DPW’s Chapin Spencer reflects on his road roles
Parking problems in Burlington are real and perceived, but the city is getting in gear with studies and new solutions
Profile of a garage attendant
WTF is up with North Ave.?
The truth about parking in BTV
PLAINFIELD 454-0133 | MONTPELIER 229-0453 | HARDWICK 472-7126
W W W . P O S I T I V E P I E . C O M 4T-PosPie052114.indd 1
B i e r h au s s a D
5/20/14 1:28 PM
ch Street, Burlington, Chur VT 5 7 1
Every Thursday = Half-price sandwiches. All-day.
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Win Prizes/Free $$$ w/ Long Trail and WIZN For info on upcoming concerts, specials, events, and more, check out:
Live Music thru Jazzfest
4T-Guild060414.indd 1
6/3/14 9:46 AM
4T-Mule120413.indd 1
11/27/13 10:19 AM
winooski's craft beer hitching post
Burlington’s Only Rooftop Biergarten! Make RESERVATIONS &
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5/27/14 4:24 PM
Fresh pasta, seafood, antipasti, fabulous Italian wine, cocktails & more in a casual spot on Church Street. Featured in al, treet Journ The Wall S azette G l ea tr be, Mon lo G n o st o B Pouce and Sur le
2012, 2013 - Daysie Winners 2013 - Iron Chef Winner
Saturday, June 7th | 3PM Tree House/Lawson’s SIMUL-TAP!
Tree House Brewing and Lawson’s Finest Liquids have collaborated on a 8.2% double IPA called Yarrgghh!!! and we are getting one of 4 kegs available in Vermont. To celebrate this release, we are tapping that beer at 3pm and doing a video toast of everyone who wants to join in. Drink It Up!
June 4th - 8th Negroni Week Continues
A worldwide celebration of one of the greatest cocktails in history. A dollar from every negroni sold will be donated to the Waterbury Food Shelf. $4 Fernet draughts everyday
23 South Main Street, Waterbury, Vermont •
83 Church Street, Burlington / 4T-Pascolo060414.indd 1
6/3/14 9:44 AM
4t-ProPig060414.indd 1
6/3/14 5:12 PM 06.04.14-06.11.14 SEVEN DAYS 3
2h-stella060414.indd 1
6/3/14 3:13 PM
save the date!
we’re having a
4t-sek052114.indd 1
5/19/14 11:41 AM
4T-AmFlatbread060414.indd 1
6/3/14 9:56 AM
To all of our devoted Big Fatty’s friends and BBQ fans,
We have had so much fun sharing our style of BBQ for all of our wonderful patrons, and have truly enjoyed the lively, invigorating atmosphere Burlington offers. Many great memories were made and we will always cherish the time we have had here. As you all may know, Big Fatty’s is a family-run company, based out of White River Junction, and our family continues to grow! We now have 7 grandchildren and our time is “selfishly” devoted to watching their sporting events, burping babies and running our other business, Maple Street Catering. After much consideration we have decided that consolidation is a necessary ingredient in maintaining our sanity while preserving the great qualities of our day-to-day operations.
More than just bra-fitting & lingerie
Although we are sad to be leaving Burlington, you can still visit us (and get your favorite BBQ) at our newly expanded location at 186 South Main Street in White River Junction. All gift cards will be honored and may be redeemed at our flagship White River Junction restaurant.
It is with great regret and mixed feelings that we have to say goodbye to our Burlington store as of May 31.
Again, we are so thankful for all of Burlington’s support and good times over these years. We wish everyone good health, good will, happiness and peace. Sincerely, Bethany, Clay, Brandon and all of the Big Fatty’s staff
61 Church Street
4 4t-aristelle060414.indd 1
6/2/14 4:35 PM
186 SOUTH MAIN STREET • WHITE RIVER JUNCTION • 802-295-5513 4T-BigFattys060414.indd 1
6/3/14 10:45 AM
A truck carrying 34,000 pounds of cheese caught fire on I-89 north, snarling traffic and keeping drivers from getting their fondue forks.
Health insurance companies in the state exchange want to raise premiums by as much as 15.4 percent next year. Doc, my wallet hurts.
Bennington teens made a “Heroin Rap” music video to convince the New York Times to retract claims of rampant drug use at Mount Anthony Union High School. Yo, NYT!
Duck boots, flannels and canvas totes are coming to Church Street in October when L.L.Bean opens a store in the Burlington Town Center. Time for a trip to the mall.
1. “Winooski Mother Pleads Not Guilty to Murdering Her Baby” by Mark Davis. The mother of a 15-month-old boy who died in April said last week that she didn’t kill her son. 2. “Seasoned Traveler: Luiza’s Homemade with Love” by Alice Levitt. Shelburne resident Luiza Bloomberg makes pierogi inspired by her Polish childhood. 3. “A Suspicious Death Draws Attention to Burlington’s Homeless Encampments” by Mark Davis. Residents of a Burlington homeless encampment where a man was found dead are looking for a new place to pitch their tents. 4. “Stuck in Vermont: Beertopia on the IPA Highway” by Eva Sollberger. Some of Vermont’s most-coveted brews were on tap along the route between Waterbury and Waitsfield last month. 5. “New Musical Event Offers Fresh Take on Festival Food” by Hannah Palmer Egan. The WYSIWYG Festival in August will offer local music and local fare, prepared by top Vermont chefs.
tweet of the week: @VTStatePolice Radio conversation during I89 truck fire: #KeepingItReal What’s the truck carrying? Cheese. Cheese or Tea? Cheese.... like mice eat FOLLOW US ON TWITTER @SEVEN_DAYS OUR TWEEPLE: SEVENDAYSVT.COM/TWITTER
Test out for things you already know. Get credit for your work experience and prior college learning. See how much time and money you can save with your personal PATHe by calling 1-866-637-0085 or visiting our website at
“I chose to enroll at Champlain College because it offered me the flexibility that I needed.”
– Lynda P., Director of Health Services at Wake Robin
4h-champcollege011514.indd 1
oters narrowly approved the 2015 Burlington school budget Tuesday, according to unofficial results, capping a tumultuous budget season. It was a squeaker. Unofficial results put the ayes at 3,259 and the nays at 3,191, for a difference of just 68 votes. The budget voters approved is actually higher than the one they struck down in March, though the tax impact is lower because of changes in calculations of the statewide tax rate. The $67.4 million budget will mean a 7.2 percent tax increase. The first would have led to 9.9 percent hike. A lot has happened in the district since voters rejected the first budget. Officials disclosed a deficit of $2.5 million in the 2014 budget, along with likely IRS action against the district for improper income tax payments. Superintendent Jeanne Collins and finance director David Larcombe announced they were leaving the district; next fall, Collins will take the helm as superintendent of the Rutland Northeast Supervisory Union. The finances spurred Mayor Miro Weinberger to offer up the city’s chief administrative officer, Bob Rusten, to help restore fiscal order to the school district. The new, approved budget includes $1.2 million in cuts. If this budget had been rejected, a pared-down, default budget of $66.3 million, carrying a 5 percent tax hike, would have gone into effect. Now we can finally put this budget issue to bed for a few months. Is anyone else 100 percent ready for all those “vote yes” and “vote no” signs to come down?
facing facts
That’s how many Vermonters have fallen ill recently after coming into contact with chicks carrying salmonella. The baby poultry were traced to Mt. Healthy Hatcheries in Ohio. This is the fourth year the hatchery has caused an outbreak — time to change the name?
1/13/14 1:49 PM
Pamela Polston & Paula Routly
/ Paula Routly / Pamela Polston
Don Eggert, Cathy Resmer, Colby Roberts Matthew Roy Margot Harrison Xian Chiang-Waren, Mark Davis, Ethan de Seife, Kathryn Flagg, Alicia Freese, Paul Heintz, Ken Picard Dan Bolles Alice Levitt Hannah Palmer Egan Courtney Copp Andrea Suozzo Eva Sollberger Ashley DeLucco Cheryl Brownell Steve Hadeka Matt Weiner Meredith Coeyman, Marisa Keller Natalie Williams Rufus
All the lines you love... Bobbi Brown Trish McEvoy Laura Mercier SkinCeuticals Kiehl’s Since 1851 bareMinerals by Bare Escentuals ...and many more!!
DESIGN/PRODUCTION Don Eggert John James Brooke Bousquet, Britt Boyd,
Hmmm. Wonder if so many dignitaries would be celebrating a German cultural center if Germany denied the Jewish Holocaust [Off Message: “All-Star Cast Celebrates Turkish Group’s New Headquarters,” May 21]. We must never forget that the Ottoman Empire, the predeccessor state to the Turkish government, systematically exterminated more than one million Armenians during WWI. It’s outrageous that America allows Turkey to continue to deny this genocide. Any celebration of Turkish culture must be tied to recognition of the atrocities of the past.
Bobby Hackney Jr., Aaron Shrewsbury, Rev. Diane Sullivan
SALES/MARKETING Colby Roberts Michael Bradshaw
Corner of Main & Battery Streets, Burlington, VT • 802-861-7500
8v-MirrorMirror030514.indd 1
Julia Atherton, Robyn Birgisson, Michelle Brown, Logan Pintka & Corey Grenier & Sarah Cushman & Ashley Cleare
3/3/14 11:58 AM
CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Alex Brown, Justin Crowther, Erik Esckilsen, John Flanagan, Sean Hood, Kevin J. Kelley, Rick Kisonak, Judith Levine, Amy Lilly, Gary Miller, Jernigan Pontiac, Robert Resnik, Sarah Tuff, Lindsay J. Westley PHOTOGRAPHERS Caleb Kenna, Tom McNeill, Oliver Parini, Sarah Priestap, Matthew Thorsen, Jeb Wallace-Brodeur
I L L U S T R AT O R S Matt Mignanelli, Matt Morris, Marc Nadel, Tim Newcomb, Susan Norton, Kim Scafuro, Michael Tonn, Steve Weigl
C I R C U L AT I O N : 3 6 , 0 0 0 Seven Days is published by Da Capo Publishing Inc. every Wednesday. It is distributed free of charge in Greater Burlington, Middlebury, Montpelier, Stowe, the Mad River Valley, Rutland, St. Albans, St. Johnsbury, White River Junction and Plattsburgh. Seven Days is printed at Upper Valley Press in North Haverhill, N.H SUBSCRIPTIONS 6- 1 : $175. 1- 1 : $275. 6- 3 : $85. 1- 3 : $135. Please call 802.864.5684 with your credit card, or mail your check or money order to “Subscriptions” at the address below.
Seven Days shall not be held liable to any advertiser for any loss that results from the incorrect publication of its advertisement. If a mistake is ours, and the advertising purpose has been rendered valueless, Seven Days may cancel the charges for the advertisement, or a portion thereof as deemed reasonable by the publisher. Seven Days reserves the right to refuse any advertising, including inserts, at the discretion of the publishers.
P.O. BOX 1164, BURLINGTON, VT 05402-1164 802.864.5684 SEVENDAYSVT.COM FACEBOOK: /SEVENDAYSVT TWITTER: @SEVEN_DAYS w w w . e s s e x o u t l e t s . c o m
21 ESSEX WAY, ESSEX JUNCTION, VT | 802.878.2851
8v-essexshoppes(puma)042314.indd 1
4/21/14 4:10 PM
©2014 Da Capo Publishing Inc. All rights reserved.
Jess Oski
Other states across the nation are making progress to reduce homelessness with strategies centered on evidencebased Housing First and supportive housing models, and with statewide support for 100,000 Homes campaigns. Vermont should be a leader on the issues of homelessness and housing, not a state that lags staggeringly far behind. I sincerely hope that in the 2015 legislative session there will be robust conversations about permanent housing solutions and demands for accountability on the ongoing and enormous investments being made on temporary shelter motels. My hope for the 2015 legislative session is that we won’t be hearing the same conversations about the overspending on motels for people that are homeless with no answers of what to do about it. Janet Green
[Re “Winners and Losers of the 2014 Legislative Session,” May 14]: To Paul Heintz’s list of legislative losers, I’d like to add the issues of homelessness and housing. After a directive was passed during the 2013 legislative session instructing the Agency of Human Services not to come back for more money, and to spend no more than $1.5 million on emergency shelter motels, the agency did just that. Another $3.22 million was added for emergency housing in the 2014 Budget Adjustment Act — an antiquated and Band-Aid response to homelessness.
What a respectful, enlightening report of the incident at Vermont Gas and the issues at hand [Off Message: “Vermont Gas Pipeline Protester Arrested After Chaining Herself to HQ,” May 27]. Hats off to Seven Days reporter Kathryn Flagg — and to Sara Mehalick. To those training in civil disobedience for future actions, may you be guided by your conscience and empowered by your convictions. Lea Terhune BURLINGTON
wEEk iN rEViEw
NothiNg SupEr About it
How can you be a paper that rats out “happy ending” massage parlors, while insisting on sending insulting messages about women? The “not-so-happy Plus BIG savings on Bike & Tennis Gear! ending” of your newspaper is unfitting er Und new (Monday, June 2 - Sunday, June 8) for a free community paper. Of course, ship! owner it does give us fodder for conversations about the continued exploitation of girls, 802-862-2714 1184 Williston Road but when it’s the back page with an ad S. Burlington, VT selling jeans with a mostly naked picture of a girl, you’ve crossed the line — we’re Mon-Sat 10 - 6 / Sun 11 - 5 /AlpineShopVT already stuffed with those media messages from everywhere else. And you know those images are damaging. You could try to be completely hypo7/15/13 12v-alpineshop060414.indd 12:09 PM 1 6/2/14 1:28 PM critical and write a feature article about12v-samswoodfurniture071713.indd 1 Now you understand Just why my head’s not bowed. the objectification of girls: For example, I don’t shout or jump about consider a documentary such as Miss Or have to talk real loud. Representation by Jennifer Siebel Newsom When you see me passing, and include the critical view of what so It ought to make you proud. many of us have ranted to you about for I say, years. And you could commit yourselves It’s in the click of my heels, to not being part of the problem but part The bend of my hair, of the solution. Just stop putting those ads the palm of my hand, May 7 – June 30, 2 014 The need for my care. in your paper — simple. (Or do they actuOPE N I NG R ECE PTION ’Cause I’m a woman ally help “sell” this free paper?) Another Phenomenally. Saturday, May 10 5 – 7 pm idea would be to ask how much we, your Phenomenal woman, readers, would be willing to pay for your That’s me. otherwise great paper to not have to be subjected to this kind of objectification. - Maya Angelou 4/4/28-5/28/14 Would you consider that? You might make out, and the work of instilling ideas of empowerment and subjectivity of our girls in Ann B. Davis 5/5/26-6/1/14 all us might make out, too.
50-60% OFF
Marcus Ratliff Recent Collage
Signe Daly
Well done, Eva [Stuck in Vermont: “Vermont Young Playwrights Festival,” May 21]. You captured the incredible energy, celebration, learning, engagement and artistry of the festival!
Pork chops & apple sauce. WED 6/4
Jason lorber
ENough AmEricAN AppArEl
Say Something! Seven Days wants to publish your rants and raves. Your feedback must... • be 250 words or fewer; • respond to Seven Days content; • include your full name, town and a daytime phone number. Seven Days reserves the right to edit for accuracy, length and readability.
FRI 6/6 Rick Bass and Jane Brock Saturday, June 7, 2014
SAT 6/7
5:30 pm in the main gallery Full schedule at
99 North Main, Rochester, V T 05767
SUN 6/8
136 Church Street, Burlington • 859-8909
6v-redsquare060414.indd 1
feedback 7
Your submission options include: • • • Seven days, P.O. box 1164, burlington, VT 05402-1164
THU 6/5
Flight Lesson, 2013, 8 3/8” x 7 1/2”
I’m sure you’re tired of hearing loud complaints about the back-page American Apparel ads in your newspaper. We just had several weeks without any offensive ads, but last week you seemed to push the bar again. Why do you insist? Only because you can? Is the advertising money from American Apparel really that much better than that from Healthy Living? Don’t you have a moral obligation, as a newspaper that seems to thrive on reporting on many local, moral issues, to send respectful messages about girls and women — and everyone else?
Dana Dunnan
Past Season’s Casual Clothing & Swimwear
(Thursday - Monday Only)
The job of school superintendent is comparatively thankless [“Superintendent Shuffle: Why Vermont’s Top Jobs in Education Turn Over So Quickly,” May 21]. Research shows the most effective change agent in a particular school is the principal. Therefore, the superintendent is one step removed from the gratification of seeing an impact. Administrators who move from the principal’s office into superintendencies must feel some sense of loss after they arrive. In a job comparable to a CEO, superintendents get paid wages that would be laughable to many middle managers in business and industry. The media don’t make it any easier. Caledonia Central Supervisory Union lost a superintendent and a high school principal this year because of media reporting that there might be a fire where there didn’t even turn out to be smoke. In the process, they made the Danville School principal’s job untenable, and then made it vastly harder for him to find another principal’s position. This was unfair treatment of a highly promising educator. The New York Times has a public editor to serve the public’s needs, and, in the process, to evaluate the quality of their own work. Absent such a position, Vermont media, in particular WCAX and the Caledonian-Record, need to be self-reflective. Their public disservice was neither fair nor balanced. It is no thanks to them that CCSU still found a promising young leader to navigate waters made murkier by inadequate journalism.
Tent Sale!
New furniture offerings... Handcrafted Amish Furniture!
6/3/14 4:07 PM
When you twist the throttle…
Does it move you?
Take a test ride today at Cyclewise, Ducati Vermont, your official Ducati test ride center, featuring a full line up of Ducati and Suzuki motorcycles.
Suzuki V-Strom 1000 for mountain terrain Suzuki Boulevard C50 cruiser.
Unending thrill fest with the Ducati Monster or the powerful and spellbinding Ducati Diavel
Whatever excites you, come jump in the seat, twist the throttle and take it for a test ride. Call today to schedule your test ride.
On & Off Road Powersports
30 miles south of Burlington on Route 7 • Find us on Facebook 30 CENTER ST, RUTLAND, VT • 802.775.0903 6/2/14 4:48 PM
4t-Cyclewise060414.indd 1
6/2/14 4:12 PM
still going strong - today through sunday, June 8 • THOUSANDS OF BOTTLES OF WINE STILL TO BE REVEALED AT DEEP DISCOUNTS • AMAZING 99 CENT DEALS THROUGHOUT THE STORE • MANY TREASURES REMAIN! THERE’S STILL TIME TO MAKE IT TO THE BIGGEST SHOPPING EVENT OF THE SUMMER, JOIN US FOR OUR USUAL CIRCUS OF SAVINGS! All donations raised at this year’s sale will go directly to building homes in Chittenden County through Green Mountain Habitat. Cheese Traders will gladly match $3000.
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130 Ethan Allen Highway • New Haven, VT • 802-388-0669 •
Live the High Life Pay a Low Price
802.863.0143 • Open 7 days 10am-7pm
We find the deals, you get the savings
1186 Williston Rd., So. Burlington VT 05403 (Next to the Alpine Shop)
2h-cheesetraders060414.indd 1
6/2/14 1:30 PM
JUNE 04-11, 2014 VOL.19 NO.40
TIGHT SPOT It’s not news that Burlington has a parking problem — though, according to city officials, the bad reputation is somewhat undeserved. So why write about it now? Because, based on a consultant’s report and several studies under way, the Weinberger administration and a coalition of private stakeholders are actually trying to make some changes. Expect a few to roll out in coming months. Meantime, read all about it in Ken Picard’s overview, which busts some parking myths and includes a word cloud pulled from reader feedback about Burlington parking. Online, you’ll find an interactive map of downtown parking spots, including some surprises. We also offer a story about former Local Motion director-turned-public works chief Chapin Spencer, a profile of a parking-garage attendant and a WTF on that intermittent bike lane on North Ave.
Still on a Roll: A Cyclist at Heart, Spencer Tackles Parking and Potholes
Busted, Again: Fines Mount for Thousands Who Lost Licenses Water Woes: State Weighs Recreational Ban on Berlin Pond BY BETH GARBITELLI
Live Streaming: Vermont Architects Create a Mobile Classroom
American Views: The Shelburne Museum Puts Long-Closeted 19th-century Paintings on Display BY KEVIN J. KELLEY
A Durang Convergence: Vermont Theater Companies Stage Shows by TonyWinning Playwright
Zen and the Art of Menu Planning
16 24 31 43 63 67 70 76 85
Fair Game POLITICS Work JOBS WTF CULTURE Side Dishes FOOD Soundbites MUSIC Album Reviews Art Review Movie Reviews Ask Athena SEX
SECTIONS 11 25 48 59 62 70 76
The Magnificent 7 Life Lines Calendar Classes Music Art Movies
Forest Fare
Food: Vermont’s pro backpackers talk camp cookery BY HANNAH PALMER EGAN
Big Tickets
Music: Seven marquee shows to see at the 2014 Burlington Discover Jazz Festival BY DAN BOLLES
straight dope movies you missed edie everette dave lapp lulu eightball sticks angelica news quirks jen sorensen, bliss fran krause red meat this modern world snuff sapian free will astrology personals
30 79 80 80 80 80 81 81 82 82 82 82 83 84
C-2 C-2 C-2 C-3 C-4 C-4 C-4
Parking problems in Burlington are real and perceived, but the city is getting in gear with studies and new solutions
Profile of a garage attendant
WTF is up with North Ave.?
The truth about parking in BTV
legals calcoku/sudoku crossword puzzle answers jobs
C-4 C-4 C-5 C-7 C-8
vehicles housing services homeworks fsbo buy this stuff music
DPW’s Chapin Spencer reflects on his road roles
Books: Naturalization, Estefania Puerta
Food: Taste Test: Phoenix Table and Bar
Quick Lit: Kill Your Darlings BY MARGOT HARRISON
Citizen of Resistance
Sound Sleep
Health: A local digeridoo player shows how making noise can lead to healthier rest BY ETHAN DE SEIFE
Parking: The drive is under way to find Burlington’s long-term parking solutions BY KEN PICARD
Seven Daysies 2014 Ballot Space Race
This newspaper features interactive print — neato!
Stuck in Vermont: Three dozen professional arborists from around the region competed in a tree climbing competition at Oakledge Park in Burlington last Saturday. Multimedia producer Eva Sollberger went out on a limb to join them.
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4v-dearlucy060414.indd 1
6/3/14 9:36 AM
Join us for Peak Join us for Peak Experiences
Experiences SUMMER/FALL 2014
The season kicks off on Sunday, June 15, and features a wide-variety of talented performers from internationally acclaimed acts, talented Vermont artists, unique family-friendly shows and extraordinary filmed events.
Peak Family
Peak Pop
THE ROYS — Sunday, June 15, 7PM TOM MURPHY IN LAUGH TIL YOU DIE - Saturday, August 16, 7PM LES POULES À COLIN - Saturday, September 27, 7PM THE GOLDEN DRAGON ACROBATS - Friday, November 28, 3 & 7PM
Peak VTartists
us for Peak n us forJoin Peak Experiences Experiences
DAVID BROMBERG QUINTET - Saturday, June 28, 8PM FILM: SUPER DUPER ALICE COOPER (2014) - Saturday, July 5, 7:30PM COMEDIAN BOB MARLEY - Saturday, August 2, 8PM MELLOW YELLOW - Saturday, August 30, 8PM BLUES LEGEND JOHN HAMMOND - Saturday, September 20, 8PM
Peak Pop
eak VTartists Peak VTartists Peak Pop
Peak Pop
Peak VTartists
PATTI CASEY & COLIN McCAFFREY - Saturday, July 12, 8PM CAROL ANN JONES QUARTET - Saturday, July 26, 8PM DOWNTOWN BOB STANNARD & THOSE DANGEROUS BLUESMEN Featuring Legendary Blues Piano Player, David Maxwell Saturday, August 9, 8PM TAMMY FLETCHER - Saturday, October 4, 8PM WILL PATTON QUARTET - Saturday, October 11, 8PM THE GATHERING - Saturday, November 22, 7:30PM
Peak Films Peak Family
Peak Classics
Peak Films
Peak Films
¡ ¢ £ ¡ ¤ ¡ ¢ £ ¡ ¤ ¥ ¥ ¡ ¦ ¡ ¦ ¥ ¡ ¦ ¡ ¢ £
¡ ¤
Peak Family
Peak Family
Sponsored by
For tickets: Box offi ce: 802-760-4634
122 Hourglass Drive Stowe, Vt Untitled-2 1
1t-sppac060414.indd 1
4/30/13 10:36 AM
4/30/13 10:36 AM
6/3/14 2:20 PM
looking forward
Sunday 8
Flower Power The season for planting and pruning has arrived! Green thumbs celebrate beautiful blooms and lush landscapes on the Spring Garden Tour. This self-guided stroll through Middlebury features nine public and private plots, each of which reflects a unique horticultural style. A garden reception at the Henry Sheldon Museum rounds out the day.
must see, must do this week
See calendar listing on page 54
compi l ed b y court ney C op p
Saturday 7
Adventurous Eats
Sunday 8
King of the Keys
When pianist Eddie Palmieri (pictured) performs, audience members are treated to what the Los Angeles Times deems “the last of the largerthan-life giants.” A master of Afro-Caribbean music, the multiple Grammy Award winner has championed the style for more than 50 years. He and his Latin Jazz Band bring rollicking rhythms to the Burlington Discover Jazz Festival.
Saturday 7
Dancing Feet Looking for a Saturday to remember? Head to Rutland, for the Guinness Book of World Records’ Longest Contra Dance Line Attempt. Determined dancers convene at the College of St. Joseph, where they aim to smash the current record of 2,208 participants, set in 2008 in Latvia. Afterwards, locals celebrate their efforts with a giant potluck and a contra dance. See calendar listing on page 53
See calendar listing on page 55
What better way to refuel after a walk in the woods than with gourmet fare? Woodstock’s annual Trek to Taste affords foodies the chance to commune with nature and please their palates. Hiking routes of varying difficulty culminate in farm-fresh treats and family-friendly activities. Participants cap off the revelry with an ice cream social and live music. See calendar listing on page 53
Sunday 8
Notes of Hope One of the many consequences of a stroke, the language disorder aphasia ranges from having difficulty remembering words to robbing people of the ability to speak, read or write. Conversely, music is mediated by the undamaged parts of the brain, and the ability to sing remains. Featuring local stroke survivors and their caregivers, the Aphasia Choir celebrates this unique phenomenon. See calendar listing on page 55
Man on a Mission Multimedia artist Andy Meyer is obsessed with the years 1954-1966 — claiming his interest was piqued by “the day Elvis walked into Sun Studio for the first time.” Combining illustration, found objects and vintage imagery with sound and video components, the South Burlington resident explores the influence of American rock-and-roll on Eastern culture in “Tokyo Deadstock.” See spotlight on page 71
Saturday 7
A Life Examined
See spotlight on page 68
Courtesy of Eddie Palmieri
magnificent seven 11
Music wasn’t always a way of life for singer-songwriter Mary Gauthier. A former heroin addict and teenage runaway, the Nashville-based performer didn’t begin writing until her thirties. Blessed with lyrical gifts honed by hardship, the folk troubadour shines on the forthcoming Trouble and Love. She treats listeners to these haunting, introspective tunes at Signal Kitchen. 06.04.14-06.11.14 SEVEN DAYS
Friday 6 & Ongoing
1T-RevitalizeWtby06041.indd 1
6/3/14 5:55 PM
SEVEN DAYS 06.04.14-06.11.14
Locals Pick the Best of Vermont • 2014 Ballot
You can pick ’em! We Vermonters are used to superlatives:
The state and the city of Burlington are routinely on the nation’s top-10 lists for one thing and another. But, nation (as Stephen Colbert would say), you don’t know the half of it. Read the results of our annual best-of readers’ survey, the Daysies, to find out what really rules in Vermont — say, the
1 2
best eats, the best beers, the best places to get physical, even the cutest couples. But first, readers, you’ve gotta pick ’em! And for the 12th annual Daysies survey, we’ve got a few new things in store. Read on »
NominatE MAY 28-JUNE 11 Brand-New Traditional write-in nominations will be collected
via the online ballot at
designate JUNE 18-JULY 1 Top finalists in each category from Round #1 will face off in the second voting round. (Categories with sufficient votes will be divided into “Inside Chittenden County” and “Outside Chittenden County” subcategories.)
CELEBRATE JULY 30 The top vote getter in each category will win a Daysie and be recognized along with the other finalists in the annual Daysies Magazine.
We were so excited about the new Daysies, we couldn’t help ourselves. Please show the new categories (marked with asterisks*) some love — if they don’t receive enough nominations, they won’t make it to Round 2! With your thoughtful picks, we can create an even more comprehensive best-of guide to Vermont!
21. Best bagel
39. Best bread bakery*
54. Best place to drink alone*
22. Best cider doughnuts*
40. Best sweets bakery*
55. Best bar (overall)
41. Best food event*
56. Best bouncers*
24. Best pizza (delivery)
57. Best bartender
Two Rounds of Voting:
Best new restaurant (opened in the last year)
Best restaurant if you’re paying
25. Best burger
Best restaurant if they’re paying
26. Best steak*
Best breakfast/brunch
42. Best craft brewery
59. Best cocktails*
27. Best french fries*
Best lunch
43. Best winery
60. Best smoothies/juices*
28. Best wings*
Best place to get late-night food
44. Best cidery (non-alcoholic)*
61. Best teahouse
29. Best sandwiches*
Best outdoor dining*
45. Best hard cidery*
62. Best coffee shop
30. Best sushi
Best chef
46. Best spirits distiller
63. Best coffee roaster*
31. Best creemee
Best restaurant service*
47. Best draught beer list*
64. Best barista
48. Best brewpub*
33. Best housemade ice cream
49. Best wine list*
Best place to eat alone*
34. Best cheese
12. Best Thai
50. Best wine shop
35. Best natural foods market
13. Best Chinese
51. Best pick-up bar*
36. Best food truck
14. Best Mexican
52. Best dive bar*
37. Best food cart
15. Best Vietnamese*
53. Best sports bar*
38. Best farmers market vendor
18. Best comfort food* 19. Best eggs benedict* 20. Best breakfast sandwich*
Don’t wait! Nominate at Nominations for Round 1 close on Wednesday, June 11, at noon. Check back on Wednesday, June 18, to see if your nominations made the final ballot and vote for your favorites!
16. Best Italian* 17. Best vegetarian fare
32. Best frozen yogurt*
10. Best place to grab a quick meal*
58. Best bloody mary*
23. Best pizza (restaurant)
Locals Pick the Best of Vermont • 2014 Ballot
Arts + Entertainment 65. Best large live music venue 66. Best small local music hot spot 67. Best place to play pool 68. Best place to dance* 69. Best trivia night* 70. Best karaoke* 71. Best stand-up comic 72. Best drag performer or group* 73. Best vocalist* 74. Best instrumentalist* 75. Best singer/songwriter* 76. Best recording studio/engineer*
77. Best Americana (folk, country, bluegrass, etc.) artist/group*
92. Best women’s casual clothing store
120. Best nonprofit organization*
152. Best print/online journalist
93. Best women’s evening-wear store
121. Best pet daycare
153. Best photojournalist*
94. Best men’s wear
122. Best veterinarian/animal hospital*
154. Best local TV journalist
95. Best shoe store
123. Best pet groomer*
155. Best local radio host*
96. Best second-hand clothing
124. Best wedding venue
156. Best local radio DJ
97. Best children’s clothing
125. Best caterer*
157. Best radio station
98. Best eyeglasses
126. Best florist
158. Best radio morning show*
99. Best place to buy jewelry
127. Best real estate agency
159. Best college radio station*
100. Best beauty-product purveyor
128. Best real estate agent*
160. Best meteorologist
101. Best pet supply store
129. Best bank/credit union
161. Best social media personality*
102. Best musical instrument store
130. Best mortgage broker*
162. Best Vermont story this year*
103. Best bookstore 104. Best housewares store 105. Best children’s toy store 106. Best furniture store
78. Best funk/R&B artist/group*
107. Best lighting store
79. Best jazz/blues artist/group*
108. Best antique/secondhand store
80. Best rock artist/group*
109. Best place to buy a computer
81. Best hip-hop artist/group
110. Best camera store
82. Best electronic music DJ/group*
111. Best bridal shop
83. Best music festival*
112. Best auto dealer
84. Best local theater company
113. Best garden center
85. Best female actor
114. Best place to buy a pipe
86. Best male actor
115. Best adult toy store
87. Best performing arts venue
116. Best place to buy lingerie*
88. Best visual artist
117. Best ski/snowboard shop*
89. Best art gallery
118. Best bike shop
90. Best movie theater
119. Best outdoor outfitter
91. Best community event/festival
THE RULES • Ballots with fewer than 50 nominations will not be counted. Please take the time to go through the whole ballot and make nominations in as many categories as possible. We’re counting on you! • If you are a potential nominee, please play fair. Campaigning to win is fine, but duplicating ballots or otherwise trying to cheat the system is just mean. Don’t do it. • Nominees must be in Vermont.
You can nominate and vote with your smartphone or tablet. Go to and join the fun! If you don’t have any web-enabled device, please send your nominations via snail mail on a separate sheet of paper to: Seven Days, 255 S. Champlain St., Ste. 5, Burlington, VT 05401.
Nominate at Nominations for Round 1 close on Wednesday, June 11, at noon. Check back on Wednesday, June 18 to see if your nominations made the final ballot and vote for your favorite!
132. Best barber/men’s cut*
133. Best spa
163. Best tattoo
134. Best manicure/pedicure
164. Best facial hair
135. Best place to get body art
165. Best dressed woman*
136. Best health club/fitness studio
166. Best dressed man*
137. Best cab company*
167. Cutest couple
138. Best massage/body worker*
168. Most interesting woman in Vermont (explain why)*
131. Best salon (unisex)
139. Best yoga teacher* 140. Best yoga studio*
169. Most interesting man in Vermont (explain why)*
Recreation + Outdoors
170. Best public bathroom*
141. Best public golf course
174. Best roadside attraction*
142. Best ski/ride slope
175. Best vanity license plate*
143. Best cross-country ski area 144. Best in-state weekend getaway
176. Best place to get naked (besides at home!)*
145. Best Vermont day trip with the kids
177. Vermont’s hidden gem*
146. Best foot race*
178. What keeps Vermont weird*
147. Best people-watching place*
171. Best new building* 172. Best free public Wi-Fi spot* 173. Best place to watch the sunset*
150. Best day hike*
151. Best place to bike*
148. Best place to take your parents* 149. Best state park*
6/3/14 6:38 PM
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6/3/14 9:53 AM
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06.04.14-06.11.14 SEVEN DAYS 15
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Governors United
hree busloads of donors arrived at the Bruce Museum of Arts Watch live@5:25 and Sciences in Greenwich, weeknightS on tV Conn., last Wednesday night to AnD online mingle with four governors over cockget more info or Watch online at tails. They were there, the Connecticut vermont • Post reported, to kick off a two-day fundraising retreat for the Democratic Governors Association. 16t-retnWEEKLY.indd 1 6/2/14 5:03 PM Along with Connecticut Gov. DANNEL MALLOY, Maryland Gov. MARTIN O’MALLEY and New Hampshire Gov. MAGGIE HASSAN, the corporate and union donors were joined by the DGA’s chairman: Vermont’s own Gov. PETER SHUMLIN. The retreat attracted more press attention than is typical for such events. That’s because just weeks before, Shumlin’s organization filed suit against Connecticut’s election regulaYour LocaL Source tors in federal court, arguing that the Since 1995 Constitution State’s election laws are 8v-midbody(uvm)120512.pdf 1 10/3/13 11:20 AM unconstitutional. 14 ChurCh St • Burlington,Vt The DGA’s goal? To ensure that CrowBookS.Com • (802) 862-0848 Malloy could raise big bucks for the organization at its fundraisers and then benefit from the DGA’s “independent” 16t-crowbookstore103013.indd 1 10/24/13 4:42 PM advertising during his ongoing reelecDo you suffer tion campaign, despite a restrictive from chronic Connecticut law that bans the practice. Sounding much like the U.S. Supreme Court’s conservative majority, the DGA claimed in an April 23 complaint that the law “chills DGA’s rights of speech You may be able to participate and association” and “violates the in a research study involving: First Amendment.” By presuming that Malloy’s DGA fundraising constitutes • 11-week cognitive therapy coordination with the group, it argued, or chronic pain education state regulators are trampling on its (free of charge) rights and those of other independent • 3 MRI brain scans – before, super PACs. after, and 4 months following “That harm is only compounded as treatment Election Day approaches,” the DGA’s • Financial compensation at the completion of the study lawyers wrote. “With every day that passes, DGA loses opportunities to Who can participate? If you have engage in constitutionally protected chronic pain persisting for 12 political activity.” months or longer and are 18-70 With the clock ticking, the DGA years of age, you may be eligible. called on Judge Janet Hall to grant a preliminary injunction before the Greenwich fundraiser. That way, Malloy, the DGA’s former finance chairman, could raise money at the event without fear of breaking the law. Hall ordered settlement talks two weeks ago, but she still hasn’t ruled on the injunction. For more information and to Soon after the DGA filed suit, a codetermine eligibility, please contact alition of 10 good-government groups Marcia A. Davis, Project Manager lined up against it. In a letter they sent at (802) 847-8241 or email Shumlin early last month, the groups — including Common Cause and the chAnnel 17
used Books
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League of Women Voters — called it “an indefensible attack” on Connecticut’s “groundbreaking” public financing system and urged the DGA to drop it. “We are very surprised that you would allow yourself to be associated with this lawsuit,” the groups wrote Shumlin, noting, “In the past you have said decisions like Citizens United v. FEC are ‘antidemocratic.’” Indeed, says Common Cause Connecticut executive director CHERI QUICKMIRE, “There’s irony all around.”
LEADING THE CHARGE TO WEAKEN ONE OF THE NATION’S STRONGEST CAMPAIGN-FINANCE LAWS IS THE DEMOCRATIC GOVERNOR OF VERMONT. Leading the charge to weaken one of the nation’s strongest campaignfinance laws is the Democratic governor of Vermont, she notes. And benefiting from a successful suit would be the first Connecticut governor to win election with the help of the state’s 2005 publicfinancing law. Just last week, Malloy qualified for another $6.5 million in public financing after raising $250,000 in small donations and pledging to take no more than $100 from each donor. “You throw up your hands because, on the one hand, you’re really proud and impressed that folks participate in [public financing] at the level they do,” Quickmire says. “And on the other hand, you’re not sure where the next attack will come from.” The DGA denies it’s on the attack. The good-government groups’ letter “fundamentally misunderstands the DGA’s action,” spokesman DANNY KANNER said in a written statement. “Our intent is not to undermine Connecticut’s campaign-finance law,” he wrote. “We simply want to affirm our right to promote Democratic governors and progressive policies, as we do in states across the country.” But Connecticut activist and former state legislator JONATHAN PELTO says it’s clear the DGA is trying to skirt
contribution limits and “launder” Malloy’s donations through the organization under the guise of independent fundraising. “There’s a widespread understanding that the Greenwich fundraiser was to raise money for Dannel Malloy,” says Pelto, who is considering challenging the governor from the left. “This was a clear-cut effort to raise money from people that were already giving money to Malloy but had already maxed out.” Kanner would not disclose details of the conference, nor how much donors anted up to take part in it. But admission to DGA events is typically restricted to corporate and union “members” who donate tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars — and sometimes more than a million — to the organization each year. The events often feature panels, receptions and private meetings between DGA members and the governors they hope to lobby. At a similar conference at Manchester’s Equinox Resort & Spa last September, Shumlin and his chief of staff, LIZ MILLER, met privately with several top donors, including the National Association of Home Builders, Oxygen Financial and UnitedHealth Group, Miller said at the time. Shumlin’s thendeputy commissioner of labor, ERIKA WOLFFING, also attended the event. This time around, according to Shumlin spokeswoman SUE ALLEN, the governor brought no state staff to Connecticut and the DGA paid his way. Neither she nor Kanner would say whether he met privately with donors. Over nearly a week, Allen repeatedly ignored and then denied Seven Days’ requests for an interview with Shumlin, citing a busy schedule. But on the very day the governor returned from Connecticut last Thursday, he found time to hold a fundraiser for his own reelection campaign at Montpelier’s NECI on Main. According to attendees, 20 to 25 registered Vermont lobbyists and those who employ them — including FairPoint Communications, Green Mountain Power, Comcast and the Marijuana Policy Project — showed up and wrote checks. Six registered lobbyists told Seven Days they received an emailed invitation to the Montpelier event and four said they received phone calls from the governor himself asking them to attend.
Got A tIP for PAul?
when he was investigated and ultimately fined for illegally coordinating with the Republican Governors Association. The DGA’s lawsuit, Toensing says, could set a precedent that Shumlin — or, at least, many Vermonters — will come to regret. “He is asking a federal court to allow him to do something in Connecticut that is not allowed in Vermont under [the] law,” Toensing says. “They think no one here is watching. But a favorable Connecticut decision will likely limit the scope of Vermont’s coordination law.”
THE JAZZ FEST AT LEUNIG’S C H U R C H & C O L L E G E • B U R L I N G T O N • 8 6 3 - 3 7 5 9 • W W W. L E U N I G S B I S T R O . C O M 8h-leunigs052814.indd 1
5/27/14 4:27 PM
Media Notes
107 Church Street Burlington • 864-7146 8h-opticalCenter032614.indd 1
3/24/14 4:21 PM
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6/2/14 12:58 PM
06.04.14-06.11.14 SEVEN DAYS
In the past six months, Vermont Public Television has faced a Corporation for Public Broadcasting inquiry, the threatened loss of federal funding, a staff insurrection and the acrimonious departure of its longtime chief executive. Now it’s losing a $75,000 state grant that has provided 60 percent of the production budget for “Outdoor Journal,” the station’s 12-year-old showcase of Vermont’s natural world. “We didn’t feel like the viewership of ‘Outdoor Journal’ on VPT was reaching either as diverse an audience or as many people as we’d like, given the funding,” explains newly minted Fish & Wildlife Commissioner louis PorTer, whose department has for years funded the program with a mix of state and federal money. Porter says F&W is “in discussions” with several media outlets about where that funding might go, but he wouldn’t elaborate. “We’re reevaluating where to use it and how best to accomplish the same goal, which is to make people aware of hunting, fishing and trapping in Vermont,” he says. Will “Outdoor Journal,” which costs $125,000 a year to produce, continue on at VPT without state assistance? “It’s a big enough grant that we have to give consideration to whether we can continue,” says Charlie smiTh, the station’s interim CEO, who calls the decision “sad for us.” If it fails to find a new sponsor, Smith says, the program could go on “hiatus.” “It’s really premature to say what comes next, because we’re really eager to find a way to make it work going forward,” he says. m
Disclosure: Paul Heintz is an occasional paid guest on VPT’s “Vermont This Week.”
That emailed invitation was sent by Wolffing, who left the administration at the end of last year to fundraise for both Shumlin’s reelection and the DGA. Shumlin’s former chief of staff, Bill lofy, serves as his liaison to the organization and as its senior adviser. And yet, in its Connecticut complaint, the DGA maintains, “To ensure DGA’s expenditures are independent, DGA has established a firewall policy designed and implemented to prohibit the flow of information” between the organization and the candidates it supports. That’s pretty hard to believe, given that Democratic governors are the organization’s chief fundraisers, provide access to DGA donors in exchange for contributions, and employ the staff members who decide how that money is spent. Shumlin, in particular, has shown a propensity for blurring the lines between DGA activities and his own reelection efforts. As Seven Days reported in March, the governor has repeatedly raised money for his campaign while traveling to San Francisco, New York City and Las Vegas on the DGA’s dime. That’s allowed him to harbor his own resources, which are limited by Vermont’s campaign-finance laws, while freely spending the DGA’s, which are not. Of course, with Wolffing collecting checks for both the DGA and Shumlin for Governor, the notion that the Vermonter is subject to any meaningful contribution limits is fanciful. Anyone who contributes the maximum $2,000 donation to Shumlin’s campaign can just keep writing checks to the DGA — and if the going gets tough, that money will come right back to Vermont. Connecticut’s law attempts to close the most obvious loophole in this convoluted system — by, at the very least, keeping politicians from raising money for the groups from which it claims independence. And Vermont Public Interest Research Group executive director Paul Burns says “it’s a shame” that the DGA is fighting it. U.S. PIRG, with which VPIRG is affiliated, signed the letter taking Shumlin to task. “I think it would be advisable for the DGA to drop the suit and for Gov. Shumlin to use his influence to make that happen,” Burns says. If not, warns Vermont Republican Party vice chairman Brady Toensing, there could be repercussions in Vermont. Toensing should know. Back in 2010, the Charlotte attorney represented Shumlin’s Republican opponent, Brian
Still on a Roll: A Cyclist at Heart, Spencer Tackles Parking and Potholes B y A l ic ia F reese
matthew thorsen
Chapin Spencer
hapin Spencer, Burlington’s director of the Department of Public Works, holds a coil of plastic tubing and gushes about upgrades to the city’s water lines — some of which, he says, date back to the Civil War. Earlier, standing in the DPW garage on Pine Street, he proudly recounted how DPW mechanics discovered a faulty air filter on a fire truck. During moments like these one could forget that less than a year ago Spencer was a prominent cycling and pedestrian advocate heading up Local Motion, an organization he founded. Spencer’s predecessor, Steve Goodkind, said he was surprised that when he retired, he was replaced with a cycling advocate, not an engineer. Burlington city councilor Kurt Wright, who’s also a state representative, said he “had concerns” about Mayor Miro Weinberger’s nontraditional
choice. “Would he tilt too far toward the biking community?” Wright recalled wondering. The easygoing, 44-year-old Spencer needed to show the city that he could address ailing parking garages and deal with stormwater drainage. That he could get just as jazzed up about installing new parking meters as he’d been about building new bike paths. In fact, the city is gearing up to make major changes to downtown parking, and Spencer is an important cog in the wheel. Sitting last Friday in his modest office, spare but for several ceremonial hard hats and a plastic light saber on the windowsill, he spoke passionately about plans to automate parking-garage kiosks and install parking meters that can be paid with cellphones and credit cards. “We’ve been managing parking in much the same way for the last couple of decades,” he said. Now, there’s an opportunity to leap forward, he said.
Of his own leap from a small nonprofit to what Weinberger called the “most complicated” public department, Spencer said, “It’s been a smooth transition.” But Wright’s question still stands. Asked if he felt he’d successfully shed any bias he might have arrived with, Spencer responded, “We’ve sat here and talked for an hour, and I don’t know how many times we’ve talked about walking and biking.” (Zero times.) Not everyone is convinced. The DPW is studying how to improve North Avenue — a process that some worry will pit drivers against bikers. At a recent public hearing, Local Motion advocates showed up in full force, promoting a plan to add a bike lane to the street “sooner rather than later.” The proposal stoked concern among New North End residents who are worried they’ll lose car lanes to make room for cyclists. Local Motion advocacy and education
director Jason Van Driesche insists that isn’t the case, and he says his organization is committed to finding fixes that work for everyone. Still, the appearance that evening — Spencer in the same room with his old cycling cronies — wasn’t great, according to Wright. “There has been some grumbling,” he said. Spencer acknowledges that he still has to fight the perception of bias. “I feel like it’s a work in a progress. Things like the North Avenue Corridor Study indicate that I haven’t gotten there yet.” Any major makeover for North Ave won’t happen for a while, he said, and he’s intent on reaching a consensus before it does. With his distinctive sideburns and soul patch, purple shirt and small hoop earring, Spencer doesn’t blend in with his staff, but his rapport with them seems solid. One of his foremen, a man named Richard “Dicky” Hammond who sports a crew cut and a deep tan, gives
him points for not meddling with his “Chapin is personally trying to get work. Pat Buteau, assistant director of out there and make sure there are partmaintenance and parking services, said nerships and relationships,” said Jim he’s “appreciative of the fact that he Barr, University of Vermont’s director isn’t walking in here figuring he knows for transportation and parking services. all the answers.” Beyond mission statements and It’s probably a wise move, given muffins, Spencer can point to more conthat Spencer was still in grade school crete accomplishments during his nine when Hammond and Buteau started months on the job — sidewalk repairs, working at the DPW. According to new crosswalks and flashing beacons Spencer’s calculations, his four assistant on Pine Street, a simplified budgeting directors have a cumulative 100 years of process, and a new text-alert system experience. that’s reduced the number of towed cars People who’ve worked alongside during street cleanings. Spencer say he’s skilled at accommodatAlso worth noting: Despite a brutal ing competing interests. winter, the department “Being inclusive and is on pace to spend deliberate and thoughtwithin its budget. ful in general about Richard Hillyard, a how he does his work is citizen watchdog who’s in Chapin’s bones, and known Spencer since he honestly I can’t think of represented Ward 1 as a anyone better to be in (Progressive) city counColchester Burlington that job right now,” Van cilor, said progress at (Exit 16) (Downtown) E Driesche said. the DPW can be glacial, at 85 South Park Drive 176 Main Street L ocal Pizzeria / Take Out Michele Boomhower but he described its new Pizzeria / Take Out Delivery: 655-5555 Delivery: 862-1234 of the Chittenden County director as “approachCasual Fine Dining M-Sa 10-8, Su 11-6 Reservations: 655-0000 Cat Scratch, Knight Card Regional Planning able and very willing to & C.C. Cash Accepted The Bakery: 655-5282 4 0 Commission, which is engage.” 802 862 5051 also working on both the Even Wright says S W E E T L A D YJ A N E . B I Z North Avenue project Spencer deserves “high and the city’s parking inimarks” in many areas, ChApin SpEnC ER tiative, describes him as a such as expediting sev1 5/29/14 2:41 PM 6/3/148v-sweetladyjane060414.indd 3:12 PM “very refined negotiator.” eral badly needed repav-8v-juniors060414.indd 1 When he took the job, there were ing projects in the New North End. questions about whether the director of Not that he’s pleasing everyone. a 12-person nonprofit with a $1 million Ironically, one of his critics is a bicycle budget had the chops to manage 110 em- advocate. “We’ve been going around in ployees and a $30 million budget. Not to circles for years,” said City Councilor mention 96 miles of streets, 127 miles of Max Tracy (P-Ward 1), who wore a bike sidewalks, three water-treatment plants helmet to drive his message home at and three parking garages. Spencer’s first appearance before the Spencer said he’s focused on finding council. One of the projects on Spencer’s new funding and figuring out better plate is the city’s “Go for Gold” initiaways to deliver services. He created a tive. Its goal is to earn Burlington goldDPW mission statement: “We steward level designation from the national Burlington’s infrastructure and envi- Walk Friendly Communities program ronment by delivering efficient, effec- as a bike- and pedestrian-friendly city tive and equitable public services.” He by 2016. set three department-wide goals: opera“We’ve said we’re going to go for the tional excellence, exemplary customer gold, and now we need to get going,” service and a culture of innovation. Tracy said. “I think we need to be That might sound like nonprofit much more aggressive than we’ve been mumbo jumbo to the crews patching about repairing sidewalks and biking up potholes, but Spencer said the de- networks.” partment has embraced his vision for Spencer knows things aren’t prochange. “People are hungry for it,” he ceeding as quickly as some would like, said, adding, “This is not Chapin’s idea and said he’s had some cycling advocates of how public works should run. This is ask why he’s so focused on parking. me listening to people.” “Can we do more?” he asks rheSpencer doesn’t spend all his time torically. “Yes, but are we moving with in the office, dreaming grand visions deliberate speed with the resources we and playing with a plastic light saber. At have.” And, he points out, “It’s easier 2 a.m. on a recent workday, he delivered being an advocate.” At the DPW, “We’ve muffins to Hammond’s crew, which was got to keep the water running.” m taking advantage of the quiet hours to Contact: mend a section of Main Street.
