely existing. This project also provides an opportunity for the elderly and the volunteer to interact and possibly build a longterm relationship while creating something interesting. One of our pilot project participants, Ms. X, is particularly grateful because this project has enabled her to have something meaningful to do with her mother who has Alzheimer's. If it were not for this project, she has been used to spending time and asking her mother basic questions such as, “Are you cold?” or “Are you hungry?” This inter-cultural project experience ties into the same theme as my work in the Shin Kong Financial Holding Company over the last three years, of working with experts in both the for-profit and the non-for-profit sectors abroad transferring their knowledge to Taiwan. It is about trying to create something new in Taiwan from my experiences abroad and leveraging it against our heritage and resources. However, this learning experience is not just about Taiwan learning from abroad, it is also about them learning from us. At the Shin Kong Life Foundation, we believe that one of our foundation’s roles is to take risks by creating pilot projects in bringing something innovative and different to Taiwan. We hope that through this exhibition, we can stress a more holistic approach to attend to elders that is both physical and emotional, as well as creating a trend of using the arts to create dialogue between generations. While their physical appearance may have deteriorated, they still have much to offer to us.

Elders Share The Arts (ESTA), National Center for Creative Aging (NCCA)

及其執行長 Susan Perlstein 簡介 Susan Perlstein 柏納大學學士 (1963)

哥倫比亞大學教育學院碩士 (1965) 杭特大學社工研究所碩士 (1986) 哥倫比亞大學商學院在職專班結業 (1994) 同時身兼Elders Share The Arts (ESTA) 及National Center for Creative Aging (NCCA)機構的創辦人與執行長。她同時也是 一位教育家,社會工作者,藝術家及藝術行政的專業人 士,並執筆寫作多種書籍,深入探討藝術創作、藝術教 育以及老年服務等議題,曾多次發作論文於各種專業學 術期刊,和其他相關著作。

Elders Share The Arts


色為歷史和文化的支撐者,透過藝術表現的方式去傳達 他們的故事和生命經驗,分享給紐約各個不同社區。其 中最獨特的"Living History Art" (生命歷史藝術)方案,結 合了回溯記憶、口述歷史及藝術創作的理念,提供了紐 約的長者一個新的機會向更多人分享他們的生命故事, 同時用文學、視覺藝術或表演藝術的方式來展現成果。 ESTA在1999國際老年服務交流年,榮獲當時美國總統柯林

Susan Perlstein

B.A. Barnard College (1963) M. A. Columbia University, Teachers College (1965) M.S.W. Hunter School of Social Work (1986) Cert., Columbia University, Business School (1994) Susan Perlstein is the founder and Executive Director of theElders Share The Arts (ESTA)/ National Center for Creative Aging. She is also an educator, social worker, administrator and an artist and has written extensively on creativity, arts-in-education and aging. She has written on creativity and aging in numerous professional journals and several publications.


Since its founding in New York City in 1979, Elders Share the Arts (ESTA) has affirmed the time-honored role of elders as the bearers of history and culture by using the power of the arts to transmit their stories and life experiences in diverse communities throughout New York City. Its unique “Living History Arts” programs– a synthesis of reminiscence, oral history, and the creative arts— provide older New Yorkers with the opportunity to both share their memories and celebrate them in works of literary, visual, or performance art. ESTA was awarded by United States Committee for the United Nations International Year of Older Persons: Excellence in Aging Programs in 1999.


National Center for Creative Aging


NCCA機構的成立,這是一個致力於倡導大眾藝術創作能 夠大幅提升老年生活品質的全國性組織,近年來, NCCA 教育了上千位藝術家、教育工作者、看護及社工等專業 人士。NCCA的工作範圍包括師資訓練、建立網絡連結、 提供相關資源,同時也作為「老年與藝術創作」概念發 想的倡議中心。目前此機構正致力於主導「老化的藝術:


Widespread interest ESTA’s work led to the establishment of the National Center for Creative Aging, a national organization dedicated to fostering an understanding of the vital relationship between creative expression and the quality of life of older people. In recent years, NCCA and its training initiatives have educated thousands of artists, educators and health care and social service professionals. NCCA serves as a training, networking, resource, and advocacy center for the emerging field of “creative aging.” It is currently conducting the “Art of Aging: Creativity Matters” – a threeyear, national public awareness campaign.

藝術創作的重要」這項長達三年的方案,此方案將促使 美國社會大眾認識並了解這個議題。


謹在此向所有協力讓傳承藝術方案在台灣成功發展的 朋友們致賀,我們很榮幸能夠參與這次國際交流,使此 方案能在台灣實施。傳承藝術方案源自於美國,它的目 的在於讓長者和他們的照顧者透過敘述個人的生命經 驗,合力完成視覺藝術的作品。 在世界各國,我們常見到年老被視為一種疾病,而且 長者們常被隔絕在社區之外,因此我們期望為老化尋找 正面而榮耀的定義,透過傳承藝術方案,幫助長者們發 掘創造力,使長者有機會與社區、家人及朋友產生更良 好的互動。 我們與台灣的合作是由新光人壽慈善基金會吳欣盈執 行長所評估後引進的,我們在2005年的春天拜訪台灣,不 僅了解台灣的社福體系提供給長者的服務, 更趁此機會 面試在台灣執行方案的人才,最後選出任職於台北市家 庭照顧者關懷協會的兩位社工,江明璇與康思云擔任這 項方案的團體帶領人。隨後他們前往美國受訓,觀察美 國文化如何服務長者,並且學習如何因應社會需求而發 展方案內容,並討論美國與台灣文化的差異以規劃一個 能適行在台灣的方案。 回顧傳承藝術在台灣這一年來的成果,我們很開心這 項方案在台灣進行得如此成功,結合新光人壽慈善基金 會、顧問楊培珊副教授,以及台北市家庭照顧者關懷協 會和ESTA夥伴的努力,傳承藝術為長者們和志工們,以 及整個養護所帶來了特別且深刻的體驗。

Congratulations to all who helped make Legacy Works a success in Taiwan! It has been an honor to be part of the inter-cultural exchange that brought this program to Taiwan. Developed in the United States, Legacy Works brings together elders and their caregivers to create visual art projects that illustrate their life experiences. Too often, in countries all over the world, old age is treated as a disease and isolates elders from their communities. Through programs like Legacy Works, we seek to honor the aging process by helping older people explore their creativity and connect with those around them. Legacy Works was brought to Taiwan by, Cynthia Wu, Executive Director of the Shin Kong Life Foundation after assessments. Then ESTA was visiting Taiwan in spring 2005. Not only did we have the opportunity to learn about Taiwan’s social system and how older people are supported there, but we also selected the candidates who would become trainers for the program in Taiwan. MinSuen and Szu-Yun were both social workers of the Caring Family Caregiver Association. Both of them traveled to the United States to observe how older people are treated in our culture and learn about how ESTA’s programs meet their needs. We provided advice and suggestions about the cultural differences between the U.S. and Taiwan, and worked with them on an in-depth plan to replicate the program back in Taiwan. With great anticipation, we all watched to see how Legacy Works would be received in Taiwan this year, and we are so pleased that it was truly a great success! The strong collaboration of the ShinKong Foundation, Dr. Yang Pei-shan, the Caring Family Caregiver Association, and our trainers made Legacy Works a meaningful experience for older people, their caregivers, and the community in Taipei.

傳承藝術成果發表,除了是此方案週年的成果展,也 讓參與的長者和藝術夥伴透過藝術,向他們的家人和社 區分享他們的生命故事。讓我們邀請您一同觀賞這次的 展示會,您將親自體驗傳承藝術方案輝煌的成果。


At the end of the program, an exhibit allowed the older people and their caregivers to show the art and share their stories with family members and the community. Now we invite you to see for yourself the results of Legacy Works in this catalog.



Associated Professor, National Taiwan University, Department of Social Work Supervisor of Legacy Art Program in Taiwan, Peishan Yang, Ph.D.

「傳承藝術」要辦展覽,真是太棒了!非常感謝新光 人壽慈善基金會吳欣盈執行長的遠見,與美國The National Center for Creative Aging合作將「傳承藝術」方案引進台 灣,造福台灣的銀髮長輩;以及台北市家庭照顧者協會 康思云和江明璇兩位社工督導的大力投入,將美好的方 案帶到小型的老人養護機構中,服務病痛纏身的長輩。 近年來隨著台灣老年人口越來越多,老人的生活品質如 何提升已成為重要的社會焦點;但是那些居住在養護機 構中、身心狀況都很弱勢的長輩,究竟如何看待他們自 己的「生活品質」呢?社會一般人的印象中,恐怕都以 為這些長輩們的生活是幽暗而沒有光彩的吧! 透過「傳承藝術」的進行,我們看到長輩們逐漸地與 藝術伙伴進行多樣的互動、練習表達他們內心的世界和

It is my great pleasure to write this introduction for the Exhibition of Legacy Art Program. Many coordinated efforts have contributed to the success of this wonderful program, including the President of ShinKong Life Foundation, Ms. Cinthia Wu, The National Center for Creative Aging (America), and two senior workers from Taipei Family Caregiver Association, Szu-Yun and Ming-Suen. Their good work has shed lights and colors to the lives of those frail elderly living in inner city care homes. It is a common impression that elderly people in care homes live a dull and silent life, if not treacherous. But, the participants of this program have shown us that they have a life of beautiful stories and ideas, love and affection and important family and friends. Through the Legacy Art groups, all the workers also learned that despite all the physical and mental deterioration, our seniors can be very active and creative.

豐富的生命經歷、並運用各種素材將這些經驗轉化為藝 術創作。我們也看到所有工作同仁和藝術伙伴一天比一 天更瞭解原來不論身體的狀況如何,長輩們依然可以這 麼活躍、這麼有生命力!於是我們終於明白,原來藝術

Hereby I sincerely hope that this Exhibition can attract many interested organizations and individuals to join us in sharing our own lives with the senior citizens in Taiwan.

不是一種「才藝」,而是「創造」、是「溝通」。 經由藝術性的表達,不同世代的人之間 找到彼此連結、分享與關懷的最好方式。 在此誠心地祝福「傳承藝術」展覽順利成 功,也希望新光人壽慈善基金會的拋磚引 玉能帶動更多社會的善心善行,一起來加 入「傳承藝術」的工作,讓我們的長輩活 得更有光彩!


