Southeastern Conference Campmeeting 2024

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Adventist Book Center

Daily Hours

10:00 AM-12:00 Noon & 2:00 PM-7:00 PM Sat. Sunset—10:30 PM

Medical CiInic

Open 7 AM - 7 PM with on-call staff 7 AM- 7 PM



Monday, June 17 through Thursday, June 20

4:00 PM - 7:00 PM and 8:30 PM-10:00 PM

Friday, June 21 4:00 PM - 6 PM

Saturday, June 22 Reopens at 8:30 PM

Breakfast / Lunch Schedule

Daily Hours

Breakfast: 8:00 AM—8:50 AM

Lunch: 1:00 PM—2:00 PM

Dear Southeastern Conference Family and Friends,

Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! It is with immense joy and anticipation that I welcome you to Camp Meeting 2024. This year, we gather under the theme “Fill Us: Empowered by the Holy Spirit. Equipped for God’s Work.”

This year’s theme sets the stage for a time of spiritual renewal and deep fellowship. It should resonate deeply within each of us, reminding us of our collective desire to be vessels overflowing with the divine presence and power of the Holy Spirit.

We have been hard at work planning a dynamic program filled with inspiring worship services, life improvement seminars, practical workshops, and exciting recreational activities for all ages. Featured speakers for this year’s camp meeting include:

Dr. Abraham Jules (President, Atlantic Union Conference of SDA)

Dr. Ella Simmons (Retired General Vice President, General Conference of SDA)

Pastor Fredrick Russell (Founder, True North Leadership Group)

Pastor Eric Clarke (President, North Bahamas Conference of SDA)

Pastor Brenda Billingy (Retired Associate Ministerial Association Director, North American Division of SDA)

Pastor Kory Dougals, Oakwood University Chaplin

We pray that the Lord will use them and our other speakers mightily as they pour into us through their messages.

I invite you to join me in approaching this time with a heart open to being filled with the Holy Spirit’s power, and a readiness to serve as instruments of God’s love and grace in our communities and beyond.

May this Camp Meeting be a transformative experience for us all, drawing us closer to God and strengthening our bonds with each other.



17, 2024

2:00 pm VBS*

4:00 pm Robotics

7:00 pm Pastor Anslem Paul

*See page at the end of book for details.

Pastor C. Anslem Paul was born the second son of two sons to Elder & Mrs. O. H. Paul, in Palm Beach Gardens, FL. At an early age he gave his heart to the Lord and found that his calling was to engage other young people in the ministry of preparing the world for the 2nd coming of Jesus.

He graduated from Oakwood College in 1996 with a degree in Ministerial Theology, while also having matriculated thru the Business Administration Program. Prior to graduating from Oakwood, Pastor Paul had the wonderful opportunity of serving in the South Pacific Division for a year in Australia as an Associate Pastor in the Victoria Conference of Seventh-day Adventist.

Pastor Paul received a call from the Southeastern Conference in 1996. After having matriculated thru both the Master of Divinity and the Masters of Youth Ministry programs at Andrew’s University in Berrien Springs, Michigan. After pastoring several churches in Florida and Georgia, Pastor Paul is currently the pastor of the New Hope S. D. A. Church in Fort Lauderdale, FL and the North Lauderdale S. D. A. Company in North Lauderdale FL.

Pastor Paul has served on the Broward County Sherriff Department’s Social Justice Task Force and is also the producer and co-founder of The Pastor’s Round Table, a weekly livestream and podcast that focuses on the intersection of mission and structure within the Seventh-day Adventist Church. He is an avid student of U. S. & World History. He is a technology, videography, and photography enthusiast, and enjoys golf, scuba diving, sky diving, and traveling. Occasionally he also plays the violin, saxophone, piano, trumpet, clarinet, and flute. Pastor Paul has also served on the board of the NAD’s Society of Adventist Communicators, and on the Southern Union’s EC3 Pastoral Evangelism Committee. He has preached in several countries around the world and most recently led out in preaching a crusade on a small island in Nicaragua that yielded over fifty precious souls.

In 2014, Pastor Paul made a very special “Altar Call” to Ms. Arcinda Massop. She responded to that call by walking down the aisle to become his wife in May of 2015.

Pastor Paul believes that no dream is too big, and that no effort put forth is too great when it comes to sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ with the world. Creativity, intentionality, passion, the power of the Holy Spirit, hard work, and knees scuffed up from seasons spent in prayer are what he believes will make the biggest difference in the world around him.