Dads Rock!
This is noT Chapin’s idea of how publiC works should run.
Happy Father’s Day!
This is me lisTening To people. 06.04.14-06.11.14
4t-PhotoGarden050714.indd 1
5/6/14 1:46 PM
Busted, Again: Fines Mount for Thousands Who Lost Licenses b y M ar k D av i s
michael tonn
casual observer wouldn’t know that Donna Robinson was breaking the law as she drove her purple PT Cruiser in Royalton on a May morning. But John Helfant is not a casual observer. He is a sergeant with the Vermont State Police, and he knew that Robinson’s driver’s license was suspended. Helfant stopped Robinson, took her to the closest police barracks and issued her a citation to appear in court for driving with her license suspended (DLS) — a misdemeanor.
Law Enforcement It wasn’t the first time Robinson had been charged with that particular crime. Or the second time. Or even the tenth. It was her 17th offense. After state police put out a news release detailing Robinson’s repeated offenses, she gained some public notoriety. And the fact that Robinson has two DUI convictions complicates her situation. But her cyclical experience with DLS convictions is far from an outlier, and it may say more about the criminal justice system’s handling of troubled drivers than it says about her. Roughly 18,000 Vermonters have suspended driver’s licenses, according to the Department of Motor Vehicles. And a large proportion of those suspensions are the result of nonviolent offenses: roughly 60 percent are for failure to pay traffic tickets, and another 24 percent are for accruing points for traffic violations. Many defendants, officials say, get caught in a loop: They rack up hundreds of dollars in fines they can’t pay, making it impossible to regain their licenses. Especially in a rural state where public transportation is limited, people can’t afford not to drive — nor can they afford the multiple DLS violations when they do. Robinson, 32, says she is stuck in the DLS cycle. During her most recent arrest, she was trying to get to her job as a cashier at a Randolph gas station, located 10 miles from her trailer home. She estimates that she has paid more than $8,000 in fines for her various
transgressions, including $600 in February for her 16th DLS violation. “Most of the time I’ve been caught, it’s been going to work or picking up the kids, going to an appointment,” Robinson said. “Driving becomes something I have to do. I didn’t go, ‘Screw it, I’m going to drive.’ I have no choice but to break the rules. I had to take these chances.” Critics of DLS enforcement say that many repeat offenders are not necessarily dangerous — they just can’t afford to become legal drivers. Fines, surcharges and reinstatement fees can run up to several hundred dollars. “The bottom line is, DLS really isn’t a criminal issue. It’s a poverty issue,” Vermont defender general Matt Valerio said. “People can’t afford to pay their fines. If you can’t pay your fines, you end up in the same place.” Robinson is not the only one with multiple DLS arrests. Officials say they have seen several defendants with more than 30 DLS violations. Last year, the Vermont Judicial Bureau, which handles civil traffic cases, found more than 5,700 people guilty of committing DLS. But you don’t need statistics to see how the Vermont judicial system is awash in DLS cases — they are among
I have no choice but to break the rules. I had to take these chances. D o n n a R o bi n so n
the most prevalent charges on courthouse dockets. Policy makers have long struggled with the snowball effects of DLS law. More than a decade ago, legislators did away with criminal penalties for DLS altogether. But in 2006, after lawenforcement officers said drivers were simply ignoring their tickets, lawmakers passed rules making the sixth and each subsequent DLS a crime punishable by up to $5,000 in fines and two years in prison. Then, as budgetary pressures mounted and judicial dockets swelled, lawmakers in 2011 studied whether certain nonviolent offenses could be handled outside the courtroom, with DLS law at the center of their agenda.
In May 2012, lawmakers passed a bill which encouraged civil DLS suspensions to be routed through Vermont’s Court Diversion Program, where drivers are essentially put on a payment plan and often allowed to regain their licenses before paying the full amount owed. The goals were to stop civil violations from mounting into criminal cases, to unburden the judicial system and to reduce the number of suspended licenses. Since July 2013, 300 people have been able to pay their fines incrementally and regain their licenses through the Diversion program. Robinson was one of them, regaining her license after paying more than $200 a month in back fines for several months, only to lose it again when she was arrested for DUI in December. Officials say they hope the program will grow, but acknowledge that progress has been slow, noting the need for additional staff to handle more cases. “The program, while well intended, doesn’t have sufficient resources to do the job,” Valerio said. “The programs aren’t fully functional.” Elected state’s attorneys have a great deal of latitude in DLS cases, and some, like Chittenden County State’s Attorney T.J. Donovan, have taken steps to get drivers legal rather than punish them. Most times, after Donovan receives a criminal DLS charge from police, he delays filing it for 90 days, advising defendants to pay off their existing fines and have their license reinstated. If they do, he drops the charge. “I don’t know how successful the system is, because we keep seeing it,” Donovan said. “I tend to think the criminal courts are ill-suited to deal with this offense.” Robinson agrees. For now, she said, she is relying on friends to give her rides to work, or has paid people to ferry her around. But it’s not a permanent fix, she said. “I know I’m guilty. I did something wrong,” Robinson said. “But I could be successful.” m Contact:, 865-1020, ext. 23, or @Davis7D
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2V-SkiRack060414.indd 1
6/3/14 9:42 AM
3v-goodwill060414.indd 1
6/2/14 12:55 PM
Water Woes: State Weighs Recreational Ban on Berlin Pond B y Bet h Gar b i tell i 06.04.14-06.11.14 SEVEN DAYS 22 LOCAL MATTERS
courtesy of beth garbitelli
ayaks, fishing poles and swimsuits are the stuff of Vermont’s much-celebrated summers. But now they’re a point of contention in a bid to close Berlin Pond to recreational use over concerns for Montpelier’s water supply. Berlin Pond is nestled next to Vermont’s capital city. The 256-acre pond attracts walkers, bikers and bird-watchers to its scenic setting. It is the sole water source for Montpelier, sections of nearby Berlin and Central Vermont Medical Center. The city has restricted access to its water for nearly a century. That protection ended in 2012, when a Vermont Supreme Court decision found the city lacked authority to deny recreational access; boaters, swimmers and fishermen were free to test the newly accessible waters. In November 2012, Berlin voters voted to allow public access to a piece of town-owned land on Berlin Pond in a 793-441 nonbinding referendum. Now the state is weighing a bid to reinstate the recreational-use ban on the pond itself. Citizens to Protect Berlin Pond, which formed in the wake of the 2012 supreme court decision, petitioned the Agency of Natural Resources’ Watershed Management Division to close the pond to active recreation, including swimming, boating, kayaking, canoeing and fishing. (Gas-powered boats are already prohibited.) On May 27, a state hearing in Berlin drew a large crowd and a lively debate that elicited both applause and boos. While some argued that closing the pond to recreation would infringe on their rights, others made emotional pleas to restrict recreation access to the pond. “We have beautiful, amazing, clear drinking water,” said Berlin resident Melissa Perley, president of Citizens to Protect Berlin Pond. “Why would we want to look at this in five years and say ‘Oops!’?” Others disagreed on restricting public access. “The water belongs to me and you and everybody else,” said Cedric Sanborn, who has pushed for public access to Berlin Pond. He owns R & L Archery, a sporting and outdoors store, but says his business is not a factor in advocating
Berlin Pond
for an open pond. “I did this personally, because it’s just wrong to have a really nice body of water taken away from us,” Sanborn said, adding that recreational activities wouldn’t sully the pond. But Perley isn’t convinced. She pointed out that higher bacteria levels in the water from human contact could require additional chlorination or the
introduction of additional chemicals for purification. Elevated fecal coliform bacteria levels were, in fact, noted by water-treatment personnel in 2013, according to the petition. But Montpelier public works director Todd Law said that the elevation was not significant, and that officials were unsure if it was caused by freezing temperatures
that led to a turnover in silt, by ice fishing or by other factors. That was the first time the city tested for total coliform levels; E. coli bacteria are something they monitor regularly and have stayed consistent, according to Law. The pond’s silty bottom and shallow depths could also add to the challenge of keeping bacteria levels down, according to Perley. The petition stated that because Berlin Pond’s average depth is only about 25 feet, soft-bottom ponds are at greater risk of creating turbidity, or murkiness, from suspended dirt and organic matter. Harmful bacteria can more easily pass through filtration systems without detection when the water has a high level of turbidity, according to the petition. At the public hearing, Law explained that pathogens can exist in turbidity. Disinfections — chemical processes used in treating drinking water — kill most, but rising pathogen levels can lead to disinfection byproducts, such as trihalomethanes, in the water source, many of which, according to the Environmental Protection Agency, have adverse health effects and are linked to cancer. “It’s not going to happen immediately, most likely over time,” Law said, about a gradual increase in those byproducts. Arguments about turbidity don’t sway Sanborn: “My kayak is not a submarine. It’s not down at the bottom stirring it up.” Beyond contaminants in the water, conservationists fear invasive species and the effects of increased human activity on waterfowl and plant life. The City of Montpelier has its own petition and wants the state to ban tools powered by internal combustion — such as ice augers — petroleum-based fuels and ice shanties on the lake. Concerns over Berlin Pond’s water quality are not new. In October 1884, Montpelier began tapping Berlin Pond for water, and within a decade the State Health Board, later reorganized into the Department of Health, prohibited swimming and fishing there. The pond was once dotted with shoreline cottages, and sometimes their residents got sick. A 1900 headline from the Barre Evening Telegram reads: “FEVER SCARE Montpelier
A PERFECT MATCH CUSTOM BANDS MADE BY MATTHEW TO MATCH ANY RING Thoroughly Aroused Over a Case at BERLIN POND Feared the City Water Supply Is Contaminated.” The alarm was with good reason: According to the article, a typhoid fever-afflicted cottage emptied its sewage directly into the pond. By 1901, Montpelier began to buy up the land and cottages directly on the pond to create a protective buffer, according to Berlin Historical Society’s Richard Turner. The city owns much of the land today, except for an 85-foot access strip owned by the Town of Berlin, according to court documents. Over the years when access was restricted, people were sometimes fined or arrested for breaking the swimming and boating rules, according to news articles and court documents at the Berlin Historical Society. It was a legal case that led to the opening of the pond to recreational use. In 2009, Sanborn and his wife, Leslie Sanborn, were arrested after kayaking on the pond. The Washington County state’s attorney later dismissed the charges. After that, one of Cedric MELi SSA Sanborn’s employees, Richard Barnett, obtained a permit from the Department of Fish & Wildlife, a division of ANR, for an ice-fishing derby on the pond. Those events led the City of Montpelier to try to end the controversy over access by suing the Sanborns, Barnett and the state Natural Resources Board for a declaratory judgment that boating, fishing and bathing are indeed prohibited by the city. The case made it to the Vermont Supreme Court, which ruled that it’s the state, not the city, that has authority over the pond.
The ruling reads: “Our opinion today does not hold that recreational use of Berlin Pond must be permitted. We conclude only that valid regulation would require action by the State — either by direct regulation or by delegating such power to the City — and this has not yet occurred.” Sheryl RapéeAdams, a Montpelier resident and member of Citizens to Protect Berlin Pond, l oc a l , f r e s h , or i g i na l is a paddler herself but said she’d be happy to choose other ponds. Thirtyfour lakes and ponds within a 20-mile radius of Berlin Pond allow fishing, swimming, boating or 1076 Williston Road, S. Burlington all three, according to the 862.6585 102 Harbor Rd, Shelburne | 985-3190 Berlin Pond Watershed Conservation Plan lished by the Montpelier and Berlin Conservation Wedding Band Ads Commissions. 8v-windjammer(cheers)050714.indd 1 5/1/14 8v-mattatylor050714.indd 10:19 AM 4/18/14 11:33 AM Seven Days1 | 1/8th Page | 2.3" x 5.56" “Nothing, certainly not 04.03.14 recreation, trumps safe, clean drinking water,” said Rapée-Adams. “What will ‘The Daily Show’ make of this? That ANR might recording studio not protect safe clean songwriting drinking water for the jam space space state’s capital city? How embarrassing.” Susan Warren, the refueling Lakes and Ponds program zone manager of the state’s Watershed Management Division, said ANR neighborhood hopes to make a decision groupie PERLEy concert crash pad about the pond within two months. The state is expected to decide both the residents’ and the city’s petitions together. It’s not unusual for water-recreation issues to be contentious, but What’s your vision for Berlin Pond’s century-long restrichomeownership? tions present a unique case, said Warren, who added: “There’s a lot Perhaps we can help. We’re a locally based non-profit offering Vermonters low-interest loans and the ability to choose a local that we need to look at, and I’m not lender. So go ahead, dream big, and give us a shout. sure yet how we’re going to balance out the various uses that are being asked of the pond now.” m Call 800-339-5866 | /yourvision
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5/6/14 1:48 PM
Drive-By Guy
By Et h an d e S e i fe
SEVEN DAYS: Some people might consider your job boring. Is it? CHRIS FARNSWORTH: Sometimes, but not really. It kind of depends on the ebb and flow of cars, and on what day of the week it is. As long as you have something to do while you’re in here, you’re fine. I write a lot. I’m working on a comic book — about a guy who’s trying to figure out who stole his girlfriend’s soul — and I’ve done the first five issues. I did fall into the trap of social-media apps. A friend made me download Vine, an app that makes you sad about the human race. As far as I’m concerned, this [ramp] is the best [in the city]. I see a lot of different people … Cavalcades of weirdos make for interesting days.
matthew thorsen
SEVEN DAYS 06.04.14-06.11.14
f you’ve driven your car into downtown Burlington any time in the last decade, there’s a good chance you’ve met Chris Farnsworth. His even-tempered friendliness enlivens the otherwise unexciting Marketplace parking garage, where he’s been an attendant since 2004. Like some 20 other parking attendants Name employed by the Chris City of Burlington, Farnsworth Farnsworth, 37, works Town shifts as needed at any of the nine downtown Burlington ramps. But the 445Job space facility on Bank Parking Lot and Cherry streets and Attendant South Winooski Avenue is his home base. Farnsworth’s “office” — a wee booth with just enough room for a chair, a cash-register-andticket-scanning rig, a shelf and a coat hook — is cozy, though it would likely petrify a claustrophobic. Comic books, CDs and a writer’s notebook offer diversion, and Farnsworth has an easy rapport with his coworker in the next booth. He considers it a steady, comfortable position with good benefits that allows him time to read and write. Between customers last Friday morning, Farnsworth talked with Seven Days about a job that’s more interesting than it appears.
but in fact it was the most socially uncomfortable experience … She said she didn’t have any cash, so I asked her if she could leave anything as collateral while she found an ATM. She started insinuating that we could go “hang out” later, and … all I could think about was filling out human resource forms. SD: What are some other unusual things you’ve seen here? CF: Just last week a guy drove into a brick wall at 30 miles an hour at 2 a.m. I guess he was drunk. Still, I don’t know why people do these things in garages. There are obviously cameras everywhere. There’ve been three suicide attempts since I’ve been working. But people don’t succeed … It’s like jumping off the top of your house. I like to think people don’t do it anymore because word got out that it was not a good place for suicide. SD: Have you noticed any correlation between customer friendliness and the cars they drive? CF: I find that the people who seem to be a lot more concerned over a dollar are, oddly enough, driving [Mercedes-] Benzes. But maybe that’s how they got the Benz. Actually, it’s the plates on the cars they drive [that are more telling]. People from Massachusetts and New York want brevity from you; they want their parking thing to be done. Vermonters like to have a word, which is 90 percent good. The other 10 percent, you’re like, “Dude, please, there are eight cars behind you. Go!”
Chris Farnsworth
SD: Is there anything you don’t like about this job? CF: It’s cold, but that’s just Burlington being Burlington. … [I]t never really gets me down too much. [The ramp is] next to Handy’s [Service Center], so I hear them working on cars all day. That’s not great, but it ends up being something I just white out. I don’t even think about the exhaust fumes anymore. In this garage, there’s a constant breeze. Being still for a long period of time, though, I don’t love that. But, hey, maybe if I was delivering ice in the ’20s … I’d be wishing I could sit still for three hours.
SD: Once, when I was out of cash, I paid my fee at a parking ramp with some postage stamps. You ever get anything like that? CF: There have definitely been some attempts at bartering. I think my first week on the job I had a kid try to give me a handful of weed as payment. I was like, “Dig for quarters, buddy!” I had one dude reach into his jacket and offer me a hit off his flask. I thought, I’m so glad you’re driving. That’s just great. There was one instance in which a customer implied she’d pay me with sexual favors. I thought, This could be this amazing Sixteen Candles kind of thing that’s actually happening to me,
SD: How do newcomers respond to the two-hours-of-free-parking policy? CF: People sometimes don’t trust what you say. When I tell them they don’t owe any money, they look at me like I’m about to pitch them a time-share or something. “No,” I tell them, “it’s how the city works.” They’re like, “Bullshit.” “No, I’m serious. Come on, get out.” If you look at the crappiest millionaires in the last couple decades, they’re parking barons who made their money by, for instance, charging people 100 dollars a day to park near Fenway Park. So I appreciate the benefits of civic parking … The norm is to have people charging a shitload of money. m
INFO Work is a monthly interview feature showcasing a Vermonter with an interesting occupation. Suggest a job you would like to know more about:
Victoria Duba 1942-2014, BURLINGTON
1992-2014, PLEASANTON, CA
Bernard D. Lefebvre
Stephen Andrew Ham-Ellis 6/10/87-12/27/13
“There is a sacredness in tears. They are not the mark of weakness, but of power! They speak more eloquently than ten thousand tongues. They are messengers of overwhelming grief ... and unspeakable love.” —Washington Irving Missing you. “The Famn Damily”
BIRTHS Cora-Lyn Kent Fletcher On May 5, 2014, at Fletcher Allen Health Care, Jamie-Lyn and Edward Fletcher welcomed a baby girl, Cora-Lyn Kent Fletcher.
Post your remembrance online & print at lifelines.
Bernard D. Lefebvre, 85, a longtime resident of South Burlington, Vt., died Friday, May 23, 2014, in Birchwood Terrace Healthcare in Burlington. Bernard was born in Winooski, Vt., on Jan. 3, 1929, one of 10 children born to Pacific and Angelina (Rathe) Lefebvre. He was educated in Winooski, served his country with the Vermont National Guard and was employed for many years as a maintenance supervisor with the Burlington School District. He enjoyed shooting pool with friends and betting on the ponies. Bernard is survived by five children and their spouses, Bernard and Janet Lefebvre, Donald Lefebvre and Sue Meehan, Vickie and Steve Karnes, Maria and Brad Beauchemin, and Shirley and Paul Stephens; several grandchildren; great-grandchildren; sister-in-law Doris Lefebvre of Burlington; and many nieces and nephews. Bernard was predeceased by two children, Richard and John Lefebvre;
Mary C. Parmenter, 71, died peacefully on Sunday, May 18, 2014, at the Gifford Medical Center in Randolph, Vt., surrounded by her family. She was born June 20, 1942, in Mountain Lakes, N.J., the daughter of Ralph M. and Marion L. (Wells) Crane. She attended Catholic School in California and in 1960 graduated from San Diego High School. Mary worked as a bookkeeper in California before moving to South Royalton, Vt., in 1979. For over 20 years she served as the secretary and bookkeeper and worked with many priests for Our Lady of the Valley Parish in Bethel, Vt. She was married to Walter Parmenter. They lived all their married life in South Royalton. Mary and Walter enjoyed traveling and especially liked Nova Scotia. They traveled many times by train and crossed the United States on various trips. She was a member of the St. Matthew’s Catholic Church in South Royalton and later of St. Anthony’s Catholic Church in Bethel. She had been the part-time organist at the St. Anthony’s Catholic Church, and she was an avid reader. She is survived by a sister, Theta Torbert and her husband, Jim, of North Whitefield, Maine; a son, Michael Casarico, and his wife, Jodie, of Shelburne, Vt.; two daughters, Carolyn Desch and her husband, Dan, of Montpelier, Vt., and Marion Casarico and her caregiver, Rosemary Brown, of Bethel; three stepsons, Lawrence Parmenter of South Royalton and Alan McCoy and Jim Parmenter, both of Wilder, Vt.; two stepdaughters, Phyllis Messner of Maryville, Tenn., and Judith Ford of Alpharetta, Ga., and many grandchildren. She was predeceased by her husband, Walter Parmenter, on February 27, 2013, and two sisters, Gail Collins and Elaine Stage. A Funeral Mass was held on Thursday, May 22 at the St. Anthony’s Catholic Church in Bethel, with Rev. Francis
Sarah Marie Liamos was easy to spot in a crowd with a beaming smile that depicted her tenacious nature and joie de vivre. Sarah was a Pied Piper for small children and the babysitter of choice for many during her early teens. She volunteered many summers as a junior counselor and counselor at Camp Taylor, a cardiac camp hosted in Livermore and Hawaii, where she served as counselor, mentor, role model and friend to many young cardiac patients. Sarah was born with a congenital heart defect that left her with one-half of a heart. It was more than enough when coupled with her beautiful spirit that focused on the betterment of others. Sarah and her family chose to downplay her physical limitations and instead focus on her many talents and achievements. Sarah continued to work for others during her college years, serving as a weekly volunteer at a Salvation Army after-school program for children of the working poor in Manchester, N.H. During her school breaks, Sarah spent time on college-sponsored community service outreach trips, where she assisted low-income children who were impacted by Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans and economically deprived children in Camden, N.J. Sarah studied politics in college and worked as an intern for the Fox News Network during the Republican primary of 2012. She also served as a student ambassador for the New Hampshire Institute of Politics at St. Anselm College. Born in Pittsfield,
Mary C. Parmenter
parents Pacific and Angelina; and nine brothers and sisters. The Lefebvre family wish to extend their sincere gratitude to the staff at Birchwood Terrace for their care and kindness. A Mass of Christian Burial was celebrated on Wednesday, May 28 at St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church in Winooski. Interment followed at St. Francis Xavier Cemetery. Arrangements are with the LaVigne Funeral Home and Cremation Service, 132 Main St. in Winooski. Online condolences can be shared at In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions can be made to the Alzheimer’s Association of Vermont, 300 Cornerstone Dr., Williston, VT 05495.
Victoria Duba, 72, passed away May 29, 2014, at Birchwood Terrace with her loving family by her side. She was born in West Rutland on April 16, 1942. Vicky was a beloved mother and grandmother. Left to cherish her memory are her children: son Bruce Duba; four daughters Toni Duba, Shanan Duba, Tina Lamphere and husband Matthew, and Chandra Duba; grandchildren Holden, Tatum, Bree, Brian, Travis, Amber, Tori, Summer, Ruth, Branden and Courtney, and Dustin; significant other Ray; special friend Donna Burroughs; extended family; and countless friends. She was predeceased by her parents, Bill and Margaret Clodgo, and husband Bruce Duba. Did we do the right thing? / Will she forgive us? / I lay here in the tall tall grass / Looking up at the blue sky above / Asking these questions / Hoping for the right answer / But what is the right answer? / Should I be proud of the life she lived / Or should I grieve for the life we have to live / Without her. — poem by Chandra Duba A celebration of Vicky’s life will be held at 6 p.m. on Thursday, June 12, at the R.V.A. on Weaver St. in Winooski. In lieu of flowers, donations may be sent to the Chittenden County Area Special Olympics c/o Chandra Duba, PO Box 4, Winooski, VT 05404. Online condolences may be shared with the family at lavigne Arrangements are under the care of LaVigne Funeral Home and Cremation Service.
Sarah Marie Liamos
Massachusetts, Sarah was raised in Pleasanton, Calif. She is a 2010 graduate of Valley Christian School in Dublin and recently graduated in the class of 2014 at St. Anselm College in Manchester, where she received a BA in politics and a minor in criminal justice. She was enrolled at Suffolk University in Boston, where she planned to pursue studies as a paralegal this fall, and was a summer intern in the legal department of Insulet Corporation in Bedford, Mass. She is survived by her loving parents, Karen and Charles Liamos of Pleasanton, sister Megan of San Francisco, and brother Michael of Pleasanton, grandparents Rita and Constantine Liamos of Englewood, Fla., and grandfather Michael Italiano of Queensbury, N.Y. Her grandmother Brenda Italiano preceded her in death. Sarah also leaves many aunts and uncles including Steve (Martha) Liamos of Nashua, N.H., Patricia (Larry) Picket of Englewood, Ted Liamos of Colchester, Vt., Suzanne (Tom) Young of New London, Pa., Mary Lee Italiano of Queensbury, and cousins Stephen, Jared and Katelyn Liamos of Nashua, Christina (Jeremy) Gustie of Sudbury, Mass., Nicole (Drew) Sumner of East Windsor, N.J., and Jessica and Brett Young of Pennsylvania. A memorial service will be held at the Catholic Community of Pleasanton later this June with details to follow. Immediate services will be held on the East Coast with a wake on Thursday, June 5, from 4 to 8 p.m. at LaVigne Funeral Home, 132 Main St. in Winooski, Vt., followed by a funeral on Friday, June 6 at noon at St. John Vianney Church, 160 Hinesburg Rd., in South Burlington, Vt. In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to the Boston Adult Congenital Heart Program at Boston Children’s Hospital at giving. Checks made payable to Boston Children’s Hospital can be mailed to Boston Children’s Hospital Trust at 401 Park Drive suite 602, Boston, MA 02215. Donations can also be made to Camp Taylor at 5424 Pirrone Road, Salida, CA 94368. Online condolences may be shared with the family at lavignefuneral
Conners and Rev. Gerald LeClair serving as the co-celebrants. The service began with the congregation singing the hymn, “Amazing Grace” which was led by Mary’s grandchildren, Colin Desch, Katy Desch and Michael Casarico playing their musical instruments; the guitarist and soloist was Mary Ann Church. The Liturgy and the Gospel Reading was given by a close friend, Rosemary Brown. The Communion Rite Gifts were presented by her granddaughters, Madison Casarico and Chelsea Casarico. The service concluded with the congregation singing, “Abide With Me” and the closing prayer, which was given by Rev. Conners. The pall bearers were Dan Desch, John Stillwagon, Jim Morse, Steve Farrington and Keith Grimes. Immediately following the service, everyone was invited to share in a time of fellowship and refreshments at the church hall, which was hosted by her church friends. The burial was held at the Branch View Cemetery in South Royalton. Memorial contributions may be made to Our Lady of the Valley Parish, P.O. Box 63, Bethel, VT 05032. A private message of sympathy for the family can be shared at boardwayandcilley. com. Arrangements are under the direction of the Boardway & Cilley Funeral Home in Chelsea, Vt.
stateof thearts
Live Streaming: Vermont Architects Create a Mobile Classroom B y a my li lly
06.04.14-06.11.14 SEVEN DAYS 26 STATE OF THE ARTS
Photos Courtesy of Tolya Stonorov
ew forms in the design world are as iconic as the Airstream, that curved, aluminum-clad camping trailer from 1930s America. So when the board of the Vermont chapter of the American Institute of Architects was pondering ways to make the profession of architecture more visible to the public during its last annual retreat, it’s no surprise the famous shape sprang to mind. What was new was how these design professionals envisioned the trailer’s use: as a perfect vehicle — in both senses of the word — for bringing outreach and education about architecture to all points of a mostly rural state. After landing a $42,750 Innovation Fund grant from AIA for the project, the Vermont chapter purchased a 21-foot 1969 Airstream Globetrotter from a retired couple in central Vermont. Then it charged an undergraduate architecture class at Norwich University with redesigning and rebuilding its gutted interior. The Archistream, as AIAVT has dubbed its mobile classroom, is now complete. Before it heads to a town near you, it will spend the summer inside the ECHO Lake Aquarium and Science Center in Burlington as part of the center’s newly launched interactive exhibit on building and design, “KEVA Planks: The Fusion of Art and Science.” While the Archistream is parked there, visitors will be able to step inside and check out two exhibits. One, by White River Junction architect Daniel Johnson, showcases the renowned Finnish modern architect Alvar Aalto’s native works and their landscapes, using four models and a video. The other exhibit documents the making of the Archistream by the Norwich team — the 10 juniors and seniors in Montpelier architect Tolya Stonorov’s spring semester design-build studio. Their stunning built-in work is an exhibit in itself. With Stonorov’s guidance and in regular consultation with an AIAVT team — consisting of architects Diantha Korzun (TruexCullins, Burlington), Diane Gayer (Vermont Design Institute, Burlington) and Tom Bachman (Gossens Bachman Architects, Montpelier) and TruexCullins designer Joshua Chafe — the students created seating at both ends of the vehicle, undulating plywood ribbing for shelves, a
digital fabrication tools such as a computerized router. “It’s honest, clean and simple,” comments Stonorov, who earned her master’s in architecture from the University of California, Berkeley. Stonorov Workshop, the Montpelier firm she runs with her husband, Otto, is known for the same precision and attention to materials evident in the Archistream. The vehicle’s interior, she adds, is “modern but respectful of the shell.” For that reason, Stonorov suggests, it embodies a primary aim of architects in Vermont today. “Vermont has this beautiful vernacular architecture [of historic barns and pitched-roof farmhouses]. As architects, our challenge is: How do we create modern architecture within this context?” she says. As an AIAVT member, Stonorov is free to borrow the Archistream to, say, exhibit a digital flipbook of various architects’ solutions to this challenge. Roughly two-thirds of Vermont’s 327
Architecture is not some mysterious thing for rich people. D a n i el J oh n so n
flatscreen television and three tablets for video viewing. Kristina Hebert, a junior who was in charge of lighting, hit on the idea of underlighting the green resin worktable and counter with LEDs (light-emitting diodes). “The AIA team wanted a wow factor,” the 21-year-old explains. The class fitted its built-ins to the vintage vehicle’s curves with the help of a 3-D laser scan of the Airstream and
licensed architects belong to AIAVT, according to the chapter’s executive director, Carol Miklos. The organization is still working out a long-term solution for hauling the Archistream around the state — it may have to invest in a truck — but meanwhile the vehicle is at members’ disposal. “It’s a great service to our membership, and it’s outside of dues,” says Korzun, a former Vermont chapter president. The architect adds that the project won grant money partly because it helps the national group with its “repositioning” effort, aimed at convincing younger architects of the professional organization’s continued relevance. The Archistream will also host a digital display of the buildings submitted for AIAVT’s annual design awards. Previously the public would have learned about the buildings only by seeking out the organization’s website or in an exhibit rotated through select galleries and the Statehouse every three months. Sitting in TruexCullins’ conference room — one of its windows emblazoned with the Louis Kahn quote “Light is the Live Streaming
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The Consequence of Gesture by L.E. Smith, Fomite Press, 288 pages. $15.
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a whole era and social canvas with brilliant, assured brush-strokes. His 1980 New York is haunted by the ideals of the ’60s and spasming to the new rhythms of punk. “His thoughts made too much noise,” Smith writes, describing Mason’s first view of Chapman. “They whirled like fragments of indecision inside that tangle of hands.” As a narrative, Consequence is less successful; just when the plot is beginning to move and the characters to feel real, we’re swept into another eddy of dense backstory or description. Moreover, Mason is both a biased first-person narrator and a seemingly omniscient one (he narrates events where he wasn’t present), which sets up a tension around the tale’s level of veracity that Smith never resolves. If Mason has a motive to fabricate, say, Chapman’s pause under the tree, we don’t discover it. He alternates for no clear purpose between being a character proper and an author surrogate. Of course, veracity of any sort isn’t what we seek from a story where a beech tree considers saving Lennon from Chapman’s bullets. While Smith’s novel would have benefited from more rigorous editing and shaping, it’s undeniably a wild, creative ride.
On his way to shoot John Lennon in December 1980, Mark David Chapman stops to sit under a tree. Lennon himself once “courted the sentiments of this ancient tree” by meditating beneath it. But the beech, a survivor of the harsh urbanscape, couldn’t care less about the icon or his soon-to-be assassin. As Chapman strides toward the Dakota, “The beech considered sending telepathic warnings to John Lennon, but gave in to its indifference and decided instead to attend another century in profound silence.” This bizarre bit of fictionalized history comes from The Consequence of Gesture, the new novel from Brookfield author L.E. SMITH. Published by Burlington’s FOMITE PRESS, the book is narrated by Mason Fisher, a successful artist living in present-day Colombia who claims to have “assisted in the murder of John Lennon” — and personally defaced an Andy Warhol painting at the Met. How? Why? Mason takes us back to 1980, when he and a group of like-minded intellectuals frequented an Amsterdam Avenue café to plot bold gestures of iconoclasm, hoping to make a better world by destroying the things they most loved. There they met Chapman, whose stated intentions toward Lennon seemed to fit right in. No one took him seriously until it was too late. As in his previous, Burlington-set novel, Travers’ Inferno, Smith uses his command of language to paint
stateof thearts
American Views: The Shelburne Museum Puts Long-Closeted 19th-Century Paintings on Display B y k e v i n j . k e ll e y
Courtesy of Shelburne Museum
sizable selection of works from the Shelburne Museum’s American art collection returned to public display last week after an absence of many years. A portion of the 540 paintings acquired by museum founder Electra Havemeyer Webb had long been housed in a gallery on the museum’s grounds that opened in 1960, the year of her death. More than a decade ago, the paintings were removed from the Webb Gallery so that it could serve as a venue for special exhibits. But with the year-old Pizzagalli Center for Art and Education now hosting temporary shows, the museum has been able to put highlights from Webb’s collection back on permanent display in her namesake gallery. The sampling of 70-plus paintings chosen by museum director Tom Denenberg may strike viewers as both varied and uniform: Nearly all the pieces were created in the 19th century. And to a 21st-century eye, many of them may appear kitschy.
Johannes Adam Simon Oertel, “Country Connoisseurs,” 1855
There’s no shortage of genre scenes featuring cute children outfitted in flouncy finery, or colorful old-timers
gathered in rustic interiors. Smiling African Americans in rural settings are shown in a pair of paintings, which seem
to suggest that they were poor but knew how to have fun. Grandma Moses (Anna Mary Robertson Moses) and other untrained artists are generously represented. The show also includes several landscapes of the peaceably pastoral sort. Webb’s taste reflected her affirmation of an earlier era’s belief in “American exceptionalism,” Denenberg explained in an interview shortly after the installation’s opening. What contemporary viewers may see as schmaltz was much admired 150 years ago as expression of “the organizing myth of the country,” he noted. “The 19th century had a sentimental culture,” Denenberg added. But while Webb apparently viewed the United States as a blessed land abounding in goodness and destined for greatness, her aesthetic wasn’t limited to the art of national self-satisfaction. And she knew high-quality work when she saw it on the auction block. Paintings by two artists — Charles Deas and Carl Rungius — can be seen
A Durang Convergence: Vermont Theater Companies Stage Shows by Tony-Winning Playwright b y xi an ch i an g- waren
hristopher Durang is having a moment. Again. Or maybe it’s more accurate to say that regional theaters across the country — including Vermont’s Lost Nation Theater, Vermont Stage Company and the Weston Playhouse Theatre Company — are having a Christopher Durang moment. Those three Vermont companies chose to stage shows by the Pennsylvaniabased playwright this season. “It really is interesting that, completely independently of one another, we all have Durang fever,” says Kathleen Keenan, codirector of Lost Nation. The Montpelier company will perform Durang Bang, a show of six shorts culled from the playwright’s older works, from June 12 through 29. “It’s a great way for us to start the summer,” Keenan says, “and start it off with a bang, because the show just explodes with laughter. It’s very zany humor. Durang is very much influenced by the screwball comedies of the 1930s or ‘I Love Lucy,’ so it’s got that fun, wild energy to it.”
Durang, 65, who codirects the Lila Acheson Wallace American Playwrights Program at the Juilliard School, took home the 2013 Tony Award for Best Play for Vanya and Sonia and Masha and Spike. The riff on Chekhov dramas is set in a cherry orchard in modern-day Bucks County, Penn., with some story elements, including characters’ names, lifted from Three Sisters. (Durang’s satirical comedies frequently poke fun at the classics; his past works have taken aim at plays by Euripides and Tennessee Williams, among others.) The critical and commercial success of Vanya and Sonia and Masha and Spike led to a resurgence in Durang’s popularity — the playwright’s 40-year career already included multiple Broadway hits and a Pulitzer nomination. “That play is just one of those hotticket shows right now,” says Vermont Stage Company producing artistic director Cristina Alicea, who guesses Vanya will be one of the three most produced
shows nationally this season. “Regional theaters around the country are really having success with that show, because anyone who loves classic writing, who loves Chekhov or who loves comedy, will want to see that play. There’s something
Bake Off, now in its third year, is a full-length production divided in thirds: A different cast and director work on each section of the play, so audiences are treated to three interpretations of the same work all in one show.
It really is interesting that, completely independently of one another, we all have Durang fever. Kath l ee n Kee n an
in it for everyone,” she adds. “It runs the gamut of audiences that you can bring in.” Alicea will direct a production of Vanya in October. In the meantime, she chose a Durang play from the early ’80s, Beyond Therapy, for VSC’s annual Bake Off event, which runs June 10 to 15. That play, one of Durang’s best loved, is about two troubled Manhattanites whose therapists advise them to place personals ads.
Those who can’t wait until October to see Durang’s Tony winner are in luck — the Weston Playhouse’s production of Vanya and Sonia and Masha and Spike runs July 17 through 26. “When I saw it in New York, I fell in love with it,” says Steve Stettler, a producing director at Weston, who will direct the show this summer. “Christopher Durang is one of the great contemporary comic playwrights of American theater. What I
GOT An arts TIP?
as forming a bridge in Webb’s collection between its sappy genre scenes and its half dozen or so powerhouse pieces. Deas (1818-1867) was admired in his day for frontier scenes of Native Americans and fur trappers. The Shelburne owns his masterpiece “The Death Struggle,” a work that is at once outlandishly melodramatic in its subject matter and amazingly complex in its composition. A white hunter and a Native American warrior, both on horseback, are shown sailing off a cliff in the apparent aftermath of a knife fight over a half-dead beaver caught in a trap. The animal is gnawing on the arm of the Native American who, in turn, wields a dagger while clinging fearfully and furiously to his bearded, red-shirted antagonist. Deas’ foreshortening is so effective that viewers become enthralled by this improbable showdown. They might even overlook the racist contrast between a grimacing savage and the handsome, though bug-eyed, figure who commands center stage. Rungius (1869-1959) specialized in romantic renderings of wildlife. One of his paintings in the Webb Gallery’s downstairs rooms combines the theatricality of Deas with the palette of a Whistler nocturne. A caribou is being mauled to
death by wolves on a diagonally sloping, snow-covered hillside beneath a gray sky. The painting manages to be simultaneously operatic and minimalist. Visitors may be even more impressed, however, by Martin Johnson Heade’s close-ups of Brazilian hummingbirds and Albert Bierstadt’s “The Burning Ship,” which juxtaposes a fire at sea with the light of a full moon. “Milking,” by Winslow Homer, is modest in scale but
At that point, Webb, the heiress to a sugar baron’s fortune, was preparing to plunge into the modernist market, Denenberg said. She intended to present a show in her gallery of about a dozen mid-20th-century works that New York dealers had sent to Shelburne for her final perusal prior to anticipated purchases. But Webb postponed the exhibit of works by such nontraditional artists as Georgia O’Keeffe, Charles Sheeler and William Zorach to show a set of paintings by her friend, Grandma Moses. Webb died soon afterward, and the Shelburne never did get to add modernist works to its American art collection. But what’s on display now is well worth a visit to a museum that holds many other treasures — folk art, furniture, quilts, blacksmithing implements and, of course, the Ticonderoga steam boat — bequeathed by Webb, who may rank as Vermont’s most extraordinary benefactor. m
Webb’s aesthetic wasn’t limited to the art of national self-satisfaction. clever and enigmatic in its arrangement of two cows and a man and a woman. What’s the relationship between these two milkers? Brother and sister? Husband and wife? Flirtatious lovers? It’s hard to tell, because the woman in the foreground is turned away from us. And the artist doesn’t provide any hints. Off by itself, in a veritable chapel equipped with pews, hangs Andrew Wyeth’s “Soaring,” the most famous painting in the Webb collection. This 1950 work is also the last and most modern of her purchases.
INFO “Painting a Nation,” a selection of 19thcentury American paintings from the museum’s permanent collection. Webb Gallery, Shelburne Museum. Through October 31.
Experience the Archistream Saturday, June 7, through Monday, September 1, at ECHO Lake Aquarium and Science Center in Burlington.,
friends who were at a similar stage of life. “It felt Chekhovian to him,” Stettler notes. Asked about the rise in Durang’s popularity, which hit an earlier zenith in the 1980s, Stettler suggests that the Tony Award may have simply given “a playwright of enduring strength and resilience” an inroad into “the larger consciousness.”
Durang Bang, produced by Lost Nation Theater, June 12 to 29, Thursdays at 7 p.m., Fridays and Saturdays at 8 p.m., Saturdays and Sundays at 2 p.m., at Montpelier City Hall Arts Center. $10-30. Beyond Therapy, produced by Vermont Stage Company, June 10 to 15, Tuesday through Saturday at 7:30 p.m., Sunday at 2 p.m., at FlynnSpace in Burlington. $28.80-37.50. Vanya and Sonia and Masha and Spike, produced by Weston Playhouse Theatre Company, July 17 to 26, Tuesdays through Saturdays at 7:30 p.m., Wednesdays and Saturdays at 2 p.m., and Sunday at 3 p.m., at Weston Playhouse Theatre. $24-48.
like about this play is that he’s reached a point in his life and in his career where the social satire that’s always present in his work has been kind of beautifully tempered by life experience.” Vanya and Sonia and Masha and Spike was purportedly inspired by Durang’s own midlife musings about his career, and the frustrations of some of his artistic
courtesy of Chris Diego
Durang Bang cast, Lost Nation Theater
giver of form” — Korzun ticks off other plans for the Archistream. It could travel to disaster sites — think postIrene — to foster community discussion with an architect about how and where to rebuild. The AIA could match up a school intending to renovate or re-landscape with an architect who would use the Archistream to engage students in working out solutions. It could collaborate with other entities such as the Preservation Trust of Vermont or the Richmond town energy coordinator — both partnerships are under way — to host informational seminars in the Archistream. Or the vehicle could be towed to the town hall, town green or farmers market of a burg concerned with strengthening its livable center. “Vermont’s population is increasing,” Korzun notes. “Certain areas are sprawling, and towns are losing their sense of community. Architects can play a big part in changing that.” Indeed, the Archistream will be useful for educating the public about the simple fact that “architects don’t just do buildings,” as Miklos points out. Johnson, the Aalto aficionado and another former AIAVT president, says the vehicle will be “hugely useful” for communicating that architecture is “available and important” — and not just for “cool, big stuff” like museums or university buildings. “Architecture is not some mysterious thing for rich people,” Johnson declares. He plans to emphasize that point with his Aalto exhibit. The Finnish master built structures that are “humble, simple, elegant,” Johnson says. “He was very much a humanist. He did a lot of worker housing and town plans. He created modern architectural beauty for everyday citizens.” The Archistream’s first users will be encouraged to create their own architectural beauty, according to Stephen Perkins, director of development and community relations at ECHO. “You could grab a pile of blocks” — the exhibit has put 15,000 identical 4-and-a-half-inch-long KEVA planks at visitors’ disposal — “and bring them into the Archistream and build something on the table in there,” he suggests. “I think it will be tons of fun.” m
“I think Durang has always looked with a wry intelligence at human failures and the failures of a society, and we’re living at a time in which a) we could use humor, and b) we’re all aware that we could do better,” says Stettler. “There’s a lot of reasons he’s very resonant at the moment.” m
Live Streaming « p.26
Dear Cecil,
Do fonts matter? That is, do they affect a reader’s perception of written material? I’m asking not so much about the extremes (e.g., a large font for headlines), but more about the emotional or psychological impact of the font’s design. David Powell, Columbus, Ohio
despair,” I said to my assistant Fierra. “This fellow wants to know if fonts have any psychological impact. That’s like asking if it’s possible to convey emotion with music, or whether color can be used to set a mood. Only an American could ask that question. I may tease you Brits about your dishwashing idiosyncrasies, but when it comes to appreciating the niceties of typography, we Americans aren’t even in the game.” “You’re joking,” said Fierra. “Have you never seen a British tabloid? A slatternly mess of screaming headline fonts that can make the weather report seem like pornography. Hardly testimony to the refined taste of the British public.” “I was thinking more of signage — in the London Underground and on the railways, for example. The thing that epitomizes it for me are those World War II-era posters that became so popular: ‘Keep calm and carry on.’ A classic
stiff-upper-lip British sentiment perfectly married to a no-nonsense font. Seeing it, you think: By God, had the Nazis invaded, these people would have fought to the last ditch.” “They lose something out of context, you know. You don’t get the same impact on a kitchen wall in Pittsburgh.” “I concede this.” “You also realize the posters in question weren’t actually used during World War II. They were done up in 1939, in anticipation of some particularly grim test of wartime morale, but never were distributed and went undiscovered until 2000. The enthusiasm for them in the UK is recent and driven by nostalgia. You may think they capture the essence of British pluck. Well, that’s what Britons would like to think, too. “Finally, since you mention all these things together, I ought to say the typefaces used in the Tube, on the railways and in the ‘Keep calm’ poster, while bearing a strong resemblance, in fact are three different fonts.”
“I know that perfectly well,” I said, “and it reinforces my point. The Tube font, an updated version of which is still used in Underground signage and on the iconic map, is now known as Johnston, after the man commissioned to design it in 1913. Like the map that came later, it’s a fully realized work of art, among other things featuring tiny diamonds for the dots above lowercase I and J. “I find that astonishing. In the United States, or at any rate in Chicago, the transit maps of the era were lettered in a workmanlike but hardly inspired all-caps gothic. In the UK, in contrast, the management commissioned its own typeface, the better to distinguish its messages from the commercial clutter. The emotional and psychological impact of a well-designed font was well understood.
Little Ed now stirred himself. “I’m not especially observant, but I notice fonts,” he said. “The old typeface used on signs on the interstates, commonly called Highway Gothic, is being phased out in favor of a new one, Clearview. The project was begun years ago without publicity, but the change has been obvious to anyone who looked, and so was the reason for it: Clearview is easier to read. “I pointed out the improvements to my wife while driving one day: ‘The X-height is taller, the counters within lowercase letters like E are larger and the lowercase L has a serif to distinguish it from capital I and 1.’” “I presume she had no idea what you were talking about,“ Fierra said. “No.” “Few in the UK would have any notion either, notwithstanding the much greater awareness of typography in the digital age. It has nothing to do with the sensibilities of the British versus. American publics, and everything to do with being a font geek. It’s like having hearing in the range of a dog’s, and about as useful. You’re attuned to details of which most people are barely aware.”
Is there something you need to get straight? Cecil Adams can deliver the Straight Dope on any topic. Write Cecil Adams at the Chicago Reader, 11 E. Illinois, Chicago, IL 60611, or
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“Nor did it stop there. Gill Sans, the font used in British railway signage until the 1960s, was designed by an apprentice to Johnston, and the creator of the ‘Keep calm’ font was clearly aware of both. One senses in all three typefaces a steely, Churchillian resolve coupled with a nod to the practical: We shall never surrender. Mind the gap.” Fierra rolled her eyes. “You’re too hard on Americans. They may have been oblivious to typography years ago, but that’s less true than it used to be. Look at the 2008 presidential campaign. The Obama campaign was praised for using the recently designed font Gotham in its graphics, which was seen as fresh and bold, emblematic of a new generation, in contrast to the dated typefaces of the McCain and Clinton campaigns, which suggested they were mired in the past. I don’t say Gotham was entirely responsible for Obama’s victory. But it reinforced an impression carefully crafted by an organization that, where image was concerned, seldom took a step wrong.”
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5/30/14 2:44 PM
WHISKEY TANGO FOXTROT by ethan de seife
matthew thorsen
A bicyclist heading south on North Avenue
Typical cross section of North Ave. between Washington St. and North St. Courtesy of Burlington Department of Public Works
Characteristically narrow New England streets don’t help. They were laid out many years before the term “bike lane” was coined. The city has addressed similar traffic dilemmas in the past by physically widening the streets, but this is a noisy, costly process to which Losch, for one, seems disinclined. At present, a cyclist has two options when confronted with the disappearance of the bike lane at Washington Street: Share the road with cars or ride on the sidewalk. (Depot Street, a steep, downhill, no-carsallowed road that empties into Waterfront Park, is an exhilarating alternative, but its northern entrance is about five heavily trafficked blocks south of Washington.)
Riding alongside moving (and parked) cars can be dicey for cyclists. And, while riding on the sidewalk is not technically illegal on this stretch of road, owing precisely to the absence of a bike lane, it can result in angry or injured pedestrians. None of the options is ideal, a fact well known at Public Works. The ongoing North Avenue Corridor Study was designed, in part, to remediate the problem of the area’s inconsistent bike lanes. DPW is considering a wide range of solutions, including remarking roads for maximum clarity. But the challenges are numerous. “It depends on the situation, but sometimes we do need some extra funding” for such projects, e.g., when a curb would
be physically moved, says Losch. “Other times, you have to figure out where you want to have those hard conversations: Do we need parking here?” For the moment, judging by the responses to an online survey DPW conducted, the answer is yes: This section of North Avenue is sufficiently densely developed to require street parking. “We could hold off on striping bike lanes until we could have a continuous network everywhere,” says Losch, “or we can chip away at it, and try to piece it all together. Our strategy has been ‘Let’s get what we can and try to fill in the blanks, but where we have the ability to put the bike lane in — though it’s not ideal by any means — let’s try to get something in and keep working to try to improve it.’” She adds, “We’ve done all the easy projects so far. Now we’re into the more difficult ones. We don’t want to come in and just overhaul a street if it’s not what’s really right for that part of town.” DPW continues to solicit input on the project at For the time being, cyclists will have to trust that the city is working on the problem, strap on their helmets and pedal with caution. m
INFO Outraged, or merely curious, about something? Send your burning question to 06.04.14-06.11.14 SEVEN DAYS WTF 31
orth Avenue, one of Burlington’s busiest north-south thoroughfares, presents a challenge for the law-abiding bicyclist. A cyclist pedaling north from downtown to, say, Burlington College has a well-marked bike lane that provides safety and guidance. However, a cyclist headed south through the same neighborhood will find a bike path that, around the intersection with Washington Street, abruptly vanishes. In place of that path, there’s typically a line of parked cars. Cyclists are obliged to find their own paths through the downtown business district, as a southbound bike lane does not reappear until Pine Street. In a city that prides itself on supporting alternative transportation, WTF is up with this “broken” bike lane in such a heavily traveled artery? The intermittence of the North Avenue bike lane is just one node in a network of interrelated transportation dilemmas that are informed by Burlington’s history, geography and economic development. The leadership of Burlington’s Department of Public Works is fully aware of these issues and has both commissioned a study of and solicited public input on the North Avenue corridor. No simple solution has yet presented itself. It’s easy enough to have both northand southbound bike lanes on the milelong section of North Avenue between Washington Street and Institute Road, says Nicole Losch, transportation planner at the DPW. “There’s very little development [in that area],” she says. “You’ve got [Lakeview] Cemetery on one side, you’ve got a handful of houses on the east side, and then the high school and Arms Park. Because there is very little parking demand through there, it was a little bit easier to continue the bike lane on both sides.” South of that point, though, Losch admits, the problem becomes significantly more vexing. Starting at the intersection of North Avenue and Washington Street, the development is “much more compact,” as she puts it. All of a sudden there are more houses — some of them multifamily dwellings, most of them located close to the street and many of them with driveways that do not accommodate all the vehicles at that address. Compounding the difficulties for cyclists is Burlington’s dumbbell-like shape, with a bulge of streets at either end of the slender connecting “bar” that is North Avenue. The Intervale — the large, reclaimed, treasured green space bounded by the Winooski River, Route 127 and a railway line — prevents roadway expansion.