簡介 新光人壽慈善基金會創立於1983年,秉持「取諸社會、 用諸社會」的宗旨,延續創辦人 吳火獅先生「回饋」和 「創新」的精神從事社會公益。除了提供急難救助、殉 職警消人員家屬的慰問補助之外,同時贊助各類型社會 公益活動。 本會期待運用新光關係機構的資源,包括行銷人脈、 醫療體系及相關基金會等,策略性地結合其他非營利組 織,企劃符合社會需求的服務方案,更有系統的評估成 效,發揮基金會最大的效益,達到協助解決社會問題的 目標。現階段的工作目標為「老人傳承藝術方案」、 「原住民基礎教育」以及「女性健康」。

老人傳承藝術方案 在台灣逐漸高齡化的社會,提供適切的老人服務已是 刻不容緩,本會與美國Elders Share the Arts (ESTA)合作規劃 屬於台灣的老人服務方案,分別為「傳承藝術」(詳見p.1 方案介紹),以及「活化歷史」。 活化歷史方案與「果陀劇團」合作,期待透過長者親 自到國小講述生命故事,幫助學童了解過去的社會文 化,提供下一代學習長者經驗的機會。

原住民基礎教育 本著「給他魚吃,不如教他釣魚」的理念,協助解決 原住基礎教育不夠完善的問題,並與服務原住民族的社 會福利機構合作。目前主要推展的項目為「新竹縣尖石 鄉原住民兒童安親課輔方案」和「原住民少年都市教育 體驗營」。

女性健康 現代女性身兼家庭與工作的雙重責任,個人健康的問 題容易被忽略,本會以促進女性健康為目標,與「中華 民國乳癌病友協會」合作推展防治乳癌的活動,三年預 計在全國舉行50場以上的課程。


Shin Kong Life Foundation was founded in 1983 to provide public services in keeping with Mr. Wu Ho-Su’s spirit of “innovation “ and “giving back to society.” In addition to offering emergency relief and financial support to the families of policemen and firefighters who sacrificed their lives in the line of duty, the SKLF also sponsors a variety of public welfare activities. SKLF makes use of the Shin Kong Group’s resources—such as its agency sales force, hospital and other family foundations—to seek partners in the non-profit sector to jointly develop projects and track performance more effectively so as to maximize benefits and solve problems confronting society. In the medium term, SKLF is focusing on three areas: oral history, aborigines, and women’s health.

Oral History

In confronting the issues of a progressively aging population, it is urgent for Taiwanese society to provide appropriate social services to elders. SKLF and Elders Share the Arts, which has provided long-term art programs in New York, have cooperated to draw up innovative and appropriate services for elderly people. These include the “Legacy Art Work” (Please see p.1 Introduction) and ”History Alive” projects. The “History Alive” program, run jointly with the Godot Theatre Company, invites elders to tell their life stories in elementary schools and thus enhance children’s understanding of society and cultures of bygone days.


A well-known saying states ”Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day, teach him how to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.” Based on this philosophy, the SKLF cooperates with non-profit organizations serving aborigines to provide supplementary education for aboriginal children, thus helping to solve the problems caused by insufficient basic education. Programs conducted include the “Supplemental Educational Classes for Aboriginal Children in Jianshih Township, Hsinchu County” and “ Aboriginal Youth City Experience Camp Activities.”

Women’s Health

Women today face the double burden of caring for their families and maintaining their careers, which often leaves little time to take proper care of their health. The SKLF aims to promote women’s health and co-developed a “Breast Cancer Awareness Campaign” with Taiwan Breast Cancer ‘s Alliance, which involves organizing more than 50 courses on breast cancer prevention in cities around the island.

社團法人台北市家庭照顧者關懷協會 Family Caregiver Association, Taipei City 家庭照顧者,是一群在家庭中提供照顧、默默付出的 人,也是一群很少被關注、被看見的人。家庭照顧者常 深陷於照顧資源不足或缺乏的困境,在漫長的照顧過程 中面對社會過大的期待而承受許多身心壓力,讓照顧者 易於出現不堪負荷、走投無路而走向絕路的情形。本會 由一群對於家庭照顧者的照顧歷程有著感同身受的專業


Family caregivers are devoted to providing in-home care. They are largely unnoticed and unseen by society. Their job is made harder by a frequent shortage of resources, and they are regularly subject to physical and psychological pressures during long-term care due to society's overly high expectations. As a result, caregivers can easily find themselves under an onerous workload and in situations with no way out.

人員(醫師、護理師、社工師、職能治療師、物理治療 師等)及社會大眾(包含曾為照顧者或目前為照顧者) 相互招集及扶持,『社團法人台北市家庭照顧者關懷協 會』(簡稱:北市家協)於民國89年7月22日孕育而生, 結合各專業以提供直接性的照顧服務,並輔以本會其他 相關服務措施,給予照顧者喘息的機會並提升其生活品 質。 本會的服務宗旨為:結合本市家庭照顧者及關懷家庭 照顧者之社會人士及團體,積極爭取家庭照顧者權益, 提昇社會大眾對家庭照顧者的認識與關懷,並提供直接 的支持服務。 本會的服務理念為:讓照顧者得到照顧。既然,照顧 是一個生命交換的過程,如何在此交換的過程中讓照顧 者及被照顧者皆能共享生命的喜樂及滿足,為本會在服 務過程中重要之著眼點。唯有貼近需求的服務,才能達 到至高的滿意!因此,本會提供了居家服務、照顧技巧 指導服務、安養護機構社工專業服務、照顧資源諮詢及 轉介、照顧者支持團體及教育訓練 / 研習,和社區長者關 懷服務等,期盼藉由多元服務方案的提供舒緩及滿足照 顧者的需要!

SKLF therefore teamed up with a group of professionals (physicians, nurses, social workers, occupational therapists, and physical therapists) indebted to the services of family caregivers, as well as with members of the wider public (including former and current caregivers) to jointly establish and support the Family Caregiver Association, Taipei (FCAT). Since its founding on July 22, 2000, the association has brought together professionals from various fields to provide direct care services and assist SKLF with its other related services and measures, giving caregivers some breathing space and helping to improve their quality of life. The service mission of FCAT is to bring together family caregivers and persons and organizations concerned with family caregivers in Taipei in order to support the rights and interests of family caregivers, heighten public awareness of and concern for family caregivers, and provide direct support services. The service concept of FCAT is to care for caregivers. Caring is a process of life exchanges, so an important focus of the association's service work is to support the joyful and satisfying life of caregivers and care recipients during this process. The fullest satisfaction can only be achieved through services that are closely matched to needs. Therefore, the FCAT provides home service, guidance on care giving skills, professional services for nursing home personnel and social workers, care giving resource advice and referrals, caregiver support group and education, training and research, and care services for community elders. Through these services, the association hopes to lighten the burden of caregivers and help to meet their needs.



帶領者簡介 江明璇 國立台灣大學社會學系社會工作組畢業,畢業後進入 台北市家庭照顧者關懷協會服務,投入老人福利服務工 作逾四個年頭,自2005年6月開始帶領傳承藝術,於2006 年9月就學於東吳大學社會工作研究所。

每次傳承藝術活動結束時,內心總是會多出許許多 多的感動及感謝!老人家們一句小小的話語,ㄧ個 不經意的動作,ㄧ幅看似樸拙的創作,串起無數個 生命故事及流金歲月,藉由傳承藝術活動,讓我們 的長者完成他們的生命百寶箱,向我們這群後輩展 現出他們的生命力及光亮!想告訴我們的長者或是 正在接受別人照顧的失能朋友:我們看見您的生命 力!請您不吝與我們分享!而正在照顧或是幫助他 人的朋友們:請您看到受幫助者的生命力並大力讚 美!不要受限於受助者的身體,忘卻了他曾有的光 亮時光!

康思云 現任台北市家庭照顧者關懷協會督導,畢業於台灣大 學社會系社會工作組。曾用四年時間協助老人相關研 究,後投入老人社會工作兩年零九個月,自2005年6月開 始帶領傳承藝術。

曾經,我也是個習慣了長者的失能狀態的人,習慣 於長者不太說話、無法自理、缺乏生氣的模樣;曾 經,我也不斷地詢問,整天呆坐著的長者,該如何 看待自己生命的價值?然而,在帶領傳承藝術的過 程中,我看到長者生命的光華,看到生命即使在最 軟弱的時候,依然能綻放無限的創造力與能量。我 發現自己與所有的藝術夥伴因著長者而驚喜,也走 進了他們璀璨的生命。我相信,上帝給人生命氣 息,其價值不在於「擁有什麼、能夠做什麼」,而 在於「活著」本身。


About the Project Leaders

Chiang Ming-hsuan

Chiang Ming-hsuan joined Family Caregiver Association, Taipei (FCAT) after graduating from the Department of Social Work at National Taiwan University. She has been engaged in social welfare service for over four years. In June 2005, she became a leader of the Legacy Art Works project. In September 2006, she enrolled in the graduate program of the Department of Social Work at Soochow University. Chiang: At the completion of each Legacy Art Works activity, I always feel deeply touched and grateful. A few words from a senior, an unnoticed act, and a seemingly simple work of art can together convey the innumerable life stories and golden years of elderly people. The Legacy Art Works activity gives our elders a chance to complete the treasury of their life and to share with us of the younger generation their vitality and the bright moments of their life. To elders who wish to share their stories with us and our disabled friends under the care of others, we would like to say: We see your vitality and invite you to share it fully with us. And to our friends now caring for or helping others, we ask that you see and vigorously praise the vitality of those in your care. Don't forget that, despite their current physical limitations, they too once had wonderful years.

