Zoomarine Algarve - 30 Years of Smiles and Magic

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It was a long journey, which we look back on after three decades of dreams and challenges, of joys and victories, of love and dedication. I will always be grateful to God, who gave me this magnificent chapter, with the love and support of my sweet wife, Maria Elisa, and my dear children Robert, Tiago and Fernanda, on each of these days we lived the dream called Zoomarine. Thank you to all who have collaborated, with their daily work and dedication, to give our audience this wonderful gift of joy, respect for nature and love of animals, as well as admiration for our beautiful Portugal and for this small garden called the Algarve. Zoomarine is all of us - and to all who supported us: National Authorities, Friends, Tourism of Portugal, City Halls, and to each and single visitor, to all, my deep and sincere Thank You for these wonderful 30 years. Pedro Lavia Founder & President of Mundo Aquático, SA












Celebrating three decades of existence is always a moment of particular joy and satisfaction. Even more so when it is celbrated by an institution like Zoomarine that represents so much to us all. It is a privilege for Albufeira to be able to witness the growth of this great project that reaches this beautiful age. As mayor and citizen, I express my sincere congratulations to all those who made this path possible, in the certainty that we are in the presence of something that is an integral part of the life of those who live here, I would say, a reason for all of us to be proud. There have certainly been millions of visitors over the years and an even greater amount of smiles and joy shared here. May this continue and may Zoomarine be increasingly cherished and recognized by all. Congratulations, Zoomarine! José Carlos Martins Rolo President of Albufeira Town Hall

Congratulations to Zoomarine for their 30th anniversary and for becoming an economic and social reference of immeasurable contribution to the development of the region. The excellent of the primary economic indicators and their evolution were only achieved due to a very clear business vision and a strict management of the investment and operational company budget. A strategy of continuous growth and diversification has allowed Zoomarine to become, year after year, more attractive to our customers, thus solidifying our leadership position in the regional and national market. It is also worth highlighting the financial restructure carried out in 2015, which mainly converted short term financing into medium and long term. As well as a significant reduction in interest rates and in financial costs, it contributed to an overall improvement of the equity structure. All these achievements have made Zoomarine a National and International reference, that annually invests in growth and creating value. Nelson Santos Financial Director


On this 30th anniversary of Zoomarine I cannot help remembering the 35 years of the Child Emergency born at Refúgio Aboim Ascensão, in 1985. I would need many sheets to be able to express how much emotional closeness and deep admiration I feel for the work of Pedro Lavia, that Wizard for Children who does everything to make them happy and healthier. And has done so for decades! It was not easy in the beginning, but soon technical angels like Élio Vicente and others appeared and made Zoomarine the most Humane of Zoos! Luís Villas-Boas Refúgio Aboim Ascensão

Zoomarine is an example of sustainable development - the great purpose of the tourism industry worldwide - combining the conservation and preservation of species with economic and social growth, being, in this context, a national and international reference. The environmental conservation placed at the service of tourism in the Algarve and the country, makes Zoomarine one of the most important quality complements to what our regional tourism has to offer, contributing to the competitive increase of the tourism business. Elidérico Viegas President of AHETA (Association of Hotels and Tourist Enterprises of the Algarve)

This is an act of Gratitude! Over these 3 decades I have had the privilege of experiencing this biology laboratory, species preservation and fun. The care and attention given to my family and I, made it mandatory that we return, year after year, to Zoomarine. The team is dedicated and committed to making us feel the pleasure that it is to stay at Zoomarine, it is the secret of their success! The animals will always be the reason for your existence. The balanced coexistence and respect that you show towards them is always present. It is our, your, mission. Jorge Gabriel TV presenter

I warmly congratulate Zoomarine for its 30th anniversary. To the Zoomarine administration, in the person of my dear friend, Pedro Lavia, my sincere congratulations for the commitment shown in building a solid brand, which shows the world the potential of our Algarve, by boosting the idea of theme parks, inspired by marine life with a strong educational and environmental concern. I also express my appreciation for your spirit of initiative and innovation. A unique strength at the service of conservation for the life of the oceans, species and their habitats, acting in an integrated way in the entertainment and leisure sector, creating and developing innovative solutions, and allowing for the success of all those who give life to a project with 30 years of existence. Delta Cafés, is proud to have collaborated with Zoomarine for several years now. Aware of its importance to the Algarve and the country, we acknowledge its capacity for evolving and keeping up with the changes in the sector, without neglecting aspects that are so or more important like technological progress, innovation, quality and safety. Zoomarine created a unique opportunity to involve staff, partners and visitors, in a singular experience, where they can discover and learn more about sea life diversity, nature, and also promote knowledge in an emotional and fun way for all. I wish you succeed in full. Comendador Rui Nabeiro CEO of Delta Cafés


Dear President Lavia, Congratulations to Zoomarine Algarve on 30 years of critically important work in preserving and protecting the beautiful yet fragile creatures with whom we share the Earth. Not only do you introduce new generations to the magic, the majesty, and the wonder of the world’s animals, creating new advocates for conservation, but you are one of the fewer than one percent of zoological institutions in the world to have earned the American Humane CertifiedTM seal for the outstanding treatment of the species in your care. For your leading role in the humane conservation of the world’s remarkable and disappearing animals, we salute you! Dr. Robin Ganzert President & CEO of the American Humane Org

Congratulations to 30 years! Amazing and truly incredible to Pedro Lavia and the Zoomarine family! I have been blessed and honored to have met Pedro more than 44 years ago and cherish our friendship to this day. Pedro has always exuded a passionate strength to care for his family, friends, and all the beautiful animals during this wonderful journey. I am always astounded at his vision and creative manner in which he has grown Zoomarine into a first class operation that teaches love for animals and the preservation of the world we all live in! He has taught me many things, especially how to dream, work hard, take care of family, and especially how to laugh! Congrats Pedro, love you man! Brad Andrews Global Director of the Humane Conservation

Founded in 1877, American Humane is committed to ensuring the safety, welfare and well-being of animals.