Why is there an intermittent bike lane on Burlington’s North Avenue?
The drive is under way to find Burlington’s long-term parking solutions B Y KEN PICAR D
ate Wildfire often tells people, “Parking is emotional.” As assistant director of Burlington’s Community and Economic Development Office (CEDO), he should know. In recent months, Wildfire has been asking downtown business owners, arts organizations, neighborhood groups and members of the faith community how they feel about parking in Burlington. The question rarely evokes warm and fuzzy responses. Vinny Lizotte, owner of LeZot Camera Repair, can say in three words how his customers felt about parking downtown. “They hated it,” he says. For 36 years, Lizotte did business on upper Church Street. Last week, he notified his customers via email that he’d relocated his repair shop to Williston, specifically because of Burlington’s parking headaches. (LeZot Camera Center, a separately owned retail store, remains at its original Church Street location.) Lizotte heard from customers how much they detested spending 20 to 30 minutes searching for parking, then hiking several blocks to his shop, often with bulky photography gear in tow. “It was really an eye-opener,” Lizotte says. “Every day, at least two or three customers comments, ‘I’m so glad you’re out here [in Williston].’” LeZot isn’t the first business driven out of downtown by parking hassles. In September 2010, Gallagher Flynn & Company relocated all 70 of its Burlington employees from 77 College Street, where the financial firm had offices for more than three decades, to Technology Park in South Burlington. Greg Bourgea, co-managing partner of Gallagher Flynn and a Burlington native, explains that while the parking
situation wasn’t the “driving factor” behind the move, it was definitely “in the mix” of the decision-making process. Before the move, he says, Gallagher Flynn was spending $50,000 to $60,000 a year for its employees to park in the city-owned garage across the street from its offices. Yet, despite the convenience, the perk wasn’t worth the price for many employees. “I do not miss parking downtown one iota,” ,” says Michelle Cann, another Gallagher Flynn partner who worked in the Burlington office for more than a decade. She describes the parking situation as “personally uncomfortable for me.” Car break-ins were frequent, she recalls, as were reports of employees’ vehicles getting damaged. Cann and others felt so uncomfortable in the garage that the office implemented a program whereby women leaving work after-hours walked each other out — or found a male employee to escort them to their cars. “We don’t have covered parking where we are now,” Cann adds, “but I’ll take that far and away over the parking situation in Burlington.” It’s not exactly breaking news that people have strong, usually negative feelings about parking in Burlington. But there’s another emotion around parking that’s starting to spread, too: excitement. Last summer, Wildfire, along with Kelly Devine, executive director of the Burlington Business Association, and Chapin Spencer, director of public works, began building a diverse coalition of public and private entities to address the parking problems in a holistic
We asked Seven Days readers on Facebook and Twitter to give us one word they’d use to describe parking in Burlington. We grouped the 278 responses we received by general sentiment and presented all of those as a word cloud. The larger the word, the more people mentioned it. To explore this word cloud in depth, see the story on our website.
Where’s the parking? See this story on our website for a map of parking spots in downtown Burlington.
Marketplace garage
» P.34
Indeed, when Seven Days asked its own readers online to describe Burlington’s parking situation in just one word, a few described it as “adequate,” “easy” and “plentiful.” But far more chose words such as “ghastly,” “abysmal,” “Sisyphean” and “clusterfuck.” (See word cloud.) The importance of such feedback, Wildfire emphasized, is to identify
garages back up; “disgust” with the garages’ uncleanliness, “sketchiness” and overall state of disrepair; “fear” about parking in remote, dimly lit and seemingly unsafe locations, especially at night; “stress” about rushing to feed meters; and “anger” when drivers discover a parking ticket on their windshield or, worse, that their car has been towed. The No. 1 complaint, according to Wildfire: the hassle of finding, or making, change so drivers can feed parking meters.
way. As Devine first discovered in 2011 when the BBA started polling its members, parking was the primary complaint of downtown business owners. So last November, the city hosted a national “parking summit” that included representatives from 10 other U.S. cities to hear how they’ve tackled their own parking issues. The summit featured a keynote address by national parking guru parking meters that can be paid with Jeffrey Tumlin from Nelson/Nygaard credit cards and cellphones. Ultimately, the goal of all these studConsulting Associates of San Francisco, who suggested some intriguing solu- ies, emphasizes Devine, is to identify tions to Burlington’s parking woes (see “real solutions for how parking can work best in Burlington.” sidebar). But before any of Soon thereafter, these changes are the city council adopted citywide, passed a resoluWildfire, Devine and tion creating an 11Spencer are listening member Downtown to the public about Parking Advisory what’s working and Committee to come what’s not. up with a “compreTwo weeks ago, hensive approach to John Killacky, exparking management.” ecutive director of Since then, the city has the Flynn Center for commissioned four the Performing Arts separate studies, with and a member of the nationally recognized parking advisory consulting firms, to excommittee, hosted a amine different aspects NATE WILDFIRE meeting of about 35 of Burlington’s traffic representatives of and parking system. One currently under way is assessing the local restaurants and performing arts physical state of the city’s four publicly organizations, including the Vermont owned garages. Another will analyze the Symphony Orchestra, Vermont Youth residential parking program, and yet an- Orchestra and Lyric Theatre Company. other will explore ways of moving com- As DPW’s Spencer emphasized at the muters in and out of downtown quickly beginning of the meeting, “We want to hear the good, the bad and the ugly.” and more efficiently. That they did. Among the most freAlso in the works are several pilot projects scheduled to begin later this quently heard words were “confusion” year that involve some nifty 21st-century about where people can park and how digital solutions (see sidebar), such as much it costs; “frustration” when the
Space Race « P.33
Jon Kohn and his mother, Viola, feeding a meter on College Street
John Killacky
problems that city planners and even outside consultants might not discover on their own. For example, Syndi Zook, executive director of Lyric, which holds its performances at the Flynn, noted that about 200 of her members self-identify as needing handicapped parking. That’s far more than the city will ever be able to provide on nearby streets. But as Wildfire explained, one of the biggest problems Burlington faces with parking is that of perception, including the widely held belief that the city has a severe parking shortage that can only be fixed by building more garages. That’s not likely to happen anytime soon. What Burlington needs, he emphasized, is not necessarily more parking but smarter parking. Wildfire points to the Corporate Plaza parking garage on St. Paul Street, between College and Bank streets. This garage typically has more than 100
spaces available on Friday and Saturday nights. And because it’s a block and a half from the Flynn’s front door, he says, many theatergoers are “really comfortable” using it. In fact, one perk of being a Flynn donor of more than $250 is a free pass to that garage on “Flynn nights.”
However, another 200-space parking garage is equidistant from the Flynn — the Courthouse Plaza garage on South Winooski. Yet it typically remains underused, even on nights when a Flynn show is sold out. Why? Wildfire suggests it’s because it’s located in a less-familiar location. “If your experience is, ‘It smells, it’s dark, it’s scary, I’m not sure who I pay or how much I pay or when,’ that’s six more reasons why people don’t park in that structure,” he said. Last week, Seven Days talked with Wildfire, Devine, Spencer and Mathew Chabot, general manager of the Burlington Town Center and chair of the Downtown Parking Advisory Committee, about some of the myths and realities of Burlington’s parking situation. One thing was clear: The “change” needed for parking in Burlington will take more than just nickels, dimes and quarters.
In November 2013, national parking expert Jeffrey Tumlin, of Nelson/Nygaard Consulting Associates in San Francisco, gave the keynote address at Burlington’s national parking summit. Tumlin, who has helped bigger cities including Washington, D.C., Portland, Ore., Denver, Colo., Vancouver, B.C. and Seattle, Wash., address their parking troubles, offered some intriguing, and at times counterintuitive advice for the Queen City. “Parking is expensive,” Tumlin pointed out, putting the price at about $20,000 per space. “Empty parking spaces are a spectacular waste of money.” Upon learning that as much as one-third of Burlington’s downtown parking spots are vacant at any given time, he added, “That’s a lot of money that could have gone to something else to benefit your downtown businesses.” Nationally, as much as 30 percent of all traffic in downtowns is generated by people driving around looking for parking. Eliminating just 10 percent of those cars, through such programs as car-share incentives, typically makes the city’s traffic and parking woes go away. What should Burlington do? Below are some of Tumlin’s tips for creating a “smarter” parking system: ADOPT “SMART” PARKING METERS. “How many of your businesses,” Tumlin asked, “only accept coins for payment?” Unlike Burlington’s 1930s-era meters, 21st-century parking meters should accept all forms of payment that “normal people” have on them at any given time. He suggested adopting systems such as paying by cellphone and text messaging, which would alert patrons when their meters are about to expire — and allow them to instantly feed the meter by phone at the touch of a button. Washington, D.C., first enabled drivers to pay for parking meters via cellphones three years ago; 70 percent of its drivers now do so.
As Tumlin explained, smart meters enable cities to adjust their rates daily, weekly, seasonally and for special events. Such technologies can also provide real-time data to city planners about who’s visiting their city, when, from where and for how long. In short, he concluded, “People have no problem paying $3 for a cup of coffee. If you charge $1 more for parking, it won’t be a problem if you make it easy for people to pay.” According to Spencer, DPW is moving forward on a 90-day pilot project later this year to bring both single-head smart meters and multi-space parking kiosks, like the ones in Montréal, that will accept payment by debit and credit cards and, perhaps, cellphones. Spencer says DPW is also talking about the day when meters and kiosks are unnecessary. Drivers will simply pull into a spot and use a parking app on their phone that identifies their vehicle and pays automatically. Over the coming months, the city will also be installing debit- and credit-card payment
lanes in the city-owned garages. Further down the road, Burlington might consider an automated E-ZPass-type technology, similar to the kind used on the New York State Thruway and other highways nationwide, to speed drivers through parking garages and bill them automatically. How will all those technologies be paid for? According to Spencer, the city is “exploring all options,” including private leasing and a public-private partnership. USE SMART TECHNOLOGIES TO IDENTIFY EMPTY SPACES. There’s no reason why Burlington should build new parking structures, Tumlin noted, when it’s infinitely cheaper to help drivers find the 35 percent of spaces currently vacant. Some cities, such as San Francisco and Santa Monica, Calif., have installed road sensors that inform and direct drivers, via free smartphone apps, where those spaces are located and what they cost. Such technologies can and do work in colder climates.
Jeffrey Tumlin
RIGHT-PRICE PARKING. Tumlin says that the nation’s best parking systems balance supply and demand, setting parking rates based on geography. Thus, prices should be higher the closer you get to the downtown core, with rates on the street two to five times higher than in garages, as people generally prefer to park on the street. Ultimately, the goal is to have about 15 percent of parking available at any given time, he explained, which allows drivers to always find a spot — and to generate enough revenue for the system to be self-sustaining. RIGHT-TIME PARKING. Pasadena, Calif., extended its parking meter hours until midnight. Did that kill its nightlife, as some might fear would happen in Burlington? Nope, Tumlin explained. It actually helped the city become one of most vibrant entertainment destinations in Los Angeles County, because people are now always able to find parking. Moreover, if parking demand is the same on Sundays as it is on Saturdays, Tumlin suggested that Burlington should charge for parking on Sundays, too. “It doesn’t say anywhere in Leviticus that parking needs to be free on the day of the Lord.” REINVEST PARKING REVENUES. It’s critical to be conscious, and very public, about where
Myth: Burlington has a severe parking shortage. rEAlitY: Burlington actually has more than 8,500 parking spaces downtown alone, including more than 4,400 in publicly owned garages that offer two hours of free parking. Nevertheless, at any given time, about one-third of those spaces are vacant. That’s true even during peak usage times, such as the July 3 fireworks display and the Burlington City Marathon. Why? Because many drivers don’t know where they are. Meanwhile, most private parking lots, such as those owned by downtown businesses and churches, are prominently signed with warnings that unauthorized vehicles will be towed, 24 hours a day. That’s because there’s no incentive for their owners to make them available to the public — or be absolved of liability if an accident occurs there.
In the next few weeks, Desman Associates, a national parking consulting firm, will be in Burlington gathering and analyzing data in order to help the city develop a “downtown Burlington parking and travel management plan.” Desman will be looking at how the city can integrate various new technologies and work with private asset holders to use existing parking more efficiently. The city council expects to see the results of that study by March 2015.
Myth: Burlington is phasing out its twohours-free parking program.
rEAlitY: Burlington cannot eliminate the two-hour free parking program without first changing the city’s charter SPACE RACE
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shopping district more than other shoppers,” he said. “Putting people in a parking lane makes them more visible.”
gEt SmArt About rESiDENtiAl pArkiNg. In Austin, Texas, where neighborhoods around the University of Texas had many spaces available during the day, the city allowed those neighborhoods to “sell” a limited number to university commuters — then use the revenues for neighborhoodimprovement projects. Other cities, including San Francisco, are considering eliminating residential parking altogether and switching to “market-based solutions,” such as parking permit auctions. Hoboken, N.J., which had 9,000 on-street spots but 17,536 residential parking permits, put car-share vehicles on nearly every corner. Residents who agreed to surrender their parking permits were offered two years of free car-share memberships, a six-month bus pass and other perks.
FlEx Your pArkiNg. Parking is incredibly valuable real estate. Mountain View, Calif., designed a parking lane that allows merchants to “commandeer” spaces in front of their restaurants and stores for outdoor seating and sales. If you allow restaurants more outdoor seating, Tumlin noted, it increases sales revenues by as much as 30 percent. “Nothing attracts shoppers to a
parking revenues go, Tumlin said. Pasadena gave some of its parking revenue to downtown merchants, who use it to steamclean their sidewalks every night. A waste of money? Not at all, he said. The city more than made up the difference with increased sales tax revenues.
ElimiNAtE miNimum pArkiNg rEquirEmENtS For NEw DEVElopmENt. Parking isn’t just expensive for drivers, Tumlin explained. It’s also expensive to residents, as there’s a strong link between the cost of parking and housing affordability. In San Francisco, every parking space added to a new residential unit ups the price of housing by 15 to 30 percent and decreases the number of units available by 15 to 25 percent. In short, Tumlin suggested, there’s no more effective tool for addressing the housing affordability crisis than to decrease the parking spaces developers are required to build. While that idea would likely meet stiff resistance in Burlington, Tumlin pointed out that many cities around the country are now eliminating their minimum parking requirements — in fact, the UK made mandatory minimums illegal because they “only create social harm.”
Matthew Thorsen
When Joanne Bottger’s pregnant friend totaled a vehicle three years ago, Bottger decided she could live without her old Saturn for a few months and lent it to her friend. After all, she has a short commute from her home on Flynn Avenue to her office in Burlington City Hall. ‘We’ll be fine,’ Bottger recalls telling her friend. “It turned out to be really fine, so we got rid of [the car] altogether.” Bottger signed up for CarShare Vermont. The Burlington-based nonprofit keeps a fleet of modern energy-efficient vehicles parked around town that its members can rent by the hour or day and pay for by the mile. The program enables Bottger to pay for a car only when she needs one — about two or three times a month for personal trips — saving her about $6,000 annually in fuel, insurance, parking and maintenance. CarShare Vermont’s parking spaces are close to her office; there’s one just outside city hall. Another, about a half mile from her house, is less convenient, which she says is actually a good thing. It makes her more thoughtful about when she drives. “When people car-share, they undeniably drive less — about 50 percent,” explains Annie Bourdon, who founded CarShare Vermont in December 2008 with just eight vehicles at six locations. The fleet has since expanded to 15 vehicles, including a pickup truck and minivan, at 15 locations throughout Burlington and Winooski. A 16th vehicle is due to be added in the next few weeks. As Bourdon explains, car-sharing converts the expense of car ownership into “obvious, tangible, bite-sized pieces where you see what you’re going to pay for the time you drive … It makes that cost much more transparent and easier to compare with other modes of transportation.” Many of the organization’s 900 members report reducing their household’s number of cars from two to one, or from one to zero. In fact, their own data reveal that for every vehicle CarShare Vermont puts into service, 15 are removed from the road. (The organization claims to add 25 new members each month.)
Matthew Thorsen
CarShare Vermont: Burlington’s leanest, greenest parking solution
Empty spaces in Burlington Town Center garage
Space Race « p.35
Joanne Bottger
Since nearly all its cars are small and fuel efficient — half are hybrids — CarShare Vermont can make a big dent in Burlington’s carbon footprint and its parking problem. Unsurprisingly, about a quarter of CarShare members are Millennials 18 to 34 years old, many of them college students, Bourdon adds. But while one might assume that car sharing is an option favored by lowand moderate-income families only, that’s not the case. According to Bourdon, about 20 percent of her members earn between $50,000 and $75,000 a year, 13 percent earn $75,000 to $100,000 and 13 percent earn more than $100,000. National parking expert Jeffrey Tumlin noted last year that every car removed from a household enables that family to afford an additional $100,000 on their mortgage. That’s quite a savings, Bourdon notes, especially considering that the average American car is driven less than one hour per day. For Bottger, there’s an additional perk: “I get to drive nicer cars now,” she adds, “much nicer than I could afford.”
— something city officials neither need nor want to do. As Devine explains, the two-hour free parking program was first implemented in 1999 by then-mayor Peter Clavelle as a way to get people to use the parking garages. The program gave the city the authority to collect about $306,000 annually in fees from commercial properties in a 19-block “downtown improvement district” to subsidize the two-hoursfree program in the city’s three public garages as well as the privately owned Burlington Town Center (BTC) garage. Great idea, but the program has become a victim of its own success, Devine explains. Today, between twothirds and three-quarters of the motorists who use the garages never pay a dime, according to the Department of Public Works. As a result, the revenues from the 25 percent who do pay — even with the $306,000 annual subsidy — don’t cover the garages’ operating and maintenance expenses. They now operate at a deficit of more than $250,000. Some of the recent confusion about the program going away, explains BTC’s Chabot, is that the mall has been paying $20,000 a year into that parking fund, while also paying to maintain its own garage — in a sense, getting doubledipped. So last month, the city council gave BTC permission to withdraw from the two-hour-free program. That change is expected to take effect by July 1. But Chabot emphasizes that the Town Center is exploring a program that would allow stores to validate patrons’ parking tickets. DPW’s Spencer also notes that another current study, to be completed by July, is looking exclusively at the city’s three downtown parking garages
— the Marketplace garage on South Winooski, the College Street garage behind the Hilton Burlington Hotel and the Lakeview garage adjacent to Macy’s. All are 30 to 40 years old, as is the BTC garage, and are operating at a deficit, resulting in long-deferred maintenance. “We need a sustainable parking system,” Spencer adds. “We do not have one right now.”
Myth: The only way to improve downtown parking is to charge more for it. Reality: The city is exploring various options to pay for long-deferred maintenance, improvements and upgrades. They may include parking rates that change seasonally or even by day of the week; longer hours of parking enforcement, but perhaps even lower flat rates for high-volume days, such as marathon day and July 3. Depending upon what the consultants recommend, says Spencer, parking rates may increase in some areas but decrease in others. Currently the city has to go before the public works commission and ask permission to change its parking fees, and then send a worker out to physically change every meter by hand, Spencer says. Adopting new technologies would allow that all to be done with the touch of a button. No matter what the consultants come back with, Devine emphasizes, the goal is to create a parking system that’s “dynamic, changing, and constantly being tweaked depending upon the need and traffic flow.” And, Wildfire adds, whatever new system is adopted will still accept spare change. m
June 12 to 22 26th edition
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Sound Sleep
A local didgeridoo player shows his students how making noise can lead to healthier rest B y E t h an de S ei f e
Pitz Quattrone
Pitz Quattrone’s next didgeridoo/sleep apnea workshop will take place on three successive Tuesdays beginning June 10, 7 p.m., at the Vermont Naturopathic Clinic in South Burlington. $75 plus cost of didgeridoo. Register at
ever may be going on in the physiologies of didge-playing sleep apnea sufferers. But he does know that he sees results in the people who take his classes geared toward treating that ailment. He observes that students who practice the didge even for a few class sessions soon start to produce exhalations of greater volume. He speculates that the playing “opens up your airways” and increases lung capacity. Playing the didgeridoo, Quattrone says, “uses your cheek muscles, lungs, belly, diaphragm, nasal passages — everything is involved.
Pitz Quat tro ne
It’s like a workout for things that usually don’t get that kind of exercise.” Indeed, the British Medical Journal study suggests that it’s the circular breathing, in which didge players breathe through their noses and blow through their mouths to create sustained notes, that creates positive physiological effects. In confirming Quattrone’s “workout” hypothesis, naturopathic physician Michael Stadtmauer from the Vermont Naturopathic Clinic in South Burlington refers to another study that compared apnea rates in musicians. The 2012 study, published in the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine, found that oboe players have significantly lower rates of sleep apnea than horn players, owing largely to the former group’s greater use of their throat muscles. “This lends evidence to the idea that we can exercise the muscles of the throat and palate and, by toning them, can achieve a state where that area is more open,” says Stadtmauer, a didgeridoo player himself. Playing the didge, he says, strengthens the throat muscles to the point where they are less likely to collapse during sleep, thus staving off the worst effects of apnea. Harder medical science, though characteristically cautious, is in general
agreement with that hypothesis. Garrick Applebee, medical director of the Vermont Regional Sleep Center and an assistant professor of neurology and pediatrics at the University of Vermont College of Medicine, confirms that, inasmuch as playing the didgeridoo can strengthen the muscles of the upper airway, it can be an effective treatment for sleep apnea. One medical apnea treatment, which uses implantable electrodes to stimulate the throat muscles to contract, does a very similar thing. “The tautness of the muscles makes collapse less likely,” Applebee says. He notes that, though current data are too sparse and inconclusive to suggest a specific course of treatment, he “would never encourage people not to” play the didgeridoo to treat their apnea. Applebee suggests that patients add the practice to an existing course of medical or clinical treatment. Quattrone says he never expected his enthusiasm for the didgeridoo to translate into medical benefits for others. In fact, though he knew about the treatment for years, a variety of other projects kept pushing to the back burner this application of his instrument. But after a friend’s encouragement, he decided to offer a class for apnea sufferers. That first series of classes concluded in mid-May, and, with Stadtmauer’s support, was successful enough to inspire another series. Quattrone is now an ardent promoter of the instrument’s healing potential. “I really feel that this is a big part of my life’s work now, for as long as I’m around,” he says. With the intention of teaching apneafocused classes throughout Vermont, Quattrone plans to reach out to the state’s practitioners of naturopathic medicine. And one day, he hopes to teach those classes around the world. “I’m all for helping as many people as I can,” he says, “in as many places.” m
didge.” A musician and music teacher who lives in East Montpelier, he has been playing the didgeridoo for 20 years. In his hands it is a surprisingly versatile instrument. On his self-released solo albums, Quattrone happily hops from genre to genre. Quattrone, a friendly and enthusiastic guy, takes care to stress that he is not a medical professional, and doesn’t fully understand the science behind what-
It’s like a workout for things that usually don’t get that kind of exercise. Enter the didgeridoo. The indigenous Australian wind instrument is as simple as its sounds are unearthly. The first didgeridoos were made from termite-hollowed branches of eucalyptus trees; today, they are made from many kinds of woods, and some are even made of PVC pipe or glass. The sound produced by the didgeridoo is unforgettable — a low, droning bellow that one enthusiast from described as “wild and haunting.” Pitz Quattrone, 51, is familiar with the instrument that he lovingly calls “the
Courtesy of Erika Mitchell
usic has been described as the language that unifies us all. And indeed, many can relate to its beneficial qualities. But it’s not every day that we look to an instrument to heal. On its website, the American Music Therapy Association lists different ways that clinical music therapy can help people with medical issues, from increasing communication capabilities in children with autism to lessening the effects of dementia in older patients. Though this kind of treatment is still fairly new, and the exact nature of its purported effects is not yet understood, music therapy is a growing field that is attracting serious medical inquiry. Among the instruments that may have a positive medical benefit is perhaps a less obvious one: the didgeridoo. And the benefit lies not so much in listening as in playing. A 2005 study published in the British Medical Journal concluded that playing the didgeridoo for at least 20 minutes a day, five times a week produced significant improvements in people with a moderate form of sleep apnea. The respiratory condition, which causes an obstruction of the airway, may affect as many as 22 million Americans, according to the American Sleep Apnea Association. Its symptoms range from chronic fatigue to irritability to cardiovascular problems. And its causes are sometimes linked to weakened throat muscles.
Citizen of Resistance Book review: Naturalization, Estefania Puerta B y J ul i a shipl ey
hat about genocide? Is that not a haunted book we carry?” asks poet Estefania Puerta at the beginning of her first collection, Naturalization, published by Honeybee Press. Honeybee, the Queen City’s purveyor of local artisanal literature, has published books by several Vermontbased poets, including Robert McKay, Edie Rhoads, Nicholas Spengler and the press’s founder, Benjamin Aleshire. (Aleshire often decamps to New Orleans, where the press is now partially based.) Honeybee began publishing books in 2011, funded in part by a grant from the Vermont Arts Council and the National Endowment for the Arts, and has released five titles to date. Though each edition — crafted with hand-sewn binding and antique-letterpress covers — is remarkable for its distinctive voice and agile writing, the agitated verses of Naturalization buzz louder than anything else in the press’ hive. At the outset, Puerta, who describes herself as a Colombian raised in a Bostonian context (and who now lives and works in Burlington), alerts us to her concerns. She opens her collection of the horrifying and the beautiful (and the horrifyingly beautiful) with a quote from French feminist writer Hélène Cixous: “Death, slaughter, indifference, to be able to arrive alive a woman in front of an orange full of life, we must be able to think of six million cadavers.” All 34 of Naturalization’s poems confront experiences of the human body, especially the female body — the hurt it can bear, the sickness that can occupy it, the life it can engender and the way it can persist in living despite or beside the specter of genocide — a word Puerta uses in a broad, figurative sense. She recently told Seven Days that none of the poems refer to any specific massacre, but rather to “the great tragedy … how many lives and facets of ourselves have died and gathered into a mass of ‘something we once were.’” In the title poem, as in many others, Puerta faces that mass of “something” that feeds life: “On a rain soaked Wednesday afternoon / … hotdog
From Naturalization: “Santa Maria de las Flores” We climb up to her home To see her skin draped over the hill Like an abandoned flag After a tragic duel With her own body She is sewn together By the diseases That made a dried well Out of her lips And a valley of flowers beneath her Lungs where she could not breathe anymore Santa Maria de las Flores Moans at the top of the hill Like an empty covenant out of holy water
She spreads her tender arms gently To give slender shade to her Swollen grandchildren who Peck at dirt and bottles To find the depleted nutrients of A second-hand world She looks up at me and Barely whispers God knows When it is our time to go As the rain spills itself onto bells That shake their golden bodies For all the Honduran women To take out their rosary beads And caress their Mother’s veils
vendors sell the last intestines, / the bowels of other animals / who fucked and shat before us…” Puerta’s writing is sensuous, unflinching and sometimes livid in its consideration of bodies. In “Good-bye Friends,” she offers a litany from an infirm speaker whose body surrenders “because it hurts when I eat / because I have this hand broken / … because I cough until sunrise,” yielding to the martial law of mortality. In “Nariño” (which is the name of both a town and region of Colombia), we meet a man walking the streets in a general’s coat with a cane “that must have been found in a landfill.” Puerta writes, “He has nothing to eat / His eyes are filled with misery / His pockets engorged with nothing.” Readers searching for comforting poems or descriptions of Vermont scenery should look elsewhere: Puerta’s work makes assertions, issues commands, accuses and taunts. For example, in “Here,” she begins, “this is the chauvinist parade / welcome to the testicles … here is the cum. / here is the spit. / here is the ow.” In a prose passage near the book’s end, Puerta’s feisty verse addresses an unspecified regime: “I have given you all my tongues (and yet we keep making more, keep accumulating saliva), I have given you all my bodies (and yet we keep adding flesh), I have given you all my futures (how many wombs now?).” She continues: “To tie all the broken bones together with sturdy bones, to bruise meats, to give quick births to something that still needs its organs, this animal is horrifyingly beautiful and goes through many molting phases.” Puerta thwarts any readers trying to extrapolate references to geopolitics from such language. The “animal” in the above passage, she says in an interview, “represents a living creature that breathes in silence, but I would side more on it being representative of resistance. But really, it is also about love and how two or three or a million people can love one another and create this tertiary force that breathes and eats on its own.” Readers may find that Puerta’s voice
noW open and verse recall the torments explored by other celebrated Spanish-speaking poets such as Federico García Lorca and Nobel Prize-winning Juan Ramón Jiménez. Puerta’s poetry also confronts the curses of humanity and describes the inescapable darkness of human consciousness, when, for instance, she declares, “We make love that / can cause metal to melt into / our own caskets and crosses.” But Puerta is not campaigning to be the literary daughter of these celebrated poets. Instead she allies herself, when pressed to do so, with other female artists, such as Cixous and Frida Kahlo. In their spirit, she confronts
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Naturalization by Estefania Puerta, Honeybee Press, 60 pages. $10. Estefania Puerta reads from the book on Friday, June 13, 6 p.m., at Radio Bean in Burlington.
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life-and-death tensions — capturing, for instance, the duende of a woman capable of giving birth. She describes one of the “Marias” — the young homeland females — “laughing and crying / occasionally placing palm to womb to feel the Incha [the fetus who may grow into a fist-pumping soccer fan] who will replace her.” Strident, righteous, Puerta’s Naturalization reads like a script that could be enacted — even danced to — by a troupe in the Bread and Puppet Theater vein. Every poem in this collection carries an awareness of the miraculous, mortal, mortifying body — the sum of which knowledge, as Puerta’s title suggests, is the process one undertakes to become a citizen of the damned/ blessed nation called Humanity. m
All 34 of NAturAlizAtioN’s poems coNfroNt experieNces of the humAN body, especially the female body.
We’re here when you need us.
Zen and the Art of Menu Planning Taste Test: Phoenix Table and Bar
ew foods are as emotionally satisfying as a perfect waffle. Jack Pickett and Joshua Bard know that much. At their new Stowe restaurant, Phoenix Table and Bar, the pair formerly behind Frida’s Taqueria and Grill treat diners to not one but two excellent waffle dishes. The pair’s waffle is at once savory and just a bit sweet, crisp outside and pillowy within, whether served in a dinner or dessert context. In the past couple of years, practically every contemporary American restaurant to open in Vermont has debuted with chicken and waffles on the menu, and Phoenix Table is no exception. Its version stands out with well-brined, uncommonly spiced pieces of poultry (turmeric, cardamom and cloves are just a few of the exotic flavors in the blend), confetticolored root-vegetable slaw and a slather of homemade rhubarb jam. Come dessert time, it would not be redundant to order those same waffles in sundae form. Two waffle slabs, fresh from the iron, slowly melt scoops of vanilla ice cream, all liberally coated in rich, hot fudge. Breakfast for dinner and dessert? Sure. An oyster bar and standout soft-shell crab in landlocked Vermont? Why
Softshell crab and grits
not? Phoenix is the product of two restaurateurs following their bliss. The restaurant’s emblem is a BSA 441 Victor Shooting Star mounted on one wall; Pickett rode it crosscountry in 1971 as a bohemian 19-year-old. “The weather was 20 degrees, and the motorcycle was a maintenance nightmare,” he recalls in an interview. “I hauled it back east the following spring and put it in a friend’s basement. It remained there until I had the brainstorm to put it on the mantel. It is now art.”
In often-stuffy Stowe, the no-holds-barred spirit that piece of “artwork” at Phoenix exemplifies can offer diners a thrilling joy ride. But a few dishes hit the pavement like Dennis Hopper and Peter Fonda at the end of Easy Rider. My first visit, on a Sunday night, revealed a 125-seat restaurant that could barely cram in my party of two. With gray walls and wire-covered ceilings, the manly space borders on industrial. Red leather banquettes and colorful metal flower decorations help to avert the potential testosterone overload. That macho musk carried over — metaphorically speaking — into the arugula salad. A port vinaigrette lent a dark, oaky taste to the greens, piled with hickorysmoked ham from Benton’s Smoky Mountain Country Hams in Tennessee, fried shallots and clouds of goat cheese. My dining partner had been missing Frida’s tamales since the restaurant closed last year. Phoenix Table has resurrected them, with fillings that change regularly. That night, it was salt cod mixed with corn and peppers. The fish disappeared into the tender steamed masa, but the too-crisp veggies made for an uneasy textural contrast. The twin tamales were each dressed in a different salsa: one in deep-red guajillo sauce, the other in a light-green tomatillo one. While the former was excessively smoky, the latter had little flavor of any kind. Another Southwest-inflected creation also suffered from a sub-par sauce. The collard dolmas, filled with rice and beans, were a novel idea that fell victim to road rash on the way to realization. The big green leaves proved unsuitably bitter to eat in such bulk. (When I cook collards at home, I use garlic and lemon as key ingredients to rid the greens of that unappealing flavor.) The fat rolls were an attractive green on their own, but they sat in a congealing pool of overly sugary ancho chile sauce. It could have functioned as ketchup, had it been better balanced. The aforementioned chicken-and-waffles and a well-made dessert helped right matters. Pickett’s smooth coconut-cream pie burst with ribbons of toasted coconut, but the true secret of its success was a light, crumbly crust bolstered with a layer of dark chocolate. I returned several days later with a pair of colleagues. Over glasses of Citizen Cider Full Nelson and Pepperell Pilsner from Maine’s Banded Horn Brewing, we picked at two plates filled with four balls each. The first plate held salt-cod hush puppies. The little orbs were visually appealing, but one native Southern ZEN AND THE ART OF MENU PLANNING
» P.44
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plAttSBURGH fARmERS’ AND cRAftERS’ mARkEt. Snow is part of the Plattsburgh dynasty that opened the city’s first “fancy restaurant,” the Wharf Restaurant, and she’d kept one foot in the food business while starting her primary career. When market organizers asked Snow to serve lunch, she agreed. “I thought maybe I’d do 30 or 40 lunches a day,”
cOurtesy OF blue cOllar bistrO
A cookie plattter at Blue Collar Bistro
cOurtesy OF simple rOOts brewing
“We had a guy really weirded out by his Reuben sandwich,” says BEN EicHENBERGER, chef-partner at BlUE collAR BiStRo. “It wasn’t that pink color, because it didn’t have any sodium nitrate in it. It’s going to take a little bit to get people used to the house-cured stuff.”
By Sunday, just three bottles remained. Last weekend, Burlington’s SimplE RootS BREwiNG made a smashing debut at Burlington and Winooski farmers markets, blowing through about 250 bottles of beer in tastings and sales between the two locations. This weekend, the brewers will be back with their American Dream cream ale, a bright, refreshing brew made for easy summer drinking, while they finish off other potions back at the brewery. DAN Ukolowicz (a former apprentice) says he and his wife and brew-partner, kARA pAwlUSiAk, dubbed their brewery Simple Roots as both moniker and mandate. “We really wanted to make simple, subtle, quaffable beers our friends and family would enjoy,” he says, and notes that because Vermont is already home to so many incredible IPAs, the pair purposely decided to take their practice in a less hoppy direction. Cream ale will return this coming weekend, and they’ll be pouring pale ale on the weekend of June 14. In late June, look for a slightly tart German wheat beer with salt and coriander called Gose the Destructor. Later this summer, look for small-batch specialty releases, including an elderflower saison, all brewed at Ukolowicz and Pawlusiak’s three-barrel operation in their house in Burlington’s New North End. Because their brewery is home based, they’re not planning a taproom, so farmers markets are where Simple Roots is at for the foreseeable future.
— H.p.E.
she recalls. “That’s not what happened. It exploded — 150 lunches in three hours.” With equipment inherited from various family members, Snow saw opening a full-time restaurant as her obvious next step. Even the ketchup is homemade at Blue Collar Bistro. Breads come from kliNGER’S BREAD compANY in South Burlington, while burgers are made from Vermont sirloin. They range from a patty with pimento cheese, tomato and
bacon jam to a banh mi-style chickenand-pork burger with curry aioli. flEDGiNG cRow VEGEtABlES and pRAY’S fAmilY fARmS, both in Keeseville, N.Y., provide much of the restaurant’s produce. Eichenberger says staffers’ gardens will also be instrumental in supplying “tomatoes and things like that.” Blue Collar’s local focus isn’t the only unusual aspect of its cuisine. Uncommon dishes include “roll-your-own Asian sloppy Joes” with lettuce wraps, rich
— A.l.
siDe Dishes
» p.45
Food & Bar Catering
fo for od
Private event space available for celebrations and meetings.
craft beer
cassoulet and a long-marinated, garlicroasted half chicken. The restaurant is open for lunch and dinner Tuesdays through Sundays. On the weekend, there’s breakfast, too, with pastries from baker JENNY Scotto Di cARlo, including fruit-laden Israeli stained-glass bread.
The restaurant opened at 82 Margaret Street in Plattsburgh on May 28. According to Eichenberger, “In the local Plattsburgh area, as far as I know, we’re the only [restaurant] committed to doing everything from scratch.” Using the freshest local ingredients is also part of the business model. Co-owner ciNDY SNow, a senior compliance analyst at Fletcher Allen Health Care, started Blue Collar Bistro last
Check out our new website for our many offerings.
8H-ThreePenny082813.indd 1
8/26/13 3:55 PM
Private event space located in Colchester just off exit 16 802.448.3230 • • 70 Roosevelt Highway, Colchester 8h-Bevo060414.indd 1
6/2/14 1:11 PM
FOOD 43 | 108 Main Street, Montpelier VT 05602 | 802.223.taps
dining companion called them “dry.” The crisp puppies could have used more moisture; more importantly, only a few bites carried a whisper of fishy flavor. It was a pity, as the accompanying pool of zippy, spicy remoulade had addictive pizzazz. The balls on the other plate — made of spicy, sweet lamb — matched the sauce’s charisma. With just a hint of gaminess, the moist meat’s complex flavors changed slightly with each bite, like Everlasting Gobstoppers. The side of tzatziki was too thick for dipping, but, scooped onto a piece of lamb, it provided a refreshing wash of cool. We waited longer than expected for entrées; once they arrived, our group fell uncharacteristically quiet. Except for crunching. The same West Virginian who gave a thumbs-down to the hush puppies was impressed by the softshell-crab po’ boy. Fried to perfection, the cute little crustacean waved its crisp arms with each bite of the crusty roll, but never escaped. The crab rested on a platform of lettuce and tomato beside its primary foil, a pile of corn, making for a classic summer combination. Old Bay
mayonnaise gave the dish its final nudge into the Chesapeake Bay. Phoenix Table shows its globetrotting tendencies with banh mi sandwiches, available with a vegetarian filling of lentil-walnut pâté or stuffed with house country pâté and pork shoulder. Guess which one we tried. The juices from the braised shoulder soaked the inside of the baguette. But the crisp bread remained sturdy, staunchly holding the meats, pickled veggies, cilantro and a thick layer of spicy radish sprouts. Both sandwiches came with a lightly vinegared slaw of cabbage, carrots and radish slices. Like the roots served with the chicken and waffles, these veggies could have used an extra dose of acid. There was no such nitpicking when it came to the harissa-marinated steak. Cooked more medium-well than the medium I had requested, the still-juicy beef wasn’t overwhelmed by the peppery spice blend. Instead, the garlicky heat shone through as just one component of a mixture uniting the meat with a tangy chimichurri and velvety veal demi-glace. Though the combination was big on flavor, it displayed a subdued maturity. By contrast, the veggies on the plate just didn’t want the man to keep them down. Kale was fried and salted — in a counterintuitive
jeb wallace-brODeur
Zen and the Art of Menu Planning « P.42
Jack Pickett
play on healthy, hippie kale chips — while ultra-crisp, bisected fingerlings stood in for frites. My one reason to hesitate to order the dish again would be its $30 price tag. Though the steak is all-around excellent, I might have a hard time convincing myself it’s worth almost $20 more than the $10.50 banh mi. Stowe regulars are unlikely to share my tightwad tendencies.
For $5.50 apiece, I was more than happy to splurge on two desserts. While the chocolate-waffle sundae fed my soul, Pickett’s latest creation wowed me on both corporeal and intellectual planes. A panna cotta should quiver at your spoon as if facing its imminent demise. This jiggling custard didn’t even need ambient movement to set it in frantic motion. Once it was stabbed, its mouthfeel was pure silk. And then came the mouth-coating wave of chocolate and hazelnut. My tablemates and I agreed that elements of the flavor evoked a Wendy’s Frosty, but all grown up and on a trip to Europe. Even on the Continent, it would be hard to find a panna cotta as platonically ideal as this one. If that’s the taste of things to come at Phoenix Table, Stowe has a new destination restaurant. And, despite Pickett and Bard’s beginning bumps, I have confidence they’ll be taking diners on a long, sweet trip. m
INFo Phoenix Table and bar, 1652 Mountain road, Stowe, 253-2838.
more food after the classifieds section. Page 45
Fermentation with Sandor Katz
July 7-18, 2014
Take two weeks this summer to study the art and science of fermentation with Sandor Katz, the James Beard award winning author of The Art of Fermentation.
Students will make a wide variety of fermented foods and beverages and will learn the basics of how to ferment almost anything. Register today! Sterling College
Working Hands.Working Minds.
Fermentation.indd 1 2h-SterlingCollege052114.indd 1
5/16/14 12:14 11:49 PM AM 5/19/14
From the owners of Montpelier’s Royal Orchid
Reservations Recommended
More food before the classifieds section.
Check, Please
Hop to the Jam
BIG FATTY’S BBQ put some south in the mouths of Burlingtonians for the last time on May 31, after seven years on Main Street. According to general manager and co-owner BRANDON FOX, the
Maybe Vermont doesn’t need another beer festival in a summer already saturated with suds. Then again, maybe HOP JAM, slated for Saturday, August 30, at BOLTON VALLEY RESORT, will be the beery festival Vermont didn’t know it needed. The fest has a strong musical contingent, but also a serious beer focus. “It’s definitely going to be our favorite 112 Lake Street • Burlington beers,” festival organizer MEG SCHULTZ says of the brews to be highlighted, “but we want this fest to have the best beer you could imagine at a festival.” 12v-thaidishes052814.indd 1 5/27/1412v-SanSai010913.indd 7:48 AM 1 1/7/13 2:08 PM They’re backing that up with a bragworthy Vermont brewer lineup that includes HILL FARMSTEAD BREWERY, ZERO GRAVITY CRAFT BREWERY, the ALCHEMIST, LOST NATION BREWING and LAWSON’S FINEST LIQUIDS, as well as breweries beyond the Green Mountain State. Schultz says organizers are shooting for about 20 tap lines, rotating through kegs from each brewer, with special limited releases to be tapped between music sets, and a caskbeer selection for folks who spring for VIP NORTHEAST SEAFOOD tickets. MULE BAR and MAD TACO owner JOEY NAGY is in charge of the beer O P E N F O R B R E A K FA S T & D I N N E R selection, but he’s also 25 CHERRY ST, BURLINGTON, 802.864.8600, BLEUV T.COM heading up the food, and he’s not skimping on the fun. Schultz says he’s planning a pig 6h-marriott043014.indd 1 4/28/14 3:02 PM roast with “as many pigs as we can get.” The highly anticipated PHANTOM PRODUCTIONS food truck will also be on hand, while Cabot’s WOODBELLY PIZZA will turn out pies. The festival’s musical lineup includes Spirit Family Reunion, the Alchemystics, JP Harris & the Tough Choices and Soule Monde. “All the bands are really fun bands to see live,” Schultz says, “and there’s a lot of variety with the music … We want our music to be just as amazing as our beer, (Thank you!) and you don’t really see that at most festivals. It’s going to be awesome.”
Big Fatty’s BBQ co-owner Clay Vagnini
— H.P.E.
CONNECT Follow us on Twitter for the latest food gossip! Alice Levitt: @aliceeats, and Hannah Palmer Egan: @findthathannah
24 Main Street, Downtown Winooski, 655-4888 • 6h-tinythai060414.indd 1
6/2/14 5:02 PM
— A.L.
Khob Khun Ka!
Fans of the doughnuts and breads at KOVAL’S COFFEE in Hinesburg have a few more chances to scoop them up before the 18-year-old eatery closes for good on June 21. Co-owner GARY KOVAL says the restaurant took a hit in the 2008 recession. “Now, in Hinesburg, we have a lot of growth happening,” he says. “All our competition has expanded. But we’re the little guy; we don’t have those resources.” Once the eatery is closed, Koval and partner JULETTA GEARHART look forward to their next challenge. “I might do a little construction and landscaping. I might even do a little bartending,” says Koval.
Don’t forget to vote for the Daysies!
combined pressures of running the restaurant’s White River Junction location and MAPLE STREET CATERING were too much for him to handle while raising a young family. Burlington customers can use their gift cards at the White River location, where Fox says there are now eight beers on tap, plus a sizable salad bar and live music on weekends.
Coming soon! 161 Church St. Burlington
kim scaFurO
Tuesdays: Live Music Wednesdays 30% OFF bottles of wine in the bar Thursdays $6 sparkling wines by the glass L’Amante’s Bolognese Sauce now available in the retail shop to take home. Piedmont Tasting June 19th
126 College St., Burlington Wine Shop Mon-Sat from 11 Wine Bar Mon-Sat from 4
8v-vin060414.indd 1
6/2/14 1:26 PM
Forest Fare Vermont’s pro backpackers talk camp cookery
Take a well deserved whirl!
658-4050 • 115 college st, burlington
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6/2/14 2:47 PM
reaking every rule in camping, my husband and I cooked once inside our tent. Outside, a summer storm rattled our walls and rained down in gusty sheets as lightning flashed overhead and thunder cracked all around us. After boiling Annie’s macaroni in a saucepan with mini cheese bratwursts, we enjoyed steaming bowls of pasta studded with pudgy little fingers of meat that tasted like bliss. Pockets of cheese oozed from the brats with every salty, fatty bite. It was one of the finest meals I’ve ever had. Summer in Vermont means prime camping season, and anyone who spends time in the backcountry will tell you that the further you are from a paved road, the better food tastes. But many will footnote that observation with something like “Probably because you’re so hungry.” That may be so — vigorous outdoor play brings on a healthy appetite. According to literature from the National Outdoor Leadership School, backpackers burn 2,500 to 4,500 calories per day, while “normal” activity tops out at about 2,500. Replacing so many calories may make
B Y H A N N A H PA l m Er Eg A N
meals taste better, but it also offers an opportunity to indulge in fatty, rich food and then burn it off on the trail the next day. In its 1938 Lookout Cookbook — issued to staff headed to far-flung regions in the first half of the 20th century — the U.S. Forest Service provides a recipe for “baconized corn and macaroni.” The corn-studded mac in a milky homemade white sauce is topped with strips of bacon and baked. It’s minimalist and fairly dated, but the idea could fly in a modern camp kitchen with boxed mac, bacon and a Dutch oven or outdoor-style fry-bake pan, which is basically a wide, flat-bottomed pan with a good lid. From where I sit, baconized anything seems like a fine idea for the woods. Cured pork belly, particularly when purchased in slabs, keeps for days unrefrigerated and meets all the backcountry nutritional requirements: it’s high in fat, salt and protein. At the Vermont Youth Conservation Corps (VYCC), conservation program director Christa Finnern is responsible for feeding hundreds of kids al fresco as they build and restore trails, among
other projects, for six to eight weeks at a time. Finnern says protein is a perennial challenge: “Our biggest focus is trying to provide enough protein to our crews because they’re physically exerting themselves in a big way,” she says. Finnern notes that VYCC relies on rice and beans and “simple, versatile things that allow you to use the same ingredients to make different things. I always come back to nuts,” she says — “because you can eat them plain, put them in bread, oatmeal or in dinner” — and cheese. “A lot of people don’t think to bring cheese camping because it needs to be refrigerated,” she says, “but we keep our cheese for a week without refrigeration, and it’s fine. You can put it in anything — eggs, burritos, pastas, whatever.” Indeed, in its 1954 edition, the Lookout Cookbook mentions cheese 95 times in about 70 pages, telling cooks to add it to everything from biscuits and breads to sauces, soups and vegetables. If spoilage is a concern, the book recommends managing thus: “To prevent cheese from molding, wrap in a cloth wrung out of vinegar. Then roll in paper.”
Fathers Eat Free!
SPEND FATHER’S DAY AT SUSHI YOSHI DADS MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY THEIR CHILD DRINKS AND GRATUITIES NOT INCLUDED CALL US FOR DETAILS AND RESERVATIONS Open Daily 11:30 a.m. ‘til Close • Lunch and Dinner • Takeout 1128 Mountain Road, Stowe • 802-253-4135 • 4t-sushiyoshi060414.indd 1
6/2/14 1:08 PM
Irvine says he also sources fresh produce straight from the woods whenever he can. “Fiddlehead and ramp season is a great time to do some fancy backpacking cooking,” he writes, adding, “[That’s] not something people should depend on, but fresh veggies are hard to come by on the trail. These two are easy to find, and easy to identify. Fiddleheads boiled for a minute or two, then sautéed in butter with salt and pepper, cannot be beat! So satisfying to find and eat such a delicious snack.” At my behest, Irvine conducts a quick OGE cooking survey and reports that Sarah Heerhartz, who works the sales floor, offers backcountry brownies as a go-to: “Take a Ziploc bag of chocolate chips, put it in warm water and let it melt, mix with crushed-up graham crackers and coconut flakes. [Then] roll them into sections and let cool.” My sister-in-law Kristine Egan, a pastry chef at the Culinary Institute of America, has a similar no-bake treat: “Mix peanut butter, brown sugar, confectionery sugar and butter, melt it all together in a pan and let it sit until it hardens,” she says. “You could put chocolate chips or peanuts or whatever in there … It’s just so easy, satisfying and yummy.” Egan spent months in the backcountry in the Appalachian Mountain Club’s White Mountain hut system, among other outdoor adventures, and, sibling bias aside, I can say her desserts are the best. Easy sweet treats make for happy campers, but these desserts also hit the three major forest food groups — protein, fat and salt — that are integral parts of a healthy backcountry diet. And that’s an integral ingredient of outdoor safety, Ready is quick to note. “Really, you want to feel good and be nourished when you’re in the woods,” he says. “If you’re going to be out in the middle of nowhere, you want to have the energy to keep yourself safe and healthy, and that means keeping yourself warm, hydrated and well fed.” Ready reminds us that, wherever camp cooking is headed, it’s a work in progress that evolved alongside and within our national forests and parks. “I think it’s important to mention that camp cooking is something that’s been going on since people started to appreciate nature as something enjoyable in its own right,” he says. “So there’s a lot of history there.” m SEVEN DAYS
All sources consulted on this story underscored the importance of backcountry ethics and safety: Pack out all waste and leave no trace, cook and build fires only in designated areas (and never in or near your tent!), store food well away from camp and out of reach of animals. Also, observe fire safety: Drown out fires until they’re cold to the touch, never leave them unattended, and use locally sourced wood to minimize the risk of bringing in invasive insects.
