417 Magazine | May 2022 | Best Burgers

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It’s strawberrypicking season!

Dig into our newest Thai food hub


417mag.com Volume 25 Issue 5

[ EDITORIAL ] KATIE POLLOCK ESTES Editorial Director editor@417mag.com JAMIE THOMAS Digital Editor jthomas@417mag.com COLIN SHEA DENNISTON Engagement & Style Editor colin@417mag.com JO JOLLIFF Assistant Editor jo@417mag.com LUCIE AMBERG Biz 417 Editor lucie@417mag.com EDITORIAL INTERN Zachary Raines SARAH PATTON Art Director sarah@417mag.com BRANDON ALMS Senior Photographer & Designer brandon@417mag.com LEAH STIEFERMANN Photographer lstiefermann@417mag.com GRACE CHIPLEY Editorial Designer grace@417mag.com ART & STYLE INTERNS Rin Colwell, Chloe Wright CONTRIBUTORS BG Studios Photography + Film, Jorge Cespedes, Laken Copeland, Erin A. Cramer, Elise Abigail Photo, Jessica Kolde, Ryan Kowalski, Hannah Pappas, Alexandra Start, @wearedanandsam, Sarah Williams

[ AUDIENCE DEVELOPMENT ] MADDIE BANE Marketing Coordinator maddie@417mag.com JENNIFER MASSEY-BROWN Event Manager jmasseybrown@417mag.com HANNAH BROWN Brand Designer hbrown@417mag.com AUDIENCE DEVELOPMENT INTERNS Cela Cashel, Ali Runge 6


[ BUSINESS ] LOGAN AGUIRRE Publisher logan@417mag.com MEGAN JOHNSON Vice President of Operations and Custom Publications mjohnson@417mag.com


AMMIE SCOTT Vice President of Strategy and Senior Account Executive ascott@417mag.com LANDRA BUNGE Finance Director accounting@417mag.com MICHELLE MARTENS Finance Assistant mmartens@417mag.com BERNADETTE PRY Administrative Assistant bernadette@417mag.com JAMI WIGHTMAN Senior Account Executive jami@417mag.com JANELLE HAIK Account Executive janelle@417mag.com ELISABETH ANDERSON Account Services Director elisabeth@417mag.com KATHY GRIEVE Account Coordinator kathy@417mag.com NICKI HODGES Account Coordinator nicki@417mag.com KATIE BATLINER Advertising Designer kbatliner@417mag.com MOLLY DAVIS Advertising Designer molly@417mag.com

[ FOUNDERS ] GARY WHITAKER Founder gary@417mag.com

THE BEND ON PROMENADE A premier community, coming soon to northwest Arkansas. Proud to create luxury living in one of the most vibrant, fast-growing areas in the country.

JOAN WHITAKER Founder joan@417mag.com

417 Magazine | 417mag.com S. Eastgate A e., Springfield, MO ax -


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MAY 2022




on the cover

The Brewhouse Burger from Springfield Brewing Company features two smash patties, bacon, fried onions and 417 Lager beer cheese on a pretzel bun.

Behold this beautiful burger! Getting the perfect shot was a feat for our art department. Read Art Director Sarah Patton’s tricks of the trade on p. 23.



SUBSCRIBE NOW Your favorite time of the year is here. The annual Top Doctors issue hits newsstands in July, chock-full of the best surgeons and physicians for your care. See who tops the list before anyone else by subscribing now. To get it delivered to your mailbox, head online to 417mag.com/subscribe.



Photo by Brandon Alms, Cover photo by Brandon Alms

This feature is not one you’ll want to look at on an empty stomach. Get ready for the best burgers in 417-land, dripping with cheese, stacked with toppings and cooked to perfection. WRITTEN BY KATIE POLLOCK ESTES

MAY 2022




Get outside to soak up some sun rays and see local artists’ work shine.


Take a trip to ead Mine in Tunas where you will find all sorts o hidden gems in this Old-Order Mennonite community.


Disco er bright bold beachwear or your next holiday in the sun. These oy ul patterns and silky textures will have you reaching for your passport.


augh along with columnist Sarah illiams while she recounts tales o her past ups and downs o parenting.






ind -land U-pick strawberry arms to stock up on this ruby-red sweet treat while it’s in season.


Get your an ready to hit the road with these -land custom con ersion companies or your next trip.


Disco er Missouri’s little Grand Canyon at Grand Gul State Park, eaturing a beauti ul - oot natural bridge.



earn about a -land couple’s goal to trans orm a school building into an art studio space.


ill your calendar or the month o May with li e music, comedians, local theater and more.



Take a trip to D’ ine Delicatessen and ine or this beauti ul Spanish gra ing board ull o uni ue meats and cheeses.


Disco er the smoky earthiness o the El Dorado rom Tabak Co. Cigar.

77 SOMETHING TO TACO ‘BOUT Try the Globetrotter Pork Belly Tacos rom Team Taco and six more good things rom these local restaurants.

SUBSCRIPTIO RATES issues, . isit mag.com subscribe. Allow weeks or processing orders, payment and changes o address. SI G E ISSUE, E SSTA D . back issues, plus shipping and handling, i a ailable. o back issue orders or subscriptions outside the United States. ADDRESS CHA GES Include both new address and mailing label with old address. Maga ine ISS is published monthly by hitaker Publishing, C, S. Eastgate A e., Springfield, MO . hitaker Publishing, C. All rights reser ed. Reproduction or use in any manner, in whole or in part, without written permission o the publisher is strictly prohibited. Periodical postage paid in Springfield, Missouri and additional mailing o ces. POSTMASTER Send address changes to Maga ine, S. Eastgate A e., Springfield, MO . The maga ine accepts no responsibility or unsolicited manuscripts, artwork or cartoons. The olume and Issue numbers appear on the ront co er o the maga ine. Printed in the United States o America.




Get ready to drool o er these delicious dishes rom Thailand Station.

Photos by Brandon Alms, courtesy Shutterstock, Schofield







Best Self Best Self 2022 is your guide for an all around better you. We’ve compiled the top professionals for health and beauty in 417land—they’re all right here.


Shop Local

Get your hands on these home and gift items from local shops.

COMING SOON Branson Guide and Aging Well

June 2022 For information on advertising, call Logan Aguirre at 417-883-7417





ince we are just getting to know each other here (my dad Gary Whitaker handed me the reins of this publisher note in January), I thought May would be a good time to introduce you to my family. May is a bittersweet month for this mama but more on that in a bit. First, meet my husband of 17 years, Dave. We met on a blind date in St. Louis while he was working on top-secret engineering stuff at Boeing. My friends started referring to him as Dave the Engineer, then quickly shortened his nickname to DTE, and it stuck. DTE has never met a stranger, can figure anything out (hence, the engineer part), brings the fun and is the smartest person I know. Our oldest daughter Lucy is 13, and she loves to dance. We spend a fair amount of time shuttling her from Springfield Ballet to Springfield Little Theatre and back home. I asked our son Cruz to describe her and he says she is kind, caring and respectful. Our son Cruz is 10, and his favorite sport is fishing. If you ask him about his peaks and pits each day he is famous for saying “oh, it was an all-day peak.” Lucy describes Cruz as adventurous, intelligent and kind.



Not pictured here in this photo is our second child, Stella Elizabeth. This May marks 11 years since her passing. She was a micro-preemie and lived her 7-month-long life within the walls of a NICU, both here at CoxHealth and finally at Cardinal Glennon in St. Louis. I describe Stella as strong, fighter, angel. Every few years, Stella’s anniversary and Mother’s Day collide. Some years I cry on Mother’s Day, other years I don’t. Grief is fickle like that. Not a day goes by that I don’t think of Stella and smile, or see her in my kids, or see a butterfly go by and know that she’s right here with us. So although Stella isn’t pictured here, she is certainly represented in the four of us. Whether this is your first Mother’s Day as a mom, without a mom or without a child in your arms, look around—and hopefully, even with tears in your eyes, you can trust they are still with you. Happy Mother’s Day.

Logan Aguirre Publisher | logan@417mag.com

Photo by BG Studios Photography + Film



actual patient






would not like this thing. But while it isn’t a burger I’d make again, I did enjoy it, and I’m glad I tried it. People have strong opinions about their burgers. Is it grilled or fried on a griddle? Is it classic or wild? Is it sloppy or tame? Is it topped with veggies or just pure indulgence? I bet you have a preference for each of those. Do me a favor when you read our Best Burgers feature (p. 56), and set those preferences down. We found so many crazy burgers at local restaurants, where chefs and customers alike take their burger fandom very seriously. I’m a grilled burger with no cheese and lots of veggies kind of gal, but I’ll take a Full Ride slathered in soft, sharp cheddar cheese from J.O. B. Public House any day—because burger menus are no place to stick to boring old habits.

Katie Pollock Estes Editorial Director | editor@417mag.com

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Props to our photographers Brandon Alms and eah Stie ermann, because I am obsessed with the photos in the “Best Burgers” eature. This picture o lots o Springfield Brew Co. Brewhouse Burgers in yummy rows is one o my a orites. Brandon shot this one, and it’s so good

Photo by Brandon Alms

ave you ever heard of the guberburger? Despite its wildly unappetizing name and honestly pretty atrocious-sounding ingredient list (more on that in a sec), the guberburger is somehow very, very delicious. It’s a testament to the no-holds-barred nature of burger creation—and its surprisingly tasty results. I am not familiar with the whole backstory of the guberburger, but here’s what I do know: It was invented in the mid-20th century at a Sedalia, Missouri, drive-in restaurant called The Wheel Inn (which is now closed). To make it, the diner’s juicy burger patties were topped with the expected (lettuce, mayonnaise and tomato) and the unexpected (a fat schmear of peanut butter). Ew, right? But no, no this is not ew. This is weirdly yum. The peanut butter gets a little melty on the warm burger creating this salty-sweet situation that tastes all wrong at first bite and then so right for every bite thereafter. I got to try a guberburger when I was in college, working as editor of the Mizzou journalism school’s Vox Magazine where someone was working on a story about it. My friend, who was the art director, and I decided to make some of the burgers for our fellow magazine staffers who, like us, were skeptical. Learning about and making an unfamiliar food was fun, but until my first bite (well... probably more like my second or third) I was 100% sure I




To send us eedback or story ideas, email editor@417mag.com

Andrew, Adrianna, and A a Martens isit ugiti e Beach, one of our Best Swimming Holes recommendations.

OZARKS EXPLORERS hen we were told that we would be relocating to Springfield a ew years back, we had no idea what to expect. I immediately subscribed to Maga ine and started sa ing all o the things. e particularly en oy the articles on outdoor acti ities. One o our a orite suggestions was ugiti e Beach eatured in the article Best Swimming Holes in the O arks. It was unlike anything we had e er seen be ore. My kids lo ed the slides and cli umps and we all en oyed the natural landscape. You can find us crossing o more things on our summer bucket list, such as exploring new trails and water alls and taking oat trip all ideas taken directly rom the maga ine Thank you, Maga ine, or continuously pro iding our amily with un and resh recommendations and ideas. Michelle Martens

Photo courtesy o Michelle Martens

We love to hear about Ozarks newbies who used the magazine to get to know the region. It’s our favorite! And bonus for us, Michelle works at 417 Magazine now as our finance assistant Welcome to 417-land, Michelle, and welcome to Team 417 too.—Editor

PATIO PEOPLE e are so excited to be on the co er o 417 Magazine’s Best Patios issue Thank you 417 Magazine for the gorgeous picture of our beer garden and or eaturing Tie Timber Beer Co. as one o the best patios in Springfield. I you are a patio seeker, be sure to check out this issue or many more great patios to en oy. Cheers, riend Tie Timber Beer Co., ia Instagram


Have you read our Best Patios cover story yet? It was in the April 2022 issue of 417, and you can read about Tie & Timber and several other great places to dine and drink outside by searching “patios” at 417mag.com.—Editor

What’s better than a beer garden and a setting sun? This is the outdoor space at Tie Timber Beer Co.

WE’RE HAPPY TO HELP ust a uick note to remind you how much we appreciate your generous in-kind contribution. Your support helps keep the music ali e. Thank you, Tery O’Shell Springfield Symphony Orchestra

WE LOVE 417-LAND 417 Magazine is a proud member of the Springfield Area Chamber of Commerce, the Ozark Chamber of Commerce, the Branson Chamber and Convention & Visitors Bureau, the City and Regional Magazine Association and the Nixa Area Chamber of Commerce.

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Bring 417 Magazine along for the ride on your next adventure— whether you’re traveling or exploring close to home. Take a snapshot with the magazine, and send us a high-resolution copy with caption information about where the photo was taken and who is in the photo to art@417mag.com. Don’t forget to share your travels on social media with #wheres417.

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Mindy Schroeder and Susan Jerram brought their issue of Luxe Escapes with them on the Road to Hana.

Erik, Amber, Viktor, Alexander, Judah, Elise Hansen and Rosalind Christensen in Costa Rica with Weekend Getaways.

Mark and Lynn Sims with the Best of 417 issue at the top of Haleakala, Maui’s highest point.

Amanda Smith with her edition of Best of 417 at Universal Studios in Orlando, Florida.

Brooklyn, Cheyenne and Blake Keaster in Cancun with their issue of Weekend Getaways.



Your Vacation needs more fun.

"I don’t don’t want want any any down down "I time unless unless you you mean mean the the time bottom of of a a coaster." coaster." bottom - Vacation Vacation Your Vacation is asking for thrills, and we’re answering the call. Branson is jamYour Vacation is asking for thrills, and we’re answering the call. Branson is jampacked with coasters, water rides, ziplines, ice cream, and everything else that packed with coasters, water rides, ziplines, ice cream, and everything else that makes your Vacation scream for joy. Find out more at ExploreBranson.com. makes your Vacation scream for joy. Find out more at ExploreBranson.com.











Kerry and Cindy Schneider in Maui at the Black Sand Beach with their issue of Best of 417.

Rebecca Miller and Michelle Kerr at the Casa Marina Waldorf Astoria Resort with the Weekend Getaways issue.

Stephen and Allie Dyle at Whitaker Point/Hawksbill Crag with their Guide to Waterfalls issue.

Taylor Steeby, Lindsey, Janelle, Michael and Chloe O’Neill with Best of 417 at the Grand Canyon.

Evan and Nisha Jewsbury with their issue of Weekend Getaways at Stonewind Retreat in Chester, Arkansas.









better than just a reminder, we’ve got a page on our website with a few suggestion for things to do and locally-made gifts that are sure to impress. Head to 417mag.com/mothers-day for everything you need to spoil your mom.



On the Blog Find these stories and get the scoop on what’s happening in 417-land at 417mag.com/blog.

SUMMER KICK OFF Memorial Day is approaching, and we have a roundup of things to do across 417-land with everything from swimming holes to dog-friendly trails. Head to 417mag.com/memorial-day.



LADIES WHO LAUNCH Don’t forget that Biz 417’s Ladies Who Launch, presented by Volt Credit Union, is on July 14 at the Oasis Hotel & Convention Center. Grab your tickets at ladieswholaunch.biz417.com.

Photos by Alexandra Start, Erin A. Cramer, Jessica Kolde

Family is a big part of how we do things at 417 Magazine. That’s why we’re here to remind you that Mother’s Day is just around the corner, so you can avoid that special brand of “oh no, I forgot again!” at your next family get-together. Even








Photos by Alexandra Start, Erin A. Cramer, Jessica Kolde





Show us how you’re living your best life in 417-land! Tag @417mag to be featured. 1. Alexandra Stark (@starktherapeutic) and her family enjoy a meal with a view at The Ozark Mill Restaurant. 2. Erin A. Cramer (@lovecreaterepeat) and Helen Williams celebrate with Annie Crumbaugh after a performance at Landers Theatre. 3. Jessica Kolde (@la_jefa_jk) snapped a pic of these cute kiddos getting their hands dirty at Millsap Farms.

piercevision.com | 417.887.7151 3626 South Ave. 417MAG.COM • 417 MAGAZINE





Photos by Brandon Alms, Elise Abigail Photo

The arrival of May means the return of the Ozark Farmers Market. Read about more things happening this May on p. 26.






It was all hands on deck for the art team while setting up the burger cover shoot.



ELISABETH AN ERSON Account Services Director

COLIN SHEA DENNISTON Engagement & Style Editor


“It’s so hard to choose! Black Sheep and Lindberg’s are probably tied for #1 for me.”

“ rom the ibe to cocktails to sta , I love everything about eating at Progress. And when I can’t decide which new thing to try, the Dinner Burger is always my go-to.”

“I love to enjoy a burger and a cold beer on the patio at Galloway Grill after riding bikes or walking our dog on the trail.”


JANELLE HAIK Account Executive

GRACE CHIPLEY Editorial Designer

“The Codi Brah from J.O.B. Public House is where it’s at for a delicious vegetarian alternative! It’s a house made falafel patty which has my mouth watering just thinking about it. It only helps that their fries are to die for!”

“One of my favorite stories is when my kids were only eating chicken nuggets. One night for dinner, my husband convinced our kids that Jimm’s Steakhouse was known for the world’s best burger. They agreed and since then they have asked for the world’s best burger!”

“I’m a sucker for a Bair’s Burger. In college it was a favorite haunt because of how close it was to campus, but even now I get a hankering for a Cheddar Muncher Burger and can’t resist!”

Photos by Brandon Alms

staff poll


what we

LEARNED “I’ve been writing about food for 417 Magazine for 16 years, yet I’m still always surprised by the creativity on local restaurant menus. Multiply that by 10 when it comes to burgers. So many toppings! I was constantly hungry as I wrote this burger-centric feature.”–Editorial Director Katie Pollock Estes (read “Best Burgers” on p. 56)

Go beyond the basics. Weʼll find the styles to make you feel “bold”!

“Maybe it’s because I’m nearly 6-foot, but the idea of van life has always made me claustrophobic. B t seeing t e c sto con ersion ans ga e e a c ange o eart and made me realize how homey and roomy they can actually be.”–Assistant Editor Jo Jolliff (read “Fueling Your Dreams” on p. 53) “During my interview with local artist Kate Baird and her husband Mike Stevens, I not only learned about t eir e citing ne artists studio in the works, but the impact it can have on s a ing t e c t re o 417 an ”–Engagement & Style Editor Colin Shea Denniston (see “Around 417land” on p. 34)

Photo courtesy @wearedanandsam

I earne a e tric s o t e oo st ing tra e or o r co er i age That burger’s perfectly browned texture was created using a mixture of browning sauce and glue, and all the veggies are perfectly placed and held together with pins. The juicy sheen was created using a mixture of glycerin and water that was spritzed on with a spray bottle, and the ketchup was squirted on with a medical syringe.” –Art Director Sarah Patton (see cover photo)


Editorial Designer Grace Chipley learned how to create custom pet emojis, and ever since our Slack channel has been lighting up with dogs and cats of all shapes and sizes. Sometimes there’s no better way to respond or react to a co-worker’s message than with a cute emoji of your dog’s face. 417MAG.COM • 417 MAGAZINE



WAYS TO ENJOY ART IN THE SUNSHINE Think enjoying art means spending an entire afternoon inside a museum? Well think again! Now is the perfect time of year to get out and about, soak up some sun and let our local art scene shine.