7:00 am Pastor Alexia Alexis-Madrid

8:00 am Breakfast

9:00 am Worker’s Meeting* VBS* Robotics

10:00 am Breakout*

12:00 pm Pastor Shelot Pierre

1:00 pm Lunch

2:00 pm Activities*

3:00 pm Breakout*

7:00 pm Dr. Ella Simmons

Women Reception

*See page at the end of book for details.

PastorAlexia Alexis-Madrid 7 am Pastor Shelot Pierre 12 pm

Ella Louise Smith Simmons, EdD, University of Louisville; Honoris Causa Doctor of Pedagogy, Andrews University; MA, Andrews University; BS, Indiana University

Dr. Simmons was the first woman elected general vice president of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists and completed three full terms and a two-year extension before retiring in 2022. In her service she provided leadership education, administrative consultation, coaching and evaluation, with spiritual support to Church leaders world-wide. She advised three General Conference departments, chaired the Seventh-day Adventist International Board of Education (IBE), the Board of Trustees of the Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies (AIIAS) and the University Council of the Adventist University of Africa (AUA). In addition, she served as vice chairperson to the International Board of Ministerial and Theological Education (IBMTE), the Adventist Accrediting Association (AAA), and the Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) and as member on numerous administrative and ministry-based committees.

As an educator and administrator throughout her career prior to joining the General Conference, Dr. Simmons served as university professor, academic department chairperson (Kentucky State University), assistant dean (University of Louisville), academic vice president (Oakwood College, now University), and provost and academic vice president (La Sierra University). During her years in academic settings her grant-funded research and development endeavors that focused on education for underrepresented groups yielded an array of successful grant-funded programs and projects, and publications in refereed professional journals. In giving back to the academy and keeping her academic skills fresh she continues to publish in scholarly, professional, and inspirational periodicals and mentors doctoral level researchers at various universities. She was born and raised in Louisville, Kentucky and joined the Seventh-day Adventist Church there at age 16 during an evangelistic effort. She has been married to Nord Simmons for 57 years. Nord is a retired high school teacher and electrical contracting business owner. They have two sons who are educators, two daughters-in-law, a granddaughter, two grandsons, and two great-grandchildren. Nord and Ella enjoy studying, walking, traveling, cooking, and serving others together. Dr.



JUNE 19, 2024

7:00 am Pastor Kenton Perrin

8:00 am Breakfast

8:30 am Worker’s Meeting*

9:00 am VBS* Robotics

10:00 am Financial Plenary*

12:00 pm Pastor Jocelin Belizaire

1:00 pm Lunch

2:00 pm Activities*

3:00 pm Breakouts*

7:00 pm Pastor Fredrick Russell

*See page towards the end of book for details.

Belizaire 12 pm
Kenton Perrin

Fredrick Russell is a former president of the Allegheny West Conference, and thei mmediate past Lead Pastor of the Berean church in Atlanta, Georgia, where he had the distinct privilege of leading this dynamic congregation.

Pastor Russell has twin passions: pastoring and developing leaders. Over the last 20 years, concurrent with his pastoral responsibilities, he has facilitated leadership training in church, corporate, academic, healthcare and governmental settings in the areas of leadership development, high performance teams, healthy conflict, executive coaching, change management, strategy facilitation, and organizational transitions. He also serves on the faculty of the College of Executive Coaching.

Pastor Russell has a special passion for helping leaders and change agents move their organizations and lives to the next level. In order to advance this passion, he has developed a company called the True North Leadership Group.

As an adjunct to his passion for developing leaders, Pastor Russell is a former columnist for the Adventist Review. He is also the creator and visionary for the Innovative Impact Leadership Conference that focused on exposing pastors to contemporary models of doing ministry. He is also the immediate oast leader for the Pastoral Evangelism and Leadership Conference held annually at Oakwood University. He is currently a columnist for the Atlanta Business Journal and is writing a book on leadership.

Pastor Russell is happily married to wife Brenda, and the proud father of two young adults, and is blessed to have two amazing grandchildren.

PASTOR Fredrick


JUNE 20, 2024

7:00 am Pastor Lerisnel St. Fleur

8:00 am Breakfast

9:00 am Worker’s Meeting* VBS* Robotics

10:00am Breakout Sessions*

12:00 pm Pastor Dwight Gayle

1:00 pm Lunch

2:00 pm Activities*

3:00 pm Breakout Sessions*

4:00 pm Senior Banquet

7:00 pm Pastor Steven Gates Pastor Lerisnel St.