The work developed by Zoomarine over these 30 years is an example of passion, vision and commitment to society in general and to the Algarve in particular. Many of your employees trained at the Universidade do Algarve, which makes us very proud. You can count on us, we're here for you. Congratulations and best wishes to your project that is in permanent renovation. Paulo Águas Dean of the Universidade do Algarve

I will always remember the first time I visited Zoomarine 17 years ago! I have been lucky enough to know almost all the people who have been a part of the veterinary department. I have been able to develop my best professional side, surrounded by an elite team and always feeling their support, respect and trust and that of the Administration. Zoomarine was fundamental to my professional development as a veterinary surgeon, I learnt something every single visit. It is without a doubt the best place I have worked with marine mammals. I am very proud to be a part, even if it is only occasionally, of this group, this team and I am very happy to be participating in such a special date and the following ones too if they will let me. I hope so...forever... José Sampayo Veterinary Surgeon, Endoscopist, Diretor of Interventional Endoscopy of EndoVes, Madrid, Espanha

Zoomarine's success lies in our ability to think and feel our work as an ecosystem without watertight compartments. We believe in the work we do and we feel truly blessed to have the opportunity to work in a company that is distinguished by the values it defends and that values us whatever our area of intervention. We are curious, passionate and competent. We see this daily in the applause and smiles that we receive from our visitors. We also see this in the affection given by our colleagues and the many animals with whom we share our day to day. They are all already part of our families. Isabel Delgado Humane Resources & Marketing Director

Dear Friends - Congratulations on Zoomarine’s 30-year Anniversary! We operate in many parks around the world, but coming to Zoomarine is always a special occasion for us. Your facilities for the animals are superb, their welfare is always your highest priority and everyone working in the park are the nicest people we could wish to meet. It is not surprising Zoomarine has done so well and for so long. Wishing Zoomarine many years of success and happy days ahead. Peter Kertesz Dental Surgeon - Zoodent International, London, UK


The Portugal Tourism Board could not fail to congratulate itself on Zoomarine's 30th anniversary. The touristic relevance that this theme park has assumed in a consolidated tourist destination, such as the Algarve, is clearly worth mentioning. As an entertainment resource, Zoomarine has played an important role in diversifying what is on offer and consequently attracting tourists to the Algarve territory, while simultaneously highlighting some of the relevant resources that this region has to offer, such as the connection to the sea and biodiversity. Luís Araújo President of the Portugal Board of Tourism

The affirmation of Portuguese Tourism has been consolidated, with the contribution of projects and investments, some of a truly exceptional nature. Zoomarine and the people who designed and developed it, fit into this restricted set of wagers, which deserve our greatest recognition. With great wisdom and courage, Zoomarine knew how to evolve and create unforgettable experiences. Many were the aquatic adventures that marked so many visitors, in which my family and I are included with personal pride. If you have achieved this in 30 years… we are all waiting to see what is to come in the next 30! Frederico Costa Executive Director of Group Pestana President of the Portugal Board of Tourism in the XIX constituent Government, from 2011 to 2015

I had the pleasure to meet Don Pedro Lavia when I was the veterinary director at the Loro Parque in Tenerife, and there was an immediate good feeling. As a natural consequence of that “good vibe”, in 2006, Don Pedro offered me the position as consultant for the avian collections. Since then, we always worked together in a very productive way. Zoomarine is a nice place to work, teamwork is one of the keys, but above all, what I love working there is the respect and care for the animals. I still remember the first time I saw the bird of prey show, and I thought: oh my God, these birds love their job, it is so obvious they love it! Lorenzo Crosta European Veterinary Specialist in Zoo Health Management Sidney, Austrália

Congratulations Zoomarine. Congratulations Pedro Lavia. Congratulations to the entire Zoomarine team. We are the witnesses of a case of success, merit of its creators and of who had the courage to move forward with a bold project, which few believed in, but which ended up imposing itself and winning. When we celebrate its 30th anniversary, it is fair to say that Zoomarine's unique project constituted a very important contribution to the development of Tourism in the Algarve, namely for the diversification, reinforcement and qualification of the region's tourism offer and image. As the person responsible for Tourism in the government (1997/2002) I was able to follow an important period of this dynamic. In this difficult moment that we are currently going through, it is essential to consolidate and reinforce Zoomarine’s project, which we are all proud of. It is part of us. Vitor Neto President of NERA and Secretary of State for Tourism in the XIII and XIV constituent Governments, between 1997 and 2002


Nowadays, animal health and welfare is of increasingly primordial importance, culminating in the biodiversity and preservation of species, the main goal of several organizations, including zoological parks. Over the past two decades, the National Veterinary Authority has been promoting a whole set of rules and legislation, and licensing several of those places, some of which stand out, due to the size and value of the collection of specimens held. As an Oceanographic park in Portugal, over its past 30 years, Zoomarine has gained national and international fame and admiration for its magnificent performance in animal management and protection, and also for contributing to the rescue and recovery of specimens and their posterior return to their natural habitat. By associating itself with Zoomarine´s 30th anniversary, the DGAV, wishes to emphasize the excellent work done by the entire team in the daily management, maintenance and preservation of the animals conditions, as well as entertaining, accompanying, monitoring and educating countless visitors, the most significant example of this was maintaining the oldest bottlenose dolphin in the world, for over thirty years of its 50-year life. A word of appreciation also, to its founder, Mr. Pedro Lavia, whose example to future generations will always be highlighted by the several initiatives of touristic animation and the construction of one of the most beautiful aquatic facilities of animal preservation which he gave us. We wish you all well, we are looking forward to a fruitful performance in the times to come. We congratulate you today on the excellent work of Zoomarine in the ANIMAL UNIVERSE. Susana Guedes Pombo General Director of the Food and Veterinary Authority


It is with great pride that Make-A-Wish has been collaborating with Zoomarine since 2011! Make-A-Wish's mission is to fulfill wishes for children and young people, between the ages of 3 and 17 years old, that suffer from serious, progressive, degenerative or malignant diseases and it is thanks to partners like Zoomarine that, in Portugal, we have already fulfilled more than 1400 wishes to date! The fulfillment of a wish is a turning point in the way each child and their family face the situation they are experiencing and Zoomarine has already contributed to 12 wishes being fulfilled in 9 years of partnership, where values ​​such as respect, transparency, availability and friendliness are a constant. It is thanks to Zoomarine's indispensable support that we received testimonies like “It was the best day of my life, with no doubt!” or "It was an unforgettable and emotional day that we will never forget!". Each wish is captured with the utmost rigor and subsequently organized and planned by Make-A-Wish. So, when the big day comes, the child replaces fear with confidence, sadness with joy and anxiety with hope! The moment when our children can finally hug, swim, feel and kiss the Dolphins, becomes unique and unforgettable, not only for the child or young person who is fulfilling their wish but also for their family and, invariably, for all parties involved! Thank you so much for transforming lives Together, one wish at a time. Inês Maia Sêco Make A Wish Portugal Foundation