The Cloud House is a beautiful example of functional art.



Photo by Leah Stiefermann




Farmers Park, 2144 E Republic Rd, Springfield; matthewmazzotta.com/cloudhouse Tucked away behind the hustle and bustle of Farmers Park sits The Cloud House. With it’s large oating cloud and rustic wood siding, this two-walled open air structure is the perfect getaway spot for a quick picnic with a pal, a stroll with a pup or moment of zen all by yourself. While per ectly en oyable on a sunny day, we find it extra cozy and relaxing on rainy days. As the rain falls on the tin roof overhead, you’ll be lulled into relaxation and transported far away from the Republic Road construction.



Historic Walnut Street, springfieldarts.org/artsfest ike an uno cial kicko to spring, e ery year hundreds of 417-landers descend on historic Walnut Street for art, food, entertainment and sense o community. Hosted by the Springfield Regional Arts Council, ArtsFest is a great way to gather with friends, take in some local art and rejoice in the fact that you can spend an afternoon outside while your winter coat hangs at home. Hot tip: Landing on Mother’s Day weekend, ArtsFest is the perfect spot to score that last-minute gift.



1111 E Brookside Dr, Springfield; sgfmuseum.org I you’ e dri en past the Springfield Art Museum in the last few months, you’ve surely noticed some extensive renovations. The museum is working on a major glow-up, but that hasn’t kept them from maintaining a solid display of exterior art from Sun Target II (aka the French fries) near National Avenue to our favorite, the Triangulum.




sculpturewalkspringfield.org Think o Sculpture alk Springfield like an outdoor museum, where the sidewalks are your hallways, and you never have to worry about keeping your voice down. The program features works of over 30 artists from 12 US states and one from Canada. A portion of the newly installed sculptures collection honors our local health care community and the high level of care they provide. Enjoy the sculptures and get your daily dose of sun.




Around 417-land Gi e your ollowers a bright and splashy selfie by posing in front of one of 417-land’s many public murals. Share good vibes from The Future Is Bright mural on the Fulbright Spring Greenway Trail; go graphic at the shapes mural across from Obelisk Home; or send a digital postcard from the Greetings rom Springfield mural on the west wall o the Springfield Disco er y Center bonus points if you spot the 417 in it. 417MAG.COM • 417 MAGAZINE



agenda A round-up of the best Mother’s Day gifts, brunch spots and activities. BY THE EDITORS



1550 E. Battlefield Road, Springfield; 417-429-0803; arworkshop.com AR orkshop Springfield o ers DIY-To-Go kits that will not only make for fun memories, but a new item of DIY décor your mom is sure to love, ranging from porch signs to chunky blankets.



1771 E. Atlantic, Springfield; 417-866-6222; scha tzelsflowers.com Shower Mom with the perfect plant to bring new life to her patio for the rest of the summer. Or if your mom doesn’t have much of a green thumb, pick out a bouquet with her favorite colors that will show your love and require no maintenance.



Pamper Mom, and all the other special women in your life, with these heartfelt gifts from local shops.

1604 E. Republic Rd., Springfield; 417-771-5030; architectcoffeeco.com Ever look at your mom and think, “I don’t know how she manages to do it all ” The answer is probably co ee. A gi t card and sweet treat rom Architect Co ee Co. will help keep her running.




2674 S. Glenstone Ave., Springfield; 417-881-1516 Here you’ll find e erything rom tasty treats to customi ed d cor or a ariety o shopping all in one spot. The Market, BonBon’s Candy House and Clothe Boutique are sure to inspire more than one gift for all of the lovely ladies in your life.

514 E. Commercial St., Springfield; 417-862-9900; askinosie.com No gift is sweeter than the gift of chocolate. Askinosie’s handcrafted chocolate bars are sure to bring a smile to Mom’s face, and their specialty gift boxes or a tour of their factory will make for a unique gift unlike anything she’s received before.

love you

A BRUNCH We’ve collected some of the best spots in 417-land to treat your mom to brunch this Mother’s Day. THE ORDER 305 E. Walnut St., Springfield, 417-851-5299 KEETER CENTER 1 Opportunity Ave., Point Lookout, 417-690-2146 OSAGE RESTAURANT Top of the Rock, 150 Top of the Rock Rd., Ridgedale, 800-225-6343 AVIARY BY LAVEN ER ALLS 2144 E. Republic Rd., Springfield, 417-881-9736

OZARK FARMERS MARKET The arrival of May means the return of the Ozark Farmers Market at Finley Farms (844 Finley Farms Lane, Ozark; ozarkfarmersmarket.com). This market features local farmers’ fresh produce, homemade goodies, live music and food trucks. Buy your groceries for the week, a fresh bouquet of flowers and lunch all in one trip.

Sense & Sensibility Springfield Contemporary Theatre’s Sense & Sensibility will run from May 6-22 with plenty of showings to snag tickets as a Mother’s Day treat. 26


ORMAN HOUSE BISTRO Big Cedar Lodge, 190 Top of the Rock Road, Ridgedale, 800-225-6343

Most moms want nothing more than a chance to spend a little quality time with their families, and going to see a play is the perfect opportunity or that. Springfield Contemporary Theatre (springfieldcontemporarytheatre.org; 417-831-8001)

takes a unique spin on Jane Austen’s beloved novel that is sure to bring laughter and tears. Viewings are May 6–8, 12–15 and 19–22 at 7:30 p.m. and Sundays at 2 p.m. at the Springfield Art Museum (1111 E. Brookside Drive, Springfield).

Photos courtesy Shutterstock, by Laken Copeland

MORNING DAY CAFÉ 105 S. Main St., Nixa, 417-494-5055


take a trip to

BUFFALO Start the weekend off with a visit to Buffalo and to Tunas, just 23 miles north, for a day of shopping and good eats. BY JO JOLLIFF



(176 State Road Yy, Tunas) Step back in time to discover all the hidden gems in Old-Order Mennonite community Lead Mine, hidden in Tunas. Between the Lead Mine Country Store and Niangua Furniture Store (344 State Road E., Tunas , you’ll find beauti ully handcrafted furniture, quilts and more.




(502 State Road E, Tunas) This uiet town also o ers much in the way o homemade food. The Ozark Winds Bake Shop opens each year in April and quickly sells out of baked goods each Saturday. With a wide variety o other sweets made rom scratch, you’ll find more than you need to fill your belly.

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Photos courtesy Shutterstock, Dallas County Jail Hotel


Shopping & delicious food

Start out with some shopping and sweet treats (opposite) in Tunas, then make your way to Bu alo or some delicious homemade pizza from Hip Pocket Pizza and beer from the Leaky Roof Meadery (above), and end the night with a stay in the renovated Dallas County Jail Hotel (right).



(1132 S. Ash St., Buffalo, 417-345-8649, hippocketpizza.net) Rich in taste, and in history, Hip Pocket Pizza has been a ital part o the Bu alo community since 1976. Regardless of what you’re craving, Hip Pocket Pizza has something for everyone from Mexican food to sandwiches to, of course, pizza.


1 to 2 days TRAVEL TIME

53 minutes there, 38 minutes back



(1306 S. Azalea St., Buffalo, 417-3451233, leakyroofmeadery.com) This large production facility is not only one of the best spots to sample craft beers, but also to tour the taproom and learn about the long-standing history of the meadery, dating back to the Leaky Roof Railroad.




(111 W. Main St., Buffalo) Gi e solitary confinement a brand new meaning at this historical 1930s county jail renovated into a luxurious stay. While the space has been transformed into a luxurious hotel, it still keeps the historic reality of a jail experience in 1930 to make your stay unique and interesting.


Scan for Savings!

hy-vee.com | 417.881.1950 | 1720 W. Battlefield Road | 2150 E. Sunshine Street 417MAG.COM • 417 MAGAZINE


TREND REPORT Sunjellies Atomic tote, $35 at STAXX Oversized orange scrunchie & yellow plaid scrunchie, $10 each at Modern Society SGFCO Pineapple Whip candle, $22 at SGFCO

FRNCH Ellen knit top, $78 at STAXX; FRNCH Kira knit shorts, $78 at STAXX



Bright, bold and anything but boring, resort wear transports us to exotic locations where warm salty air breezes through the palm trees and your toughest decision is sparkling or still. A major player in the fashion and accessory industries, resort wear is all about joyful patterns, relaxed silhouettes and smooth and silky textures. So, whether you’re packing a passport or packing a picnic basket, escape the mundane and dress for a haute holiday in the sun. —Colin Shea Denniston, Style Editor

Retro cat eye and aviator sunglasses, $20 each at Modern Society

French Kande gold chain, $259 at Harem & Co.; Beach Riot Celine swimsuit, $148 at STAXX

Charlie Holiday Twiggy top, $64 at STAXX; Charlie Holiday Twiggy midi skirt, $79 at STAXX

iPhone cases, $25 each at Clothe Boutique; Shiraleah Chicago Fortuna straw pu ball clutch, at Clothe Boutique

Malibu and Hollywood pillows, $97 each at Obelisk Home Matisse Beach Terry platform heels, $50 at Clothe Boutique

“Originally geared toward society’s wealthiest to escape the chilly winter temperatures, resort or vacation wear has expanded in both reach and popularity to include a wide range of price points and personal styles.” —Colin Shea Denniston 30


Photos by Brandon Alms

elites who could jet set to the Canary Islands



Dr. Shaw takes the time to educate his patients on what to expect from the procedure.

The Center for Plastic Surgery The Facelift Research That Has Rejuvenated the Industry


r. Robert B. Shaw, with CoxHealth, is a recipient of many local accolades including “417 Magazine’s Top Doctors” and “Who’s Who in Medicine and Healthcare” and has also been internationally recognized through interviews in Europe and Asia for his innovative research. KBS, South Korea’s version of PBS, flew to Springfield to interview him for a documentary, and most recently, a team with NHK, Japan’s version of PBS, flew to Springfield to interview him for another documentary about how his research has rejuvenated the industry. The latest documentary will air in Japan in April. He noticed that the photographs patients would bring in of their youth were often unattainable through a traditional facelift alone. Dr. Shaw embarked on a research study

calculating CT scans and data from over 150 people, and what he found changed the paradigm of facelifts. Our face has an inner scaffolding (bones) that holds our skin in place and give us each a unique look. Over time, our skin loses elasticity, which leads to drooping, and facelifts work by tightening the skin back. The problem is that our bones also begin losing density and volume as we age. If the structure is not full like it was in our youth, the tightened skin is not laying on the same structure. The solution? Dr. Shaw rejuvenates the bone volume loss simultaneous to the facelift. Replacing the volume loss that is found improves the “scaffolding” and sets your facelift up for optimal results and longevity. Dr. Shaw’s best piece of advice? Talk to a certified American Board of Plastic Surgery doctor to discuss the best options for you!

417-875-3246 | 417plasticsurgery.com | 3555 S. National Ave. | Springfield 417MAG.COM • 417 MAGAZINE



Like all parents out there, columnist Sarah Williams sometimes questions her mom skills—but it’s always worth it. BY SARAH WILLIAMS


o you ever think about how you are the absolute best parent for your child? There are billions of people throughout human history, yet you’re the one chosen to raise your precious children. And if you’re anything like me, you question your capability to do so on a consistent basis.



My kids are smart and talented and funnier than I could ever have imagined. Yet sometimes they fist fight in public. They wear shorts in the winter. Complain about dinner almost every night. And can’t remember multiplication facts. I gleam with pride when they include someone who feels left out or say, “thank you” to a server without being prompted. Other times I want the earth to swallow me whole when they throw a tantrum at a restaurant or say something rude about a stranger. As if their voices can’t be heard. Some days I wonder who decided I was qualified to raise five children because I don’t feel that way most of the time. There is so much I get wrong. But the amazing thing about kids is they don’t seem to notice. One day recently, I had a day. A very bad day. It culminated in me freaking out about the dumbest thing. I yelled, then I cried. It was ugly and embarrassing. And when I finally snapped out of it, I felt horrible.

Photo by Brandon Alms


Photo by Sarah Williams

I went on an apology tour to each of my family members, who were probably hiding from me and my mood. It ended with my teenage daughter saying, “It’s not that big of a big deal. We all tune you out when you’re in a bad mood. We know you’ll feel bad and apologize, so we don’t really care.” While losing my cool is never justified, it’s also not beyond repair. And apparently, maybe not even noticeable. Which is kind of sad but mostly freeing. Especially because that same teenage girl confides in me. She trusts me with her secrets. And tells me her friends think I am funny even though they pretend I don’t exist. Sometimes I think I am the worst, but she still thinks I am the best. And it’s not because I do everything right. It’s because I am her mom. I love her well, albeit imperfectly. I am sometimes distracted but try to be present. I mess up a lot but apologize more. With all of my flaws, insecurities and embarrassing moments, I am her favorite mom. She isn’t comparing me to anyone else. She isn’t keeping track of my mistakes. She’s not scrolling Instagram wishing I cooked healthier or made more crafts or decorated my home cuter. Sure, lots of other parents do things better. But no one loves my kids like I do. No one knows their special bedtime songs or what makes them come alive. Their deepest fears or how to make them laugh. That’s a privilege reserved solely for my husband and me. Of all the billions of people on earth, they’re my absolute favorite. And I suspect they feel the same. Even when they seem not to notice I exist.



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Everybody needs a humorous and candid take on life and parenthood every now and then. Sarah Williams captures those takes perfectly. Every month, she writes about the ups and downs of being a mother to five sweet kiddos the good, the bad and the hilarious.





Old School, New Life By transforming a 1916 school building into an artist-focused studio space, one local couple is helping to transform the cultural landscape of 417-land.


magine a person with a passion for physical fitness moving to a new community with absolutely no gym. Without any dedicated space to do what brings them joy, it could be easy to think, “Maybe this isn’t the place for me.” For local artist Kate Baird, that passion is creating art, and the community is Springfield. Baird and her husband, Mike Stevens, executive director of The Moxie Cinema, have undertaken a multi-phased reimagining of the old Doling School Building, turning the 28,000-square-foot structure into New Moon Studio Space. When completed, the project will house approximately 50 dedicated art studios, a business and office space for nonprofits. Baird uses the fitness analogy when describing the project to those who may not consider themselves arts-interested people. Between the two of them, Baird and Stevens have lived in artist-rich



cities like Philadelphia, Chicago, Boston, Austin and New York. Their experiences in these cities have contributed to their sense of what art spaces and communities make possible. While the focus of the project is to create a space for artists, Baird points out the ripple effects that creating such a space can have throughout a community, taking Springfield to the next level when it comes to local art. “Do people stay in Springfield or do they move to a bigger city? Do people come back to Springfield, or do they choose someplace else to go? I think there are long-term—hopefully— effects that getting some of the infrastructure for artists in place makes possible,” says Baird. The Building The search for a dedicated workspace started as a small one for Baird and a couple of other artists. It wasn’t long, however, before the plans shifted.

Photo by eah Stie ermann


“I think it sort of grew when the building that presented itself was a large one,” says Baird. “We looked around a little bit and we kept circling Doling and were like, ‘well someday that would be great.’ And then we were like, ‘well let’s just go look at it.’” Baird and Stevens reached out to the realtor out of curiosity and found themselves on a tour of the building a few days later. “The building had been available for a while,” says Baird. “Hence the quick response,” laughs Stevens. Once inside, the building’s potential started to present itself. “There aren’t that many things that a school building built in 1916 is still really great for, but a studio building is one of them,” says Baird. The pair was instantly drawn to the solid structure, unique detailing and enormous windows, which flood the old classrooms with natural light. Shortly after the initial tour, the idea for New Moon Studio Space was born. The Future The couple is planning a two-phased opening. The goal is to have phase 1, consisting of the two additions to the original building—a 1960s all-purpose room and a late 1980s library addition—opened by the end of the summer with the library transformed into 13 art studios and a business moving into the former all-purpose room. Phase 2—the original 1916 structure—will house the remaining 40-plus studio spaces with a target opening of early 2023. When asked what the biggest challenges have been thus far, they were quick to draw attention to how easy it has been to work with the city, Springfield Public Schools and the local arts community. “The biggest challenge is that we’ve never done it before,” says Baird. To which Stevens laughingly adds, “It’s us! It’s just a huge learning curve—and that’s the exciting part.” The Artists Interested in getting involved and supporting New Moon Studio Space and its collection of artists? “The best way to support local artists is to buy their stuff,” says Baird. “I know a lot of artists in Springfield, but it’s hard to make a living as an artist in Springfield.”

CONNECT New Moon Studio Space @newmoonstudiospace newmoonstudiospace.com





MUST LIST From live music to comedians, you won’t want to miss these events happening at some of your favorite spots in 417-land. BY ZACHARY RAINES

isten to li e, local music in this beauti ul garden setting. The concerts are free, but a $10 donation (cash or card accepted) is suggested if you would like to support the garden project. Be sure to bring your lawn chairs and blankets and chill out to some tunes. Free; 2 p.m.–3 p.m.; Peace Through People Pavillion, 2400 S Scenic Ave, Springfield, MO 65807. For tickets, visit friendsofthegarden.org or call 417-874-2952.


MAY 4–30

En oy all Sil er Dollar City has to o er during the month o May, as the park o ers its usual attractions—plus tons of slow-smoked barbecue and bluegrass music. The barbecue served includes mouth-watering slow-cooked ribs, brisket and pulled pork. The electrifying performances of the bands begin May 4 with Greg Blake & Hometown, and ending the lineup on May 30 is Joe Mullins & The Radio Ramblers. Additionally, there will be a special youth bluegrass band contest on May 28 that you will not want to miss Curious about the specific bluegrass lineup? You can visit silverdollarcity.com to find details on who is playing and when so you can plan your trip to the theme park. Starting at 79 for one day pass, 135 245 for a season pass; Regular Hours for May are 9:30 a.m. 6 p.m.; Silver Dollar City, 399 Silver Dollar City Pkwy., Branson. For more information, visitsilverdollarcity. com or call 800-888-7277.


MAY 5–MAY 8 Enjoy the dance concert that Missouri State o ers each year. The dancers o Missouri State 36




Comedian Da e andau is making a stop on riday, May 6 to perform stand-up comedy at the Gillioz Theatre at 6:30 p.m., doors open at 5:30. Dave andau is an edgy stand-up comic that has starred on programming from Comedy Central, NBC and numerous television networks throughout the world. He is currently third-chair of the conservati e internet talk show ouder ith Crowder. 29.50 69.50; 6:30 p.m.; Gillioz Theatre, 325 Park Central East, Springfield. For tickets, visit gillioztheatre.com or call 417-863-9491.



