Zócalo Magazine - January 2019

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Upcoming Highlights


box office: 17 west congress 520-547-3040



N 10 JA 7:30pm

EB 1 F7:30pm

EB 16 F7:00pm

N Jackie Evancho 25 JA 7:30pm

EB Lewis Black 3 F7:00pm

Brian Regan

Don McLean & N 7:00pm Al Stewart 27JA

Lonesome Traveler with Peter yarrow

Richard Thompson 17 7:00pm Electric Trio FEB

EB 6 F7:30pm

Herb Alpert & N 7:30pm Lani Hall 31 JA

Joan Osborne

sings Bob Dylan

EB 12 F7:30pm

Rosanne Cash

EB 20 F7:30pm

she remembers everything tour

EB 22 F7:30pm

Big Bad VooDoo Daddy

Oak Ridge Boys

shine the light tour

the Doo Wop Project

4 ZOCALOMAGAZINE.com | January 2019


January 2019

07. Sustainability 11. Arts 17. Art Galleries & Exhibitions 21. Performances 28. People 35. Food & Drink 37. Events 42. Tunes 46. Scene in Tucson

ON THE COVER: Wolfe Bowart in CLOUD SOUP at Scoundrel & Scamp Theatre. Read more on page 11. Photo © 2018 Tim Fuller.

Zócalo Magazine is an independent, locally owned and locally printed publication that reflects the heart and soul of Tucson.

PUBLISHER & CREATIVE DIRECTOR David Olsen CONTRIBUTORS Abraham Cooper, Jeff Gardner, Carl Hanni, Jim Lipson, Jamie Manser, Troy Martin, Gregory McNamee, Janelle Montenegro, Hilary Stunda, Amanda Reed LISTINGS Amanda Reed, amanda@zocalomagazine.com PRODUCTION ARTISTS Troy Martin, David Olsen AD SALES: frontdesk@zocalotucson.com CONTACT US:

frontdesk@zocalotucson.com P.O. Box 1171, Tucson, AZ 85702-1171

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January 2019 | ZOCALOMAGAZINE.com 5

18th St Bungalows in the heart of Armory Park, 499k-519k Four gorgeous two story loft homes, 2 bedrooms/2 baths plus versatile loft spaces, designed by Rob Paulus Architects

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sustainability Z

Rainwater harvesting in Tucson.

Cities and Their Water “WHISKY is for drinking; water is for fighting over,” as the adage goes. For Tucson, it might be more accurate to say “tequila” or “craft beer” is for drinking, but the latter half certainly holds true. For a desert city in the midst of a 20-year drought, water accessibility is a topic of serious weight. One look at a photo of the Santa Cruz River from the early 1900s, with sufficient flows and riparian woodlands, show the river is clearly not what it used to be. However, a new report on cities and their water by the University of Arizona offers options for city planners of the future. And more than that, suggests that Tucson is a leader in combating water scarcity issues. The report, led by the University of Arizona landscape architecture and planning researchers, with support from the Water Research Foundation, found that coordination between water managers and urban planners does not happen as often as either group sees necessary. And more than this, the report found that in order to create livable cities in the future, coordination between water managers and urban planners needs to increase. “In order to design and build cities to be more water-efficient, we need to have more collaboration between water agencies and those who manage how cities are developed,” Philip Stoker, assistant professor of planning and landscape architecture at the University of Arizona College of Architecture said in a release. “Experts and practitioners think we should be doing this, but this study was about finding out why it’s not happening everywhere and identifying enabling factors.” The study, titled “Joining-Up Urban Water Management with Urban Planning and Design,” questioned nearly 1,000 practitioners (500 water managers and 400 practicing planners) about their work, and facilitated workshops to examine city planning with and without collaboration between these two groups. The study states, “While the amount of collaboration that occurs between urban planners and water managers varies, there seems to be a clear understanding that there is a need to coordinate. Water management and urban planning affect one another’s work... in areas such as water conservation, water reuse, energy management, green infrastructure, and more.” The report found that water managers and city planners don’t often work

by Jeff Gardner

together due to time and monetary restraints on their projects, as well as simply not being in that habit of working together. For solutions to this problem, the report simply recommends for the planners to spend more time together: having joint training sessions and brainstorming sessions. “As trust builds and relationships become stronger, then they can develop municipal ordinances and land-use regulations together,” Stoker said. The study also states, “U.S. citizens consider water the ‘leading environmental issue’...nearly half of Americans ‘worry a great deal about it’,” and that “enhancing collaboration between the sectors can increase the effectiveness of decision-making in both sectors; increase resiliency in a community; add value to water systems; and help address a variety of challenges, such as population growth and climate change.” The Water Management with Urban Planning and Design study examined several cities for its conclusions, including Tucson. Through examinations of Tucson Water, Pima County Ordinances and local sustainability networks, the study found Tucson to be emerging as a leader in the field of innovative urban water sustainability. It specifically points out the two ordinances passed by the City of Tucson within the past decade: the Commercial Rainwater Harvesting Ordinance, requiring new commercial properties to use rainwater to supplement irrigation, and the Residential Gray Water Ordinance, requiring new residences to have plumbing which can also accommodate graywater. “These ordinances demonstrate the City’s ability to take risks and find alternative solutions to adapt to the region’s water scarcity issues.” The report said. The report’s authors are now working with Tucson engineers to develop an online program for cities and city planners to research existing water- and landuse ordinances in order to formulate ordinances for their own municipalities. “You’ll be able to look at a map of the country and filter example ordinances based on your goals — for instance, gray water reuse — and then the map will populate with relevant sample codes,” Stoker said. To read the full report “Joining-Up Urban Water Management with Urban Planning and Design,” visit waterrf.org/PublicReportLibrary/4853.pdf n January 2019 | ZOCALOMAGAZINE.com 7

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Z arts

Wolfe Bowart in Cloud Soup. Photo by Tim Fuller.