1991 could have been just another year marked by several world landmarks, as they really are every year. But it was not for someone who dared to create what was the first (and still is the only) oceanographic park in Portugal. At a time when the Algarve was still a mirage of the tourism industry that we all recognize today, one man had the courage and audacity to walk down a road yet to be drawn. And where many saw difficulties, Pedro Lavia, president and founder of Zoomarine, saw possibilities, giving rise to a magical and unique space, known and recognized as one of the best parks in Europe, and which today is one of the driving forces of tourism in the Algarve. Throughout these 30 years, we have witnessed a significant growth in some of the values ​​that have guided the park since its origin. During this period, we have seen the birth of partnerships, programs and projects of great strategic importance. If you ask us to highlight only three projects, we will most probably choose, without much difficulty, the growth and recognition of the EDUCar project; the emotional impact on the children (and parents!) of the Summer Camps; and, more recently, the family support created by the Study Center, in such difficult and unstable social times. Aside from these, we have also witnessed the signing of protocols with international organizations that work daily for the effective conservation of threatened species. We have had the privilege of helping with the rehabilitation and return of several animals that needed our help. Last, but definitely not least, we had the opportunity to get involved in research projects in the most varied areas, from biology, physiology and even behavioral sciences. Above all, we have learned the difference (and the importance) between dreaming and creating. Many mathematical operations can be done to reach the number 30. For us, the easiest way will be simply multiplying a remarkable man's dream with the resilience of a visionary. Congratulations, Zoomarine! Congratulations, Mr. Pedro! May more roads be drawn and traveled over the next 30 years. João Neves Biologist, Head of the Education Department, Zoomarine


When I told my daughters that Zoomarine was celebrating its 30th anniversary, they were radiant. They remember the magic that Zoomarine always showed them each time they visited the park. The enchantment all of us, adults and children feel, is amazing. And their comment shows their joy and happiness. -” Mummy, that´s so nice, all the animals have their own birthday too.”. So, congratulations to all the Zoomarine family. Luciana Abreu Actress



The association Arc-En-Ciel wishes Zoomarine a very happy birthday for their 30th anniversary. For several years, Zoomarine helped us to make sick children’s dreams come true. The welcoming, the kindness and the professionalism of the entire Zoomarine team allow us to make those families who suffer from sickness to live unforgettable moments. Thank you all for always being there and to bring a smile back to all those who are in need. Congratulations on this beautiful event! Happy Birthday! Laurence Ogier-Chomienne Vice-président of Arc-en-Ciel Association The Association Arc-En-Ciel makes dreams come true for children with terminal illnesses. It has been recognized by the French government as a public utility association since 2004


I like the Zoomarine philosophy. It is based on conservation and environmental education. The public is learning directly from your animals. Through conscientious display people gain appreciation for animals such as dolphins and this appreciation will help to extend their wonder and sense responsibility for all life. Congratulations on the many dolphins born at Zoomarine during the past 20 years. Pedro Lavia has been my friend for 25 years. He honored me with the Zoomarine Award of a crystal dolphin (Sam) in 1996. DVM, PhD, DACZM, Sam Ridgway President and Board Chair of the National Marine Mammal Foundation, San Diego, CA


The people who say that something can’t be done, should get out of the way of those who are doing it! And they should meet my father. With a strong will, persistence, and resilience he was able to bring awe and imagination to life. My father, Pedro Lavia started with a dream, over 30 years ago, to incorporate the history and legacy that he was able to evolve from during his days in the circus. He was able to provide a deep immersive entertainment experience where the audiences were both captivated and thrilled. This passion for bringing happiness to worldwide audiences and transporting people from one dimension to another is the galvanizing force behind our great success. As we celebrate the 30th Anniversary of Zoomarine, I can attest to how this magic has not only unfolded, but has grown to bring my father’s dream to life. It is now so powerful we look forward to continue our trailblazing for at least the next 30 years. Without question, the number one thing I attribute to Zoomarine’s achievements is that we have created an operating environment where everyone feels like they are part of a large family. And indeed they are. Everyone from Pedro, the executives, all the team members, and most importantly the animals, have been an integral part of driving our mission to bring happiness to our visitors, and to providing unique experiences that awaken the audience’s passion to learn, whilst we continue doing our part to preserve our Mother the Earth. We are forever indebted to the animals at Zoomarine, which is why we are dedicated to providing them with the best quality and attention in a caring and nurturing environment. If it were not for them dedicating their lives to provide exceptional and unique performances for our guests, we would not be able to fulfill our mission. Our mission is clear, it is to raise awareness, promote education on the preservation of the ocean and the abundance of life that it nurtures. Through the millions of guests that have come to visit Zoomarine over the last 30 years, I sit in awe when I reflect on the amount of lives that this family has touched and transformed. Moreover, these lives have gone on to foster change, that in turn makes this world a better place. I am in deep gratitude for the commitment, persistence and determination to all those who have and continue to dedicate their lives to making this dream come true for my father- the man who not only taught me that anything in this life is possible, but proved it!! Robert Lavia Partner of Mundo Aquático, S.A.


