1870 Magazine: August

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1870mag.COM • AUGUST 201 9 • 1870 MAGAZiNE





I was going to rewrite all of the lyrics to Ohio State’s unofficial anthem, but it turns out the song only really has one verse. The rest of it is pretty much repeated lyrics. But I hope you enjoy the sentiment. If you’re a freshman holding this issue in your hands, I am so incredibly excited for you to begin the journey of a lifetime at Ohio State, my alma mater. We made this issue just for you. (Don’t worry upperclassmen, the stories are sure to interest you as well! But we have company, so let’s pull up a barstool for them.) The campus you’re about to move into is the one I left this past May, with a John Mulaney-themed graduation cap on my head and a degree in English Literature in my hands. You’re about to begin asking yourself all the same questions I ran through my head for years: What if I don’t want to do this for the rest of my life? What if I’m better at another major that I haven’t even heard of yet? What if I’m wasting my Saturday mornings working food service instead of indulging in college football games? What if I...drop out? I want to hit “pause” on that train of thought real quick. You will ask yourself all of those questions, yes, but you’ll also give yourself a ton of answers you never knew you needed. You’ll learn that you are a very hard worker, as long as you’re working on something you’re passionate about. You’ll learn that writing notes by hand beats typing them on a laptop any day. You’ll learn the omelet line at Scott Dining Hall is never worth the wait, and that buying a mocha latte every weekday morning will lead to you gaining the Freshman-15. You’ll learn that the word “family” means something different after you join your first student organization. Don’t be afraid to fail or question everything you do. I promise that everyone else has at some point, too, no matter how confident they may seem. Look to upperclassmen and TAs for support and advice, and take it all in. Every day. Every weekend. Every night. Enjoy the little things, like Oval beach when the weather is nice, or the first time you hear a celebrity you admire shout “O-H!” in the Union. Know that we support you. It doesn't matter if it takes you three or six years to graduate, we know you can do it. And if not, you gave it your all. I hope you had damn fun doing it. (And maybe got a schooner out of it.) Cheers to the next few years!

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1870 MAGAZiNE • AUGUST 2019 • 1870mag.COM





1870mag.COM • AUGUST 201 9 • 1870 MAGAZiNE


DRUNK ZODIAC SIGNS: T he moons and suns and stars are at play again and...wait, suns and stars are the same thing. Whatever they are, they’re working the wide open outer space again, and they’re controlling all of your thoughts and emotions and heart strings. (Am I understanding the zodiac right?) Whatever it is that astrology means for you, 1870 is here to pair a drink with your fastapproaching destiny. Trust me, you can definitely trust us. Cheers!



You’re about to be on your own for maybe the fi rst time in your life. Unconditional freedom, no strings attached, but you didn’t get here on your own. Make sure to leave things on the right note with your family, especially after they assuredly help you move your entire life into a box no bigger than Harry Potter’s cupboard under the stairs (okay, not that small but still). Thank them, hug them, wave as they drive away, and then meet your mates at the nearest pub because by god you’re fi nally rid of them and the day is young and it’s beer o’clock... for legal-age drinkers.


(APRIL 20-MAY 20)

Your health looks to be taking a hit this month. Compounded with an understandable homesickness, you really have to look out for yourself, which means no underage drinking for you. You can still hang out with your adult buds and have good times, and take advantage of your predicament by offering to be the designated sober friend. Make sure everyone gets home all right. Play the mother, in other words. They may resent you now, but later, when they’re getting their diplomas and standing in those archaic long-ass gowns, they’ll appreciate your looking out for them.


Everyone gets a little horny in the heat. That’s how it goes. Right? All you Cancers have strong emotions and may be on the hunt for a cute boy or girl right from the start, but I’m gonna ask you to forsake that instinct for a bit. You have shit to take care of–moving, settling, buying your books, setting up all your OSU accounts, acclimating to your roommates’ weird voodoo shrine, and so and so forth–and you can’t do any of that when all your blood is headed to your loins and diluted from the alcohol you’re defi nitely not drinking. Chill out, relax, and take in the sunshine. Cuffi ng Season doesn’t start 'til October anyway.



(MAY 22-JUNE 21)

Independence was the theme for July, and it remains so through August for Aries. Now, you’re external situation matches your internal inclination, and that solitude can take its toll on you really quickly. Sharpen those social skills of yours by introducing yourself to your floor, your R.A., other floors in your dorm, etc. And raise your social currency by offering to pay for the fi rst round of drinks (to be paid later since you’re all underage).

Extroverted behavior will be rewarded more than usual this month as all the freshmen move in to start the rest of their lives. And, being the sociable type, Geminis should adapt swimmingly to the sea change. (See what I did there?) Befriend a frat or some other group of upperclassmen who have their own house and attend your fi rst college house party (as a college student, at least). Rub shoulders with some new folk, get that genuine college experience, and “look ahead” to when you’ll be able to alcoholpoison yourself legally.



(JUNE 22-JULY 22)

1870 MAGAZiNE • AUGUST 2019 • 1870mag.COM



Lots of freshmen will struggle at the beginning, but not you Leos. You have a ton of self-confidence, social skills, and you don’t sweat under pressure (wouldn’t my crush love you, heh…). You don’t mind leadership responsibilities, and because you’re also sympathetic to others’ plights, you’ll help out the less sure-footed signs in fi nding their place at OSU. And hopefully they reward you your choice of a non-alcoholic beverage. Because you’re underage.




Unlike the dutiful Cancers, it’s shaping up that single Virgos will have great success in trying their luck in the romantic sphere. Who will it be, you ask? Cute guy down the hall? Cute girl sitting in the study lounge? A mixed pack of hot-and-bothered 18-year-olds who want nothing more than to see your bare body covered in moonlight? Don’t ask me. Ask them. Out. (Totally not for drinks.)



No need for Red Bull/prescription amphetamines this month, yo. Each passing day increases your energy levels, and you should channel that augmented energy into productive activities. Take a run around campus to get your bearings, build that new computer you’ve been putting off forever, read something longer than a Tweet/online article. The sky’s the limit, and limits are meant to be broken. Except the drinking age limit. Especially not with an ambitious fishbowl or blue motherfucker. What? Who said that?





You’re given to bouts of moodiness and your new living situation ain’t gonna help. To combat your inner darkness and outer despair, might I recommend joining some like-minded, thoughtful folk who love to lament and speak of unrequited love and such at Kafe Kerouac on High Street? They have a poetry night every Wednesday, so you can wallow in hopelessness with a variety of fellow wallowers. Some of the poetry’s actually good, believe it or not. Kerouac also offers a bunch of drinks like margaritas and glasses of wine, not that you’re old enough anyway...

You tend to be stubborn and unwilling to accept the views of others. It’s a flaw, but you can turn it into a strength. Consider joining OSU’s speech and debate team so you can test out your rhetorical skills and maybe broaden your horizons on particular points of contention. Suggestion for fi rst debate topic: the drinking age. Over a couple beers.



So, according to my astrology source, there’s a good chance of a promotion in your future. Since I know that doesn’t mean shit to incoming freshmen, I’ll make up my own. All the sudden, enormous changes have left you frazzled. You forgot your nail clippers, your roommate looks like Morrissey but acts like Morrissey, and your professors aren’t returning your emails. How do we get through this? Drink up, dude. But, like, water or juice or something. Or a White Claw. God those things are refreshing.



Shit, the horoscope’s pulling no punches for you Aquarius: you’re selfish and unbearable and now that you’re in the thick of it, something’s gotta change. Maybe try volunteering to humble yourself and do something to improve your mood, like meditation or exercise. Also, don’t take yourself too seriously. Nothing turns people off more than delusional self-importance. And don’t drink yourself into a stupor, take it easy on that bottle of Fireball. Not that that should be an issue since you’re underage.

1870mag.COM • AUGUST 201 9 • 1870 MAGAZiNE


SHIT TO DO Living in Columbus means there’s never a shortage of events to go to, parties to hit up, and musicians to check out. This list is curated by the editors here at 1870 Magazine, but we are always on the lookout for the next must-see event! Have an event you feel the world must know about? Shoot us an email at editor@1870mag.com!


8.1-8.4 Ohio State Fair OHIO EXPO CENTER & STATE FAIR

It’s that time of year again, so join the masses that flock to the fairgrounds from all reaches of the state for the multifaceted experience you can only receive through the pomp and circumstance of the Ohio State Fair. Gawk at the butter sculpture, pet a zoo’s worth of animals, talk to Smokey the Bear, or even hop onto one of the fair’s raucous rides for some fun in the summer sun. If the ferris wheel makes you squeal, the fair also hosts a concert series where both the Kidz Bop World Tour AND Toby Keith will grace the stage.



No, someone isn’t going to murder you if you attend this event but you may die of laughter. Comedians James Pietragallo and Jimmie Whisman will be visiting small towns and researching murders that have occurred in those areas. Based on their hit podcast, you’ll wanna see what makes Columbus tick.

8.2-8.4 Pelotonia 2019 MCFERSON COMMONS

Are you an active person? Do you hate cancer? Well then Pelotonia is for you. Get your blood pumping with a scenic bicycle stroll through Columbus while raising money for cancer research in this three-day experience. This is your chance to feel like Lance Armstrong (not the doping… well maybe the doping) for the weekend and help raise money for cancer research at the James Cancer Hospital.


8.10-8.11 Festival Latino 2019 GENOA PARK

The summer’s winding down but there’s still time to strap on your dancing shoes and bust out your mightiest merengue moves at the Festival Latino. With LatinAmerican food, live music, art, and street dancing abound, don’t miss your chance to experience a fullscale fiesta at Genoa Park. Grupo Mania, Gilberto Santa Rosa, and more will be gracing the stage to provide the perfect soundtrack to your salsa sashaying.

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Nightlight 614 Presents: The Princess Bride GENOA PARK

Enjoy your last few moments of summer with an outdoor movie. Even in this heatwave, you won’t want to miss some amazing views of the city while watching a movie. One of the best date night ideas yet, so either spice up your relationship or start that "fling" with your summer crush before break ends.



Off-Campus Community Welcome Cookout 1970 WALDECK AVE

Before all the underclassmen swarm campus, take a break from moving in and out of apartments with a cookout. ‘Tis the season for barbeques so might as well meet new people while you’re at it. Maybe you’ll meet the love of your life! Or maybe you’ll just chill with old friends and catch up. Either way, there’s free food.




8.16-8.17 Columbus Food Truck Festival BICENTENNIAL PARK AND SCIOTO MILE

Just a few days before classes start at Ohio State, a long day at the 9th annual Food Truck Festival at Bicentennial Park will ensure that you’ll be sleeping in the lecture hall due to your sustained food coma. Good vibes, good food, and good booze are all you need to end the perfect summer. With 64 tasty food vendors and two stages of live music, you won’t want to miss one of the largest and most popular festivals in Columbus. The festival also has multiple charitable partnerships so your dime will go toward more than just a stuffed belly. What are dreams made of, you ask? Food trucks.


1870 MAGAZiNE • AUGUST 2019 • 1870mag.COM

ALERT! If you are not an underclassman, avoid campus at all costs. Don’t even try to drive on campus because it’ll be chaos (organized chaos) with thousands of people moving in on the same day. For underclassmen, move-in day is one of the best days of the year. For second-years, it’s finally the day you get to see all your friends again and re-move out of your parents’ house to freedom. For first-years, the nervous excitement sets in and you’ll miss that feeling three years later. Enjoy it.


Involvement Fair THE OVAL

Take it from an old, cagey, campus vet, even if it may seem lame or cliche, the best thing you can do for yourself as a freshman is getting involved earlyon at Ohio State. The Involvement Fair lays out a plethora of options, and students organization leaders will make it easy for you to start finding your niche and like-minded people on campus. Even if you’re just in it for the free swag, head on down to the Oval and check out the wide array of clubs, crews, and conglomerates the university has to offer.