The First Friday Art Walk is an event held on the first riday o e ery month rom –10 p.m., and it includes art from local artists, live music, art demonstrations and more, including all the food and shopping options a ailable in downtown Springfield. To take part in this art-and-fresh-air event, visit selected locations in the Downtown Art District or begin your walk at the Creamery Arts Center. Participating locations can be found using the online map at aw.org map. Free; 6 p.m. 10 p.m.; Downtown Art District, 411 N Sherman Pkwy, Springfield, MO 65802. For more information, visit ffaw.org or call 417-862-2787.


MAY 6–8, 12–15, 19–22 The play, Sense & Sensibility, is a contemporary adaptation of the novel of the same name by Jane Austen, a story about two sisters, Elinor and Marianne, suddenly finding themsel es financially destitute a ter their ather’s death, grieving and under societal pressures in late 18th-century England. The story of these two sisters is told through humor, theatricality and a critical examination of society. 10 29; 7:30 p.m., 2 p.m. on Sundays; Springfield Art Museum, 1111 E Brookside Dr., Springfield. For tickets, visit springfieldcontemporarytheatre.org or call 417-831-8001.



MAY 1, 8, 15 & 22

University present fresh compositions, variety of dance styles and many play their own original music and include multimedia e ects. eel the fundamental rhythms of life emerge from a medium o expression like no other in this year’s Missouri State Spring Dance Concert! 8.50 14; 7:30 p.m., 2:30 p.m. on Sunday (May 8); Craig Hall Coger Theatre, 1147 Grand St, Springfield. For tickets, visit theatreanddance.missouristate.edu or call 417-836-7678.

Flamenco! is a show full of dancing and music inspired from traditional Spanish Flamenco music. Presented on the Missouri State University campus’s Hammons Hall and eaturing the ansas City Flamenco group Ensemble Iberica, Flamenco! is sure to be a fiery finish or the season o Springfield Symphony’s Dance Mix. 10 45; 7:30 p.m.; Juanita K. Hammons Hall for the Performing Arts, 525 S. John Q. Hammons Pkwy., Springfield. For tickets, visit HammonsHall.com or call 417-836-7678.

Photos courtesy Shutterstock, Schofield





Spend the morning with your mom, shopping and strolling through the Mother’s Day Market at Schofield Gray. There’s an impressi e line up o antiques, home decor and gift vendors, so your mom is sure to find something she’ll lo e. Be sure to get special treat from one of the food trucks on site. 2 5; 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.; Schofield Gray, 353 E. Main St., Fordland. For more information, visit schofieldgray.com

Help them find their light again.


Enjoy great music, both live and silent auctions and plenty of delectable food as you get down on the dance oor to celebrate the Springfield Symphony’s th Annual Gala. The e ent is hosted at the Oasis Hotel and Convention Center, and it is sure to be a night of fun to remember. 150 per person, 1,500 10,000 for tables; 6 p.m.; Oasis Hotel and Convention Center, 2546 N. Glenstone Ave., Springfield. For tickets, visit springfieldmosymphony.org or call 417-864-6683.

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Photo courtesy Springfield Symphony Orchestra


MAY 21

Rosé Day is an outdoor wine festival celebrating and empowering women in Springfield. Each ticket sold supports the nonprofit organi ation of your choice when you purchase tickets. There will be more than 10 wine sampling stations, live music from local musicians, street art to enjoy and plenty of pop-up vendors and storefronts where you can shop. Rosé Day is a rain or shine event, , hosted by the Roses oundation. 30 100; noon 5 p.m.; Downtown Springfield, 118-122 Park Central Square, Springfield. For tickets, call 314-322-8337 or visit rosedaystl.com and scroll down to the Springfield event link. 417MAG.COM • 417 MAGAZINE





JUANITA K. HAMMONS HALL FOR THE PERFORMING ARTS 525 S John Q Hammons Parkway Springfield // 417-836-7678 HammonsHall.com


he first Broadway show to take the Tickets are now on sale for the engagement, stage at Juanita K. Hammons Hall was running June 13–15. While Broadway shows are what many associate the national tour of CATS in November 1992. When CATS returns to Hammons Hall with entertainment at Hammons Hall, the venue this month, there will have been more than 130 has been home to the Springfield Symphony Broadway productions at the venue in between Orchestra since 1992, as well as presenting the two engagements (including several return numerous concerts, comedy shows and family performances of CATS). This engagement entertainment events each year. Venues all over is special, however — it falls during the 30th the country were uncertain how the pandemic anniversary season of Broadway at Hammons would impact the industry, but Boaz says that the Springfield community Hall. Executive Director Keith has embraced the return of Boaz says Broadway shows like programming at the Hall. “If CATS are at the heart of the Hall’s our audiences have taught mission. “We are lucky to have WE ARE LUCKY us anything this year, it’s that such a vibrant arts community TO HAVE SUCH they are thrilled to be back and Broadway shows are a big A VIBRANT in the Hall watching live part of that. After this two-year shows. Our numbers have break, we are all even more ARTS COMMUNITY. been great.” grateful for the return of live What is next for Juanita entertainment.” K. Hammons Hall? Boaz, Juanita K. Hammons Hall is the largest performing arts center in Southwest along with his presenting partners at Celebrity Missouri, seating more than 2,200. Named for Attractions, are planning the biggest Broadway the wife of developer and philanthropist John season in the venue’s history for 2022–2023. Q. Hammons, the venue sits on the Missouri At the time of this publication, those shows State University campus. Closing out the 2021– will be announced on the Hall’s website — 2022 Broadway season is ANASTASIA — the HammonsHall.com. It’s an exciting time for Tony Award-nominated musical based on Broadway in Springfield. Join in on the fun the hit 1997 20th Century Fox animated film. — season tickets go on sale soon!




Top photo: The company of the 2021–2022 national tour of CATS. Photo By Matthew Murphy, Murphymade. Bottom left photo: Juanita K. Hammons Hall. Photo courtesy of Missouri State University. Bottom middle photo: The Company of The North American Tour of ANASTASIA. Photo by Jeremy Daniel. Bottom right photo: Kyla Stone (Anya) in The North American Tour of ANASTASIA. Photo by Jeremy Daniel.




When do you feel your best? Chances are, it’s when you feel healthy and clear minded. Vibrant. Pain free. Smooth skin. Polished teeth. Styled hair. Relaxed muscles. Consider this your guide to confidence, to feeling your best and to finding the experts who can get you there!



Q&A with Gabrielle Martin & Janelle Reed

How do you deliver your personal best to clients? Burrell’s innovative approach to mental healthcare provides more opportunities for its communities to receive the support they need. The Burrell Foundation elevates these efforts by raising awareness and creating connections, filling the gaps for care and supporting new programs.

What do your customers typically think of when they’re trying to achieve their “best self”? The clients who seek our care are looking for a way to simply feel better on their journey to finding and reaching their “best self.” To each person, our own “best self” may look different. Burrell’s comprehensive, multi-disciplinary team of providers is able to collaborate with clients and each other to find what services work for them..

PROMOTION What does being your “best self” mean to you? When we are living as our “bestPROMOTION selves” we are showing up every day, arriving as present and grounded beings in the spaces that matter the most to us. Our “best selves” are the versions of us that feel the most authentic and the least forced, allowing us to embrace who we are, own our experiences, and work in community with the people around us.

Gabrielle Martin (right) and Janelle Reed (left)


aking care of your mental health is the events, and collaborations with other nonkey to being your best self. The Burrell profits to extend Burrell’s mission and reach Foundation’s top priority is enriching the to more individuals in our community. lives of Burrell clients by seeking to advance This summer, the Burrell Foundation is behavioral healthcare proud to present The and inspire hope in local Art of Being ME mencommunities through tal health exhibit. This ... the Burrell Foundation movement is a collaboconnection, advocacy and philanthropy. ration with artist Randy engages communities As the charitaBacon, who through in coversation, while ble arm of Burrell photography, short films creating opportunities Behavioral Health, the and personal stories for donors to invest in Burrell Foundation shares behavioral health engages communities in programs that help others journeys in an impactconversation, while creful, beautiful way. The be their best selves. ating opportunities for exhibit will be open in donors to invest in proJune through July, 2022 grams that help others at Randy Bacon Studio be their best selves. The Burrell Foundation on Commercial Street in Springfield. provides funding for projects, which have To learn more about the Burrell Foundation, included a recreational area for youth in sub- make a gift or stay connected, please visit: stance-use recovery, outdoor excursions for burrellfoundation.org. clients in residential programs, community


83 3 - 76 1- G I VE (4483) bur rel l fou ndati o n . o rg 2 8 8 5 W. B at tl e f i e l d Sp r i ng f i e l d , MO




Q&A with Dr. Abigail Fincel What do you recommend to patients to be their best? Come see us every six months! Also, it’s important for patients to be involved in the treatment process and just as dedicated to their dental care as we are. It’s a team effort. How do you deliver your personal best to clients? I strive every day to deliver the care to people that I would want for my family or myself. I love engaging my patients and educating them about what is going on while explaining things in terms that everyone can understand. Why did you choose to go into your current profession? I chose dentistry because of the combination of interaction with people and modern science. My job is really just about spending time with people and using this unique skill to care for others and help people with their oral health. Dr. Abigail Fincel



ost of iTooth Family Dentistry’s by the fireplace, until the time you walk out patients are striving to be their with a warm cookie and beverage, you are best selves by enhancing their esthetics, treated like family. iTooth Family Dentistry maintaining or improvis not just about comfort ing function and preventand pampering. Their deing long term problems. Their desire is to put sire is to put a great smile Dr. Lance Robbins and a great smile on every on every guest’s face and Dr. Abigail Fincel under- guest’s face and make make sure they have the stand that your teeth have sure they have the best best oral health possible. many different purposes Dr. Robbins and Dr. oral health possible. that are all important; the Fincel encourage everyappearance of your smile one to get the smile and can mean just as much as the function of oral health they need and deserve by havyour teeth. ing regular visits. From routine checkups iTooth combines the latest technology and implants to full mouth restoration and with a welcoming environment and amaz- the latest in cosmetic dentistry, the team at ing team members. From the moment you iTooth Family Dentistry’s desire is to put a walk into iTooth Family Dentistry and relax smile on every face.


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Q&A with Dr. Ken Sharlin

What do your customers typically think of when they’re trying to achieve their “best self”? We hear the word “hope” over and over. Too often, people are under the impression that when it comes to neurological illness there is nothing that can be done about it.

How do you deliver your personal best to clients? We have our Five Pillar System that is Identify the correct diagnosis, Investigate the root causes, Integrate the individual clues into a holistic and manageable plan, Restore balance, and Regenerate where we use cutting edge regenerative medicine techniques and investigative tools to help people become the best versions of themselves.

PROMOTION What do you recommend to patients to be their best? Being your best is a journey. It’s not just about information, or about having the goal and then stopping once you get there. It’s about implementation. The most important part of being your best is the openness and vulnerability to try new things, and to not feel overwhelmed. We meet our patients where they are so that being their best is accomplished through small, realistic and achievable changes that build over time.

Callie Maggard, Valerie Sharlin, Dr. Ken Sharlin, Rachel Wemple



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harlin Health & Neurology offers neuro- tunities for emerging therapeutics, comprelogical healthcare with a focus on health, hensive functional medicine, and regenerarather than illness. Although they have a deep tive medicine. understanding of the diseases that affect the Being your best is also about having grace brain and nervous system, their focus is pa- and understanding of where you are at any tient centered, offering moment in time, creathope and solutions that ing realistic goals and holistically look at each working toward accom... their focus is patient patient’s unique healthplishing them, then recentered, off ering care journey. Their goal evaluating along the hope and solutions is to help patients change way to ensure you are on the trajectory of their illthat holistically look at track. Sharlin Health & ness beyond medications Neurology’s goal is to each patient’s unique and identify and address protect and restore neuhealthcare journey why they got sick in the rological health for pafirst place, and help patients and families alike. tients be empowered to When you come to become the best versions of themselves. Sharlin Health and Neurology, you are joining Everyone’s journey is unique so they uti- a family of dedicated, caring, and passionate lize individualized solutions like cutting- professionals who are ready to help guide you edge traditional neurological diagnostics and through all the possibilities. therapeutics, clinical trial participation oppor-



acaciaspa. co m 4 0 5 8 S. Lone Pine Ave. Sp r ingfiel d 4 17-8 23-8318


uxurious amenities like infrared sauna, Arctic room and eucalyptus steam room meet world-class service at Acacia Spa. The Acacia experience is a unique blend of a day spa and med spa and is designed to help you achieve total wellbeing. Acacia offers Elite Spa Memberships, so you can take advantage of amenities without needing an appointment! Members rave that these memberships make their lives less stressful and that they enjoy the perks, including being locked into the lowest monthly rate, VIP sneak peeks and discounts on scheduled spa services. Acacia is now unveiling a new membership program that’s tailored to specific services you love. Call today to learn more, and experience head-to-toe transformation at Acacia Spa!


inv ik tus salo n.co m | 417-732-2700 2 1 2 S. Camp bell Ave. | Springfiel d 5 49 E . E lm St. | Repub l ic 1903 S. Glens to ne | Springfiel d


nviktus Salon offers much more than a high end haircut or color. Here you will also find medical-grade cosmetics, extensions, lash services, botox, teeth whitening and barbering! The entire Inviktus team strives to help you be your best self and that goes beyond the moment you walk out the doors with your salon perfect vibes. They take pride in teaching each person who comes through their doors about how to best take care of your new look at home and keep you feeling confident and photo ready between visits to one of their three locations, including their new location in the Plaza Towers Shopping Center.

Christa Stephens





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23 19 S. Ca mpb el l Ave. | Sp r i ng f i e l d

417- 319 - 5 1 5 5


o to the experts that make daily beauty easy! The Lash Room and Brow Bar have the best-rated professionals skilled in classic, hybrid, volume and mega-volume eyelash extensions, eyebrow microblading and microshaded ombre tattoos, brow lamination, lash lifts and tints, threading, waxing, facials and stem cell microneedling. With beginner, intermediate, advanced and master level lash artists, you can find a price point that fits your budget with the expert skill level you have been looking for. Trust your beauty to the masters of their craft who care as much as you do about how you look.


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u Essence Spa is inviting you to treat yourself to a spa day. Spring is for growth, renewal and beauty. Sometimes investing in yourself can be the catalyst that propels you into living your best life from self-care to dreams and desires. Nu Essence Spa offers a wide range of services from manicures and lashes, to facials and massage. With a staff of over 40 professionals, it is easy to get multiple services done during one visit to this locally owned retreat! Come on over, put on that plush robe and sink into relaxation with Nu Essence Spa in Springfield.





Suntancity.co m Ins tagr am: @o f f icialsuntancity 6 d if ferent lo catio ns acro ss Sp r ingf ield , Nixa & Ozar k 4 17-8 8 2 -4 43 2


ummer is almost here and you can get a jumpstart on a natural looking glow at Sun Tan City. Sun Tan City is a locally owned and operated company that benefits from being a part of the #1 brand in the Indoor Tanning Industry. They take pride in training their team to offer customized recommendations to help customers achieve their goals in a clean and inviting environment. Feeling your best self can start with feeling confident in your own skin and at Sun Tan City you can be Confident and let yourself shine!

Front Row: Jen Stewart-Valentin, Barkley, Maddie Tucker & Julia Mello Back Row: Stephanie Brewer, Paris Docker & Skyler Priest


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or some, being your best self is taking care of your body and for others it could mean spiritual wellness. The Temple Wellness Center & Spa boasts a wide range of one-of-a-kind offerings at an affordable price. Their services range from yoga classes and holistic massages to facials and detox packages, lash extensions, sugar scrubs and luxurious full body facials, and even cavitation to get rid of that pesky cellulite! Their highly experienced team strives to ensure optimal customer service and treatments that go above and beyond in shattering all expectations! Visit today to experience whole body and mind rejuvenation.

Ilona Smuk, owner and staff



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a grand


Photo courtesy Missouri State Parks

Grand Gulf State Park offers beautiful geological views and fun for the entire family. Read about how this mini Grand Canyon was formed on p. 54.






pick the


There’s nothing like taking your first bite of fresh spring berries, and picking them makes it taste even sweeter. Check out these U-pick strawberry farms—where the fruit hits its peak in May—and collect some of nature’s candy for you and your family. BY ZACHARY RAINES





5935 Hwy M, Miller, 417-452-2400; facebook.com/brownsberry farmmillermo Celebrating their 26th season this year, the Browns know an early start is key to picking the best strawberries. That’s why the gates open Monday through Saturday at 7 a.m. and close at 7 p.m., and open 1 p.m. to 7 p.m. on Sundays. Strawberries will be ready in early May through early June. Throughout the strawberry season, the arm also o ers potted owers and hanging baskets for sale, along with freshly made baked goods like bread, cakes and pies.

30558 US 60, Pierce City, 417-669-7792; facebook.com/craftyfarmsupick Get out in the sun at Crafty Farms. Due to their everbearing strawberry plants, the season gets an extension, meaning you could be picking strawberries in October. Crafty Farms is a family-owned business that o ers U-pick or strawberries, blueberries and blackberries. Take your family out for the day and enjoy some fresh fruits and vegetables. Be sure to call ahead during inclement weather or to check for the berry of your choice’s availability.

879 Crabapple Road, Ozark, 417-229-1090; facebook.com/highsberryfarm Strawberries are ready for picking at High’s Berry Farm this May to pick delicious strawberries for you and your family. Family-owned and operated, High’s Berry Farm is a U-pick and pre-pick strawberry farm located south of Ozark, just west of the 65 and EE exit. The farm opens early and closes late to ensure you can pick strawberries any time of day. The farm also keeps pre-picked berries on hand for last-minute shoppers; call ahead for large orders.

2949 Pleasant View Road., Highlandville, 417-443-3343; facebook.com/ ozarkmountainorchard Head down to Ozark Mountain Orchard to pick your own strawberries. Ozark Mountain Orchard opens at 10 a.m. and closes at 6 p.m. Monday through Saturday, 11–4 on Sunday. Ozark Mountain Orchard is a family-owned and operated business growing various fruits and vegetables. In addition to strawberries, they have berry picking for blueberries and blackberries. Be sure to check in beforehand to see if the berries you want to pick are available. 417MAG.COM • 417 MAGAZINE





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These local businesses create custom vans for all your wildest adventures.



G Photos courtesy @wearedanandsam

etting there is half the fun, but cramming into a tiny car for a 10-hour drive doesn’t sound too appealing. Take your next trip to a new level of luxury, and enjoy the journey in a retro-fitted van where you can stretch your legs and skip the stops at hotels and gas stations along the way. 417-land has several custom conversion companies that build solid, high-quality vans so you can arrive at your next destination in style. Each conversion has a unique look that reflects the commissioner’s taste, but also their needs. For those looking for big adventures Ozark Mountain Adventure Vans 1903 N. Barnes Ave. A, Springfield; 417-866-6565; ozarkmountainadventurevans.com Go off the grid with Ozark Mountain Adventure’s specialty vans that help you build the ultimate escape. These custom vans all focus on quality while allowing you to choose your level of adventure—whether you’re looking to drive with ease or for the off-road experience.