10 ZOCALOMAGAZINE.com | January 2019

arts Z

Cloud Soup

Wolfe Bowart returns with more soup at Tucson’s Scoundrel & Scamp Theatre by Amanda Reed Physical comedian, actor, artist, and playwrite, Wolfe Bowart, returns in January to Scoundrel & Scamp Theatre for another run of Cloud Soup (Jan 10-13.) While Wolfe is Tucson-based, he rarely performs here. Aside from his December performance of Cloud Soup, the last time he was onstage in Tucson was 7 years ago he’s been touring internationally ever since, playing to packed theaters from Australia to France and Bahrain and China and everywhere in between. Cloud Soup is a brand new show. The following is a recent email conversation we had with Wolfe. Tell us about your background. So your latest production Cloud Soup – which is written, directed and I was born in New York City and moved to Tucson when I was six. My family performed by you – is playing again in Tucson January 10-13. Without giving is full of artists – my grandfather Edward Dugmore was a painter, an Abstract away too much, what’s the story about and what can audience members Expressionist, and my dad was a writer – so as a kid I was encouraged to expect to see or experience? pursue my passion for performing and a general love for all things fantastical and absurd. Charlie Cloud Soup weaves together circus, multimedia, Chaplin and Jacques Tati were early heroes. comedy and stage illusion to tell a multi-layered I’d direct the neighborhood kids in Monty story that speaks to both adults and children. On Pythonesque Super8 movies and unicycled and the surface, Cloud Soup is about learning to juggle juggled and performed magic. I studied theater hats and trying to save a bubble from popping. at Cornish College in Seattle, a specialist visual It’s about becoming a bird and a gorilla, about a and performing arts college where John Cage and visit from a giant, falling in love, it’s about a pesky Martha Graham once taught. After graduating rodent and about walking in and out of a film, I lived and performed in Barcelona for a couple and about collecting rain water. It’s creative play, of years before heading to Los Angeles, where circus skill and visual story telling. I wrote screenplays for hire and earned writer On another level, Cloud Soup is about ‘us credit on a network TV show. At the Mark Taper versus them,’ about our differences and about Forum, I was commissioned to create two original our commonalities, about not blaming others for works of physical theater. Through the Taper, I our problems, about celebrating our uniqueness. began teaching, acting, directing and touring my It’s about sharing this big blue marble and about work through southern California’s multicultural making room at the table for others. patchwork of neighborhoods. It was the start of my production touring life. In 2003 my wife and I How is this show or messaging similar or different left LA and based ourselves back in Tucson, where from your previous work? we created SpoonTree Productions, our touring theater company. Since then, along with a small Each of my productions has a story within the but talented crew, we’ve toured our productions story. At the start of my production Letter’s End, to 20 countries. for example, we see what looks to be a man My work is visually driven rather than dialogue burning packages in a dead-letter office. By the driven, heavy on comedy, speckled with magical end of the show, the audience comes to realize realism and “how-did-he-do-that” moments that that these packages are actually the man’s own Wolfe Bowart. Photo © Tim Fuller. tend to make people feel like kids again. It’s been memories. As the character opens the packages a joy to see the productions connect with audiences in countries as diverse as and the stories inside come to life, the audience realizes bit by bit that these New Zealand and China and Brazil and Bahrain. are chapters of his life. The production is about memory and looking back and the richness of each our lives. You are on the road a lot but you are based in Tucson? What’s your Tucson In Cloud Soup, the story on the surface is about a man who repairs and connection? cleans clothing. A cross section of humanity arrives at his little shop. They are all a bit different from him. What happens? You’ll have to come to the Scoundrel My career is pretty nomadic but Tucson is where my heart is. I remember when & Scamp to see. River Road was a dirt road and when Speedway stopped at Wilmot. I have family here, and my studio is here in the old Arizona Sash & Door building – it’s Where did you first perform this production prior to bringing it to Tucson in where I build all my productions before taking them on the road. My wife and December? How has the show evolved over time, or has it? I live in a place where deer and bobcats and javelina stroll past our kitchen window. We feel lucky to live among such beauty. Wisps of Cloud Soup have been floating around in my head and in my notebooks for a few years. It came to life when the director of the Kuala Lumpur Intl

continues... January 2019 | ZOCALOMAGAZINE.com 11

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arts Z Arts Festival commissioned us to create a new work for the 2018 festival. I workshopped an early version of the production in Maine last summer ahead of its Malaysian premiere in September. Over the course of that season in KL, the show evolved. In a sense, the audience becomes a director. After every performance, I would huddle with our tech team and edit scenes and edit sound and light and special effects cues. That process continues through about the first 30 performances of each new production before I start to feel satisfied with the structure. The audience sees one man on stage, but it’s a collaboration with a lot of talented people behind the scenes. I met Bryan and Elizabeth Falcón, the Scoundrel & Scamp’s cofounders, a couple of years ago when they were developing a new Tucson performance space that would have a focus on physical theater. Along with classics and modern plays, the Scoundrel & Scamp is committed to presenting original works that speak to all ages. That part of their mission aligns exactly with the work we’re touring internationally. It was a great fit. I’m excited to have been part of the theater’s first full year in operation – first with Oaf, a play I directed and co-wrote with Matt Walley, and now with Cloud Soup. After years on the road, it’s good to be back performing for a home audience and connecting in to the Tucson theater scene. The first part of the Tucson season of Cloud Soup took place at the Scoundrel & Scamp in December and we made a few final adjustments after the first couple of performances. I’m looking forward to the January run. What is physical theatre?

the multiple layers of story. That cross-generational appeal has meant that I’ve performed back-to-back seasons of the same show at the Melbourne International Comedy Festival, where audiences are typically 18-45, then at a theater like the Theatre Royal Brighton as part of its subscription season, where ticket holders traditionally skew older, then at a children’s theater festival. To their credit, Bryan and Elizabeth at The Scoundrel & Scamp Theatre recognize the value of this type of work and, along with Oaf and Cloud Soup, their 2018/19 season included This Girl Laughs, This Girl Cries, This Girl Does Nothing – a beautiful piece of theater for all ages by the Tasmanian playwright Finegan Kruckemeyer. They understand that it’s works like these that enable the whole family to enjoy a theater experience together. They also understand it’s works like these that cultivate the next generation of theatergoers. Will you continue performing it on the road after Tucson? We’ll tour it internationally beginning in June 2019. In September, Cloud Soup goes to Australia where it’ll be part of the Awesome International Arts Festival. This festival is one of my favorites for a couple of reasons – it’s one of the top arts festivals in the world for young people and all of my productions (LaLaLuna, Letter’s End, and The Man the Sea Saw) have had seasons there. It’s also located in the beachside city of Perth, where my wife was born and raised. We’re hoping to incorporate a tour of Western Australian venues like we’ve done in the past. It’s an incredible experience performing in the remote towns of far north western Australia, where, amid hundreds of thousands of miles of red earth, the arts thrive, and where families turn out en masse for the shows.

Physical theatre is storytelling primarily through physical movement rather than through text. In my case, After Cloud Soup, when will Tucson get I tell stories using physical movement to see you perform or direct next? along with film, puppetry, stage illusion, sleight of hand and a bit Next month I’ll be joining the UA School Wolfe Bowart. Photo by Kristjan Kristjansson. of circus. Music helps set the tone. of Theatre, Film & Television faculty, When there is no dialogue, it opens up a new way for an audience member directing an original piece devised by Theatre students. It’s part of the School’s to experience a theatrical production – they use another part of their brain to Studio Series. The resulting production will be performed April 18-21 on interpret what they see. campus at the Harold Dixon Directing Studio. It’ll be my first time working with University of Arizona students – I’m excited to see what we create together. You mentioned Scoundrel & Scamp, as well as yourself, as focusing on productions that speak to cross-generational audiences. Is this approach And lastly, what’s one of your favorite things about Tucson? unique in theatre? The arts scene has come into its own. Tucson has grown into a beautiful art It’s not necessarily unique, but it’s rare. Traditionally, theatrical productions are town where galleries, studios, live music, street art and live theater abound. categorized either as suitable for an older, adult audience, or as a children’s My hope is that the community continues to nurture and support the arts. show. Then there is this other category of theater that truly speaks to audiences To learn more about Scoundrel & Scamp Theatre, please visit of all ages. Kids laugh easily at the comedy in my shows but also understand scoundrelandscamp.org n January 2019 | ZOCALOMAGAZINE.com 13

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16 ZOCALOMAGAZINE.com | January 2019

art galleries & exhibits Z

Living Earth paintings by Pamela Marks

Davis Dominguez Gallery presents Postmodern Dialogue - Group Show, January 4 to February 23, works by David Pennington, David Mazza, Carrie Seid. Reception January 12.

Silver Stack by Carrie Seid

Diptych by David Pennington


Reflections of Nature featuring glass paintings by Sue Betanzos, is on view January 12 through February 13. Hours: 10am to 3pm. Ranch House Gallery, 12325 E. Roger Rd. 520-749-3718.