Kang Szu-yun

Kang Szu-yun is a supervisor with FCAT. A graduate of the Department of Social Work at National Taiwan University, she spent four years on research related to elderly assistance. She has been with the FCAT for two years and nine months and began working as a leader of the Legacy Art Works program in June 2005. Kang: I was once accustomed to the incapacitated state of elders, their reserved nature, their inability to care for themselves, and their lack of vitality. I also used to frequently wonder what value these elders could derive from life sitting vacantly all day. In the process of leading the Legacy Art Works activity, however, I have been able to see the light of life in elders and the unbounded creativity and ability they still possess even at their weakest hours. I found that the helpers and I were pleasantly surprised by the elders, and that we could also experience the bright moments of their life. I believe that the value of the breath of life that God has given us is not in "what we possess and what we can do," but in the act of living itself and in the ability to see the worth of people in our interactions and to sympathize with them.

我的手最喜歡做的事情 What My Hands Likes Most

我的手,是一雙愛抱錢的手,錢越多越好。 My hands are hands that love to hold money, the more the better. 我的手,是一雙愛煮菜、愛挑菜的手,還喜歡玩四色牌。 My hands are hands that love to cook and pick vegetables, and also love to play "four-color cards" (a gambling game). 我的手,是一雙會煮菜和織布的手,能煮飯、燒菜、包水餃。 My hands are hands that can cook and weave, can cook rice, fry vegetables, and make dumplings. 我的手,是一雙喜歡抓癢的手。 My hands are hands that love to scratch. 我的手,是一雙萬能的手,一手包辦。 My hands are hands can do anything. They can run the whole show alone. 我的手,是一雙很有個性的手,什麼也不愛做。 My hands are hands with a lot of personality. There is nothing they don't love to do.


我的手完成過最有成就的事 My Hands' Greatest Deeds

我的手考上了丙級廚師執照,令我得意到現在。 My hands have passed the grade-3 chef licensing test, a feat that still causes me pride to this day. 我的手做過電子接線,一個人就能完成三個人的工作,還有時間打瞌睡。 My hands have done electrical wiring, one person doing the work of three, with time to spare for a nap. 我的手很會洗衣服,這輩子沒用過洗衣機。 My hands are good at washing clothes. I have never owned a washing machine. 我的手找到了一位好老婆,我最愛的老婆。 My hands found a good wife, my most beloved wife. 我的手能教學生、能織布,還能煮飯給我父母吃。 My hands can teach students, can knit, and can even cook for my parents. 我的手把家裡打點得很好,每個人都照顧到。 My hands take good care or my family. No one goes unattended. 我的手很會洗澡,洗得非常乾淨。 My hands are very good at bathing. They wash me very clean. 我的手在全校壁報比賽中榮獲銀牌殊榮。 My hands earned me the special honor of a silver medal in a school-wide newspaper contest. 我的手最會打麻將贏錢,是賭王之王。 My hands are best at winning money at mahjong. They are the kings of the gambling kings. 我的手煮得一手好湯,人人都稱讚。 My hands can make a mean pot of soup that everyone praises.




我的手 My Hands 創作時間_05/08/19、05/08/22 創作者_陳秋月 藝術夥伴_蔡汶儒

故事 我喜歡用我的手揀菜、煮菜給全家吃,特別

Story I like picking and cooking vegetables for my family.


I love picking leeks and making stir-fried romaine lettuce.


I like to play “four-color cards" (a gambling game) at home with my


作品內容解說 10

1. 主要綠色部分為A菜,原本拿的紙不多,只 貼了一小塊區域,但阿椪嬤看了看所有團體 成員後說:「這樣不夠大家吃」,因此請藝 術夥伴拿了更多紙來,貼成了一「大」盤炒 A菜 2. 右邊是準備給大家用的彩色筷子 3. 左邊的裝飾是一束花

藝術夥伴的話 第一次與阿椪嬤一起創作,她很願意參與, 所有的A菜菜葉都是我剪下後,由阿椪嬤自己 貼上圖面的。阿椪嬤是傳統的婦女,在她的生 活中除了家人就是種菜,在現代的女性來看, 或許有點平凡,也不太能想像這樣的生活,但 對阿椪嬤而言卻是怡然自得的享受。

daughter-in-law. We play together twice a week. My hands wash clothes to their cleanest. My hands are a washing machine that never breaks.

Description of Work 1. Most of the green elements in the work depict romaine lettuce. 2. On the right side are colorful chopsticks for people to use, though Ms. Chen later said they are brushes. 3. A bunch of flowers decorates the left side of the composition.

Words from the Helper Ms. Chen is a traditional woman whose life once revolved around her family and planting vegetables. While such activities might seem a bit commonplace to modern women, they were a source of pleasure and peace to Ms. Chen.

我的手 My Hands 創作時間_05/08/19、05/08/22 創作者_趙瀋生 藝術夥伴_趙繼珠、江明璇

世代家傳學紡織,家學之餘享烹飪。我出生 在瀋陽,所以取名叫「瀋生」,家中為世代家 傳紡織商,所以我從小就學習織布,來台灣 後我在台北工業技術學院教紡織,教書教了25 年,55歲時退休。我的手是織布的手,織布給 七仙女穿。

作品內容解說 1. 右下角的織布機代表趙老師是教紡織的老師 2. 從雜誌上剪下一道火鍋料理作為拿手菜酸菜 白肉鍋的代表 3. 剪下來的大碗公形狀代表著屬於趙老師的 碗,右上角的一個小白碗則是屬於藝術夥伴 的碗,趙老師邀請藝術夥伴一同用餐。木條 代表筷子。 4. 右邊的仙女代表曾受過老師指導的學生每個都 像天女下凡一樣美麗,也代表趙老師用織布機 織出來的衣服美麗得能襯托出仙女的氣質。

藝術夥伴的話 趙老師談到過去,眼神充滿往日的美好,讓

Story Weaving is a skill that has been passed down through my family for generations. Apart from weaving, I enjoy cooking. I was born in Shenyang(in Manchuria, northeast China), and therefore was named "Shen-sheng" ("born in Shen"). Our family had a weaving shop, so I learned how to weave at an early age. After coming to Taiwan, I taught weaving at the Taipei Industrial Vocational School. I taught for 25 years before retiring at the age of 55. My hands are hands that weave.

Description of Work 1. The woven cloth in the lower right corner represents Mr. Chao's career as a teacher of weaving. 2. A photo of a hot pot represent Mr. Chao's specialty dish: hot pot with pickled vegetables and pork (typical of northeast Chinese cuisine). 3. The large bowl-shaped cut-out symbolizes Mr. Chao's bowl, and the small white bowl in the upper right corner is the bowl of the helpers, who Mr. Chao invited to join him for a meal. The wooden strips represent chopsticks. 4. The fairy represents the beauty Mr. Chao saw in all of his students.

Words from the Helper When Mr. Chao talked about the past, his eyes came alive with his beautiful


spirit of those days. I felt as if I was at his family's grand old estate, the whir of


textile machines weaving a beautiful tapestry of the imagination.


In sharing the creative process with Mr. Chao, I found that he did not readily


take initiative and was frequently distracted by his surroundings. I noticed the


way that the other participants interacted and how they talked and shared


together after the group activity. From this, I learned a few skills for holding the

的小技巧、讚美長者的正向表達及創作方式, 累積自己與長者間的互動經驗!

attention of elderly people, and for praising their expression and creativity. This has also enriched my experience in interacting with the elders.





我最喜歡的顏色 My Favorite Colors

粉紅,就像一個充滿粉紅色的可愛房間。 Pink, like a cute room all done in pink. 紅,旗袍,兩個老婆結婚時的紅色旗袍。 Red, like the red cheongsams worn by two wives at their weddings. 白,很乾淨的家。 White, like a spotless home. 綠,像是一棵樹,灑下舒服溫暖的日光。 Green, like a tree washed in the comforting warmth of the sun. 橘,77乳加巧克力。 Orange, 77-brand nougat chocolate. 彩色,色香味俱全的一盤菜。 Multicolored, like a dish of fragrant and delicious cuisine. 黑,紅到發黑的玫瑰花。 Black, like a deep red rose. 白,白色的沙灘。 White, like a sandy white beach. 綠,由綠色想到黃色,由黃色想到紫色。 Green, because it reminds me of yellow and yellow reminds me of purple. 淺藍,一片白雲的下面,有淺藍色的海。 Light blue, like a light blue sea beneath the white clouds.


我的顏色 My Color

藍色是我,最近心情很blue。 Blue, because recently I have been in a blue mood. 紅色是我,就像手上抓破的傷口的顏色。 Red, the color of the wound on my scraped hand. 花色是我,花花綠綠的美女,讓我想到花色。 Floral colors, because I think of them when I see a beautiful woman colorfully dressed. 黑色是我,最顯眼的顏色,又想到灰色、土色。 Black, because it is the most striking of colors and recalls gray and ashen hues. 亮藍是我,海,星星,陽光,漫遊。 Bright blue, the color of the sea, the stars, the sun and wandering about. 紅色是我,就像我這個人,開朗、熱情。 Red, like me, expansive and passionate.

顏色 Color 創作時間_05/08/25、05/09/02 創作者_李金甲 藝術夥伴_吳敏莉、康思云

我最喜歡紅色,那是我兩個老婆在結婚時穿 的旗袍顏色,紅色讓我感到很幸福。 第一個老婆是媒人介紹的,結婚時我還不到 十八歲。撤退到台灣時,在都市認識第二個老 婆,她在都市做生意。結婚時我已超過三十 歲。六十多歲時兩個老婆都走了,都不在了。

作品內容解說 1. 圖中兩件旗袍兩個老婆結婚時的禮服。左邊 是大老婆穿的,右邊是小老婆穿的。 2. 戲曲圖是剪自牡丹亭的照片,左下方是李爺 爺和大老婆,右下方是李爺爺和小老婆。 3. 右下角銀色的圓筒是百樂門香菸,由於小老 婆當時在城市裡賣香煙,所以在兩人的圖片 旁加上一罐香菸(那時香煙是筒裝的) 4. 邊框上的珠子代表結婚浪漫的氣氛,是由李 爺爺仔細地ㄧ個個按間隔貼在銀色緞帶上。

藝術夥伴的話 聽到李爺爺談起與兩個老婆的婚姻,感受到 老婆即使已過世二十幾年,對李爺爺來說還是

Story Red is my favorite color. It is the color of the cheongsams my two wives wore for their weddings. Red makes me feel happy. I married my first wife when I was just 18. We were introduced by a matchmaker. I met my second wife after coming to Taiwan. She ran a business. At the time of our marriage, I was over 30 years old. Both of my wives died when I was around 60 years old. They are no longer here.