Condoms, Cases, & Cookies 160 CUNZ HALL

What’s better than sex, you ask? How about having sex and NOT suffering a potentially catastrophic, unwanted consesequence! As part of Sex Week at Ohio State, the Condom Club offers you the chance to eat free cookies, stock up on free condoms, and even decorate your own personal condom box. If you like the people you meet and want to be a part of a great cause on campus, you can join the Condom Club right there on the spot.


Buckeye Kickoff OHIO STADIUM

Take a break from syllabus week and bask in the glory that is Ohio State at Buckeye Kickoff. There aren’t many “free” things when it comes to OSU, if you know what I mean, so enjoy the FREE food and games while it lasts. This event is basically tailgating without the game, and you’ll probably be coming from class but hey, Ohio State spirit cannot be matched.

1870mag.COM • AUGUST 201 9 • 1870 MAGAZiNE



8.23-8.24 Breakaway Music Festival MAPFRE STADIUM

Three days, 40+ artists, and thousands of sweaty, drunk people come together for the best music festival of the summer. Artists including Future, Young Thug, and Bassnectar all make up the weekend lineup. Fair warning, you might get pickpocketed. But from what I’ve heard, it’s worth it.


Columbus Summer Beerfest EXPRESS LIVE!

As Experience Columbus says “BEER IS GOOD.” Besides beer being good, a whole festival dedicated to beer is very good. Closeout your summer by getting drunk while eating great food and listening to live music. Just imagine, your last hot girl summer Insta post is you at Beerfest laying on the grass outside EXPRESS LIVE! being super artsy yet totally relatable. That is truly the life and the best way to end summer.


1870 MAGAZiNE • AUGUST 2019 • 1870mag.COM




Former Vine star, Shawn Mendes, will grace the stage of Nationwide Arena to bring us happiness through music. The Canadian star has amassed worldwide attention through three albums which all debuted on the top U.S. Billboard 200. With his recent single Señorita heating up the summer, you won’t want to miss this concert.

1870mag.COM • AUGUST 201 9 • 1870 MAGAZiNE




ost of us crush on people from afar. Too afraid to say a word, or to hold smoldering eye contact with a stranger across the bar. OSU Crush is for most people. Say what you've always wanted to say to that cutie on Carmen. Or simply express your love for your favorite campus staple, like one specific water fountain in one of six rec sports facilities on campus. BY 1 8 70 S TA F F


*on tinder* girl: what’s your major? me: wumbology her: what’s that? me: *in a fury* i wumbo you wumbo he she it wumbo the study of wumbology 3 RTs, 146 Likes



17 RTs, 218 Likes


If you’re tall, white, skinny, and refreshing with a bubbly personality I’m into you. That’s right. My crush is whiteclaw 17 RTs, 225 Likes


42 RTs, 268 Likes


2 RTs, 111 Likes

16 RTs, 163 Likes

If you truly loved me. You would slide into my Carmen inbox. 11 RTs, 180 Likes


Not the guy who took me to Big Bar and White Castle for our first date


DURING SEX 105 Likes



Urban Meyer should have named one of his children “suburban Meyer”





1870 MAGAZiNE • AUGUST 2018 • 1870mag.COM

3 RTs, 181 Likes




ou didn’t just come here to play school, (QB Cardale Jones, 2012), you came here to get the ultimate college experience. To grow from adolescent to adult. To experience the world on a smaller scale, but not too small, because you picked the third biggest school in the country. We at 1870 want to welcome the class of 2023 with this edition of the magazine: The Freshman Playlist. Let’s kick it off and blast it loud talking about local venues you can catch concerts, open mics, and comedy sets at, while introducing you to the wonderful world of student discounts you get with that little red card in your pocket. Campus has so many opportunities for you to find your family with the Skate Club, maybe a student performance group, or even your floor fam. The truth is that off-campus has the same opportunities to find your perfect study spot that Thompson Library does, it just takes a bit of curiosity and confidence the first time you step on a city bus. Keep reading for advice and insight from former freshman who have lived it all before. Throw in the air pods and hit play.






our BuckID is your life at OSU: it allows you into your dorm, swipes you into dining halls, and gets you into free events. But, there are many other perks to having a BuckID, too. You can get so many discounts just for being a student and carrying your BuckID in your wallet. Here’s a perk list to get you started, but don’t stop there. Ask every store you go into if they have a student discount—you’ll be surprised how many places will let you get more for less.



Amazon Prime Ok, hear me out. We all know Amazon has a lot (like a million) more things available for purchase on its website besides food. However, if you’ve never tried Amazon Prime before, now’s your chance; students get a six-month free trial of Prime, and a discounted rate afterwards if they decide to keep it. So, if you’re in a dorm with no car and need some snacks, buy your favorites in bulk on Amazon and have them delivered to your dorm. You can’t go wrong here.

Nike There’s no doubt in anyone’s mind that Nike is one of the most popular sports brands—they even sponsor OSU athletics—and their quality is always up to par. Nike will give you 10% off your order just for being a student, so get yourself a new pair of tennis shoes to save your feet walking around campus, or grab a new outfit to wear to the RPAC. Either way, you’ll feel as good as you look.

BuckID Merchants of the Month Each month you can find different merchant sponsors that will give you special discounts just for purchasing their products or food with your BuckID. For instance, one of July’s sponsors was Adriatico’s, and their deal was 20% off your order on Sundays if you used your BuckID. Merchants of the Month offers great deals for those trying to save some of their BuckID cash but also wanting to indulge in the best restaurants near campus.


ASOS ASOS is a popular brand in the Instagram and YouTube world, and it’s no wonder why; their online store is filled with the latest fashion and deals galore. Verifying your student ID will get you 10% off your purchase, so you can online shop ‘til you drop. Ship it to your dorm or apartment—extra points if you have a fashion show for your roommates—and enjoy wearing your new clothes around campus.

1870 MAGAZiNE • AUGUST 2019 • 1870mag.COM


Gateway Film Center Gateway is the closest movie theatre to campus, which makes it a convenient place for dates, lastminute, late night movie viewings, and sometimes, classes (not kidding). If you show your BuckID when purchasing your ticket at the theatre, you can get it for the discounted price of $7.50, anytime. And, if you’re an avid movie lover, they offer student membership packages for $24.95 a month, which includes unlimited movies and popcorn, plus more. D-Tix D-Tix is a Student Life program that you can find inside the Union. They always have discounted tickets and lotteries for events in Columbus, or gift cards to different places like Skyzone and Clay Cafe. You can check back regularly to find deals that interest you, but be sure to get there at the start of the month when they restock— there are a limited number of supplies available. The D-Tix website is always updated with their offers, so you can also look there before walking to the Union.

1870mag.COM • AUGUST 201 9 • 1870 MAGAZiNE



utterflies fluttered about in my gut. The cocktail of nerves and excitement was intoxicating. A stream of sweat streaked down my cheek in the 90-degree heat. No, I’m not describing the walk to my first campus lecture hall on day one as a freshman at Ohio State. I’m talking about the exhilaration of awaiting the green light for a chance to win a trip to Las Vegas or crash and burn in a blaze of glory on the racetrack at Grand Prix Go-Karting. Not to mention doing it all in a Mario costume shipped straight from Rainbow Road. The Mushroom Rally was truly a oneof-a-kind experience, and certainly not Needless to something you can hope to encounter say, driving a at Buck-i-Frenzy (though they do have go-kart is quite Wipeout). It wasn’t just the bristly stick-on Mario mustache that tickled me pink. different than Grand Prix’s Indoor Entertainment cruising the center offered the event for the festive construction and brave of heart, but the Mushroom Rally took place in 15 other cities as well. addled With several rounds of 10-person heats Columbus over three days, the fastest lap winner streets in a would qualify for a trip to Sin City with Honda. the chance to compete in the final round. Even if you aren’t competing in an event, you and your friends can race at Grand Prix for a discounted price through Ohio State’s D-Tix program. Plus, it’s only a 15-minute Uber ride away from your dorm. For an amateur like myself, who went in to practice a month ahead of the race out of fear, there was still another option to claim victory. Upon registration, the staff handed out sheets for collecting stars in an attempt to further bring Mario Kart off the screen and into reality. Stars could be earned from answering trivia questions, dancing and other spontaneity, which could earn you another spot in Vegas if you collected enough. Unfortunately, our 10:30 a.m. arrival was dangerously early given my indulgent post-Comfest Friday behavior, and the subsequent hangover curbed my enthusiasm for cutting a rug to earn a star.

A Mornin’ at the Mushroom Rally BY G R I F F I N S T R O M P H OTO S BY J O N E S G R A N T


1870 MAGAZiNE • AUGUST 2019 • 1870mag.COM

Feeling Confident on the COTA BY A S A H E R R O N


Besides, I was too distracted by the daunting costume selection looming before me. On a series of hangers in the facility’s party room hung the familiar trappings of a slew of iconic characters ranging from Princess Peach to Spiderman. Despite my insistence that I would be most accurately represented by a Bowzer costume, I wound up stepping into the universally recognizable red and blue garb of everyone’s favorite Italian plumber. Complete with hat and ‘stache, there was still time to spare before the race, which was gleefully spent with a round of Mario Kart on the Wii provided by Grand Prix. That pre-race simulation gave me everything I needed to realize that however bad my go-karting prowess, my actual Mario Kart skills are even worse. After briefly thinking I missed my heat, and a mild scolding from an employee, I scampered to my kart, dome securely encased in helmet. I was last in line out of the gate, but damn it I was determined to finish first. The smell of gasoline and piping hot, revved-up engines filled my nostrils, delivering an adrenaline-spiked Need for Speed into my bloodstream like a key bump of cocaine. Needless to say, driving a go-kart is quite different than cruising the construction addled Columbus streets in a Honda. With a white-knuckled vice grip on the wheel, the high stakes of the Mushroom Rally gave me no option except to grit my teeth and throw full weight into every twist and turn. Following an early pass that gave me confidence, I found myself trapped behind Wario for much of the race, cursing his name more than a few times before I just barely edged out my sworn enemy in the last moments. Surely, victory had been mine. They would say my name over the loudspeaker and whisk me off to a hedonistic West Coast adventure. Even though the “official” results said I came in sixth place out of 11 racers, I was a champion. Or so I assured myself while holding back tears. Swept up in the heat of competition, it wasn’t until after the race that I was able to process the inflatable decorations strewn about the course. What is usually a warehouse half-open to the outdoors felt more like we had set foot into a Nintendo 64 console and selected Mario Raceway. Regardless of my middle-of-the-pack finish, I had a blast spending a Saturday morning in a well-curated, Mario Kart analogue fantasy land, and it was truly disappointing to strip out of the spirited regalia so soon. For incoming freshmen, this is just a small taste of the brand of quirky events and hidden gems Columbus has to offer, and all the more reason to get excited about the stories you will have to tell after a few years at Ohio State. If nothing else, the race at Grand Prix Go-Karting provided me the ammunition to incessantly puzzle and annoy my friends for the rest of the weekend with a single, embellished phrase: “I won, and I’m going to Vegas.”•

our BuckID is your ticket to getting around Columbus by bus with the Central Ohio Transit Authority (COTA) for free! For two years, I’ve been using COTA buses to get to all of the hottest spots in Columbus without worrying about driving through traffic and construction or paying for parking. During my travels, I have learned a few things you may find helpful for your own free rides around the city. •

Remember to bring your BuckID. It may seem like a simple step but not for my forgetful friend, Will, so I thought it was worth mentioning. You’ll swipe your BuckID when you get on the bus, otherwise you can pay $2.00 in cash for a ride.