ARIZONA HISTORY MUSEUM Facing Work is on view through February 16. John Slaughter’s Changing West: Tombstone, Bullets, and Longhorns is on view to August 2019. Permanent Exhibits include: History Lab, Mining Hall, and Treasures of the Arizona History Museum. Hours: Mon & Fri 9am-6pm; Tues-Thurs 9am4pm; Sat & Sun 11am-4pm. 949 E. 2nd Street. 520-6285774. ArizonaHistoricalSociety.org

ARIZONA STATE MUSEUM One World, Many Voices is open through March. Long term exhibitions include, The Resiliency of Hopi Agriculture: 2000 Years of Planting; Life Along the River: Ancestral Hopi at Homol’ovi; Hopi Katsina Dolls; Woven Through Time; The Pottery Project; Paths of Life. Hours: Mon-Sat 10am-5pm. 520-621-6302. 1013 E. University Blvd. StateMuseum. Arizona.Edu

CACTUS WREN GALLERY Desert Wonderland Art January 13 from 9am to 2pm. Gallery hours: Everyday from 9am to 4pm. 2740 S. Kinney Rd. 520-437-9103. CactusWrenArtisans.net

CENTER FOR CREATIVE PHOTOGRAPHY Richard Avedon: Relationships is on view through May 15. The Heritage Gallery is on view through January 12. Hours: Tue-Fri 9am-4pm; Sat 1-4pm. 1030 N. Olive Rd. 520-621-7968. CreativePhotography.org


Milagros is on view through January 26. Hours: Tues-Sat 10am-3:30pm. 110 E. 6th St. 520-398-6557. ContrerasHouseFineArt.com


Postmodern Dialogue opens January 4 and is on view through February 23. Hours: Tues-Fri 11am-5pm; Sat 11am-4pm. 154 E. 6th St. 520-629-9759. DavisDominguez.com

DEGRAZIA GALLERY IN THE SUN DeGrazia’s Chickens and Desert Dwellings are on display through January 30. Hours: Daily 10am-4pm. 6300 N. Swan Rd. 520-299-9191. DeGrazia.org


ARTISANS GALLERY The exhibitions, Mini Masterpieces: An 8 x 8 Fine Art Show and Color Reflection are on view through February 3. Hours: Mon-Sat 10am-5pm; Sun 10am-1:30pm. 6536 E. Tanque Verde Rd. 520-722-4412. DesertArtisansGallery.com ETHERTON GALLERY

In the Main Gallery, Danny Lyon: Photographs of The American Southwest and Mexico is on view through January 5. Opening on January 8, In This Together: Sixty Years of Daring to Create a More Perfect Arizona will continue through February 2. Reception is January 12 from 7 to 10pm. Kate Breakey: Trees is on view through January 13 and Kate Breakey: Black Tulips opens January 25 through April 28, both at the Tucson Botanical Gardens. Hours: Tues-Sat 11am-5pm or by appointment. 135 S. 6th Ave. 520-624-7370. EthertonGallery.com


H2Oh! Juried Exhibition from the Studio Art Quilt Association is on view through February 10. Hours: Daily 10am-4pm. 2021 N. Kinney Rd. 520-883-3024. DesertMuseum.org

JEWISH HISTORY MUSEUM Call Me Rohingya is on view through May 31. Hours: Weds, Thurs, Sat & Sun 1-5pm; Fri 1-3pm. 564 S. Stone Ave. 520-670-9073. JewishHistoryMuseum.org


50 Years of the Photographic Artists’ Book, 1968-2018, Curated by Philip Zimmermann is on view through January 14. Hours: Mon-Fri 8am-4pm. 1031 N. Olive Rd. 520-6264215. CFA.arizona.edu/galleries


Seasoned: Kennady Schneider is on view through January 17 with a reception January 17 from 3:30 to 4:30 pm. 1031 N. Olive Rd. 520-626-4215. CFA.arizona.edu/galleries





Separados por Frontera – Separated by Borders opens February 4 with a reception February 7 from 5 to 7pm and closes March 8. Hours: Mon-Thurs 10am-5pm and Fri 10am-3pm. Pima Community College, 2202 West Anklam Rd. 520-206-6942. Pima.Edu

MINI TIME MACHINE Power: A Closer Look at Queens Throughout History is on view to January 13; Automata: Miniature Mechanized Narrative is on view to January 27; Dave Cummins: Envisioning Bugatti is on view through April 28; Ghost Stories and Fairytales: Make Believe in Miniature opens February 1 and is on view to April 28. Tues-Sat 9am-4pm and Sun 12-4pm. 4455 E. Camp Lowell Dr. 520-881-0606. TheMiniTimeMachine.org


COLLECTIVE Illuminate: A Contemporary Exploration of Light opens January 1. 127 S. 5th Ave. 520-395-5959. January 2019 | ZOCALOMAGAZINE.com 17

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18 ZOCALOMAGAZINE.com | January 2019

art galleries & exhibits Z

30 Americans is on view at the Tucson Museum of Art through January 13, with a special closing party January 12. Image - Xaviera Simmons, One Day and Back Then (Standing), 2007 color photograph, ed. 2/5, 30 x 40 in. Courtesy of Rubell Family Collection.


TOHONO CHUL PARK Copper State is on view

Winter Exhibition Opening Reception for Dazzled: OMD, Memphis Design, and Beyond featuring a special VIP Meet and Greet and dialogue with Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark is January 19 from 5 to 9pm. Exhibitions continue through April 13. Screening of “Salvador Dali in Search of Immortality” is January 12 from 2 to 4pm. Hours: Weds-Sun 12-5pm. 265 S. Church Ave. 520-6245019. MOCA-Tucson.org

in the Main Gallery through February 6. Featured Artist: William Lesch is on view through February 6 in the Welcome Gallery. Olivier Dubois-Cherrier: It’s Only A Matter of Time is on view through January 27 in the Entry Gallery Project Space. Tuesday Art Talk with the Artist is January 22 at Noon. Hours: Daily 9am-5pm. 7366 N. Paseo del Norte. 520-742-6455. TohonoChulPark.org


& Sharing is on view January 1 through February 17. Reception is January 13 from 2pm to 5pm. Adobe Barn Gallery, Triangle L Ranch, 2805 N. Triangle L Ranch Rd. 520-623-6732. TriangleLRanch.com




Alchemy, an up-close look at Philabaum’s extraordinary fused glass paintings is on view through January 26. Hours: Tues-Sat 11am-4pm. Call for glassblowing viewing. 711 S. 6th Ave. 520-884-7404. PhilabaumGlass.com


Ancient Climates is on view through February 9 in the Friend’s House Gallery; Kate Breakey: Trees is on view to January 13; Drawing on Nature is on view through January 15. Hours: Daily 8:30am-4:30pm. 2150 N. Alvernon Way. 520-326-9686. TucsonBotanical.org

SOUTHERN ARIZONA TRANSPORTATION MUSEUM Dinner in the Diner is currently on display featuring original china and silver service from the named first class Pullman trains. 414 N. Toole Ave. 520-6232223. TucsonHistoricDepot.org

SOUTHERN ARIZONA WATERCOLOR GUILD Holiday Show is on view to January 6. Annual Show 2019 opens January 9 and is on view to February 3 with a reception January 17 from 5 to 7pm. Hours: TuesSun 11am-4pm. Williams Centre 5420 East Broadway Blvd #240. 520-299-7294. SouthernAzWatercolorGuild.com

TRIANGLE L RANCH 6 Women Creating, Living

Joseph Labate – The Sawmill Fire is on view to January 9. Ongoing exhibitions include: Desert Hollywood and The Dawn of American Landscape. Hours: Weds-Sun 10am-4pm. 7000 E Tanque Verde Rd. 520-202-3888. TucsonDArt.Org

TUCSON MUSEUM OF ART 30 Americans is on view through January 13 with a special closing party January 12 from 6 to 8pm. Carlos Estevez: Entelechy and Blue Tears: Installation by Patricia Carr Morgan open January 26. Ongoing exhibits include Selections from the Kasser Mochary Art Foundation; Asian Art; Native American Culture and Arts; European Art; Pre-Columbian and Spanish Colonial Art, Art of the American West; Art of the American Southwest; J. Knox Corbett House, and the La Casa Cordova. Hours: Tues-Wed & Fri-Sat 10am-5pm; Thurs 10am-8pm; Sun 12-5pm. 140 N. Main Ave. 520624-2333. TucsonMuseumofArt.org