Description of Work 1. The cheongsams represent the wedding dresses of two wives. The left one was worn by his first wife, while the right one was worn by the second wife. 2. The photos are scenes from the Ming opera "Peony Pavilion." The left photo shows Mr. Li and his first wife, and the right photo shows he and his second wife. 3. The silver canister in the lower right corner contains two Parliament-brand cigarettes. The cigarettes represent the couple, since Mr. Li's second wife was selling cigarettes when the two met in the city. (In those earlier days, cigarettes were sold in canisters, not in boxes.) 4. The pink and baby blue beads framing the collage represent the romance of marriage. Mr. Li carefully affixed each bead individually to the silver ribbon.

Words from the Helper


Listening to Mr. Li talk about his two wives, I could sense that although his


wives had passed away over 20 years ago, he still felt lonely in their absence. A


marriage is a decades-long affair. As a young person, I was very curious to know


which wife Mr. Li loved most. But to a 95-year-old man, perhaps the greatest

李爺爺雖不能說很多形容詞形容如何愛著他 的兩位老婆,但從他的眼神卻可以知道爺爺對 她們的感情。作品完成時,爺爺很認真地看著 兩件代表著兩位老婆的紅旗袍,讓我很感動!

regret is that neither of his wives was able to accompany him into old age. Though Mr. Li spoke little about how he loved his two wives, I could sense from his eyes the feelings he had towards them. Mr. Li earnestly looked at the two red cheongsams representing his two wives. It was very touching.



顏色 Color 創作時間_05/08/25、05/09/02 創作者_黃超群 藝術夥伴_林昱宏、蔡怡珊




Danshuei is a place of sunsets, ocean waves, Fort San Domingo, and also my


boat. The bright rays of the sun light up the vast blue sea—the sea in which I


rode the waves all the way from Danshuei (in northern Taiwan) to Sizihwan (in


作品內容解說 14

1. 畫面中央的小人代表黃爺爺在衝浪,銀色的 線條代表海浪,是爺爺親手折的 2. 左下角是淡水的紅毛城 3. 上方粉紅色的色塊代表晚霞的光輝

藝術夥伴的話 由於黃爺爺罹患帕金森氏症,無法順利地口 語表達,初期與黃爺爺共同創作時,常擔心自 己聽不懂他的話。黃爺爺過去是英文老師,常

southwest Taiwan). It was very exciting and exhilarating.

Description of Work 1. The small person at the center of the composition represents Mr. Huang surfing. The silver line represents the ocean waves and was formed by Mr. Huang himself. 2. Fort San Domingo in Danshuei is depicted in the lower left corner. 3. The pink circles at the top represent the glow of the sunset sky.

Words from the Helper Mr. Huang suffers from Parkinson's Disease and therefore had difficulty in


orally expressing himself. When we first started working with Mr. Huang, we


were afraid we wouldn't be able to understand what he said. Mr. Huang was


once an English teacher and often communicated with people in English. So we


made an English alphabet chart to provide Mr. Huang an alternative means of


expression. He seemed to feel our sincerity in wanting to communicate with him,


and he took more initiative to convey his thoughts to us. At some point in the


creative process, we all suddenly could feel a tacit understanding among us, and from this our relationship made significant strides. We understood that although illness can make communication difficult, we would not let this dampen our sincerity to communicate with those struggling with illness.

我的腳最喜歡去什麼地方 Places My Feet Like Best to Go

我的腳最喜歡帶著二十出頭的我去打柏青哥。 My feet liked most to go to play pachinko when I was just in my 20s. 我的腳最喜歡逛菜市場、和人聊天。 My feet like most to shop at the market and chat with others. 我的腳最喜歡逛菜市場,有好多東西可以逛。 My feet like most to shop at the market, where there is so much to see. 我的腳最喜歡走到菜園種A菜跟韭菜。 My feet like most to go the vegetable garden and plant lettuce and leeks. 我的腳最喜歡去沙漠,因為沒去過沙漠。 My feet would like most to go to the desert, for they have never been there. 我的腳最喜歡哪裡有牌可打、有棋可下就去哪。 My feet like most to go anywhere that one can play cards or chess. 我的腳最喜歡逛書店,享受心靈的旅行。 My feet like most to browse bookstores and enjoy flights of fancy. 我的腳最喜歡去機場,那表示我要出國了! My feet like most to go to the airport, for that means I will be going abroad! 我的腳最喜歡去沙灘戲潮。 My feet like most to go to the beach to play in the surf. 我的腳最喜歡爬山,作健康之旅。 My feet like most to climb mountains and take a healthy trip.




我的腳 My Feet 創作時間_05/09/09 創作者_黃超群 藝術夥伴_蔡宜珊

故事 我喜歡沙漠。我要到沙烏地阿拉伯,去那裡 當石油大王,在夕陽的餘暉下,我騎著駱駝的 影子,映在層層的沙丘上。

作品內容解說 16

1. 底圖是沙漠與紅紅的太陽 2. 男人騎馬的剪影代表爺爺在沙漠中騎著駱駝

Story I like the desert. I want to go to Saudi Arabia and become an oil baron. In the twilight hours, I would ride the shadow of a camel cast across the sand dunes.

Description of Work 1. The background of the composition depicts the desert and the deep red sun. 2. The cutout silhouette of a man riding a horse represents Mr. Huang riding a camel across the desert.

3. 扇子中央是爺爺突發奇想寫上的「畫足添

3. At the center of the fan, Mr. Huang has impulsively written four Chinese


characters that read, "Painting feet and adding a tail," giving a charming touch


and Chinese flavor to the work.

藝術夥伴的話 這次爺爺要做沙漠,我著實傷透了腦筋,該 怎麼把沙子貼到扇子上呢?後來用不同顏色的 紙代替層層沙丘,加上太陽後,終於有了沙漠 的感覺。每次和爺爺一起創作,爺爺都將這輩

Words from the Helper When Mr. Huang said he wanted to depict a desert, I really had to rack my brains to think of a way to stick sand to a fan. In the end, we used colored paper to represent the layers of the sand dunes. When the sun was added, the feeling


of a desert was finally achieved. In each of his art works, Mr. Huang reflected on


the life dreams that he has not yet realized: his dream to own NT$50 million, to


surf from Danshuei to Sizihwan, and to be a desert oil king. In all of these works


I could feel the creativity and vitality in Mr. Huang's life. This has touched me


deeply. It has also made me feel very fortunate to have had this time together with Mr. Huang.

我的腳 My Feet 創作時間_05/09/09 創作者_李金甲 藝術夥伴_吳敏莉



I love to play chess, but I have a hard time finding a worthy match.


I liked to visit my friends and play cards. My wife let me go out to play cards


作品內容解說 1. 工整的棋盤上,按照李爺爺的意思佈置了這 盤棋局。 2. 右上角擺在棋局外的棋子代表李爺爺吃了對 方的棋。

藝術夥伴的話 李爺爺平時就很愛下象棋,但由於養護所內 其他長者少有人認知功能良好且熱愛下棋,李 爺爺常想下一盤棋卻苦於無人陪伴。創作這個 作品的過程中,李爺爺曾表達想回房,當我聽

after she made our meal and I had eaten. Sometimes my wife went with me.

Description of Work 1. Chess pieces have been arranged on neatly drawn out squares as Mr. Li instructed. 2. The chess pieces in the upper right corner of the fan represent pieces that Mr. Li has captured from his opponent.

Words from the Helper Mr. Li loves to play chess, but at the nursing home he rarely has a chance to play against a capable and seasoned player like himself. As a result, he often has no one to play with. During the process of creating this work, Mr. Li said that


he wanted to return to his room. When I heard that he didn't want to participate


any more, I felt a bit dispirited and at a loss. But we did everything we could


to encourage him to continue taking part in the group, and we told him that


we could arrange the composition according to the chessboard layout that he


sketched. Mr. Li gradually began to talk about chess positions and instructed


me where to place the chess pieces. After much hard work and many attempts,


I was able to get Mr. Li to stay with the group. It gave me quite a sense of achievement.






The One My Heart Misses Most 我的心最想念我最美麗的太太,還有狗兒麻糬。 My heart misses most my beautiful wife, and my dog Mashu. 我的心最想念先生。 My heart misses most my teacher. 我的心最想念我的兒女,因為中秋節是團圓的日子。 My heart misses most my daughter, because Mid-Autumn Festival is a time of reunion. 我的心最想念一個女生,一段秘密的戀情。 My heart misses most a girl with whom I was secretly in love. 我的心最想念這裡的人,尤其是敏莉。 My heart misses most the people here and Min-li most of all.

我的心 My Heart 創作時間_05/09/13 創作者_黃超群 藝術夥伴_江明璇

明月幾時有?把酒問青天。 那個女孩當年是我的長官,我們無法發展出 戀情,我只能默默看著她。十多年未見了。前 一陣子在榮總就醫時見過她,之後就再也沒見 過了。印象最深刻的,是她穿著夏裝的樣子, 芳草碧連天,她躺在草地上,裙襬散了開來。

作品內容解說 1. 圖中是黃爺爺年輕時暗戀的女生躺在草原上仰 望天空的情景,女孩的眼睛是爺爺親手畫的。 2. 因她是黃爺爺在醫院認識的女軍官,他印象 最深刻的是夏天時她穿著藍色的上衣。 3. 黃爺爺靈活地畫上黑色的點,用來連接芳草 及天空,以呈現芳草碧連天之感,也代表著 女生躺在草地上散開來的裙襬。

藝術夥伴的話 黃爺爺在談到這段秘密戀情時,眼睛泛著淚 光,有種欲語還休之感。深刻感受到黃爺爺那 份紳士般的溫柔及學養,從他努力的將一連串

Story "When will the moon be bright? I ask the blue sky with a cup of wine in hand." (From a poem by Su Shih) The girl in my poem was my superior officer. Circumstances prevented us from developing our affections, so I just silently watched her. I didn't see her for over 10 years. A while back I saw her at the Veterans General Hospital, and then I never saw her again. She left a deep impression on me. I can see her in her summer clothes. The fragrant grass connects with the sky. And she lay on the grass, her skirt spread out around her.