That edition of Lookout also suggests pan-frying cored, diced apples until brown and serving with brown sugar. As a child, I went to Girl Scout camp and recall that we cut apples in half, cored them and stuffed them with brown sugar and butter, then cooked them in aluminum foil right in the fire. I still make this sometimes and, for backcountry apple crisp, cook it topped with loose granola. For extra Vermont-y deliciousness, melt sharp cheddar over it all. If there’s romance in the air, this recipe never fails to impress a special someone. Seyon Lodge State Park innkeeper Tiffany Soukup, who spent the last decade camping around the world and chronicling her adventures on her blog Vagabond Way, says she likes her apples dipped in caramel. (“Ooh, apples!” she says wistfully when I ask about packing fruit. “Pears: disaster. Peaches: disaster.”) “Apples with caramel are a great treat,” she continues, adding that she buys the sweet stuff in jars and repacks it in sealable plastic containers. “I’m always thinking about packaging: Is it going to break? Is it going to cause more trash I’ll have to carry around?” she says. Soukup also routinely camps with Nutella and peanut butter in plastic jars: “Those are really like power foods!” she says. At the U.S. Forest Service Green Mountain & Finger Lakes National Forests office in Rutland, public affairs officer Ethan M. Ready says that rangers report that more and more campers are taking camp cookery to the next level. “People are trying to get away from traditional hot dogs and beans and marshmallows ideas about camp cooking,” he says, “and trying to make the experience a little more adventurous” with fresh, whole foods. “Tin foil can be your best friend if you’re out there camping with an open fire,” Ready adds. “You can pretty much use that in your coal bed to make a stew … Add ground meat and vegetables and spices, close it up, and let it simmer and cook.” This method works great with everything from corn, cabbage and potatoes to peppers, asparagus and beans. At Burlington’s Outdoor Gear Exchange, online sales specialist Nick Irvine also digs a good backcountry stew. “Some friends and I hiked up to a cabin to do some backcountry skiing,” he writes in an email. “We each hiked in ingredients for a stew … The main ingredient was some fresh lamb chunks that we bought off of a local farmer, whose farm was on the way to the cabin. We cut up onions, parsnips, potatoes, carrots, celery and garlic and let it stew with the lamb and herbs for eight hours on a wood stove, while we skied and took breaks to stoke the fire and stir the stew. This is easily one of the best meals I’ve ever had,” Irvine says, “not just because the food was spectacular, but because I was sharing a homemade stew, cooked miles from any home.”
On Father’s Day,
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5/2/14 12:06 PM
calendar 4 - 1 1 ,
HEMP HISTORY WEEK: Fans of the multipurpose plant gather to discuss its political history, then watch the legalization documentary Bringing it Home. Upper Valley Food Co-op, White River Junction, 5:30-7:30 p.m. Free. Info, 223-7222,
BUSINESS SEMINAR: Hannah Abrams of AdviCoach presents strategic planning methods for creating a successful foundation. Rutland Region Chamber of Commerce Office, 8-9:30 a.m. Free; preregister. Info, 776-8922. WOMEN BUSINESS OWNERS NETWORK: WILLISTON CHAPTER MEETING: Female entrepreneurs discover how to best use their brain power in this seminar on brainwave optimization led by Bryn Perkins of Eastern View Integrative Medicine. Williston Fire Station, 8:30-10 a.m. $9-12. Info, 503-0219.
CENTRAL VERMONT CHAMBER OF COMMERCE MIXER: Area professionals network over refreshments, door prizes and a raffle. Central Vermont Memorial Civic Center, Montpelier, 5-7 p.m. $10; preregister. Info, 229-5711. POWERFUL TOOLS FOR CAREGIVERS: An in-depth course covers self-care topics relevant to those responsible for the medical needs of their family members. The Arbors at Shelburne, 6-7:30 p.m. $25 suggested donation; preregister; limited space. Info, 985-8600.
2 0 1 4
SUNSET BELLY DANCE: Dancers tap into ancient traditions in an exploration of modern tribal belly dance. All Souls Interfaith Gathering, Shelburne, 7-8 p.m. $13. Info, 985-3819.
KINGDOM COMMUNITY WIND TOURS: Locals learn about alternative energy sources on a visit to the 21-turbine wind farm in Lowell. Kingdom Community Wind, Lowell, 12:30 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 744-6664.
BURLINGTON DISCOVER JAZZ FESTIVAL: Worldclass musicians pack Queen City venues in celebration of the genre. See for details. Various downtown locations, Burlington, 5:30-11 p.m. Prices vary. Info, 863-7992 or 863-5966.
Leader of the Pack Saxophonist Big Chief Donald Harrison Jr. comes from impressive stock. His father, Big Chief Donald Harrison, was a famed Mardi Gras Indian who inspired his son to embrace the musical heritage beneath the elaborate costumes of colorful feathers and intricate beading. As chief of the Congo Square Nation, Harrison Jr. honors this dynamic culture with jazz arrangements that incorporate the best of the bayou. Known as “The King of Nouveau Swing,” he and the Congo Square Nation Afro-New Orleans Cultural Group take the stage as part of the Burlington Discover Jazz Festival. Music lovers can expect a visual feast that merges contemporary tunes with dancing, drumming and more.
ST-AMBROISE MONTRÉAL FRINGE FESTIVAL: The world's most offbeat performers convene for live music, theater performances and everything in between. See for details. Various Montréal locations, 8-11 p.m. $28-250 for all-access passes; individual ticket prices vary. Info, 514-849-3378.
'THE ANONYMOUS PEOPLE': From CEOs to celebrities, those living in recovery from drug and alcohol addiction share their stories in this compelling documentary. Catamount Arts Center, St. Johnsbury, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 748-2600. 'LOSER'S CROWN': A struggling music journalist returns to his Vermont roots in this coming-of-age drama by local filmmaker Colin Thompson. Merrill's Roxy Cinema, Burlington, 7-9 p.m. $10. Info, 8644742,
food & drink
COUNSELING CENTERS OF NEW YORK CONFERENCE: Keynoter Richard L. Schnell interprets the theme "Celebrating Connections, Embracing Our Differences." See plattsburghcas1. com for details. Angell College Center, SUNY Plattsburgh, N.Y., 10 a.m.-4:30 p.m. $75-120; preregister. Info, 518-564-3054.
NEWPORT FARMERS MARKET: Pickles, meats, eggs, fruits, veggies, herbs and baked goods are a small sampling of the fresh fare supplied by area growers and producers. Causeway, Newport, 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Free. Info, 274-8206.
CHAMPLAIN ISLANDS FARMERS MARKET: Baked items, preserves, meats and eggs sustain shoppers in search of local goods. St. Rose of Lima Church, South Hero, 3-6 p.m. Free. Info, 434-4122.
WEDNESDAY WINE DOWN: Oenophiles get over the midweek hump by pairing four varietals with samples from Lake Champlain Chocolates, Cabot Creamery and more. Drink, Burlington, 4:30 p.m. $12. Info, 860-9463,
» P.50
JUN.6 | MUSIC Perfect Marriage
fairs & festivals
AMERICAN SOCIETY OF DOWSERS NATIONAL CONVENTION: Bradley Nelson and Susan Collins keynote this gathering of industry professionals featuring workshops, vendors and more. See for details. Lyndon State College, 8 a.m.-6 p.m. $30-455; preregister. Info, 684-3417.
VERMONT ENVIRONMENTAL CONSORTIUM WATER QUALITY CONFERENCE: A daylong discussion series addresses the Environmental Protection Agency's impact on the state's rivers and lakes. Black Box Theater, Main Street Landing Performing Arts Center, Burlington, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. $75-85. Info, 747-7900.
Friday, June 6, 8 p.m., at Flynn MainStage in Burlington. $20-40. Info, 863-5966.
In 2010, the Tedeschi Trucks Band began with a bang. Led by the husband-andwife team of slide-guitar phenom Derek Trucks and his wife, singer and guitarist Susan Tedeschi, the 11-member ensemble hit the ground running. Two years later, Rolling Stone dubbed the group’s Grammy Award-winning debut Revelator “a four-star masterpiece.” Known for captivating live shows that deliver an infectious blend of blues and roots, the accomplished musicians have garnered a legion of fans. With a packed tour schedule and evolving sound, these seasoned rockers prove that the best is yet to come.
TEDESCHI TRUCKS BAND Friday, June 6, 7 p.m., at Shelburne Museum. $49-54. Info, 877-987-6487.
STROLLING OF THE HEIFERS Friday, June 6, 5:308:30 p.m.; Saturday, June 7, 9 a.m.-4 p.m.; Sunday, June 8, 9 a.m., at various Brattleboro locations. Prices vary. Info, 380-0226.
Pastoral Party
pain has the running of the bulls; Vermont the SCAN THIShas PAGE Strolling of the Heifers. The annual event anchors WITH LAYAR a weekend of festivities that draws revelers from PAGE 5 around the state. Founded in 2001, SEE this world-famous parade is far more than a procession of more than 100 cows bedecked in flowers and led by future farmers. These bovine beauties serve as a celebration of Vermont’s thriving locavore culture and its strong connection to the farming community. Bookending this centerpiece, all-ages agricultural activities include the Slow Living Summit and the Tour de Heifer. Live entertainment, local eats and educational exhibits round out the fun.
Saturday, June 7, noon-4 p.m., at various Burlington locations. $20. Info, 863-5966.
Among the Queen City’s many charms is its varied architecture. From Victorians to bungalows and beyond, Vermont’s largest city boasts a wide array of eye-catching properties. The folks at Preservation Burlington are among those dedicated to maintaining the integrity of the area’s oldest abodes, six of which are featured in the 2014 Homes Tour. Renovated and restored, these regal residences reflect time-tested craftsmanship and keen attention to detail. Ranging from a stately stone mansion to a former college flophouse, these eclectic abodes marry the best of the past and present. A self-guided jaunt takes visitors from inspiring landscapes to exquisite interiors.
Home Sweet Home
June 13-15, 2014
calendar WED.4
« P.48
Williston Farmers market: An open-air affair showcases prepared foods and unadorned produce. New England Federal Credit Union, Williston, 3:306:30 p.m. Free. Info, willistonfarmersmarket@gmail. com. Wine tasting: Paul's Boutique V: Samples of a new breed of California wines reimagine the state's winemaking style. Dedalus Wine Shop, Burlington, 4-7 p.m. Free. Info, 865-2368.
games new England’s Premier Culinary event
Bridge CluB: Strategic thinkers have fun with the popular card game. Burlington Bridge Club, Williston, 9:15 a.m. $6 includes refreshments. Info, 651-0700.
Friday June 13
Blues, Brews & Foodtruck Crews Music by The Dave Keller Band
Culinary Adventure: By Land & By Sea Gala Dinner & Auction Music by Joey Leone’s Chop Shop
r.i.P.P.e.d.: Resistance, intervals, power, plyometrics, endurance and diet define this high-intensity physical-fitness program. North End Studio A, Burlington, 6-7 p.m. $10. Info, 578-9243.
aFter sChool maker series: legos: Kiddos ages 6 and up snap snazzy structures together. Fairfax Community Library, 3-4:30 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 849-2420. CreatiVe Writing CluB: Budding wordsmiths ages 9 and up let their imaginations soar with prompts, games and other exercises. Essex Free Library, 3:30-4:30 p.m. Free. Info, 879-0313. meet roCkin' ron the Friendly Pirate: Aargh, matey! Youngsters channel the hooligans of the sea with music, games and activities. Buttered Noodles, Williston, 10-10:45 a.m. Free. Info, 764-1810.
sunday June 15
Grand Tasting & Culinary Theater
the energetiCs oF traditional euroPean herBalism: French native Julia Graves gives her perspective on natural-healing practices from across the pond. Vermont Center for Integrative Herbalism, Montpelier, 6-9 p.m. $20; preregister. Info, 224-7100, montréal-style aCro yoga: Using partner and group work, Lori Flower helps participants gain therapeutic benefits from acrobatic poses. Yoga Mountain Center, Montpelier, 6:30-7:30 p.m. Donations. Info, 324-1737.
saturday June 14
health & fitness
Music by Starline Rhythm Boys
story time & PlaygrouP: Engaging narratives pave the way for creative play for children up to age 6. Jaquith Public Library, Marshfield, 10-11:30 a.m. Free. Info, 426-3581.
english as a seCond language Class: Those with beginner English work to improve their vocabulary. Pickering Room, Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Free. Info, 865-7211. german-english ConVersation grouP: Community members practice conversing auf Deutsch in a supportive environment. Local History Room, Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Free. Info, 865-7211.
For information & tickets: 888 683 2427
Presented by Stowe Charities Inc. to benefit:
intermediate/adVanCed english as a seCond language Class: Speakers hone their grammar and conversational skills. Administration Office, Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Free. Info, 865-7211.
4v-StoweFoodAndWine060414.indd 1
Burlington disCoVer Jazz FestiVal: geoFFrey keezer trio: Known for inventive programming, the virtuosic pianist presents unique compositions featuring complex rhythms and harmonies. FlynnSpace, Burlington, 8 p.m. $25. Info, 863-5966.
BeethoVen at the ChurCh: Tenor Albert Lee and sopranos Katharine DeBoer and Lisa Wolff interpret a program of the composer's works, transcribed by James Meadors. First Unitarian Universalist Society, Burlington, 7-8:30 p.m. Donations. Info, 399-2643.
888 -898-3839
6/2/14 4:52 PM
City hall Park lunChtime PerFormanCes: Rob Morse and Parker Shper join forces to play an improvised jazz set. Burlington City Hall Park, noon-1 p.m. Free. Info, 865-7166. greenField Piano assoCiates: Works by Brahms, Copland, Gershwin and others inform "Into the 20th Century." Proceeds benefit the Richmond Community Senior Center. Richmond Free Library, 7:30-9 a.m. $10 suggested donation. Info, 864-9209.
green mountain taBle tennis CluB: PingPong players swing their paddles in singles and doubles matches. Knights of Columbus, Rutland, 6-9:30 p.m. Free for first two sessions; $30 annual membership. Info, 247-5913. Wednesday roadsPokes 101 ride: Linda Freeman leads a gentle training ride designed to build bike-handling skills and increase confidence and comfort on the road. Road bikes recommended. Montpelier High School, 5:30 p.m. Free. Info, 229-9409.
ameriCan soCiety oF doWsers national ConVention: See WED.4. Counseling Centers oF neW york ConFerenCe: See WED.4, 9 a.m.-9 p.m.
tea & Formal gardens tour: Folks explore the inn and its cottage-style gardens, then sit down to a cup-and-saucer affair complete with sweets and savories. The Inn at Shelburne Farms, 2:30-4:30 p.m. $18; preregister. Info, 985-8442.
fairs & festivals
Burlington disCoVer Jazz FestiVal: See WED.4, 1-2:30 p.m. & 5-10 p.m. st-amBroise montréal Fringe FestiVal: See WED.4, 5-11 p.m. Vermont dairy FestiVal: Cows and their cream take center stage at this four-day celebration featuring baking competitions, a cow plop contest and the 35th annual Milk Run. See for details. Enosburg Falls Village, 6-10 p.m. Prices vary; most events are free. Info, 343-7531.
aaron Wernham: The director of the Health Impact Project discusses the intersection of politics and public well-being as part of the Vermont Public Health Association's annual meeting. Capitol Plaza Hotel & Conference Center, Montpelier, 5:308 p.m. $15-30; preregister. Info, 847-2278, honey.
Veterans aPPreCiation JamBoree: Soldiers and civilians alike gather for music, food and fun at this benefit for the Wounded Warriors Project. 2293 Route 125, Cornwall, 10 a.m.-10 p.m. $10; free for veterans and kids under 12. Info, 352-6644.
Curt taylor: The love between a Red Cross secretary and an American lieutenant during World War II comes to life in the lecturer's discussion of his parents' written correspondence. Burnham Memorial Library, Colchester, 6-7:30 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 264-5660.
'damnation': As part of an ongoing series on Vermont waters, the outdoor retailer screens the 2014 documentary on the history and controversy of the man-made structures. Patagonia Burlington, 6-9 p.m. Free. Info, 923-2910.
dan Cole: The archivist details the little-known history of Shelburne Museum's Civil War connections. Milton Historical Society, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 363-2598. eugene uman: Vermont Jazz Center's artistic director pays tribute to American jazz pianist and composer Thelonius Monk. St. Johnsbury Athenaeum, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 748-8291. heather kralik: Onion River Exchange's outreach coordinator explains the central Vermont cooperative's use of time-based currency for goods and services. Community Room, Hunger Mountain Co-op, Montpelier, 6-7 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 223-8000, ext. 202. katiVa Finn: In "The Six Wives of Henry VIII," the author and scholar examines the lives of the iconic king's brides. Congregational Church, Norwich, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 649-1184. randall Balmer: The Dartmouth College professor considers the rise of the religious right during the lifetime of president Jimmy Carter. Ilsley Public Library, Middlebury, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 388-4095.
rosemary raWlins: When her husband suffers a traumatic brain injury, the memoirist must live and love in the face of unfathomable change in Learning by Accident. Fletcher Room, Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 6:30 p.m. Free. Info, 865-7211.
Charlie nardozzi: The garden guru discusses heirloom varietals, then answers questions from fellow growers. Montgomery Town Hall, 6:30 p.m. Free. Info,
Vermont Career ConneCtions: Professionals network with a wide range of local companies that embrace a "work hard, play hard" philosophy. Hotel Vermont, Burlington, 1-7 p.m. Free; preregister. Info,
food & drink
FletCher allen Farmers market: Locally sourced meats, vegetables, bakery items, breads and maple syrup give hospital employees and visitors the option to eat healthfully. Davis Concourse, Fletcher Allen Hospital, Burlington, 2:30-5:30 p.m. Free. Info, 847-0797. JeriCho Farmers market: Passersby graze through locally grown veggies, pasture-raised meats, area wines and handmade crafts. Mills Riverside Park, Jericho, 3-6:30 p.m. Free. Info, 343-9778. milton Farmers market: Honey, jams and pies alike tempt seekers of produce, crafts and maple goodies. Hannaford Supermarket, Milton, 4-7 p.m. Free. Info, 893-1009.
health & fitness
Forza: the samurai sWord Workout: Students sculpt lean muscles and gain mental focus when performing basic strikes with wooden replicas of the weapon. North End Studio A, Burlington, 6-7 p.m. $10. Info, 578-9243.
BradFord young makers CluB: Kiddos ages 11 through 14 gather for a meeting of the minds. Children’s Room, Bradford Public Library, 6-8 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 222-4536. musiC With mr. Chris: Singer, storyteller and puppeteer Chris Dorman entertains tykes and parents alike. Buttered Noodles, Williston, 10-10:30 a.m. Free. Info, 764-1810. PJ story hour: Little ones dress for bed and wind down with tales and crafts. Fairfax Community Library, 6:30-7:30 p.m. Free. Info, 849-2420. sPanish musiCal kids: Amigos ages 1 to 5 learn Latin American songs and games with Constancia Gómez, a native Argentinian. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 10:30-11:15 a.m. Free. Info, 865-7216.
ru12? senior Women's disCussion grouP: Female-identified members of the LGBTQ community discuss topics of interest in a safe and comfortable setting. RU12? Community Center, Burlington, 3-5 p.m. Free. Info, 860-7812.
Burlington Discover Jazz Festival: Maceo Parker: Things get funky when the famed saxophonist takes the stage. New york City-based duo fredericks Brown opens. Waterfront Park, Burlington, 6 p.m. $30-35. Info, 863-5966. Burlington Discover Jazz Festival: Warren WolF anD WolFPack: Baltimore's premier vibraphonist lays down bebop, blues and swing with selections from the acclaimed Wolfgang. flynnspace, Burlington, 8 p.m. $25. Info, 863-5966. green Mountain oPera Festival oPen rehearsal: opera fans catch a glimpse of the forthcoming The Rape of Lucretia. schoolhouse, sugarbush Resort, Warren, 7 p.m. free. Info, 496-7722.
Co u
roots on the river Festival: four days of rising rhythms features the musical minds of James McMurtry, Carolyn Wonderland, Mary Gauthier, the Bottle Rockets and others. Various locations, Bellows falls, 7 p.m. $10-150. Info, 463-9595.
Joy MaDDen: Joined by Jamie Kaplan, Jenny Peterson and Kelsey Wilson, the local dancer explores themes of childhood in 13 Fireflies, which premieres at the opening reception of "The Artist's Childhood." Rose street Artists' Co-op, Burlington, 7 p.m. free. Info, 488-4501. Queen city tango Practilonga: Dancers kick off the weekend with improvisation, camaraderie and laughter. No partner necessary, but clean, smooth-soled shoes required. North End studio B, Burlington, beginner lesson, 7-7:45 p.m.; informal dancing, 7:30-10 p.m. $7. Info, 877-6648. rockin' english country Dance: Giant Robot Dance provide music for newcomers and experienced movers alike. All dances are taught by Adina Gordon. Elley-Long Music Center, st. Michael's College, Colchester, 7-10 p.m. $10-12; bring a snack to share. Info, 899-2378 or 617-721-6743.
'the sounD oF Music' & 'an evening oF Dance': twinkle-toed students present a ballet inspired by the Rodgers and Hammerstein classic, then showcase their studios' specialties with selected choreography. Dibden Center for the Arts, Johnson state College, 6-8:30 p.m. $15-20; free for kids 2 and under. Info, 253-5151.
shelBurne vineyarD First f to thursDays concert: Claudia DD V. W Varona brings the best of 1990s alto Lfs oN rock to an intimate show. Partial proceeds benefit the Greater Burlington yMCA. shelburne Vineyard, 6-8:30 p.m. free to attend; cost of food etc. and drink. Info, 985-8222. Dr. BeauMont's tour oF terror: Ghost hunty
FuJiko signs: The Christian science Board of Lectureship member presents "Love Without Limit, Life Without fear." Capitol Plaza, Montpelier, 7-8 p.m. free. Info, 223-2477.
ers take a macabre journey through the former stomping grounds of the 19th-century physician known for conducting gruesome experiments. trinity Park, Plattsburgh, N.y., 7-8:15 p.m. $5-10. Info, 518-645-1577. FriDay night Fix Bike clinic: Gearheads bond over shared interests. onion River sports, Montpelier, 5:30-7 p.m. free. Info, 229-9409.
'l'italiana in algeri (the italian girl in algiers)': The opera Company of Middlebury stage Rossini's comedic opera about the pitfalls of love, directed by Doug Anderson and Emmanuel Plasson. town Hall Theater, Middlebury, 8-10:30 p.m. $55-65. Info, 382-9222.
sPecters anD solDiers Walking tour: An exploration of Clinton County's oldest Roman Catholic burial ground and the ruins of fort Brown elicits thrills and chills. old Roman Catholic Cemetery, Plattsburgh, N.y., 9-10:15 p.m. $5-10. Info, 518-645-1577.
fairs & festivals
veterans Writing ProJect: Editor and writer Joe Ryan helps veterans capture their military experiences on the page. Community College of Vermont, Winooski, 6-8 p.m. free; preregister. Info, 828-3024.
WoMen's circle: Those who identify as women gather for readings, discussion and activities. The Wellness Co-op, Burlington, 2-3:30 p.m. free. Info, 888-492-8218, ext. 302,
st-aMBroise Montréal Fringe Festival: see WED.4, 5-11 p.m.
5/30/14 1:35 PM
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Everyone deserves safe drinking water Help us develop a vaccine against water-borne disease. We are looking for healthy adults aged 46-64 years. 4 outpatient visits and 2 follow up phone calls over 6 months Volunteers are eligible for up to $275 in compensation VACCINE TESTING CENTER FOR MORE INFO, VISIT UVMVTC.ORG, CALL 656-0013 OR EMAIL UVMVTC@UVM.EDU 6h-uvmvaccine(choleraORANGE)052114.indd 1
5/12/14 1:23 PM
Short-Term Care for Your Precious Elder Offered
verMont Dairy Festival: see tHu.5, 4-9 p.m. veterans aPPreciation JaMBoree: see tHu.5.
food & drink
BelloWs Falls FarMers Market: Music enlivens a fresh-food marketplace with produce, meats, crafts and ever-changing weekly workshops. Waypoint Center, Bellows falls, 4-7 p.m. free. Info, 463-2018.
Five corners FarMers Market: from local meats to breads and wines, farmers share the bounty of the growing season at an open-air exchange. Lincoln Place, Essex Junction, 3:30-7:30 p.m. free. Info, 999-3249.
Are you caring for an elderly loved one who needs a safe, caring place where they can stay short-term this summer? Our residences offer healthy food, activities for the mind and body and a well trained, caring staff that will put you both at ease. From day to week rates we can accommodate your needs. Contact Our Admissions Coordinator, Mary Mougey at 802.657.4122 to set up an appointment. 1200 North Avenue Burlington, VT 05408
71 Maple Street Bristol, VT 05443
A Living Well Community
» P.52 4t-LivingWell052814.indd 1
5/26/14 3:50 PM
harDWick FarMers Market: A burgeoning culinary community celebrates local ag with garden-fresh fare and handcrafted goods. Atkins field, Hardwick, 3-6 p.m. free. Info, 755-6349.
counseling centers oF neW york conFerence: see WED.4, 7:30 a.m.-2 p.m.
BallrooM & latin Dancing: Bolero: samir Elabd leads choreographed steps for singles and couples. No partner or experience required. Jazzercize studio, Williston, introductory lesson, 7-8 p.m.; dance, 8-10 p.m. $6-14. Info, 862-2269.
12h-hydrangea060414.indd 1
strolling oF the heiFers: Lovable calves lead a pastoral parade down Main street as part of this annual three-day celebration of Vermont's agricultural past, present and future. see for schedule and details. see calendar spotlight. Various locations, Brattleboro, 5:30-8:30 p.m. Prices vary. Info, 380-0226.
chelsea FarMers Market: A long-standing town-green tradition supplies shoppers with eggs, cheese, vegetables and fine crafts. North Common, Chelsea, 3-6 p.m. free. Info, 685-9987.
199 College Street, Burlington 862-0707 •
Burlington Discover Jazz Festival: see WED.4, 5 p.m., 8 p.m. & 9:30 p.m.
aMerican society oF DoWsers national convention: see WED.4, 7 a.m.-6 p.m.
Exclud Exp. 6/30/14 •
n item w/ coupo Any 1 full priced ears code: 9y es BFD prodcucts
creative Writing WorkshoP: Beginner and advanced wordsmiths polish up their prose in a guided practice led by author Annie Downey and poet Muir Haman. otter Creek Room, Bixby Memorial Library, Vergennes, 6-8 p.m. free; preregister; limited space. Info, 877-2211.
20% OFF
with relaxation & wakefulness
calendar FRI.6
« P.51
Lyndon Farmers market: More than 20 vendors proffer a rotation of fresh veggies, meats, cheeses and more. Bandstand Park, Lyndonville, 3-6 p.m. Free. Info, 535-7528. richmond Farmers market: An open-air emporium connects farmers and fresh-food browsers. Volunteers Green, Richmond, 3-6:30 p.m. Free. Info, 999-7514.
Bridge cLuB: See WED.4, 10 a.m.
health & fitness
acro yoga open Jam session: Yogis take advantage of space in which to develop personal practices on their own. Sangha Studio, Burlington, 5-8 p.m. Donations. Info, 603-973-4163.
KARMÊ CHÖLING’S RELAX, RENEW & AWAKEN RETREAT July 24-27 JOIN US for a spacious retreat that allows time to walk the land, visit our one-acre organic vegetable garden, or to follow the spontaneous callings of your spirit.
8v-KarmeCholing040214.indd 1
avoid FaLLs With improved staBiLity: A personal trainer demonstrates daily practices for seniors concerned about their balance. Pines Senior Living Community, South Burlington, 10-11 a.m. $5-6. Info, 658-7477. everyday compassion With geshe ngaWang tengLey: Folks learn techniques for maintaining a peaceful mind despite difficult life situations. Milarepa Center, Barnet, 7-8 p.m. Donations. Info, 633-4136. introduction to kundaLini yoga: Following a brief lecture, Laura Manfred leads students in warm-up exercises, postures and meditation. Community Room, Hunger Mountain Co-op, Montpelier, 6-7:30 p.m. Free to attend; donations accepted; preregister. Info, 223-8000, ext. 202. Laughter cLuB: Breathe, clap, chant and ... giggle! Participants decrease stress with this playful practice. Bring personal water. The Wellness Co-op, Burlington, noon-1 p.m. Free. Info, 999-7373.
yoga consuLt: Yogis looking to refine their practice get helpful tips. Fusion Studio Yoga & Body Therapy, Montpelier, 11 a.m. Free; preregister. Info, 3/28/14 3:36 PM272-8923.
kids 06.04.14-06.11.14
champLain vaLLey sWeet potato sLip saLe: Green thumbs stock up on the Beauregard variety of these nutrient-rich, red-skinned tubers. Proceeds benefit the Vermont Community Garden Network. Red Wagon Plants, Hinesburg, 8 a.m.-6 p.m. Free. Info, 861-4769.
First Friday piano concert: Brothers Henry and Nathan Wu present a program of works by Bach, Chopin, Copland and others. Brownell Library, Essex Junction, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 878-6955.
create your oWn Fruit tree ecosystem: Meghan Giroux of Vermont Edible Landscapes shows participants how to boost their garden's biodiversity with mini orchards. uVM Horticultural Research Center, South Burlington, 9 a.m.-noon. $10-20. Info,
magic hat summer sessions: Revelers jam out to local acts in the brewery's beer garden while sipping suds and nibbling Skinny Pancake crepes. Magic Hat Brewing Company, South Burlington, 5-8 p.m. Free. Info, 658-2739. myra FLynn: Paul Boffa joins the Vermontraised singer-songwriter for a pastoral concert. Grounds open for picnicking at 5:30 p.m. Shelburne Vineyard, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Free; cost of beer, wine and pizza. Info, 985-8222. roots on the river FestivaL: See THu.5, 1 p.m. viLLage harmony aLumni ensemBLe: Larry Gordon and Tatiana Sarbinska direct college-age singers in a program of international choral music. Old Schoolhouse Common, Marshfield, 7:30 p.m. $5-10. Info, 426-3210.
Birds and Bears at WoLFrun: Animal tracker Susan Morse and Steve Hagenbuch of Audubon Vermont lead a daylong exploration of the relationships between wildlife and habitat. Town Green, Jericho, 7:30 a.m.-3 p.m. $5055; preregister. Info, 434-3068.
uS A
vermont comedy divas: Founded by local comedienne Josie Leavitt, the nation's only all-female touring comedy troupe presents "Divas Do Good." Proceeds benefit NAMI Vermont. Vergennes Opera House, 7:30 p.m. $8-12. Info, 877-6737.
kinney audi quattro cup goLF tournament: Players hit the green and tee off to support Vermont Adaptive Ski & Sports. See for details. Rutland Country Club, registration, 8 a.m.; tee time, 9 a.m. $150. Info,
BiLL sims Jr. & mark Lavoie: talks The Grammy Award-nominated charLes eisenstein: In "The guitarist and the harmonica New Design Paradigm," the author master deliver a rousing perforRT and economist examines shifts in E S mance of the Delta blues as part of their YO art and architecture that reflect an F BI LL SIM S J R. Vermont Vineyard Blues Tour. Lincoln Peak interdependence with the natural world. Vineyard, New Haven, 6-8 p.m. Free; wine availYestermorrow Design/Build School, Waitsfield, able by the glass. Info, 388-7368. 7-8:30 p.m. Free. Info, 496-5545.
'avenue q': Puppets sing dirty ditties in Robert Lopez and Jeff Marx's raucous, Tony Awardwinning musical. Lake Placid Center for the Arts, N.Y., 8 p.m. $10-15. Info, 518-523-2512.
centraL vermont humane society WaLk For animaLs: Humans show support for their four-legged friends at this benefit for CVHS featuring food and fun at the finish line. Montpelier Recreation Field, registration, 9:30 a.m.; walk, 10 a.m. Donations. Info, 476-3811, events@cvhumane. com.
spring migration Bird WaLks: Avian enthusiasts explore habitat hot spots in search of warblers, waterfowl and more. New Shelter, Hubbard Park, Montpelier, 7-8:30 a.m. $10; free for North Branch Nature Center members. Info, 229-6206.
2014 homes tour: History comes alive on a self-guided walking tour of notable Queen City abodes. Proceeds benefit Preservation Burlington. See calendar spotlight. Various locations, Burlington, noon4 p.m. $20; free for kids under 18. Info, 863-5966,
tropicaL Fish cLuB convention: Fans of the saltwater swimmers eat, drink and swap stories about their finned friends. An auction of rare breeds and aquarium materials rounds out the day. Holiday Inn, South Burlington, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. $3065; preregister. Info, 372-8716.
6/2/14 4:45 PM
pLant sWap: Dig in! Gardeners spruce up springtime plantings with traded fruits, veggies and flowers. Offerings must be labelled and diseasefree. Festivities and a children's parade follow. East Hardwick Grange, 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Free. Info, 755-6336,
canadian grand prix: Formula One fans fill the stands for a fast-paced weekend of racetrack action. Circuit Gilles-Villeneuve, Parc Jean-Drapeau, Montréal, 8 a.m.-6:30 p.m. $45.85-136.60. Info, 514-350-4731.
Ben & Jerry's concerts on the green: tedeschi trucks Band: Husband-and-wife team Derek Trucks and Susan Tedeschi lead an 11-piece ensemble in a musical mix of roots, blues and more. The London Souls open. See calendar spotlight. Shelburne Museum, 7 p.m. $49-54. Info, 877-987-6487.
dartmouth coLLege gLee cLuB commencement concert: Led by Louis Burkot, choral singers perform standards that span more than four centuries. Spaulding Auditorium, Hopkins Center, Dartmouth College, Hanover, N.H., 9:30 p.m. $11-19. Info, 603-646-2422.
8v-horsfords060414.indd 1
city haLL park Lunchtime perFormances: Bramblewood belt out folk tunes at a midday show. Burlington City Hall Park, noon-1 p.m. Free. Info, 865-7166.
music With derek: Movers and groovers up to age 8 shake their sillies out to toe-tapping tunes. Buttered Noodles, Williston, 10 a.m. Free. Info, 764-1810.
'L'itaLiana in aLgeri (the itaLian girL in aLgiers)': See THu.5.
eLementary open gym & activity time: Supervised kiddos in grades K through 6 burn off energy, then engage their imaginations with art, puzzles and books. Jaquith Public Library, Marshfield, 3-4:30 p.m. Free. Info, 426-3581.
'don't Be a dick': Performance artist Rythea Lee delves into the unexpected epiphanies of her psyche with song, story and dance. Flynndog, Burlington, 8 p.m. $15-25; preregister. Info, 413-586-7390.
BurLington discover Jazz FestivaL: Big chieF donaLd harrison Jr. & the congo square nation aFro-neW orLeans cuLturaL group: The best of the bayou heads north when the alto saxophonist leads a visually stunning performance complete with dancing, drumming and traditional costumes. See calendar spotlight. Flynn MainStage, Burlington, 8 p.m. $20-40. Info, 863-5966.
eastvieW at middLeBury open house: Folks mingle over refreshments, then meet residents of the senior living facility situated on 40 acres of meadows and mountain views. EastView at Middlebury, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Free. Info, 989-7500. huntington 250th anniversary ceLeBration: Families fête the town's milestone at a field day complete with games, good eats, a pet-owner costume parade and balloon launch. Huntington Recreation Field, 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Free. Info, 434-3935. Loving day vermont ceLeBration: DJ Infinite entertains like-minded locals, who commemorate the 1967 Supreme Court decision that legalized interracial marriage. North End Studio B, Burlington, 3-6 p.m. Free. Info,
american society oF doWsers nationaL convention: See WED.4, 7 a.m.-6 p.m.
2inspire dance company: Local dancers give a 1980s prom modern-day flair in The Best of Times. BFA Performing Arts Center, St. Albans, 7:30 p.m. $5. Info, 527-7191, ext. 339. 'cindereLLa': Students of Moving Light Dance interpret the classic fairy tale of finding Prince Charming with original choreography. Barre Opera House, 7 p.m. $12-22. Info, 476-8188.
Experience Authentic Classic Szechuan & Hunan Cuisine Organic and Gluten Free Offerings
Guinness Book of World records: lonGest contra dance line attempt: Ambitious folks set their sights on surpassing the current record of 2,208 dancers. A massive potluck and contra dance follow. See for details. College of St. Joseph, Rutland, check-in, 2:30 p.m.; attempt, 3 p.m. Free; bring a dish to share and personal utensils. Info, 'the sound of music' & 'an eveninG of dance': See FRI.6.
retreat from canada: revolutionary War Weekend: History buffs discover how our neighbors to the north helped America achieve independence with reenactments, demonstrations and informative displays. Ethan Allen Homestead, Burlington, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. $4-8; free for kids under 6. Info, 865-4556.
fairs & festivals
6h-silverpalace060414.indd 1
6/3/14 12:02 PM
health & fitness
ecoloGical medicine: nutrition and your microBiome: Kenzie and Mika McDonald discuss the relationship between nutrition and gut health, then demonstrate how to prepare a digestive tincture and fermented vegetables. Community Room, Hunger Mountain Co-op, Montpelier, 3-5 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 223-8000, ext. 202. life on the path: meditation morninGs With yoGa: Martha Tack, Wendy Cook and Andrea Thibaudeau lead heart-opening practices that bring mindful loving kindness to everyday life. Milarepa Center, Barnet, 9 a.m.-1:30 p.m. $25 includes vegetarian lunch; preregister. Info, 633-4136. r.i.p.p.e.d.: See WED.4, 9-10 a.m. sleep Workshop: Julie Mitchell of Eos Botanicals presents local flora that promote better rest. Participants make a tincture to take home. Willowell Foundation, Monkton, 9 a.m.-noon. $1525; preregister. Info, 453-6195,
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6/2/14 1:34 PM
BurlinGton farmers market: More than 90 stands overflow with seasonal produce, flowers, artisan wares and prepared foods. Burlington City Hall Park, 8:30 a.m.-2 p.m. Free. Info, 310-5172. BurlinGton food tour: Locavores sample the Queen City's finest cuisine on a scrumptious stroll that stops at the Burlington Farmers Market and an area restaurant. East Shore Vineyard Tasting Room, Burlington, 12:30-3 p.m. $45. Info, 277-0180, caledonia farmers market: Growers, crafters and entertainers gather weekly at outdoor stands centered on local eats. Pearl Street, St. Johnsbury, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Free. Info, 592-3088.
Asian Cuisine and Noodle Company, 1216 Williston Rd., So. Burlington Next to Higher Ground • 802-864-0125
food & drink
• Classic favorites such as Malaysian Noodle Bowl & New York-Style Orange Beef daily
4th annual tenney fest: Bookworms show their love of the library by participating in this annual fundraiser, which includes a silent auction, book sale, live music and other literary-themed events. Tenney Memorial Library, Newbury, 9 a.m.2 p.m. Free. Info, 429-2632. BurlinGton discover Jazz festival: See WED.4, 1-11:30 p.m. st-amBroise montréal frinGe festival: See WED.4, 4-11 p.m. strollinG of the heifers: See FRI.6, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. vermont dairy festival: See THU.5, 9 a.m.9:30 p.m. veterans appreciation JamBoree: See THU.5.
• Pan-seared Wild Salmon with Organic Spinach
d-day rememBrance day: Locals observe the 70th anniversary of the amphibious military invasion in Normandy, France, that changed the course of World War II. Guided tours, presentations and kids activities complete the day. Camp Johnson, Colchester, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Free. Info, 338-3360. french and indian War encampment: A recreation of the war features tactical battles, blacksmithing, frontier trades and more. The Fort at No. 4, Charlestown, N.H., 10 a.m.-4:30 p.m. $510. Info, 603-826-5700. the Ghosts of the old post: Locals keep an eye out for the "Lady in White" apparition while exploring Old Post Cemetery, the final resting place of more than 100 unknown soldiers. The Old Post Cemetery, Plattsburgh, N.Y., 9-10:15 p.m. $5-10. Info, 518-645-1577. montpelier fashion shoW: Models strut down the runway in threads from the past 90 years while displaying offbeat items up for auction. Tunes from DJ Fred Wilbur round out the 10th annual event. Vintage attire encouraged. Montpelier Senior Activity Center, 4 p.m. Free; $5 for a bidding paddle. Info, 777-8527. Queen city GhostWalk: darkness falls: Paranormal historian Thea Lewis highlights haunted happenings throughout Burlington. Meet at the steps 10 minutes before start time. Burlington City Hall Park, 8 p.m. $15; preregister. Info, 863-5966. the spirits of suny plattsBurGh: From a long-forgotten graveyard to a mournful apparition, thrill seekers delve into spine-tingling mysteries associated with the college campus. Steltzer Road, Plattsburgh, N.Y., 7-8:15 p.m. $5-10. Info, 518-645-1577.
capital city farmers market: Meats and cheeses join farm-fresh produce, baked goods and locally made arts and crafts throughout the growing season. 60 State Street, Montpelier, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Free. Info, 223-2958. champlain islands farmers market: See WED.4. St. Joseph's Church, Grand Isle, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Free. Info, 434-4122. chocolate tastinG: Sweets lovers tap into the nuances of sour, spicy, earthy and fruity flavors. Lake Champlain Chocolates Factory Store & Café, Burlington, 3 p.m. Free. Info, 448-5507. indian cuisine niGht: Seasonal ingredients accent dishes of daal, curry, chicken, raitia and basmati rice, prepared by Lini Mazumdar of Anjali Farm. Golden Stage Inn, Proctorsville, 6-9 p.m. $50; preregister. Info, 226-7744. middleBury farmers market: Crafts, cheeses, breads, veggies and more vie for spots in shoppers' totes. The Marbleworks, Middlebury, 9 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Free. Info, 673-4158. mount tom farmers market: Purveyors of garden-fresh crops, prepared foods and crafts set up shop for the morning. Parking lot, Mount Tom, Woodstock, 9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Free. Info, 457-2070. neWport farmers market: See WED.4. northWest farmers market: Foodies stock up on local produce, garden plants, canned goods and handmade crafts. Taylor Park, St. Albans, 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Free. Info, 827-3157. norWich farmers market: Neighbors discover fruits, veggies and other riches of the land, offered alongside baked goods, handmade crafts and live entertainment. Route 5 South, Norwich, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Free. Info, 384-7447. rutland county farmers market: Downtown strollers find high-quality produce, fresh-cut flowers, sweet treats and artisan crafts within arms' reach. Depot Park, Rutland, 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Free. Info, 773-4813 or 353-0893. shelBurne farmers market: Harvested fruits and greens, artisan cheese and local novelties grace outdoor tables at a presentation of the season's best. Shelburne Town Center, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Free. Info, 985-2472. trek to taste: Walkers explore wooded trails that lead to farm-fresh treats, games, and arts and crafts. An ice cream social and live music round out the day. Forest Center, Marsh-Billings-Rockefeller National Historical Park, Woodstock, 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Free. Info, 457-3368, ext. 22. Waitsfield farmers market: Local entertainment enlivens a bustling, open-air market boasting extensive seasonal produce, prepared foods and artisan crafts. Mad River Green, Waitsfield, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Free. Info, 472-8027. Wine & cheese party: Live tunes from Chris Nicotera and Heather Webster entertain attendees, who snack and sip vino while browsing eye-catching flower displays. Proceeds benefit the Vermont Symphony Orchestra. Spates the Florist, Newport, 5:15-7:15 p.m. $30. Info, 988-4786.
calendar SAT.7
« P.53
TincTure-Making Workshop: Juliette Abigail Carr of Old Ways Herbal helps participants create alcohol- or vinegar-based medicine steeped with natural ingredients. Willowell Foundation, Monkton, 12:30-2:30 p.m. $15-25; preregister. Info, 453-6195, undersTanding easTern Medicine: Acupuncturist Marni Adhikari teaches attendants about alternative paths to well-being through the Chinese philosophy of the Five Elements. Pathways to Well Being, Burlington, 2-3 p.m. Free. Info, 578-7368.
carnival open house: Popcorn, pizza and ice cream fuel families for games, face painting and a scavenger hunt. Milton Family Community Center, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Free. Info, 893-1457. kids Fishing clinic: An outdoor educational adventure introduces little ones to the ins and outs of skills such as casting and fly-tying. Lunch is provided. Missisquoi National Wildlife Refuge, Swanton, 8 a.m. Free; preregister. Info, 868-4781. kids spinal screening: Chiropractors Timothy Farrell and Michael Sommers examine kiddos ages 17 and under for skeletal misalignments. Games, face painting and yoga round out the day. Proceeds benefit the Jericho/Underhill Volunteer Fire Department. Farrell Chiropractic Center, Jericho, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Free to attend; donations accepted. Info, 899-9991. saTurday sTory TiMe: Youngsters and their caregivers gather for entertaining tales. Phoenix Books Burlington, 11 a.m. Free. Info, 448-3350. 'TeaM hoT Wheels: The origin oF aWesoMe': Four friends enlist an eccentric scientist to help them stop a mysterious black car wreaking havoc on their town in this big-screen debut. Palace 9 Cinemas, South Burlington, 11 a.m. $10. Info, 864-5610.
canadian grand prix: See FRI.6, 7 a.m.-6 p.m.
BurlingTon discover Jazz FesTival: BelizBeha: Reuniting on stage for a 20th anniversary show, the Queen City legends deliver a blend of acid-jazz and funk. The Jennifer Hartswick Band and Kat Wright & the Indomitable Soul Band join the party. Waterfront Park, Burlington, 5:30 p.m. $20-25. Info, 863-5966. BurlingTon discover Jazz FesTival: cécile Mclorin salvanT: The celebrated vocalist melds powerful pipes with rhythmic poise. FlynnSpace, Burlington, 10 p.m. $30. Info, 863-5966. BurlingTon discover Jazz FesTival: June Jazz BarBecue: A multisensory experience features tasty treats, fine art and the genre-bending tunes of Eight 02. Pizzagalli Center for Art and Education, Shelburne Museum, noon-2 p.m. Free with admission, $11-22; free for kids under 5; cost of food and drink. Info, 985-3346. ian eThan case: The jazz guitarist gives concertgoers a visual and aural feast with his offbeat playing style. BCA Center, Burlington, 3 p.m. Free. Info, 865-7166. Jari piper: Reflecting his eclectic musical taste, the classically trained cellist presents selections that travel from the baroque era to the present. Brandon Music Café, 7:30 p.m. $15; $35 includes dinner package; preregister; BYOB. Info, 465-4071. ripTon coMMuniTy coFFeehouse: Local performers warm up the microphone for folk troubadour Greg Klyma. Ripton Community House, 7:30 p.m. $3-10. Info, 388-9782. rooTs on The river FesTival: See THU.5, noon. sarah MaTheWs & claire Black: The cellist and pianist interpret the music of Russia and Eastern Europe in a program of works by Rachmaninov, Antonín Dvořák and Karl Goldmark. Richmond Free Library, 1 p.m. Free to attend; donations accepted. Info, 518-796-4188. village harMony aluMni enseMBle: See FRI.6, Second Congregational Church, Hyde Park, 7:30 p.m. $5-10. Info, 426-3210.
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5/20/14 9:33 AM
onion river race: Canoers and kayakers zip down a 10-mile stretch of the Winooski River to benefit conservation efforts. Shuttle service and meals provided. Volunteer Green, Richmond, 8 a.m.-3:15 p.m. $25; preregister; limited space. Info, 540-0319.
3-d prinTing, designing & scanning WiTh Blu-Bin: Instruction in basic programs teaches attendees how to build digital models of their ideas. Blu-Bin, Burlington, noon-1:30 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 345-6030. Tropical Fish cluB convenTion: See FRI.6, 8 a.m.-9 p.m.
capiTal ciTy sTaMpede: Athletes of all ages pound the pavement on a 10K beginning and ending in downtown Montpelier. Onion River Sports, Montpelier, 7:45 a.m.-noon. registration, 7:45-8:45 a.m.; race, 9 a.m. Info, 485-3777. resTore The Bay 5k: Runners and walkers put their best foot forward to support Saint Albans Area Watershed Association's efforts to improve the water quality of St. Albans Bay. St. Albans Bay Park, registration, 8 a.m.; race, 9 a.m. $20. Info, 524-0184. saTurday group runs: Athletes break a sweat in a morning workout led by the Montpelier Runners. Bagels and coffee at Onion River Sports follow. Vermont Statehouse, Montpelier, 9 a.m. Free. Info, 229-9409. sMugglers' noTch Trail race series: Runners of all ages go for gold on the resort's cross-country trails. Proceeds benefit local charities. Donations of nonperishable goods and gently used sneakers accepted. Smugglers' Notch Resort, Jeffersonville, fun run, 9:30 a.m.; 4K and 8K, 10 a.m. $10-25; free for kids 7 and under. Info, 644-1173. TWin sTaTe derBy douBleheader: Hot wheels! Fans watch the White Mountain Mayhem and the Upper Valley Vixens battle the Green Grasskickers and the Black Ice Brawlers. Partial proceeds benefit the Vermont Institute of Natural Science. An afterparty follows. Union Arena, Woodstock, 4:30-8 p.m. $10-12; free for kids under 12. Info, uv.vixens@gmail. com. verMonT hickory FourBall: Golfers take a swing at this unique tourney of 18 mini games. See for details. Copley Country Club, 10 a.m. $135 includes meals. Info, stowesigns@ WoMen's road rides: Casual-to-intermediate pedal pushers team up with Julie Noyes. Road bikes recommended. Onion River Sports, Montpelier, 9 a.m. Free. Info, 229-9409.
norThern kingdoM asTronoMy FoundaTion presenTaTion: Star light, star bright! Amateur astronomers from Peacham's Northern Skies Observatory share their knowledge of the planets and the solar system. St. Johnsbury Athenaeum, 3 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 748-8291.
'avenue Q': See FRI.6. 'l'iTaliana in algeri (The iTalian girl in algiers)': See THU.5. 'Quechee's goT TalenT' audiTion: Performers showcase their skills for consideration in the Quechee Summer Music Festival finale. Clubhouse, The Quechee Club, 6-8 p.m. Free. Info, 299-2102. rose FriedMan & JusTin lander: The local vaudeville revivalists join animator/filmmaker Meredith Holch and special guest performers to celebrate the "Toothbrush from Twig to Bristle, in all Its Expedient Beauty" exhibit. The Museum of Everyday Life, Glover, 3-8 p.m. Donations. Info, 626-4409.
BigToWn suMMer reading series: Awardwinning writers Rick Bass and Jane Brox treat lit lovers to a reading of selected works. BigTown Gallery, Rochester, 5:30 p.m. Free. Info, 767-9670.
chaMplain valley sWeeT poTaTo slip sale: See SAT.7. spring garden Tour: Blooms and botany take center stage in a self-guided showcase of nine public and private oases. A 4-6 p.m. reception at Henry Sheldon Museum follows. Various locations, Middlebury, noon-5 p.m. $25. Info, 388-2117. sQuare-FooT gardening: Master gardener Peter Burke outlines ways to maximize the production of petite plots. City Market, Burlington, 1-2:30 p.m. $510; preregister at; limited space. Info, 223-8000, ext. 202.
aMerican socieTy oF doWsers naTional convenTion: See WED.4, 7 a.m.-6 p.m.
israeli Folk dancing: All ages and skill levels convene for circle and line dances, which are taught, reviewed and prompted. No partner necessary, but clean, soft-soled shoes are required. Ohavi Zedek Synagogue, Burlington, every other Sunday, 7:30 p.m. $2; free first session. Info, 864-0218, ext. 21.
'cinderella': See SAT.7, 2 p.m. 'snoW WhiTe': The Vermont Center for Dance Education transforms this timeless tale of true love into a full-length ballet. Paramount Theatre, Rutland, 1 p.m. & 6 p.m. $25, adults; $15, children under 12 and seniors. Info, 775-0903. 'The sound oF Music' & 'an evening oF dance': See FRI.6, 1-3:30 p.m.
reTreaT FroM canada: revoluTionary War Weekend: See SAT.7.
georgia MounTain coMMuniTy Wind open house: Visitors tour the turbines and learn the ins and outs of the clean-energy operation. Georgia Mountain Community Wind, Milton, 1-4 p.m. Free. Info, 825-8673.