Current exhibitions include: What is the Color, When Black is Burned? The Gold War. Part 1. on view to March 24; 6 & 6 on view to March 31; Mapping Q on view to January 13 and Renaissance Prints from the Permanent Collection: A Selection is on view to February 17. Ongoing exhibition: The Altarpiece From Ciudad Rodrigo. Hours: Tues-Fri 9am-5pm; Sat-Sun 12-4pm. 1031 N. Olive Rd. 520-6217567. ArtMuseum.Arizona.Edu Artists’ Books: Focus on Photography is on view to February 16. Hours: Mon & Thurs 9am-8pm; Tues, Weds, Fri 9am-5pm. 1508 E. Helen St. 520-626-3765. Poetry.Arizona.Edu Diversity opens January 1 and is on view to January 31. Hours: Mon-Fri 10am-5:30pm; Thurs 10am-7pm; Sat 10am-6pm; Sun 12-5pm. 2890 E. Skyline Dr. Suite 170. 520-615-5222, WildeMeyer.com


Rummage Sale is January 18 to 19 from 8am to 4pm. Hours: Weds-Sat 1-5pm. 388 S. Stone Ave. 520-629-9976. WomanKraft.org n

January 2019 | ZOCALOMAGAZINE.com 19

photo: Fay Fox

performances Z

True Concord: Choral Music of Latin America with Corinne Winters, soprano, and Adam del Monte, guitar, at the Tucson Desert Songfest, Sunday, January 20th.

ARIZONA FRIENDS OF CHAMBER MUSIC Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center January 23, 7:30 pm. Te Amo Argentina, January 31 7:30 pm. Leo Rich Theater, 260 S. Church Ave. 520-5773769. ArizonaChamberMusic.org


La Traviata, February 2 & 3, Tucson Music Hall, 260 S. Church Ave. 520-293-4336. AZOpera.org

ARIZONA REPERTORY THEATRE Top Girls, February 4 to 25. 1025 N. Olive Rd. 520-621-1162. Theatre.Arizona.edu


Two Trains Running, January 19 to February 9. Temple of Music and Art, 330 S. Scott Ave. 520-884-8210. ArizonaTheatre.org


Inside Goliath, January 6 from 12pm to 2pm. Join Choreographer Ashley Bowman and dancers as they begin rehearsals for Goliath, A Story Retold. Ina Gittings Studio 124, Steve Eller Dance Theatre, University of Arizona, 1737 East University Blvd. 520-235-7638. ArtifactDanceProject.org

BALLET TUCSON Winter Concert, February 1 to 3. PCC Center for the Arts, 2202 W Anklam Rd. 800-8383006. BalletTucson.org


Something Rotten! February 5 to 10. Centennial Hall, 1020 East University Blvd. 903-2929, BroadwayInTucson.com

24, 7:30pm; Don McLean with Special Guest Al Stewart, January 25, 7:30pm; The Fab Four: Ultimate Beatles Tribute, January 26, 8:00pm; Herb Alpert & Lani Hall, January 27, 7:00pm; Big Bad Voodoo Daddy, January 31, 7:30pm. Fox Theatre, 17 W Congress St. 520-5473040. FoxTucson.com

THE GASLIGHT THEATRE Scrooge: A Gaslight Musical, through January 6. The Belle Tombstone, January 10 to March 31. 7010 E. Broadway Blvd. 520886-9428. TheGaslightTheatre.com

INVISIBLE THEATRE Zero Hour, The Zero Mostel Play, January 12 & 13. Berger Performing Arts Center, 1200 West Speedway. 520-882-9721. InvisibleTheatre.com

LAFFS COMEDY CAFFE Andrew Rivers, January 4 & 5; Don Barnhart, January 11 & 12; Ben Roy, January 18, 19 & 20; Greg Wilson, January 25 & 26. 2900 E. Broadway. 520-32-Funny. LaffsTucson.com


Stage Kiss, January 10 to February 16 on the Mainstage; The Brave Knight, Sir Lancelot, January 20 - March 24 in the Family Theatre. 5317 E. Speedway Blvd. 520-327-4242. LiveTheatreWorkshop.org

ODYSSEY STORYTELLING SERIES Magical, January 3. Red Hot, February 7. Doors at 6:30pm, show at 7:00pm. The Sea of Glass Center for the Arts, 330 E. 7th St. 520-730-4112. OdysseyStorytelling.com


January 25 sold out; January 26 at 4:30 pm & 7:30 pm. Grand Parlour, 160 S. Scott Ave. 520-615-5299. CarnivalOfIllusion.com

February 21 to March 3. Proscenium Theatre, PCC West Campus, 2202 W. Anklam Rd. 520-206-6986. Pima.edu


Benefit Concert, February 5. Concert at 7:00pm, auction at 6:30pm. Tucson Jewish Community Center, 3800 E. River Rd. 520-730-3371. COTMusic.org

by William Shakespeare, January 10-27. The Secret in the Wings, February 28 to March 17. 300 E. University Blvd. 520-551-2053. TheRogueTheatre.org

FOX TUCSON Jackie Evancho, January 10, 7:30pm;

Soup, January 10 to 13. My Life in Sports, January 17 to 27. 738 N 5th Ave. 520-448-3300. ScoundrelandScamp.org


Joey Alexander, January 11, 7:30pm; Special EFX with special guests Regina Carter and Eric Marienthal, January 12, 7:30pm; Tucson Swings Brightly with Nelson Riddle, January 13, 7:30pm; All-Women Double Bill: Magos Herrera Quartet, Jane Bunnett and Maqueque, January 16, 7:30pm; Asleep at the Wheel, January 17, 7:30pm; Bobby McFerrin: Circlesongs, January 20, 7:30pm; Kris Kristofferson & The Strangers, January

THE ROGUE THEATRE Much Ado About Nothing


SOMETHING SOMETHING THEATRE COMPANY The Hall of Final Ruin, February 22 to March 10. Temple Cabaret, 330 S. Scott Ave. 520-4686111. SomethingSomethingTheatre.com

SOUTHERN ARIZONA SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA February 2 at 7:30pm at SaddleBrooke DesertView Performing Arts Center; February 3 at 3:00pm at St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church. 520-308-6226. SASOMusic.org

TUCSON CONVENTION CENTER WWE LIVE Road to WrestleMania, January 28. 260 S. Church Ave. TucsonConventionCenter.com

TUCSON DESERT SONGFEST Latin Rhythms: The Heartbeat of Tucson. Various events from January 16 to February 5. TucsonDesertSongFestival.org

TUCSON FRINGE FESTIVAL 4 days, 8 venues, 25 shows, 60 performances. January 10 to 13. Tickets starting at $10. TucsonFringe.org

TUCSON IMPROV MOVEMENT The Soapbox with Nate Wade, January 24 at 9:00pm. 414 E. 9th Street. 520-314-7299. TucsonImprov.com TUCSON JAZZ FESTIVAL

Various events from January 11 - 21. TucsonJazzFestival.org




Mendelssohn Violin Concerto, January 12 at 2:00pm, Catalina Foothills High School; An Intimate Evening with Kristin Chenoweth, January 17 at 7:30pm, Tucson Music Hall; Pink Martini, January 19 at 7:30pm, Tucson Music Hall; Fresh Music, Copland, and More, January 25 at 7:30pm, Tucson Music Hall; Fiesta de la Nota, January 26 at 6:00pm, see website for location. 520-882-8585. TucsonSymphony.org

UA OPERA THEATRE Die Fledermaus, February 27 to March 3. University of Arizona, Bryant-Jordan Hall. 520-621-1162. Opera.Music.UA.Edu


The Temptations & The Four Tops, January 13; Trombone Shorty and Orleans Avenue, January 18; Portland Cello Project, January 19; Centennial Hall, 1020 E. University Blvd. 520-621-3364. UAPresents.org

UNSCREWED THEATER Family friendly shows every Friday and Saturday night at 7:30 pm. 4500 E. Speedway Blvd #39. 520-289-8076. UnscrewedTheater.org

January 2019 | ZOCALOMAGAZINE.com 21

Local Eats & Desert Treasures

Buy Sell Trade Fashion

Buffalo Trading Post


2740 S. Kinney Rd. | 520-578-4272

sustainable style since 1974 NeAr Ua: 2001 E. SpEeDwAy BlVd. BuFfAlO OuTlEt NoGaLeS: 441 N. GrAnD AvE. @BuFfAlOeXcHaNgE 22 ZOCALOMAGAZINE.com | January 2019

Coyote Pause Cafe

Feb 2-3-, 2019 10 am - 4 pm Allison Hanzel and Kay Mitman 3000 W. Basil Pl., 85741 520-308-4407 From I-10: Exit 250 coming south or exit for Sunset if coming north on I-10. Orange Grove east to Wildwood Dr., just before Shannon Rd. Turn right onto Wildwood and make an immediate right turn onto Basil Pl. From Oracle Rd. going west: on Orange Grove, make the Uturn provided just after Shannon Rd. and turn right on Wildwood, then right onto Basil Pl. House is ivory-yellow and has a gray roof.