Description of Work 1. This composition shows a girl that Mr. Huang secretly loved in his youth. She is lying on the grass looking up to the sky. Mr. Huang drew the girl's eyes himself. 2. The girl was an officer that Mr. Huang met at the hospital. His deepest impression is of her wearing a blue dress in the summer. 3. Mr. Huang skillfully drew black dots to connect the grass and sky, conveying the feeling of a popular song called "The Fragrant Jade Grass Joining the Sky" and representing the girl lying on the grass with her dress spread out around her.

Words from the Helper


Mr. Huang's eyes welled up when he spoke about his secret love, and I could


feel that there was something more he wanted to say. As he worked to express


his thoughts in idioms, poetic sayings, calligraphy and body language I could


clearly see that he is a gentleman of warmth and learning. When I think of the

定是一份埋藏在心中很深刻的情感吧!陽光灑 下的午後,看到爺爺的笑容,有一種迫不及待 想記錄下他的種種過往、生命歷程及精彩故事

regret filling Mr. Huang's eyes and spirit, having lost contact with the girl he loved, yet never forgetting her after all this time, I imagine this feeling must be


deeply buried in his heart. When I see Mr. Huang smile in the sunny afternoon,


I am struck by an urge to record his past, life history and colorful stories. It also stirs in me a sense of mission to serve as witness to Mr. Huang's life.



我的心 My Heart 創作時間_05/09/13 創作者_趙孟玉蓮 藝術夥伴_康思云

故事 我的先生很帥,是一個醫生。他會拉胡琴、 會唱情歌、會寫情書。 我們一起散步、一起看電影,看梁祝。

作品內容解說 20

1. 愛心上畫出走在路上的情侶剪影,代表趙奶 奶和他先生一起散步,她先生一邊牽著她的 手,一邊唱著情歌。 2. 左邊的兩隻蝴蝶代表梁山伯與祝英台。 3. 白色的羽毛筆正寫著句句情話,而胡琴則是 用來伴奏情歌的樂器。

藝術夥伴的話 趙奶奶已有好一段時間不像以前那樣多話, 許多時候只有少許幾個字的回應,對我來說, 這個合作是一個挑戰,不知該如何尋得奶奶的 記憶。還好有趙奶奶的女兒在旁,告訴我許多

Story My husband was handsome, a doctor. He could play the huqin (a two-stringed bowed instrument), sing love songs and write love letters. We went for walks together, went to the movies together, saw dramas about the characters Liang Shan-po and Chu Ying-tai.

Description of Work 1. The two sweethearts walking together on the loving heart in this composition represent Ms. Chao and her husband. The husband holds her hand and sings a love song. 2. The two butterflies on the left represent Liang Shan-po and Chu Ying-tai. 3. The white quill pen is writing words of love, and the huqin plays accompaniment to the love song.

Words from the Helper It has been a long time since Ms. Chao has been the talkative person she once was. Much of the time she replies to questions with a few words, so this


cooperation project was quite a challenge for me. I wasn't sure how to get her


to talk about her memories. Fortunately Ms. Chao's daughter joined us and


told us many stories about Ms. Chao and her husband. Life is a wonder the


way it continues across the generations. Although Ms. Chao was unable to express herself, we were able to create this work with the aid of her daughter's recollections. This was a very happy and beautiful experience for me.

我最愛的季節 My Favorite Seasons

春天,賞花,黃色的花、淡藍色的花。 Spring, for the flowers, yellow and light blue. 春夏秋冬我都愛,還有,我喜歡你。 Spring, summer, fall and winter, I love you all, and more, I like you too. 春天,各式各樣的花,沒注意是什麼花。 Spring, a time of flowers of all shapes and kind, so many I do not notice what type they are. 冬天,小時後躲在棉被裡看瓊瑤小說的冬天。 Winter, when in youth I burrowed under the covers and read the romance novels of Chiung Yao. 春天,花,紫色的花,還有木棉花。 Spring, for the purple flowers and the kapok blooms. 夏天,可以吃冰淇淋的夏天。 Summer, when I could eat ice cream. 秋天,讓我想到我們家的楓葉, 我老公接枝的,有紅色、黃色,還有七星星。 Fall, because it recalls the maple leaves at my home, those from the trees my husband grafted, red, yellow and seven-starred. 秋天,可以穿短袖,又不會太熱的秋天。 Fall, because I can wear short-sleeve shirts and it isn't too hot. 夏天,海,藍天,白雲,衝浪。 Summer, for the sea, the blue skies, the white clouds and the crashing waves.


我今天喜歡什麼季節 My Favorite Seasons

最愛秋天,可以看電影,逛一逛,去士林夜市。 I love fall most of all because I can go to the movies, shop and visit Shilin Night Market. 最愛秋天,烤蕃薯的季節。 I love fall most of all because it is the season for roasting sweet potatoes. 最愛夏天,可以吃冰、可以穿短袖、有藍天、白雲,可以玩水。 I love summer most of all because I can eat shaved ice desserts, wear short-sleeve shirts and play in the water beneath the blue skies and white clouds. 最愛春天,還有一點冷,很舒服的一點寒意; 一元復始,萬象更新,充滿希望。 I love spring most of all because it is still pleasantly cool, a time of new beginnings when everything is renewed and hope is in air. 最愛夏天,在海邊穿著游泳褲衝浪。 I love summer most of all, at the coast wearing swim trunks and surfing the waves. 最愛夏天,海灘的衣服穿起來比較涼。 I love summer most of all because beach clothes are cooler. 最愛冬天,過年,睡覺,吃東西。 I love winter most of all, a time for celebrating the New Year, sleeping and eating. 最愛春天,開始種花、種菜,開始種A菜。 I love spring most of all, a time for planting flowers and vegetables, lettuce among them.




四季 Four Seasons 創作時間_05/11/10、11/17、11/24 創作者_趙瀋生 藝術夥伴_周世絜




For over 20 years, my wife and I went to Yangmingshan to see the flowers.


In spring, I liked to go hand-in-hand with my wife to the cinema to watch a


movie. My favorite movie star is Audrey Hepburn and my favorite movie is "My

片子是「窈窕淑女」。看電影時,老婆會靠 在我的肩膀上,看著看著就睡著了。電影放完 時,老婆會醒過來,我們再手牽著手去吃飯。


冬天要吃酸菜白肉鍋,大白菜過年前就開始 醃,醃法是將白菜煮熟再壓一個月,很好吃。

作品內容解說 1. 奧黛莉赫本是趙老師的最愛,底片上的相片 代表她每部電影裡的身影都深印在他腦海。 2. 右下角土黃色的小人是趙老師,身穿老婆為

Fair Lady." When we went to the movies, my wife would lean on my shoulder and watch for a while before falling asleep. She would wake up when the movie was over, and then we would hold hands again and go for a bite to eat. In winter, we would eat hot pot with pickled cabbage and pork. We began pickling the cabbage before the New Year. It was delicious.

Description of Work 1. Audrey Hepburn is pictured in the composition to represent the deep impression the actress has had on Mr. Chao in all of her movies.


2. The small yellow person in the lower right corner is Mr. Chao, wearing a

色小人) 的手,帶著愛狗麻薯〈紅色小人旁

tawny vest knit for him by his wife. He is holding hands with his wife (next to


him in red) and they are with their dog Mashu (shown in cream-color next to

3. 電影看完再一起吃熱騰騰的酸菜白肉鍋。 4. 趙老師把左上角的花送給奧黛莉赫本,向她致 敬,把右下角的花送給老婆,希望她開心。

藝術夥伴的話 第一次和趙老師見面,我們就談起電影裡的

the couple), walking together to the cinema. 3. After the movie, they eat a steaming hot pot with pickled cabbage and pork. 4. The flowers in the upper left corner are for Audrey Hepburn, and the flowers in the lower right corner are to give to his wife to make her happy.

Words from the Helper


When Mr. Chao and I first met, we discovered that we had common interests.


We talked about the plots and characters of movies and quickly bonded. The


first week we talked about Audrey Hepburn, and the next week the group leader


brought pictures of the actress. Mr. Chao loved them. We arranged the photos in

最美麗的倩影。我看見趙老師眼裡的熱情和光 彩,覺得自己也跟著他重拾年少時光和快樂回 憶,分享他溫暖的生活點滴。

the semblance of film negatives hoping to present the star in her best light. I could see the enthusiasm and gleam in Mr. Chao's eyes. I felt that I could join him in his recollection of happy memories of youth and share the warm stories of his life.

四季 Four Seasons 創作時間_05/11/17、05/11/24 創作者_李金甲 藝術夥伴_吳敏莉



I loved to go alone for evening walks along the coast.


My second wife, our children, and I lived in a house on the coast in a little-


known harbor in Hualien. I often went to the beach with my family, sometimes in

邊,有時早上去、有時晚上去,小孩在海邊玩 水、玩沙子,我和老婆在旁邊看。海邊人很 多,大都是住在那邊的居民。 冬天時可以和小老婆一起窩在被窩裡睡覺, 非常溫暖、舒服,尤其是住在花蓮的時候,那

the morning and sometimes at night. The kids would play in the water and sand while my wife and I watched. There were always a lot of people at the beach, most of them are the locals. In winter, I could sleep under the covers with my second wife. It was very


warm and cozy. Those were happy times, especially when we lived in Hualien.


Description of Work

1. 右下角的木造房子代表李爺爺一家在花蓮海

1. The stick house in the lower right corner represents the Li family's small home

邊居住的小屋 2. 沙灘上照李爺爺意思擺上幾個貝殼,表示花 蓮海邊有很多貝殼可以撿 3. 左邊的圖案代表李爺爺和他的孩子在沙灘上 玩耍,右邊的紅衣女子則是李爺爺的老婆

on the coast of Hualien. 2. Shells were placed on the beach as Mr. Li instructed to show that there are many shells to gather on the beaches of Hualien. 3. The figures on the left represent Mr. Li playing with his children on the beach. The woman in red on the right is Mr. Li's wife.