Download the app Transit. This app maps out your route, lets you know when your bus is coming, and tells you when you need to get off.

Bring headphones. Despite my incessant pleading with the drivers, there is no music on the bus.

Be courteous to the bus driver. An easy way to spread some positivity and express your gratitude for their wicked driving skills is to greet them and thank them on your way off. It’s just common courtesy around here.

Pull the yellow cord when your stop is next. Unlike the CABS buses on campus, COTA buses only stop when requested or when there’s riders waiting at the stop to be picked up, so pull it.

1870mag.COM • AUGUST 201 9 • 1870 MAGAZiNE



The Journey of a Plasma Donation Did you know that you have gold in your veins? Donating plasma is a simple process – much like donating blood. However, once the plasma is collected, it starts a long journey before ultimately becoming the main ingredient in a life-saving therapy for a person in need. The process utilizes an apheresis technology similar to that used by blood banks to collect platelets. As a result, the red cells and other cellular constituents are returned to the donor while the liquid plasma is retained. Plasma contains a large number of proteins that have potential therapeutic uses in both patients who lack those proteins (replacement therapy) and for disease modulation. The plasma collected is not for direct transfusion but rather for further manufacture. Therefore, many units from multiple donors are pooled in order to generate a therapy through a process called plasma fractionation followed by further purification.

Testing and inventory hold Samples from every plasma unit are sent to the CSL Plasma Laboratory in Knoxville, Tennessee to be tested for 5 standard viral markers. After sampling, units are frozen until use, starting a 60-day hold. Plasma units can be released after the 60-day hold if all subsequent tests are negative and all other qualifying criteria continue to be met. Qualified units are shipped from our Plasma Logistic Center to a manufacturing facility, with two logistics centers in the US (Indiana and Texas) and one in Germany. Manufacturing The frozen plasma units are shipped to CSL manufacturing sites in Illinois, Germany or Switzerland where it is fractionated into various proteins that are further purified into therapeutic products. Beginning with the plasma collection process, manufacturing biotherapies from plasma takes about 6 - 9 months.

The Plasma Donor

The Patient

Healthy adults between the ages of 18- 65 who weigh at least 110 pounds (50kg) are eligible to donate. A potential donor must have a permanent address and on the first visit they not only answer a lengthy questionnaire, but undergo a brief physical examination. On subsequent visits, donors will answer a shorter health questionnaire. Donors must also have two tests performed in the plasma center to determine if they are healthy enough to donate before each donation (hematocrit and protein level). The first plasma unit from a new donor is only used to produce a therapy after a second successful donation in a six-month period. This ensures the plasma collected will be safe for the end patient using the product.

Plasma therapies are used to treat bleeding disorders, primary immune deficiencies, hereditary angioedema, inherited respiratory disease, and neurological disorders. They are also used in cardiac surgery, organ transplantation, burn treatments and to prevent hemolytic diseases in newborns.

The Plasma Donation Process Over two hundred thirty CSL Plasma collection centers across the U.S., Hungary, Germany and China welcome donors every day. The donation process takes about 60 to 90 minutes. During that time, donors are screened and qualified, blood is drawn, plasma is separated from red blood cells and collected, and the cells are returned to the donor. • One-donation results in 21 to 30 oz. (625 to 880 ml.) of plasma, depending on the donor’s body weight. • Because the donor’s cells are returned at each donation and receives 500 ml of saline to help replace lost fluid, people are safely able to donate twice every 7 days.

• More than 1,200 plasma donations are needed to treat one person with hemophilia for a one-year supply of medicine.1. • More than 130 plasma donations are needed to treat one person with a primary immune deficiency for one-year supply of medicine.1. Ensuring Product Safety To ensure high quality plasma-derived biotherapies, there are four pillars of safety throughout the process: • Careful plasma donor selection / screening • Plasma unit and pool testing that can detect viruses even before a donor has symptoms • Pathogen reduction during the manufacturing process Pharmacovigilance which involves follow up of clinical experience with products

1 Source: Plasma Protein Therapeutics Association


e know, we know. You were the most involved kid at your high school. The academic elite who took every AP class, already has college credit on their transcript, and was the team captain for two different sports. You worked an after-school job and were in the National Honors Society. We’ve heard it all before because everyone at Ohio State is that student. Not to discount your accomplishments, you should be very proud of them! They’re the reason we’ll see you here this fall. But remember college isn’t a trophy for the things you’ve already done, it’s about growth. Bragging won’t get you anywhere, and neither will living in high school forever. Let’s pause the party playlist for a minute and break-down all the do’s and don'ts of your first year in college. You’ve got so many first-times coming up: the first football game, the first time you change your major, the first time you fail a class. We want you to be mentally prepared for it all, and to know that yes, we’ve all been there, too. Take a deep breathe, stop the music, and switch the rose-colored glasses to scarlet ones for a minute to learn all about Ohio State straight from the students.

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e were all good high school students, and if you weren’t, you wouldn’t be here. Ohio State isn’t an easy university to get into and it’s getting harder every year. You got the right grades, the high ACT score, and killer recommendation letters, but so did everyone else in your incoming class. It’s time to learn how to shift from being a stellar high school student to just a good college student, because they are two different games. Take it from me, an all-star high school student who got her first failing grade three weeks into her time here at Ohio State. This list is everything I wish someone would have told me, and everything that helped me go from a failure freshman to a successful senior.

Go To Class

This seems like a no-brainer, but it really is easy to opt out of class and rely on posted lecture notes when you realize there’s no immediate consequence for not attending. However, your instructors spent years studying what they are presenting to you; reading three bullet points isn’t going to translate all the lecture’s significance that a professor’s 25-minute analysis will. You never know when a helpful hint is going to be dropped or extra credit will be given out for attendance. So, get out of your lofted dorm bed. It’s definitely not a comfy enough excuse to miss that 8 a.m.

Read Closely, Read Often

Read the textbook before class. Read your notes after class. Read that optional piece your lecturer posted about. Read, read, read! Browsing the textbook before class will give you a preview of what’s going to be discussed and an opportunity to generate questions. Reviewing and polishing up your notes after class is a great way to identify what you need to focus more time on later. Don’t think you’re smart enough to just go to class and pass the test, almost everything makes sense when an expert is explaining it, so make sure it still makes sense when you’re on your own. Even if you don’t really understand what you’re reading, it’s better to be confused before lecture than 10 minutes into instruction.

Write Your Notes By Hand

There are countless studies about the benefits of writing notes by hand rather than typing them. It forces you to slow down, not just blindly type words exactly as they come out of your instructor's mouth. Along with the cognitive benefit of taking notes by hand it also forces you to stay off the internet while you’re in class, and stay engaged in the current topic of discussion. It’s all too easy to click the Twitter tab that’s open next to your class notes and drown out the lecture. Taking your notes on paper takes away the distraction. After all, you’re taking your exam on paper, not on your laptop.

Use Your Phone Wisely

A lot of professors are trying to integrate more technology into their lectures. That being said, participating in an in-class survey and scrolling through Instagram are two very different things, and only one of them is going to help you pass calculus. Tuck your phone into your backpack while you’re in class; lecture may not be as exciting as the tea your roommate just spilled on finsta, but it still will be after class.

Office Hours Are Not For Your Professor, They’re For You

Office hours are the perfect space to get questions answered, murky concepts cleared up, and extra practice on difficult problems. Even if you think you don’t have questions, just go and listen to what your classmates are asking. You’d be shocked at the amount of information you’re not aware of. Additionally, office hours provide the perfect opportunity for you to lay the groundwork to ask for that rec letter applying for internships and grad school later on. Building relationships with professors can be hard since their free time is extremely limited, but office hours are time they have built into their days for students. Seize that opportunity!

Be Friends With Your Advisor

Academic advisors are the unsung heroes on college campuses. They keep you updated on events within your major and college, they can help you schedule classes, and they keep you on pace to graduate. Your advisor can help plan with you based on how you’ve done in similar classes, and even point out courses you didn’t know the university offered. Make a habit out of making an appointment with them at least once a semester, instead of just sending them a panicked email five minutes into your scheduling window.

Learn How To Study

There are a lot of great resources at Ohio State to help you study and learn what methods of studying work best for you. Start by seeking out the free tutoring options offered around campus (the Younkin Success Center and the Writing Center are two good places to start), join a study group for your class, or find a study methods analysis online. No matter how you figure it out, find what’s effective for you and roll with it. Knowing how you study best saves you time and energy, both of which are precious resources.


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Actually Study

After you find the best way for you to study, actually use it. It’s not enough to go to class and do the homework; there has to be a real focused effort on learning and understanding material on your own time. The golden study rule is for every hour you spend in class you should be spending two hours studying. Semesters are a marathon, not a sprint; putting in time all semester to train your brain and learn will help you avoid allnighters and cram sessions come finals season.

Check Carmen Frequently

A good rule of thumb: if it was posted on Carmen, it is fair game for class discussion, homework, quizzes, and exams. Lecture time is precious and your professor is going to try to fill every minute with class material, so they might skip some administrative reminders you’re used to getting in a high school setting. Carmen is where all of these more tedious pieces of information can be found: assignments, due dates, instructions for registering for homework systems, and class announcements. There’s nothing worse than dropping from an A to a B+ just because you never bothered to post on the class discussion board. The small stuff can be makeor-break, so make sure you’re on top of it.

It’s On You

No one is going to call your mom if you don’t show up to class. Instructors aren’t going to pull you aside and encourage you to do the homework to help your grade. There is no detention to keep you on the straight and narrow. If you fail, there is no one to blame but yourself. Although, when you do succeed, it feels so much better knowing that you’re the one who made it happen for yourself, by yourself. Welcome to adulthood! You can do this. 1870mag.COM • AUGUST 201 9 • 1870 MAGAZiNE




1. DON’T bring up your high-school GPA or standardized test scores.

Although this may seem like a no-brainer, you may not be able to resist the temptation of stunting on your new friends with your high school achievements. But there are certain things you need to leave in the past - and your old academic accomplishments are the first to go. No one is going to care whether you got a 23 or a 3 on your ACT; college is a fresh start for everyone. So maybe rethink bragging about how you were your high school’s salutatorian, because while you might think you’re impressing your peers, in reality, it just makes you look like a douche and will make everyone think you’re stuck in high school. Move on and make new memories.



2. DON’T sleep with someone from your floor. t’s your first year at college and you’re excited for a year full of long nights at Thompson, Saturday

Yes, there is a chance that you’ll end up dating and you can tell everyone at your wedding about how you met the love of your life in Lincoln Tower after a sweaty drunken hookup. But let’s be realistic: most floorcest situations just end in extremely awkward bump-ins at the water fountain and crying sessions when you see that they brought someone else home from Bulls after you break up. Save yourself the pain and embarrassment and look for your next hook-up in a different dorm building; you’ll thank yourself in the long run.

morning blocks bouncing between Beta and SAE, and trips to Scott with new friends from your dorm floor. The last thing you want is to accidentally say the wrong thing and come across as a total rookie. Here are some things to avoid screwing up your #New2OSU year.


3. DON’T get stuck in the same routine.

It’s easy to find yourself in a rut when all you do is wake up, go to class, come home, then do it all over again. Doing the same thing over and over can negatively impact your mental health, so try your best to mix things up every once in a while. So many freshmen find themselves spending every night in the library, or every night closing down Midway; it’s okay to do either, but make sure you’re finding a healthy balance. Make sure you’re having fun while focusing on your school work, and maybe even throw in a new hobby every once in a while. The Ohio Union often has fun multicultural nights, resident advisors set up fun programs like painting and making cupcakes, and the Short North and downtown Columbus are only a quick COTA ride away. Just give your brain and liver a break once in a while and break out of your monotony by trying something new.