Cactus Wren Artisans 2740 S. Kinney Rd., Unit 1-4, 85735 520-437-9103 From I 19, Ajo west to McDonald’s turn right on S. Kinney Rd. to 2740 S. Kinney Rd. or Speedway over Gates Pass to Kinney Rd. Turn Left, Cat Mt. Station will be on your right just after you leave Tucson Mt Park.

Diane C. Taylor

fused glass dianectaylor@netscape.net

Gale Thomssen

copper and bead work cactuswrenartisans@gmail.com

Allison Hanzel

Janis Warne

Kay Mitman

Eneida Colon

watercolor allisonmcdavid@gmail.com

watermedia starfall1946@gmail.com

Mosaics by Andrea Edmundson 2718 W. Begonia Place, 85745 520-245-5116 Enter Saddlewood Villas subdivision, straight back to pool. Turn left on Begonia. Park in designated spaces, please.

Andrea Edmundson

mosaics mosaicsbyandrea@gmail.com

Andrée Richmond 6017 W. Bridle Way, 85743 520-344-5505 From Ina and Silverbell: Take the first left turn onto Broomtail. Take the fourth left onto W. Bridle Way and my studio is in the second house on the right. Come to the front door.

Andrée Richmond

clay andreerichmond@gmail.com

Carolyn Leigh: Studio B 4530 West Speedway Blvd., 85745 520-909-7874 From I-10, take W. Speedway towards the Tucson Mountains. Continue west through the last traffic signal at Greasewood. At the junction with St. Mary's/Anklam Road, stay on Speedway. Cross the small bridge. Before the Y in the road, turn right (north) between the yellow streamers to my adobe studio.

Carolyn Leigh

mixed media, paintings, artist’s books CarolynLeighStudios@gmail.com

mixed media lbsjanis.jw@gmail.com ceramic, glass, metal, jewelry eneidasdesigns@gmail.com

Casa Tortuga Studio 341 East Burrows Street, 85704 520-405-3657 Coming from E. River, turn south on 1st Ave, then right on Bromley St. From Bromley St. turn right onto N. Fontana Ave. and to the top of the T at E. Burrows and N. Fontana.

Rita Hartman

water-based oil rjtrls@gmail.com

Katie Iverson

acrylic, watercolor, clay, bronze, photography katie@katieiverson.com

John Gentile

photography bowrider41@yahoo.com

Farm2Art-Tiques 2961 W. Goret Rd., 85745 520-743-5275 Follow "Art Trails Open Studio" signs placed at the intersection of Silverbell Rd. & W. Goret Rd . There will be a larger sign at the entrance to the driveway 6 tenths of a mile from the intersection.

Richard Jones

repurposed salvage metal farm2art.tiques@yahoo.com


Flor de Mayo Studio

Preview Show

4709 W. Placita de Suerte, 85745 520-907-9471

January 26 - February 10, 2019

Go west on Grant then continue west of Silverbell on Ironwood Hills to stop sign at Camino de Oeste; south(left) on Camino de Oeste; west(right) on Calle de Suerte; west (right) on Placita de Suerte to top of hill; house on left at end of circle. OR, go west on Speedway past Silverbell about 4 miles; north(right) on Camino de Oeste; west(left) on Trails End; north(right) on Calle de Suerte; west(left) on Placita de Suerte up to top of hill; house on left at end of circle.

Artist Reception: February 10 * 2:00 - 4:00 pm

Martha Burgess

Tucson Jewish Community Center 3800 E. River Road

watercolor, collage, paper, calligraphy marthaab@aol.com

Gene Riggs 5415 N. Camino de Oeste, 85745 520-743-8074 North Camino de Oeste cross streets are Sunset and Camino del Cerro. Both roads are slightly west of Silverbell.

Gene Riggs

paper, ink, paint, photography generiggs@earthlink.net

Hummingbird House Gallery 9455 N. Camino del Plata, 85742 520-682-8004 La Cholla to Overton, turn left on Overton, then the first right is La Cresta, a short drive to Camino del Plata on your right.

Judy Nakari

watercolor, oil, plein air landscapes, figures, florals judy@nakari.com

Elen Zank

glass hummingbirdhse@aol.com

Malu Nicolette

glass malu_malu@yahoo.com

Circle of Iron Forge 1801 W. Overton Rd., 85704 520-780-9076 Overton Rd. between La Cholla and La Canada. Turn South on Verch Way, a dirt road, and the driveway is on the right. Look for the sculpture by Overton Rd. and the boat in the tree.

Ira Wiesenfeld

forged steel and found object sculpture treeira@hotmail.com

Loma Prieta Pottery 6131 N. Desert Willow Dr., 85743 520-437-7543 From I-10 (exit 252) Ruthrauff / El Camino Del Cerro, travel west along El Camino del Cerro, turn right (North) on Silverbell Road. Turn left at the "Open Studio Pottery - Art Trails" sign onto N Desert Foothills. Proceed approximately 1/2 mile to stop sign and "Open Studio Pottery" sign at intersection with N Desert Willow . Turn left onto N Desert Willow. House /studio is first driveway on the right where there will be another "Open Studio Pottery" sign.

Terry Parker

pottery terry@lomaprietapottery.com


Feb 2-3, 2019 10 am - 4 pm

Preview Show

January 26 - February 10, 2019 Artist Reception: February 10 * 2:00 - 4:00 pm Tucson Jewish Community Center 3800 E. River Road M. TAZOUZ 4500 W. Speedway #5, 85745 520-388-9913 Go W. on Speedway 4 miles from I-10. 4500 is on N. side. Black mailbox with colorful ribbons. Drive into property & count to 3rd set of houses on R. Wooden post with # 5 & 6. Colorful ribbons. My house is #5.

Chandika Tazouz

oil, charcoal, woodcuts/engravings, lithos tazouz@gmail.com

Toscana Studio and Gallery 9040 North Oracle Rd., 85704 520-906-9224 North on Oracle 4 driveways past Hardy Rd.

Linda Ahearn

oil paintings and bronze sculpture linda@toscanastudioandgallery.com

Phyllis Rooker

sculptures, paintings prookerbradway@q.com

Tucson Pastel Society Art Center 2447 N. Los Altos 520-237-6386 One block West of 1st and 1/2 block North of Grant.

Dave Craig

oil, pastel dcraigarts@comcast.net

Linda Mann

Oxbow Studio

oil, graphite, charcoal and conte lindamann66@gmail.com

4200 N. Oxbow Road, 85745 520-603-2703 From Silverbell and Sweetwater, go west on Sweetwater about 1.2 miles. Turn right onto Oxbow Road (a private dirt road) and go about .5 miles to 4200. The location will be marked with signs.

Becky Neideer

Greg Corman

recycled wood and steel greg@cormanart.com

Pat Frederick 6202 W. Ina Rd., 85743 520-240-8652 Dirt road heads North to studio. Entry to "drive" is directly across from Bobcat Ridge to South.