Zoomarine is a magnificent project – animal park, marine mammal or dolphin park, amusement park, water park, center for environmental education … are just a few words that could define Zoomarine´s concept, in fact all of these words are part of the real essence that defines the feeling, that Zoomarine is unique. The world is quickly and constantly changing, we are witnessing the emergence of new diseases, new attitudes towards the environment and education, changes that make us constantly reinvent ourselves and anticipate the needs of our society. In the last five years, thanks to the effort of our President, Pedro Lavia, 17 million euros were invested in the park, mainly in improving animal habitats; in new amusement areas; in the restaurant court an in infrastructures including green energy by installing photovoltaic panels and also renewing the water rides, that will allow us to expand and develop the water park area over the next five years. We remodeled the dolphin´s and birds of prey facilities, and the Aquarium (2016), we built an infrastructure that allows us to capture natural sea water and bring it through a 4,5 km pipeline for the marine mammal’s habitats (2017), we have remodeled the pinniped habitat (2018 – 2019) and have built a new medical pool at the Enseada Tropical (2019). We also built new rides for children and their families (2018-2019-2020) and have updated some of the existing rides with more educational information, like the big dinosaurs (2019) thus enlarging the recreational area of the park. Since 2015 we have been working on increasing the aquatic experience of our visitors, by incrementing fun and entertainment. For this purpose, we created a very modern aquatic area, with rich vegetation and landscaping on the Silves side of the Park, which is a reference in the Algarve. We continue to develop new educational and conservation projects with our educational Department. Our educators who are specialized in environmental education have already contributed to the development of thousands of children who are the future. In the class rooms at schools and in our educational programs that take place all year round at Zoomarine we give our contribution to a society that demands we take better care of our planet. In the end, none of this would be possible without the passion and commitment of Pedro Lavia and his magnificent team that are always present and ready to help make this unique project a reality. José Ignácio Cobo Partner and Administrator of Mundo Aquático SA



Resplendent macaws and showy cockatoos soar above the large arena, delighting the crowd. Lovebirds glide towards a child excited to feed them. And knowledgeable staff talk about their marvelous birds, the joy evident on their faces. Zoomarine's tropical bird presentation, Flying Colours, celebrates the spectacle of free-flying parrots from across the globe with trained macaws, cockatoos and other parrots. Its focus is on the birds' natural behaviour and the challenges they face in the wild. In 2012 the World Parrot Trust (WPT) became Zoomarine's partner.Since then, Flying Colours has raised tens of thousands of euros for the WPT through the presentation, which features a presentation on the Trust's conservation work, and with the sale of wristbands to eager supporters of the parrots. Currently, nearly 30% of all parrot species are considered at risk of global extinction (IUCN). The main threats to these charismatic birds, trapping for the wild bird trade and the loss of key forest habitat, are driving serious declines in wild populations. Because of this, the World Parrot Trust has directed and/or supported conservation and welfare projects for 70 species of parrot in 43 countries. The WPT accomplishes this through in-country projects which include conservation-driven field research, habitat restoration and protection, community awareness, ecotourism and sustainable use of resources, rehabilitation and release of illegally trapped parrots, and captive breeding and release. Through these means the Trust has helped save the lives of thousands of parrots through financial, logistical or direct on-the-ground actions, and consequently to conserve entire ecosystems. A main focus of Zoomarine's giving has been towards supporting the WPT's FlyFree program, an ambitious initiative to fight the trade of wild-caught birds.Other WPT projects that have benefitted greatly from the giving efforts are Timneh and Grey Parrots in Africa, and macaw conservation in Bolivia. We at the World Parrot Trust are hugely grateful for the ongoing support of Zoomarine Algarve, whose collaboration and generosity allows us to increase our ability to do more to save the world's most at-risk parrots. The WPT also congratulates Zoomarine on thirty years of outstanding education, conservation and entertainment. Steve Milpacher Operations Director, The World Parrot Trust


As specialists in animal behavior and welfare, for three decades, we are constantly innovating thanks to the desire for continuous learning combined with an unquestionable need for improvement in animal welfare. Our commitment, technical rigor and ethics, facilitate the cooperative work of the training team in the various environmental enrichment programmes and voluntary wellbeing behaviors in which we participate, namely through positive reinforcement. There are several species that share their lives with us, from dolphins, elephant seals, seals, fur seals, sea lions, penguins and even a manatee. These species have taught us that training through positive reinforcement builds the necessary trust for a relationship of respect and love, making our communication, between humans and non-humans stronger and of enormous mutual respect. The memories left by those animals that have already left us but began this project with Mr. Pedro Lavia, will always be remembered through their children and grandchildren, who today enrich our days and enchant the public that visits us and makes us a unique family, a family with and without fins. Congratulations Zoomarine family Márcia Neto Head Specialist in Animal Behavior and welfare at Zoomarine


Environmental education for sustainability implies a collaborative commitment to building environmental literacy, in which the creation of different partnerships between areas of governance gains a crucial dimension. The Zoomarine - Algarve theme park, as an educational equipment for the conservation of the life of the oceans, their species and habitats, is one of the good national examples of cooperation, by developing innovative work over the last 30 years. Your participation in the project of the Portuguese Environment Agency / ARH Algarve Environmental Volunteer for Water, namely in the implementation of the “Água Jovem” contest and in the collaboration in awareness actions, is one of the relevant examples of involvement in the regional dynamics.

It is with great pride that we come together to sing Happy Birthday to our Zoomarine for these 30 years of promoting knowledge, sharing good practices and developing several projects with Silves Town Hall. Zoomarine has provided unique experiences that create a bond between land and nature, fulfilling the high standards of actively promoting development of an environmental conscience in a fun and passionate way.

Congratulations Zoomarine!

The Montanha Verde, Praia Limpa and Educar Projects, are some of the activities in which the Silves Town Hall actively participates, also seeking to contribute to the knowledge and appreciation of species and their habitats.

Nuno Lacasta

Rosa Palma

President of the Portuguese Agency for the Environment

President of Silves Town Hall


Time is sometimes not man’s best friend or to the relationships between them. But that is not so in this case. For years - so many that I still had a lot of hair - I have shared a path, both professional and personal and always an accomplice, with Pedro Lavia. I remember the sparkle in that man's eyes, at the time already with his white hair, who spoke of his dream coming true, with a vigor and enthusiasm that engaged everyone. So I can objectively say that Zoomarine is a remarkable achievement and Pedro manages to be and do better every day. Time is sometimes man’s greatest ally and to what they build.

Congratulations, Zoomarine! Your contribution and commitment, over these 30 years, to the development of the region and the promotion of tourism in the Algarve is to be commended. Through a very noble mission, such as supporting the conservation of the oceans, their species and habitats, they manage to lead national and foreign visitors to discover their wonders, always in a current, educational and engaging way. I hope you maintain this attractiveness and continue to provide good memories to those who come to the region!