• LODGING Retro-fitted ans can be customi ed to your style, like this one from Everest Conversions.


For those who want ultimate luxury First Class Customs 2051 E. Kearney St., Springfield; 417-832-0751; firstclasscustomsinc.com First Class Customs focuses on bringing a modern approach with a distinctive look. These VIP builds includes Executive Class Sprinter vans and are all designed for luxurious comfort. For those ramping up family vacations Everest Conversions 6238 W. Farm Rd 156, Battlefield; 417-657-4557; everestconversions.com Everest Conversions is a family-owned buisness that focuses on creating a safe and special experience on the road. No matter how far you venture from 417-land, these vans will still make you feel at home. With their custom flooring, furnishing and cozy details, you’ll forget you’re in a vehicle.


Discover the Legacy

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A CANYON STROLL The Grand Gulf State Park, a two-and-a-half-hour trip southeast of Springfield, offers geological views and is an excellent place to have an adventure with the family this month. BY ZACHARY RAINES



scenic trails, including one that circles the park and one that crosses its natural bridge. If you would like some guidance on your excursion, you can request an interpretive program with a guide who will walk you through the park and explain all that there is to know along the way.

PLAN A TRIP Grand Gulf State Park Hwy W, Koshkonong 417-264-7600 Search “Grand Gulf” at mostateparks.com

Photo courtesy Missouri State Parks


rab the family for a springtime jaunt to Grand Gulf State Park. Nicknamed Missouri’s “Little Grand Canyon” by locals, this park was first designated a National Natural Landmark in 1971. Then in 1984 Grand Gulf State Park became a Missouri state park because of a lease agreement between the Department of Natural Resources and the L-A-D Foundation. The little canyon used to be a little cave system with a roof that collapsed an estimated 10,000 years ago, creating the chasm we see now. The canyon is deeper than it is wide, stretches about three-quarters of a mile long and features a beautiful 250-foot natural bridge. An enjoyable way to spend time at the Little Grand Canyon is to have a relaxing picnic at one of the three picnic sites along the tree-shaded rim of the gulf. The park features



We did the browsing for you. Check out these goodies from local spots.




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Consider this our ode to Ozarks burgers. We’re talking juicy, beefy, meaty things to satisfy the carnivore deep inside you. No shade if you prefer a veggie burger or some other meat-free option—but this feature probably isn’t for you. This is a roundup of the wild ones that come dripping with cheese, buckling under the weight of a thousand toppings and nestled into a carb bomb of a bun. It’s all about the burgers from 417-land menus that surprise us, delight us and always indulge us. Are you hungry yet? BY KATIE POLLOCK ESTES



Opposite: The pretzel bun just can’t contain the extra-long bacon slices and super-crunchy ried onions on Springfield Brewing Co’s Brewhouse Burger.





THE SIDE Roasty Red

Rooster potatoes

THE SAUCE Choose from a list of nine; this one is blueberry ketchup.


runny-enough fried egg and American cheese THE MEAT Two juicy beef patties plus bacon strips

breakfast Burger

from Civil Kitchen & Tap, 107 Park Central Square, Springfield, 417-501-8456, civilkitchen.com Okay, hear me out: Ditch the bun and grab a wa e. You’re trading u y or crunchy and yeasty for sweet, but my goodness it works. That’s what you get with Civil Kitchen’s Breakfast Burger, just one of the beefy burgs on the menu. They o er up some classics too.



THE BUN A freshly

made wa e


steak Burger

chili bison burger

from Springfield Brewing Co., 305 S. Market Ave., 417-832-8277, springfieldbrewingco.com

from Farmers Gastropub, 2620 S. Glenstone Ave., 417-864-6994, farmersgastropub.com

from Arnie’s Barn at Top of the Rock, 150 Top of the Rock Road, Ridgedale, topoftherock.com

e are big ans o the way Springfield Brewing Co. finds ways to incorporate their signature beers into dishes at the restaurant, and this gut bomb of a burger does just that with some super-tasty beer cheese.

We’re highlighting the regular menu’s Steak Burger because it’s a classic that never disappoints. But burger-lovers, listen up: The burger specials here are phenomenal too. Follow on social to see the burger-of-the-day details.

There are a lot of ways to satisfy an appetite at Top of the Rock (Arnie’s Barn being just one of them). The spot’s Tex-Mex menu features a few great burgers too, like this one—it’s the only burger on our list featuring bison meat.

THE BUN A pretzel roll, thank goodness THE MEAT Two smash patties and a couple strips of crispy bacon THE TOPPINGS Crunchy fried onions and a

THE BUN A brioche roll from Neighbor’s Mill

THE BUN A soft and sweet Hawaiian roll

THE MEAT One or two patties of Blackgate

THE MEAT A thick and juicy patty.

Farms beef THE TOPPINGS Fresh onion and lettuce,

beer cheese made with 417 Lager

snappy pickles, Dijon aioli and American cheese

ORDER IT WITH Beer, of course! Like the Blue Canoe American-style pale ale

Hen ale

ORDER IT WITH A frosty pint of Old Speckled

THE TOPPINGS The restaurant’s bison chili, plus homemade pimento cheese and crispy onion rings ORDER IT WITH A warm to ee blondie sundae

for dessert

tHE BRUNCH BURGER from The Order at Hotel Vandivort, 305 E. Walnut St., Springfield, 417-851-5299, theordersgf.com If you like brunch to taste more like the “unch” and less like the “br,” then this burger is probably right up your alley. You get a uality burger, plus a little nod to the morning meal thanks to a perfectly runny egg. THE BUN A brioche roll THE MEAT A juicy patty made with meat from JB Kobe farms THE TOPPINGS An over-easy egg, tender bibb lettuce, onion jam and a slice of tomato ORDER IT WITH A brunch cocktail like the Michelada: bloody mary mix, Queen City lager and a Tajin rim

Mac ‘n cheese Burger from Bair’s Sports Grill, multiple 417-land locations, bairsburgers.com Bair’s has 35 burgers on their menu, so you know you’ll find something that fits your mood. And if your mood happens to be “over-the-top cheat meal that I might regret later” or “I want a burger but I also need to stress-eat some carbs,” then you’ve got to cheese it up with this bad boy. THE BUN A classic white roll, gently toasted THE MEAT A half-pound of hand-pattied beef THE TOPPINGS Macaroni and cheese and a fi e-cheese blend and jack-cheddar cheese ORDER IT WITH A side of jalapeño bottle caps

Get it! The Steak Burger from Farmers Gastropub is a beautifully done classic that’s calling your name.



Pick your poison A bleu-cheese topped Grotto Burger, .O.B. Public House’s iconic The ull Ride, or the Philadelphia-meets-the-O arks Springphilly Burger from Black Sheep. We don’t think you can go wrong with this lineup.

DINNER Burger from Progress, 2144 E. Republic Road, Ste. B-101, 417-799-9388, springfieldprogress.com On a menu o inspired seasonal tastes, this go-to burger is a steady fixture. e lo e its subtle twists on classic toppings (the mayo is smoked, for example) for elevated comfort food. THE BUN A locally made brioche roll rom Neighbor’s Mill THE MEAT Two smashed beef patties, plus crispy strips of bacon from Newman Farm THE TOPPINGS American cheese, smoked mayonnaise and caramelized onion ORDER IT WITH All the Spring Things cocktail

for a light sip

THE KELSEY from Missouri Mike’s, two Springfield locations, missourimikes.com The original Missouri Mike’s location is a barbecue joint, and the second leans more into casual dining. But both places o er a selection of topping-heavy burgers. The Kelsey brings a little bit of heat to the game. THE BUN Toasted brioche THE MEAT A -ounce patty made rom brisket, short ribs and chuck THE TOPPINGS Fire-roasted chili peppers, homemade chorizo, caramelized onions and a blend of cheeses ORDER IT WITH Loaded barbecue nachos to

share with friends

The grotto Burger

THE full ride

springphilly Burger

from The Grotto West Coast Grill, 301 E. Battlefield Road, 417-886-9600, gogrotto.com

from J.O.B. Public House, 319 E. Walnut St., Springfield, facebook.com/JOBpublichouse

from Black Sheep, multiple Springfield locations, blaaacksheep.com

The Grotto Burger is a choose-your-ownadventure experience since you get to pick the toppings. Take our advice and get the super-indulgent combo below. It’s our garlicky, cheesy go-to for bad breath that’s worth it.

When Grad School closed and some of its menu migrated o er to sister-restaurant .O.B. Public House, we had one ery serious uestion Okay, but what about The Full Ride? Well, lucky for all of us, that juicy little wonder made the cut!

It’s not easy to pick just one burger to highlight at Black Sheep. Burgers are their whole thing! But the Springphilly is a new favorite. I mean, just look at the bottom burger in the pic above—who could resist something so beautifully sloppy?

THE BUN lu y brioche, per ectly toasted THE MEAT

pound o certified Angus bee

THE TOPPINGS Roasted garlic aioli, bleu cheese crumbles and crispy bacon ORDER IT WITH A side o sweet potato ries. Or, if you just can’t get enough stinky cheese, the addictive bleu cheese chips. 60



THE BUN Satisfyingly soft and barely toasted THE MEAT Two griddle-cooked beef buddies THE TOPPINGS Soft sharp cheddar cheese (the highlight!), caramelized onion, lettuce, tomato and bacon ORDER IT WITH Something rom .O.B.’s extensive whiskey selection—on the rocks

THE BUN Regular or gluten-free THE MEAT

you ready

ounces o ground bee plus are sliced marinated filet on top

THE TOPPINGS Grilled red peppers and onions and an ooey-gooey cheese sauce ORDER IT WITH The Sugar Daddy milkshake spiked with bourbon

the mill Burger from The Ozark Mill Restaurant at Finley Farms, 802 Finley Farms Lane, Ozark, 417-210-6644, finleyfarmsmo.com

This tall king is The Mill Burger from The Ozark Mill Restaurant, and he’s piled high.

Gather up your favorite work buddies to join you for lunch, and order this absolute tower of a burger from The Ozark Mill Restaurant. It ticks all the boxes or a stellar burger It’s a little refined, a little indulgent, a little surprising, a little messy and oh-so- a or ul. THE BUN Toasted to (chef’s kiss) perfection! THE MEAT There’s not just a run-of-the-mill beef patty—this burger has braised short rib. THE TOPPINGS Aged provolone, spicy arugula so much better than lettuce and tru e aioli ORDER IT WITH A pimento margarita. Make sure you opt for the spicy chili syrup!

the slab burger from The Rock, 4018 S. Lone Pine Ave., Springfield, 417-986-0632, therockmo.com When your taste buds can’t decide what mood they’re in, it’s nice to find a dish that can pull double duty. In this burger, grilled ham adds a salty hit, while apple-habanero barbecue sauce brings the heat and the sweet. THE BUN Crispy grilled brioche roll THE MEAT A half-pound beef patty and a thick slice of grilled ham THE TOPPINGS Apple-habanero barbecue sauce, sauteed onions and cheddar cheese ORDER IT WITH A spicy bu alo cauli ower appetizer for the table

H.A.F.B. Burger LINDBurger from Lindberg’s Tavern, 318 W. Commercial St., Springfield, 417-868-8900, lindbergsbar.com indberg’s Ta ern sort o ies under the radar as one of the best burger joints in town. Their smash burgers come in three sizes (the Lindburger option has two patties) and there are several fun topping options that we don’t see every day (like homemade ketchup, green tomato relish and onion jam). We recommend trying the combo below, but you can always build your own. THE BUN Classic, no-frills, toasted just right THE MEAT Two juicy smashed patties seared

in duck fat THE TOPPINGS Melted provel cheese, beer-braised mushrooms, bacon, homemade mayo and standard burger veggies ORDER IT WITH A side of fried green tomatoes

from Gettin’ Basted, locations in Branson, Nixa and Springfield, gettinbasted.com Stop! Before you dig in to the H.A.F.B., you’re going to need to round up a small mountain of napkins. Trust us, you’ll need them. Hot tip You can get an H.A.F.B. at Downing Street Pour House too, with just slight ingredient changes.) THE BUN A balance of soft and toasty THE MEAT A patty made of the juiciest American Wagyu beef THE TOPPINGS A gooey soft fried egg, sharp white cheddar cheese, rich avocado butter, bacon jam and Sriracha for a hit of heat ORDER IT WITH An app to share, like a gigantic soft pretzel with mustard and cheese sauces

Here’s to the sloppy-but-worth-it H.A.F.B. Burger from Gettin’ Basted (right). This juicy bite isn’t for the faint of heart. 417MAG.COM • 417 MAGAZINE



Finley Double Burger

western Burger

from Metropolitan Grill, 2931 E. Battlefield Road, Springfield, 417-889-4951, metropolitan-grill.com

from The Finley, 206 E. Elm St., Ozark, 417-5821912, thefinley.com

from W.F. Cody’s, 3138 E. Sunshine St., Springfield, 417-887-8083, facebook.com/wfcodys

If you want to try this particular dish from The Finley, you need to make plans to be there during lunch hours. The burger isn’t o ered at dinner, but the restaurant’s spacious outdoor area makes it a great lunch break burger stop with friends in tow.

If you know, you know. W.F. Cody’s has long had a reputation for serving some seriously delicious, mostly no-frills burgers that are so good at scratching that I-need-a-burger itch. Their Western Burger fits the bill with the per ect combo o indulgent toppings. Giddy-up!

THE BUN The perfect vehicle for this luscious burger and all its toppings

THE BUN Classic and simple—it’s all about the toppings on this burger.

Although Metropolitan Grill is known for eclectic fine dining, they’re pretty skilled at adding their spin to a comfort classic like burgers too. With the Schuchmann Sliders, you get a duo of little slider burgers, with Parmesan and rosemary fries on the side. THE BUN Perfectly sized slider rolls THE MEAT Beef patties that are a blend of Wagyu beef and bacon THE TOPPINGS Smoked gouda cheese and

caramelized onion aioli ORDER IT WITH The Metropolitan Grill classic: ash- ried spinach

THE MEAT Two patties from Blackgate Farms THE TOPPINGS Crunchy fried shallots, chipotle sauce, American cheese, locally grown greens and tomatoes ORDER IT WITH A pimento dip hoe cakes appetizer to whet your appetite

THE MEAT A juicy griddle-cooked patty

ORDER IT WITH An ice-cold pint of beer. This is a dive bar, after all.

from Alamo Drafthouse, 4005 South Ave., 417-708-9599, drafthouse.com/springfield

I you’ e e er actually finished a Monster Burger, we ha e one uestion or you Are you okay? I mean, look at this crazy, beautiful thing! At least you’re at a movie theater when you order it, so you can digest a few hours before you have to move around again.

THE TOPPINGS oaded wa e ries, you guys.

Loaded wa e fries THE SAUCE A hefty slather of savory, dripping,

goopy-good ueso sauce THE MEAT Just a giant version of your classic beef patty THE BUN A little toasty, a little soft, with some

sesame seeds for good measure.

THE BEST PART Crispy bacon. Meat candy. Like

funfetti sprinkles for your burger.



THE TOPPINGS Bacon, barbecue sauce, pickles, American cheese and a nice, fat onion ring

monster burger



Pinkies up: There’s nothing dainty about the huge Western Burger from W.F. Cody’s.



Spicy Fried Pickle Burger

from RepMo Burger Co., 558 E. Harrison St., Republic, 417-647-2112 This burger perfectly toes the line between a veggie-packed classic and something wildly creati e. ith exploding a ors thanks to a swath of toppings both mild and bold, this one’s a winner for adventurous diners.

THE BUN A tasty and toasty

brioche roll


Spicy fried pickles

THE MEAT Two chunky beef patties, stacked high THE TOPPINGS American

cheese, tomato, red onion and lettuce THE SAU E Chipotle ranch for a hint of heat





surf & turf Burger

from Red’s Giant Hamburg, 2301 W. Sunshine St., Springfield, redsgianthamburgspringfield.com

from SPLIT Social Kitchen, 3027 E. Sunshine St., Springfield, 417-755-7155, splitspringfield.com

from Pickles Buns, get location updates at facebook.com/picklesandbunssgf

It’s all about burgers, milkshakes and some oldschool Route 66 nostalgia at this reincarnated burger joint. There are just a handful of simple burger options, and we were drawn straight to the super-meaty Sooper Burger.

SPLIT Social Kitchen always takes their inventive dishes a few steps beyond expected, and this burger is no exception. The messy mountain of mushrooms and unmistakable a or o tru es make it a real winner.

If you think miniature anything is cute to the max, then you might love the little sliders from the Pickles Buns ood truck. Each one e en comes topped with a mini pickle! There are several burger options, but we are all about the unexpected surf & turf burger.

THE BUN White, soft, toasted, simple

THE BUN Toasted just enough

THE MEAT Two beef patties, plus slices of ham

THE MEAT Two 4-ounce beef patties and some

and bacon

crispy strips of bacon

THE TOPPINGS American cheese (but you can

THE TOPPINGS Lots of mushrooms, truf-

add chili to your burgers for $0.99 if you’re really feeling crazy)

e-in used white American cheese and some caramelized onions

ORDER IT WITH A Route 66 banana split for that classic diner vibe

come on the side)

triple steak Burger

double cheeseburger

from Taylor’s Drive-In, 139 Memorial Plaza, Springfield, 417-862-3278

from Billy Bob’s Dairyland, 1829 76 Country Blvd., Branson, 417-337-9291

You’ e probably seen the “Taylor’s Est. ” sign outside drive-in restaurant downtown, but have you been inside? This place is micro-teeny and super old-school, and we love that.

This unobtrusive little diner on the Branson Strip has uite the ollowing or its ried hand pies, its luscious milkshakes and malts, and of course its mega-juicy burgers. The double cheeseburger topped the way you like with classic burger basics is a favorite.

THE BUN A super-simple white-bread bun for that no-frills experience THE MEAT Three beef patties, smashed thin

and griddle cooked THE TOPPINGS For a classic: American cheese, bacon, lettuce, tomato and grilled onion ORDER IT WITH A side order of some seriously

crispy onion rings

ORDER IT WITH Parmesan-garlic fries (which

THE BUN Lil’ bitty slider rolls THE MEAT A super-juicy ground beef patty plus (here comes the surf!) tender sauteed shrimp THE TOPPINGS Swiss cheese, tomato and some paprika mayonnaise for a little zip ORDER IT WITH Tater tots

Who’s up for a game of beefy Jenga? This stack of cuties is from Pickles & Buns food truck.

THE BUN Split-top white roll, toasted THE MEAT Two big, thick patties of ground beef THE TOPPINGS Order all the crunchy veggies: onion, lettuce and pickles ORDER IT WITH A classic chocolate malt or a

fried pie

The triple steakburger from Taylor’s Drive-In is as old-school as it gets.