*See page towards the end of book for details.

7 am Pastor Dwight Gayle 12 pm

Pastor Steven Gates hails from the great state of Mississippi raised in Chicago, Illinois. He is a product of Christian Education from grade school to graduate school. Pastor Gates is currently working on a Doctor of Ministry degree at South University soon to complete at the end of this year.

He has been in Adventist ministry for 21 years. Pastor Gates has pastored churches in the states of Mississippi, North Carolina and Florida. Pastor Gates was ordained to the gospel ministry in 2010 in the South Central Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. He currently pastors the Ephesus SDA Church in West Palm Beach, Florida.

He is married to the beautiful Stephanie Campbell- Gates who is an educator in the state of Florida. His motto for life “To populate heaven and depopulate hell through the preaching of the gospel.”

PASTOR Steven GATES 7:00pm



21, 2024

7:00 am Andre McCloud

8:00 am Breakfast

9:00 am Worker’s Meeting* VBS* Robotics

9:30 am Health Plenary*

12:00 pm VBS*

1:00 pm Lunch

2:00 pm Activities*

3:00 pm Breakout Sessions*

7:00 pm Brenda Billingy

*See page towards the end of book for details.

Pastor Andre McCloud 7 am

Brenda Evril Langford Billingy was born on the Island of Trinidad, West Indies the youngest of eight children born to Gladys and Lenny Langford. She received a pre-professional degree from Caribbean Union College at 18 years of age and then migrated to the United States where she completed her B.A. degree in Phychology from Columbia Union College and a M.A. degree in Education from Howard University.

In 1995 Brenda was ordained as a local Elder and her life began to change dramatically. Serving in that capacity allowed her to discover the special gifts that God has graciously bestowed upon her especially the gift of speech, counseling and encouragement. It was then that she made a promise to the Lord that when her children were enrolled in College she would devote all of her time and attention to His purpose for her life. This decision led her to return to Columbia Union College in 1998 to complete a B.A. degree in Religion. Upon graduation she was hired by the Allegheny East Conference as the Associate Pastor of the Metropolitan SDA Church in Hyattsville, Maryland.

Brenda later served as the Senior Pastor of the Bladensburg SDA Church for 4 years before returning to Metropolitan SDA Church as the Senior Pastor for 7 years. Brenda served the North American Division as the Associate Ministerial Director in the Ministerial Department for 7 years before retiring in 2020. Ministry and preaching assignments include the United States, Australia, New Zealand, Africa, Trinidad, St. Croix, Jamaica, Turks & Caicos and many other Caribbean Islands. Brenda has also had the honor of preaching the Word for the General Conference Session in 2010. As ministry partners, Brenda and her husband, Edsel, have been married over 45 years. They are blessed with two wonderful daughters - Rhonda and Shana, the joy and pride of their lives. Her hobbies include reading, creative writing, pickleball, swimming and skiing. Her lifetime goal is to perform Earthly ministry with a Heavenly mindset, and her desire is to be known as a “humble vessel willing to be used by God”.

Brenda BILLINGY 7:00pm



7:00 am Chelston Lee

8:00 am Breakfast

9:30 am Sabbath School

12:00 pm Abraham Jules

1:00 pm Lunch

4:00 pm Concert: Paul Heflin

6:00 pm Ordination

8:30 pm Ordination Reception

*See page towards the end of book for details.

Pastor Chelston Lee 7 am

Abraham J. Jules has served as a Pastor in the New York City area for the past thirty-nine years. He is a much sought-after speaker who has preached across North America, Africa, Europe, the West Indies, and the South Pacific. His passion for evangelism is palpable, and his giftedness inthat area is widely acclaimed.

A pastor of uncommon charisma and leadership ability, Jules is adept and adroit at growing churches spiritually and numerically, leading from the pulpit with a brand of preaching that is intense, energetic, and uncompromising; he is also known for his keen facilitation skills in the boardroom.

He was born in Trinidad, W.I., and is a graduate of Oakwood University (BA), the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary (Master of Divinity), and the United Theological Seminary in Dayton, Ohio (Doctor of Ministry). He has been a guest presenter to fellow ministers on numerous occasions, ministering the word for the purpose of professional growth. He lectures occasionally at Andrews University on preaching and leadership.