4. 右上角的照片代表海上的燈塔

4. A lighthouse on the sea is pictured in the upper right corner.


Words from the Helper


On this project, Mr. Li took the initiative in conveying what he wanted to do


with the composition. He wanted to express the happiest time of his life. We


used sparkles, shells and sand to depict the beach and sea. Mr. Li, who had


earlier been a bit reserved, helped spread the sand and press on the rows of


string. He was actively engaged in the project and in high spirits. When the blue


sea was completed, Mr. Li seemed to sea the ocean at Hualien and his eyes







初戀的年紀、他的模樣 The Ages and Faces of Love

十八歲的初戀,他不太高但比我高,不太胖,在學校唱台灣歌認識的。 First love at 18—He wasn't too tall, but taller than me, and not too fat. We met when singing Taiwanese songs at school. 十九歲的初戀,漂亮的側臉,身材中等,175公分的電機系學生。 First love at 19—Beautiful profile, average figure, 175cm tall, a student in the electrical engineering department. 十八歲的初戀,斯文的書生,琴棋書畫俱全。 First love at 18—The cultured bookish type, accomplished in both literature and arts. 十一歲的初戀,和其他同學都不一樣的小學同學,一起上作文課和畫畫課。 First love at 21—A grade school classmate different from the rest. We were in the same writing and painting class. 十九歲的初戀,矮矮瘦瘦很漂亮,朋友介紹認識的。 First love at 19—Short, skinny and gorgeous. We were introduced by friends. 二十歲的初戀,高高的運動健將,笑起來很可愛。 First love at 20—Tall, athletic type with an endearing laugh. 二十八歲的初戀,高高瘦瘦、一頭長髮,每天從我家門前經過。 First love at 28—Tall and skinny with long hair. He passed my door every day. 十三歲的初戀,天天一起上學、一起讀書、一起看電影,國二時移民紐西蘭。 First love at 13—We were in class together every day, reading together and watching movies together. He moved to New Zealand in the eighth grade. 二十一歲的初戀,陸軍官校的學生,很帥、很黑,不感光。 First love at 21—A student of the Army Academy, very dark and handsome, not sensitive. 十四歲的初戀,瘦瘦的、不高,158公分左右,很有想法和個性的女孩。 First love at 14—Skinny and not so tall, about 158cm. His thinking and personality were very much like a girl's.


初戀的感覺 First Love

甜蜜的初戀,在一起時很甜,分開時很苦,對方的爸媽不喜歡我們在一起, 叫他娶了一個老師。 Sweet first love, so sweet when we were together, so bitter when we parted. His parents didn't want us to be together. They told him to marry a teacher. 小鹿亂撞的初戀,第一次約會不緊張、也不臉紅,我說的比他還多。 The first love of an impulsive fawn. On the first date I wasn't nervous or embarrassed and I talked more than he did. 甜甜的初戀,很溫暖、很開心。 Sweet first love, so warm and joyous. 充滿愛的初戀,愛的感覺又開心又緊張,我們彼此寫信。 First love so full of love, a feeling both happy and nervous. We wrote to each other. 酸甜苦辣的初戀,在我的想像中,她會跳恰恰。 First love, sour, sweet, bitter and hot. In my imagination, she dances the cha cha.

初戀 First Love 創作時間_05/12/01、05/12/15 創作者_陳秋月 藝術夥伴_蔡汶儒



I was 18 when I first fell in love. He was 15. We met at school and sang


Taiwanese songs together. We went together to the mountaintop to see the


peaks, have fun and watch the sun go down and set. I was in love and very


happy. He was a smart student and went to study in Japan. After that we wrote


letters to each other. In his letters he would secretly write in Japanese "suki" (I


like you), "aishiteru" (I love you), and "aitai" (I miss you). He later naturalized as a


Japanese citizen, married a Japanese woman, and settled down somewhere in


Japan. We haven't seen each other for a long time.


Description of Work

1. 底圖有山上的夕陽,蝴蝶,蜻蜓,花和樹葉,

1. The words on this work are a love letter to Ms. Chen's first love. In the

代表阿嬤和初戀情人一起去山上玩的情景。 2. 阿椪嬤的信是用日文寫的,她一邊寫一邊用

background are a sun over the mountains, a dragonfly, flowers and trees, representing the mountain scene where Ms. Chen went with her first love.


2. Ms. Chen dictated her letter in Japanese and we had it translated into


Taiwanese. The letter says: "How are you? It's been a long time. When you


are free, how about going out and having fun?" She then signed her name at

藝術夥伴的話 在作品創作討論時,阿椪嬤決定用寫信的方

the end of the letter.

Words from the Helper


When we were discussing what to do on this work, Ms. Chen decided to


present her feelings in the form of a letter. Although she said she didn't know


what she should write, she had no problem writing a letter to her first love. It


was a happy and touching experience to hear this woman in her 90s talk about


her first love at the age of 18 and to so generously share her experience with


us. I had always thought that couples at that time were brought together by


matchmakers, and that people from that age probably didn't have the experience


of a first love. I never thought that this normally shy and reserved old lady would so readily share this story with us, and with quite a few details.



初戀 First Love 創作時間_05/12/01、05/12/15 創作者_趙孟玉蓮 藝術夥伴_趙繼珠

故事 相思欲寄無從寄,但願來世再結夫妻緣。 我跟他是在南京認識的,都是醫藥學院的學 生。他寫了很多情書給我,我被他的情書給騙 了。他帶我去玄武湖划船,唱歌給我聽。 親愛的,我已漸年老,雖然你已遠去,唯有




Story My heart yearns unanswered. But we were destined to be joined as husband and wife. We met in Nanjing. We were both medical students. He wrote me a lot of love letters, and I fell for them. He took me to rowing at Xuanwu Lake and sang songs for me. My dear, I have become old. Although you are far away, you are my one love. This heart of mine will never change.

1. 這是一幅在南京玄武湖划船的情景。

Description of Work

2. 這是春天,用棉花代表柳絮,有鴛鴦、有情

1. This composition depicts a rowing scene at Xuanwu Lake in Nanjing.


藝術夥伴的話 創作時找不到素材代表楊柳樹上的柳絮,突 然想到養護所裡護士小姐用的棉花,於是就這

2. It is spring. Cotton is used to represent willow catkins. There is a pair of mandarin ducks, words of love, and the small boat carrying Ms. Chao and her first love.

Words from the Helper


When we were creating this work, we couldn't find any material to represent


the willow catkins. Then it struck us that the cotton puffs used by the nurses at


the senior home would fit the bill. So this is what gently flew onto the willow


branches. Originally we wanted to affix on the boat a picture of Ms. Chao and


her husband in their earlier years, but since it would have taken a long time


to rummage for a photo, I later used two loving hearts to represent them. Ms.


Chao's first love occurred during a turbulent time, but it was also the best time of her life. These dreamlike memories helped her to make it through eight difficult years of war.

初戀 First Love 創作時間_05/12/01、05/12/15 創作者_邱阿秀 藝術夥伴_林昱宏



I went with him to the movies. It was perfect. He was handsome, cultured,


and had a beautiful profile. I didn't even watch the movie; I just looked at him.


When we were together, it was like a scene in a perfect movie.

影的情境。 第一次見面,是同學介紹認識的,對方大學 畢業,我國中畢業。第一次約會是去看電影。

The first time we met was through the introduction of a classmate. He was a college graduate and I was a high school graduate. The first time we went out was to see a movie.


We shared our first kiss along the bank of the Danshuei River. The next day my


lips were swollen. There are tons of mosquitoes near the lovers' benches along


the river so there was a mosquito coil at each bench. It was love in the land of


mosquito coils.

1. 左邊的女孩是阿秀姨,右邊的男孩是初戀的對 象。兩人手牽手,男孩送了紅玫瑰給女孩。 2. 另一位藝術夥伴說淡水河邊因蚊子多,情侶

Description of Work 1. The girl on the left is Ms. Chiu, and the boy on the right is her first love. The two are holding hands and the boy is giving red roses to the girl.


2. Another helper noted that because there were so many mosquitoes along


the Danshuei River, peddlers sold mosquito coils to the couples there as they


talked about love. Star-shape mosquitoes are depicted buzzing around the two

3. 兩人腳下的圓珠代表初戀如夢如幻的感覺。

藝術夥伴的話 創作過程中阿秀姨在旁一直提醒我:「阿!

lovers in this composition. 3. The round beads represent the dreamlike feeling of one's first love.

Words from the Helper


During the creative process, Ms. Chiu was constantly providing direction: "Oh,


the hair should be a bit longer," "Clothes! Clothes! And buttons." She carefully


picked out, pleated and affixed the fabric for the clothes of the two figures. I


could feel that this first love was important to Ms. Chiu and that despite the


years, the memory was still fresh in her mind. I was able to go back with her to


the most romantic and bright moment of her life—back to the Danshuei River of a half-century ago.





海的顏色、海的回憶 Color and Memories of the Sea

藍色的海,六月份和老公一起騎車去海邊。 Blue sea—Riding a motorcycle to the seaside with my husband in June. 沒看過海,看過黃色的長江,長江的水很混濁。逃難時坐船沒心情看海。 I had never seen the ocean, but I had seen the Yangtze River, yellow with muddy water. 白色的海,大浪小浪都有,花蓮的海比台灣任何一個地方都好。 When we fled to Taiwan by boat I was in no mood to see the ocean. 很亮、白色的海,亮到忘了其他的顏色。 White sea—Waves big and small. The sea at Hualien is better than anywhere else in Taiwan. 淺藍色的海,花蓮的海邊,大浪衝到天上。 Light blue sea—At the seaside in Hualien, the swells of the ocean rising to the heavens. 金黃色的海,淡水的落日。 Golden sea—Danshuei at sunset. 藍色的海。 Blue sea. 灰灰的海,天氣陰陰的,很乾淨,看得到底。 Grey sea—An overcast day, so clear one could see to the end of the world. 藍色的海,蘇澳的海,浪花小小的,到海邊癢癢的。 Blue sea—The sea off Suao, with light sea spray. I was itchy at the seaside. 藍色的海,天空灰灰的,天氣冷冷的,在澎湖。 Blue sea—The sky is gray and the air is cold in Penghu.