Photos by Brandon Alms

Thailand Station’s menu is full of delicious surprises like the Money Bag appetizer and Thai Coffee. Read about more of their flavor-filled dishes on p. 68.




SUPER-FRESH Regional Thai cuisine from Thailand Station is filled with the freshest veggies and some fun and delicious surprises. BY JORGE CESPEDES PHOTOGRAPHED BY BRANDON ALMS

Some of the tasty dishes from Thailand Station include moo ping, pumpkin curry, crispy pork belly, crispy duck in basil sauce and money bag dumplings. 68


REVIEW Thailand Station’s interior mural wall shows the di erent cuisine made throughout Thailand.

The Broccoli Crispy Pork Belly is served with carrots, cabbage and white rice, and like the rest of Thailand Station’s dishes can be customized with a spice level from 1–5.


he cuisine we’re exploring this month is one that I suspect most of you already like: Thai cuisine. And the newest restaurant to share this food with Springfield is called Thailand Station. The restaurant is owned by two friends, Gift Williams and Mint Hempala. Located at 1730 E. Republic Road in a small shopping center that also houses Sugarfire BBQ, this little restaurant space has one very unique north-facing wall. On it is a large a colorful mural showcasing and defining the different regions of Thailand— and the food styles and ingredients each one of those regions is known for. It lets us know, for example, that southern Thai food will include chicken and hearty broths; the central region offers lots of rice-based dishes with fried eggs, green veggies and seafood soups; and so on and so forth until this very entertaining and educational art piece comes to an end. What diners get in addition to bright artwork is a good understanding of what to expect when the menu arrives. Just like at so many other Asian restaurants around town, the menu here is not a small one but one with lots of options to choose from and some helpful photos of their most popular dishes. This vast reading material has the expected options and more; appetizers, soups, salads,wok dishes, noodle dishes, fried rice, curries, fish and seafood and my favorite, a chef special list of dishes that may be a bit more unique. Now, what to do with such a large menu? You should probably order a dish from each section, right? You may laugh, but that’s almost what I ended up doing.

I decided to start with two apps. First was a crispy tofu, deep fried and served with a homemade sweet and sour sauce topped with crushed peanut. Second, I tried the Moo Ping, which consisted of three pork skewers, marinated and grilled and served with a house chili lime sauce that really complemented the taste of that special char it gets from a grill. One thing I’d like to point out is that they do have some domestic and imported beer and wine, but they are more than okay with you bringing over your own bottle of wine. They just charge you a corking fee. I decided to go for a Schloss Vollrads Estate Riesling Kabinett Medium-Dry that really complemented this style of food. I will say that with this and spicier style food, a very juicy white wine will be the way to go. For the entrees, it was hard to choose from such a large menu, but I ended up going for one curry dish and two of the chef ’s menu items. First, the curry dish: One that jumped off the list was a shrimp pumpkin curry, which is coconut-based. They used medium size chunks of pumpkin in it, and let me tell you, it’s so good. That was my first time having any style of squash in a curry like that, and I absolutely loved it. Then we ordered the broccoli crispy pork belly that was made with lots of crunchy chunks of, you guessed it, pork belly. It was accompanied by carrots, cabbage and white rice. The last dish I wanted to try was the crispy duck with a basil sauce, and this was also delicious. The duck was bursting with flavor and the crunchy skin was absolutely a treat. With all of this, you can choose the spice level you

M REVIE ORE W 417m S AT ag.co m

wish to try, from 1 to 5, and I went with a level 2 across the menu. I definitely don’t regret it; it was the right amount of heat. For dessert, I went a bit different route but still one I’d recommend. Try the Thai coffee, a strong black coffee topped with sweet milk and served on ice. It was so good and just the perfect amount of sweetness to wrap it all up.

Crispy Duck in Basil Sauce features duck bursting in a or with a crunchy skin.


E. Republic Road, Springfield 417-350-1001 thailandstation.net Open Monday–Saturday, 11 a.m.–9 p.m. 417MAG.COM • 417 MAGAZINE




Batter that’s fried to crispy, crunchy perfection



Crumbled blue Takis and a drizzle of chipotle mayo

from WookieDogs pop-up shop, facebook.com/EatWookieDogs


Stretchy mozzarella cheese and a hot dog.


f you love all things charcuterie, then you need to pay a visit to D’Vine Delicatessen and Wine (3522 S. National Ave., Springfield, 417-4093084, dvinedeliandwine.com). The store is filled with outstanding cured meats rom Spain, Italy and France. There are all sorts of cheeses, from stinky and delicious creamy French cheeses (my favorite) to Spanish and English blue cheese, plus all sorts of pate, saucisson and more. Once you begin to look around, with a glass of wine in hand, you realize you landed in a place delicately curated to create some amazing charcuterie boards. My product of choice, among many, is a Spanish mandarin and fig paste. It’s a membrillo, or quince paste, but with other Mediterranean a ors. Pair this with any cured meat or creamy and dry cheese. Treat yourself and plan a visit to this awesome little jewel of a store. Jorge Cespedes




GRAZING BOARD For a curated taste of Spain, put together the ultimate charcuterie plate. BY JORGE CESPEDES

Ingredients Mandarin and fig paste Marcona almonds Iberico ham Iberico Chorizo Queso Manchego Instructions Arrange all your Spanish-inspired goodies on a platter, and find a riend to share it with while you graze and chat. Add your favorite wine (recommendation: a bottle of Rioja Reserva red wine) to go with this perfect taste of Spain.

Photos by Leah Stiefermann, Brandon Alms



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A Smoky Sip

ocktails like the El Dorado from Tabak Co. Cigar and Whiskey Bar (311 Park Central W. Springfield, MO, 417-771-5237), have layers upon layers of flavors that pair perfectly with so many of the cigars that are offered in the bar’s humidor. The tequila adds an earthiness that’s complemented by the aromatics of Peychaud’s bitters, then balanced with a slight sweetness from simple syrup. Finally, there’s a mezcal rinse on the glass for a smoky full body that is the finishing touch to a drink that will go hand-in-hand with your cigar of choice. For that last part, ask the staff for guidance and they will provide the right one for you. Cheers!—Jorge Cespedes

BIG FLAVORS The flavors of Puerto Rico are bold, and we can’t get enough of them at El Maseton Lechonera.


l Maseton Lechonera is a perfect example of what passion and joy look like from the moment you walk up to this big, black, professional-looking food truck that normally parks on 1661 E. Saint Louis St., next to the Latino market on the right. Bold and loud dancing music is blaring from the speakers and the big roaster on the back of the truck is at full blast cooking a Puerto Rican-style whole hog. Here’s what I had and I totally recommend it: I started with yuca con mojito de ajo that’s covered with a delicious garlic-citrus sauce. Then I moved to the classic mofongo con lechon y ensalada. Mofongo is a traditional dish made with fried green plantains that are mashed with garlic, salt, olive oil and broth in a wooden pilon. The lechon is the roasted pig, and the ensalada is a creamy coleslaw to just put the cherry on top.—Jorge Cespedes

Photos by Leah Stiefermann

Bibi and Abiezer, owners of El Maseton Lechonera, have a red carpet rolled out in front of their truck to make it a VIP dining experience.







AVANZARE ITALIAN DINING 1908 S. Glenstone Ave., Springfield, 417-567-3463, avanzareitaliandining.com. Northern Italian. Pasta is always a hit at A an are, a longtime Springfield a orite. Customers love the Bistecca Rosemarino steak and the pasta with sea ood in a spicy tomato-based sauce. Open Mon. ri., a.m. p.m. Mon. Thu., p.m. ri. Sat., p.m. Sun., p.m. $$$ L D M ☎ WIFI K

BRUNO’S IL RISTORANTE 416 South Ave., Springfield, 417-866-0007, brunos-restaurant.net. Sicilian. All o the pi as here are baked in a brick o en or a stellar crust, and the toppings are top notch. The lobster, shrimp and scallop ra ioli is to die or. Open Mon. Thu., a.m. p.m. ri. Sat., a.m. p.m. $$ L D K M ☎ WIFI


 Restaurant Listings, 74  7 Good Things, 77

1620 E. Republic Road, Springfield, 417-8238383. Steak and seafood. O erings o aygu steaks, lamb shank and fish dishes are a es here. Oysters, ce iche and bone marrow pi ue the appetite as starters. Open Mon. Thu., p.m. ri. Sat., p.m. midnight Sun., p.m. $$$ D WIFI M ☎


[ LISTINGS KEY ] $=Under $$ Mostly $$$ and up B ser es break ast L =serves lunch D ser es dinner outdoor seating

V =live music

M =meeting space

=serves alcohol

smoke ree ☎ = reservations

recommended =wheelchair


WIFI ree wifi K o ers kids menu

The 417 Magazine Dining Guide is a select list o restaurants in southwest Missouri. Implicitly, the maga ine’s editors recommend all these restaurants. The Dining Guide is not related to ad ertising, and 417 Magazine doesn’t accept reebies in exchange or re iews or listings. istings are updated o ten they appear based on space a ailability. Restaurants that are written about in Dining Guide items such as restaurant re iews, restaurant update stories and “ Good Things” are chosen by editors as a ser ice to readers.

Restaurant owners: If you have news about your restaurant or a correction to our listing about your restaurant, we’re all ears. Send an e-mail to Food Editor Jorge Cespedes at yum@417mag.com.




415 N. State Highway 265, Branson, 417-2431777, chateauonthelake.com. Contemporary American. Chateau Grille o ers gorgeous iews o Table Rock ake. And you really can’t go wrong with anything on the menu here. The restaurant ocuses on upscale, seasonal cuisine. Open daily during the regular season weekends only during the o -season. $$$ B L D M ☎ WIFI K

CRABBY’S SEAFOOD BAR AN GRILL 815 W. Seventh St., Joplin, 417-206-3474, crabbysjoplin.com. Contemporary American. This oplin hot-spot ser es antastic sea ood. The Chilean sea bass is a specialty. Try the small plates, like portobello ries, steamed mussels or a charcuterie board. Open Mon. Sat., a.m. p.m. $$–$$$ L D M ☎ WIFI K

THE FINLEY 206 E. Elm St., Ozark, 417-582-1912, facebook. com/thefinleyozark. Contemporary American. The inley is housed inside a reno ated church ust o the O ark town s uare, and the a ors here are a religious experience. nown or its steak and sea ood o erings, The inley also has a speakeasy bar in its basement. unch eds. ri. a.m. p.m. Dinner eds. Sat. p.m. Brunch Sat. Sun. a.m. p.m. $$$ L D WIFI M K ☎

FLAME STEAKHOUSE & WINE BAR 314 W. Walnut St., Springfield, 417-862-4444, flamesteakhouse.com. American steakhouse. The restaurant speciali es in dry-aged steaks that are truly delicious. Don’t miss the lobster macaroni and cheese. The desserts are always

di ine, and we can’t get enough o the appeti er menu. Open or dinner Mon. Thu., p.m., ri. Sat., p.m. Red Room open p.m. to bar hours. $$$ D WIFI K M ☎

GILARDI’S 820 E. Walnut St., Springfield, 417-862-6400, gilardisonwalnut.com. Northern Italian. Owner ames Martin ocuses on handmade pasta and resh ingredients at this charming little Italian restaurant that makes a wonder ul date-night spot. Don’t miss the ama ing meatballs in red wine rosemary cream sauce ser ed o er goat cheese polenta. Open Mon. Sat., p.m. $$$ D WIFI M ☎

HARUNO JAPANESE SUSHI BAR 3044 S. Fremont Ave., Springfield, 417-8870077, harunosushi.com. Japanese. The Oh My God roll and the Sex and the City roll are trademarks here. Be sure to enture o the sushi menu and try some o the entrees, like the mango- alape o ahi tuna. Mon. ri., a.m. p.m., p.m. midnight Sat., a.m. p.m., p.m. midnight Sun., a.m. p.m. $$–$$$ L D M K ☎ V

HARVEST RESTAURANT 8011 E. State Highway AD, Rogersville. Contemporary American. 417-830-3656. Owners, Craig and Tamara on oerster, ha e created a restaurant ocused on hyper-seasonal, local cuisine. Although the menu is constantly in ux, Craig is known or his mushroom risotto and scallop trio. Open Thu. Sat., p.m. Open Sunday or brunch, a.m. p.m. $$$ D M ☎

JIMM’S STEAKHOUSE & PUB 1935 S. Glenstone Ave., Springfield, 417-8865466, jimmssteakhouseandpub.com. American steakhouse. e lo e the tasty steaks here. They are always prepared per ectly. The stu ed Peppadew peppers are a must-try appeti er trust us, you need to taste those things And i you lo e a good salad bar, imm’s has one o the best. Open Sunday, a.m. p.m. Mon. Thu., a.m. p.m. ri. Sat. a.m. p.m. $$–$$$ L D M ☎ WIFI K

KAI 306 S. Campbell Ave., Springfield, 417-8320077, kaiafterdark.com. Contemporary Japanese and Korean. This lounge-like restaurant in downtown Springfield has antastic sushi. Try the black cod or sea bass entrees with delicious wasabi risotto. unch Mon. ri., a.m. p.m. Dinner Mon. Thu., p.m. midnight ri. Sat., p.m. a.m. $$–$$$ L D M ☎

LA GALETTE BERRICHONNE 143 E. Main St., Fordland, 417-738-2112, rolandparny.com. ind fine rench cuisine ust minutes rom Springfield in ordland at a Galette Berrichonne, known or multi-course dinner e ents. The ood is stellar Reser ations re uired. Open ri. Sat., a.m. p.m. Sat., open or dinner. $–$$ B L D ☎




The Hilton Branson Convention Center Hotel, 200 E. Main St., Branson, 417-243-3443, level2steakhouse. com. Steakhouse. This Branson restaurant speciali es in steaks, but its gooey butter cake dessert is gaining a ollowing. Try the ansas City strip steak with the incredible Caesar salad that’s topped with ried anchoies. Open daily, a.m. p.m., p.m. $$$ B L D WIFI M K

2144 E. Republic Road, B101, 417-799-9388, springfieldprogress.com. New American. Beauti ully prepared sea ood, dry-aged steaks and lots o and eggie- orward dishes lead the way at Progress. The menu changes with the seasons, and it always includes a new creati e carrot dish. unch Tues. ri. a.m. p.m. to-go only , dinner Tues. Sat. p.m., brunch Sat. Sun. a.m. p.m.$–$$ L D WIFI M



2931 E. Battlefield Road, Springfield, 417-889-4951, metropolitan-grill.com. Eclectic fine dining. This restaurant speciali es in steaks and sea ood, and we lo e that the menu is always changing, giving us something new and delicious to be excited about ser ed in a amiliar space. Open Mon. Thu., p.m. ri., p.m. Sat., p.m. $$$ D M ☎ WIFI K

2150 W. Republic Road, Springfield, 417-720-1708. Metropolitan Grill owner Pat Duran has a treat or long-time ans a throw-back concept that brings back Metropolitan Grill a orites. The aptly named Retro Metro ser es some o Metropolitan’s greatest hits, including ash- ried spinach, Coco Pasta and Metro Steak. Open Tues. Sat. p.m. $$$ D WIFI

NICOLA’S RISTORANTE 3631 E. Sunshine St., Springfield, 417-886-3700, nicolasspringfield.com. Italian. This restaurant ser es a delicious sea bass. Try the lumache resh snails sauteed in garlic butter and baked with Parmesan cheese. En oy the spacious outdoor patio. Open Mon. Sat., p.m. close. $$–$$$ D WIFI M ☎

OCEAN ZEN PACIFIC RIM RESTAURANT 4117 S. National Ave., Springfield, 417-889-9596, eatoceanzen.com. Asian fusion. Try Chilean sea bass or the macadamia nut chicken. e particularly lo e ordering the Hawaii i e-O sushi roll and the topnotch steaks, too. Open Sun. Thu., a.m. p.m. ri. Sat., a.m. p.m. bar closes at p.m. happy hour p.m. and last two hours o operation. $$–$$$ L D M ☎ WIFI K

THE ORDER at the Hotel Vandivort, 305 E. Walnut St., Springfield, 417-832-1515, theordersgf.com. New American. The atmosphere is trendy but relaxed while the ood is an ele ated take on locally inspired ingredients. Try the Springfield-style cashew chicken bites, the Hurts Donut bread pudding or any o the excellent entrees. Open or dinner Mon. Sat. p.m., Sun. p.m. brunch Sat. Sun. a.m. p.m. bar open daily p.m. close. $$–$$$ B D M V ☎ K WIFI

OSAGE RESTAURANT at Top of the Rock, 150 Top of the Rock Road, Ridgedale, 1-800-225-6343, topoftherock.com. American. Take in beauti ul iews rom the dining room at Osage Restaurant, located at Top o the Rock, and en oy fine dining that includes steaks and roasted chicken. Reser ations are recommended. Collared shirts are recommended a ter p.m. Open Tue. Sat., p.m. ine cellar and Bu alo Bar open later. Brunch ser ed Sun., a.m. p.m. $$$ B D K M ☎

THE OZARK MILL RESTAURANT at Finley Farms, 802 Finley Farms Lane, Ozark, 417-2106644, finleyfarmsmo.com. Farm-to-table. Inside the beauti ully restored O ark Mill, you can order upscale arm-to-table meals that are made with ingredients grown right at inley arms or produced in their onsite apiary. Don’t miss the incredible risotto ritters appeti er ser ed o er a pickled pepper aioli. or dessert, the green tomato cake is stellar. Open eds. Sun. a.m. p.m. $$–$$$ L D M K


ANDY B’S ENTERTAINMENT CENTER 1127 E. Battlefield Road, Springfield, 417-883-1234; 405 Branson Landing Blvd., Branson, 417-213-8631; bowlandybs.com. American fare. ind lane-side ood ser ice and a menu ull o burgers, pi as, pasta and more. Springfield open Sun. Thu., a.m. midnight ri. Sat., a.m. Branson open Mon. Thu., noon p.m. ri., noon p.m. Sat., a.m. p.m. Sun., a.m. p.m. $ L D M K

AVIARY BY LAVENDER FALLS 2144 E. Republic Road, Suite E120, Springfield, 417881-9736; aviarycafe.com. Crepes and bistro fare. This spot is known or resh crepes but there are also beauti ul salads and entrees. Open Mon. Thu. a.m. p.m. and p.m., ri. Sat. a.m. p.m. and p.m. Sun. a.m. p.m. $–$$ B L D ☎ K

BAIR’S SPORTS GRILL 3821 S. Campbell Ave., Springfield, 417-368-5919; 631 S. Kimbrough Ave., Springfield, 417-866-2700; 1644 Highway 60 East, Republic, 417-732-5077; 701 N. McCroskey St., Suite 1, Nixa, 417-725-3777; bairsburgers.com. American. There are appeti ers and burgers on the menu at Bair’s. e lo e the burger that is topped with ranch dressing and ried pickles. Hours vary by location. $ L D K