Bread and puppeT MuseuM open house: Sacred Harp singing and fresh-baked sourdough rye accompany politically fueled performances. Bread and Puppet Theater, Glover, 2 p.m. & 7 p.m. Free. Info, 525-3031. cancer survivors social: Those who have beat the disease mingle over healthy, local hors d'oeuvres amid stunning scenery. North Porch, The Inn at Shelburne Farms, 2-5 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 434-3979. French and indian War encaMpMenT: See SAT.7, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. JusTice For dogs caBin cookouT: Animal lovers support their four-legged friends with good eats, music, games, door prizes and a silent auction. See for details. Claudia's Cabins, Morrisville, 1-5 p.m. $20-30; $40-60 per family. Info, 747-8833. Queen ciTy ghosTWalk: Wicked WaTerFronT: Paranormal authority Thea Lewis leads a spooky stroll along the shores of Lake Champlain. Meet at the fountain at the bottom of Pearl Street 10 minutes before start time. Battery Park, Burlington, 8 p.m. $15; preregister. Info, 863-5966.
fairs & festivals
BurlingTon discover Jazz FesTival: See WED.4, 10 a.m. & 12:30-9:30 p.m. sT-aMBroise MonTréal Fringe FesTival: See WED.4, 5-11 p.m. sTrolling oF The heiFers: See FRI.6, 9 a.m. verMonT dairy FesTival: See THU.5, 7:30 a.m.-5 p.m.
Global Roots Film seRies: A newlywed seeks comfort outside of her lonely marriage in Bui Thac Chuyen's drama Adrift. In Vietnamese with English subtitles. North End Studio A, Burlington, 5 p.m. Free to attend; donations accepted. Info, info@ 'shadows oF libeRty': Featuring Dan Rather, Amy Goodman and other media bigwigs, JeanPhilippe Tremblay's 2012 documentary exposes corruption and cover-ups in mainstream journalism. Peace & Justice Center, Burlington, 4 p.m. Free to attend; donations accepted. Info, 863-2345.
food & drink
ice cReam sundays: Sweets lovers make and taste the summer treat, then learn the history of the "great American dessert." Billings Farm & Museum, Woodstock, 12:15 & 2:15 p.m. Regular admission, $414; free for kids 2 and under. Info, 457-2355. south buRlinGton FaRmeRs maRket: Farmers, food vendors, artists and crafters set up booths in the parking lot. South Burlington High School, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Free. Info, 207-266-8766. winooski FaRmeRs maRket: Area growers and bakers offer ethnic eats, assorted produce and agricultural products. Champlain Mill Green, Winooski, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Free. Info, 413-446-4684.
health & fitness
community RestoRative yoGa: Tisha Shull leads a gentle practice aimed at achieving mindbody balance. Sangha Studio, Burlington, 5:30-7 p.m. Donations. Info, 603-973-4163, community vinyasa: Rose Bryant helps students focus on breath, intention and inner balance. Sangha Studio, Burlington, 12:45-1:45 p.m. Donations. Info, 603-973-4163. satuRday moRninG Run/walk: Amateur athletes make strides at an informal weekly meet-up. Peak Performance, Williston, 8-9 a.m. Free. Info, 658-0949. yoGic science: PRanayama and meditation: Mindfulness techniques focus the senses and support an asana practice. Proceeds benefit the Center for Mindful Learning. Sangha Studio, Burlington, 2-3 p.m. Donations. Info, 603-973-4163.
canadian GRand PRix: See FRI.6, 8 a.m.-2 p.m.
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6/2/14 10:40 AM
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6/2/14 11:57 AM
eaRly biRdeR moRninG walk: Avian enthusiasts don binoculars and keep a lookout for winged species on a woodland trek. Birds of Vermont Museum, Huntington, 7-9:30 a.m. Free; preregister. Info, 434-2167. histoRy-mysteRy walk: Tunbridge historical society president Euclid Farnham leads the way on a secretive stroll. Meet at the library to carpool to destination. Tunbridge Public Library, 3 p.m. Free. Info, 889-3458 or 889-5528. mount hunGeR sPRinG celebRatoRy hike: A trek to the summit recognizes the Jewish harvest holiday Shavuot. Mount Hunger Trailhead, Waterbury, 1:30-6 p.m. Free; preregister. Info,
tRoPical Fish club convention: See FRI.6, 9:30 a.m.-5 p.m.
chamP Run: Families and fitness enthusiasts convene for a 5K and 1-mile run/walk and a timed 10K. Proceeds benefit the school programs. Charlotte Central School, registration, 7:30-8:45 a.m.; fun run, 8:30 a.m.; 5K and 10K, 9 a.m. $15-30; $65-75 per family of four. Info, 425-5630. veRmont hickoRy FouRball: See SAT.7, 9 a.m. women's PickuP socceR: Quick-footed ladies of varying skill levels break a sweat while stringing together passes and making runs for the goal. For ages 18 and up. Starr Farm Park, Burlington, 6-8 p.m. $3. Info, 864-0123.
Exhibitions on 3 floors including work by:
» P.56
(Directed by Adam Kahan, 2014)
BAYOU MAHARAJAH: THE TRAGIC GENIUS OF JAMES BOOKER (Directed by Lily Keber, 2013) J A Z Z L A B AT T H E B C A C E N T E R ( 1 3 5 C H U R C H S T R E E T ) C O M P L E T E I N F O R M A T I O N A T B U R L I N G T O N C I T YA R T S . O R G Untitled-41 1
5/27/14 10:55 AM
willaRd steRne Randall: The acclaimed biographer discusses the role of Burgoyne's March in the Saratoga Campaign during the early days of the American Revolution. Ethan Allen Homestead, Burlington, 4-5:30 p.m. Free. Info, 865-4556.
(Directed by Alan Roth, 2013)
the aPhasia choiR: Eleven local stroke survivors access the undamaged hemispheres of their brains in a musical performance that transcends their language disorder. Davis Auditorium, Medical Education Center Pavilion, Fletcher Allen Health Care, Burlington, 2 p.m. Free. Info, 847-3639. bill sims JR. & maRk lavoie: See FRI.6, Fresh Tracks Farm Vineyard & Winery, Berlin, 2-4 p.m. Free. Info, buRlinGton discoveR Jazz Festival: eddie PalmieRi latin Jazz band: The multiple Grammy Award-winning pianist hammers out Afro-Caribbean grooves on the ivory keys. Flynn MainStage, Burlington, 8 p.m. $20-48. Info, 863-5966.
Call The Teen Intervention Program for Substance Use
dimanches FRench conveRsation: French students of varying levels engage in dialogue en français. Panera Bread, Burlington, 6-7:30 p.m. Free. Info, 363-2431. FRench conveRsation GRouP: dimanches: Parlez-vous français? Speakers practice the tongue at a casual, drop-in chat. Local History Room, Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 4-5:30 p.m. Free. Info, 363-2431.
buRlinGton discoveR Jazz Festival: JeRRy beRGonzi Quintet: Living up to his status as a legendary live performer, the world-renowned saxophonist redefines traditional approaches to improvisation. FlynnSpace, Burlington, 6 p.m. $2225. Info, 863-5966. celebRation oF exPRessive aRts: Slam poet Geof Hewitt, painter Al Salzman and musical duo Cricket Blue share their work. Brief material is welcomed from guest performers at the facilitator's discretion. The Inn, Montgomery Center, 7-9:30 p.m. $5 suggested donation. Info, 326-4391. euGene FRiesen: The cellist takes listeners on a 25-year journey, spanning his work with jazz greats such as Dave Brubeck and Toots Thielemans. BCA Center, Burlington, 4 p.m. Free. Info, 865-7166. GReen mountain oPeRa Festival emeRGinG aRtist showcase: Members of the GMOF program perform an operatic repertoire. Community Church, Stowe, 4:30 p.m. Free. Info, 496-7722. lauGhinG FinGeRs, mattRess Financial & dust FRom 1000 yRs: An evening of indie folk-punk gets audience members on the dance floor. Sovversiva Open Space, Montpelier, 7 p.m. $5 suggested donation. Info, missisQuoi RiveR band: Special guests Will Patton and Bill Gaston join the group for a spirited performance of traditional and original bluegrass. Enosburg Town Bandstand, 10-11 a.m. Free. Info, 933-2545. the ollabelles & the small choiR: Local vocalists present a cappella arrangements of Shape Note, Appalachian and gospel tunes. Unitarian Church, Montpelier, 7 p.m. $10. Info, 595-9951. QuaRtet bussièRes: Violins by Bruno Eicher and Elizabeth Chang pair up with Nardo Poy's viola and Kari Jane Docter's cello to play standards by Beethoven, Mendelssohn and Dvořák. North Universalist Chapel Society, Woodstock, 4 p.m. Free; donations. Info, 457-3981. Roots on the RiveR Festival: See THU.5, noon. saRah mathews & claiRe black: See SAT.7, First Baptist Church, Burlington, 2 p.m. Free to attend; donations accepted. Info, 518-796-4188.
Your Teen’s Substance Use?
Russian Play time with natasha: Youngsters up to age 8 learn new words via rhymes, games, music, dance and a puppet show. Buttered Noodles, Williston, 11-11:45 a.m. Free. Info, 764-1810. 'team hot wheels: the oRiGin oF awesome': See SAT.7.
Are you concerned about…
calendar MON.9
« P.55
'The Fool's Riddle: hysTeRia has No house': Jocelyn Woods embodies Naught-Begot, ambassador of the Ship of Fools, in this one-act play where genius, madness and orgasm are all kin. For ages 18 and up. Black Box Theater, Main Street Landing Performing Arts Center, Burlington, 7 p.m. $21-26. Info, 863-5966.
JaNe ausTeN iN VeRmoNT: In respective lectures, Lisa Brown and Marie Sprayberry explore the influence of the Royal Navy and King George IV on the novelist's work. Costume displays and light refreshments round out the afternoon. Fletcher Room, Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 1-3:30 p.m. Free. Info, 343-2294.
ameRicaN socieTy oF dowseRs NaTioNal coNVeNTioN: See WED.4, 8 a.m.-noon.
shakTi TRibal belly daNce wiTh susaNNe: Students get their groove on with this ancient and spirit-inspired improvisational dance form. Soul Fire Studio, Burlington, 5:30-6:45 p.m. $15. Info, 688-4464.
blue-gReeN algae moNiToR TRaiNiNg: Environmental stewards learn how to assess lake conditions, so as to provide weekly reports on algae blooms. See for details. Various Vermont & Plattsburgh locations, noon & 2:30 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 658-1414.
fairs & festivals
sT-ambRoise moNTRéal FRiNge FesTiVal: See WED.4, 6-11 p.m.
bRidge club: See WED.4, 7 p.m. TRiVia NighT: Teams of quick thinkers gather for a meeting of the minds. Lobby, Hotel Vermont, Burlington, 7-9 p.m. Free. Info, 651-5012.
aVoid Falls wiTh impRoVed sTabiliTy: See FRI.6. geNTle haTha yoga: Students set individual goals in a supportive practice of slow movements focused on calming the mind and body. Personal mats required. John Dewey Lounge, Old Mill Building, UVM, Burlington, 11 a.m.-noon. Donations. Info, 683-4918. moNday-NighT FuN RuN: Runners push past personal limits and make strides at this weekly meet-up. Peak Performance, Williston, 5:30 p.m. Free. Info, 658-0949.
alice iN NoodlelaNd: Youngsters get acquainted over crafts and play while new parents and expectant mothers chat with maternity nurse and lactation consultant Alice Gonyar. Buttered Noodles, Williston, 10-11 a.m. Free. Info, 764-1810.
couRageous coNVeRsaTioNs ThRough aRT: 'cloudbuRsT': RU12?'s Northeast Kingdom LGBTQA Community Advisory Group hosts a screening of the award-winning drama about an elderly lesbian couple who leave their nursing home for Canada, where they plan to marry. A discussion follows. Catamount Arts Center, St. Johnsbury, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 860-7812. lgbT book discussioN seRies: Bibliophiles give feedback about Mary Boenke's Trans Forming Families. Hayes Room, Kellogg-Hubbard Library, Montpelier, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 223-3338 or 223-7035.
sambaTucada! opeN ReheaRsal: New faces are invited to pitch in as Burlington's samba streetpercussion band sharpens its tunes. Experience and instruments are not required. 8 Space Studio Collective, Burlington, 6-8 p.m. Free. Info, 862-5017.
'keys To cRediT' FiNaNcial educaTioN woRkshop: Participants learn how to navigate the often overwhelming world of credit. The Wellness Co-op, Burlington, 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Free. Info, 888-492-8218, ext. 303. pRiNTmasTeR 18 scRapbookiNg woRkshop: User-friendly programs provide high-tech options for creating eye-catching photo memories. Pines Senior Living Community, South Burlington, 1-3:20 p.m. $20; preregister. Info, 864-1502.
bRead loaF oRioN eNViRoNmeNTal wRiTeRs coNFeReNce: Lectures and readings by Rick Bass, Alison Hawthorne Deming, Alan Weisman and others address the connection between the land and the page. Little Theatre, Bread Loaf Campus, Ripton, 8 p.m. Free. Info, 443-5286.
health & fitness
iNTRo To TRibal belly daNce: Ancient traditions from diverse cultures define this moving meditation that celebrates the feminine creative energy. Comfortable clothing required. Sacred Mountain Studio, Burlington, 6:45 p.m. $12. Info, swiNg daNce pRacTice sessioN: Twinkle-toed dancers learn steps for the lindy hop, Charleston and balboa. Indoor shoes required. Champlain Club, Burlington, 7:30-9:30 p.m. $5. Info, 448-2930.
commuNiTy college oF VeRmoNT iNFoRmaTioN sessioN: Potential students meet with academic advisers to learn about courses and programs offered throughout the summer. Community College of Vermont Middlebury Campus, noon. Free. Info, 388-3032.
blue-gReeN algae moNiToR TRaiNiNg: See MON.9, 10 a.m., noon & 2:30 p.m.
The mysTeRy oF RealiTy: Inquisitive minds discuss rational approaches to navigating beliefs about reality over a light lunch. New Moon Café, Burlington, 12:15-1:15 p.m. $5 suggested donation; $7 for lunch; preregister; limited space. Info, Tea & FoRmal gaRdeNs TouR: See THU.5. Tech TuToR pRogRam: Local teens answer questions about computers and devices during drop-in sessions. Dorothy Alling Memorial Library, Williston, 3-6 p.m. Free. Info, 878-4918.
fairs & festivals
sT-ambRoise moNTRéal FRiNge FesTiVal: See WED.4, 7-11 p.m.
kNighTs oF The mysTic moVie club: Cinema hounds screen campy flicks at this celebration of offbeat productions. Main Street Museum, White River Junction, 8 p.m. Free. Info, 356-2776.
food & drink
old NoRTh eNd FaRmeRs maRkeT: Locavores snatch up breads, juices, ethnic food and more made by neighborhood vendors. Integrated Arts Academy, H.O. Wheeler Elementary School, Burlington, 3-6:30 p.m. Free. Info, 324-3073, RuTlaNd couNTy FaRmeRs maRkeT: See SAT.7, 2-6 p.m.
dRop-iN kNiTTiNg: Needleworkers of all skill levels tackle current projects in a supportive environment. Dorothy Alling Memorial Library, Williston, 1 p.m. Free. Info, 878-4918.
gamiNg FoR TeeNs & adulTs: Tabletop games entertain players of all skill levels. Kids 13 and under require a legal guardian or parental permission to attend. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 5-7:45 p.m. Free. Info, 865-7216.
iNTRo To yoga: Those new to the mat discover the benefits of aligning breath and body. Fusion Studio Yoga & Body Therapy, Montpelier, 4-5 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 272-8923. makiNg seNse oF supplemeNTs: Chiropractor Gregory Giasson provides tips for making informed decisions about natural supplements — including when to use whole foods as alternatives. Community Room, Hunger Mountain Co-op, Montpelier, 5:306:30 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 223-8000, ext. 202.
cReaTiVe Tuesdays: Artists exercise their imaginations with recycled crafts. Kids under 10 must be accompanied by an adult. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 3-5 p.m. Free. Info, 865-7216. pReschool sToRy houR: FaTheRs: Kiddos celebrate dads with themed tales, activities and a picnic, weather permitting. Fairfax Community Library, 9:30-10:30 a.m. Free. Info, 849-2420. sToRy Time iN The NesTliNgs Nook: Birdthemed tales prep preschoolers for crafts, music and nature activities. Birds of Vermont Museum, Huntington, 10:30-11:30 a.m. Free with regular admission, $3-6. Info, 434-2167. yoga wiTh daNielle: Toddlers and preschoolers strike a pose, then share stories and songs. Buttered Noodles, Williston, 10-10:30 a.m. Free. Info, 764-1810.
FReNch coNVeRsaTioN gRoup: Beginner-tointermediate speakers brush up on their language skills. Halvorson's Upstreet Café, Burlington, 4:30-6 p.m. Free. Info, 540-0195. pause-caFé FReNch coNVeRsaTioN: French students of varying levels engage in dialogue en français. Panera Bread, Burlington, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Free. Info, 363-2431.
commuNiTy ciNema: 'The New black': Yoruba Richen's 2013 documentary travels from church pews to city streets to examine gay rights issues in Maryland's African American community. Fletcher Room, Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 6 p.m. Free. Info, 656-2085.
gReeN mouNTaiN opeRa FesTiVal masTeR class: Maestro Joseph Mechavich leads a practice session. Schoolhouse, Sugarbush Resort, Warren, 2 p.m. Free. Info, 496-7722. melissa eTheRidge: The Grammy- and Academy Award-winning singer-songwriter takes the stage to play a rare solo acoustic set. Paramount Theatre, Rutland, 8 p.m. $79.75-105.75; limited seating. Info, 775-0903. syRiNX: The African American spirituals of renowned baritone and arranger Harry T. Burleigh come to life courtesy of the 12-member vocal ensemble. St. Paul's Cathedral, Burlington, noon-1 p.m. Free. Info, 864-0471.
June 14, 2014 Register now at
health & fitness
R.i.p.p.e.d.: See WED.4. VigoRous haTha yoga: An energized sequence of postures builds endurance, balance and strength. Personal mats required. John Dewey Lounge, Old Mill Building, UVM, Burlington, 12:301:30 p.m. Donations. Info, 683-4918.
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Summer Bug WalkS: Insect lovers grab their nets for a stroll in nature aimed at catching, observing and releasing creepy crawlers. North Branch Nature Center, Montpelier, 3:30-5 p.m. $3-5. Info, 229-6206.
end-of-life Planning: Franklin County Home Health Agency staff share their expertise with families and caretakers. Swanton School Apartments, 10 a.m. Free. Info, 393-6717. introduction to BuddhiSm: Those interested in learning more about meditation, karma, reincarnation and other aspects of the religion join senior student Larry Howe for an informative session. Milarepa Center, Barnet, 7-8:30 p.m. Donations. Info, 633-4136.
roadSPokeS 201 ride: Cyclists training for the Onion River Century Ride gradually increase their pace in a training session with Linda Freeman. Montpelier High School, 5:30-7 p.m. Free. Info, 229-9409. Stand uP Paddle Board demo day: Umiak Outdoor Outfitters hosts a demonstration of the popular low-impact aquatic activity. North Beach, Burlington, 6-8 p.m. Free. Info, 651-8760. Stand uP Paddle Board demo day: WaterBury center: Experts show newcomers how to glide across the Reservoir's waters. Waterbury Center State Park, 6-8 p.m. Free. Info, 253- 2542. tueSday mountain rideS: Cyclists of all skill levels brush up on their technique while cruising local trails. Mountain bikes suggested; helmets required. Onion River Sports, Montpelier, 5:30-7:30 p.m. Free. Info, 229-9409. Women'S WedneSday mountain rideS: Beginner-to-intermediate pedalers cruise along nature trails. Mountain bikes suggested; helmets required. Onion River Sports, Montpelier, 5:30 p.m. Free. Info, 229-9409.
carrie BroWn: The historian presents "Arming the Union: Vermont Gunmakers and the Technology That Shaped America." Hotel Coolidge, White River Junction, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 457-2398. deB Van Schaack: Step to it! The local high school counselor tracks her solo trek from Georgia to Maine along the Appalachian Trail. Carpenter-Carse Library, Hinesburg, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 482-2878.
'the Bake off': A trio of directors working with separate casts dissect Christopher Durang's zany comedy Beyond Therapy into three different parts. A Q&A follows each performance. FlynnSpace, Burlington, 7:30 p.m. $28.80-37.50. Info, 863-5966.
SunSet Belly dance: See WED.4.
Blue-green algae monitor training: See MON.9, 10 a.m., 4 p.m. & 7 p.m.
kingdom community Wind tourS: See WED.4.
fairs & festivals
St-amBroiSe montréal fringe feStiVal: See WED.4, 5-11 p.m.
food & drink
chamPlain iSlandS farmerS market: See WED.4. foley BrotherS Beer dinner: Hops lovers join the local brewers, who host a four-course meal featuring their craft brews. Willy B's Tavern, Three Stallion Inn, Randolph, 6-8:30 p.m. $50. Info, 565-8500. middleBury farmerS market: See SAT.7. neWPort farmerS market: See WED.4. Sun to cheeSe tour: Fromage lovers go behind the scenes and follow award-winning farmhouse cheddar from raw milk to finished product. Shelburne Farms, 1:30-3:30 p.m. $15 includes a block of cheese. Info, 985-8686. WedneSday Wine doWn: See WED.4. WilliSton farmerS market: See WED.4.
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health & fitness
Saturday, June 21
montréal-Style acro yoga: See WED.4. r.i.P.P.e.d.: See WED.4.
Waterfront Park, Burlington Session One - Noon to 3:30pm Session Two - 5:00 to 8:30pm
creatiVe Writing cluB: See WED.4. meet rockin' ron the friendly Pirate: See WED.4. read to a dog: Lit lovers take advantage of quality time with a friendly, fuzzy therapy pooch. Fairfax Community Library, 3:15-4 p.m. Free; preregister for a time slot. Info, 849-2420.
engliSh aS a Second language claSS: See WED.4. intermediate/adVanced engliSh aS a Second language claSS: See WED.4. italian conVerSation grouP: Parla Italiano? A native speaker leads a language practice for all ages and abilities. Room 101, St. Edmund's Hall, St. Michael's College, Colchester, 7-9 p.m. Free. Info, 899-3869.
city hall Park lunchtime PerformanceS: Fiddle-folk stylings from Pete's Posse entertain music lovers. Burlington City Hall Park, noon-1 p.m. Free. Info, 865-7166.
'the Bake off': See TUE.10.
Bread loaf orion enVironmental WriterS conference: See MON.9, 9 a.m. & 8 p.m. m
v Taste hundreds of wines from around the world v Sample foods from the area’s top restaurants and artisan food producers v Free food & wine seminars Additional Festival Events Include
Wednesday, June 18, 5:00 - 7:00 pm First Annual “Great Shakes” Cocktail Competition!
Pizzeria Verita, 156 St. Paul Street, Burlington
Thursday, June 19, 6:30 pm departure “Wine on the Water” Cruise Aboard the Northern Lights King Street Ferry Dock, Burlington (Boarding at 6:15 pm)
Save $10 by purchasing your tickets in advance!
artS & culture SerieS: introduction to draWing: Ed Kadunc leads participants through the fundamentals of sketching with pencil. St. Johnsbury Athenaeum, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 748-8291.
Tickets available by phone at 802-86-FLYNN or online at Thank you to our supporting sponsors
Women BuSineSS oWnerS netWork: central Vermont chaPter meeting: Laura Lind-Blum of the Vermont Women's Business Center presents "Success, Meaning and Money: Measuring What Matters in Your Business." Central Vermont Community Action Council, Barre, 8:15-10 a.m. $710. Info, 03-0219.
Bridge cluB: See WED.4.
green mountain taBle tenniS cluB: See WED.4. WedneSday roadSPokeS 101 ride: See WED.4.
Wed.11 art
Book diScuSSion: Bibliophiles chat with Linda Smith about Ursula Le Guin's award-winning science fiction novel, The Left Hand of Darkness. Local History Room, Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 6:30 p.m. Free. Info, 865-7211. Bread loaf orion enVironmental WriterS conference: See MON.9, 9 a.m., 3:30 & 8 p.m. eileen rockefeller: The author and philanthropist excerpts Being a Rockefeller, Becoming Myself. Town Hall Theater, Middlebury, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 382-9222.
PoWerful toolS for caregiVerS: See WED.4.
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Strolling of the Heifers
THE PARADE : Saturday, June 7 - 10AM
Tour de Heifer Bike Tours / 8AM
Gallery Walk Street Festival & Bread Pudding Bake-Off 5:30-8:30PM
Strolling of the Heifer Parade / 10AM
Famous Farmers Breakfast / 9AM-1PM
Slow Living Expo / All Day
Farm Tours / All Day
T O W N !
Visit us online for more information and full schedule:
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burlington city arts
Call 865-7166 for info or register online at Teacher bios are also available online. CLAY: WHEEL THROWING MONDAYS: An introduction to clay, pottery and ceramics studio. Work primarily on a potter’s wheel, learning basic throwing and forming techniques, creating functional pieces like mugs, vases and bowls. No experience needed! Includes over 30 hours/ week of open studio time, tools, equipment, glazes, firing and a 25-lb. bag of clay. Weekly on Mon., Jul. 7-Aug. 11, 6-8:30 p.m. Cost: $230 /person; $207/BCA members. Location: BCA Clay Studio, 250 Main St., Burlington. Info: 865-7166.
DSANTOS VT SALSA: Experience the fun and excitement of Burlington’s eclectic dance community by learning salsa. Trained by world famous dancer Manuel Dos Santos, we teach you how to dance to the music and how to have a great time on the dance floor! There is no better time to start than now! Mon. evenings: beginner class, 7-8 p.m.: intermediate, 8:15-9:15 p.m. Cost: $10 /1-hr. class. Location: North End Studios, 294 N. Winooski Ave., Burlington. Info: Tyler Crandall, 598-9204, crandalltyler@,
DEVELOPING YOUR INTUITION: Learn six proven ways to access your inner wisdom and discover your personal intuitive style. Led by Dr. Sue Mehrtens, teacher and author, with over 30 years of experience in Jungian analysis, dreamwork and leading adult programs. Limited to 12 students. Jun. 21-22, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Cost: $75 /person. Lunch incl. Location: 55 Clover La., Waterbury. Info: 244-7909.
WORKING WITH CARBON STEEL: In this workshop, participants will investigate a spontaneous method for creating flowing, flexible neck pieces from carbon steel rod. The joy of working with hot carbon steel rod that at the correct heat for a moment is as flexible as bread dough will be demonstrated and then experienced by the class. We will learn about combining multiple parts for a neck piece, finishing carbon steel for wearing and coloring carbon steel. Sat. & Sun. Jun. 14-15, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Cost: $325 /2 days. Location: The Carving Studio and Sculpture Center, 636 Marble St., West Rutland. Info: 438-2097, info@,
SPANISH CLASSES STARTING SOON!: Sign up now for summer Spanish classes. Our eighth year. Learn from a native speaker in lively small classes, individual instruction or student tutoring. You’ll always be participating and speaking. Lesson packages for travelers. Also lessons for young children; they love it! See our website or contact us for details. Beginning week of Jun. 9; 10 weeks + breaks. Cost: $225 /10 classes of 90+ mins. each. Location: Spanish in Waterbury Center, Waterbury Center. Info: 585-1025, spanishparavos@,
healing arts REIKI ONE: Reiki is a ancient, gentle and powerful form of healing using a universal life energy for healing of body, mind and soul. Participants will learn about Reiki, be attuned, learn how to do a healing, and given lots of time to practice. Certificates will be presented upon completion of training. Jun. 13, 7-9 p.m.; Jun. 14, 9:304:30 p.m. Cost: $125 /9-hour class. Location: JourneyWorks, 1205 North Ave., Burlington. Info: Jennie Kristel, 860-6203,,
herbs WISDOM OF THE HERBS SCHOOL: Currently interviewing applicants for Wisdom of the Herbs 2014 Certification Program, Jun. 28-29, Jul. 26-27, Aug. 23-24, Sep. 27-28, Oct. 25-26 and Nov. 8-9, 2014. Learn to identify wild herbaceous plants and shrubs over three seasons. Prepare local wild edibles and herbal home remedies. Practice homesteading and primitive skills, food as first medicine, and skillful use of intentionality. Experience profound connection and play with Nature. Handson curriculum includes herb walks, skill-building, sustainable harvesting and communion with the spirits of the plants. Tuition $1750; payment plan $187.50 each month. VSAC nondegree grants available to qualifying applicants; apply early. Annie McCleary, director. Location: Wisdom of the Herbs School, Woodbury. Info: 456-8122, annie@,
JEWELRY CLASSES: Learn how to make your own jewelry in a fully equipped studio with a German-trained goldsmith in a private and bright atmosphere. All skill levels. For existing students: drop-in hours, Mon., 6-8 p.m. ($8/hour). Also special classes like PMC, sandcasting, make your own wedding bands. 4 classes/mo.: Mon., 9:30noon, or Thu., 6-8 p.m. Cost:
$150 /10-hour class (+ cost of silver). Location: 26 Spring St., Burlington. Info: Jane Frank Jewellery Design, 999-3242,,
kids CREATIVE SUMMER CAMPS!: Explore! Thrive! Create! University of Possibilities camps ignite your child’s creativity, knowledge, confidence. Join us in beautiful studio/ outdoors. Interdisciplinary camps use arts and nature as springboard to explore topics such as yoga, science, French, cartooning, creative dance, African drumming and more! Sign up today! Let their imaginations soar! See website for details; 7 weeks to choose from. Cost: $300 / weeklong camp. Location: wingspan Studio, 4A Howard St., 3rd floor, Burlington. Info: Maggie Standley, 233-7676,, classes.html.
language ALLIANCE FRANCAISE: SUMMER SESSION: Six-week French classes for adults at our Colchester and Montpelier locations. Jun. 9-Jul. 18. Evening and morning sessions available. Classes this summer include French through Songs, French around Town, Beginning French Review and Intermediate French Grammar. New this summer: We offer an intensive four-day session in Advanced French in the Montpelier area Jul. 28-31! We also offer private and small-group tutoring. Location: Alliance Francaise, Colchester
martial arts AIKIDO: This circular, flowing Japanese martial art is a great method to get in shape, develop core power and reduce stress. Classes for adults, children and beginners 7 days a week. Visitors are always welcome. Location: Aikido of Champlain Valley, 257 Pine St. (across from Conant Metal & Light), Burlington. Info: 951-8900, VERMONT BRAZILIAN JIUJITSU: Classes for men, women and children. Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu enhances strength, flexibility, balance, coordination and cardio-respiratory fitness. Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu training builds and helps to instill courage and selfconfidence. We offer a legitimate Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu martial arts program in a friendly, safe and positive environment. Accept no imitations. Learn from one of the world’s best, Julio “Foca” Fernandez, CBJJ and IBJJF certified 6th Degree Black Belt, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu instructor under Carlson Gracie Sr., teaching in Vermont, born and raised in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil! A 5-time Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu National Featherweight Champion and 3-time Rio de Janeiro State Champion, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Mon.-Fri., 6-9 p.m., & Sat., 10 a.m. 1st class is free. Location: Vermont Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, 55 Leroy Rd., Williston. Info: 660-4072,,
» P.60
LEARN TO DANCE W/ A PARTNER!: Come alone or come with friends, but come out and learn to dance! Beginning classes repeat each month, but intermediate classes vary from month to month. As with all of our programs, everyone is encouraged to attend, and no partner is necessary. Private lessons also available. Cost: $50 /4wk. class. Location: Champlain Club, 20 Crowley St., Burlington. Info: First Step Dance, 598-6757,,
& Montpelier. Info: Micheline Tremblay, 881-8826,
PHOTO: DIGITAL SLR CAMERA: Explore the basic workings of the digital SLR camera to learn how to take the photographs you envision. Demystify f-stops, shutter speeds, sensitivity ratings and exposure, and learn the
DANCE STUDIO SALSALINA: Salsa classes, nightclub-style, on-one and on-two, group and private, four levels. Beginner walk-in classes, Wednesdays, 6 p.m. $13/person for one-hour class. No dance experience, partner or preregistration required, just the desire to have fun! Drop in any time and prepare for an enjoyable workout. Location: 266 Pine St., Burlington. Info: Victoria, 598-1077, info@
DROP-IN: LIFE DRAWING: This drop-in life-drawing class is open to all levels and facilitated by local painter Glynnis Fawkes. Spend the evening with other artists, drawing one of our experienced models. Please bring your own drawing materials and paper. No registration necessary. Mondays, Jul. 7-Aug. 11, 6:308:30 p.m. Cost: $8 /person; $7/ BCA members. Purchase a dropin card and get the 6th visit free!. Location: BCA Center, 135 Church St., Burlington. Info: 865-7166.
CLAY: WHEEL THROWING THURSDAYS: An introduction to clay, pottery and ceramics studio. Work primarily on a potter’s wheel, learning basic throwing and forming techniques, creating functional pieces like mugs, vases and bowls. No experience needed! Includes over 30 hours/week of open studio time, tools and equipment, glazes, firing, and a 25-lb. bag of clay. Weekly on Thu., Jul. 10-Aug. 14, 6-8:30 p.m. Cost: $230 /person; $207/BCA members. Location: BCA Clay Studio, 250 Main St., Burlington. Info: 865-7166.
basics of composition. Bring your camera and owner’s manual to class. No experience necessary. Weekly on Wed., Jul. 9-Aug. 13, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Cost: $160 / person; $144/BCA members. Location: BCA Center, 135 Church St., Burlington. Info: 865-7166. SILKSCREENING: Torrey Valyou, local silkscreen legend and owner of New Duds, will show you how to design and print T-shirts, posters, fine art and more! Learn how to apply photo emulsion, use a silkscreen exposure unit, and mix and print images using water-based inks. No experience necessary. Weekly on Thu., Jul. 10-Aug. 14, 6-8:30 p.m. Cost: $210 /person; $189/BCA members. Location: BCA Print Studio, 250 Main St., Burlington. Info: 865-7166.
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LEARN TO MEDITATE: Through the practice of sitting still and following your breath as it goes out and dissolves, you are connecting with your heart. By simply letting yourself be, as you are, you develop genuine sympathy toward yourself. The Burlington Shambhala Center offers meditation as a path to discovering gentleness and wisdom. Shambhala Cafe (meditation and discussions) meets the first Saturday of each month, 9 a.m.-noon. An open house (intro to the center, short dharma talk and socializing) is held on the third Friday of each month, 7-9 p.m. Instruction: Sun. mornings, 9 a.m.-noon, or by appt. Sessions: Tue. & Thu., noon-1 p.m., & Mon.-Thu., 6-7 p.m. Location: Burlington Shambhala Center, 187 S. Winooski Ave., Burlington. Info: 658-6795, MEDITATIONS ON SIMPLICITY: Affluenza is the painful, contagious condition of overload, debt, anxiety, and waste resulting from the dogged pursuit of more. This workshop introduces participants to meditations on simplicity that relieve affluenza symptoms, offering pointers on how to simplify their lives
in discerning and responsible ways. Mon. beginning Jul. 7. By donation. Location: Bassett House, 173 North Prospect St., Burlington. Info: Eric Garza, 881-8675, eric@howericlives. com, simplicity.
movement FELDENKRAIS FOR EVERY BODY: Come and explore the Feldenkrais Method (R) with a guild-certified Feldenkrais Teacher (R). Learn how it can increase flexibility without strain, encourage a mind/body connection, and relax as well as stimulate. First class is free; registration required. Every Thu., 6-7 p.m. Cost: $10 /1 hour. Location: Sacred Mountain Studio, 215 College St., Burlington. Info: Gillian Franks, 655-0950,,
music FEAST OF SINGING: Choral workshop led by Peter and Mary Alice Amidon, Kim and Reggie Harris. The eighth year for this fabulous gathering. Uplifts the spirit! Jun. 7, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Cost: $55 Location: Chandler Center for the Arts, 71 Main St., Randolph. Info:, TAIKO, DJEMBE & CONGAS!: Stuart Paton, cofounder and artistic director of Burlington Taiko Group, has devoted the past 25 years to performing and teaching taiko to children and adults here in the Burlington area and throughout New England. He is currently the primary instructor at the Burlington Taiko Space, and his teaching style integrates the best of what he experienced as a child growing up in Tokyo with many successful strategies in American education. Call or email for schedule. Location: Burlington Taiko Space, 208 Flynn Ave., suite 3-G, Burlington & Lane
Shops Community Room, 13 N. Franklin St., Montpelier. Info: Stuart Paton, 999-4255,,
performing arts AUDITION WORKSHOP: Bill Reed Voice Studio proudly presents an audition workshop with Michelle Dawson (BRVS alumna). Attendees may register as a participant or as an auditor. Participants will come prepared with a musical theatre song selection and/or monologue and will have the opportunity to perform for Michelle and then be critiqued by her. Auditors will observe the workshop and participate in group activities. Jun. 8, 3-6 p.m. $50/participants, $25/auditors. Location: Spotlight Vermont, 50 San Remo Drive, South Burlington. Info: Sally Olson, admin@, MUSICAL THEATRE PROFESSIONAL TRAINING WORKSHOP: Join Bill Reed and world-class faculty members from the Circle in the Square Theatre School in New York City for this weeklong professional musical theatre training intensive. Through this transformative immersion experience, paticipants will enhance their vocal technique and release physical inhibitions. Jun. 22-28. Cost: $700 /person. Location: Spotlight Vermont, 50 San Remo Dr., S. Burlington. Info: Sally Olson, admin@theatricalsinger. com,
printmaking COLLAGRAPH AND IMAGE WEAVING: The Collagraph process is a fabulous way to make rich and painterly prints without the expense and the toxicity. Come and learn with Master Printer Sarah Amos to make the Multi-Plate Collagraph Technique work for you while incorporating drawing, stencils, water color and collage into the final image. This is a fantastic way for any artist who wants to push their work to a new and exciting level. The class will be taught through a series of demonstrations and class critiques. Jul. 12-13. Cost: $500 /2 6-hour days. Location: Sarah Amos Studio, 2139 Shenang Rd., East Fairfield. Info: Sarah Amos, 827-3960,,
MULTI PLATE MONOPRINTING: This two-day class with Master Printer Sarah Amos explores the full Multi Plate Mono Printing Techniques, which can create both vibrant and nuanced oil based prints on paper. This is a new and exciting process in which layering thin veils of oil and etching ink together on multiple surfaces creates gorgeous images. Students will learn the multiple plate system, color registration, layering and application of paint, and hand stenciling. Demonstrations and class discussions will be employed in this class. Jul. 1920. Cost: $500 /2 6-hour days. Location: Sarah Amos Studio, 2139 Shenang Rd., East Fairfield. Info: Sarah Amos, 827-3960,,
spirituality MELODY OF THE SPIRIT: Counselor and interfaith spiritual director Carol Fournier, LCMHC, NCC, joins with conductor and vocal instructor Lindsey Warren, MM, to present a workshop designed to help you renew your spirit through contemplative creativity. Awaken your creativity; meditation and contemplation; gentle movement; chanting from various traditions; enhance discernment of your life path. Jun. 14, 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Cost: $125 /5-hour workshop. Location: Silver Dove Institute, Lakewood Commons, East O’Lake House, 1233 Shelburne Rd., S. Burlington. Info: Silver Dove Institute and Northeast Music Studios, Lindsey Warren & Carol Fournier, 498-5700,,
tai chi SNAKE-STYLE TAI CHI CHUAN: The Yang Snake Style is a dynamic tai chi method that mobilizes the spine while stretching and strengthening the core body muscles. Practicing this ancient martial art increases strength, flexibility, vitality, peace of mind and martial skill. Beginner classes Sat. mornings & Wed.
well-being MEDITATIONS ON REWILDING: Re-Wilding involves taking steps to reintegrate ourselves within our ecological context and reclaim the adaptive potential that is our human birthright. This class will meet outdoors in the greater Burlington area. Sun. starting Jun. 15, 3-4:30 p.m. $50-150, sliding scale. Location: provided upon RSVP, Burlington. Info: Eric Garza, 881-8675, eric@, howericlives. com.
evenings. Call to view a class. Location: Bao Tak Fai Tai Chi Institute, 100 Church St., Burlington. Info: 8647902, YANG-STYLE TAI CHI: The slow movements of tai chi help reduce blood pressure and increase balance and concentration. Come breathe with us and experience the joy of movement while increasing your ability to be inwardly still. Wed., 5:30 p.m., Sat., 8:30 a.m. $16/class, $60/mo., $160/3 mo. Location: Mindful Breath Tai Chi (formerly Vermont Tai Chi Academy and Healing Center), 180 Flynn Ave., Burlington. Info: 735-5465,,
visual arts COLD CAST SCULPTURE: This workshop will explore everything from the most traditional technique of relief casting with plaster to the more sophisticated process of building two-part rubber molds for works in the round. With the flexible mold, we are able to realize complex forms that would not be possible with the rigid mold. Mon.-Fri., Jun. 23-27, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Cost: $595 / person incl. dinner. Location: The Carving Studio and Sculpture Center, 636 Marble St., West Rutland. Info: 438-2097, info@, carvingstudio. org.
JOURNAL: CREATIVE NONFICTION: Summer writing camp for middle schoolers. What I did on my summer vacation. In this summer workshop, Alexandra Hudson encourages journal writing to inspire young writers to share their stories about summer at home and then transform those days of travel or travail into creative nonfiction and short stories. Aug. 11-15, 9 a.m.-noon. Cost: $150 /daily 3-hour class. Location: Wind Ridge Books of Vermont Writers Barn, 233 Falls Rd., Shelburne. Info: Kimberlee Harrison, 9853091, kimberlee@, PERFORMANCE WRITING: Summer writing camp for middle schoolers. Join Alexandra Hudson in creative writing for the stage. This workshop invites you to take creative risks through games and play to help you create characters, scenes, monologues and dialogue. Be brave, be bold and make the magic of theater come alive on the page. Aug. 4-8, Mon.-Fri., 9 a.m.-noon. Cost: $150 /daily 3-hour class. Location: Wind Ridge Books of Vermont Writers Barn, 233 Falls Rd., Shelburne. Info: Kimberlee Harrison, 9853091, kimberlee@, POETRY AND TEACHING SEMINAR: This four-day workshop and seminar for teachers is designed to enhance teaching methods as well as personal writing skills. Through readings, writing, sharing and editing, participants will experiment, continue their creative development and find fresh ideas to bring to the classroom. All experience levels welcome. 16 hours
Sale All Denim ShortS
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ceUs. Jul. 14-17, Mon.-Thu., 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Cost: $250 /16-hour seminar. Location: Wind Ridge Books of Vermont Writers’ Barn, 233 Falls Rd., Shelburne. Info: Kimberlee Harrison, 985-309110, kimberlee@, Storytelling in ClaSSroomS: explore traditional folk and fairy tales, fiction, and narrative nonfiction storytelling practices. Participants will be able to share their stories and learn to make this universal form of expression come alive. 16 hours for ceUs. Jul. 21-24, Mon.-Thu., 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Cost: $250 /16-hour seminar. Location: Wind Ridge Books of Vermont Writers’ Barn, 233 Falls Rd., Shelburne. Info: Kimberlee Harrison, 985-3091-10, kimberlee@windridgebooksofvt. com,
evolution yoga: evolution Yoga and Physical Therapy offers a variety of classes in a supportive atmosphere: Beginner, advanced, kids, babies, post- and pre-natal, community classes and workshops. Vinyasa, Kripalu, core, Therapeutics and alignment classes. Become part of our yoga community. You are welcome here. Cost: $15 /class, $130/class card, $5-10/community classes. Location: Evolution Yoga, 20 Kilburn St., Burlington. Info: 864-9642, HoneSt yoga, tHe only dediCated Hot yoga flow Center: Honest Yoga offers practice for all levels. Brand new beginners’ courses include two specialty classes per week for four weeks plus unlimited access to all classes. We have daily classes in essentials, Flow and core Flow with alignment constancy. We hold teacher trainings at the 200- and 500-hour levels. Daily classes & workshops. $25/new student 1st week unlimited, $15/class or $130/10-class card, $12/ class for student or senior or $100/10-class punch card. Location: Honest Yoga Center, 150 Dorset St.,
Blue Mall, next to Sport Shoe Center, S. Burlington. Info: 4970136, honestyogastudio@gmail. com, laugHing river yoga: Highly trained and dedicated teachers offer yoga classes, workshops, and retreats in a beautiful setting overlooking the Winooski River. We offer classes in a variety of forms suitable for all levels. Beginners welcome! 200and 300-hour teacher training programs begins in september. Om. $5-14/single yoga class; $120/10-class card; $130/ monthly unlimited. Location: Laughing River Yoga, Chace Mill, suite 126, Burlington. Info: 3438119,
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yoga rootS: Flexible, inflexible, athletic, pregnant, stressed, or recovering from injury or illness? Yoga Roots has something for you! skillful, dedicated teachers welcome, nurture and inspire you in our calming studio: anusara, Gentle, Kids, Kundalini, Kripalu, Meditation, Prenatal, Postnatal (Baby & Me), Therapeutic Restorative, Vinyasa Flow, Heated Vinyasa, Yin & more! Wed., 6-7 p.m., Basics of Meditation w/ charlie Nardozzi; Thu., 9-10 a.m., Free the Jaw, Neck, shoulders w/ Uwe Mester; Thu., 10:45-11:30 a.m., Yoga Roots sprouts (ages 2-5 w/ parents & caregivers); Mon., 3:30-4:30 p.m., Yoga Roots saplings (K-4th grade); little shamans camp, weekly on Wed., Jun. 11-Jul. 30, 2-3:15 p.m. for ages 5-8; 7 Keys on How to Monetize Your creative Gifts w/ Rosine Kushnick, Jun. 8, 1:30-3:30 p.m.; Transformation through the chakras w/ Heidi Bock & laura lomas, Jun. 28, 1-5 p.m. Location: Yoga Roots, 6221 Shelburne Rd., Shelburne Business Park. Info: 985-0090,
Burlington Hot yoga: try SometHing different!: Offering creative, vinyasa-style yoga classes featuring practice in the Barkan and Prana Flow Method Hot Yoga in a 95-degree studio accompanied by eclectic music. ahh, the heat on a cold day, a flowing practice, the cool stone meditation, a chilled orange scented towel to complete your spa yoga experience. Get
hot: 2-for-1 offer. $15. Go to Location: North End Studio B, 294 N Winooski Ave., Old North End, Burlington. Info: 999-9963.
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6/2/14 12:48 PM
Big Tickets SEE PAGE 9
Seven marquee shows to see at the 2014 Burlington Discover Jazz Festival B Y DA N BOL L ES
ollowing a thrilling opening weekend, the 2014 Burlington Discover Jazz Festival is in high gear as fans bop, bebop and post-bop around town to the jazzy sounds emanating from practically every poreTHIS of thePAGE Queen City. Burlington SCAN is alive with music this week, so muchWITH so thatLAYAR you can barely leave the house without tripping over a saxophone case. As always, much of the festival is free, or at least PAGE relatively easy on the wallet. But sometimes youSEE get what you 5 pay for, and to see the truly transcendent concerts requires more of an investment. What follows are seven featured shows we think will be worth their weight in brass over the final five days of the 2014 BDJF. And for a rundown of locavore options, check out this week’s Soundbites column on page 63.
Alan Evans’ Playonbrother, the Nth Power Alan Evans is best known as the co-founder and drummer of Soulive, an acclaimed trio that has been prodding the boundaries of jazz and funk fusion since 1999. Fans of that group will likely find a lot to like about his new trio, Alan Evans’ Playonbrother, which also includes On the Spot Trio guitarist Danny Mayer and Melvin Sparks organist Beau Sasser. Playonbrother similarly trade in deeply funky grooves, but with an ear toward mind-altering psychedelia. Opening the show are the Nth Power, an all-star ensemble composed of members of Lettuce, John Brown’s Body, Dumpstaphunk and the Jennifer Hartswick Band — including Burlington expat Nick Cassarino. They blend gospel harmonies, thumping worldbeat jams and searing funk. Wednesday, June 4, at Nectar’s in Burlington, 9 p.m. $15.
Maceo Parker, Fredericks Brown Few names are as identifiable with a single musical style as Maceo Parker is with funk. The prodigiously gifted saxophonist was famously a member of James Brown’s band and was later an equally important component of the Parliament-Funkadelic Mothership. Parker is widely acknowledged as one of the best sax players on Earth and revered as one of funk music’s most beloved elder statesmen. Singer Deva Mahal’s duo Fredericks Brown opens. (Perhaps you’ve heard of Deva’s dad, Taj?) Thursday, June 5, at the Waterfront Park Tent in Burlington, 6 p.m. $30/35.
Valerie June, Thus Owls You can call Valerie June an American roots artist. Indeed, the music on her latest, Dan Auerbach-produced record, Pushin’ Against a Stone, is informed by myriad
Friday, June 6, at Signal Kitchen in Burlington, 9 p.m. $22/27. 18+.
Fattie B (Kyle Thompson) and vocalists Kadiatou Sibi and Shauna Anderson, in addition to some of the hottest players in town, was one of the most successful acts ever to call Vermont home. The group fused funk, jazz and hip-hop into a unique, innately danceable sound that was simply ahead of its time. Returning to the BDJF in honor of its 20th anniversary, the group lights up the Waterfront Park Tent this time, with the Jennifer Hartswick Band and Kat Wright & the Indomitable Soul Band.
Cécile McLorin Salvant
Saturday, June 7, at the Waterfront Park Tent in Burlington, 5:30 p.m. $20/25.
foundational styles of American music, including folk, blues and Appalachian music. But the Memphis native and current Brooklynite takes those elements of early American music and weaves them into a distinctly modern and soulful tapestry of sound that defies categorization. Blessed with a richly expressive voice and irrepressible creativity, June is an American original.
Cécile McLorin Salvant stands at the vanguard of the next generation of great jazz vocalists. Her latest record, WomanChild, was nominated for a 2014 Grammy Award for Best Jazz Vocal Album. The multilingual singer was the winner of the 2010 Thelonious Monk International Vocals Competition — an award previously won by singer Gretchen Parlato, a highlight of last year’s BDJF. But heavyweight accolades aside, all you really need to do to understand why Salvant is regarded so highly is to hear her sing. Her full-bodied, smoky tone, natural feel for rhythm and all-around elegance led New York Times critic Stephen Holden to write, “Ms. Salvant has it all.” We agree.
Jerry Bergonzi Quintet
Saturday, June 7, at the FlynnSpace in Burlington, 8 & 10 p.m. $30.
Eddie Palmieri Latin Jazz Band
Belizbeha 20th Anniversary Reunion Show, the Jennifer Hartswick Band, Kat Wright & the Indomitable Soul Band Five years ago at the 2009 BDJF, iconic Burlington acid-group Belizbeha reunited for a headlining show at the Flynn MainStage, 10 years after they had called it a career. For almost a decade the band, which featured MC
Jerry Bergonzi is on the short list of players in the conversation for best saxophonist alive. The Boston-based tenor sax player was a key member of many of Dave Brubeck’s groups, has more than 60 recordings to his credit and is generally considered to be one of the great improvisers of all time. Bergonzi is a living legend who has probably forgotten more about jazz than most of us will ever know. To see him perform in the intimate environs of the FlynnSpace should be a genuine treat. Sunday, June 8, at the FlynnSpace in Burlington, 6 p.m. $25.