On September 26, 2021, Dr. Jules was elected To serve as the President of the Northeastern Conference of Seventh-day Adventists in Jamaica, Queens, New York., and held that position until June 6. 2024 when he was voted by the Executive Committee of the Atlantic Union Conference to serve as President.

He is married to Dr. Dominique Jules, formerly Juste, and they are the proud parents of two children, Dylan, a senior in high school, and Raven, a junior at his alma mater, Oakwood University.

DR. Abraham JULES


Eric Dannie Clarke was born in Exuma, Bahamas to Elder & Mrs. Albert Clarke. He graduated in 1981 from the Northern Caribbean University in Jamaica. In 1993, Pastor Clarke completed an Masters at Andrew’s University. Eric has also completed advanced courses in Risk Management and Chaplaincy.

He has served as a full-time minister with the Seventh-day Adventist Church for over 35 years. During this time, he pastored many churches and held numerous positions in three Conferences and as a director at the Atlantic Caribbean Union.

Pastor Clarke’s community service includes being a member of Prison Fellowship Bahamas, Tourism’s People to People, National Youth Advisory Committee and lay magistrate on the Juvenile Panel. He is also a Chaplain for the Public Hospitals Authority; a Marriage Officer and a Justice of the Peace. He also serve as Vice President for Public Hospital’s Administration’s Chaplain’s Association.

Pastor Clarke has also served as Communications, Youth Director, Ministerial Secretary and Executive Secretary of the South Bahamas Conference. Pastor Clarke also served as President and Education Director of the Cayman Islands Conference from 2008 to 2012. During this time he served on a six member national Constitution Committee for the Cayman Islands that ushered in a new Constitution in 2009.

Pastor Clarke was the founder of “The Eminent Orators Toastmasters Club” #2291768 in the Cayman Islands. He is also a member of “The Soaring Orators Toastmasters Club 1227605” in Nassau Bahamas.

Pastor Eric is married to Sis Patrice (nee Scavella), a registered nurse, midwife and nursing sister with the Ministry of Health of the Bahamas. They have three adult children, Daran, Dannia, Danesha and four grandchildren.

He has seven siblings and several of them, with their families are at Camp Meeting this weekend.

Pastor Clarke has served as Departmental Director at the Atlantic Caribbean Union with responsibilities for Youth, Personal Ministries, Stewardship, Chaplaincy, Public Campus Ministries, and ASI. two children, Dylan, a senior in high school, and Raven, a junior at his alma mater, Oakwood University.

Clarke now serves as Family Life, Public Affairs and Religious Liberty Director and President of the North Bahamas Conference.

He also serves as Pastor of the Freeport, 8 Mile Rock and West End Churches on Grand Bahama.

Pastor Eric is also Chairman of the Board of Governors for the Grand Bahama Academy, a K-12 educational institution.

His social interests include photography, volleyball, and chess.



Processional Conference Officials & Guests

Ordained/Commissioned Ministers & Spouses

Licensed Ministers & Spouses

Retired Ministers &; Spouses

Candidates & Spouses

Hymn “Stand Up, Stand Up For Jesus” Congregation



Introduction of Speaker

Musical Selection


Presentation of Candidates & Spouses

Consecration Prayer

Ministerial Charge

Ministerial Credentials


Pastor Nicolas Louis

Haitian Ministries Director, Southeastern Conference

Pastor Emmanuel Charles

Chief Financial Officer, Southeastern Conference

Dr. Michael Owusu

President, Southeastern Conference

SEC Pastoral Staff

Pastor Eric D. Clarke

President, North Bahamas Conference

Pastor Brent Waldon

Vice-President, Pastoral & Church Leadership Development, Southeastern Conference

Dr. G. Earl Knight

President Emeritus, Atlantic Union Conference

Dr. Michael K. Agyei Owusu

President, Southeastern Conference

Pastor Pierre Francois

Executive Secretary, Southeastern Conference

Pastor Barry Bonner

President Pastoral Fellowship, Southeastern Conference

Mrs. Quernande Wells, President

Ministerial Spouses Association, Southeastern Conference

Pastor Brent D. Waldon, Ministerial Director,

Vice-President, Pastoral & Church Leadership Development, Southeastern Conference

Musical Selection



Greeting of Newly Ordained Ministers


SEC Pastoral Staff

Pastor Reynaldo Ojeda

Hispanic Ministries Director, Southeastern Conference

Dr. Michael K. Agyei Owusu

President, Southeastern Conference

All Ministers & Spouses

All Ministers & Spouses

Song of Affirmation “Onward Christian Soldiers” Congregation


Pastor Jocelin Belizaire (“Pastor B”)