年輕時的夢想 Dreams of Youth

年輕時的夢想,是種菜,能夠分享、讓我快樂,又不用大腦。 Dreams of my youth—To grow vegetables, to be happy in sharing, to not have to use my brain. 年輕時的夢想,是出國旅行,住在國外生活機能比較好。 Dreams of my youth—To travel abroad and live in a country where life is better. 年輕時的夢想,是嫁個好老公,生了小孩後不用去上班。 Dreams of my youth—To marry a good man, have children and not have to work outside the home. 年輕時的夢想,是當電影明星,不當風光的有錢人,要瀟灑痛快過一生。 Dreams of my youth—To be a movie star, not an especially famous or rich one, but able to live a free and joyful life. 年輕時的夢想,是當老師,漂亮又有氣質的老師。 Dreams of my youth—To be a teacher, one of beauty and good temperament. 年輕時的夢想,是當老師,一個喜歡教育學生的老師。 Dreams of my youth—To be a teacher, one who enjoys teaching her students. 年輕時的夢想,是當農夫,一個很有自主權、看天吃飯的農夫。 Dreams of my youth—To be a farmer, a farmer independent and living from the soil. 年輕時的夢想,是當軍人,戰爭讓我想當女將軍,打倒敵人。 Dreams of my youth—To be a soldier. War makes me want to be a female general and to strike down my enemies. 年輕時的夢想,是當億萬富翁,一個生活不虞匱乏又樂於助人的低調富翁。 Dreams of my youth—To be a billionaire, a low-key billionaire without worry or want and ready to help others. 年輕時的夢想,是當老師,可以教育很多學生的老師,我努力朝這個夢想邁進。 Dreams of my youth—To be a teacher, one that can teach many students. I work hard for this dream. 年輕時的夢想,是當醫生,為了醫好疼愛我的奶奶,還有其他需要幫助的人。 Dreams of my youth—To be a doctor, so that I can treat my dearly beloved grandmother and also help others.



Dreams of the Present 97歲的夢想,幫忙帶孫子,享受含飴弄孫之樂。 My dream at 97—To help care for my grandson and enjoy the happiness of our time together. 78歲的夢想,有好體力及穩健的步伐。 My dream at 78—To be physically strong and have a steady stride. 21歲的夢想,用自己賺的錢帶父母親出國。 My dream at 21—To take my parents overseas with my money I have earned myself. 58歲的夢想,到南非的模里西斯去找姊夫及姊姊的女兒。 My dream at 58—To visit my brother-in-law and niece in Mauritius, southern Africa. 27歲的夢想,想出國到國外生活一段時間。 My dream at 27—To live abroad for a time. 87歲的夢想,和女兒在一起。 My dream at 87—To be together with my daughter. 29歲的夢想,當個低調的億萬富翁、幫助需要幫助的人。 My dream at 29—To be a low-profile billionaire able to help those in need. 63歲的夢想,身體健康的到日本跟尼加拉瓜大瀑布走一趟。 My dream at 63—To be healthy enough to visit Japan and Niagara Falls. 27歲的夢想,趕快畢業拿到學位。 My dream at 27—To quickly graduate and get my diploma.




夢想 Dreams 創作時間_06/2/23、06/03/02 創作者_陳秋月 藝術夥伴_蔡汶儒

故事 看著青菜成長、豐收非常有成就感,豐收後 還可以分給親戚朋友。 因為孫子們很可愛,所以幫忙帶孫子很有 趣,尤其是到了孫子學說話的年紀。


作品內容解說 1. 燈籠上各式各樣的蔬菜代表阿椪嬤家的菜 園,有絲瓜,葡萄樹,韮菜,空心菜,玉蜀 黍,菜心,還有阿椪嬤最愛的A菜。 2. 菜園中的兩個小孩是阿椪嬤的兩個孫子,他 們在阿椪嬤的菜園中玩耍。


Story There is a great sense of accomplishment in watching vegetables grow and having an abundant harvest. With a bumper crop, I could share my vegetables with family and friends. My grandchildren are adorable, so it was fun to take care of them, especially after they were old enough to talk.

Description of Work 1. The various vegetables and fruits depicted on the lantern represent Ms. Chen's garden, with loofahs, grapes, leeks, water spinach, sweet corn, and cabbage hearts, and Ms. Chen's favorite of all—romaine lettuce. 2. The two children are Ms. Chen's grandchildren playing in the garden.

Words from the Helper


When Ms. Chen talked about harvesting her garden produce and sharing it


with family and friends, and about helping care for her grandchildren, it was as


if she had returned to a past memory, recalling the fun of that time and letting


her spirits soar. Compared with others, her dreams are simple but close to life. In


traditional Taiwanese society, women gave their full heart and body to the family.


Today Ms. Chen is too old to help out with the family work, but in her dreams I


can see an elder who, despite losing her physical abilities and being confined to


a nursing home, still wishes to give everything to her family.


夢想 Dreams 創作時間_06/2/23、06/03/02 創作者_王永富 藝術夥伴_周儀方

年輕時想要當電影明星,因為喜歡看戲,想 要當個瀟灑的明星。 年輕時因白色恐怖被關到綠島,過去沒辦法

Story When I was young, I wanted to be a movie star. I liked watching movies and wanted to be a dashing and refined star. When I was young, I was sent to prison on Green Island during the time of


the White Terror in Taiwan. Back then, one couldn't talk freely. Now I can vent


everything on my mind.

1. 王爺爺很喜歡看電影和戲劇,小時候都會去 看野台戲,鄉親們都是扶老攜幼一起觀賞野 台戲

Description of Work 1. Mr. Wang loves to watch movies and dramas. When he was a boy, he often went to see outdoor opera with others of all ages from his hometown.

2. 船上的三個人是王爺爺和兩個女兒,王爺爺

2. The three people in the boat are Mr. Wang and his two daughters. When


Mr. Wang was younger, he had shoulder-length hair. At that time, his two


daughters took the boat to Green Island to see him.


Words from the Helper


This work was the product of Mr. Wang's first group activity, and it was also


my first creative cooperation with an elder. It was a very special feeling. At


first, Mr. Wang worried that he could not make beautiful art and therefore was


unwilling to try. But after I painted the outdoor opera stage as he described it


to me from his memory, he gradually relaxed and was willing to take part in the


creative work. Hearing Mr. Wang talk about the February 28th Incident and his


time in prison on Green Island, I could tell that was a difficult time in his life. Mr.


Wang's recollections are difficult to express as a happy creation, and he also


cared a lot about the quality of the work. I worked hard to cooperate with Mr.


Wang and to get him involved in the creative process. I wanted to do my best to


sincerely present a portrait of his memories.





好朋友的模樣 About My Best Friend

我的好友-面黑黑、身體勇,人不錯但不漂亮。 My good friend—Dark faced, physically bold. Not a bad person, but also not pretty. 我的好友-178公分的天生運動家,風流倜儻,很會交女朋友。 My good friend—178cm, a born athlete, romantic and free. One who could always find a girlfriend. 我的好友-很漂亮、很可愛。 My good friend—Very beautiful, very cute. 我的好友-有點想不開、愛鑽牛角尖。 My good friend—Took things a bit too hard and loved to split hairs. 我的好友-有著官夫人架子的美人,出類拔萃,住有院子的日本房子、開黑頭轎車。 My good friend—An eye-catcher with a dignified manner and one who stood out from the crowd. He lived in a Japanese-style home with a garden and drove a black sedan. 我的好友-瘦瘦白白的業務員,個性隨和,社交手腕佳。 My good friend—A pale and skinny office worker, amiable and very sociable. 我的好友-172公分,讀電機系,個性很好。 My good friend—172cm, majored in electrical engineering, a good personality. 我的好友-179公分的灌籃高手,高中時一起打籃球的學弟。 My good friend—179cm, outstanding basketball player. A younger schoolmate with whom I shot hoops together with in high school. 我的好友-北一女的樂隊隊長,從國中到大學都是校花。 My good friend—Captain of the cheerleading squad at Taipei First Girl High School. The campus beauty from high school to college. 我的好友-摩登的捲髮女生,個性很好。 My good friend—A modern girl with curly hair and a great personality. 我的好友- 170公分的大學同學,綽號奧麗維,個性很急的大姐頭。 My good friend—A 170cm college classmate nicknamed Olive. The anxious, bossy type.


我最好的朋友 My Best Friend

20歲時的要好朋友,一起種菜,我種A菜,他種醃鹹菜。 My close friend at 20—We grew vegetables together. I grew lettuce and he grew pickling vegetables. 年輕時的要好朋友,志同道合,希望國家興盛。 My close friend when I was young—We shared the same ideals and ambitions and both hoped for the nation to prosper. 20多歲時的要好朋友,他帶我騎機車到處遊玩, 他媽媽和我二嫂的媽媽是親姐妹。 My close friend at 20—He took me everywhere on his bike to play. His mother and my sister-in-law's mother were sisters. 17、18歲時的要好朋友,一起去考電影明星,穿著旗袍、油條捲式的 髮型去相館拍照。 My close friend at 17 and 18—We went together to audition as movie stars, and took pictures together at the photo studio wearing cheongsams and our hair in curls. 20多歲時的要好男友,一起談論心事。 My close friend in my twenties—Talking heart-to-heart together.

朋友 Friends 創作時間_06/03/09、06/03/16 創作者_趙孟玉蓮 藝術夥伴_趙繼珠



I had a good friend in Nanjing named Chen Pa-chun. We went to audition


together to be movie stars and had our picture taken together. The photo studio


owner put our picture in his shop window without asking for our permission. My


younger brothers were furious and went to kick the shop. After coming to Taiwan,


I linked up with my good friend again and our families started doing things


together. Whenever we got together, we were always inseparable and talked


about the past.

1. 作品上的八個字:人生如戲,粉墨登場。

Description of Work

2. 畫面中的小女孩述說著趙奶奶年輕時曾想考

1. The eight Chinese characters written on the composition read, "Life is a stage.

電影明星,一張張明星的照片則代表了那時 的想望,以及趙奶奶好友年輕時美麗的模 樣。

藝術夥伴的話 年幼時聽媽媽述說她年輕時的故事,覺得很

One must put on one´s make up and ascend it." 2. The little girl pictured in the composition is Ms. Chao at the age when she auditioned to be a movie star. The pictures of movie stars represent her dreams and the beauty of her good friend at that time.