Fernando Anastácio

João Fernandes

Chairman of the Board of Mundo Aquático SA

President of the Algarve Tourism Board


Zoomarine's Porto d’Abrigo was created in 2002, following the work developed since 1989 to support the rescue of stranded marine animals along the Portuguese coast. Since then, and for almost 20 years, dozens of aquatic animals have received support and, where possible, have been returned to their natural environment. Among dolphins, sea turtles, seals, turtles and otters, the investment of Mundo Aquático SA is vast, being it in human, technical, financial or emotional aspects, in this important action to support animal welfare and nature conservation - one of the most noble missions of a modern zoological facility. Since then, several animals demanded thousands of hours of work and marked the imagination of the Portuguese and our collaborators (Balú, Johnny Vasco, Quinas, et cetera), which attests to the important and noble contribution to this fundamental welfare dynamic. The challenges in rescue and rehabilitation are immense, and Zoomarine is proud of its educational, scientific and welfare role.

Élio Vicente Marine biologist, Director of External Affairs


As Chief of Staff of the Navy and National Maritime Authority, on the occasion of Zoomarines 30th year of activity I would like to commend your relevant contribution to the preservation of marine ecosystems and to the education of younger generations, in particular in raising awareness of the importance, value and wealth of our sea. It is, therefore, a source of pride for the Portuguese Navy and the National Maritime Authority to be able to collaborate with Zoomarine, not only in the preservation of marine life, but also in the protection of the environment and the promotion of environmental values, in a cooperation that has already lasted more than a decade. At this moment of celebration, I congratulate Zoomarine for the effort and dedication shown over its 30 years of activity, which has contributed considerably to the preservation of the Portuguese Sea! Admiral António Maria Mendes Calado Chief of Staff of the Navy and National Maritime Authority

Congratulations on reaching your third decade! We are pleased that much of your journey has been undertaken as a member of the European Association of Zoos and Aquaria (EAZA). As the Association of the most progressive zoos and aquariums in Europe, Western Asia and beyond, we value you as an active and engaged member. You joined in 1997 and your Accredited status was reconfirmed in 2012, further demonstrating your continuous drive to meet and exceed Standards. Wishing you continued success for many years to come. Best wishes, Myfanwy Griffith Executive Director of European Association of Zoos and Aquaria (EAZA)

As a biologist, I have had the privilege of learning so much about the marine fauna and animal behaviour thanks to my 30-year collaboration with Zoomarine, in studies that resulted in international scientific publications and presentations. As a professor, I have had the pleasure of supervising many students who worked here and who have also learned so much. I am grateful for the opportunity of contributing to the educational experience of visitors through my suggestions for information materials, and also to the permanent concern regarding the welfare of the animals, through workshops and long conversations with trainers and veterinarian staff. But in spite of all the wonderful animals, the human contact is the greatest experience when working at Zoomarine, and knowing its people the greatest honour. Thank you all!

Biologist, Associate Professor at ISPA Manuel E. dos Santos ISPA - Insituto universitário de Ciências Psicológicas, Sociais e da Vida

The Professional Order of Biologists has accompanied the fantastic work carried out by its biologist colleagues at Zoomarine over the years. Being in environmental education, in the recovery of wild animals, in animal welfare and in so many other activities of the biological sciences, Zoomarine has always invested in the environmental training of the youngest and in raising society's awareness for the exercise of conscious, dynamic and informed citizenship in the face of current environmental issues. This institution's unconditional support for Education activities from Primary school to Higher Education and in the events of the Professional Order of Biologists in the Biology Olympics and in its teacher training actions have been irreplaceable. Congratulations Zoomarine for your 30 years. Continue to teach, so that together we can protect. José Matos President of the Order of Biologists


At Zoomarine there is an inexplicable sense of magic in the air. You cannot touch it or see it, but you can sense it. Those who work here, feel it, and it is the driving force that motivates and inspires us every single day. Those who visit us feel it too. Zoomarine is a dream that became a reality thanks to the hard work and dedication of many, over the last 30 years. The concept was unique and all of the elements were carefully chosen. Our animals are without a doubt our main focus, without ever forgetting that our staff are the soul of the Park. There is a certain sparkle in the eyes of the people that work at Zoomarine. There is a spirit of unity, family and team work for the greater good. Zoomarine has changed lives. It has inspired young people to study and professionals to change the direction of their careers, I myself am an example of this. There are professionals whose entire lives have been dedicated to the well-being of the animals in our care, to scientific research projects, to the conservation of species and to environmental education. We have been privileged to have known and cared for many generations of charismatic animals during their lives and whose inheritance remains with us long after they have passed. The Zoological community as a whole has evolved in many different directions over the last 30 years. Zoomarine has been a part of that evolution; being a pioneer in numerous areas of welfare and training that has been shared with the scientific community worldwide, to serve the greater good. We have always been at the forefront, thanks to the vision of our President and Founder, Mr. Pedro Lavia. Our motto is “we can always do better for our animals”. Our zoological collection is unique and diversified. Amongst flippers, feathers and scales, the number of different species is large and all need specific care which is provided by our experienced professionals that do their best every day to guarantee the well-being of the animals we look after. Our visitors probably have no idea of the tremendous amount of work that goes on behind the scenes, but it is the result of that hard work that indirectly enhances the public's experience. It is the love, care and respect that we have for our animals that touches the hearts of those who visit us. And that is where we make a difference and what separates us from others and this hasn’t changed over the years. They have been 30 years of dedication, 30 years of passion, 30 years of professionalism. We will certainly be able to continue the beauty of this dream for many more years. Carla Flanagan Veterinary surgeon, Zoological Director


The principals and the urgencies of the conservation of nature are just some of the noble values that the ICNF and Zoomarine share. With the arrival of Zoomarine’s 30th anniversary, it is even easier to put into perspective the three decades of close cooperation in dynamics as important as environmental education, communication and scientific promotion, the rehabilitation of wild animals, animal welfare and responses to emergency accidents with crude oil, among others. Porto d´Abrigo at Zoomarine and their professionals and volunteers, that over these past 20 years have rescued, rehabilitated and returned to their natural habitats numerous aquatic animals, is an excellent example of a partnership between public and private companies, between scientists and citizens, in favour of zoological welfare and responsible citizenship. But, Zoomarine is not only about the aquatic environment, the recent operations "Montanha Verde" and "Praia Limpa" show the vitality of these cooperation’s, which aim to promote the environmental values and contribute to carbon reduction - in the Algarve as well as other places too. In this context ICNF wishes Zoomarine, many years of cooperation. Castelão Rodrigues Engineer - Regional Director of the Conservation of Nature and Forests of the Algarve