BIG WHISKEY’S Several 417-land locations, bigwhiskeys.com. American. Springfield’s go-to or bu alo chicken dip, burgers and the staple pub oods. ans ra e about the spin dip too. Hours ary by location. Ask about brunch ser ice. $$ BLD

BISTRO 58 15038 Business Highway 13, Branson West, 417-7731985, vcellars.com. Bistro fare. This restaurant is o the beaten path and o ers a stellar selection o wine, and tasty sandwiches at lunch. Also be sure to check out the riday night dinners. Open Tue. Sat., a.m p.m. ri., p.m. $ L D WIFI

BLACK SHEEP BURGERS & SHAKES 209 E. Walnut St., Springfield, 417-319-5905; 2160 W. Chesterfield Blvd., Springfield, 417-368-0227; 2420 E. Sunshine St., Springfield, 417-351-3595; blaaacksheep. com. Burgers. Chow down on the Good Yogi two pat-





DINING GUIDE ties topped with white cheddar, lettuce, onion, pickle and baaad sauce house-made Thousand Island dressing. Open Mon. Thu., a.m. p.m. ri. Sat., a.m. midnight Sun., a.m. p.m. $ L D M

BLACKSTONE GASTROPUB 1521 E. Broadway St., Joplin, 417-553-0665. Gastropub. Damien Tiregol o Crabby’s Sea ood Bar Grill now has another Joplin eatery. Blackstone Gastropub eatures hand-cra ted cocktails and beers on tap alongside some great-looking eats like the crispy ried chicken, grilled salmon on a bed o gnocchi. Open eds. Sat. a.m. p.m. Sun. a.m. p.m. Mon. a.m. p.m. $ $ L D

CAFE CUSCO 234 E. Commercial St., Springfield, 417-868-8088, cafecusco.com. Peruvian. This menu is packed with unexpected dishes that are inspired by the cuisine o Peru and the Andes Mountains. A ew standouts the omo Saltado, or anything that includes the ce iche. Open Mon. Thu., a.m. p.m. ri. Sat., a.m. p.m. Sun., a.m. p.m. $$ L D M WIFI

CHERRY PICKER PACKAGE + FARE 601 S. Pickwick Ave., Springfield, 417-986-5800. Cafe fare. hat do you get when you combine a co ee shop, bar, ca e and li uor store Cherry Picker Package are. A small selection o sandwiches, soups and salads is ser ed daily. e’re big ans o the To Brie or ot to Brie. Open Mon. Thu., a.m. p.m. ri. Sat., a.m. midnight. $ B L D

CIVIL KITCHEN & TAP 107 and 222 Park Central Square, Springfield, 417-5018456, civilkitchenandtap.com. Bar fare. ith beers on tap and chicken and wa es on the menu, it is easy to see the appeal o this rustic-but-com ortable restaurant and bar. Open Tue. Sat., a.m. a.m. Sun., a.m. midnight $ B L D M ☎

DERBY DELI 2023 S. Glenstone Ave., Springfield, 417-883-4066. Cafe fare. ocated inside Brown Derby International ine Center, this eatery eatures sandwiches, salads, a ariety o cheese plates and salami plates, a hummus board and more. e lo e the ocal Goat salad topped with a scoop o chicken salad. Open Tue. ri., a.m. p.m. or lunch, Tue. ri., a.m. p.m. or small plates Sat., a.m. p.m. $ L D




2038 W. State Highway 86, Lampe, 800-225-6343, dogwoodcanyon.org. American. ocated on the grounds o the sprawling, spectacular Dogwood Canyon nature preserve, the Canyon Grill Restaurant oozes rustic elegance and boasts a menu inspired by its earthy surroundings. Try the B T made with delicate seared trout cakes and plenty o thick-cut bacon. Open daily, a.m. p.m. $–$$ L D M

1720 Battlefield Road, Springfield, 417-881-8224, marketgrille.hy-vee.com. American. This spot runs great specials, like hal -price sushi and wine on ednesdays or o bar drinks and appeti ers on Mondays. or the kiddos, meals are ree e ery week on Tuesday, too. Open daily, a.m. p.m., bar opens at a.m. $–$$ B L D M WIFI K


2708 S. Glenstone Ave., Springfield, 417-883-3403, nearlyfamous.net. Deli and Italian. Regulars love the weekly specials egg salad on ridays, pear sandwiches on Thursdays and more. The tomato soup is antastic, and it goes well with ust about any sandwich at this riendly spot. Open Mon. Sat., a.m. p.m. $$ B L D K M

24 Downing St, Hollister, 417-320-6106; dspourhouse. com. Ser ing ele ated bar ood and creati e, hearty entrees, Downing Street Pour House is the brainchild o the award-winning barbecue slingers who own Gettin’ Basted. Open in Hollister Mon. Thu. a.m. p.m., ri. Sat. a.m. p.m., Sun. a.m. p.m. Open in Springfield Sun. Thu. a.m. p.m., ri. Sat. a.m. p.m. $– $ $ L D WIFI K

EBBETS FIELD 1027 E. Walnut St., Springfield, 417-865-5050, ebbetssgf.com. American. Under new management, this classic Springfield spot open since has gotten a aceli t and menu update. Try the Bird on a Bat battered and ried chicken onions and pickles ser ed on a stick with dipping sauce. The burgers are incredible too You can build your own or try one o the our menu burgers. e’re partial to the St. ouis Black Blues burger with Cajun-style bacon, bleu cheese, pepperjack cheese and eggies. Open Tues. Sun. a.m. bar close. $–$$ LD K

FARMERS GASTROPUB 2620 S. Glenstone Ave., Springfield, 417-864-6994, farmersgastropub.com. Contemporary British and American. The menu here eatures locally sourced ingredients and changes regularly. e lo e the Scotch eggs and the fish and chips. Open Mon. Thu., a.m. p.m. ri., a.m. p.m. Break ast ser ed Mon. ri., a.m. Sat., a.m. p.m. Sun., a.m. p.m. $$ B L D M ☎ WIFI K


RED ONION CAFÉ 204 E. Fourth St., Joplin, 417-623-1004, redonioncafe. com. American/Italian. The Tuxedo Chicken is a customer a orite. Diners also lo e the bacon-wrapped shrimp, the blackened tuna sandwich or Da e’s ried chicken salad. Try the B T A. The A stands or a ocado... yum i e entertainment e ery third Thursday. Open Mon. Sat., a.m. p.m. $$ L D WIFI K

ROSIE JO’S CAFE 1711 S. 15th St., Ozark, 417-581-6047. American. This place is a ery popular hangout at break ast time with great daily specials, and it also has great homemade pies, including surprising ones like gooseberry. The ried chicken is delicious. Open Mon. Sat., a.m. p.m. Sun., a.m. p.m. $ B L D K

SPLIT SOCIAL KITCHEN 3027 E. Sunshine St., Springfield, 417-755-7155, splitspringfield.com. American. Come or creati e and beauti ully prepared dishes. The Chili ille hot chicken sandwich is seriously spicy. Open Tues. ri. a.m. p.m., Sat. a.m. p.m., Sun. a.m. p.m. $$ BLD



2546 N. Glenstone Ave., Springfield, 417-866-5253, oasisfireandice.com. Global cuisine. This spot inside Ramada Oasis Hotel Con ention Center speciali es in dry-aged steaks and certified Angus bee and has a delicious menu that changes with the seasons. Open Mon. Thu., a.m. p.m. ri. Sat., a.m. p.m. Sun., a.m. p.m. $$ L D M ☎ WIFI K

301 South Ave., Springfield, 417-865-2315. American. The burgers are top-notch, and the huge salads topped with deliciously seasoned grilled chicken breast are a a orite try the one with spicy Ca un chicken yum . Come hungry and order dessert the cakes are stellar. Open Mon. ed., a.m. p.m. Thu., a.m. p.m. ri. Sat., a.m. p.m. $–$$ L D K ☎

at Big Cedar, 612 Devil’s Pool Road, Ridgedale, 417335-2777, bigcedar.com. American. Here you can en oy a tasty meal while watching a gorgeous iew o Table Rock ake. or an appeti er, the smoked trout is antastic. The entrees change with the season and are always the per ect blend o rustic and upscale. Brunch on Sundays. Open daily or break ast, a.m. lunch, a.m. p.m. dinner, p.m. $$–$$$ B L D WIFI K M ☎ (high season)



1450 E. Sunshine St., Springfield; 417-882-5825, facebook.com/hotcluckers. Southern. For kickin chicken that’ll make your nose run and your brow sweat, head to Hot Cluckers. Ser ing ash ille-style hot chicken, this counter-ser ice oint brings a ors o Tennessee to Springfield. Spice le els allow you to customi e your mouth-burning experience. Open daily a.m. p.m. $–$$ L D K

338 E. Commercial St., Springfield, 417-536-6677. Lebanese. The kibbeh is antastic i you like herbaceous eats. e lo e the stu ed grape lea es appeti er, the ala el mushakal sandwich and the bakla a made with ebanese rose water. There are plenty o meatree options a ailable too. Open Tue. Sat., a.m. p.m. $ $$ L D



334 E. Commercial St., 417-344-0085, vangoghseeterie. com. Indo-Dutch. Dutch pancakes, chicken witlo and other Indo-Dutch and Dutch-inspired cuisine populate the menu at this Commercial Street hotspot rom oe Gidman o Ca e Cusco. e lo e arm ear Au ers pancake with goat cheese, apples, honey, arugula and thyme. Open Tue. Thu., a.m. p.m. ri. Sat., a.m. p.m. Sun., a.m. p.m. $$ B L D ☎

1 Opportunity Ave., Point Lookout, 417-690-2146, keetercenter.edu. American. The smoked tomato soup is knock-your-socks-o delicious. College o the O arks students grow produce and raise meat to use in the restaurant, so the menu has a ery arm-to-table uality. Open Mon. Sat., a.m. p.m. Sun., a.m. p.m. $$ B L D WIFI K M ☎ 76



2431 N. Glenstone Ave., Springfield, 417-862-7777; 2110 E. Republic Road, Springfield, 417-883-3434; houlihans.com. American. The fish tacos and burgers are antastic, and we lo e the enormous nachos appeti er along with the salad selection. Open Mon. Thu., a.m. p.m. ri. Sat., a.m. midnight Sun., a.m. p.m. $–$$ L D M WIFI K


Globetrotter Pork Belly Tacos rom Team Taco are ser ed with reshs uee ed lime uice on corn tortillas.

These seven dishes or drinks have passed our taste buds this month and made us rave. They are ranked by level of yumminess.


 Globetrotter Pork Belly Tacos at Team Taco (1454 E. Cherry St, Springfield) are just mouthwatering per ectly cooked little chunks o pork belly with traditional toppings on corn tortillas.

e can’t get enough o the Bacon Brown Butter Popcorn at Farmer’s Gastropub (2620 S. Glenstone, Springfield). I mean, what else is there to say Seasoned with salt, pepper and resh chi es.


The Croque Madame at RISE (105 Park Central Square, Springfield) is one o the best ersions o this sandwich we’ e seen in town. The bread is per ectly so t yet holds to the challenge bechamel sauce, gruyere cheese, ham and a ried egg. ust delicious.





Chocolate Chip Cookie Ice Cream Sandwiches at Druff’s (331 Park Central E, Springfield) are the per ect grab-and-go sweet snack or any sunny day.

Photo by eah Stie ermann


For a sweet sip to go with a pizza meal, we love the strawberry-basil lemonade rom Luco’s Pizza (2925 W. Republic Road, Suite 100, Springfield). ith strawberry slices and lea es o basil, it’s so resh

Ha e you had a Mangonada rom Los Michoacanos Garcia yet (1402 W. Sunshine St., Springfield). I’m talking about a ro en be erage that combines the a ors o ripe mangoes with sa ory chamoy sauce and the heat rom ta in seasoning. la or bomb.

Caprese Empanadas at Pampa Empanadas (3302 S. National Ave., Springfield) are ser ed with cherry tomatoes, basil, mo arella cheese, chopped garlic, onions and spices.

7 Good Things is chosen by the editors of Maga ine as a service to readers. We’ve tried everything on this list, and we like it. To send us your suggestions, click Contact Us on 417mag.com and then submit a letter to the editor. –The Editors MAG.COM




Celebrate mom with sushi


BUCKINGHAM’S SMOKEHOUSE BBQ 2002 S. Campbell Ave., Springfield, 417-886-9979, buckinghambbq.com. Diners lo e the ribs and the burnt ends at this classic barbecue eatery. e can’t get enough o the killer smoked salmon topped with horseradish sauce. Open daily, a.m. p.m. $ L D WIFI K

CITY BUTCHER & BARBECUE 3650 S. Campbell Ave., Springfield, 417-720-1113, citybutchersgf.com. Come early because this Texas-style barbecue spot, where the meat is smoked in small batches or optimal reshness, is known to sell out. iller brisket, pulled pork and other a orites are sold first-come, first-ser ed with a ew simple but delicious side dish options. Open daily a.m. until sold out. $–$$ L D M

CROSSTOWN BBQ 1331 E. Division St., Springfield, 417-862-4646. Try the ribs or the brisket. The Big Pappa Dinner is a signature dish, and it eatures tons o meat including ribs, brisket and hot links. Another customer a orite e en though it’s not barbecue is the always-tasty and oh-so-crispy ried catfishOpen Mon. Thu., a.m. p.m. ri. Sat., a.m. p.m. $–$$ L D ☎ K

GETTIN’ BASTED 3242 S. Stewart Ave., Springfield; 2845 W. Highway 76, Branson; 606 W. Mount Vernon St., Nixa; gettinbasted. com. Come here or award-winning barbecue in all your a orite arieties brisket, ribs, pulled pork and more. The se en wagyu burgers on the menu are ully loaded, and the apps game is strong with homemade pimento cheese. Open Sun. Thurs. a.m. p.m. ri. Sat. a.m. p.m.. $–$$ L D K


Hours MON –THUR 11 AM –2 PM , 5 PM –11:00 PM FRI 11 AM –2 PM , 5 PM –11:30 PM SAT 5 PM –11:30 PM SUN Closed

Happy Hours MON–SAT 5 PM –6:30 PM

BEST OF 417 WINNER 2012-2018, 2022





2931 E. Battlefield Road, Springfield, 417-720-4811, hardknoxbbq.com. Crispy pork belly, fiery alape o sausage, burnt ends and addicting potato salad are some o the menu highlights at Hard nox BB . Open Tue. Sat., a.m. p.m. $–$$ L D

MISSOURI MIKE’S BBQ & MORE 2833 W. Chestnut Expy., Springfield, 417-771-5018; 1724 E. Battlefield Road, Springfield, 417-771-5829; momikesbbq.com. In additional to classic barbecue options brisket, burnt ends, pulled pork , you can also get great sandwiches like The yndsey smashburger with pulled pork, brisket, and cole slaw. Open Mon. Sat. a.m. p.m. $–$$ L D K


lo ed break ast hotspot or ages. The O ark spot and has become ust as popular. Come or massi e pancakes and other break ast are. Branson open daily a.m. p.m. O ark open daily a.m. p.m. and ri. Sat. a.m. p.m. $ B L D

THE BRUNCHEONETTE 424 N. Main St., Joplin, 417-781-3447, thebruncheonette.net. e lo e the creati e takes on eggs Benedict that we’ e ound at The Bruncheonette, whose menu changes weekly but is always interesting. Don’t miss your chance to order a plate o poutine, hand-cut ries topped with gra y, shredded cheese and a poached egg. Open ed. ri., a.m. p.m. Sat. Sun., a.m. until supplies run out. $ B L

EARLY BIRD BREAKFAST PUB 1717 E. Cherokee St., Springfield, 417-885-8088. This spot ser es creati e break ast are and has a ull-serice bar churning out break ast margaritas and the ilk. Don’t miss the tacos, burritos, traditional break ast are, sandwiches and more. There’s e en a chicken and wa es sandwich. Open Mon. ri., a.m. p.m. Sat., a.m. p.m. Sun., a.m. p.m. $ B L

EUROPEAN CAFÉ 207 Park Central East, Springfield, 417-569-6702, 417europeancafe.com. Along with co ee drinks, this little bakery ser es up lo ely croissants, beauti ul desserts, per ect pastries and more. You can e en find some sa ory pastries, like the bacon, egg and goat cheese tart. The uiches make antastic breakasts. Their macarons are to die or, and the pretty little mousse cakes are almost too lo ely to eat. Open Mon. Thurs., a.m. p.m. ri., a.m. p.m. Sat., a.m. p.m. Sun., a.m. p.m. $ WIFI

FIRST WATCH 2946 S. National Ave., Springfield, 417-889-0601; 3103 E. Sunshine St., Springfield, 417-633-7094; firstwatch.com. At irst atch you can find break ast power bowls like the one filled with uinoa, sausage, eggs and eg , lemon-ricotta pancakes, a ocado toast, a super ood bowl with chia pudding and ruit and lots more. Open daily, a.m. p.m. $ B L K

GAILEY’S BREAKFAST CAFÉ 220 E. Walnut St., Springfield, 417-866-5500. The sweet potato hash browns are super-delish here, and we highly recommend ordering them in place o the traditional hash browns. I you’re eeling a little British, try The ull Monty. Break ast and lunch are ser ed all day. Open Sun. Tues., a.m. p.m., ed. Sat., a.m. p.m. $ B L WIFI K


224 W. Sunshine St., Springfield, 417-868-0042; 2731 N. Glenstone Ave, Springfield, 417-720-4759 wholehogsgf.com. Customers lo e the pulled pork sandwich. There’s a delicious sauce or e ery taste bud at this eatery, and we lo e the extra-indulgent potato salad. Open Mon. Sat., a.m. p.m. Sun., a.m. p.m. $ L D M ☎ WIFI K

101 S. Main St., Nixa; 417-494-5055. facebook.com/ MDCNixa. Downtown Nixa gets its morning jolt thanks to Morning Day Ca e. ind un surprises like Bacon, with an insanely addicti e carmeli ed Gouda potato cake and a hashtag o bacon. Open a.m. p.m. daily. $$ B L WIFI K


105 Park Central Square, Springfield, 417-691-6088, 417rise.com. The large and aried menu is in enti e and superbly executed. ind bakla a-inspired Belgian wa ees, nourishing grain bowls, shakshuka and more. Treat yoursel to a break ast cocktail and a plate o creamed eggs topped with smoked salmon. It’s an

BILLY GAIL’S CAFE 5291 State Highway 265, Branson, 417-338-8883; 1882 James River Road, Ozark, 417-582-2600; billygailsrestaurant.com. Billy Gail’s in Branson has been a be-


awesome way to brunch. Open Mon.. ri. Sat. Sun. a.m. p.m.. $ B L WIFI



VILLAGE INN FAMILY RESTAURANT Multiple 417-land locations, villageinn.com. Try the break ast skillets, eggs Benedict and, o course, the super-tasty pies. e lo e the crepes and other sweet break ast o erings, too. Hours ary by location. $ B L D WIFI K ☎