Pat Frederick

steel, pastel, ink acuvet43@gmail.com

pastel, colored pencil bneideerart@gmail.com

Fran Odum

pastel, oil franodumart01@comcast.net

Larry Orinovsky

photography loco4pv@gmail.com

Edlynne Sillman

art and photography e.sillman.photo@gmail.com

Karyn Vampotic

giclees and metal prints robespierre@comcast.net

Susan Woodward

pastel, oil blueskies2k@gmail.com

Sabino Stoneware Pottery 1019 N. Jacobus Avenue, 85705 520-624-5201 1/2 block South of Speedway & 1 1/2 blocks West of Euclid

Janet K. Burner

functional clay, sculpture, pastels janet@sabinopottery.com

Feb 2-3, 2019 10 am - 4 pm

Photograph (c) by Lee Goff.

Frederick Dutton, Dick Tuck, and Hunter S. Thompson at McGovern campaign headquarters, Washington, 1972. Photograph (c) by Lee Goff. 28 ZOCALOMAGAZINE.com | January 2019

people Z

Dick Tuck

Scourge of Nixon, Pride of Tucson by Gregory McNamee

IF EVER a leprechaun were to take human form, it would likely come in the package of the late, great Richard Gregory Tuck: generally good-natured, but capable of spectacular and memorable mischief. So Richard Nixon discovered at the beginning of a tangled relationship that lasted for decades. After service in the US Marines in the Pacific during World War II, Tuck, a native of Hayden, Arizona, had moved to California, where a college professor of his asked if he would organize a rally to support Nixon, another veteran, then running for Congress for the first time. Tuck, ever impish but also fully aware of the sort of man he was up against—even then, Tuck knew everyone, including Nixon’s first political nemesis, Helen Gahagan Douglas—accepted the job, then took pains not to let anyone know that Nixon was coming to stump. When fewer than two dozen people turned up in a space meant to seat thousands, Nixon fired Tuck, growling that it would be the last time Tuck ever worked as an advance man. It wouldn’t be. Tuck, a born progressive, went on to work in the presidential campaign of John F. Kennedy. He got to know everyone who was worth knowing, politicking all the way. He became a stalwart of Democratic politics in California, working for Pat Dick Tuck in his later years. Brown, governor and father of future governor Jerry Brown. Tuck lost his own race for state senate there, noting, without a trace of bitterness, “The people have spoken—the bastards.” He was at Bobby Kennedy’s side the night Bobby was killed. And always he kept Nixon in his field of vision, organizing pranks that ranged from having a train pull out of the station while Nixon was on the back platform giving a speech to sending an obviously very pregnant woman out in front of the crowd with a sign reading “Nixon’s the One” while the candidate was sweating it out at the podium. Nixon wasn’t unappreciative of the prankster genius behind Tuck’s efforts. He called Tuck “a master of trickery,” and when he took the presidency, he instructed his aides to find “our Dick Tuck.” But because Nixon was a dark and paranoid man, his leprechauns were the criminal burglars of Watergate, and where Tuck’s antics were what Nixon called “good, clean fun,” Nixon’s own efforts to game Democratic candidates would, in the end, be nasty enough to contribute to his historic downfall.

When Nixon left office, it was in part because of Dick Tuck. So acknowledged former Nixon administration officer John Dean, anyway, whom I once asked to inscribe a book for Tuck. Dean thought for a moment, then wrote, “Your best trick was getting rid of Richard Nixon!” But Nixon also proved a singular opponent of a sort that Tuck would seek but never find ever after—Tuck, after all, remarked more than once, “Donald Trump isn’t fit to carry Richard Nixon’s shoes.” Tuck was a touch adrift after Nixon flew away on that fateful helicopter, and though he continued to do politics, it wasn’t nearly as much fun. He spent time in Aspen with his old friend and fellow mischief-maker Hunter Thompson, who fired a .357 into a copy of one of his books before giving it to Tuck. He bounced around between Chicago, New York, and Washington, writing humor pieces for Playboy, doing mostly behind-the-scenes work for the National Lampoon, occasionally throwing in with political campaigns. He went to Paris. He hobnobbed, and he remembered the people he had met along the way—Adlai Stevenson, Winston Churchill, Eleanor Roosevelt. Finally, Dick Tuck returned to Arizona, settling on Tucson when Hayden proved too small to contain him. He was drawn back, he said, by fond memories photo: Gregory McNamee of a past that essentially ended on December 7, 1941, when he and his brothers went off to war. He was also drawn back by the Santa Catalina Mountains. More than once, when we were walking and talking—he, always, in leprechaun-approved bow tie, shorts, and blazer, acceding to sweat pants under said shorts when the weather turned cold—he pointed north to those mountains and said, “I’ve been everywhere on Earth, and there are no mountains more beautiful than those.” January 25 would have marked his 95th birthday, had Dick not decided to absent himself from the proceedings a few months after having attained his 94th. Recognizing the need to keep a tradition alive, his friends will continue to observe the occasion, which he dubbed “Tuckmas.” All Tucson is welcome to come hoist a glass in his memory at the Shanty (401 E. 9th Street) between 5:00 and 7:00, when lies will be told, tears shed, laughs issued, proclamations issued, political jabs made, and honors paid to the man who drove Richard Nixon crazy—and with malice toward none. n

January 2019 | ZOCALOMAGAZINE.com 29

30 ZOCALOMAGAZINE.com | January 2019

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Wounded Warrior Remembering Ira Hayes by Gregory McNamee

Raising the Flag on Iwo Jima, photo by Joe Rosenthal.


any years ago, I knew a man who had gone from his home in Sacaton, Arizona, to the battlefields of Vietnam fresh out of high school. He returned with dependencies on alcohol and heroin. A decade later, he had managed to kick the latter, but, even though he was clearly in need of doing so, he continued to drink. He was afraid to stop, he told me, because then he would not be able to sleep, and then the ghosts of all those he had killed would find him in the dark of night. I asked whether an Akimel O’odham elder could treat him with traditional medicine, adding, in passing, that such medicine might have helped poor Ira Hayes in his time of need. My friend thought about it for a while, then said that he would go home to Sacaton, where he hadn’t been for a long time, and ask around. He raised a glass of beer, then asked: “Ira who?” There was a time, a couple of generations ago, when Ira Hayes was a household name. This was not by choice. Born in January 1923 in Sacaton, about 75 miles north of Tucson, Ira was a quiet boy, quiet even by the standards of a people that value quietness and deliberation. The child of a schoolteacher and a World War I veteran, Ira was studious, a wide-ranging reader with big dreams, but there weren’t many ways to leave the reservation. He tried, dropping out of high school to join the Civilian Conservation Corps

during the closing years of the Great Depression, then returning home and not doing much of anything for the next couple of years, picking up occasional work as a carpenter and construction laborer. Then came the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. In its wake, Ira walked to Phoenix to the recruiting office and joined the Marine Corps. He was sent to San Diego to boot camp. Diligent and hardworking, Ira was one of the few Marines in his class to be selected for paratrooper training, and on graduating from jump school he was promoted to private first class, bearing a nickname that, for all its overtones, showed that he had gained the respect of his fellow fighters: “Chief Falling Cloud.” Soon he was on a troop ship bound for New Caledonia, part of the advance forces of the Third Marine Division. From there he was sent to fight, island by island, across the Solomons, a series of combat engagements that began at Guadalcanal and ended with the bloody fighting at Bougainville. Ira was in the thick of it until January 1944, when his unit returned to the United States for rest and further training. On February 19, 1945, he was back in combat again, one of the first wave of Marine paratroopers to land on Iwo Jima, a volcanic island that was considered the gateway to Japan itself. Seventy thousand other Marines would land on the island that day. In the month-long battle that followed, more than 26,000 Americans would be killed or wounded,