Professionals who work with animals understand better than most the importance of human-animal bonds and no facility in the world demonstrates those positive relationships better than Zoomarine. It was evident from our first consultation, in 2010, that Zoomarine was unique. Their empathetic approach to their animal residents combined with their exceptionally high expertise situate them as the bar against which other institutions may be measured. This relationship-based culture, molded by founder Pedro Lavia, an influential leader and passionate advocate for animals, is reflected in the warmth of his staff and the enduring friendships we have developed as extended members of his team. We wish the entire Zoomarine family a heart-felt congratulations on 30 years of inspiration! Thad & Angi Lacinak Founders, Precision Behavior, USA Precision Behavior is an international animal behavior and welfare consulting firm


30 years! and yet it looks like yesterday that I had the chance to become part of the big Zoomarine family. The family has grown tremendously since then, in people, in animals and in knowledge, has made unbelievable science advancements to further help these animals we are all so passionate about, but even more, Zoomarine has continuously contributed to the protection and conservation of our beautiful planet. I am so thankful to have been given the opportunity by Pedro Lavia to be part of his wonderful and extraordinary journey and learned so much along the way! I wish you and Zoomarine many more successful years!!! Lots of love. Geraldine Lacave Marine Mammal Veterinary Consultant, Bruges, Bélgic

Over these last 10 years, Rias and Zoomarine have cooperated by sharing experiences and technical knowledge about fauna recovery. This cooperation is fundamental to improve the response capacity to emergency situations related to the conservation of the wild fauna in the Algarve. In 2020, a partnership for the provision of goods and materials, essential to reinforce the work developed by RIAS was established. Congratulations Zoomarine. We hope to follow your success for many years. Fábia Azevedo RIAS – Centre for the Recovery and Research of Wild Animals


Zoomarine was born of a dream, a unique vision to create happy memories. Over 30 years, this dream has been flourishing in diversity and complexity marking the difference by creating a sense of belonging experienced by the public to whom Zoomarine is an example of the highest standards of trust, ethics and professionalism in how it addresses all the care and dedication to its animals and public awareness. In troubled times, never before has a smile, a shared experience, a fulfilled dream been so important. Thank you Zoomarine! Happy Birthday! Isabel Gaspar Marine Biologist, Head of Aquarium & Dolphin Emotions


It is not surprising that a special man like the Argentinian Pedro Lavia, after travelling around the world to make a dream come true, chose the Algarve, this special region, to fulfil it. He intended to create a place dedicated to the preservation of species and education for sustainability. He needed a bright and light place with a temperate climate, he found Albufeira to be just the place. Zoomarine was the name given to this special place and it opened its doors for the first time 30 years ago. When we decided to include a story that talked about the ocean, in our collection “Uma Aventura” we decided that a visit to Zoomarine and a conversation with their experts would help us get to know the marine world better.We were very enthusiastic about going and we went with our husbands, children and grandchildren. We had the most gratifying surprise, as the experience greatly exceeded our expectations. The diversity of settings and amusements seemed never-ending. Above all we loved the lagoon where visitors can hug and swim with friendly dolphins, that enjoy interacting with humans. We also discovered “Porto de Abrigo” where rescued animals receive the very best care. The animals then return to their natural environment once they have recovered. At the forefront of this project there is a biologist, by love and conviction. His name is Élio Vicente. He welcomed us with open arms, we remain friends. Congratulations Élio! Congratulations Zoomarine! Ana Maria Magalhães / Isabel Alçada Authors


On behalf of the AMMPA Board of Directors and community, I want to extend to you, Pedro Lavia, and the entire Zoomarine team our heartfelt congratulations on the impending 30th anniversary of Zoomarine Portugal. Your pioneering and passionate work over many decades to connect people with dolphins through compelling interactive programs and educational content and inspire them to want to conserve them in the wild has deservedly earned Zoomarine countless awards. This work together with your high animal care standards and research and conservation efforts have also earned you AMMPA accreditation and recognition throughout the international zoological community as a truly gold standard park. Since the days of the iconic Sam the dolphin, you’ve touched millions of hearts and brought fun and joy to families from all over the world. We celebrate with you the fulfillment of a lifelong dream and wish you many more years of success ahead. With warmest regards, Kathleen Dezio AMMPA President & CEO of Alliance of Marine Mammal Parks & Aquariums


In the last 100 years mankind has quadrupled from 2 to 8 billion people. The living space for animals, their natural habitats, have been reduced in such a drastic way that their survival in Nature becomes more uncertain with every day. From the 10 million elephants in those days, only 350.000 are left today and in a few years one will only be able to see elephants in protected wildlife parks and zoos. In this critical times, when the exotic animals need the greatest protection, activists want to close down and prohibit installations like ours. Installations like Zoomarine, founded 30 years ago by my dear friend Pedro Lavia. I congratulate Pedro on his life's work. He and his team have done great things over the past 30 years and I wish Zoomarine continued success for the future and that we stand up to the activists together. Wolfgang Kiessling President & Founder of Loro Parque

In the aftermath (…?!) of a pandemic that shook the foundations of global society it is imperious we STOP TO THINK. And, by thinking, I see on the horizon a kind of “spring of the soul” in which the nature we are made of flows to the urgency of changing direction. And it occurs to me to present the unique performance of ZOOMARINE, as an example of good environmental practices. They were 30 years of focusing on the calamity situation of our oceans, the regretful number of species at risk of extinction; on the evildoers that believe that LIFE emerged on EARTH. That is why I toast, with a glass of champagne, the numerous proofs of affection that this institution dedicates to the protection of life in the oceans, with operations of rescue, shelter, treatment and return to their natural habitat. A true laboratory of marine education with that amazing ludic dimension, that the entranced public acknowledges. The content is immense and does not fit in the frame of these words, but, who does not know of the turtle that washed up on the shore…that was treated and returned to the ocean? Of the sea lions, mistreated somewhere and that found a new life? ZOOMARINE is increasingly a synonym of a pleasant day as there are so many attractions to cheer us up. What to say of the dolphin’s gracious pirouettes – that enchant the little ones and feed the adults inner child? Who does not know ZOOMARINE? Who does not love it? All the dedicated and solid team fit in this emotional hug, to who I say CONGRATULATIONS – with a special hug for my DEAR FRIEND and dedicated companion of nature’s things, Élio Vicente! Thank you for this charming Park that families love to visit and that is forever in our heart. Eduardo Rêgo President of Loving the Planet