There’s only one way to close out an epic festival like the BDJF: with a bang. This year that honor belongs to pianist and bandleader Eddie Palmieri. An NEA Jazz Master and multiple Grammy Award winner, Palmieri is a giant of Afro-Caribbean music. He is regarded as the last great bandleader to emerge from the golden era of the Palladium Ballroom, the famous New York City dance hall that was the epicenter for Latin jazz in the United States in the 1940s, ’50s and ’60s. Be prepared to dance in the Flynn’s (approved) aisles. Sunday, June 8, at the Flynn MainStage in Burlington, 8 p.m. $20-48.
Got muSic NEwS?
B y Da N B Oll E S
Th 5
Jennifer Hartswick
Free-ish Jazz
Th 5
Fr 6
» p.65
Fr 6
Mo 9
Tu 10
INFO 652.0777 | TIX 1.877.987.6487 1214 Williston Rd. | S. Burlington STAY IN TOUCH #HGVT
4v-HigherGround060414.indd 1
for up-to-the-minute news abut the local music scene, follow @Danbolles on Twitter or read the live Culture blog:
Fr 6
in the music biz and being waylaid by numerous forces beyond his control. It’s a time-tested story of religious perversity, government oppression and sex with household appliances. And the band is pretty killer, including ace players such as JoSh PANDA, bob wAGNEr, DAN DEViNE, ED GrASmEYEr, JANE boxAll and lEoN cAmPoS. This is intensely challenging, strange stuff and it should be a treat to see these guys and gals pull it off. Moving on, seems like it’s been a while since we’ve heard from Burlington’s foremost purveyors of porn-prog, JAPhY rYDEr, so dubbed a few years back for fusing the artsiness and creative ambition of prog rock with, well, the groove of classic 1970s porn soundtracks. And, yes, it’s as awesome as it sounds. But the truth is, JR’s musicality extends far beyond that cheeky description. For more than 10 years, they have ranked among the area’s most talented and artistically progressive bands. They’re playing on the City Hall Stage on the Church Street Marketplace this Wednesday, June 4, where the band will reportedly debut some material. You can also catch Japhy
Flatbread this Thursday, June 5, and at Radio Bean on Sunday, June 8. Duke Aeroplane has a lot of membership crossover with the VJP, including front man GAlEN PEriA. And they’re not so far removed stylistically, either, trading in a similarly woozy and theatrical vintage blues sound made for wild dancing — and perhaps boozing. The band’s 2013 live album, Live on Buck Mountain, was an underrated, beer-soaked gem. Another VJP stalwart performing this week is ANNA PArDENik. If you recall, her set at Flatbread in 2010 with her band the holY SmokE off was transcendent. In fact, when I say that the best moments of BDJF are often the ones you least expect, that’s a show I think of first. Pardenik is a stunning vocalist and equally potent songwriter, whether she’s performing solo or with her band or the VJP. You can catch her at the Daily Planet this Friday, June 6, and at the Bean on Saturday, June 7. If freaky is your thing, I’d suggest popping into Club Metronome this Thursday, June 5, to catch a crew of all-star locals doing a musical and theatrical performance of frANk ZAPPA’s Joe’s Garage, Acts I, II & III. If you’re unfamiliar, the rock opera concerns an everyday Joe trying to make his way
So are we having fun yet? The 2014 Burlington Discover Jazz Festival is well under way. And from what I’m told about last weekend’s opening festivities, the fest hit the ground with both feet running. I was away at a wedding and missed the first chunk, but I’ve heard wonderful things about numerous shows from ears I trust. And taking a look at the schedule ahead, there is ample opportunity to make up for lost time. In case you missed it, there’s a rundown of some of the bigger shows for the closing run of the BDJF on page 62 of this very issue. But as I’ve written time and time again, the coolest aspect of the festival is not always the famous names on the marquee. It’s the smaller and often local stuff happening under the radar at any number of hot houses all over town. So, as we did last week, let’s have a look-see at some of the shows that might fit the bill. Perhaps you caught the welcome return of the VErmoNt JoY PArADE last week when they played ArtsRiot. And perhaps you were, like, “Man, I miss those crazy cats.” Well, as of this writing, that’s the only VJP show locally for a while. However, a few VJP-related gigs are on tap this week that should sate your thirst for suspender fusion. One such act is DukE AEroPlANE & thE wroNG NumbErS, who will play an early set in the alley at American
We 4
6/2/14 5:24 PM
CLUB DATES na: not availABLE. AA: All ages.
courtesy of geoffrey keezer
AKES' PLACE: Eight 02 (fusion jazz), 9 p.m., free. AMERICAN FLATBREAD BURLINGTON HEARTH: Gua Gua (psychotropical jazz), 5:30 p.m., free. BLEU: Nick Cassarino (jazz), 6 p.m., free. BREAKWATER CAFÉ: Red Hot Juba (cosmic Americana), 6 p.m., free. THE FARMHOUSE TAP & GRILL: Zach Nugent & Co. (acoustic), 7 p.m., free. HALFLOUNGE SPEAKEASY: Josh Dobbs & Friends (jazz), 7 p.m., free. Wild Life (Frankie Knuckles tribute), 10 p.m., free. Mitchell & Maric (house), midnight, free. JP'S PUB: Pub Quiz with Dave, 7 p.m., free. Karaoke with Melody, 10 p.m., free. JUNIPER: Audrey Benrstein with Ray Vega (jazz), 8 p.m., free. LEUNIG'S BISTRO & CAFÉ: Dayve Huckett (jazz), noon, free. Dan Liptak Band (jazz), 3:30 p.m., free. Mike Martin & Trio Gusto (Parisian jazz), 7 p.m., free. MANHATTAN PIZZA & PUB: Open Mic with Andy Lugo, 9 p.m., free. NECTAR'S: VT Comedy Club Presents: What a Joke! Comedy Open Mic (standup comedy), 7 p.m., free. Alan Evans' Playonbrother, the Nth Power (soul), 9 p.m., $15.
THE STAGE: Ashley Miles (singer-songwriter), 6:30 p.m., free.
RADIO BEAN: Clay Man (jazz), 5 p.m., free. Ensemble V (jazz), 7 p.m., free. Irish Sessions, 9 p.m., free. Myra Flynn (neo soul), 9:30 p.m., free. Matt Davide & Friends (jazz), 11:30 p.m., free.
MONOPOLE: Open Mic, 10 p.m., free.
RED SQUARE: Wild Man Blues (blues), 7 p.m., free. (hip-hop), 11 p.m., free. YOUR DJ Cre8 THIS PAGE
SCAN THE SKINNY PANCAKE (BURLINGTON): Josh TEXT WITH LAYAR Panda's Acoustic Soul Night, 8 p.m., $5-10 HERE SEE PAGEdonation. 5
THE DAILY PLANET: George Petit Duo (jazz), 8 p.m., free. VIN BAR & SHOP: Queen City Hot Club (gypsy jazz), 7 p.m., free. ZEN LOUNGE: Open Funk Jam with members of Funkwagon, North Funktree and Gang of Thieves, 9 p.m., free.
chittenden county
BACKSTAGE PUB: Talent Quest 2014 Qualifications, 9 p.m., free. HIGHER GROUND BALLROOM: Grimes, tooth ache. (experimental pop), 8:30 p.m., $18/20. AA. THE MONKEY HOUSE: Simone Felice & PAPA (rock), 9 p.m., $10/15. 18+. ON TAP BAR & GRILL: John Daly Trio (folk), 7 p.m., free.
BAGITOS: The Floorboards (folk), 7 p.m., donation. THE SKINNY PANCAKE (MONTPELIER): Cajun Jam with Jay Ekis, Lee Blackwell, Alec Ellsworth and Katie Trautz, 6 p.m., $5-10 donation. SWEET MELISSA'S: Wine Down with D. Davis (acoustic), 5 p.m., free. Open Bluegrass Session, 7 p.m., free.
stowe/smuggs area
THE BEE'S KNEES: Resonant Rogue (folk), 7:30 p.m., free. MOOG'S PLACE: Fred Brauer (folk), 7:30 p.m., free. PIECASSO PIZZERIA & LOUNGE: Trivia Night, 7 p.m., free. RUSTY NAIL BAR & GRILLE: Chris Robinson Brotherhood (rock), 9 p.m., $22/27.
middlebury area
CITY LIMITS: Karaoke, 9 p.m., free. 64 music
wed.4 // Geoffrey Keezer Trio [jazz]
TWO BROTHERS TAVERN LOUNGE & STAGE: Trivia Night, 7 p.m., free.
northeast kingdom
THE PARKER PIE CO.: Trivia Night, 7 p.m., free.
outside vermont
OLIVE RIDLEY'S: DJ Skippy All Request Live (top 40), 10 p.m., free.
AMERICAN FLATBREAD BURLINGTON HEARTH: Duke Aeroplane & the Wrong Numbers (roots, blues), 5:30 p.m., free. BREAKWATER CAFÉ: Eight 02 (jazz fusion), 6 p.m., free. CLUB METRONOME: A Musical and Theatrical Performance of Frank Zappa's (Frank Zappa tribute), 8 p.m., $12/15. THE FARMHOUSE TAP & GRILL: Micromasse (organ trio), 7 p.m., free. FINNIGAN'S PUB: Craig Mitchell (funk), 10 p.m., free. FRANNY O'S: Karaoke, 9 p.m., free. HALFLOUNGE SPEAKEASY: Myra Flynn (neo soul), 6 p.m., free. Half & Half Comedy (standup), 8 p.m., free. The Harder They Come (EDM), 10:30 p.m., free. JUNIPER: The Ray Vega Quartet with Zaccai Curtis CD Release (Latin jazz), 9 p.m., free. LEUNIG'S BISTRO & CAFÉ: The Glass Project (jazz), noon, free. Cody Sargent Trio (jazz), 3:30 p.m., free. Trio Subtonic (jazz), 7 p.m., free. MANHATTAN PIZZA & PUB: Milk (funk), 9 p.m., free. NECTAR'S: Trivia Mania, 7 p.m., free. Otis Grove (funk), 9:30 p.m., free/$5. 18+. PIZZA BARRIO: Ben Cosgrove (instrumental), 6 p.m., free. RADIO BEAN: Ira Friedman Trio (jazz), 4 p.m., free. Stephen Callahan Trio (jazz), 5:30 p.m., free. Cody Sargent & Friends (jazz), 6:30 p.m., free. Orchid (jazz), 8 p.m., free. Shane Hardiman Trio (jazz), 8:30 p.m., free. Cody Sargent & Friends (jazz), 9 p.m., free. Gladys Pimp & the Knights (feline soul), 11 p.m., $5. Kat Wright & the Indomitable Soul Band (soul), 11:30 p.m., $5. RED SQUARE: Cats Under the Stars (Jerry Garcia Band tribute), 6 p.m., free. D Jay Baron (hip-hop), 10 p.m., free. RED SQUARE BLUE ROOM: DJ Cre8 (EDM), 10 p.m., free. THE DAILY PLANET: Mike Martin & Trio Gusto (gypsy jazz), 8 p.m., free. ZEN LOUNGE: Jenni Johnson & the Junketeers
Piano Man
Geoffrey Keezer is one of the most sought after pianists in jazz.
He’s recorded or performed with the likes of Diana Krall, Dianne Reeves, Wayne Shorter and Christian McBride, to name a few, all of whom have flocked to his singularly exotic, innovative style. His live performances are increasingly renowned for their energy and fire and led an All About Jazz reviewer to remark after a recent Seattle show that the audience, “found itself hooting and hollering as if the Seahawks had just won the Super Bowl.” The Geoffrey Keezer Trio performs at the FlynnSpace in Burlington this Wednesday, June 4, as part of the 2014 Burlington Discover Jazz Festival.
(jazz), 8 p.m., free. Reggae Soundclash with DJs Eric Niceness & Jon Demus, 10 p.m., free.
chittenden county
HIGHER GROUND BALLROOM: Interpol, Teen (rock), 8:30 p.m., $22/25. AA. THE MONKEY HOUSE: Groovestick (funk), 8 p.m., $5-10 donation. Paper Castles, Mail the Horse, State Champion, Yazan (indie), 9 p.m., $5/10. 18+. ON TAP BAR & GRILL: Nobby Reed Project (blues), 7 p.m., free. ON THE RISE BAKERY: Songwriters in the Round: Derek Burkins, Richard Ruane (singersongwriters), 7:30 p.m., donation.
outside vermont
NAKED TURTLE: Turtle Thursdays with 95 XXX (top 40), 10 p.m., free.
AMERICAN FLATBREAD BURLINGTON HEARTH: Mint Julep (jazz), 5:30 p.m., free. Michael LouisSmith Quartet (jazz), 9 p.m., free. BLEU: Peter Krag, Max Bronstein and Iris Downey (jazz), 8:30 p.m., free.
PENALTY BOX: Karaoke, 8 p.m., free.
BREAKWATER CAFÉ: Mr. French (rock), 6 p.m., free.
VENUE: Noches de Sabor with DJs Jah Red, Rau, Papi Javi, 8 p.m., free.
CLUB METRONOME: Apex (jazz), 6 p.m., $7/10. 18+. "No Diggity" ’90s Night, 9 p.m., free/$5.
THE FARMHOUSE TAP & GRILL: Andrew Magennis Group (jazz), 7 p.m., free.
BAGITOS: Colin McCaffrey (folk), 6 p.m., donation. SWEET MELISSA'S: Mothership Orchestra (funk), 8 p.m., free.
stowe/smuggs area
HALFLOUNGE SPEAKEASY: The Glass Project (jazz), 8 p.m., free. Bonjour Hi (trap), 10 p.m., free. JUNIPER: Peterman-Petit Group (jazz), 9 p.m., free. THE LAUGH BAR AT DRINK: Comedy Showcase (standup comedy), 7 p.m., $7.
THE BEE'S KNEES: Abby Sherman (singersongwriter), 7:30 p.m., free.
LAKE CHAMPLAIN FERRY: Holy Ferry! (EDM), 5:30-11 p.m., $30/35.
MOOG'S PLACE: Open Mic, 8 p.m., free.
LEUNIG'S BISTRO & CAFÉ: Trio Subtonic (jazz), 2 p.m., free. George Petit Group (jazz), 5:30 p.m., free. Will Patton Group (gypsy jazz), 6 p.m., free.
middlebury area
51 MAIN AT THE BRIDGE: Elias Alexander & Max Godfrey (acoustic blues), 8 p.m., free.
MANHATTAN PIZZA & PUB: Pool Party (surf rock), 9 p.m., free.
CITY LIMITS: Trivia Night, 7 p.m., free.
NECTAR'S: Greenbush (jazz), 5 p.m., free. Seth Yacovone (solo acoustic blues), 7 p.m., free. Soule Monde, Natalie Cressman (jazz), 9 p.m., $5.
TWO BROTHERS TAVERN LOUNGE & STAGE: DJ Dizzle (house), 9 p.m., free.
northeast kingdom
THE PARKER PIE CO.: Can Am Jazz Band, 7:30 p.m., free. THE PUB OUTBACK: Dale Cavanaugh (singersongwriter), 8:30 p.m., free.
RADIO BEAN: Kid's Music with Linda "Tickle Belly" Bassick & Friends, 11 a.m., free. Andric Severance Xtet (jazz), 5 p.m., free. Elsa Nilsson (jazz), 7 p.m., free. David Caldwell-Mason Trio (jazz), 9 p.m., free.
» p.66
Japhy Ryder
2009, it was that the Flynn MainStage is not a great venue for dance music. You know what is a great venue for dance music? A picturesque park on the waterfront with flowing booze. Just saying. Finally, one year ago this week, local surf-rockers the HIGH BREAKS debuted at the festival. The band, which is basically LENDWAY in natty suits and Ray-Bans, has been celebrating its anniversary with numerous shows throughout the festival. No, it ain’t jazz, but it’s really good stuff. The HB will be at Nectar’s for an early set this Saturday, June 7. Man, Saturday is looking like a busy night.
Bite Torrent
Steady Betty
YEE with Shper Morse Davidian Trio
MD Holla
Last but not least, local arts collective 7 25-27 MANIFESIVUS and record label JENKE ARTS has been making some interesting moves of late, W W W . P O S I T I V E P I E . C O M including the launch of a new studio 8 0 2 . 2 2 9 . 0 4 5 3 space on Church Street that includes a program of dozens of community oriented classes ranging from yoga to 8v-positivepie060414.indd 1 6/3/14 meditation to self-defense. That’s in addition to a bulked-up schedule of album releases slated for the summer. Jenke is hosting an open house this weekend, featuring two days of free classes on Saturday, June 7, and Sunday, June 8. There will also be a kickoff show UVM researchers on Saturday, called the Jenke Get Down are conducting with performances by AGENT SLACKER, a study looking at BLESS THE CHILD, FACE ONE, SET UP CITY, ZACH CRAWFORD, CONNECT THE DROPS and TREE. eating behaviors, sugar Check out for and brain function. more info. And tune in next week for a profile on the new-and-improved collective. We are looking
for volunteers ages 10 to 16 who have a weight problem.
A peek at what was on my iPod, turntable, eight-track player, etc., this week.
FUCKED UP Glass Boys
Please contact, or call 802-656-3024 #2.
8v-UVMNursing-060414.indd 1
VALERIE JUNE Pushin’ Against a Stone
The study is three visits and includes a physical exam, blood work and brain MRI scan. Up to $180 in compensation.
Listening In
2:26 PM
Duke Aeroplane
Over the past few years, this column has been effusive in its praise of the Waking Windows festival in Winooski. And with good reason: It’s awesome. But nothing is created in a vacuum, killer fests included. And WW in particular traces at least some of its lineage to another, equally cool fest, the Thing in the Spring in downtown Peterborough, N.H., which gets under way this weekend and served as inspiration for WW. As in previous years, the TITS — what? It’s the acronym! — will have a bit of a Vermont feel, with performances by locals ROUGH FRANCIS, PAPER CASTLES, WREN & MARY and DJ DISCO PHANTOM. That’s in addition to loads of great underground bands who might be familiar to local audiences from WW-related shows, including LADY LAMB THE BEEKEEPER, NAT BALDWIN, DEATH VESSEL, SIMONE FELICE and STATE CHAMPION. By the way, those last two acts are playing the Monkey House in Winooski on Wednesday, June 4,
and Thursday, June 5, respectively. For more on that festival go to
at Radio Bean with Boston’s Otis Grove on Friday, June 6. And on Saturday, June 7, a trio with Japhy’s PAT ORMISTON, WILL ANDREWS and JASON THIME will experiment with synth-based improv at the Halflounge Speakeasy, before Andrews heads around the corner to jam with local West African groove outfit BARIKA at Nectar’s. One of the main events of Saturday, June 7, is the return of seminal local acid-jazz band BELIZBEHA, who are playing the Waterfront Park Tent with the JENNIFER HARTSWICK BAND and KAT WRIGHT & THE INDOMITABLE SOUL BAND. I already mentioned this one in the story on page 62. But I do so again to point out that, if there was any drawback to Belizbeha’s last BDJF reunion show in
6/3/14 3:32 PM
na: not availABLE. AA: All ages.
« p.64
Otis Grove (funk), 10:30 p.m., free. Japhy Ryder (space jazz), 11:30 p.m., free.
AMERICAN FLATBREAD BURLINGTON HEARTH: Starline Rhythm Boys (rockabilly), 5:30 p.m., free. Steady Betty (rocksteady), 9 p.m., free.
RED SQUARE BLUE ROOM: DJ Con Yay (EDM), 9 p.m., $5.
ARTSRIOT: Back to the Basics (EDM), 7:30 p.m. & 2 a.m., $25/30.
RÍ RÁ IRISH PUB & WHISKEY ROOM: Dawna Hammers (jazz), 5 p.m., free. Otis Grove (funk), 5 p.m., free. Supersounds DJ (top 40), 10 p.m., free.
BLEU: Eight 02 (jazz), 8:30 p.m., free.
SIGNAL KITCHEN: Valerie June, Thus Owls (folk, blues), 9 p.m., $22/27. 18+. THE SKINNY PANCAKE (BURLINGTON): NY Funk Exchange (funk), 9 p.m., $7/10. THE DAILY PLANET: Anna Pardenik (jazz), 8 p.m., free. VERMONT PUB & BREWERY: Downtown Sextet (jazz), 10 p.m., free. ZEN LOUNGE: Salsa Night with Jah Red, 8 p.m., $5. DJ Dakota & the VT Union (hip-hop, top 40), 11 p.m., $5.
chittenden county
BACKSTAGE PUB: Bill (rock), 9 p.m., free. HIGHER GROUND BALLROOM: Rock for Rescues II: Justice MindTrap, Stone Bullet (rock), 8 p.m., $15/20. AA. HIGHER GROUND SHOWCASE LOUNGE: Hellbound Glory (country), 8:30 p.m., $8/10. AA. THE MONKEY HOUSE: People Skills (rock), 9 p.m., $5/10. 18+.
THE FARMHOUSE TAP & GRILL: Brett Highes & the Honky Tonk Crowd (honky tonk), 7 p.m., free. FINNIGAN'S PUB: 20 Year Old Dookie, Carraway (Green Day tribute, rock), 10 p.m., free. FRANNY O'S: Karaoke, 9 p.m., free. Unusual Suspects (rock), 9 p.m., free. HALFLOUNGE SPEAKEASY: Willionaire (acoustic), 8 p.m., free. Space Echo with Jahson Deejay (dubstep), 10 p.m., free. JP'S PUB: Karaoke with Megan, 10 p.m., free. JUNIPER: Keith Pray Quartet (jazz), 9 p.m., free. LEUNIG'S BISTRO & CAFÉ: David Hurley (jazz), 9 a.m., free. Dan Liptak Band (jazz), 11:30 a.m., free. Gabe Jarrett Trio (jazz), 2 p.m., free. Lewis Franco & the Missing Cats (jazz), 5:30 p.m., free. Cody Sargent Trio with Craig Mitchell (jazz), 9 p.m., free. MANHATTAN PIZZA & PUB: The Red Newts (rock), 9 p.m., free. NECTAR'S: The HIgh Breaks (surf rock), 7 p.m., free. Barika, Bing Bang Bhangra Brass Band (world jazz), 9 p.m., $7.
mon.9 // Saintseneca [psych folk]
Old Folk On their latest record, Dark Arc, Columbus, Ohio’s
inspiration from forgotten oddities of early American music and add a modern twist. Songs that begin as sparse, spooky folk songs splinter and then bloom into ferocious, psychedelic guitar jams worthy of the likes of Built to Spill. Catch the band at the Higher Ground Showcase Lounge in South Burlington this Monday, June 9, with indie-pop YOUR SCAN THIS PAGE SCAN THIS PAGE outfit Memory Map. TEXT WITH LAYAR WITH LAYAR FRANNY O'S: Kyle Stevens Happiest Hour of Music Chris Killian andPAGE the Vermont Brigade (rock), 9 HERE SEE PAGE 5 SEE 5
BAGITOS: Cloud Hidden (acoustic), 6 p.m., donation. CHARLIE O'S: Starline Rhythm Boys (rockabilly), 10 p.m., free.
RED SQUARE: Thunder Body (funk), 7 p.m., $5. Mashtodon (hip-hop), 11 p.m., $5.
NORTH BRANCH CAFÉ: Karen Krajacic (folk), 5 p.m., donation. Turidae (folk), 7:30 p.m., donation.
RED SQUARE BLUE ROOM: DJ Raul (salsa), 6 p.m., free. DJ Reign One (EDM), 11 p.m., $5.
SWEET MELISSA'S: Tritium Well (rock), 9 p.m., free.
CLUB METRONOME: Retronome with DJ Fattie B (’80s dance party), 9 p.m., free/$5.
RADIO BEAN: Bob Gagnon (gypsy jazz), noon, free. Michael Louis-Smith Quartet (jazz), 3 p.m., free. Lotango (tango), 5 p.m., free. Taylor Hawkins Quartet (jazz, Americana), 6:30 p.m., free. Anna Pardenik (Vaudeville jazz), 8:30 p.m., free. Dan Ryan Express (jazz), 10:30 p.m., free. JAzZBRaiNS: A Tribute to BRaiNSCaPeS (improvised madness), 12:30 a.m., free.
ON THE RISE BAKERY: Equanimity (rock, funk), 7:30 p.m., donation.
WHITE ROCK PIZZA & PUB: Dale Cavanaugh (folk), 6 p.m., donation.
stowe/smuggs area
THE BEE'S KNEES: Jen Corkins Band (folk), 7:30 p.m., donation. MOOG'S PLACE: Abby Sherman (singersongwriter), 6:30 p.m., free. Abby Jenne and the Enablers (rock), 9 p.m., NA.
middlebury area 06.04.14-06.11.14
BREAKWATER CAFÉ: Quadra (rock), 6 p.m., free.
PIZZA BARRIO: Eric George (old time), 6 p.m., free.
ON TAP BAR & GRILL: Zach Nugent & Co. (rock), 5 p.m., free. Phil Abair (rock), 9 p.m., free.
RED SQUARE: Tiffany Pfeiffer & the Discarnate Band (neo soul), 5 p.m., free. Bosley (jazz), 8 p.m., $5. DJ Craig Mitchell (house), 11 p.m., $5.
RUBEN JAMES: Sophia & Jeff (acoustic), 6 p.m., free. DJ Cre8 (hip-hop), 10 p.m., free.
51 MAIN AT THE BRIDGE: Gumbo Ya-Ya (soul, funk), 8 p.m., free. CITY LIMITS: Twist of Fate (rock), 9 p.m., free. TOURTERELLE: Deb Brisson & the Hay Burners (folk rock), 8 p.m., $12/20/30. TWO BROTHERS TAVERN LOUNGE & STAGE: DJ Blinie (dance), 9 p.m., free.
northeast kingdom
THE PARKER PIE CO.: Celtic Acoustic Session, 6 p.m., free. PHAT KATS TAVERN: Mudboot (jam), 9:30 p.m., free. THE STAGE: Karaoke, 8 p.m., free.
outside vermont
MONOPOLE: Eastbound Jesus (rock), 10 p.m., free. MONOPOLE DOWNSTAIRS: Happy Hour Tunes & Trivia with Gary Peacock, 5 p.m., free. 66 music
courtesy of saintseneca
NAKED TURTLE: Power Stallion (rock), 10 p.m., $3.
RÍ RÁ IRISH PUB & WHISKEY ROOM: Trio Gusto (Parisian jazz), noon, free. RUBEN JAMES: Craig Mitchell (house), 10 p.m., free. SIGNAL KITCHEN: Mary Gauthier, Sean Rowe (folk), 6:30 p.m., $15. AA. Standards: A 3 Night Music Invitational (jazz), 10 p.m., $5. THE SKINNY PANCAKE (BURLINGTON): Let's Whisper, Spook School, Heathers, Sleepyhead (indie pop), 9 p.m., $7/10. VERMONT PUB & BREWERY: Joe Moore Band (jazz), 10 p.m., free. ZEN LOUNGE: Raphael Groten Trio (world jazz), 8 p.m., free. Electric Temple with DJ Atak (hip-hop, top 40), 10 p.m., $5.
chittenden county
BACKSTAGE PUB: Tymes Up (rock), 9 p.m., free. HIGHER GROUND BALLROOM: Up North Dance Studio End of Year Showcase, 6 p.m., $15. AA. THE MONKEY HOUSE: The Full Cleveland (rock), 9 p.m., $5/10. 18+. ON TAP BAR & GRILL: Leno, Young & Cheney (acoustic rock), 5 p.m., free. Sideshow Bob (rock), 9 p.m., free. VENUE: Saturday Night Mixdown with DJ Dakota & Jon Demus, 8 p.m., $5. 18+.
BAGITOS: Irish Session, 2 p.m., donation. CHARLIE O'S: Swale, Blue Button (rock), 10 p.m., free. Dance Party (top 40), 10 p.m., free. NORTH BRANCH CAFÉ: Susan Picking (singersongwriter), 7 p.m., donation. SWEET MELISSA'S: Blue Fox (blues), 5 p.m., free.
p.m., $5.
stowe/smuggs area
THE BEE'S KNEES: Steve Morabito (jazz), 7:30 p.m., free. MOOG'S PLACE: Funbridge (rock), 9 p.m., free.
mad river valley/waterbury
(singer-songwriter), 7 p.m., free. Vermont's Next Star, 8 p.m., free.
HALFLOUNGE SPEAKEASY: Welcome to My Living Room: Purple Rain Edition (Prince tribute), 7 p.m., free. Pop Rap Dance Party (hip-hop), 10 p.m., free. THE LAUGH BAR AT DRINK: Comedy Open Mic (standup comedy), 8 p.m., free.
THE RESERVOIR RESTAURANT & TAP ROOM: Citizen Bare (rock), 10 p.m., free.
LEUNIG'S BISTRO & CAFÉ: David Hurley (jazz), 9 a.m., free. Jenni Johnson & the Junketeers (jazz), 11 a.m., free. Dan Liptak Band (jazz), 7 p.m., free.
middlebury area
NECTAR'S: MI YARD Reggae Night with DJs Big Dog and Demus, 9 p.m., free.
51 MAIN AT THE BRIDGE: Keating 5 (rock, funk), 8 p.m., free. CITY LIMITS: City Limits Dance Party with DJ Earl (top 40), 9:30 p.m., free.
northeast kingdom
THE PARKER PIE CO.: Chasing Macie (rock), 8 p.m., $5. THE PUB OUTBACK: Live Music, 9:30 p.m., free. THE STAGE: Kaleigh & Graham' (singer-songwriters), 5:30 p.m., free. Seth Yacovone (blues), 8 p.m., free.
outside vermont
MONOPOLE: Blind Owl Band (rock), 10 p.m., free. NAKED TURTLE: The Cop Outs (rock), 10 p.m., $3.
AMERICAN FLATBREAD BURLINGTON HEARTH: Garcia Grisman Band Tribute, 12:30 p.m., free. BREAKWATER CAFÉ: King Me (acoustic rock), 3 p.m., free. CLUB METRONOME: The Toasters, the Burritos, the Bargolites (ska), 8 p.m., $10/12. 18+. THE FARMHOUSE TAP & GRILL: Michael LouisSmith Quartet (jazz), 7 p.m., free.
RADIO BEAN: Queen City Hot Club (gypsy jazz), 11 a.m., free. Blue-Tonk Sessions with Andrew Stearns (hillbilly jazz), 1:30 p.m., free. Eric Biondino's Paid Vacation (jazz), 4 p.m., free. Sweet Tea and the Sugar Cubes (jazz), 5:30 p.m., free. Dan Ryan's Big Surprise (jazz), 7:30 p.m., free. Duke Aeroplane & the Wrong Numbers (swamp blues), 9:30 p.m., free. El Beej (rock), 11:30 p.m., free. RED SQUARE: Groovestick (funk), 7 p.m., free. DJ Baron (hip-hop), 10 p.m., free. RÍ RÁ IRISH PUB & WHISKEY ROOM: Trio Gusto (Parisian jazz), noon, free. THE SKINNY PANCAKE (BURLINGTON): Bluegrass Brunch Scramble, noon, $5-10 donation. Fat Laughs at the Skinny Pancake (improv comedy), 7 p.m., $3. VERMONT PUB & BREWERY: Jake Whitesell Trio (jazz), 1 p.m., free.
chittenden county
BACKSTAGE PUB: Karaoke/Open Mic, 8 p.m., free. HIGHER GROUND BALLROOM: Up North Dance Studio End of Year Showcase, 6 p.m., $15. AA. HINESBURGH PUBLIC HOUSE: Sunday Jazz with George Voland, 4:30 p.m., free. THE MONKEY HOUSE: The Rootless Boots (folk-funk), 8:30 p.m., free/$5. 18+. PENALTY BOX: Trivia With a Twist, 4 p.m., free. sun.8
» p.68
REVIEW this Colin Clary, Twee Blues Vol. 1 (WEEPOP! RECORDS, VINYL)
For about the last 20 years or so, songwriter Colin Clary has been one of Burlington’s defining musical voices. He’ll likely never be as synonymous with the Queen City or Vermont music as, say, Phish or Grace Potter. But you’d be hard-pressed to find a local writer whose output has been as prolific and consistent as Clary’s, whether solo, with any of about 100 bands he played in throughout the 1990s, or more recently with acts such as his bedroom-pop duo Let’s Whisper and the band he’s best associated with, the Smittens. As impressive as Clary’s catalog is, what’s most remarkable about his music is how it almost seems an extension of Burlington itself. Clary’s understated, idiosyncratic indie-pop songs feel like a direct reflection of life in our little city. Maybe this is just a personal thing. But whenever I hear one of those distinctive Colin Clary melodies, I can’t help but
think of Burlington, whether I’m miles away or sipping coffee at Muddy Waters. And I find many of the qualities about life here — that it’s pleasant and cute, but sometimes kinda sad — to be some of the qualities that make Clary’s music compelling. This holds true on his latest solo outing, Twee Blues Vol. 1, released last month on WeePop! Records as one of that label’s final three releases before it folds. Despite its title, the album is not particularly twee, which may surprise Smittens fans. And it’s not particularly bluesy, which shouldn’t surprise anyone familiar with Clary’s work. Instead, it treads in both styles lightly, and in doing so finds a balance between light and dark. “Come Back From the Wilderness” is, in typical Clary fashion, melodically bright but laced with an undercurrent of dejection and insecurity. “Chickens in the Morning” is an irreverent, pseudobluegrass number that features banjo and actual chickens clucking. Both “Bad Girls Club” and “She’s So Bored” oblige Clary’s indie-pop leanings and veer as close to twee as anything on the album. “The Girl From the Album Cover” owes a debt to the offbeat lyrical stylings of Jonathan
Fri 6.6 uliana eed roject Richman, though it’s sonically closer to the Lucksmiths. “I Didn’t Know You Were a Wizard” is almost impossibly quirky but not overly cute, even if it inevitably makes you think of Hogwarts. Like much of Clary’s best stuff, Twee Blues Vol. 1 is only superficially a pop record. Beneath his sing-song melodies, clever wordplay and breezy indie arrangements, darker undertones emerge that sharpen his sound and make the album one of his most satisfying and substantial to date. Twee Blues Vol. 1 by Colin Clary is available at Clary performs with Let’s Whisper at the Skinny Pancake in Burlington this Saturday, June 7. Spook School, Heathers and Sleepyhead open. D AN BO L L ES
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4v-rustynail060414.indd 1
standard “Bye Bye Blackbird,” Johnny Mercer and Hoagy Carmichael’s “Skylark” and George Jones’ “Bye Bye Baby Blues” are played straight and generally hold true to the originals. And the duo’s takes on these well-loved tunes succeed based on the strength and good taste of their performers. Seyler generally favors an understated approach, relying on pure tone over fancy adornments. On “Bye Bye Blackbird,” for instance, her steady voice becomes a perfect vehicle for that song’s famous melancholy melody. Ditto Edgar Leslie and Harry Warren’s “Wasting My Love on You,” on which Resnik matches Seyler’s subtly longing delivery with an easy croon of his own. In fact, the album’s only weak moments are those rare times when Seyler does overindulge vocally, as on
There’s something to be said for simplicity. The debut album from Martha Seyler and Robert Resnik is titled about as simply as it could be: Martha Sings & Robert Plays. And over the course of 42 minutes and 13 standards from the American Songbook, that’s almost precisely what happens. Seyler sings, often beautifully. And Resnik plays guitar, also quite nicely. He also occasionally chimes in on backing vocals, but Martha Sings & Robert Plays (and Sometimes Sings a Little) is kind of a mouthful. So, more often than not, Martha sings and Robert plays. Seyler and Resnik don’t reinvent the wheel on their first collaboration. In part that’s because their material, honed over months of performing together in local coffeehouses, doesn’t need reimagining. Their versions of classics such as the jazz
Hank Williams’ “Your Cheatin’ Heart.” Here, Seyler’s uncharacteristically stylized flourishes come off as stiff instead of soulful. But that’s hardly a deal breaker, given the virtues of her singing otherwise. Resnik, the host of the show “All the Traditions” on Vermont Public Radio and YOUR SCAN THIS PAGE an occasional contributor to Seven Days, TEXT WITH LAYAR plays with taste and polish throughout. HERE SEE PAGE 5 A veteran performer and knowledgeable critic, he knows his role is to stay out & PARLIAMENT FUNKADELIC of the way and let Seyler shine. And that’s exactly what he does. Martha sings. Robert plays. And it makes for a refreshingly spare and pleasant album that certainly belongs in the stacks of local folk and acoustic music fans. Martha Sings & Robert Plays by Martha Seyler and Robert Resnik is available at The two play at Dobrá Tea in Burlington every Thursday.
Martha Seyler and Robert Resnik, Martha Sings & Robert Plays
6/3/14 9:30 AM
NA: not availaBlE. AA: all agEs.
Redemption Songs
has lived a hard life.
The Nashville-based songwriter was orphaned as a baby, ran away from her
adoptive parents as a teenager and later battled heroin addiction.
Gauthier didn’t discover songwriting until she was
in her thirties, but music soon became an effective coping mechanism. Her latest album, Trouble and Love, is a
frank yet elegant exposition of her darkest times. But
the album of healing
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the most powerful
work of her career.
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Gauthier Signal
12v-zenloungeWEEKLY.indd 1
courtEsy of mAry GAuthiEr
It is easy to believe we are each waves and forget we are also the ocean.”
6/3/14 12:40 PM
in Burlington this Saturday, June 7, with SEAN RoWE.
...a healing arts sanctuary dedicated to providing a quiet, intimate, and safe space for sacred and soul-felt community gatherings and workshops. We offer scheduled classes including different styles of body movement, creative expression, meditation, sound healing, and group breath work. We regularly have open space available and welcome people to use the studio for a variety of workshops and classes.
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12t-SacredMountain060414.indd 1
BAGITOS: Eric Friedman (folk), 11 a.m., donation.
stowe/smuggs area
THE BEE'S KNEES: Jesse Luce (solo guitar), 11 a.m., donation. Bruce Jones (folk), 7:30 p.m., free.
northeast kingdom
THE STAGE: open mic, 5 p.m., free.
Kick-Off Summer Special
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stowe/smuggs area
MOOG'S PLACE: Seth Yacovone (solo acoustic blues), 7 p.m., free.
CLUB METRONOME: Dead Set with cats Under the Stars (Grateful Dead tribute), 9 p.m., free/$5. FRANNY O'S: Lake milk, Near North (rock), 9 p.m., free. HALFLOUNGE SPEAKEASY: Funkwagon's tequila Project (funk), 10 p.m., free.
donation. The Endorsments (rock), 7:30 p.m., donation.
ON THE RISE BAKERY: open Bluegrass Session, 7:30 p.m., free.
MOOG'S PLACE: The Jason Wedlock Show (rock), 7:30 p.m., free.
middlebury area
TWO BROTHERS TAVERN LOUNGE & STAGE: Karaoke with Roots Entertainment, 9 p.m., free.
BREAKWATER CAFÉ: Wolfpack (rock), 6 p.m., free. HALFLOUNGE SPEAKEASY: Wild Life (EDm), 10 p.m., free.
NECTAR'S: Great Blue, Binger (reggae, rock), 9:30 p.m., free/$5. 18+.
FRANNY O'S: Standup comedy cage match, 8 p.m., free.
RADIO BEAN: Stephen callahan trio (jazz), 6 p.m., free. Amy Black (soul, Americana), 9 p.m., free. Honky tonk tuesday with Brett Hughes & Friends, 10 p.m., $3.
HALFLOUNGE SPEAKEASY: Family Night (rock), 10:30 p.m., free.
RED SQUARE: craig mitchell (house), 10 p.m., free.
JP'S PUB: Dance Video Request Night with melody, 10 p.m., free.
ZEN LOUNGE: Karaoke with Emcee callanova, 9 p.m., free.
MANHATTAN PIZZA & PUB: Karaoke with Funkwagon, 9 p.m., free.
NECTAR'S: Vt comedy club Presents: What a Joke! comedy open mic (standup comedy), 7 p.m., free. The Royal Noise (funk), 9 p.m., free/$5. 18+.
chittenden county
RADIO BEAN: Silent mind (alt folk), 7 p.m., free. Irish Sessions, 9 p.m., free.
CLUB METRONOME: metal monday: Writing in the Skies, Endless Red, This time Stars Fall, 9 p.m., $3.
68 music
« p.66
6/2/14 1:25 PM
Grab any slice & a Rookies Root Beer for $5.99 + tax
12v-ThreeBros0614.indd 1
NECTAR'S: Yo! BtV Raps (hip-hop), 9 p.m., free/$5. 18+.
ON TAP BAR & GRILL: trivia Night, 7 p.m., free.
RADIO BEAN: The DuPont Brothers (indie folk), 7 p.m., free.
THE SKINNY PANCAKE (BURLINGTON): Kidz music with Raphael, 11 a.m., $3 donation.
chittenden county
HIGHER GROUND SHOWCASE LOUNGE: Saintseneca, memory map (psych folk), 8:30 p.m., $10/12. AA. ON TAP BAR & GRILL: open mic with Wylie, 7 p.m., free.
5/19/14 10:59 AM
JP'S PUB: Pub Quiz with Dave, 7 p.m., free. Karaoke with melody, 10 p.m., free. MANHATTAN PIZZA & PUB: open mic with Andy Lugo, 9 p.m., free.
RED SQUARE: DJ cre8 (hip-hop), 11 p.m., free.
CHARLIE O'S: Karaoke, 8 p.m., free.
THE SKINNY PANCAKE (BURLINGTON): Josh Panda's Acoustic Soul Night, 8 p.m., $5-10 donation.
SOUTH SIDE TAVERN: open mic with John Lackard, 9 p.m., free.
ZEN LOUNGE: DJs craig mitchell & D Fuego (house), 10 p.m., free.
SWEET MELISSA'S: Nancy & Lilly Smith (folk), 5 p.m., free.
chittenden county
BAGITOS: open mic, 6:30 p.m., free.
stowe/smuggs area
THE BEE'S KNEES: children's Sing Along with Lesley Grant, 10:30 a.m.,
THE MONKEY HOUSE: Haley Bonar, maryse Smith & michael chorney (indie folk), 8:30 p.m., $7/12. 18+. ON TAP BAR & GRILL: Pine Street Jazz, 7 p.m., free.
BAGITOS: mike Washburn (folk), 6 p.m., free. THE SKINNY PANCAKE (MONTPELIER): cajun Jam with Jay Ekis, Lee Blackwell, Alec Ellsworth and Katie trautz, 6 p.m., $5-10 donation. SWEET MELISSA'S: Wine Down with D. Davis (acoustic), 5 p.m., free. D. Davis, Lesly Grant & Ralph Eames (country), 7 p.m., free.
stowe/smuggs area THE BEE'S KNEES: Kip de moll (blues), 7:30 p.m.
MOOG'S PLACE: Birdshot La Funk (funk), 7:30 p.m., free. PIECASSO PIZZERIA & LOUNGE: trivia Night, 7 p.m., free.
middlebury area
CITY LIMITS: Karaoke, 9 p.m., free. TWO BROTHERS TAVERN LOUNGE & STAGE: trivia Night, 7 p.m., free. open mic, 9 p.m., free.
northeast kingdom
THE PARKER PIE CO.: trivia Night, 7 p.m., free. THE STAGE: Dale cavanaugh (singersongwriter), 6:30 p.m., free.
outside vermont
MONOPOLE: open mic, 10 p.m., free. OLIVE RIDLEY'S: DJ Skippy All Request Live (top 40), 10 p.m., free. m
venueS.411 burlington
bEE’S kNEES, 82 Lower Main St., Morrisville, 888-7889 clAirE’S rEStAurANt & bAr, 41 Main St., Hardwick, 472-7053 mAttErhorN, 4969 Mountain Rd., Stowe, 253-8198 moog’S plAcE, Portland St., Morrisville, 851-8225 piEcASSo, 899 Mountain Rd., Stowe, 253-4411 rimrockS mouNtAiN tAVErN, 394 Mountain Rd., Stowe, 253-9593 thE ruStY NAil, 1190 Mountain Rd., Stowe, 253-6245 SwEEt cruNch bAkEShop, 246 Main St., Hyde Park, 888-4887 VErmoNt AlE houSE, 294 Mountain Rd., Stowe, 253-6253
big picturE thEAtEr & cAfé, 48 Carroll Rd., Waitsfield, 496-8994 thE cENtEr bAkErY & cAfé, 2007 Guptil Rd., Waterbury Center, 244-7500 ciDEr houSE bbq AND pub, 1675 Rte.2, Waterbury, 2448400 cork wiNE bAr, 1 Stowe St., Waterbury, 882-8227 hoStEl tEVErE, 203 Powderhound Rd., Warren, 496-9222 purplE mooN pub, Rt. 100, Waitsfield, 496-3422 thE rESErVoir rEStAurANt & tAp room, 1 S. Main St., Waterbury, 244-7827 SliDE brook loDgE & tAVErN, 3180 German Flats Rd., Warren, 583-2202
Book online at Vermont’s commercial floatation center. Ask about our Float Aquacise routine. 145 Pine Haven Shores Rd., Shelburne • 802.498.5555 • 12h-satoriafloatspa052114.indd 1
5/19/14 1:46 PM
51 mAiN At thE briDgE, 51 Main St., Middlebury, 388-8209 bAr ANtiDotE, 35C Green St., Vergennes, 877-2555 citY limitS, 14 Greene St., Vergennes, 877-6919 tourtErEllE, 3629 Ethan Allen Hwy., New Haven, 4536309 two brothErS tAVErN louNgE & StAgE, 86 Main St., Middlebury, 388-0002
rutlAnD ArEA
picklE bArrEl Nightclub, Killington Rd., Killington, 422-3035
CHAMPlAin iSlAnDS/ nortHWESt
chow! bEllA, 28 N. Main St., St. Albans, 524-1405 SNow ShoE loDgE & pub, 13 Main St., Montgomery Center, 326-4456 twiggS AmEricAN gAStropub, 26 N. Main St., St. Albans, 524-1405
6H-FrendlyGathering060414.indd 1
6/3/14 2:17 PM
Got a case of the Fridays? This summer join us in the alley at Red Square every Friday for a FR E E summer concert.
brEAkiNg grouNDS, 245 Main St., Bethel, 392-4222 tupElo muSic hAll, 188 S. Main St., White River Jct., 698-8341
nortHEASt kingDoM
browN’S mArkEt biStro, 1618 Scott Highway, Groton, 584-4124 muSic box, 147 Creek Rd., Craftsbury, 586-7533 pArkEr piE wiNgS, 2628 Airport Rd., Newport, 334-9464 pArkEr piE co., 161 County Rd., West Glover, 525-3366 phAt kAtS tAVErN, 101 Depot St., Lyndonville, 626-3064 thE StAgE, 45 Broad St., Lyndonville, 427-3344
13: e n u j , Y A D I FR
s e i g g o d e wo
outSiDE VErMont
moNopolE, 7 Protection Ave., Plattsburgh, N.Y., 518-563-2222 NAkED turtlE, 1 Dock St., Plattsburgh, N.Y., 518-566-6200. oliVE riDlEY’S, 37 Court St., Plattsburgh, N.Y., 518-324-2200 pAlmEr St. coffEE houSE, 4 Palmer St., Plattsburgh, N.Y. 518-561-6920
Win passes to the Frendly Gathering music festival! Plus, prizes from Long Trail!
4t-upyouralley060414.indd 1
6/3/14 4:13 PM
bAckStAgE pub, 60 Pearl St., Essex Jct., 878-5494 gooD timES cAfé, Rt. 116, Hinesburg, 482-4444 highEr grouND, 1214 Williston Rd., S. Burlington, 652-0777 hiNESburgh public houSE, 10516 Vt., 116 #6A, Hinesburg, 482-5500
bAgitoS, 28 Main St., Montpelier, 229-9212 chArliE o’S, 70 Main St., Montpelier, 223-6820 ESprESSo buENo, 248 N. Main St., Barre, 479-0896 grEEN mouNtAiN tAVErN, 10 Keith Ave., Barre, 522-2935 guSto’S, 28 Prospect St., Barre, 476-7919 kiSmEt, 52 State St., Montpelier, 223-8646 mulligAN’S iriSh pub, 9 Maple Ave., Barre, 479-5545 North brANch cAfé, 41 State St., Montpelier, 552-8105 NuttY StEph’S, 961C Rt. 2, Middlesex, 229-2090 poSitiVE piE, 20 State St., Montpelier, 229-0453 rED hEN bAkErY + cAfé, 961 US Route 2, Middlesex, 223-5200 thE SkiNNY pANcAkE, 89 Main St., Montpelier, 262-2253 SwEEt mEliSSA’S, 4 Langdon St., Montpelier, 225-6012 VErmoNt thruSh rEStAurANt, 107 State St., Montpelier, 225-6166 whAmmY bAr, 31 W. County Rd., Calais, 229-4329
MAD riVEr VAllEY/ WAtErburY
CHittEnDEn CountY
Go float yourself.
242 mAiN St., Burlington, 862-2244 AmEricAN flAtbrEAD, 115 St. Paul St., Burlington, 861-2999 ArtSriot, 400 Pine St., Burlington, 540-0406 AuguSt firSt, 149 S. Champlain St., Burlington, 540-0060 blEu, 25 Cherry St., Burlington, 854-4700 brEAkwAtEr cAfé, 1 King St., Burlington, 658-6276 brENNAN’S pub & biStro, UVM Davis Center, 590 Main St., Burlington, 656-1204 church & mAiN rEStAurANt, 156 Church St. Burlington, 540-3040 club mEtroNomE, 188 Main St., Burlington, 865-4563 thE DAilY plANEt, 15 Center St., Burlington, 862-9647 DriNk, 133 St. Paul St., Burlington, 951-9463 DobrÁ tEA, 80 Church St., Burlington, 951-2424 EASt ShorE ViNEYArD tAStiNg room, 28 Church St., Burlington, 859-9463 fiNNigAN’S pub, 205 College St., Burlington, 864-8209 frANNY o’S, 733 Queen City Park Rd., Burlington, 863-2909 hAlflouNgE SpEAkEASY, 136 1/2 Church St., Burlington, 865-0012 hAlVorSoN’S upStrEEt cAfé, 16 Church St., Burlington, 658-0278 Jp’S pub, 139 Main St., Burlington, 658-6389 JuNipEr At hotEl VErmoNt, 41 Cherry St., Burlington, 658-0251 lEuNig’S biStro & cAfé, 115 Church St., Burlington, 863-3759 thE lAugh bAr At DriNk, 133 St. Paul St., Burlington, 951-9463 mAgliANEro cAfé, 47 Maple St., Burlington, 861-3155 mANhAttAN pizzA & pub, 167 Main St., Burlington, 864-6776 muDDY wAtErS, 184 Main St., Burlington, 658-0466 NEctAr’S, 188 Main St., Burlington, 658-4771 pizzA bArrio, 203 N. Winooski Ave., Burlington, 863-8278 rADio bEAN, 8 N. Winooski Ave., Burlington, 660-9346 rASputiN’S, 163 Church St., Burlington, 864-9324 rED SquArE, 136 Church St., Burlington, 859-8909 rÍ rÁ iriSh pub, 123 Church St., Burlington, 860-9401 rubEN JAmES, 159 Main St., Burlington, 864-0744 SigNAl kitchEN, 71 Main St., Burlington, 399-2337 thE SkiNNY pANcAkE, 60 Lake St., Burlington, 540-0188 thE VErmoNt pub & brEwErY, 144 College St., Burlington, 865-0500 ViN bAr & Shop, 126 College St., Burlington, 497-2165 zEN louNgE, 165 Church St., Burlington, 399-2645
miSErY loVE co., 46 Main St., Winooski, 497-3989 mlc bAkEShop, 25 Winooski Falls Way, Winooski, 879-1337 moNkEY houSE, 30 Main St., Winooski, 399-2020 mulE bAr, 38 Main St., Winooski, 655-4563 moNtY’S olD brick tAVErN, 7921 Williston Rd., Williston, 316-4262 oAk45, 45 Main St., Winooski, 448-3740 o’briEN’S iriSh pub, 348 Main St., Winooski, 338-4678 oN tAp bAr & grill, 4 Park St., Essex Jct., 878-3309 oN thE riSE bAkErY, 44 Bridge St., Richmond, 434-7787 pArk plAcE tAVErN, 38 Park St., Essex Jct. 878-3015 pENAltY box, 127 Porter’s Point Rd., Colchester, 863-2065 rozzi’S lAkEShorE tAVErN, 1022 W. Lakeshore Dr., Colchester, 863-2342 ShElburNE ViNEYArD, 6308 Shelburne Rd., Shelburne, 985-8222 SlooNE mErcANtilE, 17 E. Allen St., Winooski, 399-2610 VENuE, 5 Market St., S. Burlington, 338-1057
Making a Mark “Impressions,” Vermont Metro Gallery
ood or bad first impressions are based on quick judgment, with no room for nuance or doubt. So perhaps it’s appropriate that an exhibit titled “Impressions” would be all black and white, the tones with the most extreme contrast. But curator Kerri Macon at Vermont Metro Gallery no doubt chose the works on view for how the three artists made their impressions — that is, for their techniques — as much as for their results. And the processes of Fran Bull, Jordan Douglas and Cameron Schmitz could not be more distinct, or more starkly eloquent.