continues... January 2019 | ZOCALOMAGAZINE.com 31

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photo: Gregory McNamee

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Ira Hayes memorial Sacaton, Arizona. about one in every four Americans to see action on Iwo Jima. Many were in Ira’s unit, dropping at his side as Ira worked his way through a hellish landscape toward Mount Suribachi, a high point above the beachhead that commanded a view of the entire battlefield and where the Marine commanders decided to site a command and communications post. It was there that Ira chanced his way into what would become an iconic moment of the war, and of the Marine Corps itself. A Czechoslovakian immigrant and sergeant gathered him and four other troops, and together the six—Ira the second-oldest of them at age 22—raised the American flag above the battlefield. A photographer, Joe Rosenthal, captured the moment in a famed image that would go on to win him the Pulitzer Prize, one that, eight years later, would be transformed into bronze and erected as the Marine Corps Memorial in Washington, DC. The six dispersed, and Ira fought his way from Mount Suribachi to other points on the beachhead. Three of the five other men who raised the flag with him were killed in combat within the next few days; of the 250 Marines in Ira’s company, nearly 90 percent were killed or wounded in the battle. Ira survived, and, as so many survivors do, he wondered why, feeling guilt for not having fallen alongside so many of his fellow Marines. He fought day in and day out until, in March, the last fighters of his company were relieved and evacuated from the island for Hawaii. From there, Ira was sent east, all the way to Washington, DC, where he was sent off with two other Marines on a tour of the country to sell war bonds. By this point, had the term been in use at the time, it was plain that Ira was suffering from posttraumatic stress, which he self-medicated with too much alcohol at whistle stops along the way. The tour lasted only a couple of weeks, hitting thirty-two cities before Ira asked to return to combat to participate in the invasion of Japan. His commanders, seeing Ira’s unhappiness, obliged, and Ira boarded a troopship for Hawaii, where he was promoted to corporal. The invasion did not materialize: instead, Japan surrendered after two atomic bombs fell. On September 22, Ira and his new unit landed on the Japanese mainland, but there were already sufficient American military personnel on hand to staff the occupation, so after a few weeks Ira boarded a troopship once more, landing in San Francisco, where he was discharged from active duty on December 1, 1945.

Ira Hayes Ira had a chestful of medals, including a presidential citation, but the skills he had acquired as a warrior proved not to have much use in the postwar world, and Ira had no place to go except to a home in a state that did not seem to have much use for him at all. He wandered, endlessly walking between Sacaton and Phoenix, where he would find a bar and an alley to sleep it off. He walked to Texas, then walked back. He drifted, traveling as far as Chicago, spending a little time in jail. He earned a little money playing himself in the John Wayne vehicle Sands of Iwo Jima, and he panhandled. He drank and drank, recalling, “I was about to crack up thinking about all my good buddies. They were better men than me and they’re not coming back.” Finally, on a cold January night in 1955, Ira died, his body discovered in a ditch outside Bapchule, an Akimel O’odham hamlet north of Sacaton. He had been drinking and playing cards, and reportedly he fell into an argument that blossomed into a fight. The story varies, but Ira may have been dead before he left the room, a matter the police chose not to investigate. Ira’s death made the national news, but it was soon forgotten. Ira’s body was sent to Virginia, where he was buried in Arlington National Cemetery. A few years later, an Alabama-born veteran turned novelist, William Bradford Huie, wrote a sharp-edged story called “The Hero of Iwo Jima,” published in a collection of the same name in 1959. Delbert Mann, a director who had been a bombardier pilot with the Eighth Air Force, transformed Huie’s story into the film The Outsider, with Tony Curtis playing Ira. That film in turn inspired a folk singer named Peter La Farge to write “The Ballad of Ira Hayes,” a bitter condemnation of “the white man’s greed” with its chorus, “Call him drunken Ira Hayes / He won’t answer anymore / Not the whiskey drinking Indian / Or the marine that went to war.” Johnny Cash, that great champion of the downtrodden, recorded La Farge’s song in 1964, introducing a new generation to the sad story. Ira was quietly forgotten at home, too, at least for a time. Then, in 2003, a memorial was erected in Sacaton to the memory of all Akimel O’odham veterans. The memorial was named in Ira Hayes’s honor. A statue to Ira now stands at the center of a small park alongside a bas-relief of the famous moment at Iwo Jima, honoring a brave man who did not want the fame that was thrust upon him, and whose memory endures. n January 2019 | ZOCALOMAGAZINE.com 33

Barrio Viejo Landmark Property with Beautiful Courtyard Rare Originality - Fir Floors, Windows, Kitchens and Restoration – New A/C, plumbing, electrical, roof and sewer. Home is 2/2, 1590 s.f. Guest House is 490 s.f. Original 1880s Adobe Studio 285 s.f. Located at 34-36 W. Kennedy – offered at $710,000.

food&drink Z

Plato de menudo

Crudas, Katzenjammers, and Other Hangover Headaches by Gregory McNamee We live in tumultuous times, those of us who are seeing in 2019. But then, we’ve always lived in tumultuous times, which may explain why the first known recipe in world history is one to make beer, found on a 3,800-year-old clay tablet as part of a hymn to Ninkasi, the Sumerian goddess of brewing. Ninkasi blessed the people of Mesopotamia, in the region where beer-suitable grains were first domesticated, and the people reciprocated by making appropriately beery sacrifices—and sometimes pretty heavy ones, since the legal code attributed to Hammurabi, enacted in about 1750 BC, specifies that a tavern keeper proved to have overcharged for beer could be put to death by drowning. I think of this strict punishment whenever I’m charged more than five bucks for a glass of beer, which happens more and more often these days. Still, Ninkasi must be honored, and so must the various gods and goddesses around the world who have given us, over the centuries, recipes for fermenting einkorn, rice, corn, honey, fruit, and so many other potentially potent source materials. Today, at the beginning of the year, you may be nursing a memory of your own celebrations and ritual libations. You may even be feeling a little pain in these first days of the year after communing with the ghosts of dead friends and family—and dead brain cells—not so many hours before. You have, after all, been processing ethanol, the stuff found in automobile exhaust, and you may feel as if you’ve been sucking on a tailpipe if you’ve ingested enough of the stuff. Your body has produced acetaldehyde, and if it’s been a few hours since the last drop, your nerve receptors, having once been depressed, are now fully engaged. Thus the hangover, that dreaded welcomer of the new year. We all know how to procure one. The question—the burning, eternal question—is how to avoid one while still having all the fun one can stand. The answer to that is provisional: Many cures and prophylactics have been proposed, but few stand

up to rigorous examination. The old standby is to alternate a glass of water with every beer, or shot, or glass of wine, or whatever you’ve had, along with fistfuls of vitamins B and C, ibuprofen, aspirin, selenium, and other anti-inflammatory substances. The amino acids cystine and taurine are also said to have healing properties, though the placebo effect may play a role. Not long ago, an extract from the skin of prickly pear fruit, abundant out this way, came onto the market, said to be particularly good in reducing liver inflammation. It held promise as a wonder cure—for a minute, anyway, until British medical researchers looked closely at several drugs, extracts, and other concoctions that have been making the rounds of the professional journals, such as beta-blockers and high-powered painkillers like tolfenamic acid, as well as drugs used to treat vertigo. Not surprisingly, modern science didn’t hold up as well as the stuff of folk remedies, such as yeast, boiled artichokes, and the herb called borage. We have cures of our own out this way. If you are, in fact, grappling with a cruda, then one meloriative is to get yourself down to some south or west side eatery—Tanias 33 on Grande and El Indio on South Sixth are two standbys— and eat a big old steaming bowl of menudo, cow tripe in a nourishing broth to which such healthful things as lime juice and chile can be added. It stands to reason that if you’ve destroyed your delicate innards, replacing them with bovine substitutes might just do the trick. The tripe, if you’re lucky, will soak up some of the evil floating about in your deeper self, while the chiles, proven analgesics, will get the endorphins flowing and ease some of the pain, and perhaps even the existential ennui and self-doubt. The best way to avoid a hangover is to drink a little or not at all—an ounce of prevention and all that. Still, what fun would that be? We pay the money, take the ride, and hope for better things to come in the new year. n January 2019 | ZOCALOMAGAZINE.com 35