“A pool for penguins”, my grandmother used to call it, as we drove by and I, being a kid, curiously asked her what that construction site was (little did I knew how, years after it would be such a big part of me). However, throughout thirty years, Zoomarine has been more, much more, then a “pool for penguins”: a park born out of a dream, with strong foundations in science and conservation. The technical advancement developed by our teams that continue to benefit not only Zoomarine’s inhabitants, but also many other animals in zoological facilities around the globe, the international certifications, the partnerships, the recognitions, and, most importantly, the high welfare standards by which we conduct ourselves with the Animals under our care, are the living proof of those foundations. The hundreds of wild animals that, because of our rehabilitation center, have been given a second chance at life, and the support to several in situ conservation projects across the globe, fill us with pride and strengthen our sense of mission. Along with science, Zoomarine also has a strong foundation in emotions! In the connections that are felt not only between “Zoomarine’s Family” - the hundreds of people who dedicate (or have dedicated) their heart and soul to make this dream a little bit of their own as well - but also with the close to 13 million Visitors that, along these 30 years, have shared our passion: the Animals whom we share are lives with! Through these connections, we’ve been able (I hope) to inspire our Visitors to care for the Natural world, to help them realize the importance of the fine balance between humans and animals, and most importantly, to inspire them to do their part and try to leave this world a little bit better than they’ve found it. As we celebrate Zoomarine’s 30th anniversary and all its accomplishments, we remain committed to our dream, our mission, and focused on the Zoomarine of tomorrow! And who knows, maybe one day we’ll have penguins again!? Miguel Santos Bird Curator - Zoomarine


On behalf of the International Marine Animal Trainers’ Association (IMATA), I would like to congratulate Zoomarine on the celebration of its 30th anniversary! IMATA is honored to have accredited partners, like Zoomarine, who are dedicated to advancing the humane care and handling of marine animals by fostering communication between professionals that serve marine animal science through training, public display, research, husbandry, conservation, and education. Zoomarine has long-supported IMATA's mission to inspire their staff to strive for excellence and foster communication through participation in IMATA programs that foster the exchange of science, information, and ideas. This includes Zoomarine’s active participation in workshops, seminars, publications, and the gracious hosting of IMATA’s 1998 and 2018 annual conferences in Algarve. IMATA is proud of the long-term relationship we have forged with Zoomarine. Here’s to another 30 years of excellence! ¡Felicitaciones! Michael Hunt IMATA President


I have always dreamed of living a pirate’s life, one of those seen in the movies, crazy, free and without a tie ... and dreams rule life! Zoomarine was the perfect home – a dream, sea and pirates an ideal combination ... and thus the Pirates Bay was born. A show that mixes acrobatics, dance, music and comedy, set in a fantastic background that includes a boat that once was on the bottom of the sea! During the past eight years many artists from various fields like the new circus, parkour, dance and music, honored the public with their talent and energy! It has been magical to be able to bring joy to so many children (all adults have a child inside them!). To all the artists who participated in this trip to the wonderful public, my THANK YOU! I would like to give special thanks to Zoomarine for allowing us to dream and make others dream! Miguel Costa Artistic Director of Moliére Produtions



Because Zoomarine is a synonym of emotions, smiles, family joy and moments that remain a memory forever, this is also the perfect place for special events that make us feel exactly all of this. The paradisiacal atmosphere and the fantastic company of our natures hosts (dolphins, seals and exotic birds) make this an incredible and unique setting to experience the strong emotions of a wedding, a christening, a special anniversary or even a corporate event. Fernanda Pierotti Event Management

“Zoomarine allowed us to make an exceptional welcome drink and dinner with a shower of praise from all of our guests! Getting married here was truly fantastic and everything we had envisioned. It will forever be in all of our memories! ” Marisa & Miguel (06.10.2018)



For the past 30 years Zoomarine has been a synonym of Touristic Entertainment and Zoological Excellence and in the last few years has also offered its visitors a modern and attractive water park. A reference of the Algarve tourism and economy, to which Pedro Lavia and his brilliant team have worked towards, is today much more than a reference in just the region and country, Zoomarine is a real ambassador promoting the Algarve beyond its borders. Nowadays Zoomarine is much more than a Theme Park with water rides; it develops environmental education projects, contributing to the conservation, protection and preservation of the environment, with science and education, with partnerships, protocols and educational programs. For all of this and much more than we could mention, it is with great pride that the IPDJ associates itself to these partnerships with Zoomarine, especially in environmental education and active citizenship, as is the case with young volunteers well demonstrated in the Montanha Verde Operation, an excellent contribution to the reforestation of our region. Congratulations Zoomarine, for the unforgettable work you have done for the Algarve, we warmly wish that you continue to follow a successful path and provide unforgettable experiences defending the environment, in the world of knowledge and entertainment. Custódio José Barros Moreno Regional Director of the Board of Instituto Português da Juventude, IP


Oh my goodness Pedro. It is with so much pride that I stand with you in celebration of 30 years of Zoomarine. Of course, our special friendship and professional collegial relationship go back many years before!! You, and Zoomarine of your creation, have been standing in leadership world-wide, and especially in Europe, both in marine park excellence, and more for my nitch in driving outstanding veterinary health care for your animal family. Your fingers have touched a community and you have made for everyone a well-managed future. Your grace of friendship and Patience is standing for all to measure up to. I have been blessed with your love, and Zoomarine remains a lighthouse for all sailors in our rough seas. Jay Sweeney, VMD President and Partner of Dolphin Quest / Quest Global Management

