372WN Media Kit

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A news source that transcends individual forms of media to deliver stories affecting our neighborhoods. the magazine with the odd name, is West Nashville’s magazine. Each issue is packed with informative, interesting features that cover current happenings; historical facts and anecdotal memories; business and SHRSOH SURȴOHV DQG ȆDUWHU\ȇ QHZV IURP :HVW (QG &KDUORWWH DQG Centennial. And with new neighbors moving into our community at UDSLG ȴUH SDFH \RXȇOO DOVR ȴQG TXLFN UHIHUHQFH JXLGHV WKDW DQVZHU WKRVH ȊKRZ GR Ζ "ȋ DQG ȊZKHQ GR Ζ "ȋ VRUWV RI TXHVWLRQV

WHY IS IT CALLED 372WN? Our neighborhoods may be different, but together, we comprise West Nashville. Rather than drawing definitive, neighborhood-specific boundaries, we want to focus on strengthening our collective, eclectic West Nashville voice. Periodically, we may also include stories beyond our community that have a connection with, historical significance to, or effect on West Nashville. Most Metro Nashville zip codes begin with “372,� so the “WN� simply stands for “West Nashville.� Clever, right?

WHY NOT JUST DO THIS ONLINE? At press time: Among residents in West Nashville’s core—Sylvan Heights, Sylvan Park, The Nations, Charlotte Park, Robertson, and White Bridge— only 18% are members of Nextdoor. That number decreases to 11% when surrounding West Nashville neighborhoods are factored in. Over a dozen Facebook pages exist on behalf of these

same neighborhoods. Proportionately speaking, none of these has emerged as a centralized source of West Nashville news, much less reached the majority of West Nashvillians. By and large, West Nashville remains a print community; we recognize, however, the need to provide news via multiple platforms. After all, this is about reaching our entire community, right? So it is essential to make 372WN accessible, no matter how you receive your news—print, web, social media, and maybe someday . . . even broadcast (as they say in the biz, ‘stay tuned.’).

IF I BUY ADVERTISING, WILL YOU PROFILE ME, OR MY BUSINESS? Our editorial department operates separately from our advertising department, in terms of content. But there is no reason you can’t ask— you may already be on our radar, but if you’ll reach out to us, then you’ll know for certain.

ARE YOU JUST THE MOUTHPIECE FOR NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATIONS, DEVELOPERS OR ELECTED OFFICIALS? We are not chasing scandals, but nor will we shy away from issues that affect West Nashville, directly or indirectly. To this end, it is our policy that our editorial department is not beholden to any elected official, advertiser, neighborhood association or individual. Certainly, we are willing to work with these entities (and want to), but we are under no obligation to them.

WHAT IF I HAVE A STORY IDEA OR SUGGESTION? Reach out! We’re not kidding when we say 372WN is the magazine “for and about West Nashville.� Without our neighbors’ input, how can that be?

West Nashville, we’re in this together. All of us. Please join us on this exciting adventure! Media Kit | 372WN


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