A journey of Divine Interventions. Born in a small town in Haiti called “Plaisance”, but he spent his childhood in the second largest city of “Cap-Haitien”. From High School to University, he studied in the United States of America. Growing up in the SDA Church as a third Generation SDA, the Call of GOD in his life was very evident from childhood, for people used to call him “Ti Pastè” (little pastor). As a High School student, Jocelin Belizaire, his parents Joseph & Marie Belizaire and his eight other siblings started the first Haitian SDA Church in Jacksonville, Florida (Salem French) in their living room (on post street) with some Baptist friends.

Pastor Belizaire brings along a wide range of talents and skills. He has an Associate Degree Computer Network Administration; he holds a Bachelor of Science in Organization Management and Supervision. He has obtained a Master of Divinity from Andrews University Theological Seminary. And he has acquired a Master Degree of Business Administration (MBA), with a specialty in Family Business Development, fromLouisiana State University (LSU). He is currently in pursuit of a Doctor of Ministry Degree (DMin). A disciplined US Army Veteran, he has several years of experience as OperationsManager.

On May 26, 2018, Pastor Belizaire was called and assigned by Southeastern Conference of SDA (SEC SDA) to work as the Associate Pastor of Sinai Haitian SDA Church at Plantation Florida. Pastor Jocelin Belizaire is currently the District Pastor of Beracah I, Orlando and Pergame,Kissimmee.

Pastor Belizaire can connect with all ages, ethnicity, and social status. He has a particular affinity for mentoring the young men and women to live up to their full potentials and building bridges between the old and newgeneration of Seventh-day Adventists.

He is passionate about evangelism and church growth using the “Christ Method Alone”. Pressed by the Love of God, He listens to a cloud of advisors but takes his orders from the Holy Spirit. He is married to his beautiful wife of 21 years Josie Charles Belizaire, a Registered Nurse (RN). And they have four beautiful, happy, and loving young children: Abiel, Sophie, Ezra, and Bengie.

Dwight GAYLE

Pastor Gayle serves as pastor of the Maranatha Apopka and Bethel SDA Church District.

He is married to Marsha a kindergarten and first grader teacher at the Ephesus Adventist Academy.

He completed a bachelor’s degree in criminal justice and worked in the drug and substance abuse rehabilitation field for several years but felt that the Lord had a greater purpose for his life hence he enrolled into theological studies at Southern Adventist University after which he moved on to Andrews University where he completed his Master of Divinity (M.Div.).

Dwight and Marsha’s union, has produced two beautiful children. Chloe who is nine years old and Caleb who is seven years old.

Dwight’s journey is characterized by embracing God and “His possibilities.” His favorite scripture is found in the Hebrews 7:25 “Therefore he is also able to save to the uttermost those who come to God through Him, since He always lives to make intercession for them”. Pastor Gayle Believes that if the saving blood of Jesus can reach his heart, it can also reach to the uttermost parts of this world.

Chelston LEE

Before he was Pastor Chelston D. Lee, he spent many years as the Chief Executive Officer and Strategic Communications & Public Relations Expert, with Paramount Communications Inc., based in New York, USA. He has a Masters Degree in Mass Communications from London Metropolitan University and served as Strategic Public Relations Consultant to the Caribbean Facility at the World Bank in Washington DC, and Communications Adviser to the UN Economic Commission for Latin American and the Caribbean. Lee has worked at the BBC in London and has over 20 years of media experience. He led corporate marketing campaigns and delivered crisis and image management strategies for global leaders.

However, that was then. This is now. Pastor Lee, with the passion of the Old Testament prophet, leads an Innovative and Pragmatic Evangelistic Ministry that has taken him to several continents. He spent most of his years ministering in the Greater New York Conference; but now he is Pastoring in Orlando, Florida; where he is the Senior Pastor of the Winter Garden and South Lake SDA Churches.

Pastor Lee has a Master of Divinity Degree from Andrews University in Berrien Springs, Michigan. With his Certification in Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE), he continues to serve in the US Army Reserve, as a 1st Lieutenant Chaplain.

He was born on the Caribbean island of Montserrat; but spent several years in St Kitts, where he met his wife Margo. Margo Merrick-Lee is from Antigua. She is the Under-Treasurer of the Southeastern Conference.

