Model Transfer of Social Ecology in Asian Territory

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2. Massive redevelopment urban fabrics


As I traveled around cities, I often saw spaces that were right there before that had suddenly disappeared. There, of course, could have been long discussions on redevelopment within the community. But since there was no way that I could have known that, it seemed like the places that I had passed by one day just turned into a construction site. From the photos I took, I could easily compare the spaces before and after the demolition. As I went around redevelopment sites to take photos, it occurred to me that life and death overlapped for spaces, too. At the sight of a half-demolished house with household goods still inside, I came to wonder “How can I record the moments of a dying city?� Though I doubt if the one who sentenced the city to death could properly remember the death, I believed that if someone could remember the last moments of a space, it could make a small contribution to creating historical record.

Young-Bum REIGH

Table 2. Economic growth of Korea and urban concentration of Seoul

Making Platforms for Sustainable Communities and Issues of Urban Community Design in Korea 31

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