4. DON’T sit alone in your dorm room all the time.

Don’t get me wrong, taking a time-out to sit with your thoughts is always necessary. But if you find yourself spending most of your free time in your dorm room and consistently turning down offers to hang out with your peers, realize that you might need a change of mindset. Getting involved in an organization is a great way to meet new people if you’re having trouble finding a new group of friends. The craze of the Involvement Fair can make finding a new interest overwhelming as hell, so if you’re feeling swamped by all the choices, try checking out organizations online, or looking at flyers hung up around your dorm. Even your resident advisors or floormates may be involved in activities that sound interesting and can get you out of your room and into the crazy world of college.

5. DON’T get discouraged.

College classes are hard as hell. There will be classes that break you down, that ruin your GPA, that make you want to drop out and become a stripper (my personal hell was Calculus 1). The important thing to remember is that you were accepted to Ohio State for a reason, and that even though school will kick your ass, there are people and resources you can use to your advantage. Teaching assistants (TAs) are usually helpful if you need an extra hand, and they are a great person to ask if you need to get extra tutoring, which most departments provide. The Younkin Success Center also has tutoring assistance. Also, websites like Khan Academy are pretty helpful for a broad range of topics. No matter what, remember that there are people in your corner, whether it be your peers or your professors. Don’t lose hope if you get a bad grade or flunk an exam, because trust me, we’ve all been there.

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Oxley’s College Dictionary BY B AY L I E S C H WA MB E R G E R


hen you’re a freshman at OSU there are many unfamiliar words classmates use during conversation and in passing. What does blacking out mean? Why does 12th Avenue sell bread? Where is 34 Chitt? And of course, you’re too embarrassed to ask anyone what anything means, and you’re left to wonder or hope that only Google can help you out. Fear not little freshies and upperclassmen alike, we’ve got you covered with our Webster’s College Dictionary of popular campus terms, so you too can fit in, fellow student.



A legendary duck with an afro that lived in mirror lake and was the unofficial mascot of OSU until January of 2016.

A huge tailgate-style party before Ohio State football games thrown by multiple fraternities at their annex houses. Drowning in free Natty and White Claws are the two main components.

A F R O D U CK 2.0


He appeared a few months after the original Afroduck’s death and was seen as a god to some; but when the OSU campus needed him most, he vanished (when the lake was drained).

Also known as fighting off a hangover with more alcohol while trying to look and sound classy with mimosas on Sunday morning. Your messy bun gives everything away.

1 2 T H AV E N UE B R E A D & COM PA N Y It’s connected to Kcomm and has the best pizza bagels on campus. No, they don’t sell loaves of bread.

B E AT T HE C LO C K A cheap and easy way to get drunk on a Friday or black out before midnight. Participating bars serve drinks starting at $1 or $2 around noon, then slowly go back up to normal price every hour.



BULLS A shortened version of the famous Bullwinkles club on High. One time is enough.

CHI TT SHOW This is either the drink at Leo’s guaranteed to get you smashed, or the block party that happens every year on Chittenden. Either will make you forget this definition.

34 E CHI TT Everyone must attend this house party as a freshman. The fun part is finding it.

When you drink too much alcohol, forget what you did, and have to ask your friends to help put your memory back together.




When you drink a lot of alcohol, forget some of what you did, but still have to ask your friends to help put your memory back together. Not as bad as blacking out.

Drinking alcohol during the day. Also simple. Taking a nap for a bit after and going back out is a classic college student move.

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Day party. Simple. Usually hosted by fraternities.

GDI An abbreviation for Goddamn Independent, or a girl that doesn’t rush sororities. No Delta Nu Legally Blonde scenarios for her.

KCOM M Kennedy Commons, the only dining hall on South Campus (there’s no Mongolian Grill here kids). Good luck finding seats if it’s busy.

PR EG A M E Drinking enough alcohol to get a buzz going before going out so you can spend less money on drinks. You usually spend more money than you want anyway.

SE L Science and Engineering Library—the “real” name of 18th Avenue Library. New students have brought back the SEL library term for no real reason. Stop. Please.

SUN DAY S C A R IE S This is when you party all weekend and have a shit ton of homework due by Monday. You feel impending doom all Sunday long. You probably think this won’t happen to you and you’re a “good” student, but OH it will.

TOM W. DAV IS C LO C K TOW E R It’s a giant clock on North Campus that doesn’t fit in with the surrounding buildings and scenery. It serves no other purpose besides showing the time and ads. Normally a block or two of light is screwed up.

YOP R O An abbreviation for Young Professional that rhymes and sounds like GoPro. Also a title to make recent graduates feel better about themselves.

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You always remember your first time.

That’s what every Ohio State senior is thinking when they enter the Shoe for the first game of the year, as they reminisce on their first experience in the student section. Whether it be remembering to carry Tylenol for your inevitable Block hangover, or resting your voice the night before so you can roar the words to “Carmen," everyone has their golden rules for attending games. Here at 1870, we turned to the experts: Griffin Spielman and Nicole Zaayer, the president and vice president of Block O, to give us their takes on what to expect when you walk into that stadium. Do you have any specific memories of your first game or time in the student section? Nicole: I actually didn’t get involved in Block O until my sophomore year, but my first memory is when I painted up for our game against Oklahoma in 2017. It was kind of a sad memory because we lost, but it was really cool because I got to be in the front of Block O South even though I didn’t have Block O tickets. I just got to experience that because Block O has the opportunity to be in the front, so that is my first really cool memory. Griffin: My first memory of Block O was the game against Tulsa my freshman year. It was raining like a monsoon and we all stayed and went crazy. What are your student section necessities that you need to have with you at the game? Nicole: In terms of what helps you fit in at the student section, I always bring my game day buckeye necklace, and I have a black and

red pair of beads. I also have my lucky game day socks. I would try to pick a few things that you’ll wear every game and just make it your "lucky whatever" because it makes game day more meaningful. Griffin: My absolute necessity for games is a bottle of water, because I definitely lose my voice by the second quarter. Favorite chant? Nicole: Stadium Ohio is my absolute favorite, and when we went to Michigan two years ago, we did it in the Big House. So ever since then it’s been my absolute favorite. Griffin: My favorite chant is definitely "F*ck Penn State!" Do you have any advice for freshmen who may be nervous about their first time in the student section? Nicole: Don’t be afraid to be that annoying person being more enthusiastic than everyone else, because if you’re able to do that, everyone around you is going to end up being as annoying and crazy as you. If you see someone being just as crazy as you, go up to them and introduce yourself, because especially in Block O, all of the crazy kids, that’s us. We all bond over being crazy Ohio State fans. So don’t be afraid to branch out and stand next to someone because you like how they’re acting at the game and you like their vibe. Griffin: My biggest advice to freshmen is to talk to the people around you and get involved. Once you realize that all the kids around you are crazy fans just like you, it becomes super easy to make lifelong friends.


YOU NEED TO KNOW S TA D I U M O H I O Starts at the North or South end of the stadium. Everyone from that section shouts “O!” and makes an “O” with their arms. The chant moves clockwise around the stadium, each section holding their hands up and shouting the next letter in O-H-I-O depending on your section seat. More impactful if done in an opponent’s stadium, or obviously at the Bitchigan game.

KICKOFF When the opposing team is kicking off, the student section warms up the kicker by cooing a low “OHHHHH!” and timing the kick itself with “O-HI-O LET’S GO BUCKS!” When Ohio State is kicking to the other team, we honor the unspoken rule that the student section still chants an old cheer that has faced some controversy in recent years. Despite the efforts to change it to the cheer aforementioned, you’ll still hear students chanting “O-H-I-O RIP HIS F***ING HEAD OFF! AND TAKE HIS SHOOOOOOOES!”

CARMEN OHIO Some people don’t learn the words to our alma mater, Carmen Ohio, until their senior year. Don’t be one of those people. Learn them right now. “Oh, come let’s sing Ohio’s praise And songs to Alma Mater raise While our hearts rebounding thrill With joy which death alone can still Summer’s heat or winter’s cold The seasons pass the years will roll Time and change will surely show How firm thy friendship… O-HI-O!”

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A closer look at Ohio State’s hottest athletes and who’s taking their place this fall

Out - Parris Campbell

After five years in the program, Parris Campbell leaves Ohio State as one of the most decorated wide receivers in school history. Campbell set a school record with 90 catches in 2018 and also led the team with 1,063 receiving yards and 12 touchdowns. With run-after-catch ability that will forever be cemented in Ohio State legend after a 78-yard score in the Buckeyes’ win over Michigan, Campbell’s 4.31 second 40-yard dash speed will be difficult to make up for this season. With Campbell leaving for the NFL along with two more stud wideouts in Terry McLaurin and Johnnie Dixon, the Buckeyes will need players to step up to fill the void.

In - Garrett Wilson Aside from Fields, Garrett Wilson is the most exciting addition for the Buckeye offense this year. The true freshman was the nation’s No. 1 wide receiver in the 2018 recruiting class. The 6-foot, 188-pound Texas native has explosive playmaking ability, putting up 1,151 receiving yards and 19 touchdowns in his senior high school season despite missing games with an injury. Buckeye fans became even more excited for Wilson’s potential when he made a spectacular 18-yard highlight touchdown catch in the 2019 Spring Game that displayed his freakish athleticism. Wilson may not be expected to catch 90 passes this season, but he is easily the most thrilling true freshman Buckeye receiver in recent memory.


Women's Soccer: Out - Devon Kerr

Football: Out - Dwayne Haskins

In just one season as the Buckeyes’ starting quarterback, Haskins became inarguably the greatest statistical passer in Ohio State history as he rewrote the record book. Now a Washington Redskin in the NFL, Haskins’ 2018 season saw him set 28 Ohio State records and seven Big Ten records, which include his 50 touchdown passes and 4,831 yards. Despite not qualifying for the College Football Playoff, Haskins led the Buckeyes to a 13-1 season that included a dominant 62-39 victory over The Team Up North wherein he threw for 6 TDs.

In - Justin Fields By virtue of lax NCAA transfer policies, Ohio State was able to land 2017’s No. 2 overall prospect, Justin Fields, who transferred to the Buckeyes after a season at Georgia. The 6-foot-3 QB played in 12 games for the Bulldogs, but in a limited role as a backup. Fields racked up 328 yards and 4 touchdowns through the air, and another 266 yards and 4 scores on the ground. Fields is an impressive passer, as evidenced by his 98-yard TD pass in The Buckeyes’ 2019 Spring Game, but his dynamic improvisational skills running the ball might be the most impressive aspect of his game. Replacing a Heisman Finalist won’t be easy, but big things are expected from Fields in his first season with the Buckeyes. 38

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The women’s soccer team had its lowest win total since 2014 last season, but it was no fault of Devon Kerr’s. As a senior, Kerr was the best goalkeeper in the Big Ten, earning Goalkeeper of the Year honors as well as a third team All-America selection. Hailing from Barrie, Ontario, Kerr held teams scoreless eight times last season, which was tied for the top mark in the Big Ten. Those eight shutouts added to a total of 19 in Kerr’s four-year Buckeye career, which is the third-most in program history. Ohio State will have to turn to a less proven option in goal next season, as the two other goalies on the roster have a combined five games of collegiate experience.

In - Bailey Kolinsky

Entering her third season with the Buckeyes, Bailey Kolinsky seems the logical choice to replace Kerr in goal. Though she’s played in just five games for Ohio State in her first two years, she was the only goalie besides Kerr to play in a game last year. Prior to Ohio State, Kolinsky boasts 12 years of club soccer experience, holding shutout records at Brewster Academy.