Pastor Lee is very passionate about studying and teaching the Bible, and desires to live everyday as a servant of God and a friend to man. His joy continues to be to invite othersto love God with all their heart, mind and body. His mantra: “Nothing can separate us from the love of Christ,” is tied to his calling: “Study, Embody and Proclaim.”


Pastor Shelot Pierre followed an unexpected path from studying International Political Sciences to becoming a minister. It was during his undergraduate years that he experienced a turning point when God spoke to him through dreams, prompting him to switch his major to Theology.

After graduating with a Bachelor’s degree in Theology, he matriculated at Andrews University Seventh-Day Adventist Theological Seminary in Berrien Springs, MI to pursue a Master of Divinity. Along the way, he met his wife Laurie and embarked on a pastoral journey, serving as an intern and assistant pastor at various churches.

In 2016, Pastor Pierre joined the Southwest Region Conference and became a Senior pastor in Texas and Oklahoma. In December 2022, he accepted the call to join the Southeastern Conference. Presently, Pastor Shelot Pierre serves in the Naples district as the Senior Pastor of Mahanaim Haitian SDA and Mitspa Haitian SDA.

Passionate about evangelism and church planting, Pastor Pierre has baptized over 800 individuals on both US soil and overseas. Pastor Pierre established the first Haitian Seventh-day Adventist churches in Dallas-Fort Worth, Las Vegas and other locations. He is also actively involved in humanitarian work, leading the Diakonos International Foundation to aid disaster-stricken communities in Haiti and other places.

Pastor Pierre focuses on equipping individuals for spiritual, physical, and mental independence. He aims to build a vibrant church, foster intergenerational connections, and promote holistic development.

In his free time, Pastor Pierre enjoys reading, spending time with family and friends, playing soccer, and listening to music. His favorite verse is “Cast your bread on the surface of the waters, for you will find it after many days” (Eccl. 11:1 NASB).


Pastor Lerisnel Saint Fleur was born in Haiti. and raised in the SDA Church. In fact, he is a product of Christian education. He serves the church in different departments as a church member.

Finally, in August 2007, Lerisnel responded to his calling. Then, he went to Oakwood University, where he graduated with a BA in Theology in 2011 and he went to Andrews University SDA Theological Seminary and graduated with a master’s degree in divinity in 2014.

On June 10th, 2018, the Executive Committee of the great Southeastern Conference extended a call to him to exercise in his calling as a pastor.

Pastor Saint Fleur is also a trained chaplain from distinguished and prestigious Health Care providers in the state of Florida like Advent Health, Tampa General Hospital and Baptist Medical Center in Jacksonville. Currently, he is a candidate in the DMin program with the concentration in Chaplaincy Ministry at Andrews University SDA Theological Seminary.

Lerisnel is the only child of Joanna and the late Jean Leradieu. He is married to the former beautiful Mitha Fleurilus, now, Saint Fleur. Through their union, they have been blessed with two handsome sons: Lerisnel Michael and Myrthnel Lerisnel.

As a family, they are looking forward for the glorious coming of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ as they continue to preach the everlasting gospel with love and action in the community for the expansion of the kingdom God.

His favorite text is Romans 1:16 ‘For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes.”(NIV)


Andre McCloud is a native of Miami, Florida, he is happily married to the lovely Emily McCloud, and they have three children: Tishana, Andre, and Edwin.

Pastor McCloud graduated from Southwestern Adventist University with a Bachelor of Arts in Pastoral Theology and has an MBA with concentrations in Nonprofit Management and Finance. He is currently completing a Doctor of Business Administration Degree.

Before going into a full-time ministry, Pastor McCloud had a successful business career as an: Operations Manager, V.P. of Operations, Managing Broker for a mortgage lender, and an entrepreneur. After once again hearing the call from God to pastoral ministry that he had run away from 20 years earlier, he finally heeded God’s call and completed the requirements to enter full-time ministry.

Pastor McCloud has served the Seventh-day Adventist Church as the School Board Chair and Development Director for Miami Union Adventist Academy, and the Business Manager for the Bethel Elementary SDA School in Florida City, Florida. He has also served on the North American Division Executive Committee, the Southern Union Conference Executive Committee and Board of Education, and the Southeastern Conference Executive Committee.

