Zone One Arabian Horse Club_Winter 2011

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Zone One Arabian Horse Club Since 1974

Winter Newsletter 2011 Mission Statement: To Promote the Arabian horse as a versatile breed for all disciplines by having clinics, schooling shows, horse shows and trail rides for members.

President’s Ponderings of Winter 2011 We are once again at the beginning of a new year for our Arabian Horse Club. I want to wish everyone a most joyous and fruitful year as a member and in your daily ventures at work, school and home life. Each year we wonder how things might be improved in our world and each year we somehow are a little disappointed. Our horse club still continues to struggle somewhat with memberships but as far as the other aspects of normal club activities we seem to be doing just fine. There is always room for improvement and hopefully that will become reality in 2011. As we get ready for our AGM we begin to think about the financial status of 2010 and all the activities of last year. We will give all those we come to the meeting that information but most of it will also be in newsletters so that those who weren’t at the meeting will still be informed. Our meeting will once again be at The Comfort Inn – Ingersoll where we can have a meeting room at no charge. It may be a little out the way for many members but hopefully you can carpool and share the cost of fuel. We’ll start the meeting at 2:00 pm. on Sunday,March 6th. Please try to be a little early to pay the membership for 2011. I have already contacted the person in charge of rentals at the Dorchester Fairgrounds and have booked 5 show dates. I have also been in contact with several people who would be willing to assist at the shows and therefore I’m proposing a show committee rather that having directors look after a show. Since our club does not have that many members we should consider having fewer directors. I’m proposing we reduce our number from 10 directors to 7 and put in place several new committees. So one new committee would be the show committee and another would be special events and promotion. The third committee would be the one that looks after the minutes, finances and newsletters. As I think some while cleaning out stalls in my daily routines I’ll probably come up with some creative ideas by the time we actually have the AGM. Please read the whole newsletter and I’ll look forward to seeing many of you in the very near future. Adriaan Brand

Director History- Susan Vella I am very privileged and grateful to have been able to spend the majority of my life with horses. I started out riding in the barrel racing circuit and also jockeyed a few racing quarter horses that ‘golden quarter mile’. When I moved to Guelph, where Quarter Horses were NOT King and dressage and hunters were, I changed gear and went jumping and raised a few ‘sport horses’. After moving back to London, and with the absence of horses in my life for a few years, I met Pat Prince (we happened to be fellow employees). She offered me a chance to try an Arabian - a sweet little chestnut mare and an Egyptian at that!! Well, Daz and I have struggled for a few years and now we have finally bonded and become best friends. For her I have given up time, money and my sanity. Not to mention dinners out, girly clothes, nice hair and nails, makeup and vacations! But I love my sweet little Arabian horse and wouldn’t have it any other way. So thank you, Pat, and thank you, Daz. Hard work pays off always!! Here is a photo of Daz and I winning the Reserve Grand Champion in the Western Pleasure Class at the Eastern Canadian Breeders Show in the Peterborough, June 2010.

Looking for: Photos!!!

Do you have a picture you’d like to see in the newsletter? I’m looking for pictures from this or prior show seasons, pictures of your youngsters or oldtimers, stallions, foals, etc. Pictures are used for promotion of the breed and let fellow members know who is showing and what horses the other members have. Forward pictures to and include a subject line saying “Zone One Pictures”


Show Dates for Club Shows 2011 May 15, 2011 June 5, 2011 June 26, 2011 July 24, 2011 August 7, 2011 We will start the shows this year at 9:30 am They will all be at The Dorchester Fairgrounds.

Zone One Arabian Horse Club AGM 2011 Annual General Meeting Sunday, March 6, 2011 at Comfort Inn Ingersoll Starting at 2:00 pm

Agenda: 1. Memberships for 2011 2. Review of 2011 3. Treasurer’s Report for 2011 4. New Business a) Reduce number of directors b) Show dates c) Insurance for 2011 d) Sponsorships for 2011 e) Committees f) AHA shows g) Promotional activities h) Other 5. General discussion about our club and its activities. 6. Other agenda items from members present. 7. Adjournment

Sites of Interest Free Forum for Arabian & Half-Arabian Enthusiasts Forums about: Horse Care, Hot Topics, Various Discplines etc. 2011 Message from the Webmaster “Our vision has stayed its course. You may ask what is the vision? Simply put, “All levels of horse owners and lovers.” We have always thought that small groups would not be in a strong place to create the needed impact and be able to get their information out to the mass Arabian community. So we created a place to allow people to promote and grow their interests and needs. Our focus is “You”, by this we mean, promoting your programs, selling, buying, breeding, or education. We have felt that the Arabian industry has become so small that it is not in our best interest to “focus” on just one area. I mean sport horse, main ring or any other group of interest. Yes, my passion has become sport horses in a very big way, due to my wife and daughter going head over heals into competing in Eventing and Show Jumping. We are not in competition with anyone here. We have no desire to hold back anyone. If people come here with the intention of being part of our community we fully support them, positive feedback and creative partnerships work well. We only ask one thing in return, respect everyone. No member is more important than the other in our eyes. We have to work together and allow people to make decisions for themselves. Positive vs. negative, do we have both here at ABN? Yes, you can not have one with out the other. Great things happen in exploring all sides of complex problems. Rescue is the most troubling topic and can become very emotional. Other problems such as poor business practices coming to the site, they are never easy. We feel people have the right to bring problems to ABN, we hope they find solutions, or are able to stop the continued practice. We have no intention of become the Internet judge and jury, but we allow (for a limited time) people the chance to vent and clear the air. Have we seen success? Yes, we truly are the largest internet community, We hope this will offer our members large benefits. What is interesting is ABN can and will be a target for some people in this industry because we are the force in internet communications. I wish them all the success in the world. Many have received there start right here at ABN, because of the support the membership has given them. This is not a one man show! This is a group of people working together to become successful in the Arabian industry. Our track record now speaks for itself. Going into 2011 we hope to continue supporting the equine industry, in a positive direction Thank you for your time, Dean Hennings

()*)���#����������'���� ()*)���#����������'���� President: Adriaan Brand 519-234-6238 Secretary: Cally Jo Fritz 519-475-0118 Treasurer: Sue Straus President: Adriaan Brand519-655-2698 519-234-6238 Directors: Secretary: Cally Jo Fritz 519-475-0118 Barb Crawford 519-289-5998 Treasurer: Sue Straus 519-655-2698 Jen Ferrow 519-469-8565 Directors: Esther Lievre 519-539-3059 Barb Crawford 519-289-5998 PatFerrow Prince 519-268-7180 Jen 519-469-8565 Staci Hanson Esther Lievre 519-471-4756 519-539-3059 Susan Vella 519-268-7180 519-285-2001 Pat Prince CarolHanson Stuart 519-238-8064 Staci 519-471-4756 Junior Susan Vella Directors: 519-285-2001 Hayley 519-268-8505 CarolBathgate Stuart 519-238-8064 Robin Junior Deleemans 519-765-1908 Directors: Michaela Lievre 519-539-3059 Hayley Bathgate 519-268-8505 Rachel Straus 519-655-2698 Robin Deleemans 519-765-1908 Michaela Lievre 519-539-3059

We need: classifieds, photos and member stories. If Rachel Straus 519-655-2698 interested in submitting, please contact Stacie Hanson at 519-471-4756 or

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