Men’s Volleyball: Out - Coach Pete Hanson

For men’s volleyball, the most significant loss this season may not be any one player. Rather its legendary coach Pete Hanson. In 35 years at the helm, Hanson built a three-time national championship pedigree program and accumulated one of the most replete resumes in collegiate volleyball history. His 712 wins are third-most in NCAA history, and he was named National Coach of the Year four times since 1998. Winning his last national title in 2017, Hanson’s final season didn’t quite measure up as the team went a disappointing 10-19. However, Hanson still retires a legend with few equals.

In - Coach Kevin Burch After the 35-year reign of Pete Hanson, Kevin Burch hopes to bring new life to the volleyball program after being promoted to head coach from his previous post as assistant in May. From the 2010-11 to 2016-17 seasons, Burch won national titles seven consecutive times as either assistant coach or director of operations on Division I and Division III teams. Burch had been a volunteer assistant on Hanson’s staff for the Buckeyes’ 2011 national title before returning as a full time assistant in 2015. The first-year head coach will have the advantage of a brand new, stateof-the-art facility in the Covelli Center, which officially opened in early June. Women’s Volleyball: Out - Olivia Dailey

As a senior setter at Ohio State, Olivia Dailey led the Buckeyes with 635 assists and 8.7 assists per set. Though the team ended on a 12-game losing streak to close out the season, Dailey had a career-best performance with 62 assists in her final collegiate game against Iowa. Two years earlier she had been named an All-America honoree with the Kentucky Wildcats before coming to Columbus ahead of last season. At 12-20, the Buckeyes had their lowest winning total since 2008, and they’ll have to attempt a turnaround without their assists leader.

In - Cecilia Rocafort Standing in for Dailey is Cecilia Rocafort, an incoming freshman setter from San Juan, Puerto Rico with a winning pedigree. Rocafort has played for the Puerto Rican 20U National Team, won two high school championships, and even won a Junior National Championship in 2018. Not only is Rocafort replacing Dailey’s position, but she will also don her No. 5 jersey number.•

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tarting the school year can be a scary but exciting time! All work and no play is not the way to approach college life, so if you’re new to campus, definitely explore the endless weekend hangout spots like event spaces and concert venues. Introduce yourself to some of the major streets and areas around campus. Personally, I’m a concert fanatic so I stay up to date with big names touring in Columbus, but there’s always affordable shows to see, too. (And when I say there’s always somewhere to listen to local music, I mean there’s always somewhere to listen to local music.) Understanding the COTA bus routes will save you, and travelling with a buddy is a must.


You don’t need to look too far, because right ON CAM there are a few spots you can hit up, even on a school night. Every other Thursday night, you can head to Woody’s Tavern in the Union for karaoke night! They even host themed nights, like their “Love & Anti-Love Songs” on Valentine’s Day. If you’ll be living on North Campus, check out the Donato’s (2084 High St.) across the street from Busch House and Bowen House. Local bands and comedians perform in the basement from time to time, so grab a slice and catch a performance. On the other end of campus, Trism (1636 High St.) reigns supreme. This South Campus venue hosts many parties and events with performances from underground musicians sprinkled throughout the year. Lastly, we can’t forget Newport Music Hall (1722 High St.). It’s right across the street from the Union, and it’s impossible to miss the endless lines forming out front on any given evening. It’s the perfect closeby concert spot for students on a budget. Going a bit farther, JUST OFF CAMPUS holds a few locations to catch local musicians. Kafe Kerouac (2250 High St.) is up north, only two blocks past the campus Buffalo Wild Wings. Aside from the live music, open mic nights, and drunk powerpoint events, the café also offers a great atmosphere for reading or hanging out with friends. Further up High Street, you’ll find Ace of Cups (2619 High St.), a hotspot for karaoke and local band sets. If you’re familiar with Summit Street, Ruby Tuesday (1978 Summit St.) is closer to campus on the east side, while Wild Goose Creative (2491 Summit St.) is further north on the same street. For South Campus and West Campus students, The Shrunken Head (251 W 5th Ave.) alternates its entertainment between comedy, trivia, and music every evening. Keep an eye out for their acoustic open mic nights on Wednesdays! Columbus natives already know that the SHORT NORTH is a hot spot for all things fun and culture-related in central Ohio. Exploring the different shops and restaurants will lead you to Skully’s Music-Diner (1151 High St.) The venue regularly books rising artists as well as DJs for sets and dance parties. Other parts of Columbus lend unique experiences, like adventuring DOWNTOWN with a group of friends. Hop on COTA bus line 5 and head to Victory’s Live (543 S High St.) for smaller bands and dive vibes, open Friday through Sunday. Back out on 5th Avenue, the record store Craft & Vinyl (1806 W 5th Ave.) has live music every Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, with comedians performing the first Thursday of each month. Columbus is truly buzzing with nightlife and it’s great to have so much to see near OSU. The city never sleeps, but neither does this campus!


Building your college playlist? Don’t forget these fan favorites that every college student–and every Buckeye, specifically–has saved in their library.

I Love College by Asher Roth Nothing is truer to the trashiest of trashy college experiences than this song by college lover, Asher Roth. Hang on Sloopy by The McCoys

Obviously. Do I need to explain this one?

Buckeye Battle Cry

by The Ohio State Marching Band Let the drums, trumpets, and seussophones ring you into the morning of your first game day in the student section.

I Got High by Afroman I was gonna go to class... Sweet Caroline by Neil Diamond Play this song loud enough and you’ll learn pretty quickly when to shout, “BUM! BUM! BUUUUUM!” Roxanne by The Police or Thunderstruck by AC/DC

Both are classic drinking game songs you should be familiar with.

Club Action VS. Marc Smith (DJ Gib REMIX) by DJ Gibby Found exclusively on SoundCloud, this is a viral student-made remix of one of Ohio State’s most popular accounting professor’s online lectures. Happy networking!

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Because your major doesn’t have to define you Oxymajor (äksi•meӀ•dӡәr) - Someone whose hobby or skill is completely unrelated to their course of study, but they do it anyways.






Jerome Gordon is a fifth-year student from Columbus studying aeronautical engineering. This rigorous major requires him to take between 15 and 18 credit hours in an average semester. He also has held jobs as a bouncer, server, and student aid at the Ohio Union. Obviously, Gordon has a lot of responsibilities on his plate, but that hasn’t stopped him from making waves in the Columbus hip hop scene producing under the name romenhermind and rapping as Jig Papi Rome. He would freestyle for fun at parties until he started rapping seriously his sophomore year. Now, Gordon is using his engineering studies to bolster his game in hip hop while using his music as a means to relax and escape his schoolwork for a while. Many people don’t see the correlation as Gordon explains, “I get questioned all the time on why I do engineering if I want a musical career, and it’s frustrating sometimes.” However, the benefits of challenging himself in his studies have outweighed the frustration as Gordon goes on to say, “I do appreciate my engineering curriculum for teaching me how to think critically. It’s been a powerful tool that lets me problem solve, [so] I can create what I picture or hear in my head.” This is not to say that it has not been a challenging balancing act as he adds, “Engineering and music require two completely different sides of me, so I’m working on a way to have the best of both worlds. I’m still in the process of balancing the two because I’d rather be rapping or producing when I have to study.” Despite the difficulties, Gordon says quitting isn’t an option. “I have a lot emotionally invested in both, so giving up one would be hard. I’m a first-generation college student, so I get a lot of support from my family to finish.” Support from his family has also shaped his music career, Gordon says. “I grew up in a musical home, so I have a heavy R&B/soul background.” His more direct musical influences are found in Lil Uzi Vert, Lil Wayne, and Young Thug. Upon graduating, Gordon wants to work for NASA until he finds himself in a good position to work on his music career full-time.

Laiqa Shahzad is a fourth-year studying political science on the prelaw track. Anyone can tell you that balancing LSAT studying with classes, an internship, and hobbies can be a challenge. However, Shahzad makes sure to take time out of her studying to pursue other interests. When Shahzad isn’t keeping up with school, work, and extracurriculars, she’s creating amazing looks as a makeup artist. Shahzad has been into makeup since she was 15 and decided to create a side business only recently. “I grew up engaging in artistic activities like painting, drawing, and even graphic design. Makeup artistry was another creative avenue for me. I wanted to build my confidence first before becoming a freelance artist, so I would spend hours practicing on myself and my friends.” Balancing her hobbies and work can be hard, but Shahzad said keeping up with her makeup artistry is a way to keep herself creatively engaged while in school. “School should definitely come first, but it shouldn’t be the only thing consuming your time.” Shahzad attempts to fit in as many clients as her schedule allows, but with classes, being on executive boards for student orgs, an internship, and studying on top of that, it can be hard. “I think it’s better that I keep the two aspects of myself separate from each other so I can use makeup as a break from my studies,” said Shahzad. Law is generally a male-dominated field, while the makeup industry is more female-oriented. When asked how it feels to have two very gender-saturated fields of interest, Shahzad said she tries to avoid looking at it that way. “If we view each as defined by gender then we tend to discredit the qualities that actually makes one successful and stand out in a respected field. Sure, I’m a woman pursuing a male-dominated career, but my gender isn’t representative of my capability of being successful– it's the hard work and diligence that really matters at the end of the day.”

To support his music in the meantime, stream his project Loverboy on Tidal, Spotify, or Apple Music under the artist name romenhermind.

To see more of Shahzad's looks or book her for your next big event, you can follow her on Instagram @laiqalooks.


1870 MAGAZiNE • AUGUST 2019 • 1870mag.COM

A STAND-UP COMEDIAN ON THE PRE-MED TRACK Meera Mathur is a fourth-year psychology student on the pre-med track who loves... performing stand-up comedy on the weekends? “I honestly had never considered doing stand-up until Justin Baldoni came to OSU through OUAB; he told me that he thought I would be good at stand-up.” It was a mix of her recognized talents and involvement in a student organization at Ohio State that got the ball rolling, not her major. While she may have a promising future telling jokes on stage, her heart is torn between the two passions. “In high school, a lot of my peers struggled with mental health issues. I took AP Psychology my senior year of high school and realized I wanted to be a psychiatrist in order to help people who weren't able to help themselves get better.” On campus, you’ll find there’s a lot of wiggle room when planning your future. If you’re good at numbers, that doesn’t mean you’re only meant to be an engineer. And if you want to help others, that doesn’t mean you’re only meant to be a doctor. Sometimes you have to take into account what you crave doing and what you thrive doing. “I honestly feel like comedy has taken over my heart ever since I started seriously considering it as a career. I love science so much, but I think I've always had to work really hard to grasp concepts. With comedy, the ideas just flow so easily, and it makes me think that I might be meant to pursue it instead.” Mathur is grateful for her youth when it comes to feeling little pressure to make a decision right now, a kind of anxiety most students know all too well. Four years to decide one career track for the rest of your life? Students like Mathur say “pass.” “I understand that it might be scary, but if you don't try to make the most of what you're passionate about, you'll never know if something can come of it. I think the most important thing is to believe that you can make it. Your parents may not understand at first, but if you're truly happy doing what you love, they'll (hopefully) come around.” To get a taste of Mathur’s funny bone and keep up with her performances, you can follow her on Twitter @brownannakendrick. 1870mag.COM • AUGUST 201 9 • 1870 MAGAZiNE



e may not be proud of it (or we may be) but you just can’t imagine college without a little red solo cup sitting next to that stack of books. It’s culturally set at this point–some of us like to study and party equally. Even if raging isn’t your thing, you have a whole city to explore on your weekends here. Where are you going to shop for new looks to get that post-grad glow-up you’ve been waiting for? Where are you going for late-night fun with carefully rationed paychecks you collected between classes? Where is the study group going for dinner in between hours of preparing a lab report? School is set to take up enough hours in your week as it is, plus give you enough stress to push you toward the weekend with more desparation than ever before. Let’s ignore the planner for a second and move right over it, because our writers have all the places you need to keep on your radar this year. Another night spent staying up until 1 a.m. putting together a college-level sounding essay? Ugh, skip.