“A customer is the most important visitor. He doesn't depend on us, we depend on him. It is not an interruption in our work, it is the purpose of it. He is not a stranger in our business, he is part of it. In serving him, we are not doing him a favor, he is doing us a favor by giving us an opportunity to serve him.” Mahtma Ghandi

Thirty years have passed since we opened the doors to a world of fun, fantasy and emotion. We would not be here facing the future with a heart full of hope if it were not for the 13 million people who have already visited us, people who came as children and now are visiting us with their children. We always receive everyone with the same smile, with the same desire, with more professionalism, with the same intention that they leave our park richer than they entered. Congratulations to us. Thank you to all of them. Natália Neves Operations Director


I was lucky enough to be the son of a special man, Pedro Lavia, a man who day after day dedicates his life to conquering all of his dreams and achieving his goals, very few people live in this intense and passionate way, managing to influence everything and everyone, and making us grow as human beings. These 30 years have been marked by my father’s courage, perseverance and dedication, with the help from all of the Zoomarine team, he has lived this dream that became a reality intensively, with the mission of awakening mind-sets for the conservation and protection of life and nature. More than ever, mankind is at risk, and it is evident to all that it is mandatory we change our actions and behaviours. We need to learn how to live in harmony with nature so that future generations are not compromised by our actions. Modern zoos like Zoomarine, take on a very important role in changing this pattern, as it is through them, that we as individuals, learn to respect, to love and to protect our ecosystems. For this reason, we consider that if a small part of our work is absorbed by each one of our visitors, it is a smallbig conquest for the planets sustainability. Zoomarine began with only 6 hectares and today it already has 32 hectares of joy, fun and education, a unique space that promises unforgettable moments to all the families that visit us. We are a national and international reference with numerous awards and distinctions, a company that is always ahead in science and innovation, and has an incomparable human asset where everyone contributes to the growth of Zoomarine, year after year, so it becomes even more Zoomarine. The future can only be as promising as these last 30 years were, guided by my father´s motivation and vision. We all take on that commitment so that Zoomarine continues to grow, innovate and diversify. When I was a child, I entered my father´s office and there was a plaque that was given to him that always caught my eye, it said “An extraordinary man is hard to find, but easy to recognize...” Congratulations Pedro Lavia! Congratulations Zoomarine. Tiago Pierotti de Almeida Administrator of Mundo Aquático S. A.


The small great heroes of the CHUA. Children with chronic illnesses are subjected to several invasive medical procedures that cause fear and make them grow up faster than they should. The CHUA and Zoomarine, with the aim to minimize suffering and recognize the courage of our children, work together in order to use the experience in behaviour training for the participation in voluntary medical procedures with dolphins, seals and sea lions to be able to reduce the children’s fear and at the same time recognize their courage. With this partnership between the CHUA and Zoomarine we intend to help children with chronic diseases and their families, with the collaboration of the Algarve’s Town halls. Ana Castro President of the Administration of the Centro Hospitalar Universitário do Algarve

Zoomarine is a man: Pedro Lavia. One word: emotion. And when a man wants to and does it with passion, the dream comes true and touches everyone's life. He also touched ours: those who create stories on SP Television every day and who, in an unforgettable partnership have been enchanted twice by the world that is Zoomarine and their tireless team, that has returned turtles to the sea, dived in the waves of a pool, spun on the Ferris wheel, hugged dolphins and kept Sam in their memories.

My wife and I, my children and grandchildren, have been going to Zoomarine over the years.

Thank you Pedro Lavia.

A friendly hug of congratulations to all who collaborate or have collaborated at Zoomarine!

António da Silva Parente

Francisco Pinto Balsemão

President of SP Television

Chairman of the Board of Directors Impresa

I have always appreciated the didactic sense that you seek to give your enterprise, especially among the youngest, and the concern of your competent teams in enhancing the welfare of animals in rehabilitation and under human care. That is why I was delighted to be associated with your 30th anniversary celebrations.


To Understand, raise awareness and actively participate in conservation and preservation», to provide educational experiences and awaken emotions « to research, to know and to share», promote knowledge and «create bonds and strengthen roots with our community» – these are some of the words from Zoomarines mission, that reveal that it is much more than just a Theme Park. The more entities that have similar objectives to these, which coincide with our educational vision for the preservation and promotion of the Algarve´s stories of art, and patrimony (material and immaterial), the better we can fulfill our cultural mission because we will have citizens that are «more» everything – more conscientious, more knowledgeable, more demanding, and more participative. Congratulations to Zoomarine for 30 years of the Algarve. Adriana Freire Nogueira Regional Director of Culture of the Algarve

Zoomarine has always made a special contribute to this Agency and over the years has been a very important partner of this Association given its involvement as a unique project in the promotion of Albufeira and all the Algarve. As a company with 30 years of history, Zoomarine has contributed without a doubt to a greater and better growth of national tourism and stands out with its excellence in tourist entertainment. Over those 30 years, the evolution of the park has been a triumph to the quality of tourism products that Albufeira and the Algarve have to offer to all those that visit us. Congratulations to Zoomarine for its 30 years of existence!! Rui Justo Chief executive of the General Assembly of APAL Agency for the Promotion of Albufeira under the brand name "Turismo de Albufeira"


The European Association for Aquatic Mammals was created in 1972. Almost 20 years later, Zoomarine initiated a very remarkable path in Marine Mammal Science, Husbandry, Environmental Education, Policy and so many other professional areas. Over the years, not only Zoomarine achieved many important milestones in the zoological world, it has also contributed directly and indirectly to the development, reinforcement and strength of this special community, dedicated to the knowledge and welfare of so many species. In the meantime, Zoomarine not only hosted two very memorable EAAM’s symposia (1996 and 2019), but also helped to lead and reinforce its community, by having its founder, Pedro Lavia, serve in the EAAM Board (2002-2006). The EAAM would have been quite different without Zoomarine – and so would have been the European zoological community. For such history and contribution, congratulations Zoomarine, for such glorious birthday – your colleagues salute you for your path and thank you for your work! Renato Lenzi President of European Association for Aquatic Mammals (EAAM)

EN 125 - Km 65, Guia 8201-864 Albufeira, Portugal


+351 289 560 300

Lat. 37.7.37 N - Long. 8.18.50 O


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