THE GROTTO 301 E. Battlefield Road, Springfield, 417-886-9600 gogrotto.com. The menu is accessible to meat-eaters and egetarians alike. The indulgent warm blue cheese chips are a a orite app. Customers like the pi as and the burgers especially the burger topped with lots o tangy blue cheese . Open Mon. Sat., a.m. p.m. Sun., a.m. p.m. $ L D K

NEIGHBOR’S MILL CAFÉ & BAKERY 1435 E. Independence St., Suite 110, Springfield, 417720-4162; 1301 E. Sunshine St., Springfield, 417-8862535; neighborsmill.com. This ull time bakery o ers a hearty menu packed with sandwiches, soups and salads. Don’t miss the honey pecan chicken salad. Open Mon. Sat., a.m. p.m. $ B L D K

TEA BAR & BITES 621 S. Pickwick Ave., 417-866-7500, teabarandbites. com. Try the curry chicken salad or the yummy uiche with beauti ul, aky crust. The menu eatures plenty o egan, egetarian and gluten- ree options. There are tasty baked goods too, like giant caramel rolls. Open Mon. Thu., a.m. p.m. ri., a.m. p.m. Sat., a.m. p.m. $ B L D M ☎ V



delight with every bite

3641 E. Sunshine St., Springfield, 417-832-0040. The ambalaya is antastic, and we like to order it extra-spicy. The oyster po’boys are customer a orites, and the boudin Ca un sausage balls are not to be missed. Open Mon. Sat., a.m. p.m. $ L D K


BOURBON & BEALE 2639 S Glenstone Ave, Springfield, 417-268-7266. Cajun, Creole and Memphis barbecue. This casual spot ser es a mix o Ca un and Creole a orites like crawfish etou ee and Memphis barbecue like some seriously good brisket along with typical American are that has a Ca un twist. Try the Ca un Pasta ambalaya. Open daily a.m. p.m. $$ L D WIFI


5 SPICE CHINA GRILL 2058 S. Glenstone Ave., Springfield, 417-799-0215. A modern take on Chinese ood. Diners lo e the General chicken, the sweet-and-crunchy crab Rangoon and the mango chicken. e really lo e the alapeno basil dishes too. Open Mon. Sat., a.m. p.m. Sun., a.m. p.m. $ $$ L D K M ☎


CORNER 21 1369 E. Sunshine St., Springfield, 417-766-6630, corner21us.com. This restaurant o ers authentic Chinese dishes, including se eral Sichuan-style meals. You’ll




DINING GUIDE e en find dishes that aren’t common on local Chinese restaurant menus, such as braised pork belly with rice noodles, ribeye and enoki mushrooms in a curry broth, crispy ried pumpkin, spicy Sichuan fish and so much more. Open Tues. Thurs. a.m. p.m., ri. Sat. a.m. p.m., Sun. a.m. p.m. $ L D

o the creati e and delicious seasonal drinks. The cappuccino is antastic truly one o the best we’ e e er had , and the shop also ser es wine and cra t beers on tap. e lo e the bottled lattes too. Open Mon. Sat., a.m. p.m. $ WIFI


3650 E. Sunshine St., Springfield, 417-887-7777, facebook.com/countrygirlsespresso. Aside rom all o the delicious co ee drinks, the real must-try item here is the Cuban sandwich, ser ed pressed on Cuban bread. Open Mon. Sat., a.m. p.m. $ B L D WIFI K

1540 W. Republic Road, Springfield, 417-887-7500. The eong amily ser es its original cashew chicken at this tasty eatery. The crab Rangoon are especially delicious here, and we like to dip them in the bold and spicy mustard sauce. The egg rolls are a classic, made rom scratch with a peanut butter air. Open Mon. Thu. a.m. p.m., ri. Sat. a.m. p.m., Sun. a.m. p.m. $–$$ L D WIFI K

LUCY’S CHINESE FOOD Several 417-land locations, lucyschinesefood.com. Don’t miss the cashew chicken combo special that gets you an entree, a side and ried rice or an incredible price. But i you’d rather eat something megaspicy than something ried, order the hot chicken. It’ll ha e you reaching or your water glass with e ery bite. Hours ary by location and season. $ L D


ARCHITECT COFFEE 1604 E. Republic Road, Springfield, 417-771-5030, architectcoffeeco.com. e lo e the seasonal drinks that change e ery so o ten, especially when they o er some ersion o a re reshing espresso tonic. So good The break ast burritos are stellar and so filling. So is the peanut butter and banana toast. Open Mon. ri., a.m. p.m. Sat., a.m. p.m. $ B L M WIFI

BIG MOMMA’S COFFEE & ESPRESSO BAR 217 E. Commercial St., Springfield, 417-865-9911; bigmommascoffee.com. ind co ee, espresso and blended rappes alongside some super-delicious sandwiches. The uliette is one o our a orites with apples, pro olone and creamy spreads . Open Mon. ri., a.m. p.m. Sat. Sun., a.m. p.m. $ B L D M WIFI



DANCING MULE COFFEE COMPANY 1945 S. Glenstone Ave., Springfield, 417-883-5114, dancingmulecoffee.com. The mochas are great chocolatey but not too sweet. Their authentic cappuccino is made ust right. Try the sa ory scones or break ast. Open Mon. ri., a.m. p.m. Sat., a.m. p.m. Sun., a.m. p.m. $ B WIFI

EURASIA COFFEE & TEA CULTURE CAFE 445 E. Commercial St., 417-720-1949, culturecstreet. com. This co ee roaster with a mission also ser es some tasty are in its Culture Ca e. In addition to care ully cra ted cups o co ee and Turkish co ee , there’s a eggie aan’wich made with chickpea mash, carrots and pickled onions. Open Mon. Sat., a.m. p.m. Sun., a.m. p.m. $ B L D M WIFI

KINGDOM COFFEE 211 S. Market Ave., Suite 100, Springfield, 417-3501234; 2896 S. Lone Pine Ave., Springfield; kingdomsgf. com. The menu eatures your a orite classic espresso drinks. e lo e the cortado the most, and the not-toosweet and super-creamy iced matcha latte. Open daily, a.m. p.m. $ B L D WIFI

MUDHOUSE COFFEE 323 South Ave. Suite B, Springfield, 417-832-1720, mudhousecoffee.com. The co ee is always antastic here, and Mudhouse also o ers a wide ariety o loose-lea teas. The mu ns here are huge and delicious. You can also order daily resh soups and createyour-own sandwiches. Open Mon. Sat., a.m. p.m. Sun., a.m. p.m. $ B L D WIFI


545 E. Elm St., Republic, 417-647-5125, facebook.com/ theblacklabllc; 300 W. McDaniel St., Springfield, 417942-7881, facebook.com/BlackLabDowntown; 3541 S. Lone Pine Ave, Springfield. This casually canine-inspired co ee stop is Republic’s place to be or a piping hot labbuccino, and their outposts in Springfield ser e the same pup-inspired menu items. Open Mon. Sat., a.m. p.m. Sun., a.m. p.m. $ B L V WIFI

2710 S Glenstone Ave, Springfield, 417-771-5950. This whole- oods ca e o ers organic dishes with ingredients rom local market endors. uices are organic and cold-pressed. The real draw here is the Mexicanorean usion menu, eaturing gogi nachos, kimchi ried rice and street tacos. Open Mon. Sat., a.m. p.m. $ B L D WIFI



1900 W. Sunset St., Springfield, 417-881-7625, classicrockcoffee.com; 535 W. Walnut St., Springfield, 417-771-5143, classicrockcoffeedowntown.com. This co ee shop o ers espresso drinks with rock n’ roll inspired names. Try the Sweet Emotion latte with chocolate and caramel . Open Mon. ed., a.m. p.m. Thu., a.m. p.m. ri., a.m. midnight Sat., a.m. midnight. Sun., a.m. p.m. $ B L D V M WIFI

840 Finley Farms Lane, Ozark, 417-210-6690, finleyfarmsmo.com. The orkshop is a co ee shop and gathering space. The menu includes classic co ee and tea o erings plus super-si ed suped up toasts, handcra ted cocktails, beer and wine. Open Mon. Sat., a.m. p.m. $ B L WIFI


1647 E. Sunshine St., Springfield, 417-887-1148, queencitydeli.com. This spot ser es up pasta, soups, salads and some super-delicious sandwiches. Don’t

124 Park Central Square, Springfield, 417-866-6645, thecoffeeethic.com. Try the single-origin co ee, or any 80






miss The Burnes bee tenderloin on garlic bread or the Italian bee sandwiches order them wet to get plenty o luscious us . You can’t go wrong with the pastrami sandwich that’s incredibly meaty piled high ust like they do it in ew York City delis. Open Mon. Sat., a.m. p.m. $ L D

THE SANDWICH SCENE 208 W. McDaniel St., Springfield, 417-685-9682, secretsandwichsgf.com. This spot slings some seriously good sammies that you order through a walk-up window. All o them are wonder ul, but don’t miss the Eurbano, made with mo o pork, house-made terrine, ham, swiss and spicy giardiniera. $ L D

THE SUB SHOP 1721 E. Seminole St., Springfield, 417-887-3804; 456 W. McDaniel St., Springfield, 417-831-8077. The ighter Pilot sandwich comes ully loaded with salami, pepperoni, cheese, banana peppers, lettuce and sub sauce. Seminole Street location open Mon. ri., a.m. p.m. est McDaniel Street location open Mon. ri., a.m. p.m. $ L



ANDY’S FROZEN CUSTARD Multiple 417-land locations, eatandys.com. Don’t miss the rotating seasonal toppings or the classic O arks Turtle sundae a classic concoction with caramel, hot udge and toasty pecans . Open Sun. Thu., a.m. p.m. ri. Sat., a.m. midnight. $

HURTS DONUT 320 Park Central West, Springfield, 417-719-4119; 1111 E. Republic Road, Suite 164, Springfield, 417-7557574; wannahurts.com. Outside-the-box toppings co er these super-delicious doughnuts, and they are a ailable hours a day in downtown Springfield. A customer a orite is the maple-bacon bar. Open hours. $ B L D WIFI

PRAIRIE PIE 307 S. Jefferson Ave., Springfield, prairiepie.com. Prairie Pie makes stellar all-butter-crust pies in a ors that range rom classic to in enti e. Any o owner Eleanor Taylor’s pies made with rhubarb some with cherry, some with strawberry) are superb. Stop by the storeront or other o erings as well, such as sa ory pot pies, cookies and cra y-good mashed potatoes. Open Thurs. Sun. a.m. p.m. $–$$ L WIFI

SOCIETEA 1653 E. Sunshine St., Springfield, 417-720-4094, facebook.com/societea. Bubble tea is the name o the game at this authentic spot where the matcha milk tea and the matcha roll cake are both must-try o erings. The resh strawberry smoothies with boba are a a e. Open Mon. Thu., a.m. p.m. ri. Sat., a.m. p.m. Sun., a.m. p.m. $ WIFI

ST. GEORGE’S DONUTS 3628 E. Sunshine St., Springfield, 417-881-7515; 3012 S. National Ave., Springfield, 417-882-1718; 1415 W. State Highway J, Ozark, 417-425-7885; stgeorgesdonuts.net. ots o luscious doughnuts are made resh daily here. e lo e the gla ed blueberry and the oh-so- resh chocolate cake donuts. Open daily, a.m. p.m. ational A enue location closed Sunday O ark location closed Monday. $ B






601 W. Walnut St., Springfield, 417-866-9750. This local a orite ser es o er owing bowls o great chili and a ew other yummy diner options like burgers and hot dogs . Don’t orget to order some luscious chili cheese ries while you’re there, or the ham, beans and cornbread on special. Open Mon. Thu., a.m. p.m. ri. Sat., a.m. p.m. $ B L D K

1410 E. Republic Rd., Springfield, 417-720-1763, archiesitalian.com. There are di erent types o ettuchini on the menu plus a build-your-own option , along with classic Italian dishes. Don’t miss the homemade cheesey toasted ra ioli. Open Mon. Sat., a.m. p.m. $$ L D K

DRUFF’S 331 Park Central East, Springfield; 417-719-1719, yumdruffs.com. Dru ’s brings glorious cheesiness to diner are with a menu o grilled cheeses, soups and creati e sides. or a little heat, try the Good Doctor, made with cheddar, cream cheese, bacon and alape o, or satis y your sweet tooth with a nutella and strawberry grilled sando it’s nuts. Dru ’s also o ers a brunch and break ast menu. Open Tue. ed., a.m. p.m. Thu. Sat., a.m. p.m. Sun., a.m. p.m. $ L D

RED’S GIANT HAMBURG 2301 W. Sunshine St., Springfield. A re i al o the Route staple, this diner ser es as much nostalgia as it does classic burgers. Opt or the griddle burgers ser ed with ries or onion rings, slurp on a malt or milkshake, or try out some o the newer gluten- ree options. Check out the break ast menu i you’re up early. Open daily, a.m. p.m. $ B L D K


INDIA CLAY OVEN & GRILL 2005 W. Highway 76 Country Blvd., Suite 209, Branson, 417-973-0044, indiaclayovenandgrill.com. Come to this yummy little spot on the Branson strip to indulge in the karahi lamb tender lamb, bell peppers and onion in a spicy sauce . Anything with paneer is incredible here. Stop by or lunch on ridays and Saturdays to take ad antage o the tasty bu et. Open daily, a.m. p.m., p.m. $$ L D

NAWAB’S INDIAN CUISINE TANDOOR BAR 3654 S. Campbell Ave., Springfield, 417-844-5050. ind all your a orite classic Indian dishes here tandoori chicken and makhni paneer are excellent along with some others you might not ha e seen around town. Open eds. Mon. a.m. p.m. Thu. Sat. p.m. Sun., Mon., eds. p.m. $$ L D

TAJ MAHAL INDIAN RESTAURANT 1250 E. Republic Road, Springfield, 417-719-4573. There is a ariety o naan bread and it’s so, so good , beautit ul biryani, gulab amun dessert donuts soaked in syrup and more. e are obsessed with the lamb rogan osh and the chicken al re i, but honestly e erything we’ e tried here as been stellar. Open or lunch and dinner daily. $$ L D

ZAYKA INDIAN CUISINE 311 S. Jefferson Ave., Springfield, 417-351-4400, zaykaspringfield.com. The egetable korma, chicken tikka masala and malai ko ta are ust a ew o our aorite dishes. I you’re new to Indian ood, try the preset combo meals that eature a lot o di erent a ors. The lunch bu et is also killer when it’s open. Open or lunch Tue. Sun., a.m. p.m. open or dinner Tue. Thu., p.m. ri. Sat., p.m. Sun., p.m. $ $$ LD M

AVANZARE, please see listing p. 74 BAMBINO’S CAFÉ 1141 E. Delmar St., Springfield, 417-862-9999; 2810-D E. Battlefield Road, Springfield, 417-881-4442; bambinoscafe.com. This little eatery ser es hearty helpings o Italian are that won’t break the bank, a ailable at two -land locations. The iti is our a e, with tender braised bee and so much cheese. Open Mon. Sat., a.m. p.m. Sun., noon p.m. $ L D WIFI K

BRUNO’S IL RISTORANTE, please see p. 74 GILARDI’S, please see listing p. 74 NICOLA’S RISTORANTE, please see listing p. 75 NONNA’S ITALIAN CAFÉ 306 South Ave., Springfield, 417-831-1222, nonnascafe.net. Italian. The sea ood lasagna is a must-try dish, and the spicy arrabbiata lasagna is cra y-good. Anything with Italian sausage is a sure bet. e particularly lo e the delectable chocolate torte and the rich and delicious tiramisu. Open Sun. Thu., a.m. p.m. ri. Sat., a.m p.m. $$ L D K M ☎

PICCOLO 107 West Aldersgate Drive, Suites 1 and 2, Nixa, 417374-7291, eatpiccolo.com. Piccolo o ers piled-high pastas, pi as, steak and chicken entrees. Start things o with the Italian achos, indulge in bu alo chicken pasta, and end with a cannoli. Open Tue. Thu., p.m. ri., p.m. Sat., a.m. p.m. Sun., a.m. p.m. $–$$ L D WIFI ☎ M

RAMATA ITALIAN 1201 Branson Landing Blvd., Branson, 417-231-9559, ramataitalian.com. Ramata Italian o ers Italian cuisine in a contemporary atmosphere with scenic lake views rom the patio. The menu includes homemade pasta, gourmet pi a and more. Inside you can sit at the che ’s table to get a iew o the kitchen, and outside you can co y up to the firepit. L D

SALVATORES FRESH RISTORANTE ITALIANO 1932 W. Retail Lane, Ozark, 417-485-3838, salvatoresfresh.com. The menu here is packed with handmade pastas that are reshly cra ted e ery day. The menu also boasts e erything rom ried artichokes to a Tuscan T-bone, plus burgers, pi a and sandwiches. Open Tue. Sat., a.m. p.m. Sun., a.m. p.m. $–$$ L D


CRAFT SUSHI 251 E. Sunshine St., Suite 116, Springfield, 417-3195887, facebook.com/craftsushi. At Cra t Sushi, you’re in control o your meal as you customi e your own sushi and poke bowls. And the best part It won’t break the MAG.COM



DINING GUIDE bank. Try a salad bowl topped with marinated to u, asparagus, mushrooms, alapenos, edamame and wasabi sauce. Open Mon. Sat., a.m. p.m. $$ L D

HARUNO, please see listing p. 74 KAI, please see listing p. 74 KARAI RAMEN + HANDROLL 640 W. Republic Road, Suite 100, Springfield, 417-319-5225. ith arai, owner Young un, o Haruno, ai and oriya, takes ramen seriously, and it shows in her ood. The naked ramen with seseame noodle spinach, wood ear mushrooms, bean sprout, seaweed and sprinkled with lime is a highlight. The Tonkatsu is a house special, a pork cutlet with apanese barbecue sauce. Open Mon. ri., a.m. p.m. Mon. Thu., p.m. Sat. a.m. p.m. ri. Sat., p.m. $ L D

MIJURI SUSHI & GRILL 2710 S. Campbell Ave., Springfield, 417-889-9593. All o the sushi is top-notch, and the prices are always reasonable. The ariety includes something or e ery sushi tastebud. Customers lo e the spicy Dynamite roll. One o our a orites is the simiply delicious yellowtail roll. Open Mon. ri., a.m. p.m. Sat., a.m. p.m. Mon. Thu., p.m. ri. Sat., p.m. $$ L D M ☎

NAKATO JAPANESE STEAKHOUSE 2615 S. Glenstone Ave., Springfield, 417-881-7171, nakato.com. Per ormance-style hibachi dining is what akato is known or. And they are super-good at it A little entertainment a great meal. Don’t miss the enny Roll, a a orite. Open Mon. ri., p.m. Sat., p.m. Sun., a.m. p.m., p.m. $$ L D K M ☎