1870mag.COM • AUGUST 201 9 • 1870 MAGAZiNE



BROKE AND BOOZY? Campus Drink Specials for Every Day of the Week BY B AY L I E S C H WA MB E R G E R


e’ve all been in a pinch when it comes to booze money. Whether we are trying to save up, simply think bar drinks are overpriced (they are), or we’re waiting for payday, none of us want to miss out on the fun. Enter drink specials: they’ll save your night and your wallet. Every bar has them, but it’s a pain to search the inter-

net for their menu and end up getting there too late for happy hour. Luckily, we’ve made a list of discounted drinks for you so you can plan your weekly festivities without worry—party away!

MONDAY Cazuela’s - $4.99 Jumbo Lime Margaritas

It’s Monday, which means there is no better time for Margs, and Cazuela’s has you covered. Their Jumbo Lime Margaritas are only $4.99 and they are the perfect addition to your entree (you can find multiple specials in their menu) and your chips with guacamole. A couple of drinks out on their patio will help the Monday blues fade away without breaking the bank.

TUESDAY Fourth Street Bar and Grill - Half-Off Drinks 2-7 p.m.

Fourth Street is best known for its karaoke nights, but did you know about its Terrible Tuesdays deal? Their half-off drinks during Happy Hour— in this case Happy Five Hours—will no doubt help keep your wallet (and glass) full. You can choose the cheapest drink they have and make it cheaper, or get your favorite drink and buy two instead; either way you’re saving money and making memories.

WEDNESDAY Ugly Tuna 2 - $2 Wells & $5 Pitchers

Have you been to Ugly Tuna 2 yet? The artwork inside has us gagging with nostalgic memories of its original location at Gateway (RIP). Hump Day is not quite as iconic as Thirsty Thursday, but you deserve a drink nonetheless. Grab your friends and share cheap pitchers with some well drinks on the side. By the end of the evening, the rest of your week will be smooth sailing.


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THURSDAY Midway - Happy Hour All Day $1 Bombs

Alright, time for Thirsty Thursday, the ultimate weekend pregame. If you’re looking for a great start to your weekend but don’t wanna spend all of your money yet, Midway is the place to be. They have $1 bomb drinks all day long, so ordering about five of them should satisfy your Thursday partying needs. Dump your change in a Coinstar machine and you’re set.

FRIDAY Ethyl & Tank - Beat the Clock

Beat the Clock was the staple of The O bar, which is now defunct. But, if you’re looking for the same experience and deal in a new location, head to Ethyl & Tank to get the weekend celebration started. The rules are simple: the time equals the price of a pitcher. So if it’s 3pm, a pitcher is $3. Get there early to grab a table and snag the best deals before time runs out!

SATURDAY Lucky’s Stout House - 7-9 p.m. Power Hour $1 Drinks

Lucky’s power hour is so iconic that they poke fun at customers who participate on their Twitter (think of The Hangover vodka beach party gif ). For two hours you can get pretty much any drink for $1, so if you’re low on your stash of pregame drinks, why not stop by before your big Saturday night outing? It’s a win-win situation; you get your favorite drinks for cheap and have more money for later.

SUNDAY Union Cafe - Sunday Brunch $4.50 Mimosas and Bloody Marys

You’ll have to ride the COTA or Uber for a few minutes to reach the Union Cafe in the Short North, but their brunch is completely worth it. Even if you’re not in the mood for food after your weekend fun, you’ll at least have some leftover money to spend on helpful discounted recovery drinks—the classic Mimosa and Bloody Mary combo. With those savings, you’ll have enough for more alcohol antics next week.• 1870mag.COM • AUGUST 201 9 • 1870 MAGAZiNE


eat your feelings Restaurants that feel like home, within walking distance to campus BY S Y D N E Y B R OW N


eing homesick sucks. It’s hard to sugarcoat. My first year at OSU, I spent a lot of time being sad. I made friends and had fun, too. But I missed my family, my friends, my dog, and my hometown. Since then, I’ve learned how common it is; whether you’re from out-of-state, out-oftown, or just a few miles down the road, starting college can be tough. Keep trying new things and meeting new people. Talk to your friends. Find ways to distract yourself. But sometimes, distractions can only go so far. That’s when it’s time to ask a friend to grab dinner and eat your way through the homesickness. It may not compare to your mom’s cooking or your hometown grub, but eating and just being with someone can have the same effect as ice cream after a breakup. You may still feel gloomy, but your stomach and your heart will feel a little fuller.


East Coast


East Coasters can be very strong in their food convictions, but Columbus can still hold its own. For a taste of New York-style pizza, head to Adriatico’s on South Campus. Bruegger’s is right next door, so you can get New York-style bagels to take with you. Bruegger’s and my lack of self-control are responsible for the 10 pounds I gained and the $200 in BuckID cash I lost freshman year.

Columbus may be two hours from the Kentucky border, but you still can find some finger-lickin’ good deals near campus. Popeye’s or Raising Canes are your best bet within walking distance of your dorm. If you want to venture off-campus for more of a sit-down meal, check out The Eagle in the Short North and Hot Chicken Takeover in Clintonville or the North Market.



Tequila may not be the healthiest option if you’re feeling down, but Cazuela’s chimichangas or churros are sure to cheer you up. If you’re willing to take the COTA bus up and down High Street to Clintonville and the Short North, Condado and Local Cantina have excellent tacos and happy hour deals. Money can’t buy happiness, but it can buy tacos and that is pretty close.

When I think "midwest" I think picnic food. Puppy chow, pasta salad, and chili dogs. Even if you can’t make it home for a family picnic, you’re still in the midwest. For a Skyline Cheese Coney or chili cheese fries, you can drive over to Olentangy River Road. However, you can also find midwestern favorites closer to campus. Fourth Street Bar and Grill has bosco sticks, mac 'n' cheese bites, and BBQ pork sliders as appetizers. (But PJ’s is my personal favorite for mac 'n' cheese bites close to campus.) And when you need a late-night snack or miss Grandma’s baking, head to Buckeye Donuts at any hour and split a half a dozen with a friend. (Or yourself!)

1870 MAGAZiNE • AUGUST 2019 • 1870mag.COM


W Village Idiot: 10 Years of Being A Real Dive Bar™ BY SYDNEY BROW N PH OTOS BY AMAL SA EED


1870 MAGAZiNE • AUGUST 2019 • 1870mag.COM

hen the Village Idiot first opened its doors in 2009, its goal was to be a campus bar. Beer signs lined the walls and graffiti covered the floor. An image that reminds me of the dive bars campus used to have (but were replaced by luxury apartments and Target) lived here. However, over a year came and went, and the bar had seen few students. “So,” owner Scott McCrary explained, “We remodeled the whole place, reopened on New Year’s Eve. We’re more of a neighborhood bar, young professionals, we get a lot of grad students now.” Later, a patio was added and the Village Idiot as we know it now was born. The bar serves mainly craft beer, bourbon and scotch, and has a laid-back feel. The Village Idiot was no longer trying to be the campus bar that served students and students alone–and found its identity in the process. It became the place to be for young grads and professionals looking to lay back and have a good drink without being rambunctious. It became the bar we know and love today. As McCrary describes it, “We really wanted a place where you can just go and hang out with your friends and be comfortable.” And it is. With a lounge area in the back of the bar, high-top tables, and a patio lined with wood benches, the bar can house your average weekend crew with ease, plus quench your weekend thirst at a cheap price. While the Village Idiot may be more of a local watering hole than a campus bar-hopping stop, that may be changing. The Village Idiot has seen an increase in business over the last two years, up until construction began across the street this past May. I made my first trip here during Senior Crawl 2019. I’m a part of the trend of students who push further north and south when going out these last few years. With the closing of a few central campus bars, students found a gap in their High Street bar scene. Between Out-R-Inn and Bullwinkle’s, there is a half-mile gap between campus bars. The O Patio & Pub's departure isn’t the only reason for this gap; Too’s Under High closed in October 2017. While it reopened as Three’s Above High, the new location is much further north than it was before. Mama’s Pasta and Brew closed this past November. As the facade of High Street continues to change, so has the way students go out.

As a North Campus kid, I spent more time this year in the Old North while others pushed farther into South Campus and the Short North. While we all said goodbye to campus favorites with heavy hearts, it gives other local bars like the Village Idiot a chance to become part of the student repertoire. In settling down as a gradstudent, YoPro-heavy space, the bar is starting to attract more undergraduates than ever before in the process. The Village Idiot has certainly gained traction in the minds of students, but McCrary added that “time will tell” whether the bar continues to see more of them. The South Campus underdog has seen many personal moments over the years, including engagements and weddings of McCrary’s friends. Two of the biggest milestones as a business have been the remodel and patio addition. However, many of its best nights are a lot more low-key than that, featuring pool, darts and trivia that its patrons love.•

The Village Idiot will ring in its first decade on August 24 with a party featuring live music, art and more! Whether it’s your first or tenth time in, you’re welcome to the party. 1870mag.COM • AUGUST 201 9 • 1870 MAGAZiNE


BACK TO SCHOOL THRIFTING When shopping doesn’t fit the tuition and textbook budget BY L I ZZY O G B O N N A


n early Saturday or Sunday afternoon is the perfect time to take a break from school by going on a shopping trip. Columbus is considered a top fashion city right after NYC and LA (seriously, look it up), so there’s an abundance of merchants. Thankfully for students

on a budget, there are also plenty of affordable shops and thrifting opportunities near campus.


There are shops just within walking distance from your dorm room. Did you know that OSU has its own thrift store on campus? Located in the lower level of Converse Hall (near Fisher College of Business), Buckeye Bargains has actually been around since the late 1960s. The shop is maintained by Ohio State’s University Women’s Club and their proceeds are turned into a scholarship fund. According to a 1974 article from The Lantern, it was originally created to help international students find affordable items. Now accepting donated clothes, appliances, and household goods, this shop is open to the public on Wednesdays and is truly one of the campus’ coolest hidden gems. South campus is home to Clothing Underground (1652 High St.) It sits between 12th Ave and Chittenden. Here you’ll find super trendy OSU gear that is new, thrifted, or repurposed for Block. Plus, they have great deals on accessories like sunglasses and buttons.


1870 MAGAZiNE • AUGUST 2019 • 1870mag.COM


The addition of electric scooters to campus has made travelling Cbus even easier for students without cars. Another option is the COTA bus, which will basically take you anywhere you need to go on and off campus with the swipe of your BuckID. The 1 and 2 lines will take you up and down High. Clintonville holds the closest Goodwill (2550 High St.) in the area, with apparel and furniture. As well as women’s and men’s wear, Rag-O-Rama (3301 High St.) has an impressive selection of shoes and accessories, including bags, hats, and jewelry. Stay on the lookout for the retailer’s annual Dollar Sale. In the famous Short North, Out of the Closet (1230 High St.) sells donated clothing, books, and home goods, also offering free HIV testing. A large percentage of their profits are donated to the AIDS Healthcare Foundation. Further down High Street, Royal Factory (1209 High St.) provides customers with uniquely transformed and affordable women’s thrifted clothing. You may have heard of Flower Child (233 E 5th Ave.) if you're into quality vintage finds. The expansive vintage shop first founded in Columbus recently moved off of High St. to a newer, larger location and is even more impressive than before.