Pastor McCloud has also served the church as a Lay-pastor for eight years at the All Nations Seventh-day Adventist Church in North Miami, FL., as the interim Pastor for the All Nations Church in Winter Haven, FL, and as the pastor of the Trinity Temple Seventh-day Adventist Church in Fitzgerald, GA, the Maranatha Seventh-day Adventist Church in Tallahassee, FL, and the Mt. Olive Church in Quincey, FL and is currently pastoring the Peniel Seventh-day Adventist Church in Ft. Myers and the Port Charlotte Faith Seventh-day Adventist Church in Port Charlotte, FL.

Pastor McCloud is also a youth speaker, young adult mentor, and evangelist with over 20 years of public speaking and youth ministry experience. Pastor McCloud’s ministry has led him to speak in Africa, England, Jamaica, Trinidad, and the United States. Pastor McCloud describes himself as “a servant.”




Friday, June 21

Mental Health Talk

“Think on these things”

Health Plenary

“Your Health Matters”

With Dr. Carmina Charles

Dr. Erica Francois

Dr. Brenda Owusu

Carmina Charles is board certified in internal medicine and endocrinology. She is fellowship trained in endocrinology, diabetes, metabolism and Nutrition. She completed her Internal medicine residency at Orlando Health and her Endocrine Fellowship at Medical University of South Carolina.

She practices medicine at Advent Health Diabetes and Endocrinology in Apopka, FL. Her clinic has a special focus on female-focused services, such as the diagnosis and treatment of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) via traditional and holistic approaches, the management of hirsutism using medication and laser hair removal and endocrine disorders in pregnancy. She performs thyroid ultrasounds and thyroid biopsies in the management of thyroid disease.

She enjoys talking with patients and together developing plans that will improve their overall health and well being. She is married to Emmanuel Charles of almost 22 years and they have been blessed with a daughter Ca’Lyn Charles. She enjoys serving God and her greatest desire is to hear God say well done my good and faithful servant enter into my kingdom.


Dr. Erica N. Francois, DNP APRN, is a native of Tampa, FL, boasting a rich educational background comprising a Bachelor of Science in Nursing, a Master of Science in Nursing, and a Doctor of Nursing Practice degrees. With 18 years of nursing experience under her belt, she has dedicated the past seven years to specializing in bariatric surgery and weight management at Tampa General Hospital, where she served as a certified bariatric nurse practitioner.

Driven by her own journey towards health and wellness, Erica’s personal struggles and triumphs have ignited a passion within her to empower others facing similar challenges. This drive led her to establish New Vitality Health and Wellness, a private practice designed to provide comprehensive weight management solutions and IV hydration services. Her offerings include appetite suppressants, supplements, personalized meal planning, one-on-one coaching, and emotional support.

Through her holistic approach, Erica has facilitated remarkable transformations, guiding her patients to shed over 12,000+ lbs collectively. Her ultimate goal extends beyond mere weight loss; Eric’s true passion lies in elevating her patients’ overall well-being and enhancing their quality of life.



Brenda Owusu was born and raised in Freeport, Bahamas. She has been married since June 1992 to Dr. Michael K. Agyei Owusu, who currently serves as President of the Southeastern Conference of Seventh-day Adventist Churches. God has blessed their union with an adult son – Michael Kwaku Adom Owusu.

Dr. Owusu is dual board-certified as a Family and Adult-Gerontology Primary Care Nurse Practitioner. She also holds a Doctor of Nursing Practice degree from the University of Miami School of Nursing. She currently serves as an Associate Professor and Director of the Adult-Gerontology Primary Care Nurse Practitioner Program at the University of Miami School of Nursing & Health Studies.

Baptized at the early age of 14, Dr. Owusu has served her church in various capacities. In 1994 she played and instrumental role alongside her husband in founding the All Nations Golden Gate Seventh-day Adventist Church in Naples, Florida.

Dr. Owusu loves the Lord; her greatest desire is to be saved and help others make it into God’s kingdom.

DR. Brenda OWUSU


Dr. Beverly Sedlacek, an Advanced Practice Nurse, has worked for over 38 years counseling hurting people in the areas of trauma, addiction, abuse, relationship difficulties, and emotional problems.

She has a passion for supporting pastoral families and has spoken at numerous retreats, seminars, and workshops nationally and internationally.

Beverly is presently working towards retirement, where she plans to write and spoil grandchildren.