“Breathe” by Cameron Schmitz
70 ART
Since the gallery opened last year with the aim of showcasing mature, high-quality work by Vermont artists, the modest space on the fourth floor of the BCA Center has held a lot of color. This time the room is lined with black-on-white works on paper, and the resulting quietude is Zen-like. But that does not mean boring. A viewer who moves past the calming first impression will find more stimulation — visual, intellectual and emotional — than initially meets the eye. And the fact that these works do not compete with each other makes it easier to meditate on each. For starters, there are Fran Bull’s dramatic etchings. “Toda la vida es grabado — all of life is etching,” she writes in her artist statement, quoting in Spanish because the five large-scale prints here are from a series she calls “Barcelona!” (the exclamation point hers). The Brandon-based artist backs up the comment with a list of fissures, cracks, wrinkles, tears and other marks found everywhere from sidewalks to human skin to petroglyphs. Bull explains that she created her series “in the spirit of improvisation,” using carborundum on Plexiglas plates, then inking and printing on paper. Bull worked with master printer Virgili Barbarà in Barcelona; she notes that the city itself, and an exhibit at its science museum in particular, influenced the images that appeared on her plates. Indeed, Bull’s gestures are sweeping, dynamic and fluid; she swiped the abrasive compound into organic-looking forms that seem like they may keep moving if you look away. “Grabado” and “Regal” are suggestive of microbiota, with “bodies” and protruding spiky “hair,” but all the works are really abstractions, compelling for their ambiguity. Cameron Schmitz’s precise, text-based works in ink, each roughly 32 by 31 inches, could hardly be more different. Though she is trained in and teaches painting — at the River Gallery School in Brattleboro — Schmitz here presents five exceedingly spare drawings on otherwise untreated white paper, with thick black frames. Words are most apparent in “Chase Fear,” a composition with a
circular cluster of marks near the bottom center and a line extending from it to the upper left. From a distance, the shape resembles a yo-yo, its string held taut by some invisible hand. Closer inspection reveals the “string” to be a long strand of the word “CHASE,” repeated over and over in blocky capital letters. The cluster at bottom, presumably, represents “fear.” Schmitz’s work is neatly obsessive — chaotic scribbles corralled into shapes — and her drawings employ the power of negative space. This is most effective in the aptly named “Resist.” Here an indeterminate mallet-like shape opposes a tubular shape, each of these again comprising a mass of scribbles. Both are arranged on a diagonal across the paper, with several inches in between them. Even without the title’s suggestion, the two forms appear magnetic, though whether they are attracted to or repelled by each other is unclear. The allusion to human emotion is as strong as that white space in the middle is exquisitely charged. Jordan Douglas’ “Fingerprint Series” introduces yet another meaning of impression to this exhibit, both literally and figuratively. Though technology has brought us such measures as the retinal scan, the fingerprint remains a classic indicator of unique identity. Douglas’ 16-by-20inch silver gelatin images of left index finger patterns dramatically underscore the notion of individuality: The arrangements of whorls and crenellations differ rather astonishingly from each other. This is true even in the case of blood relatives — four of the prints belong to Douglas himself, his sister and his parents. Though Douglas is a photographer — he teaches at Saint Michael’s and Champlain colleges — these images were created without a camera. He captured the fingerprints in a police department-y way, but using darkroom chemicals. “The fingers were coated with film fixer … and held onto the film until the fingerprint was burned into the emulsion,” he explains. “The film was then developed and processed so that the negatives could be used to make photographic enlargements in the darkroom.” The prints were then lightly bleached and toned in selenium. Knowing these fingerprints represent the direct contact of human skin on paper, “interpreted” through chemistry, somehow makes them even more boldly personal. Yet identification has its limits: These impressions don’t tell you the person’s race, gender, age, sexual preference or economic status. And so the individuals are simultaneously unique and anonymous. For a project that began as “playful inquiry,” as Douglas puts it, the results inspire contemplation: about identity, similarity and difference, human potential and the patterns that define us. It’s all there in black and white.
“Fingerprint Series” by Jordan Douglas “Regal” by Fran Bull
INFO “Impressions,” works on paper by Fran Bull, Jordan Douglas and Cameron Schmitz, Vermont Metro Gallery, BCA Center, Burlington. Through July 27. Metro_Gallery
art shows
BCA Summer Artist Market: A juried market featuring handcrafted, original fine art and crafts by local artists. Burlington City Hall Park, Saturdays, 9 a.m.-2:30 p.m. Info, 865-7166.
f Alexander Alexeieff: Original 1929 signed lithographs by the Russian artist Alexander Alexeieff, exhibited with a looped screening of his 1930s animated pinboard films. Co-curated by Cecile Starr and Susan Smereka. Reception: Friday, June 6, 5-7 p.m. June 6-August 26. Info, 735-2542. New City Galerie in Burlington.
Wild Bird Fund Benefit Auction: Donated artwork of wounded and rehabbed wild birds — plus a few turtles — by Catherine Hall, Leslie Fry, Lynda McIntyre, Meg Walker and Barbara Zucker. Sales benefit the Wild Bird Fund of New York City. ArtsRiot, Burlington, Saturday, June 7, 5:30-7:30 p.m. Info, 540-0406.
f Andy Meyer: The Burlington multimedia artist explores the first decade of rock and roll and its impact on the Far East. Reception: Friday, June 6, 5-9 p.m. June 6-28. Info, spacegalleryvt@gmail. com. The S.P.A.C.E. Gallery in Burlington.
Peck Art Xcetera Open Studio: A studio sale featuring cards, photos, paintings and ceramics, and live music by Mystic Party. Peck Art Xcetera, Shelburne, Sunday, June 8, 1-6 p.m. Info, 985-3084.
f ‘Art + Soul Vermont’: An annual show that celebrates the creative spirit of the Burlington community. Sales are split between the artists and a featured nonprofit — this year, the Champlain Housing Trust. Grand Opening: Thursday, June 5, 6-9 p.m. Reception: Friday, June 6, 5-8 p.m. June 5-28. Info, 860-1003. Dunkiel Saunders Elliott Raubvogel & Hand in Burlington.
ONGOING Shows burlington
Alexis Kyriak, Athena Tasiopoulos & Marian Willmott: Curated by ONE Arts Collective, the Vermont artists present works in various media that are “beautiful, meditative, and at times unsettling.” Through June 8. Info, 660-9346. Radio Bean in Burlington.
f matthew thorsen: 50 new photos by the Burlington artist. Reception: Friday, June 6, 5-8 p.m. Info, 318-2438. Red Square in Burlington. f David Hurwitz & Joshua Primmer: “Arc,”
functional contemporary designs in wood and clay, respectively, by the Vermont fine artisans. Reception: Thursday, June 5, 6-8 p.m. June 5-30. Info, 863-6458. Frog Hollow in Burlington.
f ‘Play’: One hundred artists exhibit works that
variously interpret the word “play.” Reception: Friday, June 6, 6-8 p.m. June 6-July 15. Info, 651-8834. Penny Cluse Café in Burlington.
f Sara Katz: Abstract, mixed-media paintings by the Vermont artist, inspired by landscapes in transition. Reception: Friday, June 6, 5-8 p.m. June 6-30. Info, 355-5418. Vintage Inspired in Burlington. f Studio 266 Group Exhibition: The 14
working artists in this shared space show their work in various media. Reception: Friday, June 6, 5-8 p.m. June 6-28. Info, Info, 578-2512. Studio 266 in Burlington.
chittenden county
f ‘In Our Element: Expressions of Color and Texture’: Fifteen artists from the Vermont chapter of the Surface Design Association exhibit contemporary textile works. Reception: Sunday, June 8, 2-4 p.m. June 5-July 13. Info, 899-3211. Emile A. Gruppe Gallery in Jericho. f Monochromatic Exhibit: A group exhibit
f Arthur Schaller: “Billboard Buildings,”
f Diana Mara Henry: Black-and-white
photographs of one-room schoolhouses in Vermont by the famed photojournalist, with text by Middlebury College sociology professor Margaret Nelson. Reception: Friday, June 6, 5-6 p.m. June 6-October 15. Info, 828-2291. Vermont History Museum in Montpelier.
the start of psychedelia.” Don’t be fooled by those American cultural markers, though — Meyer draws inspiration from across international borders. His latest show, “Tokyo Deadstock,” explores the impact of American rock and roll on the Far East, and seeks to “capture the spirit and charm of this compelling cross-cultural relationship” useing found objects, illustration, vintage imagery and sound and video components. June 6 to 28 at S.P.A.C.E. Gallery in Burlington. Reception: Friday, June 6, 5-9 p.m. Pictured: “Sky Skooter, ’62.”
f ‘The Drawing Game’: Drawings by three generations of central Vermont’s Hecht family, which has played a variation of the surrealist Exquisite Corpse game for almost 70 years. Second Floor Gallery. Reception: Friday, June 13, 5:30-7:30 p.m. June 10-July 12. f ‘VCFA at SPA’: Selected students in the MFA program in graphic design at Vermont College of Fine Arts exhibit recent work. Main Floor Gallery. Reception: Friday, June 13, 5:30-7:30 p.m. June 10-July 12. f Mark Lorah: A mixed-media show exploring the relationship between organized structure and the need for irrational action. Third Floor Gallery. Reception: Friday, June 6, 5:30-7:30 p.m. June 6-12. Info, 479-7069. Studio Place Arts in Barre.
middlebury area
2013 Tour de Lead Graffiti: A letterpress broadside of the 2013 bike tour. June 4-30. Info, 388-3300. American Flatbread Middlebury Hearth.
northeast kingdom
f ‘Toothbrush’: From “twig to bristle,” an exhibit of artifacts and images detailing the history of this expedient item. Reception: Saturday, June 7, 3-8 p.m. June 7-December 31. The Museum of Everyday Life in Glover.
art events
f Katie Grauer and Nicole Mandeville:
Paintings by the two artists in the gallery’s first post-renovation exhibit. Reception: Friday, June 6, 4-8 p.m., with live music by Ben Cosgrove. June 6-July 18. Info, 839-5349. gallery SIX in Montpelier.
First Friday Art: Dozens of galleries and other venues around the city open their doors to pedestrian art viewers in this monthly event. See Art Map Burlington at participating locations. Burlington, 5-8 p.m. Info, 264-4839.
f Michael T. Jermyn: Black-and-white images from the artist’s new photography book, Discovering the Secret Language of Trees. Reception and book-release party: Sunday, June 8, 1-3 p.m., with live music by the Aristocratic Peasants. June 8-July 8. Info, 223-2090. Nutty Steph’s in Middlesex.
Print Appreciation and Collecting With Jeannot Barr: A weekend-long event with the founder of the New York Print Fair, featuring a sale of prints from Barr’s stock on Friday, and an appraisal and talk on Saturday. Two Rivers Printmaking Studio, White River Junction, Friday, June 6, 5-8 p.m. and Saturday, June 7, 1-4 p.m. Info, 295-5901.
art listings and spotlights are written by pamela polston and xian chiang-waren. Listings are restricted to art shows in truly public places.
Cameron Schmitz: Drawings and paintings by the Vermont artist. Through October 31. Info, 865-7166. Courtyard Marriott Burlington Harbor. Carolyn Crotty: Artwork in a variety of mediums inspired by nature. Curated by SEABA. Through August 31. Info, 862-9614. The Pine Street Deli in Burlington. Denis Versweyveld: Paintings and sculpture focused on the interplay of shape, composition and texture in common still-life objects. Through July 31. Info, 862-1001. Left Bank Home & Garden in Burlington.
f Festival of Fine Arts 2014: This annual celebration features a juried show in the gallery as well as artwork in the windows of participating downtown businesses. Reception: Friday, June 13, 5-7 p.m. Through June 30. Info, 660-9005. Art’s Alive Gallery @Main Street Landing’s Union Station in Burlington. ‘Impressions’: Fran Bull, Jordan Douglas and Cameron Schmitz explore in multiple media the markings of humankind, from the ridge patterns on fingers to trails on the landscape. Through July 20. Info, 865-7166. Vermont Metro Gallery, BCA Center, in Burlington. Innovation Center Group Show: Works by Brian Sylvester, James Vogler, Kari Meyer, Kim Senior, Longina Smolinski, Lyna Lou Nordstorm and Gabe Tempesta on the first floor; Holly Hauser, Jacques Burke, Jason Durocher, Cindy Griffith, Teresa Davis and Tom Merwin on the second floor. Curated by SEABA. Through August 31. Info, 859-9222. The Innovation Center of Vermont in Burlington. JB Woods: “Walking in Vermont,” colorful photographs curated by SEABA. Through August 31. Info, 658-6016. Speeder & Earl’s: Pine Street in Burlington.
get your art show listed here!
If you’re promoting an art exhibit, let us know by posting info and images by thursdays at noon on our form at or
burlington shows
» p.72
ART 71
visual art in seven days:
the day Elvis walked into Sun Studio for the first time,” he writes. “Ends right before
an exhibit of original collages by the Norwich University architecture professor. Reception: Friday, June 6, 4:30-6:30 p.m. June 6-December 19. Info, 485-2183. Sullivan Museum & History Center, Norwich University, in Northfield.
as he writes on his Etsy site. A single decade piques his interest: 1954-1966. “Starts on
f Bruce R. MacDonald: “The Visible Indivisibles Project,” brushed and polished 23-inch squares of stainless steel, each representing an element in the periodic table. On view Thursdays, 9 a.m.-5 p.m., and First Fridays. Reception: Friday, June 6, 5-9 p.m. Through June 30. Info, 800-639-1868. The Havoc Gallery in Burlington.
of local artists with a one-color focus. Reception: Thursday, June 5, 4:30-6:30 p.m. June 5-July 31. Info, 879-1236. Artists’ Mediums in Williston.
himself “as sort of a globetrotting sign painter on an endless cultural scavenger hunt,”
f Evelyn McFarlane & Students: Oil paintings by the craft-school instructor and her students. Reception: Thursday, June 5, 5-7 p.m. June 5-August 28. Info, 985-3648. Shelburne Craft School.
Andy Meyer South Burlington multimedia artist Andy Meyer characterizes
f ‘Beyond Measure’: A group show curated by Carleen Zimbalatti features more than a dozen artists who explore the role of geometry in their artistic processes. Reception: Friday, June 6, 5-8 p.m. Through August 31. Info, 859-9222. SEABA Center in Burlington.
« P.71
578-2512. The Soda Plant in Burlington.
f ‘unLess’: “An exhibit of new work and tenuous linkage” includes drawings by Lisa Kippen, sculpture and painting by Ria Blass and mixedmedia wall installation and sculpture by Susan Smereka. Closing reception: Thursday, June 26, 5-8 p.m. Through June 30. Info, 363-4746. Flynndog in Burlington.
Leah Wittenberg: “At Witt’s End,” cartoons by the local artist created over 15 years. Through June 12. Info, 343-1956. Nunyuns Bakery & Café in Burlington. MaLtex exhibits: Curated by Burlington City Arts, all four floors are filled with artwork in a variety of media by the following local artists: Terry Ekasala, Jessa Gilbert, Gabrielle Tsounis, Katie Loesel, Sam Talbot-Kelly, Kate Longmaid, Alexis Doshas, Tyler Vendituoli and Elaine Ittleman. Through June 30. Info, 865-7166. Maltex Building in Burlington.
verMont artists grouP shoW: Nearly 60 artworks in paintings, sculpture, stained glass, jewelry and functional wood pieces. Private viewings by appointment. Through June 30. Info, 489-4960. Silver Image Studio in Burlington.
Mareva MiLLarc: Abstract paintings in oil, acrylic, ink and mixed media. Curated by SEABA. Through August 31. Info, 651-9692. VCAM Studio in Burlington.
chittenden county
airPort exhibits: Oil paintings reflecting her travels by Donna Bourne, Gates; and paintings by Brooke Monte, Skyway. Through June 30. Info, 865-7166. Burlington International Airport in South Burlington.
Marie angeLache: Expressionist pastel paintings that incorporate collage. Through June 30. Info, 865-7165. City Hall Gallery in Burlington. MiLdred beLtré: “Dream Work,” abstract constructions that are metaphors for human relationships and borrow imagery from West African iconography, political movements, planar geometry, plant growth and sports. PoLLy aPfeLbauM: “Evergreen Blueshoes,” an installation of finely woven rugs and wallpaper influenced by minimalism, pop and color field. Through June 7. Info, 865-7166. BCA Center in Burlington.
f nyaMe nti aya faWohodie: “Restored to Beauty and Grace,” paintings by an experimental Burlington artist. Reception: Friday, June 6, 5-7 p.m. Through June 30. Info, 863-6713. North End Studio A in Burlington. PauL hagar: “On the Street and Across the Lake,” black-and-white photographs of cityscapes and architecture. Through June 30. Info, 864-2088. The Men’s Room in Burlington.
f sara bridgMan: A retrospective of works by the Vermont artist. Artist Talk: Saturday, June 21, 2-4 p.m. Through August 2. Info, 652-4500. Amy E. Tarrant Gallery, Flynn Center, in Burlington. sheLLey verMiLya: “Up Close,” photographs by the University of Vermont professor. Through July 17. Info, 862-8261. Flying Cloud at KSV in Burlington.
artist brings a piece of work; then they, in turn, invite another artist to do the same, and so on. This began in February; the result is a visual conversation about who is making work in Vermont, who they look to and how the work interacts. Reception: Friday, June 6, 5-9 p.m. Through June 28. Info, 20609BFPFathersDayAd_HR.pdf
f caroL norton: “Turning In/Turning Out,” multilayered, atmospheric oil paintings depicting natural scenes. Reception: Sunday, June 8, 2-4 p.m. Through August 30. Info, 985-8222. Shelburne Vineyard.
Jane Eddy, Barbara Ekedahl & Ray Hudson Three seasoned woodblock-print artists from the Middlebury area
show off the versatility of their medium in an exhibit featuring more than 30 multilayered
prints. Eddy, who is also a potter, contributes black-and-white images associated with her family’s past, such as teapots, water lilies and birds. Ekedahl brings work from two stages of her career: Her recent work is abstract and geometric, inspired by “mudras,” ritual Hindi and Buddhist hand gestures; her earlier prints feature silhouettes of figures or hands against colorful maps. Hudson’s stark winter scenes are juxtaposed with more experimental works, framed under broken glass. Through June 29 at the Jackson Gallery at Town Hall Theater in Middlebury. Reception: Friday, June 13, 5-7 p.m. Pictured: “Lotus Mudra” by Ekedahl.
10:45 AM
f ‘teLePhone’: Like the childhood game, one
‘beasts and botanicaLs’: Artist books by members of the Book Arts Guild of Vermont; as well as paintings and sculptures by Kevin Donegan, Rae Harrell, Loy Harrell and Gloria Reynolds. Through June 16. Info, 734-7363. Rae Harrell Gallery in Hinesburg.
Jason durocher: Five paintings from the Vermont artist’s “12 Months” series exploring the forests of the Northern Hemisphere. Through June 30. Info, 324-2772. Comfort Inn & Suites in South Burlington. ‘Lock, stock and barreL’: The Terry Tyler collection of Vermont firearms includes 107 rare examples made between 1790 and 1900. Beach Gallery. ‘Painting a nation’: A showcase of the museum’s best 19th-century American paintings. Webb Gallery. ‘traiL bLazers: horse-PoWered vehicLes’: An exhibit of 19th-century carriages from the permanent collection that draws parallels
f ‘hue’: A group show exploring the “symbolism and meaning” of color in fine-art photography, juried by Al Satterwhite. Reception: Friday, June 13, 5-7 p.m. Through June 15. Info, 777-3686. Darkroom Gallery in Essex Junction.
We want to thank all of you that came out to celebrate with us for our Grand Opening yesterday! AND DON’T FORGET: raffle ticket sales for our larger prizes will be continuing through June 18th. These prizes include a four pack of tickets to Great Escape, and a year of free haircuts at Bugatti Barbers! (equivalent to 12 cuts) Stop in any time during regular business hours to purchase raffle tickets for these prizes!
charLotte hardie: Oil pantings of horses. Through June 30. Info, 803-658-0949. Peak Performance in Williston.
72 ART
209 BATTERY STREET, BURLINGTON, VT 6h-ben&jerrys060414.indd 1
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6h-bugatti060414.indd 1
6/3/14 10:37 AM
Art ShowS
call to artiStS Blue PhotograPhy exhiBit: For this show we are looking for all types of blue images and meanings, and all variations of the hue, both natural and manmade. Juror: stella Kramer. Deadline: July 9. Details and entry form at darkroom Darkroom Gallery, essex Junction. info, 877-3686. call to artiStS for geMS: Artists are invited to join the gallery and submit pieces to the annual exhibit of artwork in a small format, november 7 to December 28. Deadline: october 26. specs, entry form and info at bryangallery. org. bryan memorial Gallery, Jeffersonville. info, 644-5100. creative coMPetitioN: For this monthly artist competition and exhibit, artists may drop off one display-ready piece in any medium and size to backspace Gallery, 266 pine street in burlington, between noon on wednesday and noon on Friday. entry $8. During the First Friday reception, 5-9 p.m., viewers can vote on their favorite work; the
winning artist takes home the collective entry money. The work remains on view for the duration of the exhibit. more info at spacegalleryvt. com. First wednesday of every month. ‘a PhotograPher’S view of laNd aNd light’: photographers are invited to join the gallery (by July 31) and submit images to a landscape photography exhibition, september 12 to november 2. Deadline: August 29. specs, entry form and info at; click on “call to artists.” bryan memorial Gallery, Jeffersonville. info, 644-5100. ‘Poetry iN MuSic’: in collaboration with the lake Champlain Chamber music Festival, Frog hollow’s August exhibit will be artwork inspired by music and poetry. soundtracks and poetry featured in four of the concerts are available for inspiration. Juried exhibit; also displayed at elley-long music Center for the nine days of the festival. Deadline: June 20. Contact Rob hunter at Frog hollow, burlington. info, 863-6458.
TWO GREAT SINGER-SONGWRITERS, Get ONE GREAT PRICE! a top-tier seat for both for $75.
‘uNBouNd vol. iv’ Book artS exhiBitioN: An annual exhibit using books as material or format, open to artists residing in new england and new York working in 2-D, 3-D, installation and assemblage art. Cash awards. Juror: sarah smith, book arts instructor at Dartmouth College. Deadline: saturday, June 14. Complete details at unbound-entry. ArtisTree Community Arts Center & Gallery, woodstock. info, 457-3500. ‘wall to caNvaS 5’: seeking “street-style” artists who use wheat pasting, stencils, collage, spray painting, markers and the like to create unique pieces of live art. Twelve artists will be chosen to compete for a chance to win a $500 prize, an art show at the Artifactory, and to sell their finished pieces in a live art auction. proceeds will benefit the artists and the educational programming of the shelburne Craft school. Find more info and submission form at Deadline: July 1. magic hat brewing Company, south burlington. m
Offer not available online or for Dress Circle seating. Valid on new ticket purchases only; as available.
Also, Parker Millsap
Saturday, June 14 at 8 pm, MainStage Season Sponsor
With special guest Kenneth Brian Band Saturday, June 28 at 8 pm MainStage or call 86-flynn today!
Judith vivell: monumental and arresting oil portraits of wild birds. Through June 27. info, 8280749. Vermont supreme Court lobby in montpelier. kathreNa raveNhorSt-adaMS: pastels and watercolors by the northfield artist. Through June 26. info, 728-1237. hartness Gallery, Vermont Technical College, in Randolph Center. lyal Michel aNd aBel fillioN: Figurative, narrative oil paintings and woodblock prints, respectively. Through July 25. info, 889-9404. Tunbridge public library.
f PiPer StroNg: Acrylic paintings on recycled metal echo famous paintings throughout art history. meet the artist: Friday, June 6, 4-7 p.m. Through June 30. info, 828-3291. spotlight Gallery in montpelier.
bARRe/monTpelieR shows
» p.74
Concert Series IGHT
Thursday, July 17 • 7pm H
Featuring World-Class Artists
H 6PM—before Thursday concerts. AMADEUS Speaker Series
Short talks by renowned thinkers.
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Summer Schedule: Friday, July 18 • 7pm Saturday, July 19 • 7pm Thursday, July 24 • 7pm H Friday, July 25 • 7pm Saturday, July 26 • 7pm Thursday, July 31 • 7pm H Friday, August 1 • 12pm Saturday, August 2 • 12pm
351 North Avenue Burlington, Vermont 802.862.9616 6/2/14 4:42 PM
ART 73
aMaNda fraNz: “Contours of the space between,” paintings and sculpture by the Vermont artist. Through July 9. info, 426-3233. plainfield Community Center.
The Mighty Mozart
‘1864: SoMe Suffer So Much’: with objects, photographs and ephemera, the exhibit examines surgeons who treated Civil war soldiers on battlefields and in three Vermont hospitals, and the history of post-tramautic stress disorder. Through December 31. info, 485-2183. sullivan museum & history Center, norwich University in northfield.
prints of digital illustrations that play with concepts of sexuality. Reception: Friday, June 6, 4-8 p.m., with live music by Good to Go. Through June 29. info, info, 223-7800. The Green bean Art Gallery at Capitol Grounds in montpelier.
f JoSh turk: “my month with marilyn,” giclée
in the Fields
‘SuPercool glaSS’: An exhibit that spans two centuries of glassmaking, with items from the museum’s permanent collection and contemporary decorative and sculptural creations by Vermont and national artists. Through June 8. info, 985-3346. pizzagalli Center for Art and education, shelburne museum.
diaNNe ShulleNBerger: “Re-envisioned,” works in fabric collage and colored pencil by the Jericho artist. photo iD required to enter. Through June 27. info, 828-0749. Governor’s Gallery in montpelier.
‘PerilouS PigeoNS’: An exhibit of artworks honoring the now-extinct passenger pigeon. Through August 31. info, 434-2167. birds of Vermont museum in huntington.
david SMith: “postcards From the Keys,” an exhibit of paintings of Florida. Through July 12. info, 426-3581. Jaquith public library in marshfield.
6/2/14 1:14 PM
‘oNly oNe: SiNgular PriNtS grouP Show’: monotypes by Casey blanchard, Janet Fredericks, betsey Garand, Catherine hall and Carol macDonald. Through June 24. info, 985-3848. Furchgott sourdiffe Gallery in shelburne.
f corriNa thurStoN: Detailed pet portraits in colored pencil, and graphite drawings. Reception: Friday, June 6, 4-8 p.m. Through August 3. info, 223-1431. Tulsi Tea Room in montpelier.
4t-flynn060414.indd 1
f Maria SeNgle: illustrations with an aquatic life theme by the industrial designer and winner of magic hat’s labels for libations contest. Reception: Thursday, June 5, 5-7 p.m. Through July 31. info, 658-2739. The Artspace at the magic hat Artifactory in south burlington.
auguSt BurNS aNd elliot Burg: The middlesex couple explores the human form through drawing and painting, and photography, respectively. Through June 6. info, 279-6403. Central Vermont medical Center in barre.
to contemporary automotive culture. Round barn. NaNcy crow: “seeking beauty: Riffs on Repetition,” quilts by the acclaimed textile artist, who incorporates printmaking into her work. hat and Fragrance Textile Gallery. Patty yoder: “The Alphabet of sheep,” whimsical rugs made with extraordinary, realistic sense of detail. patty Yoder Gallery. Through october 31. info, 985-3346. shelburne museum.
Anyone know a good plumber?
My guy‘s great...
« P.73
‘SyStematic Paradox’: Curated by the six high school students of the Young Curators of Vermont program, the exhibit features national and international artists that explore concepts of chaos and order using various mediums. Through June 14. Info, 862-4056. College Hall, Vermont College of Fine Arts, in Montpelier. 12h-frontporch-060414.indd 1
6/2/14 11:17 AM
Spring pool Special
stowe/smuggs area
Installation of 16x32’ in-ground pool starting at $24,000
84th annual northern vermont artiSt aSSociation Show: A group show featuring works by members in a variety of mediums. Through June 30. Info, 644-8183. Visions of Vermont in Jeffersonville.
(complete package) Please call for a free estimate.
Liner Changes | ConCrete DeCks & Patios siDewaLks | in-grounD & above grounD PooLs 1 5/29/2014 3:32:59 PM Fully Insured7days_spirits_celebrate_4.75x7.46.pdf 802-598-2510
12h-champlainconcrete043014.indd 1
4/28/14 1:20 PM
Spirits of Vermont: Lakeside Enjoy an evening celebrating Vermont’s craft distilleries on the picturesque Terrace. Taste the spirits of Vermont with music, tasty bites, and great company!
ECHO members: $20 Non-members: $25 Hosted by the Distilled Spirits Council of Vermont.
June 12, 6 - 8 p.m.
For more information and to purchase tickets visit All proceeds benefit ECHO Open Door access program.
July 3, 2014, 5:30 p.m. to 11 p.m. Waterfront views of the Burlington Fireworks Access to ECHO Live Music by ‘Sticks and Stones’ DJ Dance Party American-style BBQ dinner Cash Bar Face-painting Airbrush tattoos
More info at or by calling 802-488-5430. All proceeds benefit ECHO education programs.
e t a
‘in the Studio with mary Bryan’: The gallery celebrates its 30th anniversary year with an exhibit of more than 100 paintings in tempera, watercolor, oil and collage by its namesake artist. Through September 7. Info, 644-5100. Bryan Memorial Gallery in Jeffersonville. kent Shaw: Night photography, featuring long exposure time, by the local artist. Through July 2. Info, 888-1261. Morrisville Post Office. ‘kick and Glide: vermont’S nordic Ski leGacy’: An exhibit celebrating all aspects of the sport, including classic and skate skiing, Nordic combined, biathlon, ski jumping, telemark, and back-country skiing. Through October 13. Info, 253-9911. Vermont Ski and Snowboard Museum in Stowe. kinder artS retroSPective: A celebration of group murals, mobiles, paintings and sketchbook drawings by youngsters in the center’s Kinder Arts program, taught by Vermont artist Kelly Holt. Through June 20. roBert hitziG: Paintings, and paintings on wood sculpture by the Vermont artist. Through June 29. Info, 888-1261. River Arts Center in Morrisville. ‘landScaPe traditionS’: The new wing of the gallery presents contemporary landscape works by nine regional artists. Through January 1, 2015. reBecca kinkead: “Local Color,” a collection of new paintings inspired by Vermont’s flora and fauna. Through June 17. Info, 253-8943. West Branch Gallery & Sculpture Park in Stowe.
f lori hinrichSen: “The Places We Go,” drawings by the Montpelier artist. Reception: Wednesday, June 4, 5:30-7 p.m. Through June 12. Info, 635-2727. Vermont Studio Center in Johnson. marie laPré GraBon: Charcoal drawings by the Vermont artist. Through July 9. Info, 635-7423. The Lovin’ Cup in Johnson.
tom cullinS: Recent geometric abstractions by the Burlington architect reflect his yearly trips to Greece with crisp light and intense color. Through June 17. Info, 253-8943. Upstairs at West Branch in Stowe.
mad river valley/waterbury
marcuS ratliff: Recent collage by the Norwichbased artist. Through June 30. Info, 767-9670. BigTown Gallery in Rochester. ECHO Lake Aquarium & Science Center
74 ART
3v-echo060414.indd 1
carolyn meckloSky: “Dreams, Memories, Portraits,” paintings by the local artist. Through June 30. Info, 644-2991. Copley Woodlands in Stowe.
tom cote: “No Lifeguards, Only Life Coaches,” abstract paintings that explore themes of ambition, desire and relationships. Through June 12. Info, 635-2727. Vermont Studio Center Gallery II in Johnson.
l eb r
yvonne StrauS: “Playful Color,” brightly hued, naive paintings by the local artist. Through June 16. Info, 233-3338. Kellogg-Hubbard Library in Montpelier.
6/2/14 1:02 PM
middlebury area
f cynthia kirkwood: A summery collection of colorful paintings, plus an exclusive exhibit of the artist’s colored pencil drawings. Reception: Friday, June 13, 5-7 p.m. Through June 30. Info, 458-0098. Edgewater Gallery in Middlebury.
‘diScoverinG community’: More than 100 documentary works from film to oral histories by area K-12 students “exploring their own lives and the world around them.” Through July 12. Info, 388-4964. Vermont Folklife Center in Middlebury.
f Jane eddy, BarBara ekedahl & ray hudSon: Multilayered woodblock prints by three Middlebury-area artists. Reception: Friday, June 13, 5-7 p.m. Through June 29. Info, 388-1436. Jackson Gallery, Town Hall Theater in Middlebury. f ‘loSt GardenS of new enGland’: An exhibit of
historic drawings, watercolors, photographs and oil paintings that pay homage to the region’s rich gardening history; and contemporary outdoor sculptures by Norton Latourelle and Ethan Bond-Watts. Talk with gallery director Bill Brooks, Wednesday, noon to 1 p.m. Through August 11. Info, 388-2117. Henry Sheldon Museum of Vermont History in Middlebury.
f m P landiS: Subtle, imaginative monoprints inspired by Cape Cod; and an abstract, mixedmedia series created in Middlebury. Arts Walk: Friday, June 13, 5-7 p.m. Through July 12. Info, 989-9992. ZoneThree Gallery in Middlebury. martin Parr: “Life’s a Beach,” images by the U.K.-based photographer and Magnum collective member renowned for capturing people in their comfort zones. Through August 10. Info, 443-3168. Middlebury College Museum of Art.
rutland area
the carvinG Studio & SculPture center’S memBerS’ Show: An eclectic show with works in a variety of wood and stone mediums by the studio’s members. Through July 6. Info, 438-2097. The Carving Studio & Sculpture Center Gallery in West Rutland. ‘faBri-cationS: faBric & fiBer art’: Nine area artists exhibit quilts, fashions, accessories, home décor items, needlework, tapestries and sculpted dolls. Through June 15. ‘watercolorS: the artiSt’S Story’: Paintins by Maurie Harrington, Lyn DuMoulin, Andrea Varney and Gayl Braisted. Through June 30. Info, 247-4295. Compass Music and Arts Center in Brandon. lowell Snowdon klock and Jean cannon: A photographer and a watercolorist present works inspired by curves in living and inanimate forms. Through June 30. Info, 247-4956. Brandon Artists Guild. ‘under 30’: This juried exhibit features works by young Vermont artists Kristine Chartrand, Nate Mosseau, Kristin Partessi, Steven J. Mestyan II, Sarah Carmarcyzk and Nicole Carpenter. Through June 6. Info, 775-0356. Chaffee Downtown Art Center in Rutland.
champlain islands/northwest
frank tiralla: A new oil-on-linen series features the ruffed grouse, along with other wildlife creatures, by the Franklin artist. Through June 29. toBy fulwiler, deB kiel & wayne tarr: Wooden crafts, jewelry, paper art and photography by this month’s featured members. Through June 30. Info, 933-6403. Artist in Residence Cooperative Gallery in Enosburg Falls. SuSan GaluSha: Colorful representational paintings in oil, watercolor and encaustics, often featuring household items or female figures in an interior setting. Through June 30. Info, 285-6505. Haston Library in Franklin.
upper valley
f alaStair noBle: The artist-in-residence at Marsh-Billings-Rockefeller National Historical Park shows work from “Moment,” a handmade artist’s book that documents his environmental sculptures in the park; also drawings, monotypes, prints and previous artist books. Reception: Saturday, June 7, 6-8 p.m. Through June 7. Info, 457-3500. ArtisTree Community Arts Center & Gallery in Woodstock. daiSy rockwell: “Girls, Girls, Girls,” paintings of nudes and mugshots based based on women in the news. Through June 15. Info, 356-2776. Main Street Museum in White River Junction.
Art ShowS
Joy raskin, miranda hammond & kim rillEau: Jewelry, photography and leather work, respectively, by the new gallery members. Through June 30. Info, 457-1298. Collective — the Art of Craft in Woodstock.
‘siErra club wildErnEss 50 Exhibit’: Photographs of Vermont and New Hampshire wilderness areas and other outdoor scenes. Through July 6. Free. Info, 359-5000. Vermont Institute of Natural Science in Quechee.
northeast kingdom
‘bEforE i diE’: For this interactive exhibition, which has been launched in more than 400 venues worldwide, the downstairs gallery has been transformed into chalkboards with the phrase “Before I die I want to...” and community members are invited to fill in the blank. Through June 21. Info, 334-1966. MAC Center for the Arts Gallery in Newport. don sunsEri: A retrospective of the late West Glover artist and founder of GRACE, an art program for handicapped and elderly artists. Through July 12. Info, 563-2037. White Water Gallery in East Hardwick.
brattleboro area
Shine A Light on Human Trafficking
Fourteen artists contribute original and
upcycled lamps to a benefit auction for Give Way to Freedom, a Vermont- and New York-based foundation that works with victims of human trafficking. The event includes a silent auction, a chance to meet some of the artists, and live music by DJ Craig Mitchell. The lamps themselves are impressive works of art, ranging from hand-painted shades to unique likes of Simon Pearce and Ethan BondWatts. The event model was developed by Shine A Light, a business launched this year by Bristol artist Stephanie Larsen and Melissa Deas, a coordinator of the Addison County Council Against 6, 7 to 10 p.m., in the Blue Room at Red Square in Burlington. $25 at the door, $45 for two; appetizer and drink included. Pictured: Untitled by Amanda Palmer.
outside vermont
‘EvolvinG PErsPEctivEs: hiGhliGhts from thE african art collEction’: An exhibition of objects that marks the trajectory of the collection’s development and pays tribute to some of the people who shaped it. Through December 20. ‘in rEsidEncE: contEmPorary artists at dartmouth’: This exhibit celebrates the school’s artist-in-residence program, which began in 1931, and presents works by more than 80 international artists who have participated in it since then. Through July 6. ‘thE art of wEaPons’: Selections from the permanent African collection represent a variety of overlapping contexts, from combat to ceremony, regions and materials. Through December 21. allan housEr: Five sculptures by one of the best-known Native American artists are installed outside the museum in the Maffei Arts Plaza, representing his 3-D work from 1986-1992. Through May 11, 2015. Info, 603-635-7423. Hood Museum, Dartmouth College, in Hanover, N.H. ‘rEmarkablE contEmPorary JEwEllEry’: Thirty Québec and international designers showcase works that illustrate new approaches and techniques to this wearable art form. Through November 30. Info, 514-285-1600. Montréal Museum of Fine Arts in Montreal, QC. stEvE rosEnthal, waynE niEld & davE laro: Photographs of rural New England churches in black-and-white; wood-on-canvas works inspired by historic Baltimore buildings; and 2-D works with found materials, respectively. Through June 6. Info, 603-448-3117. AVA Gallery and Art Center in Lebanon, N.H. m
HOW TO NominatE 1. Create an account by clicking “Register/Login” on the ballot. 2. Write in your nominations. There is no final submission button. Once you hit “nominate” beside your entry, your choice is submitted in real time. 3. You must submit nominations in at least 50 total categories (out of 170) in order for any of them to count.
Note: If you had trouble nominating last week, please try again. We’ve worked out the bugs. The deadline for nominations is June 11. The top finalists in each category from round 1 will face off in the second voting round from June 18 to July 1. CHECK OUT THE BALLOT ON PAGE 13 AND VOTE ONLINE NOW AT SEVENDAYSVT.COM. 2v-daysiesnominations060414.indd 1
‘thE halE strEEt GanG: Portraits in writinG’: Jack Rowell’s 12 black-and-white, larger-than-life photographs capture the elderly members of a Randolph writing group led by Sara Tucker. Through October 10. Info, 885-3061. PhiliP GodEnschwaGEr: Cartoon imagery and interactive sculpture as social and political commentary. Through October 10. Info, 885-3061. The Great Hall in Springfield.
vanEssa comPton: “Beauty in a Broken World,” collages by the Greensboro artist. Through June 18. Info, 467-3701. Northeast Kingdom Artisans Guild Backroom Gallery in St. Johnsbury.
ElizabEth bElivEau, Eli burakian & JamiE townsEnd: Paintings, photographs, and largescale paintings and sculpture, respectively. Through July 12. Info, 674-9616. Nuance Gallery in Windsor.
lois Eby: Abstract works on panel by the Vermont painter. Through July 7. Info, 525-3366. The Parker Pie Co. in West Glover.
Domestic/Sexual Violence. Friday, June
northeast kingdom
It’s time to pick the 12th annual Daysies!
ceramic or glass-blown vessels from the
‘flora: a cElEbration of flowErs in contEmPorary art’: Vibrant floral works by 13 regional artists. John Gibson: “Opposing Forces,” paintings of balls with various patterns. marEla zacarias: “Cloaked and Revealed,” sculptural paintings in geometric patterns. waltEr unGErEr: A film created from 10-second, 360-degree segments taken oceanside in Maine by the experimental filmmaker. Through June 22. Info, 490-2470. Brattleboro Museum & Art Center.
6/3/14 5:47 PM
A Million Ways to Die in the West ★★★★★
The answer most definitely is not writing, directing should probably watch “Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey” to learn more about black holes. I’d like to write and starring in a meta-western so gut-busting it makes THIS PAGE Blazing Saddles YOUR look like Unforgiven.SCAN Ignore the reviews. SCAN THIS PAGE that Seth MacFarlane is a human black hole sucking WITH LAYAR WITH LAYAR This is genius. TEXT all the talent from the universe, but I’m not sure that’s HERE a sheep farmer who SEE PAGE SEE PAGE 5 MacFarlane plays can’t5 believe how how black holes work. Here are a few things I do know about the disproportionately gifted actor, animator, comedian, much life sucks in Arizona circa 1882, and around whom inwriter, producer, director, humanitarian, singer, pianist and creasingly absurd and surreal things happen for 116 inspired minutes. He’s essentially a fellow with 21st-century sensibilicomposer: ties marooned in the old West, a time and place MacFarlane clearly believes has been romanticized by Hollywood to the • “Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey” wouldn’t exist without point of lunacy. MacFarlane. Honest. It was his idea, and he put his own That’s the film’s brilliant twist. It’s not just another genre money into it. spoof, but a laceratingly honest look at how appallingly dull, • Since 2008, he’s been the highest-paid television writer dumb and dangerous frontier existence was. A Million Ways in the world. to Die in the West isn’t about bad guys so much as bad hy• He turned pro when he was 9, publishing a weekly comic giene, schools, medical care, living conditions, fashion and strip in his hometown paper. entertainment options, the last being virtually limited to • He studied under Frank Sinatra’s vocal coach and has things you can do in a saloon/whorehouse. sung at Carnegie Hall. And a lot of entertaining things are done there. Sarah Sil• His directorial debut, Ted, is the highest-grossing original verman is worth the price of admission by herself. Of course, R-rated comedy of all time. she’s never by herself, since she plays a prostitute who’ll do • He’s widely recognized for his work on behalf of gay anything for a nickel but insists that she and her meek geek rights. • On 9/11, he was scheduled to return to LA from Boston on BF (Giovanni Ribisi) save themselves for marriage. She’s never been dirtier or more hilarious. the plane that flew into the North Tower, but missed his Also stellar are Gilbert Gottfried as a Lincoln impersonflight because of a hangover. ator, Neil Patrick Harris as the proprietor of a swank bou• All of the above notwithstanding, Seth MacFarlane is an tique specializing in preposterous mustache-care products, atheist. and Charlize Theron as a stranger who hits it off with our Clearly, the question is what can’t this guy do? You may hero and offers to teach him how to shoot. A Million Ways is that rare picture that’s even better than answer, “Host the 85th Academy Awards without stirring up controversy.” That’s a bad thing? Oh, and he was nominated its ads hope to convince you it is, a wildly singular creation from a wildly singular artist. The dialogue will have you for a Best Original Song Oscar that year.
blowing Pepsi out your nose, while the cinematography and score will flash you back to Technicolor oaters of the ’50s. On top of a bar fight that’s an instant classic and the finest poop-in-the-street scene since Bridesmaids, the film has a million unhinged gags, almost all of which hit their mark. MacFarlane gives us old cowpoke tropes viewed through a lucent new lens. A spectacularly naughty place to visit where no one in their right mind would want to live, the West has never been this wild. RI C K KI S O N AK
Maleficent ★★
ollywood execs used to say a female protagonist couldn’t carry a big movie. Then came The Hunger Games and the Twilight series and Alice in Wonderland and Frozen. Maleficent, essentially a film about a middle-aged woman’s regrets and her cheekbones, grossed nearly $170 million worldwide last weekend. It’s nice to see the tide turn, but it would be nicer to see it turn with a good movie. In Frozen, Disney reinvigorated an old story with clever new surprises. Maleficent returns to the lazy, lucrative pattern the studio set with Alice (Linda Woolverton scripted both films) and Oz the Great and Powerful: Take a familiar tale of wonder, reshape it to make it more like modern fantasies, fill the screen with visual splendor and rely on charismatic lead actors to do the rest. Maleficent director Robert Stromberg, who was the production designer on both Oz and Alice, does his part by making its fairy-tale world look like a cross between Maxfield Parrish on acid and a classic silent film. Everything in this Sleeping Beauty update pivots around Angelina Jolie’s goodfairy-turned-bad and her iconic face — always otherworldly, here uncannily enhanced with facial prosthetics. Mightier than her human adversaries, and apparently the only natural or supernatural creature in her world with half a brain, Maleficent eclipses the other characters to the extent of sucking the intrigue right out of the film. We meet the title character as a winged orphan growing up in a fairyland called the Moors that adjoins a human kingdom. These Moors look more like swampy woodlands, and Maleficent seems more beneficent than not, but what’s in a name? Anyhow, Maleficent grows into hers after her childhood friend, the human boy Stefan, reappears years later as a conniving courtier (Sharlto Copley) who betrays and mutilates her. When Stefan becomes king and spawns a royal
HOW THE WEST WAS WEIRD Frontier life may have been no joke, but in MacFarlane’s hands, it’s good for a million laughs.
MALAR PRIVILEGE No, not even Angelina Jolie has these cheekbones in real life.
daughter, Maleficent has the perfect gift for her christening: a neat little curse involving puberty, sleep and spinning wheels. Hoping to avert Princess Aurora’s destiny, Stefan inexplicably entrusts her to three pixies (Lesley Manville, Imelda Staunton and Juno Temple) who are portrayed as incompetent half-wits. Hence the task of keeping Aurora alive to
Sweet Sixteen falls to a remorseful Maleficent, who eventually starts feeling maternal toward the girl (Elle Fanning) she used as a scapegoat for her wrath. It’s not a bad scenario for a feminist fairy-tale reimagining: the “evil” fairy godmother as mentor. But to make the two women’s bond meaningful, the script needs to give Aurora vigor and self-determination. Instead, like everyone else in the film, she remains a passive instrument of Maleficent’s schemes. Fanning avoids cartoon sickly sweetness, but she has little to work with; Copley’s character is similarly underwritten and anything but a worthy adversary. (The District 9 star does over-the-top performances and fade-into-the-wallpaper performances; this is among the latter.) Maybe it’s assumed these days, when you put Jolie in a film, that she’s going to make everyone else into set dressing. But with nobody to play against except her own bad self, even Maleficent is more of a striking objet d’art than a character. Wearing the iconic horns and cowl from Disney’s 1959 Sleeping Beauty, with luminous skin and eyes that were apparently based on a goat’s, Jolie often appears silhouetted in shadows that evoke the black and white of silent-screen queens. She’s like Norma Desmond without the good dialogue. Alice and Oz appealed to audiences hungry for more busy marvels in the Harry Potter vein. But the action scenes in Maleficent feel perfunctory: Like Ridley Scott’s Legend, it’s likely to be remembered longer for its look than anything else. I know that I, for one, will be having nightmares about Jolie’s prosthetic cheekbones — they’re like caterpillars stuck under her skin! — for a while. MARGO T HARRI S O N
moViE clipS
new in theaters EDgE oF tomoRRoW: tom cruise plays a soldier battling aliens in a time loop, improving his performance via do-overs that always seem to end in his demise, in this sci-fi adventure from director doug liman (The Bourne Supremacy). with Emily blunt and brendan gleeson. (113 min, Pg-13. bijou, capitol, Essex, Majestic, Palace, Roxy, Sunset, welden) tHE FAUlt iN oUR StARS: two snarky teens fall in love at their cancer support group in this adaptation of John green’s best-selling ya novel from director Josh boone (Stuck in Love). Shailene woodley, ansel Elgort and nat wolff star. (125 min, Pg-13. bijou, capitol, Essex, Majestic, Palace, Roxy) iDA: In communist Poland, a sheltered girl about to take vows at a convent (agata trzebokowska) makes a startling discovery about her family’s world war II past, in this black-and-white period drama from director Pawel Pawlikowski (My Summer of Love). (121 min, Pg-13. Savoy) tHE immigRANt: James gray (Two Lovers) directed this drama set in 1921 about a Polish immigrant (Marion cotillard) who finds herself forced into prostitution on the mean streets of Manhattan. with Joaquin Phoenix and Jeremy Renner. (120 min, R. Roxy)
now playing tHE AmAZiNg SpiDER-mAN 2HH andrew garfield returns as the rebooted emo version of the web-slinging teen superhero, this time pitted against Electro (Jamie foxx) and an increasingly sinister Oscorp. with Emma Stone, dane dehaan and Paul giamatti. The aptly named Marc webb again directed. (142 min, Pg-13) BEllEHHH1/2 In 18th-century England, the illegitimate mixed-race daughter of an aristocrat (gugu Mbatha-Raw) grows up surrounded by privilege and prejudice and attempts to take on the institution of slavery. amma asante directed the period drama, with Emily watson and tom wilkinson. (104 min, Pg)
cHEFHHHH1/2 foodie film alert! Jon favreau wrote, directed and starred in this comedy about a fine-dining chef who reinvents himself — and reconnects with his family — by opening a food truck. with Robert downey Jr., Emjay anthony and Scarlett Johansson. (115 min, R)
H = refund, please HH = could’ve been worse, but not a lot HHH = has its moments; so-so HHHH = smarter than the average bear HHHHH = as good as it gets
lEgENDS oF oZ: DoRotHY’S REtURNH dorothy returns to Oz to save the magical land from a new villain in this computer-animated family musical. with the voices of lea Michele, Kelsey grammer and dan aykroyd. will finn and dan St. Pierre directed. (88 min, Pg) mAlEFicENtHH Sleeping Beauty gets its obligatory filmic reimagining with angelina Jolie playing the title ill-intentioned fairy and Elle fanning as the princess she targets with her malicious curse. with Sharlto copley, leslie Manville and Juno temple. Visual effects veteran Robert Stromberg makes his directorial debut. (97 min, Pg)
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millioN DollAR ARmHHH Jon hamm plays a sports agent who heads to India to discover baseball’s next great pitcher via a reality-show competition in this fact-based disney drama. with aasif Mandvi and alan arkin. craig gillespie (Fright Night) directed. (124 min, Pg) A millioN WAYS to DiE iN tHE WEStHHHHH writer-director Seth Macfarlane takes on the western in this comedy in which he plays a cowardly sheep farmer trying to work up the courage to take on a gunslinger. charlize Theron and liam neeson also star. (116 min, R) NEigHBoRSHHHH Seth Rogen and Rose byrne play a settled-down couple with a new baby who find themselves fiercely defending their turf when a hard-partying frat moves next door. Zac Efron is their nemesis. nicholas Stoller (The Five-Year Engagement) directed the raunchy comedy. (96 min, R) tHE otHER WomAN 1/2 H Three women who discover they’ve been simultaneously involved with the same man team up to teach him a lesson about fidelity in this rom com from director nick cassavetes (The Notebook). with cameron diaz, leslie Mann, Kate upton and nikolaj costerwaldau. (109 min, Pg-13) tHE RAilWAY mANHHH colin firth plays a train enthusiast and world war II veteran who discovers that the Japanese soldier who tortured him is still alive in this fact-based drama from director Jonathan teplitzky. with nicole Kidman and Stellan Skarsgård. (116 min, R) Rio 2HH1/2 a macaw family explores the wilds of the amazon and finds itself threatened by old nemesis nigel the cockatoo in this sequel to the 2011 animated family hit from blue Sky Studios. with the voices of Jesse Eisenberg, anne hathaway and Jemaine clement. (101 min, g)
nOw PlayIng
» P.79 3v-williamgrant041614.indd 1
4/14/14 12:37 PM
RatIngS aSSIgnEd tO MOVIES nOt REVIEwEd by Rick kiSoNAk OR mARgot HARRiSoN aRE cOuRtESy Of MEtacRItIc.cOM, whIch aVERagES ScORES gIVEn by thE cOuntRy’S MOSt wIdEly REad MOVIE REVIEwERS.