Online shopping has become a major part of our lives, so we can’t ignore click-and-mortar retail. Ohio State has tens of thousands of students, and many of them sell clothes they’ve created or found thrifting. Two Buckeyes, Caroline Ricke and Winter Grimm, started a Depop Club on campus to show students how to buy and sell clothes online. They each have their own shops on the Depop app, @spicygirl and @winterbunny. Other digital platforms for shopping include social media accounts on everyone’s favorite photo platform, Instagram. OSU senior Sydney Coleman created her own @osuapparel last summer to sell “upcycled game-day gear” as a way of reducing her carbon footprint. Similar Ohio State themed Instagram shops include @blockoapparel, @osuvintage, @osu.upcycle, and @tailgatetingz. Many of them offer campus pick-ups, so you can direct message the account to purchase an item then meet up on campus to receive it! 1870mag.COM • AUGUST 201 9 • 1870 MAGAZiNE




t’s not a regular back-to-school list, it’s a cool back-to-school list. The basics, the essentials, the things you can’t go to school without… and by school, I mean Block. If you plan on going to the football games and tailgating, you’ll need the right spiritwear. Of course scarlet & gray are key, but your Block ‘fit is more than just colors. Take this little quiz to determine your Block style and find out what items you’ll need before heading to campus for the ‘19-20 school year!



A. B. C. D.

A. B. C. D.

On foot Bike Scooter Skateboard

W H I C H LO C AT I O N D O YO U T H I N K M A K E S O H I O S TAT E O N E O F A K I N D? A . The Shoe B . The RPAC C . The Oval D. Mirror Lake W H E R E A R E YO U M O S T L I K E LY TO M E E T U P W I T H F R I E N D S ? A. B. C. D.

A library Your dorm The Union Off-Campus


OSU Flag Pics of Friends Fairy Lights Bean Bag Chair

T H E S N E A K E R B R A N D YO U L IT E R A L LY C A N N OT L I V E W I T H O U T I S . . . A. B. C. D.


Nike Converse Adidas Vans

1870 MAGAZiNE • AUGUST 2019 • 1870mag.COM

The Games Picking a Major New Friends The Parties

W H AT WO U L D YO U C H A N G E O S U ’ S U N O F F I C I A L F I G H T S O N G TO? A. B. C. D.

“Hang on Sloopy” is a classic! I sing “Sweet Caroline” on the daily If they don’t play “Mr. Brightside” then I’m leaving The Latest Banger (“Mo Bamba” on standby)

W H E N D O YO U CO M E A L I V E ? A. B. C. D.

Early Morning Noon, please! My day starts after 8pm Up. All. Night.

W H AT ’ S YO U R G O -TO M E A L W H E N YO U ’ R E O N A B U D G E T ? A. B. C. D.

Ramen, daily $5 will get me 5 McChickens Bibibop today, Chipotle tomorrow I’ll try my best not to burn some popcorn


Signed jersey Block O hoodie Vintage OSU tee-turned-crop-top Brutus socks



- MOSTLY B’S- MOSTLY A’S “THERE FOR THE TEAM” Going to OSU is part of your destiny and you really just want to support your team. A jersey is basically all you need, but look into some new shoes like the OSU-themed Nike sneakers at the campus Barnes & Noble. Then you’ll be ready to cross off “Attend a game as an official Ohio State student” from your lifelong Buckeye Bucket List.

- MOSTLY C’S “FOOTBALL IS FASHION” Who said it can’t be? A regular jersey is the last thing on your mind, first is accessories. A phone wallet and fresh Adidas sneakers are your daily essentials. Since you’re one to amp up the glam factor whenever possible, add some scarlet and gray skirts and bodysuits to your shopping list.

“LIFE OF THE WATCH PARTY” You love sports but you’re most concerned about being with friends and having a more laid-back experience. Comfort is key for you, so a nice t-shirt and jeans will do the trick. When watching the game in a place with the a/c cranked up, a trendy Ohio State sweatshirt shows the perfect amount of school spirit. Shirts with some gothic Old English font have remained popular since Kanye West released his “The Life of Pablo” merch.

- MOSTLY D’S “PARTY PLAYER” The ultimate Buckeye Bro. You’ll lead the student section chants and look cool while doing it. Reach for more unique Buckeye gear like bandanas, bucket hats, and Hawaiian shirts. Don’t forget sunglasses!

1870mag.COM • AUGUST 201 9 • 1870 MAGAZiNE




he moment spring semester ends at Ohio State, a mass exodus ensues. Thousands of people are seemingly poofed away in an instant, but alas, Bar Stars has worked fervently all summer to prove that the party never dies. Every week the fine folk operating the well-oiled machine that is 1870 Magazine set sail and ship out to brave the crowds at a different campus area grogshop to shine a light where it probably shouldn’t be shined. Bar Stars is about capturing the energy of an electric night with pictures of students and local drunks in their natural habitat at a favorite bar. Even with a large chunk of campus gone for the summer, we’ve had more than our fair share of wild nights out documenting the atmosphere of places like Three’s Above High, Ethyl & Tank, Ugly Tuna Saloona, and more. With school nearly back in session, you might be thinking it’s time to buckle down and hit the books, but rest assured the bar scene will be bustling with new life, and we’ll be there to see it all. If you hop around and get your face out there enough, you may just run into us at Out R Inn, Standard Hall, Ugly Tuna, Village Idiot, or damn near any campus bar, and your beautiful face might make it on our website at the start of the week. Take a look back at some of our favorite summer Bar Stars moments and start planning to make new ones all year long.


1870 MAGAZiNE • AUGUST 2019 • 1870mag.COM

1870mag.COM • AUGUST 201 9 • 1870 MAGAZiNE



ith age comes many things: wisdom, the right to drink alcohol, and the everpresent urge to shout, “THAT’S NOT HOW THINGS WERE IN MY DAY.” After spending this issue with arms open wide, ready to introduce freshmen to the next four-ish years of their lives, we at 1870 need to take a moment to vent. I mean really vent about some of the things that have changed at Ohio State in just four short years. You deserve to know the history of our school, or at least the more recent things, that are leaving upperclassmen bitter and fearful for what the new generation will get out of their college experience. Some things, we have to admit, have changed for the better. I’ve gone through three different laptops in my college experience and had fullblown panic attacks after the demise of every one of them. That isn’t something you’ll have to worry about with the university’s new deal with Apple to ensure that every student gets an iPad, keeping them at pace with the modern world and evening out the playing field for students from different socioeconomic backgrounds. But modernizing campus comes at a cost that some of us culture-craving upperclassmen know all too well. I hope you’ve got a thick napkin on your lap, because we’re about to spill all the tea.

1870mag.COM • AUGUST 201 9 • 1870 MAGAZiNE





1870 MAGAZiNE • AUGUST 2017 2019 • 1870mag.COM


If you don’t know that Mirror Lake has gone through some major renovations then you MUST be a freshman. The lake has a dark history with the once-fun-turned-dangerous Mirror Lake Jump which kickstarted the renovations. The new and improved lake no longer allows for the annual pre-TTUN game tradition to happen since they drain the lake every winter. The iconic campus staple has expanded to be larger and has much more greenery around it. Now, the lake can be one of the most picturesque date spots on campus and TBH there aren’t many. It’s definitely prettier than it used to be, so we aren’t mad about this renovation.

AFTER 1870mag.COM • AUGUST 201 9 • 1870 MAGAZiNE



Dear O hio Sta te, A new expens Target was e a month of the icon n idea I th ic ought c o Too’s? u ld ha don’t t I hink so ve been nic No way. Lux could get m founta e, but ury ap . A nd y head do in can a d compar n’t even ge id Chumley’s rtments pric around, but An Open Letter to t e to t e Making he tas me started have to die d at $1,000 at the t e of f campus the Ohio State Bar Liquid D on the fall or it to hap per mor e pen of b o pe on e autifu Luckily, Stealers a Frida T he O, beca ? I l should t h us e no y e n ’t mea af tern ow T he up n our o on . dated ners of the BY M E E R A M AT H U R favorit the ow version former e spot s have navigat ners of T he of Too’s can bars have to disa t O Pat ed sou b a e k e f n o ppear. u io & P t r ecupe ub hav nd on Norw car e of pr es rating hbound to their n ich and erving e open from t studen th ed T he ew t h H r eopen s about wh eir r elocation location o O on L igh as T hr ee eir legacy. n er e th ings. a s 's now, n 9 q e t u , h a ite an ey we r e hea well, as th nd High. T he d Chumley’s e ded an But it d the ir social med business es a has shouldn re ia studen ’t hav ts floc pr es ence a e to b le k T his is ed to e this rted m their way. black o y plea to th u alr eady t at to ho e university p a ro u s u c k nd High to stop fo s m if you’r rcing t e lookin ajor d**k, Str eet he across a from t g for space nd alcohol is or even wo bars we kn rs have h t o h ad one e Union; sta o build mor e many studen e, clos e. Goin w, love, and rt the t g a too m s p ’ to a o r n tment r e. (No any ha s, Bullw ly escape. A n college I can z o f y f e n n d in ights t s only h her e m e to this lo kles is litera good Lord, o with. Becaus pe that th v lly ys elf.) ely da e e f or a nce clu right new s the next t major r enov b , I jus tatue a im a prot t or som e I hear tions to cam est. that o e dum p u s li f e ar e b shit n like th e of my Fr over A nd I id a t s , w I e ’m gra ay favorit and done ar o n R-Inn e bbing p Wil , estab osters s is closing lished liam Oxley T and st in 1969 hompso arting , you Sincer e better n, Ohio Stat ly, e , Drunk be r ea & A ngr dy for if you ever y co f ist a f ight. me af ter O ut-


1870 MAGAZiNE • AUGUST 2019 • 1870mag.COM

1870mag.COM • AUGUST 201 9 • 1870 MAGAZiNE


The Journey to Ditching College Debt BY MADI TAS K


s a first generation student, college represented two things to me: an opportunity to grow, and a burden to avoid. The rising costs of the student debt crisis continues to scare new generations of college-graduates and incoming freshman every year, but Ohio State isn’t sitting idle to this problem. Sure, they’re a large four-year research institution so they’re a part of the problem. But over the years they’ve also made it clear they’re looking to be a part of the solution.

The Pell Grant For students who come from low-income families in the state of Ohio, one of the biggest breaths of relief they’ll get this year is the first time they see “Pell Grant” applied to their tuition statement. The Pell Grant is a federally funded grant distributed to students from low-income families who keep up satisfactory grades throughout the year. This fund levels the playing field for students who simply don’t have the financial opportunity other students do to consider college after high school, and the difference between having the fund and not having it is–simply put–a future. The Pell Grant, however, does not cover all tuition costs, only a fraction of them. The burden of high college costs still loomed over the heads of students like me until September 2017, when Ohio State came out with a big announcement and victory for higher education accessibility. Whatever tuition costs are left after the Pell Grant is applied, the university will now cover for all students who qualify for it. The only costs students have to bear are for housing, food, and textbooks. Go Bucks!