Jaleesa Sainvil is a licensed clinical social worker. She obtained her Masters in Social work and her Bachelors in Psychology. She believes that mental health is crucial to overall wellness. She has experience working with children through adulthood, individually and in groups with a wide range of concerns including: Trauma, Anxiety, Depression, ADHD, Family Conflicts, Parenting, Domestic Violence and Grief and Loss.

She is married to her best friend and partner in ministry, Budry Sainvil and has a daughter named Jaielle. She particularly enjoys using her experience as a mental health clinician to minister to women helping them with all facets of life.


Southeastern Conference of Seventh-day Adventists

“FILL US” Mission

Theme Song

(Sung to the tune of “Onward Christian Soldiers”)

Verse 1:

Fill us with Your Spirit, Father, as we stand, In this field, united, lead us by Your hand. Empowered by Your presence, with our hearts ablaze, Ready for the Mission, guide us by your grace.


Fill us with Your Spirit, with Your mighty power, Guiding us each moment, every single hour.

Verse 2:

In Your strength, we’ll triumph, as we march along, Facing every trial, makes Southeastern strong! In the name of Jesus, we will all proclaim, The Gospel of salvation, lifting up His name.


Fill us with Your Spirit, with Your mighty power, Guiding us each moment, every single hour.

Verse 3:

Fill us with your spirit, in all that we do. Remind us when we falter to keep our eyes on you. Renew our faith and courage, lead us day by day. We will follow where you go along the narrow way.


Fill us with Your Spirit, with Your mighty power, Guiding us each moment, every single hour.

Verse 4:

One conference, united, serving faithfully Although many cultures, still one family When this life has ended and our races run, We will long to see your face and hear you say well done.


Fill us with Your Spirit, with Your mighty power, Guiding us each moment, every single hour.



Tuesday - Friday 6am - 7 am Exercise Recreation Center


10am - 12 noon

Monday - Friday VBS Recreation Center

Tuesday - Friday Workers Meeting Dining Hall

Tuesday Church Hurt Conference Center

Tuesday Digital Discipleship Conference Center

Tuesday Community Engagement Conference Center

Tuesday & Thursday Ministerial Spouses Dining Hall

Thursday Wills Clinic Office

Intergenerational Relationships Self-defense


10am - 12 noon

Wednesday Entrepreneurship Conference Center

Personal Economics/Debt Conference Center

Friday Panel Discussion Conference Center

Mental Health Conference Center Activities 3pm - 5pm

Tuesday - Friday Cooking Class (2pm -4pm) Dining Hall

Tuesday & Wednesday Slingshot Recreation Center Self-defense Recreation Center


Alcoholic Beverages/Cigarettes/ Drugs/ Firearms/Fireworks:

None of these items are permitted on the grounds. Any camper that is found in violaion of any or all of the above will be dis- missed from the campground immediately.


The chairs have been purchased for the services in the various tents and pavilions. We are asking that they remain intact for each service.


Parents are required to give careful supervision to their children. Minors (17 and under) will not be allowed to reside on the grounds unless accompanied by parents or some other responsible adult. If detected, children will be sent home immediately at parent’s expense.


These are your grounds. If you see paper laying on the grounds, kindly pick it up and place it in a trash container.


The curfew is 11 p.m. All Campers are asked to be in their respective places for silence and rest.

Dress Code:

Recognizing that Christians should be modest in their dress, we would like to encourage all campers to wear clothing that is in line with the standards of our church.


Due to fire hazards, please do not connect electrical cords to outlets other than as authorized.


Absolutely no pets allowed.

First Aid:

A registered nurse is on the grounds at all times for emergencies, and a physician is on call. Please refer all accidents to the medical building.

Golf Carts:

No one under 18 years of age is allowed to drive a golf cart. The six-seater golf carts are available to provide transportation for our Senior Citizens or members with ambulatory disabilities. Children are not allowed on the six-seater golf carts unless accompanied by a guardian who meets this criteria.

Lost and Found:

Please bring all articles found to the office. The office staff will try to assist in locating the owner of the item(s).


Meals can be purchased in the cafeteria at a reasonable rate. Meal tickets are available in the registration office, SEC website or by scanning QR code during breakfast and lunch time.


Your cooperation is needed in parking your car in the areas designated for parking. Please cooperate with the parking attendants.

Selling on Grounds:

Private vendors are not allowed to sell items on the campground without documented authorization from the Campground Management Personnel or from the Office of Secretariat.


Since we are limited to only a few telephones on the grounds, it will be necessary to limit all phone calls to five minutes in order to accommodate all concerned.


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