Words from the Helper


As a young person, I found it wonderful and fascinating to hear the stories of


my mother's youth. These days I have been spending time with my old mother,


sorting out the stories of her life. She has a difficult time recounting those former


years, but she still remembers the names of a number of early movie stars, such


as Butterfly Wu, Chou Hsuan, and Ruan Ling-yu. It reminds me of a line from


the famous western movie "An Affair to Remember": Youth is a time for making


memories, and old age is a time for enjoying those memories.



朋友 Friends 創作時間_06/03/09、06/03/16 創作者_趙瀋生 藝術夥伴_康思云




My good friend used to live next door to me. He wasn't very tall. He was dark,


strong and had a crew cut. He didn't wear glasses and loved to wear overalls. He


now cooks at a warehouse of Taiwan Cooperative Bank.



He's been good to me. When I got sick, he took me to the doctor. He drove me


to Tri-Service General Hospital to have my cervical stenosis looked at. And every


day he brewed up Chinese medicine for me. It's been a while since he last came


to see me. I miss him a lot.

1. 背景上帶著流蘇的藍色色塊代表機車飆馳時 風速的快感 2. 左下角的兩個小人,左邊是趙老師年輕時, 右邊是他的好朋友,衣著都是他們那時習慣 的穿著 3. 木條搭建的小橋代表著那時的建國高架橋 4. 右邊的大型摩托車象徵著好友載著趙老師到 處去的時光

藝術夥伴的話 由於之前趙老師對創作常常興致不高,我一

Description of Work 1. The fringed blue paper in the background represents the rush of the wind as one dash ahead on a motorcycle. 2. There are two small figures in the lower left corner. The left figure is a young Mr. Chao and the right figure is his good friend. They are both wearing the kind of clothes they usually wore at that time. 3. The small stick bridge represents the Expressway during Mr. Chao's youth. 4. The motorcycle on the right symbolizes the times that Mr. Chao and his friend drove around together.

Words from the Helper


Mr. Chao didn't show much interest in creating art before, and I was always


worried that he would want to return to his room to rest. When accompanying Mr.


Chao, I always tried my hardest to ask him to talk in more detail about his good


friend, and I also constantly talked with him about the content of his art. I was


surprised when Mr. Chao became attentively engaged in the activity and was very


patient as we pieced the composition together. When everyone laughed at the


motorcycle I made because it didn't look like a motorcycle, Mr. Chao was always


next to me saying: "Well done! It's a spitting image!" He was also very earnest in


helping me chose the color for the motorcycle headlight. I was very touched by this.

我最愛吃的食物 My Favorite Food

我最愛吃-自己種自己炒的A菜,沒有味道,但是很好吃。 My favorite food—My own self-grown lettuce. No flavor but it tastes great. 我最愛吃-按照古法做出來的獅子頭,味道特別好。 My favorite food—Old-fashioned meatballs. Especially tasty. 我最愛吃-涼拌海蜇皮,酸酸脆脆的,飯前吃也開胃。 My favorite food—Jellyfish salad. Sour and crispy; a pre-meal appetizer. 我最愛吃-外面館子的酸菜白肉鍋,酸酸的吃起來爽口。 My favorite food—Picked cabbage and boiled pork hot pot at a restaurant. Deliciously sour. 我最愛吃-韭菜盒子跟涼拌豆腐, 韭菜盒子裡有粉絲、蛋、韭菜、高麗菜跟開陽。 My favorite food—Leek buns with tofu salad. The leek buns are stuffed with vermicelli, egg, cabbage, and dried shrimp . 我最愛吃-蘿蔔糕,軟軟的帶有蘿蔔味,沾甜醬油上面再灑上蔥花。 My favorite food—Radish cake. Soft with a radish taste. Dip in sweet soy sauce and garnish with chopped green onions. 我最愛吃-扁魚白菜,加上雞肉做成火鍋也好吃。 My favorite food—Flatfish and cabbage. Also tasty as a hot pot with chicken. 我最愛吃-薑絲湯,辣辣的很爽口,尤其是淋完雨之後喝,爽。 My favorite food—Ginger soup. Mouthwateringly hot and especially satisfying after a rain. 我最愛吃-媽媽做的炒米粉,很Q加上是媽媽做的所以最好吃。 My favorite food—Mom's fried rice-flour noodles. Very chewy and especially tasty since they're made by mom. 我最愛吃-紅燒赤鯮〈台語是ㄑ一ㄚˋ ㄗㄤ〉, 海釣的魚再經過媽媽的巧手,放些薑絲、蔥,酒跟糖。 My favorite food—"Qia zang" (yellowback seabream) braised in soy sauce. Caught from the sea and expertly prepared by mom. Garnish with shredded ginger, onions, rice wine and sugar. 我最愛吃-燙青菜,它保留著青菜的香味,吃起來很爽口。 My favorite food—Lightly boiled greens. Very delicious, with all the original flavor of the veggies locked in.




最愛的食物 Favorite Food 創作時間_06/03/23 創作者_趙孟玉蓮 藝術夥伴_趙繼珠





Leek buns are made with dough leavened with baking powder, kneaded and


then rolled out flat with a rolling pin. Then a stuffing of leeks, scrambled eggs,


vermicelli, cabbage and dried shrimp are placed on the dough skin and enclosed


in a flat crescent-shaped bun with a creased edge.


Description of Work

1. 米色的麵皮是韭菜盒子的外皮

1. The light brown flour wrapper is the outer skin of the leek bun.

2. 裡面各色的碎紙是韭菜、高麗菜,還有亮亮

2. The shredded colored paper on the wrapper represents leeks and cabbage,

毛鐵絲切斷代表的粉絲 3. 為了在韭菜盒子中加入蝦米,藝術夥伴特別 跑去廚房跟廚師要了一把灑在作品上 4. 盤子四週的是菠菜麵皮和胡蘿蔔麵皮包的餃 子


and the fuzzy metallic string cuttings represent the vermicelli. 3. Dried shrimp, provided by the nursing home cook at the helper's request, are sprinkled on the bun wrapper. 4. Around the rim of the plate are stuffed dumplings with spinach and carrothued wrappers.

Words from the Helper


My mother's favorite dish is leek buns, and she insists on making them


herself. She has never liked eating out, saying that restaurants can't match her


own cooking skills.


I later realized that my mother was very careful with money. Taiwan was not


an affluent place in the 1940s and 50s. A typical traditional Chinese housewife


put all of her love into the food she cooked for her family.


關於狗的回憶 Memories of Dogs

我不喜歡狗,狗會跑來跑去,吱吱叫。 I don't like dogs. They run around and bark. 我喜歡狗,在自己的早餐店撿到白色秋田犬,非常忠心。 I like dogs. I found an Akita dog at my breakfast shop. He is very loyal. 我喜歡狗,外婆家鄰居的大狗,很大隻不會咬人。 I like dogs. There was a big dog near my grandmother's house. He was really big and never bit people. 我喜歡狗,我養了“麻糬"數十年。 I like dogs. I've had Mashu for over 20 years. 我喜歡狗,喜歡黑灰色雪納瑞,像老夫子一樣很可愛。 I like dogs. I like black and gray Schnauzers. They look like cute old men. 我喜歡狗,家中的“小乖"很有個性。 I like dogs. Our Siaoguai has a lot of personality. 我喜歡狗,女兒家的馬爾濟斯聰明會等門。 I like dogs. The Maltese at my daughter's house is very smart and waits at the door. 我喜歡狗,家裡的“妹妹"會吃醋地把我和先生從中分開。 I like dogs. Our Meimei is very jealous and is always inserting herself between my husband and I.




狗的回憶 Memories Of Dogs 創作時間_06/03/30 創作者_趙孟玉蓮 藝術夥伴_趙繼珠

故事 我喜歡雪納瑞,很溫馴。牠喜歡在我身邊看

Story I like our Schnauzer because he is so docile. He liked to watch by my side


when I cook. I often spoiled him with something good to eat.


Description of Work

1. 心內的一只問號代表趙奶奶記憶中的「雪納

1. The question mark in a heart represents Ms. Chao's vague memory of the



family Schnauzer.

2. 紅色的愛心代表趙奶奶對這隻雪那瑞的愛

2. The red heart represents Ms. Chao's love for the Schnauzer.


Words from the Helper


My mother suffers from Alzheimer's disease, but she once lived a very rich


and colorful life. A lot of her memories have slipped away. I want to be true to


my mother's current state of mind, so I used a question mark to represent her


memories of the family dog in earlier times. In the Legacy Art group, each of the


elderly men and women have different life experiences and stories. They have


seen a lot in this world, and tasted both the sour and sweet things of life. Where


they have walked are footprints marking their passage. Seeing the faces of these


elderly people, I don't know what they think about. But I hope that happy and


lasting memories accompany them each night to sleep.

狗的回憶 Memories Of Dogs 創作時間_06/03/30 創作者_趙瀋生 藝術夥伴_康思云



Mashu is a dog my friend gave to me. He was over a year old at the time. I


took care of him by myself. Mashu loved to eat pork liver and to sleep under my


bed. He always came to the door to greet me when I came home.


Description of Work

1. 畫面中間像狐狸的狗是趙老師養的博美狗

1. The fox-like dog in the center of this work is Mashu, the Pomeranian raised by


Ms. Chao.

2. 狗旁邊的花朵代表趙老師對麻糬的疼愛

2. The flowers around Mashu represent Ms. Chao's love for her dog.


Words from the Helper

為了做出像麻糬的狗,我在路上只要看到博 美狗都不停盯著看,好不容易才弄清楚博美狗 的長相。

In order to make a dog like Mashu, I would look long at the Pomeranians I saw on the street, but still it was difficult to clearly capture that look. I also have a dog. When I come home everyday, the first thing I see is my dog


waiting for me at the door. I can imagine the same was true before between


Ms. Chao and her Mashu. Since coming to the nursing home, Ms. Chao has had


little chance to see Mashu. When I watched her carefully pick up each paper


square and slowly arrange them into the image of Mashu, it was like she was


expressing a longing and deep love for her dog.

的模樣拼貼出來的過程,似乎也在訴說著他對 牠的思念,以及深深的愛意。




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