1870 MAGAZiNE • AUGUST 2019 • 1870mag.COM

Two-Year Live-On Requirement However, in 2016 the university introduced its first year mandating that sophomores live on campus. All of the residence halls on campus are around $1,000 a month in living costs, and that doesn’t include the dining plan or any student activity fees. Some off-campus rentals can be as low as $300 for students, but mandating that students stay on campus their second year runs them dry of even more funds and requires them to take out more loans just to satisfy the requirement. You can see how a mandate like this feels like a step back for accessibility. At the same time, Ohio State’s goal seemed to be well-intentioned. With the introduction of the two-year live-on requirement came STEP, the second-year transformational experience program, where students can apply for up to $2,000 for anything relating to academic or professional development. Students in the past have used the funds for study abroad trips, rent to cover out-of-state internships, even crosscountry roadtrips to work on their photography skills. While living on campus was supposed to improve student retention by keeping students involved with student organizations or late-night workshops with professors, it did bring a huge financial burden with it. STEP soothed the burn by moving those would-be saved funds back into the personal development machine for students.

iPads, iPads, iPads Freshmen in the 2018 class were the first ones to receive an iPad at orientation along with their upperclassmen best friend in a darling red polo. While free iPads with Adobe apps and snap-on keyboards made

every upperclassmen bitter for not getting one, the truth is this is probably Ohio State’s biggest move for accessibility. Laptops are the unspoken-mandatory college checklist item, and if you don’t want it to break down in two years, the costs are looking between $400 to $1,300 to purchase one. Students who rely on campus’ one 24-hour library (SEL) for a computer are screwed during high-traffic times of year like finals and midterms. With an iPad in their bag from day one, incoming freshmen are as prepared as they can be to compete with their classmates, even if they don’t come from a competitive background. This also allows all students the chance to be familiar with Apple products and design-related programs before they graduate, two huge resume boosters for anyone in our generation applying for large companies that require familiarity with this technology. At the end of the day, Ohio State is one of a long list of institutions ruining the financial futures of its alumni, but it’s also the line-leader for universities looking to change that harsh truth little-by-little to the belief that education should be accessible for anyone. • 1870mag.COM • AUGUST 201 9 • 1870 MAGAZiNE


From the Underground: Kickflips and Useful Tips from OSU Skate Club

Those skaters by Orton Hall that left for a year while the Oval was under construction are part of a club...and they’re BACK, BABY! BY N AT H A N O D D I | P H OTO S BY G R A N T J O N E S 1870 MAGAZiNE • AUGUST 2017 • 1870mag.COM


f you were near Orton Hall this summer, it’s likely you saw a dozen or so rascals decked out in Vans or Chucks, jeans, and a thick layer of sweat flipping and ollying on and off the pavement, curbs, and bench (which they totally didn’t break, btw). These skateboarders comprise some of OSU’s Skate Club and they were kind enough to sit down with me in between all the scrapes and falls to give 2019’s freshmen some crucial info about OSU, Columbus, and the sk8ing life.

One elephant you may have noticed is that OSU’s campus is massive, a totally different beast than your high school’s quad. Luckily, students have numerous ways to traverse campus and its surrounding areas. You can walk, of course, but you can also bike, skate, scooter, drive if you’re not a freshman (sorry freshmen), or, since you’re a student, you can also travel for free on buses using the university’s CABS transit service. Jason Black, a co-founder of the Skate Club in 2014, had nothing but praise for Columbus and the university’s traveling accommodations. “I feel like they cater towards alternate methods of transportation,” he said. “They repaved Summit and made a whole bike lane, High Street has a bike lane, Arcadia just got redone and has two bike lanes on the sides. Stuff like that is really convenient ‘cause skaters or longboarders are allowed to use those too.” Agreeing with Black, Owen Kohler, a recent graduate and long-time club member, mentioned how using the bike lanes cuts down on commute time v. walking. “It usually takes me a nice 15 minutes to walk to class. [Skateboarding] shortens it down to a five-to-seven minute commute.” He added, “Especially if you live east of campus, you just go downhill the whole way. You barely even have to push if you live on Summit.” You’ll soon experience–if you haven’t already–some places are persona non grata when it comes to non-walkers. Kohler described the pitiful state of older roads on and near campus. He mentioned ones on South Campus in general and North Campus up to Oakland and towards Neil. They have tons of potholes, rocks, and loose pebbles that can cause serious injury for the unattentive rider. So be careful. Regarding prohibited areas, Black said people often ride through the Oval, which isn’t allowed, but there isn’t much enforcement to deter them. Otherwise, areas which people use to travel are fair game. Great, you know where to go and not go, and you’ve decided walking’s for suckers, but what about how you should go about going? Skate Club’s got you covered. “Learn the topography,” Kohler stressed. “Hills are your friends… sometimes.” He stressed you have to obey the rules of the road just like drivers, and he recounted a recent incident where a professional skateboarder died trying to bomb down a hill as a cautionary tale. Black added, “[Have] respect for people walking and cars. Maybe you’re gonna skate some of the way to class, then walk ‘cause

there’s a ton of people going their own way.” Lance Porter, a “disciple” of Black’s, contributed a few key tips that’ll save your skin: “Hand signals are good. [And] if you’re coming up on someone, yell.” Also: “Be careful with dogs.” Everyone in the club agreed that was gospel. Many of you may be interested in skating or already skate, and if you fall into either category, the club has a number of faux pas to avoid, lest you reveal you are indeed a freshman or novice skater, neither of which you want to be known as. Kohler suggested you work on your form (something the club can help you with): body language on the board, how you push, balance, and maneuver around obstacles. Black said it’s important to have realistic expectations about improving on the skateboard. With the involvement fair, the club will sign up between 150 and 200 people per year, and a lot of them assume skateboarding is very user-friendly and they’ll learn tricks in no time. They have to explain it will take months and months of dedication to conquer even beginner tricks. Most sign-ups don’t show up to the meetings, unsurprisingly. Porter added you shouldn’t try to impress the fairer sex with tricks; not only is it obnoxious and gives skaters a bad name, but it could be dangerous, too, if you screw up and the board hits someone. Additionally, the club couldn’t emphasize enough to not skate in the rain. It ruins the bearings, the board, and all the street gunk conglomerates under the board. Concerning streets v. sidewalks, what’s the rule of thumb for riders? The group consensus was to stay on the street for the most part, unless the sidewalks are wide or empty enough to comfortably ride without getting in anyone’s way. And when in the street, make sure to go in the direction of traffic when riding, be vigilant of other vehicles, and try your best to make yourself known: movement is a good way to get someone’s attention; wearing bright clothing; using hand signals to indicate which way you’re headed; etc. In their closing remarks, the club wanted to relay their support for joining student organizations at OSU. During Welcome Week, you’ll discover there are over 1,300 registered student organizations on campus, and each one offers the opportunity for you to meet new people and have fun in between the mountains of homework and freshman15-liable eating binges. Porter summed it up best: “Even if you’re slightly interested, go and take that risk, ‘cause you never know.” •

Skate Club’s Quick(ish) Answers to Quick Questions THOUGHTS ON ELECTRIC SCOOTERS? Pros and cons. When traveling a long distance to a skate spot, scooters are super handy to get you there so you’re not tired before the skate sesh. They’re convenient, cheap, and widely available. But some people are really irresponsible on scooters. They ride them while drunk, weave in and out of traffic dangerously, and ride them on sidewalks when they’re meant for the road. BOOSTED BOARDS? Two thumbs down. They go so fast they’re more dangerous to the rider than a regular skateboard, they take the act of skateboarding away from the rider, and it’s scary to consider what would happen if a rider drops the remote while riding, leaving him entirely vulnerable to gravity, inertia, and the pavement. WHAT CAN THE UNIVERSITY DO TO BETTER ACCOMMODATE THE SKATE CLUB? Give the club a designated space on campus where we can have a box, a rail, maybe a quarter pipe. And also get the security officers in the mentality that we’re everybody’s friend, we’re catering to everybody, and we’re not getting in anybody’s way. WHY JOIN THE SKATE CLUB? It’s a place to come and learn without getting discriminated against or laughed at when you fall. It’s a community. You develop bonds with other members, and you even form lifelong friendships.

TODAY’S LEADERS, YESTERDAY’S LEGENDS A look at the days of new and old for Buckeye football BY TJ N EER


ootball Saturdays, much like Drake’s third studio album, will never be the same. When I arrived on campus in Autumn 2014, I knew that Ohio State was good at football, and that much hasn’t changed, but everything surrounding Ohio State’s success on the field — from the people holding the program together to the traditions before each game — has changed drastically. True OSU Big Ten veterans will remember when the conference broke into the Leaders and Legends divisions, but it never really stuck, so now we have the Big Ten East and the Big Ten West. However, while those division names didn’t stick, there’s a good chance you’ll see some of these ~leaders and legends~ around the football program for a long time.

The Leaders

You’re living under a rock if you haven’t heard about Urban Meyer’s exit from Ohio State football. Actually, it might be more than living under a rock. You’re buried deep underground, moving around among dinosaur remnants and the ghost of Woody Hayes. Urban Meyer is now an assistant athletic director (and restaurateur!), and Ryan Day is our metaphorical Superman. I’d like to be the first one on this hype train, so repeat after me: RYAN DAY IS BETTER THAN URBAN MEYER! Look at the NUMBERS! Ohio State has one coach in its history with an undefeated record, and it’s Ryan Day. Sure, Urban Meyer started his Ohio State tenure with a 12-0 season and then rattled off 12 more wins before being handed his first loss in the 2013 Big Ten Championship game, but Ryan Day is UNDEFEATED and I don’t see that changing anytime soon. Another change I’m excited to see this year? Justin Fields. Since Tate Martell’s commitment in 2016, I was counting down the days to see a true dual-threat quarterback retake the helm of Ohio State football and guide the team to glory like the greats. There’s just something more fun about watching a quarterback who can run and throw. But it’s 2019. Tate Martell is in Miami (and not looking too impressive, tbh) and Justin Fields has made the move from Athens, Georgia to Columbus.

The Legends

The Mirror Lake Jump is no more. When I was about 12, I tried convincing my mom to let me go to campus and do the Mirror Lake Jump before the Ohio State-Michigan game. Luckily, she said no, because I can’t even get into a cold swimming pool in the summer. I would have died in a freezing cold lake at the end of November. However, the fact that I was 12 YEARS OLD and already wanted to do the jump speaks to how iconic the tradition is. Of course, there will always be some people who do the Jump, but the increased fencing and police presence around the Lake on the eve of The Game will certainly deter them. I’m all for finding a new tradition, but in the name of safety, I think this is a change in the right direction. If we’re talking about legends, there are few that stand higher on the totem pole of college life than partying and tailgating. Pregaming at Block before Ohio State takes the field is a rite of passage at Ohio State, but now, with the increasing number of suspended fraternities at Ohio State, Block is looking like it could be going the way of Blockbuster. (Remember that old DVD rental store?) This change will ring throughout Ohio State football history as one of the darkest times in Saturday pregaming… Or maybe we’ll all just forget about it because buying a bunch of Naturdays and drinking them at home can be just as much fun as playing beer pong with KYLE and CHAD before heading to The Shoe.•


1870 MAGAZiNE • AUGUST 2019 • 1870mag.COM

Now You Know, from Block O Griffin Spielman, President of Block O Best football moment since you came to Ohio State? My favorite football moment had to be the blackout and comeback win against Penn State in 2017! Prediction for this year’s season record? Call me optimistic but I can totally see us going undefeated and winning a National Championship. This would be the perfect year to win so I can see one before I graduate. What’s one tradition you’ll miss after leaving Ohio State? A tradition I will definitely miss after graduating is singing Carmen in Block O South surrounded by all of my best friends!

Nicole Zaayer, Vice President of Block O Best football moment since you came to Ohio State? 2018 OSU vs PSU game in Crappy Valley where we once again won by one point was the best. Mostly because we got to bleed scarlet on their white out! Prediction for this year’s season record? Ryan Day just absolutely kills it and we get a natty this year. (Let’s end senior year on a high note!) What’s one tradition you hope to see this year? One tradition that I look forward to more than most is Stadium Ohio and I hope that we can do it in the Big House again this year when we play TTUN! That would be a perfect way to end my time as a student!








1870 MAGAZiNE • AUGUST 2019 • 1870mag.COM

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