JoDoRoWSkY’S DUNEHHHH1/2 documentarian frank Pavich tells the story of how cult director alejandro Jodorowsky (El Topo) tried and failed to adapt frank herbert’s sci-fi epic into a film that might have been even trippier than david lynch’s Dune. (90 min, Pg-13)
tHE gRAND BUDApESt HotElHHHHH director wes anderson recreates — and stylizes — the world of a palatial European hotel between the world wars in this ensemble comedy-drama featuring Ralph fiennes, f. Murray abraham, Mathieu amalric, adrien brody, tilda Swinton and many more. (100 min, R)
— Joanna Cummings, Snelling Center for Government
FADiNg gigoloHH1/2 John turturro as a gigolo with woody allen as his manager? yes and yes in this comedy about a middle-aged fellow who turns to an unusual profession to help a friend — also written and directed by turturro. with Sharon Stone, liev Schreiber and Vanessa Paradis. (90 min, R)
goDZillAH can Godzilla 2014, a second attempt to launch the venerable giant lizard as an american-made blockbuster franchise, stomp on sour memories of Godzilla 1998? director gareth Edwards (the indie film Monsters) undoubtedly hopes so. aaron taylor-Johnson, bryan cranston, Elizabeth Olsen, Ken watanabe and Juliette binoche star this time around. (123 min, Pg-13)
BlENDEDH1/2 adam Sandler and drew barrymore play single parents who endure a bad blind date only to find themselves forced together at a family resort in this comedy from director frank coraci (Zookeeper). with wendi Mclendon-covey and Joel Mchale. (117 min, Pg-13)
FED UpHHH1/2 Stephanie Soechtig’s documentary, full of celebrity talking heads such as bill clinton and Michael Pollan, looks at the causes of the obesity epidemic and argues that america is poisoning its children with a diet of sugar-rich processed foods. (90 min, Pg)
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(*) = new this week in vermont. for up-to-date times visit sevendAysvt.COm/mOvies.
BIJoU cINEPLEX 4 Rte. 100, Morrisville, 8883293,
wednesday 4 — thursday 5 Blended Godzilla maleficent X-men: Days of Future Past friday 6 — thursday 12 *Edge of tomorrow *Edge of tomorrow 3D *The Fault in our Stars maleficent X-men: Days of Future Past
cAPItoL SHoWPLAcE 93 State St., Montpelier, 2290343,
wednesday 4 — thursday 5 The Amazing Spider-man 2 Blended Godzilla Godzilla 3D million Dollar Arm A million Ways to Die in the West Neighbors friday 6 — thursday 12 Blended *Edge of tomorrow *Edge of tomorrow 3D *The Fault in our Stars Godzilla A million Ways to Die in the West Neighbors
21 Essex Way, #300, Essex, 879-6543,
wednesday 4 — thursday 5 The Amazing Spider-man 2 Blended Godzilla
Godzilla 3D maleficent maleficent 3D million Dollar Arm A million Ways to Die in the West Neighbors X-men: Days of Future Past X-men: Days of Future Past in 3D friday 6 — thursday 12 Blended *Edge of tomorrow *Edge of tomorrow 3D *The Fault in our Stars Godzilla Godzilla 3D maleficent maleficent 3D A million Ways to Die in the West Neighbors X-men: Days of Future Past X-men: Days of Future Past in 3D
mAJEStIc 10 190 Boxwood St. (Maple Tree Place, Taft Corners), Williston, 878-2010,
wednesday 4 — thursday 5 The Amazing Spider-man 2 Blended *Edge of tomorrow 3D *The Fault in our Stars Godzilla maleficent maleficent 3D million Dollar Arm A million Ways to Die in the West Neighbors The other Woman Rio 2 X-men: Days of Future Past X-men: Days of Future Past in 3D friday 6 — thursday 12 Blended
*Edge of tomorrow *Edge of tomorrow 3D *The Fault in our Stars Godzilla maleficent maleficent 3D A million Ways to Die in the West Neighbors X-men: Days of Future Past X-men: Days of Future Past in 3D
mARQUIS tHEAtRE Main St., Middlebury, 388-4841
wednesday 4 — thursday 5 Blended maleficent A million Ways to Die in the West X-men: Days of Future Past
mERRILL'S RoXY cINEmA 222 College St., Burlington, 864-3456,
wednesday 4 — thursday 5 Belle Blended chef A million Ways to Die in the West Neighbors X-men: Days of Future Past X-men: Days of Future Past in 3D friday 6 — thursday 12 chef *Edge of tomorrow *Edge of tomorrow 3D *The Fault in our Stars The Immigrant A million Ways to Die in the West X-men: Days of Future Past X-men: Days of Future Past in 3D
Master of Science in
10 Fayette Dr., South Burlington, 864-5610,
wednesday 4 — thursday 5 Blended *Edge of tomorrow Fading Gigolo *The Fault in our Stars Godzilla The Grand Budapest Hotel Legends of oz: Dorothy's Return maleficent maleficent 3D million Dollar Arm A million Ways to Die in the West X-men: Days of Future Past X-men: Days of Future Past in 3D friday 6 — thursday 12 Belle *Edge of tomorrow *Edge of tomorrow 3D *The Fault in our Stars Godzilla maleficent maleficent 3D A million Ways to Die in the West Neighbors *team Hot Wheels: The origin of Awesome Event X-men: Days of Future Past
friday 6 — thursday 12 maleficent maleficent 3D X-men: Days of Future Past
tHE SAVoY tHEAtER 26 Main St., Montpelier, 2290509,
wednesday 4 — thursday 5 Fed Up Jodorowsky's Dune The Railway man friday 6 — thursday 12 chef Ida
StoWE cINEmA 3 PLEX Mountain Rd., Stowe, 2534678.
wednesday 4 — thursday 5 maleficent 3D A million Ways to Die in the West X-men: Days of Future Past in 3D friday 6 — thursday 12 maleficent maleficent 3D A million Ways to Die in the West X-men: Days of Future Past X-men: Days of Future Past in 3D
241 North Main St., Barre, 4799621,
wednesday 4 — thursday 5 The Amazing Spider-man 2 Blended Godzilla Godzilla 3D million Dollar Arm A million Ways to Die in the West Neighbors
SUNSEt DRIVE-IN tHEAtRE 155 Porters Point Road, just off Rte. 127, Colchester, 8621800.
wednesday 4 — thursday 5 The Amazing Spider-man 2 Blended Godzilla maleficent A million Ways to Die in the West Neighbors The other Woman X-men: Days of Future Past friday 6 — thursday 12 Blended *Edge of tomorrow Godzilla maleficent A million Ways to Die in the West Neighbors The other Woman X-men: Days of Future Past
WELDEN tHEAtRE 104 No. Main St., St. Albans, 527-7888,
wednesday 4 — thursday 5 Blended maleficent million Dollar Arm X-men: Days of Future Past friday 6 — thursday 12 *Edge of tomorrow *Edge of tomorrow 3D maleficent A million Ways to Die in the West X-men: Days of Future Past
Go to on any smartphone for free, up-to-the-minute movie showtimes, plus other nearby restaurants, club dates, events and more.
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X-meN: DAYs oF FUtURe pAstHHH1/2 Bryan Singer returns as director for this time-hopping mutant extravaganza in which the X-Men join forces with their younger selves to prevent Something Really Bad from happening. With Patrick Stewart, Ian McKellen, Hugh Jackman, Michael Fassbender, James McAvoy and Jennifer Lawrence. (131 min, PG-13)
new on video loNe sURvivoRHHHH Mark Wahlberg stars in the fact-based account of an ill-fated 2005 Navy SEAL team mission in Afghanistan. With Taylor Kitsch, Emile Hirsch and Ben Foster. Peter Berg directed. (121 min, R)
RoBocopHHH Joel Kinnaman plays the slain cop who rises again as a robot police officer in futuristic Detroit in this remake of the satirical Paul Verhoeven actioner from director José Padilha (Elite Squad). With Gary Oldman, Michael Keaton and Abbie Cornish. (118 min, PG-13) soN oF GoDHH This inspirational retelling of the life of Jesus Christ (Diogo Morgado) is excerpted from the Mark Burnett-produced History Channel miniseries “The Bible.” Christopher Spencer directed. With Amber Rose Revah and Sebastian Knapp. (138 min, PG-13)
more movies!
Film series, events and festivals at venues other than cinemas can be found in the calendar section.
Palmer Lane Maple
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6/3/14 3:28 PM
movies YOU missed B Y MARGOT HARRI SON
Did you miss: God loves uGanda Being gay has never been easy in Uganda, but where did the recent groundswell of fear and hatred come from? This 2013 documentary from Roger Ross Williams argues that it started with American evangelicals who view this predominantly Christian African nation as the perfect place to put their fundamentalist beliefs in practice…
Should you catch up with them on DVD or VOD, or keep missing them?
what I’M watching This week i'm watching: You onlY live once You Only Live Once, Fritz Lang's 1937 masterpiece about an innocent man who goes on the lam after being falsely accused of a crime, is a precursor to film noir. It also provides an interesting history lesson about how films make their way to the television in your living room.
LOCAL BAND CONTEST Nominate your favorite local act for a chance to play on the waterfront stage this September.
In this feature, published every Saturday here on Live Culture, I write about the films I'm currently watching, and connect them to film history and art. 3v-GPNcontest-052213.indd 1
Say you saw it in...
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5/27/14 6:39 PM
1/12/10 9:51:52 AM
ReaD theSe eaCh week On the LIVe CuLtuRe bLOg at
seveN DAYs
One career ago, I was a professor of film studies. I gave that up to move to Vermont and write for Seven Days, but movies will always been my first love.
PRESENT THE 06.04.14-06.11.14
In the Movies You Missed & More feature every Friday, I review movies that were too weird, too cool, too niche or too terrible for Vermont's multiplexes.
fun stuff
Dave Lapp
more fun! straight dope (p.30)
Edie Everette lulu eightball
80 fun stuff
SEVEN DAYS 06.04.14-06.11.14
Michael Deforge
NEWS QUIRKs by roland sweet Curses, Foiled Again
Police charged Luke David Payne, 36, with holding up the same Louisville, Ky., doughnut shop twice in one week. The first time Payne wore a mask, police said, but the second time he skipped the mask, and all the employees recognized him as a coworker. (Louisville’s WAVE-TV)
Unclear on the Concept
Intent on making solo diners feel less self-conscious, Tokyo’s Moomin Café began seating them at tables across from giant stuffed animals representing characters from a Finnish picture book series. (Time)
Litigation Nation
Families with autistic children are suing Walt Disney Co. because its theme parks stopped letting the kids bypass lines for rides. Disney parks used to offer autistic visitors a “guest assistance card” that let them and their families board rides without waiting. The company cited instances of visitors hiring disabled people to obtain the cards as the reason it switched to “disability access service” cards, which let autistic children schedule times for park attractions. The 16 plaintiffs who’re suing Disney under the Americans with Disabilities Act insist scheduling times amounts to waiting, which autistic children have difficulty doing. (Reuters)
jen sorensen
Role Models of the Week
Sheriff’s officials charged high school football coach Rodney Barnes, 43, with stealing $950 from the wallets of nine of his players in Volusia County, Fla. Barnes confessed to these and other thefts. (Associated Press) State police who pulled over University of Alaska Fairbanks campus priest Father Sean P. Thomson, 52, said he confessed to driving drunk and told trooper Christopher Bitz that he had a .357-caliber handgun in the back of his pickup. He clammed up when Bitz also found a 9mm handgun in his back pocket and a small bag of marijuana in his jumper. (Fairbanks Daily NewsMiner)
Much Better
to avoid further persecution by making clear their position. (New York Times)
Lawn Order
After covering the yard of her home in Kansas City, Mo., with 80 tons of sand, Georgianna Reid explained, “Now being over 60, I’ve decided that I’ve owned the house for 33 years and that I wasn’t going to mow anymore or water.” Neighbors complained, but city inspectors said they found no violations because the sand is being used for landscaping. (United Press International)
Tokyo’s Moomin Café began seating solo diners at tables
Residents of Castrillo Matajudios, Spain, voted to change the name of their village, but only by 10 votes. The name translates as “Little Fort of Jew Killers.” In announcing the 29-19 vote, Mayor Lorenzo Rodriguez said the village would be renamed Castrillo Mota de Judios, or Little Hill Fort of Jews. One explanation for the original name is that Jewish converts to Catholicism living there in the 17th century wanted
across from giant stuffed animals.
When Guns Are Outlawed
Andrew Murray, 33, used a stick to rob a bank in Neptune Beach, Fla. Police said he wrapped the stick in a black plastic bag and produced it to back up his demand for “$50,000 from the vault.” (Jacksonville’s WJXT-TV)
After Celestino Moras, 25, opened fire at a church picnic and rodeo in Cassville, Ga., he was apprehended by one of the rodeo cowboys who lassoed him after he ran out of bullets. Other guests tied Moras up until deputies arrived. (Atlanta’s WSB-TV)
Kids Today
Hours after graduating high school in Catersville, Ga., Chance Werner, 18, drowned while tied to a shopping cart. Investigators said his friends were taking turns sitting in a shopping cart tied to a pole on a dock at Lake Allatoona. Others pushed the cart off the dock, flinging the occupant into the lake, then used the rope to pull the shopping cart out of the water. Werner tied the rope to his belt loop instead of the pole, however, so that when he hit the water, the weight of the cart pulled him to the bottom of the lake. Melissa Cummings of the Georgia Department of Natural Resources called the drowning a tragedy and pointed out that kids playing with ropes and heavy objects is “an accident waiting to happen.” (Atlanta Journal-Constitution) After causing a three-car crash while driving through a tunnel near Manning, Ore., Daniel J. Calhoun, 19, told investigators that he fainted while holding his breath. State Police Lt. Gregg Hastings called the crash “odd” but indicated some people hold their breath in tunnels as part of a game or superstition. (Associated Press)
Harry BLISS 06.04.14-06.11.14 SEVEN DAYS fun stuff 81
“Stop apologizing — you’re just doing your job.”
fun stuff more fun!
82 fun stuff
SEVEN DAYS 06.04.14-06.11.14
calcoku & sudoku (p.c-4), & crossword (p.c-5)
june 5-11
opportunities to re-magic yourself. If you have not yet caught wind of the first invitation, I bet you will soon.
tauRus (April 20-May 20): “When given a
Gemini (May 21-June 20)
In Marcel Proust’s novel Swann’s Way, the narrator speaks of how profoundly he is inspired by an older writer named Bergotte: “Each time he talked about something whose beauty had until then been hidden from me, about pine forests, about hail, about Notre-Dame Cathedral … with one image he would make that beauty explode into me.” I bring this to your attention, Gemini, because in the coming days I suspect a great deal of beauty will explode into you. Why? I think it’s because you’re more receptive than usual to being delighted and enchanted. The triggers could be anything: exciting people, eavesdropped conversations, good books, surprising music, and who knows what else?
aRies (March 21-April 19): “We are born with whirlwinds, forest fires and comets inside us,” writes novelist robert r. McCammon. “We are born able to sing to birds and read the clouds and see our destiny in grains of sand. but then we get the magic educated right out of our souls. We get it churched out, spanked out, washed out and combed out. We get put on the straight and narrow path and told to be responsible.” That’s the bad news, Aries. but now here’s the good news: The next 12 months will offer you a series of excellent
choice between owning an object and having an experience,” says art critic Holland Cotter, “I always choose the experience.” He prefers to spend his money on adventures that transform his sense of self and his understanding of the world. I recommend that approach to you in the coming weeks, taurus. The most valuable “possessions” you can acquire will be the lessons you learn, the skills you hone and the relationships you ripen.
canceR (June 21-July 22): “Little horses
cannot carry great riders.” so says a Haitian proverb. now, in accordance with the astrological omens, I’m urging you to meditate on its meaning for your life. Here are four possible interpretations: no 1. Are you a “little horse” trying to carry a “great rider” who’s too much for you? no 2. Are you a little horse that could grow into a bigger, stronger horse worthy of a great rider? no 3. Are you a “great rider” who is in need of a horse that is big and strong enough to serve your big, strong ambitions? no 4. Would you like to be a “great rider,” but you can’t be one as long as you have a horse that is too small and weak?
leo (July 23-Aug. 22): Declare victory, Leo.
even if victory is not quite won yet. even if your success is imperfect and still a bit messy around the edges. raise your arms up in elated triumph and shout, “I am the purified champion! I am the righteous conqueror! I have outsmarted my adversaries and outmaneuvered my obstacles, and now I am ready to claim my rightful rewards!” Do this even if you’re not 100 percent confident, even if there is still some scraping or clawing ahead of you. Celebrate your growing mastery. Congratulate yourself for how far you’ve come. In this way, you will summon what’s needed to complete your mission and achieve final, total victory.
ViRgo (Aug. 23-sept. 22): Give special at-
tention to what will last the longest. That’s my main recommendation for you in the coming weeks. Devote less of your energy to transitory pleasures and short-term hopes. turn away from the small obsessions that demand
far too much of your energy. Withdraw from the seemingly pressing concerns that will soon start to fade because they really aren’t that important. Instead, Virgo, devote your love and intelligence to the joys and dilemmas that will animate your life well into the future. express reverence and care for the mysteries that will teach you and teach you and teach you for years to come.
liBRa (sept. 23-oct. 22): My favorite bridge in the world is the Golden Gate bridge. In the hundreds of times I have driven on it over san francisco bay, it has never let me down. I’ve always gotten from one side to the other without any problem. In addition to its reliability, it uplifts me with its grandeur and beauty. What’s your most beloved bridge, Libra? I suggest that in the coming weeks you make it your lucky charm, your magical symbol. Why? because the next chapter of your life story requires you to make a major crossing. you will traverse a great divide. Having your favorite bridge as a shining beacon in your imagination will inspire your strength and courage as you travel. scoRPio (oct. 23-nov. 21): u2’s bono has
called Leonard Cohen’s song “Hallelujah” “the most perfect song in the world.” It is mournful and triumphant, despairing and uplifting. It’s a riddle that improbably offers cathartic release. over 300 recording artists have done cover versions of it, and it has even been the subject of books. And yet it was a challenge for Cohen to compose. He wrote more than 80 verses before choosing the few he would actually include in the final version, and in one famous session he resorted to banging his head on the floor to stimulate his creative flow. “to find that urgent song,” he said, took “a lot of work and a lot of sweat.” I nominate “Hallelujah” to be one of your sacred symbols for the next 12 months, scorpio. from your strenuous effort, I predict, will come masterful creations.
sagittaRius (nov. 22-Dec. 21): Let me outline the breakthroughs I hope to see for you in the coming months. first, what is pretty good about you will not interfere with what is potentially great about you, but will instead cooperate with it and boost it. second, your past accomplishments won’t hold back your progress; you will not be
tempted to rely on them at the expense of your future accomplishments. And third, the brave ideas that have motivated you so well won’t devolve into staid old dogmas; you will either renew and reinvigorate them or else move on to a new set of brave ideas.
caPRicoRn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): If you are in even moderate alignment with cosmic rhythms during the next 12 months, you will be a connoisseur and master of recycling. I’m speaking metaphorically here. What I hope is that you will reanimate worn-out inspirations and convert faded dreams into shiny new fantasies. you will find ways to revive alliances that went off track. A once-vibrant shtick or trick that lost its cool could be retrieved from the ash heap of history and turned into a fresh, hot asset. Gear yourself up for some entertaining resurrections. aQuaRius (Jan. 20-feb. 18): I wish I could tell you that your power animal this month is the eagle or dolphin or panther. Having a glamorous creature like that as your ally might boost your confidence and charisma. to be paired with one of them might even activate dormant reserves of your animal intelligence. but I can’t in good conscience authorize such an honor. That’s not what the astrological omens are suggesting. In fact, your power animal this June is the bunny rabbit. Please understand that there is no shame in this. on the contrary. you should be charmed and appreciative. It signifies that you will be fertile, fast, a bit tricky and very cute. (to read an essay on the mythology of the rabbit as trickster, go here: rabbittrickster.) Pisces (feb. 19-March 20): The buddhist
meditation teacher Chogyam trungpa said that one of the best ways to become fearless is to cultivate tenderness. As you expand your heart’s capacity to feel compassionate affection for the world, you have less and less to be afraid of. That’s the opposite of the conventional wisdom, which says you become brave by toughening up, by reinforcing your psychic armor. of all the signs of the zodiac, you Pisceans are best set up to benefit from trungpa’s method — now even more than usual.
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84 personals
Ready for the journey I am more of an introvert then an extrovert. I love spending time with others, yet I also need some quiet time to myself. I am genuine, giving, active and fun to be around. I’m flexible and easy to be around. It doesn’t matter what we are doing; what’s important is the time that we spend together. TravelTheWorld, 43
New to Burlington I’m hopeful to meet some nice people, being new to the area. I love skiing, running, mountain biking and hiking. I have a little one who is my everything. I hope to find someone who makes me laugh and I can make them happy too. I’m not complicated. I love to have fun and enjoy the company of nice people! JD, 41, l
Honest, caring and Friendly I am an honest, loyal, loving person. Looking for someone to share life’s adventures of skiing, mountain biking, kayaking, hiking and more. Looking for a long-term relationship, but don’t want to take things too fast or too slow. vtbeamergirl, 37, l
attractive, athletic, shy, game I am a decent lady with great kids and a slew of pets who is trying to peacefully enjoy life and find laughter, beauty, and fun in my days. Living in the country, a bit introverted, love the outdoors and nature: hiking, skiing, walking. Looking for a decent man who is kind and thoughtful, fun, athletic, content, and peaceful. balancingact, 53, l
Passionate, Creative, Honest I’m a thoughtful, intelligent woman, who loves to play music, dance, and paint when I’m not working as a gardener and food systems educator. Looking for new people to have fun with: hiking, biking, cooking, volunteering, catching a music show... I’m up for anything, especially if it’s outdoors. QueenRhymesies, 22, l
Love to laugh! In search of someone to spend time with, to laugh until our sides hurt and to make some great new memories. Decided to take a chance and try something new! If you love to laugh and have a great sense of humor, then that’s a great start and I’d love to hear from you. Irish75, 39, l
Whimsical artist seeking same I’m a poet and yoga lover. When I picture my partner, I see someone who fills me with calm and wonder, who can engage in flights of fancy but who also knows when it’s time to rein ourselves in, for I value groundedness and flight in equal measure. Let’s create together: I’ll write the lyrics, and you can write the music. vocativecomma, 28, l
Artistic mastermind I’m pretty down-to-earth, artistic, enjoy cooking, gardening, live music, have a good sense of humor. I love having friends over for guitar night and BBQs. I enjoy camping and kayaking/ canoeing. I love the great outdoors. I’m told I’m fun-loving. Will tell you more if we chat. wmartin, 53, l
Conscious artistic traveler I’m an avid artist, writer and conversationalist. I’ve lived and worked all over the world. Organic and honest connection is ideal. Seeking someone interested in self-betterment and self-empowerment. Interested in the subtle body and meditation. Curvy and beautiful. Compassionate and powerful. Curiosity, flexibility and love for life are a must. Being ungrounded is a must not. Write for more. peelslikepaper, 28, l
Women seeking Men
Free-Spirited Soul, Honest, Laughter I am a caring and affectionate person. I love to laugh. I like to stay positive and love life. I keep busy with the gym, my house and flower gardening. I enjoy nature, anything near water. I am looking for someone who is affectionate, honest, active, employed, can share their feelings and are romantic. Learn to enjoy the season that you’re in. Midmorningriser, 52, l It’s all in the smile I enjoy dancing, gardening, camping and motorcycle riding. Family and socializing are also important to me. sunshinesmile, 62
You read Seven Days, these people read Seven Days — you already have at least one thing in common! All the action is online. Browse more than 2000 local singles with profiles including photos, voice messages, habits, desires, views and more. It’s free to place your own profile online. Don't worry, you'll be in good company,
See photos of this person online.
Where’s My Man in Uniform? This APB is for you. My person of interest is a firefighter or in law enforcement, available, fortysomething and can handle excitement. I’m adventurous, fun, sexy and fortysomething. Now it’s your turn to find me. fiery1, 45 Hilarious, friendly, energetic I’m a hardworking, friendly, energetic person. I love live music, reading, working out (Yay CrossFit!), spending time with family and getting outdoors. I am on the go a lot, but I love to relax and chill. I love to laugh and try new things. I want to explore and expand my mind as much as possible. iloveelephants12, 27, l I’m a rare gem! I’m ready to find someone to share life with. Someone to count on and that can count on me, too. Someone to laugh and play with, cry and snuggle. Someone willing to share every detail, just because it’s in their nature. Honest and kind, a nature lover. fieldfun, 37, l Foxy Yoga Goddess Loving Life! People of integrity, I want you in my life! Required: passionate presence, confidence, competence, excellent foreplay skills and maybe even a little romance! I want to go out on dates and do activities with quality people. I am awake, connected to the Earth, passionate about movement, self-motivated, self-actualized, fun, flirty, confident and fierce ... and you should be, too! FunFierceFox, 25, l Music lover, dancer, cook! Energetic, sensitive, caring homebody seeking a soul mate! I like short excursions, sitting by a lake at sunset, fishing, BBQs, canoeing, movies, dancing. I love animals and kids and spending time with family. I enjoy writing poetry and books. Would like to find a mate with similar interests. charm2014, 54, l Country music makes me smile Honest and sincere, playful and happy, kind and giving. Looking for a man with a zest for the simple things in life. Not afraid of giving affection, holding hands, long kisses, snuggling, you shouldn’t be either. Sense of humor a must. Enjoy spending time with friends and family. Would much rather continue this conversation via text at minimum. You? Funluvingal, 43, l Southern, progressive, funloving female Active, attractive and free-spirited woman looking for an intelligent man filled with integrity and gratitude for life. I enjoy dancing (love zydeco), almost all types of music, the Gulf Coast during May and September, New Orleans Jazz Fest, Vermont in the winter and learning. My children live all over the country but my dogs are constant companions. Runsmile58, 55, l
Drop the tailgate I’m looking for an eventual LTR should things work out. I live in the country and live the lifestyle. I’m looking for someone who wants to spend time with me and time with my children. I find my passion is in knowing and making my partner happy. I don’t appreciate cheaters. I’m in this with my heart. Busyteacher1, 44, l
laid-back, cool, fun times I’m looking for someone cool to get to know, a little party and dance, live music, or a rental movie. A late-night snack and cuddling. Some loyalty and honesty goes a long way. I’m respectful and compassionate with a huge heart. I want to love and be loved back. italianguy69, 41
beer? adventure? outside? yes! Looking for someone to drink some beers with and join me for a bike ride or hike. runvt88, 26, l
Fun and open-minded I’m pretty chill and laid-back. Just looking to date and have fun with someone who isn’t too self-centered. I like to go out to the movies and eat out. I also like to stay in shape by playing sports and hitting the gym a few times a week. eightzerotwo, 25, l
Compassionate, Loyal, Adventurous I am a woman looking for my final partner in crime and in life. I am adventurous, genuine, compassionate, loyal, down-to-earth, loving and am looking for the same. I love the arts: art, performing arts (drums, music, theater), pottery, and am open to martial arts. I am always willing to travel to meet the right person. Elle_VT, 33, l Food- and wine-loving artist Slender, widowed. 70-year-old Caucasian redhead with two master’s degrees. Semi-retired freelance book indexer. Fiber and bead artist. Looking for someone to share good food and wine, attend plays and concerts, possibly travel. xan44, 70, l
Men seeking Women
work, play, enjoy life I am in Vermont for the summers and I live in Florida in the winter. I am originally from Vermont. I am wanting to meet someone to share common interests and spend some time with. I work construction and when I am home, it’s gardening or puttering on the house and yard. I like to be outside more than inside. builder500, 52 Time Traveler Seeks Companion I’m ready to try another relationship after four years. I believe in chivalry. I’m a fan of history and science fiction. I enjoy museums and renaissance faires. I wear jeans, kilts (or tights when at a faire). I teach theatrical sword fighting and write when inspired. All of time and space; everything that was or will be. Where do you want to start? Regeneration802, 44, l outdoor type that can cook OK, I’m a fun-loving Vermonter with the old style dry humor most flatlanders never get, LOL. I’ve worn many diffrent hats in my life. I love to fish and hunt, and if I’m hiking most likely I’m lost. I hate cellphones. Love boats, canoes, camping. I’m only looking for fun people without drama. Mostly I want an honest open-minded person to share time with. Docdford, 46, l Free-range Farm Boy Cuddly, energetic young man looking for a nice, wholesome woman. What matters most is being honest about who you are and what you want. I’m attracted to people who like themselves and do wholesome things with their lives. I’m very turned off by mind games, and very turned on by women who milk cows and make quilts. No drug addicts. CommodoreNemo, 22 To Unite & Delight Straight, fit and handsome ISO robust, one-on-one trysts. Call now and let’s have a ball. sancho, 59
Stay Healthy Enjoy Life I am an open-minded, considerate professional, who likes to talk politics or sports. I am fit and don’t break mirrors that I look into! I am hoping to find a woman who is comfortable with herself and open to exploration. I work hard and like to play hard, but recognize that life is a balance as well as a journey. Walkhikerun, 59 Your Funny and Strong Valentine (I’m working on this) complex, trying to simplify. yrfnyvl, 77 Couple looking for fun We are a down-to-earth couple looking for a female to join us to spice up our life. Only serious people please, and again, women only. PyroandVegas, 35, l a Vermonter by choice I love challenging conversation, days full of adventure followed by an evening of great food and wine. I believe in giving my all in a relationship, and that includes giving full access to me. I consider myself to be a good listener and a great masseur, and a pretty decent cook. pompatusoflove, 49 Easygoing, Open-minded, Dynamic Here we go ... I am looking for someone who is trying to enjoy everything life has to offer. You can be someone who wants to experience things together or just chat about anything and everything. I love laughing and joking around and would love someone who’s the same or in need of some good laughs. RainShine, 27 Just Looking .... I am looking for a woman to share my mobile home and my heart. I am looking for an attractive friend with no more than one child or dog. I am honest and have a job. $400 plus 1/2 utilities. MydogMax, 52, l Wearing Many Hats I am a white male, 32 years old, a creative, kind, optimistic soul looking for love. I am a graduate of Saint Michael’s College, class of 2005, with a BA in fine arts/theater, and I work at a drop-in community center in the Old North End. If you would like to know more, then let’s meet. I wear many hats. edshamrock, 32, l Carpe Diem I am a retired pathologist who lives an active and vital life. I garden extensively, hike, snow shoe, X-country ski and have a healthy addiction to CrossFit training. I am trim and toned. I read the NYT daily, my favorite weekly sections being Science Tuesday and Home Thursday. I enjoy cooking, which I do for myself every night. TMBhiker, 67, l
For groups, bdsm, and kink:
Women seeking?
Naughty Girl Looking for a Dominant play partner to help me learn about and explore myself as a sexual being. I love being sent to the corner to wait for my punishment. I’m not really into leather, but love lingerie and costumes. I love role-playing. I want my boundaries pushed. Please be sane, charming and pro-condoms. ExploringBeauty, 30 Girl looking for Girl Hello. I haven’t had a g/g relation for a long time now ... very long ... and I would like to have a femme to have some fun together. Where and when would you like to meet? GGRocks, 38 Fun, Foxy, Fierce Yoga Goddess Wanted! People of integrity! I’m looking for conscious connection and powerful pleasure! Give me: passionate presence, confidence, competence and excellent foreplay skills! I love being touched and enjoy sensual pursuits in various forms. I am into urban tantra and wish to explore connection and kink with quality people. I am polyamorous and I value communication and connection. FoxyAndFierce, 25, l Fun-Loving, ready for adventure I’m fun-loving. It’s starting to get warm out, let’s have fun and keep things interesting! I want to play and laugh and swim and hike and have great sex. In no particular order. Is that so much to ask? maybeanothertime, 25
Naughty LocaL girLs waNt to coNNect with you
1-888-420-2223 18+
Sexual Fulfillment Without Commitments Looking for women and possibly select men looking for no-strings, sexual fulfillment without wanting to anchor you or me down. I’m open to most fetishes and styles. I immensely enjoy performing oral, among other things. If you seek release or just want a partner for sexual encounters and exploration, I’m your guy. Just_4_Sex, 44, l adventurous, discreet, open I’m Luke, from NC originally. I’m here looking for interesting people to do interesting things with. I like to keep things discreet. Message me ;). bluehazyhollow, 25, l Sweet, sexy man of action I’m a hyperenergetic male looking for a skilled and cooperative female for NSA sex. I prefer regular booty calls, but a one-time thing is OK. I like it hot and raunchy, as well as subtle and sweet. Ideal age range is 18-40. I am 23, disease-free and beautiful. Must have all of your teeth and exercise pretty often. SeniorCuddlesbucket, 22, l Presence, Touch and Contact All in all it’s pretty simple. I want to touch and to be touched. I want to connect, laugh, explore and find freedom. The experience of intimacy is healing and fun, and I am looking for kindred others to experience this part of life with. I’m slender, handsome and healthy. Spring is in the air. hypnagogic_state, 40, l NSA Sexual Pleasure, very Discreet Just looking for sexual pleasures, FWB, SB/SD, mistress, etc. crazycajun, 58, l Passionate, enthusiastic and communicative lover Looking for FWB with women who like to play safe and are thusly willing to get tested for STIs (I will also get tested) and use condoms. Sexytimefun, 42, l
BM/WF Kink pair seeks Curvy Subslut BDSM couple seeks a sexually submissive woman who enjoys kinky, dirty, nasty sex. We want you to spread, kneel, moan, gasp, scream, plead and beg as we restrain you, spread you and fill all your holes for our pleasure. You’ll be well-used and satisfied as you submit, obey, serve and please. You’ll cum often, repeatedly and hard in service to us. Kinkpair, 30, l fun, adventurous, want to freak We are two attractive, fun-loving people, he 24, her 27, looking to step outside their comfort zone and get a little crazy: good, wild, safe, swinging fun. Up for anything this side of nipple/nut clamps. How about a good night in with good wine and conversation, finished off with great sex? eastcoastswingers, 23 bisexual couple, male and female We are a bisexual couple male, 30, about 165 lbs., female, 24, about 145 lbs. We are looking for full bisexual female mainly but bisexual males may join too if their top and bottom. Be 18-36. We have done both and we both liked both of them. No couples or non-bisexuals, and we don’t do anything without each other, so don’t ask. Thanks. bicouple4fun, 29 Love Wild and Free Seeking Unicorn. Tall, handsome guy plus petite, blonde gal. Looking to fulfill threesome fantasy before he leaves town. The right lady will be clean, respectful, seeking fun and willing to get weird. unicorn3, 24, l 3’s a party Good-looking professional couple looking for hot bi woman to share our first threesome. We are clean, diseasefree and expect the same. Looking to have a safe, fun, breathtaking time. Discretion a must. Llynnplay, 35, l Doctor will see you now Outgoing, fun-loving couple seeking a female playmate to provide her with some girl fun. We enjoy role playing, light BDSM, getting rough from time to time. She likes slim, pretty girls to explore her body. He likes to watch, and occasionally get in on the action. We’re both in great shape, exercise regularly and have LOTS of imagination ;-). freshadventure, 28, l
I find myself in a strange position. There’s a girl whom I worked alongside in a restaurant for a number of years. I never paid her any special mind until she gave me an overview of her life, which has some very tragic elements to it, and I realized what an amazing person she is. For a couple months I got to know her better, until I took a few weeks off work in March last year. When I got back, she’d quit. It’s now been roughly 14 months since I last saw her, and my infatuation with her hasn’t waned even a little. I talk to her occasionally via Facebook and I’ve tried to meet her for coffee, but she’s been too busy … I get the feeling there isn’t room for me in her busy life. Should I be trying to get over her, and, if so, why am I so infatuated that I’m not already doing that?
Dear Perplexed,
This is a two-part answer. Option 1: Get over it.
Whether she is not into you or is just way into her busy life, the next move here for you is to move on. But feeling disheartened need not be a solo journey. Get your buddies to take you out and set you up. Tell your friends you need help getting over the gal you never got to have. Your pals — especially the single ones — should be willing to troll the bars and clubs to help you find some distraction. A wingman is key. If you’re not the going-out type, then your infatuation must be stifled by other means. Buy some new books you’ve been meaning to read, take a trip, learn to sail, finish school or go back to school, immerse yourself in your work … the list goes on. Stop sulking about what you don’t have and enjoy the process of learning other ways to feel happy. Remember, you don’t really know this woman all that well. Maybe she’s changed, or isn’t as amazing as you remember. You’ve put her on a pedestal that time and imagination only lifts higher. But you can’t lose what you never had, so it should be easier to move forward. Option 2: Try harder. If you really want to be with this woman, stop mooning around and be more proactive. Think Steve Martin in Roxanne. Do you share any of the same friends? Enlist their help. Maybe they can set you up, or invite you to an event she might attend, so you can “bump into” one another. Then you can finally get some face-to-face time to show her how amazing you are. If she sees that you have the same friends and interests, perhaps you’ll have an opportunity to woo her. Or, write her an honest letter about how you feel. Tell her that she made such an impact on you that you’d love to take her out and get to know her better. What’s that expression, you can’t swim without getting wet? Whatever. The point is, you have to really put yourself out there if you’re going to have a chance. Be bold. Be real. Be romantic.
Need advice?
You can send your own question to her at
personals 85
a little nervous Been single for three years. I’m not sure about a serious relationship, Exuberant, Excitable Enthusiast but I gotta end this dry streak so I’m 1x1c-mediaimpact050813.indd 1 5/3/13 4:40 PM Poly gal and erratic yogini looking for not too picky. Gotta be kind, except GGG friends with whom to play. Not into in the sack of course. xcavate, 34 anonymity or totally casual (i.e., “Hi, nice to meet you, pants off”) so much as Meticulous Lover open, honest, engaged and generous. Completely driven A-type that needs You know, have a brain and a heart to get lost once in a while. I’m looking along with all the other requisite parts. for satisfaction in any form. A night at It’s more fun that way! Telzy, 46, l a posh Stowe retreat. A weekend in the city. Three hours at the Sheraton. I’m Professional Dominatrix for Hire an extremely attentive lover. You will Serious clients need to fill out never leave unsatisfied and will likely application on my website for session. be begging for more. madscientist, 39 Making fantasies come true in the upper valley. prodominatrix, 21, l MoJo is Working I have endless reserves of passion and erotic energy for that lucky woman who will have discreet, NSA dalliances with me. Fit, fair and well-endowed. More details upon request. sanchez, 59
Other seeking?
Dear Athena,
brown latin wild horse I’m a Latin ready to get some action. Just got to town and seeking tons of fun. Love music and arts. I’ll be happy to take you places you’ve never been, like paradise. latindude, 21, l
Your Third Wheel HI! I am a down to earth hwp ddf single white male looking to have a hot passionate threesome, foursome or moresome with a sexy couple or group. I am a go with the flow (pun intended) fun guy who enjoys a drink or tow and is a nonsmoker. Looking for a couple interested in meeting someone for fun! Yourthirdwheel, 41, l
Ask Athena
Lights, camera, action Or lights and action anyways. Twentysomething professional woman looking for someone (guy) to get it on with. Not going to be in the area for much longer, but would like to play while I am still here. I am willing to try pretty much anything, but ask that you please be clean and drug free. lyric14, 25, l
Men seeking?
Your wise counselor in love, lust and life
i Spy
If you’ve been spied, go online to contact your admirer!
Lunchtime break on Dorset street We spy a couple having a lunchtime break on Dorset Street. Wondering if you’d like to have another couple join you? When: Friday, may 30, 2014. Where: south burlington. You: Woman. me: Woman. #912215 toms tiki bar sat. night I was sitting with a group of friends, you were with another girl. We made lots of eye contact. Interested? Or was I wrong? Me: blue eyes, cranberry linen shirt, jeans. You: red hair, black camisole, brown eyes. When: saturday, may 31, 2014. Where: toms tiki bar. You: Woman. me: man. #912214 LiLLY, heaD oF the meaDoW Lilly from Head of the Meadow beach, would you like to hang out with me and the baby here in Vermont? When: Thursday, may 29, 2014. Where: head of the meadow, cape cod. You: Woman. me: man. #912213
An Annual Cutl Cutlery Sale
6/3/14 9:33 AM
20% Off All Knives and all knife accessories during the entire month of June.
seVen DaYs
8v-vonbargens060414.indd 1 86 PeRSONALS
Lunching aLone at stone souP I saw you three (?) weeks ago having lunch at Stone Soup. I was sitting on the bench along the wall with a man. You almost sat down next to me but then sat alone near the front window. You were wearing a T-shirt and a grey/green cap. After, I said to my friend, “How do I meet that guy?” When: Friday, may 9, 2014. Where: stone soup. You: man. me: Woman. #912210 sunshine anD butterFLies I miss your light in my life. When: Thursday, may 29, 2014. Where: it’s been too long. You: Woman. me: man. #912209 geek squaD at mcguiLLicuDDY’s I walked into the bar with friends. You caught my eye right away. We locked eyes multiple times across the bar. You wore a Geek Squad shirt and sat between two friends. I feel like I’ve seen or met you before. If we have, I don’t know why I didn’t give you my number. Hopefully we’ll meet again so I can. When: sunday, may 25, 2014. Where: mcguillicuddy’s Williston. You: man. me: Woman. #912208 WinDjammer, uPPer Deck, tuesDaY night Saw you with your blond friend. I commented on your black dress. We shared lots of eye contact, me with my two guy friends. I was in a blue shirt. Any interest? When: tuesday, may 27, 2014. Where: Windjammer. You: Woman. me: man. #912207
a locally owned kitchen & gift market
72 Church Street, Burlington 863-4226 • Wedding Registry Mon–Sat 9am–9pm, Sun 10am–6pm We Feature Professional Knife Sharpening & the Best Selection of Cutlery in the Area!
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Pee in an inDoor PLant You switched schools and our hearts became forever friends. We’ve shared joys and heartbreaks, laughed hysterically, slept in a single bed, read the paper, gone on adventures, written essays, walked our dogs, spent days on the mountain and on occasion have lost ourselves in a few drinks. No matter who or where you are, I love you! When: monday, april 14, 2014. Where: killington. You: Woman. me: Woman. #912212
6/2/14 1:06 PM
LuckY (guY) next Door You served me quinoa and asparagus salad with chicken on top. Room-temperature tomatoes flanking “X”-pertly arranged asparagus were duly pleasing. I sat under the motorcycle with my cycling shoes and on my first visit you were there, both times sporting a cycling cap. I dig your quiet presence. Perhaps next time I’ll be bold enough to say hello. When: tuesday, may 27, 2014. Where: Lucky next Door. You: man. me: man. #912206
sYnergY Yoga With james Hi, you are a tall brunette who likes to run. I’m a petite brunette. We chatted a few times, and then the class was cancelled (Thursdays with James). I’d like to get to know more about you. Let me know if you’d be up for meeting again. When: Thursday, may 15, 2014. Where: synergy, Thursday yoga class. You: man. me: Woman. #912205 buiLt to sPiLL/higher grounD We were picking on the young guy who was passed out on the bar stool by the back bar. I almost pushed him off it! I asked your sister about you and she said you were single. I wish I had gotten your name. You are beautiful and I would like to see you again! When: saturday, may 24, 2014. Where: higher ground. You: Woman. me: man. #912204 bLue birD coFFee shoP I ordered a chai from you this morning and you mentioned something about my shirt and how you were from Austin. Any chance you want to grab a drink or Zelda game sometime? When: saturday, may 24, 2014. Where: blue bird coffee shop. You: Woman. me: man. #912203 Farmer in a FLanneL Last week at the South Royalton Market we locked eyes as you unloaded your produce from your red truck. I love me a long-haired, bespectacled, dirty farmer man. Next time you’re there, I’ll buy you a bottle of Barefoot Moscato. When: Wednesday, may 21, 2014. Where: south royalton. You: man. me: Woman. #912202 cute bank teLLer in WiLListon I’ve seen you a few times, but yesterday was the first time we chatted. I mentioned the camera I’m saving up for and you told me about your old film camera. You have a warm personality and I think your film camera sounded really interesting. I’d love to grab coffee downtown and talk more about photography with you. When: Thursday, may 22, 2014. Where: Williston. You: Woman. me: man. #912201 FLattering FLetcher aLLen Lab tech One morning this week you “made me breakfast” and quite literally took my breath away while I read and listened to music - you encouraged me to take the day off from work and it was lovely. I wouldn’t be sad if our paths crossed again. When: tuesday, may 20, 2014. Where: Fletcher allen. You: man. me: Woman. #912200 mr. Postman on WaLnut I like your smile. Your shorts are questionable. Maybe one day I won’t be awkward on my porch. When: Wednesday, may 21, 2014. Where: Walnut st. You: man. me: Woman. #912199 WhiskeY against humanitY! Your name is Caitlin, you drink your whiskey straight and you’re damn serious about your Cards Against Humanity! We met at my neighbor’s (they’re moving). The knot (and the neighbor) said no, but I’d love to grab some coffee sometime. When: saturday, may 17, 2014. Where: corner of clarke. You: Woman. me: man. #912198 shooting star Stepping out of my doorway, I see you. The sun was bright in my face, but your smile showed through. We exchanged his. I have seen many many beautiful sunrises. This first feeling was the same. I hope to pass by again. Maybe go for a walk When: sunday, may 18, 2014. Where: north st. You: Woman. me: man. #912191
Painting anD burritos! I was set up to paint some mountains solo, and then you came in and sat next to me, thus greatly distracting me (I think my birch trees could be better). I hoped that I would run into you soon, but no luck until Monday at New World. Waddya say we grab a beverage and some art under the influence again? When: monday, may 19, 2014. Where: Vin and new World tortilla. You: Woman. me: man. #912197 hoLDing uP the Post oFFice I ran into the post office on Tuesday to drop a few gifts in the mail. You walked in after me, and I’m sure you noticed me checking you out before you wound behind me in the line. You made a friendly joke while I was paying, and then wished me well. I should have waited for you outside. When: tuesday, may 20, 2014. Where: burlington Post office. You: Woman. me: man. #912196 mustachioeD Young LaDY at sPieLPaLast Thanks for the delightful conversation! It was the highlight of my evening! - The Medicine Man When: saturday, may 17, 2014. Where: spielpalast. You: Woman. me: man. #912195 cute green mountain crossFit babe! You are a strong and sexy CrossFit momma. You really impress as you juggle too many hours, a tassel of kids and a full week of WODs with grace, humor and fierce determination. If you need to have your toe taped again, I have more black tape in my bag. Let me know, because I think you’re pretty damn cool. When: tuesday, may 20, 2014. Where: green mountain crossFit. You: Woman. me: man. #912194 cumberLanD Farms, coLchester Hey, you were making coffee. I grabbed two espresso shots. We chatted, then I passed you driving a black Chevy — forgot the make, but it was a four-door. You beeped, I beeped back. You had on big hoop earrings, a sweatshirt and jean shorts. If you read this, meet me at that Cumberland Farms on Sunday, 6/1, at 10 a.m. When: tuesday, may 20, 2014. Where: cumberland Farms, st. mike’s. You: Woman. me: Woman. #912193 saturDaY night bookstore goDDess Church Street, Saturday night, my girlfriend saw something she liked in the window of the bookstore — you, in a heartbreaking brown dress and boots. Two kids from the mountain out on the town, glad we hit the books instead of the bar. We’d like to share you like the last piece of spaghetti in “Lady and the Tramp.” Available? When: saturday, may 17, 2014. Where: crow bookshop. You: Woman. me: man. #912190
You read Seven Days, these people read Seven Days — you already have at least one thing in common! All the action is online. Browse more than 2000 local singles with profiles including photos, voice messages, habits, desires, views and more. It’s free to place your own profile online. Don't worry, you'll be in good company,
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82 S. Winooski Ave. Burlington, VT 05401 Open 7 days a week, 7 a.m. - 11 p.m. (802) 861-9700
5/13/14 12:54 PM
6/2/14 1:31 PM
14" 13" 12" 11" 10" 9"
Doggone Adorable? DOG PORTRAITS
A Purrrfect Poser? CAT PORTRAITS
Who’s guilty of being...
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A Wild Card?
Vote once a day by Friday, June 13: 4t-bestbeasts-submit14.indd 1
87 or scan this page with Layar 6/3/14 5:39 PM
$296 $323 $476
$377 $404 $639
per month
per month
per month
139 $279
1) Choose a room that needs help: Living Room, Family Room,
Dining Room,
2) Allow us to help you transform your Home, Apartment or Condo into the awesome space you desire. Arianna : PLUSH QUEEN MATTRESS
$350 $503 $692
3) Our sales and design associates are good listeners, trained in space planning and in creating solutions.
$440 $584 $764
4) Together we will get it right!
$602 $719 $998
ncing • Fina er y iv • Del p U t • Se oval m • Re
“These guys really were incredible in transforming our space to meet our needs.” – A.B. Shelburne Home
$962 $1,079 $1,340
“We were very nervous to be downsizing and afraid of making a mistake. Chris was great to work with, listened to our needs and met with us to go over design options. We just love our new space and could not imagine doing this without her guidance.” – B.S. Winooski Condo *See Store for Details. 36 Month Financing limited time offer thru June 30th, 2014.
388 PINE ST., BURLINGTON | 862.5056 • Mon thru Sat 10-6, Sun 12-5
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6/3/14 7:59 AM