NIJI SUSHI 3938 S. Lone Pine Ave., Suite 100-B, Springfield, 417851-1707. In addition to a large ariety o sushi rolls, this menu also boasts rainbow-bright cocktails and se en types o ramen soups. Come with riends so you can share and sample lots o rolls. Open Sun. Thu., a.m. p.m. ri. Sat., a.m. p.m. $$ L D

SAKURA 3230 S. National Ave., Springfield, 417-882-8000. There’s a solid sushi menu, and you can order a sushi donburi box to really get some bang or your buck. The bento boxes are packed with your choice o entree, Cali ornia roll, rice, salad, miso soup, ruit, spring rolls, eggie tempura and ice cream. Open Tue. Sun., a.m. p.m. $$ L D WIFI M ☎

SUSHI VILLAGE 1440 W. Republic Road, Springfield, 417-890-1016, facebook.com/springfieldsushivillage. All the sushi is resh and a or ul, but some custom creations pack un ingredient combos. Open Mon. Thu., a.m. p.m., p.m. ri., a.m. p.m., p.m. Sat., a.m. p.m. $$ L D WIFI


BAWI KOREAN BBQ 4121 S. National Ave., Springfield, 417-886-2777, bawikbbq.com. Bawi orean BB brings an authentic orean dining experience to Springfield, where you’ll pay a at ee o or an all-you-can-eat meal. You 82



cook the meat yoursel on tabletop grills. eep an eye out or orean-style ried chicken, which is sometimes o erend on special. Open Mon. Thu., p.m. ri. Sat, p.m. Sun., p.m. $$ D

GOLDEN KOREAN RESTAURANT 1406 W. Sunshine St., Springfield, 417-832-1093. This spot ser es up delicious and authentic orean ood. The bee bulgogi and dolsot bibimbap are best sellers here. e also lo e the ried dumplings and kimbop. Try the tasty kimchi ried rice or spicy octopus stir ry. I you’re in the mood or something really com orting on a cold day, opt or the kimchi chigae. Open ed. Mon., a.m. p.m. $ L D WIFI ☎

KORIYA 4121 S. Fremont Ave., Springfield, 417-882-0077. This spot ser es create-your-own bibimbap dishes. One o our a orite dishes is the apchae, made with slippery stir ried potato starch noodles and lots o eggies. Don’t miss the aru soba i you’re in the mood or something lighter. You can also find ramen, stir ried noodles, bee bulgogi dishes and much more. Open Mon. Sat., a.m. p.m. $ L D


GREEK BELLY 320 E. Walnut St., 417-597-3382, greekbelly.com. e lo e e erything we’ e tasted here Try a tasty pork or chicken gyro topped with creamy t at iki, tomatoes, onions and rench ries on a so t pita. Open Mon. Thu., a.m. p.m. ri. Sat., a.m. p.m. Brunch ser ed the second Sunday o each month, a.m. p.m. $ L D ☎ WIFI K

VASKEN’S DELI 3200 Gretna Road, Suite D, Branson, 417-334-9182, vaskensdeli.com. The gyros are antastic here. Make sure you get them with traditional gyro meat, and don’t skip the t at iki sauce E erything’s better with t at iki sauce, right e are nuts or the bee shawerma too. Open Mon. Sat., a.m. p.m. Sun., a.m. p.m. Extended summer hours. $ L D WIFI K


CATRINA’S MEXICAN KITCHEN & CANTINA 2925 Battlefield Road, Suite 105, Springfield, 417-3501006, catrinascantina.com. ook or hand-crushed guacamole that can be loaded up with chicharron. The grilled plaintains are a treat or a delciously superspicy bite, try the Yucatan Shrimp entree. Open Mon. Thu., a.m. p.m. ri. Sat., a.m. p.m., Sun., noon p.m. $$ L D

CESAR’S OLD MEXICO 2627 E. Sunshine St., Springfield, 17-881-8252. Indulge in authentic Mexican ood at incredibly reasonable prices. e lo e the birria taco, which is filled with succulent shredded bee . Open Mon. Thu., a.m. p.m. ri. Sat., a.m. p.m. $ L D

GREAT AMERICAN TACO COMPANY 2915 E. Battlefield Road, Springfield, 417-315-8745; 2150 W. Republic Road, Springfield, 417-720-1708, greatamericantaco.com. This spot o ers outside-thebox tacos in a huge range o a or-packed combinations. Open Sun. Thu., a.m. p.m. ri. Sat., a.m. p.m. $ L D

IGUANA ROJA 107 W. Church St., Ozark, 417-485-8585; 12051 MO13, Kimberling City, iguanaroja.net. The tacos are delish, and we lo e the a or ul seasoning they put on their tortilla chips. Open Tue. Thu., a.m. p.m. ri. Sat., a.m. p.m. $–$$ L D K

LA PALOMA 3041 E. Sunshine St., Springfield, 417-719-4484, dienlapaloma.com; 1425 W. Battlefield St., Springfield, 417-889-2985, thelapaloma.com. Try the excellent fish tacos with battered and ried fish topped with pico de gallo, cabbage and chipotle sauce. Open Mon. Thu., a.m. p.m. ri. Sat., a.m. p.m. Sun., a.m. p.m. $–$$ L D

LOS CABOS MEXICAN GRILL & CANTINA 4109 S. National Ave., Springfield, 417-823-9114, facebook.com/loscabosspringfield. The ried a ocados and Mexico City tacos pico de gallo, onions, sour cream, pepper ack cheese and your meat o choice are crowd a orites. The salsa here is stellar. Open Mon. Thu., a.m. p.m. ri. Sat., a.m. p.m. Sun., a.m. p.m. $ $$ L D K V

MARIA’S MEXICAN RESTAURANT 406 South Ave., Springfield, 417-831-9339; mariasmexican.restaurant. Don’t miss the ried tacos. Try the ueso de cabra, which is a goat cheese sauce topped with chori o. Open Mon. Thu., a.m. p.m. ri. Sat., a.m. p.m. Sun., noon p.m. $$ L D WIFI K

MEXICAN VILLA Multiple 417-land locations, mexicanvilla.net. This spot is a a orite among longtime Springfield locals, and it is known or its sweet sauce ser ed with tortilla chips. Also popular is the Sancho Enchilada Style. Hours ary by location. $ L D K

PRIMA’S MEXICAN RESTAURANT 2101 W. Chesterfield Blvd., Springfield, 417-823-7180; 3662 S. Glenstone Ave., Springfield, 417-890-1212; 5557 N. 21st St., Ozark, 417-582-2776; primasmexicangrill.com. Diners lo e the pollo abo ado, a chicken breast that’s grilled and topped with homemade chori o, white ueso and tomatoes. Open Mon. Thu., a.m. p.m. ri. Sat., a.m. p.m. Sun., a.m. p.m. $–$$ L D WIFI K M ☎

TACO HABITAT 3325 S. Glenstone Ave., Springfield, 417-582-8226. Taco Habitat ser es break ast, lunch and dinner in the orm o tacos, burritos, tortas and more e ery day o the week. You can dine in or dri e through. Open daily a.m. p.m. $ B L D

TEAM TACO 1454 E. Cherry St., Springfield, teamtacosgf.com. This tiny ca e ser es ma or a ors and te uila- ocused cocktails. e’re ans o the Globetrotter pork belly taco. Open Mon. Sun., a.m. p.m. $ L D

TINGA TACOS 308 W. McDaniel St., Springfield, 417-831-8007, tingatacossgf.com. This downtown taco shop is open late slinging its wildly creati e combinations. e are partial to the ruity Piggles with uicy pork and fig am or a salty-sweet combination. Open Tue. ed., a.m. p.m. Thu. Sat., a.m. a.m. $ L D




JULY 14, 2022 | 11:30-6:00 PM LADIESWHOLAUNCH.BIZ417.COM







1601 W. Sunshine St., Springfield, 417-864-8195. This tiny little authentic Mexican restaurant makes its own tortillas and chips resh e ery day. Try a soup or a tamale when you isit. Open Tue. ri., a.m. p.m. Sat., a.m. p.m. Sun., a.m. p.m. $ B L D




THE CELLAR 507 W. Walnut St., Springfield, 417-351-2824, thecellar.springfieldbrewingco.com. Munch on popcorn with resh Parmesan or house-made portobello erky while you sip on a cra t cocktail and en oy a rotation o li e music. Open eds. Sun. p.m. $ D



1332 E. Republic Road, Springfield, 417-881-7260, arrispizzaonline.com. Thin-crust pi as ha e a Greek air at Arris’ Pi a. Be sure to order the Athena i you want to try one that bursts with a or. Open Tue. Thu., a.m. p.m. ri. Sat., a.m. p.m. Sun., a.m. p.m., p.m. $–$$ L D M

2916 S. Lone Pine Ave., Springfield, 417-894-2003, cellarandplate.com. Check out the Romesco Gouda Dip, the Spanish meatballs, and the excellent wine selection. Open Tue. Thu., p.m. ri., p.m. Sat., noon p.m. $ L D WIFI M V


137 Park Central Square, Springfield, 417-425-5162, thegoldengirl.com. This tiki bar on Park Central S uare ser es handcra ted cocktails and a made- rom-scratch, internationally inspired menu. Open Tue. Sat., p.m. a.m. $ L D WIFI

1450 E. Sunshine St., Springfield, 417-720-1928; 4126 S. Kansas Expy., Springfield, 417-720-4108; thebigslicespringfield.com. You can get big ew York style brick o en pi a by the slice here. Try to the chicken bacon ranch. Open daily, a.m. p.m. $–$$ L D

GARBO’S PIZZERIA 2101 W. Chesterfield Blvd., Suite C101, Springfield, 417883-9010, garbospizzeria.com. I you lo e a loaded St. ouis style pi a, try the Grandiose. Or try the Ba arian pi a or something a little di erent it is topped with Canadian bacon and sauerkraut. Open Sun. Thu., a.m. p.m. ri. Sat., a.m. p.m. $–$$ L D M

MASO PIZZA BAR 3653 E. Sunshine St., Springfield, 417-720-1047. Maso Pi a Bar is owned by icola Gilardi and located ust a ew door down rom his other restaurant, icola’s Ristorante. Try the ic Rise and Shine, Italian Stallion and egetarian- riendly Monica Healthy pies. Open Mon. Sat., p.m. close. $$ D WIFI

MCSALTY’S PIZZA CAFÉ 1550 E. Battlefield Road, Springfield, 417-883-4324. The Bear Pie is a tasty supreme that’s loaded up with lots o toppings. There are also sub sandwiches. Open Mon. Thu., a.m. p.m. ri. Sat., a.m. p.m. $ L D WIFI M ☎

PAPPO’S PIZZERIA 221 E. Walnut St., Springfield, 417-866-1111; 900 E. Battlefield Road, Springfield, 417-306-9091; pappospizzeria.com. Try the spicy chicken Cholula pie, anything with meatball. Salads are great here as well. Open Mon. ed., a.m. p.m. Thu. Sat., a.m. a.m. Sun., a.m. p.m. $–$$ L D

THE PITCH PIZZA & PUB 2924 E. Sunshine St., Springfield, 417-368-0277. ith a menu ull o pi a, pastas, salads, sandwiches and pub are and a killer beer selection, there’s something to please e eryone. Restaurant open Mon. Sat., a.m. p.m. Sun., a.m. p.m. pub open later. $ $ L D M WIFI K

PIZZA HOUSE 312 E. Commercial St., Springfield, 417-881-4073. They ser e is super-thin pi a and cut into super-tiny pieces. Our a orite thing there any pi a that includes bacon. Open Tue. Thu., a.m. p.m. ri. Sat., a.m. p.m. $ L D WIFI 84




J.O.B. PUBLIC HOUSE 319 E. Walnut St., Springfield, 417-831-1158. Try the amously cra eable pi a balls or the uicy ull Ride burger. En oy them on the big patio. Open Mon. ri., a.m. a.m. Sat., noon a.m. $ L D

LINDBERG’S TAVERN 318 W. Commercial St., Springfield, 417-868-8900, lindbergsbar.com. orget about basic bar ood. This storied watering hole goes abo e and beyond with creati e takes on hearty com ort ood classics. Open Tue. Sat., a.m. a.m. Sun., p.m. midnight. $ L D M WIFI V

THE ROYAL 1427 E. Cherry St., Suite B, Springfield, 417-351-3029, theroyalmusichall.com. This spot ser es cocktails and finger oods alongside li e music. Open Tues. Thurs. p.m. ri. Sat. p.m. midnight. $

SPRINGFIELD BREWING COMPANY 305 S. Market Ave., Springfield, 417-832-8277, springfieldbrewingco.com. Try the fish and chips paired with the beers that are brewed on-site. Tue. Sun. kitchen open Sun., a.m. p.m Mon. ri., a.m. p.m. Sat., a.m. p.m. bar close daily at p.m. $$ B L D WIFI K M V

SWEET BOY’S NEIGHBORHOOD BAR 310 South Ave., Springfield, 417-719-4224, sweetboysbar.com. Come or pinball, a laid-back atmosphere and a small but ery well done cocktail list. Open eds. Sat. p.m. close Sun. noon close. $


tapas make up the menu at this com ortable spot. Springfield open Mon. Thu., a.m. p.m. or later ri. Sat., a.m. p.m. or later Branson est open Tue. Thu., a.m. p.m. or later ri. Sat., a.m. p.m. or later $ L D WIFI


CHAR STEAKHOUSE & OYSTER BAR, please see listing p. 74

FLAME STEAKHOUSE, please see listing p. 74 JIMM’S STEAKHOUSE, please see listing p. 74 LEVEL 2 STEAKHOUSE, please see listing p. 75 RED OAK STEAKHOUSE Downstream Casino Resort, 69300 E. Nee Road, Quapaw, Oklahoma, 1-888-396-7876, downstreamcasino.com. Dry-aged prime steaks are ser ed in this restaurant’s fine-dining atmosphere. Open Sun. Thu., p.m. ri. Sat., p.m. $$ D ☎

WILDER’S STEAKHOUSE 1216 S. Main St., Joplin, 417-623-7230, wilderssteakhouse.com. Come to oplin’s ilder’s Steakhouse to find steaks in all si es and arieties, all o which are certified black Angus bee and ree o hormones and antibiotics. Open Mon. Thu., p.m. ri. Sat., p.m. $$$ D ☎


THAILAND STATION 1730 E. Republic Road, Springfield, 417-350-1001, thailandstation.net. ind all your a orites a ariety o curries, stir ried noodle dishes and soups plus some surprises like crispy duck and stir- ried pork belly. Open Mon. Sat., a.m. p.m. $ L D

TONG’S THAI RESTAURANT 3454 S. Campbell Ave., Springfield, 417-889-5280. The ried basa with your choice o one o Tong’s yummy sauces is a an a e. Don’t orget about the Thairito, a dish uni ue to Tong’s. ull bar. Open Mon. ri., a.m. p.m. Mon. Sat., p.m. $–$$ L D WIFI ☎

THE WHEELHOUSE 1845 E. Sunshine St., Springfield, 417-430-0400, wheelhousefood.com. The pineapple ried rice is a an a orite at this Thai-Mexican usion spot, but you really can’t go wrong with anything on the menu. Open Mon. Thu., a.m. p.m. ri. Sat., a.m. p.m. Sun, a.m. p.m. $ B L D V



260 E. McDaniel St., Springfield, 417-851-1768; rooftopvantage.com. This roo top bar has a breathtaking iew o downtown Springfield. The cocktails are re reshingly creati e and shareable dishes include items like duck confit atbread. Open Tues. eds. p.m. midnight, Thurs. Sat. p.m. a.m. $$

1338 E. Battlefield Road, Springfield, 417-881-9881. The pho is a specialty here. Don’t miss the bun bowls too The one made with lemongrass bee is a a orite. Open Mon. Thu., a.m. p.m. ri. Sat., a.m. p.m. Sun., a.m. p.m. $ L D WIFI K ☎


3433-C S. Campbell Ave., Springfield, 417-883-9999, phokimspringfield.com. e lo e the pho, resh spring rolls, and bahn mi. Open Mon. and ed. Sat., a.m. p.m. Sun., a.m. p.m. $ L D WIFI

2137 W. Republic Road, Springfield, 417-773-1985; 15038 Business Highway 13, Branson West, 417773-1985, vcellars.com. Small plates, snacks and



Giving back to the community is one of 417 Magazine’s highest priorities, and each month we support local non-profit organizations that keep 417-land thriving. These organizations and events contribute to the betterment of 417-land. 417 Magazine is proud to support these events hosted by charities and organizations that create Good TIMES for a Great cause.





SILVER STRANDS Silver Strands Celebration honors citizens who have made a positive impact on our community for people with developmental disabilities. This year’s event honored Phillip Wright. Proceeds benefit Friends of Abilities First, a nonprofit organization that assists with needs and expenses incurred by people with developmental disabilities in our community.

Denise and Phillip Wright

Gabrielle Fields, Michele Fields

Joey and Whitney Esquibel

Conor and Jennifer Russell

Heather Robbins, Martha Crise

Jessy Glair, Gary Gibbons

Lynn Powell, Travis Powell, Laura Curtis, Ethan Powell

Lauren Jones, Mallory Jones

Date April 1 Benefiting Organization Abilities First Location Hickory Hills Country Club



Photos by Ryan Kowalski

Attire Semi-formal


FACES OF 417-LAND PARTY Mark and April Walterskirchen

Doug and Andrea Windsor

Sarah and Brandon Germminger

Kacey Spurlock, Jacob Johnson, Shelley and Matt Wehner, Kerri Ferris

417 Magazine’s Faces of 417-land came together for a celebration of the noteworthy local businesses at Springfield Brewing Company. The Faces, which include a variety of industries at the top of their game, chatted over drinks, and guests were welcomed to take pictures and network while enjoying the evening hosted on their behalf.

Date March 9 Host Organization 417 Magazine Location Springfield Brewing Company

Photos by Brandon Alms

Attire Business Casual

Ryan Olson, Jessica Harmison-Olson, Jan and Rick McElvaine

Andy Whaley, Thomas Douglas, Chris Huels

Katie Mammorella, Jim Oslica, Tracy Davis

Melinda and Bob Hammerschmidt 417MAG.COM • 417 MAGAZINE



Springfield Nightlife PHOTO BY HANNAH PAPPAS | @HMARIEVISUALS Photographer Hannah Pappas grew up in Monett and now lives in Joplin, but has always had a fascination with downtown Springfield. “Downtown Springfield has always been a super-great place to walk through and has a wide range of unique shops and attractions,” Pappas says. While photographing a portrait shoot, she noticed the neon lights at 1984 Arcade and says she felt that it perfectly captured the essence of the nightlife downtown. “It’s a display that catches people’s attention when exploring the city,” Pappas says. 88


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