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events Z Joey Alexander, January 11

Asleep at the Wheel, January 17 Jane Bunnett and Maqueque, January 16

Bobby McFerrin, January 20

The Tucson Jazz Festival Turns Five by Gregory McNamee SIX YEARS AGO, Elliot Glicksman, a prominent Tucson attorney, looked at a rare post-holiday series of clear calendar pages and had one of those fine flashes of inspiration that change things. “Nothing’s happening between the holidays and the Gem Show,” he realized. “It’d be just the right time for a—jazz festival.” The longtime jazz aficionado made a few phone calls, one to longtime friend Jonathan Rothschild, who just happened to be the mayor of Tucson, and another to Yvonne Ervin, an arts entrepreneur with long experience in making things musical and cultural happen—including the Primavera Jazz Fest, showcasing women artists. (Ervin unexpectedly passed away in December 2018.) With financial backing from Tucson developer Umberto Lopez and his HSL Properties, the company set to work—and, says Glicksman, “While it seemed like a really fun thing to do, there really was a lot of work to it.” Six years later, the Tucson Jazz Festival is celebrating its fifth edition this month, with a mix of free and paid performances that will stretch out over two weeks, from January 11 to 21. Many of the featured artists draw on a long history of involvement with jazz, and so it has been from the beginning and after, as when Jimmy Heath—the legendary sax player who introduced John Coltrane to Miles Davis—celebrated his 90th birthday onstage a couple of years ago. But the organizers have also given thought from the beginning to the rising generation: the first artist to appear in this year’s lineup will be 15-year-old Joey Alexander, a pianist from Indonesia who has already earned numerous Grammy nominations for his interpretations of Coltrane, Thelonious Monk, Billy Strayhorn, and other greats. Alexander will appear on January 11

with the Tucson Jazz Institute Ellington Band, a high school ensemble that is now rated among the top three of its kind in the entire nation. Many other artists will appear in the days after, including show-closer Bobby McFerrin. If you know McFerrin only from his flukish 1988 hit “Don’t Worry, Be Happy,” you’ll have only a hint of his vocal range, to say nothing of his abilities at the keyboard. He’ll likely play that hit, of course, as well as a few other standards, but don’t be surprised if he includes something more fitting to the more free-form Keith Jarrett school in his repertoire. Only two years old when McFerrin’s tune hit the airwaves, New Orleans horn player Trombone Shorty headlines at Centennial Hall on January 18, the night after longtime fan favorites Asleep at the Wheel deliver their trademark blend of country and Texas swing at the Fox Theatre. In the spirit of Primavera, on January 16 the Fox will host an all-women’s evening of performances by the Magos Herrera Quartet and Jane Bunnett and Maqueque, while the Tucson Symphony will appear with the genre-blending Portland act Pink Martini, whose own repertoire takes in pop, classical, and jazz. And on January 21, Martin Luther King Day, several acts will give free performances at stages throughout downtown, headlined by the Afro-Cuban legends Poncho Sanchez and His Latin Jazz Band. Last year, the Tucson Jazz Festival drew more than 20,000 concertgoers, half of them from out of town. It continues to do much more than fill calendar pages between the holidays and the Gem Show, providing a stage for local artists as well as internationally renowned acts. For more information, visit the organization’s website, www.tucsonjazzfestival.org. n January 2019 | ZOCALOMAGAZINE.com 37

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Hundreds of vendors and experts showcase what’s new in home improvement. General admission $8, kids 16 and under are free with paying adult. Active military are free and seniors (55+) are buy 1 get 1 free on Friday. Hours: Fri 10am-6pm; Sat 10am-6pm; Sun 10am-4pm. Tucson Convention Center, 260 South Church Ave. 1-800-7453000. TucsonConventionCenter.com


Experience film at its finest, alongside 3,000 other film enthusiasts with screenings at SaddleBrooke, The Loft, and the Tucson JCC. As one of the longest running Jewish festivals in the country, this year brings another not too be missed schedule. Tickets and passes: $9-$125. Multiple locations. 520-299-3000. For tickets and schedule visit: TIJFF.org

MON 7 – SUN 3 TUCSON SENIOR OLYMPIC FESTIVAL Events include archery, badminton, basketball, billiards, bocce, bowling, golf, powerlifting, swimming, track and field, and more throughout the month. Morris K. Udall Regional Center, 7200 E. Tanque Verde Rd. 520-7913244. TucsonAZ.gov


4 Days, 8 Venues, 25 Shows, 60 Performances. January 10-13, 2019. Tickets starting at $10. For venues, schedules and to purchase tickets visit: TucsonFringe.org

FRI 11 - SUN 14 WINGS OVER WILCOX Experience winged winter migrants along with other local wildlife in the Sky Islands with hikes, tours, seminars and keynote speakers. Willcox Community Center, 312 W. Stewart St. 520-384-2272. WingsOverWilcox.com

FRI 11 - MON 21 TUCSON JAZZ FESTIVAL Experience world class jazz musicians with a lineup including Hot Sardines, Joey Alexander, Special EFX All-Stars, Kathleen Grace, Magos Herrera Quartet, Pink Martini, Bobby McFerrin and more. On Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, the Downtown Jazz Fiesta will take place from 11am-10pm in downtown Tucson. For schedules, tickets and more visit: TucsonJazzFestival.org


Enter the Big Top to experience the magic of this Italian circus, featuring acrobatic acts, equestrian showmanship, canine capers, friendly clowning and many acts with Old World charm. Tickets: $20-$40. Mercado San Agustin, 100 S. Avenida del Convento. 520-622-2002. For showtimes and to purchase tickets visit: BrownPaperTickets.com/ event/3918464

40 ZOCALOMAGAZINE.com | January 2019


A free, family friendly urban block party! Winter hours: 2pm to 9pm. Performances, vendors, food trucks, and more. Free family friendly movie at the Southern Arizona Transportation Museum. Downtown Tucson. 2ndSaturdaysDowntown.com


A free event introducing the history of Ikebana from its beginnings nearly six centuries ago. Explore basic arrangement techniques and learn a deeper appreciation for this meditative art form with Executive Director, Patricia Deridder. Free with regular garden admission. 2:00 pm. Yume Japanese Gardens, 2130 N. Alvernon Way. 520303-3945. YumeGardens.org


FLEA MARKET With 30+ vendors, this eclectic market brings a wide array of the Tucson area vintage and antique dealers. Furniture, industrial, collectibles, vintage clothing and everything in between. 8am to 2pm. Mercado San Agustin, 100 S. Avenida del Convento. 520-461-1107. MercadoDistrict.com

SUN 16 TO TUES 5 TUCSON DESERT SONG FESTIVAL A three weekend blend of glorious singing in orchestral, chamber, choral, and solo formats along with related lectures and master classes. Broadway star, Kristin Chenoweth launches the festival in a special one night performance with the Tucson Symphony Orchestra. 1-888-546-3305. TucsonDesertSongFestival.org


A birding and nature festival in the Sky Islands, offering a perfect opportunity to see all the winter migrants that visit our area along with other local wildlife. Hikes, tours, seminars and keynote speakers. Willcox Community Center, 312 W. Stewart St. 520-384-2272. WingsOverWilcox.com


Join award winning Atelier Luara Tanzer for an eveing devoted to one-of-akind exquisite art treasures, featuring two of Tucson’s best artisans, as well as new wearable art designs. 4pm - 8pm, 410 N. Toole Ave, 981-9891.

FRI 18 – SAT 19 DILLINGER DAYS The annual two-day spectacle in honor of the capture of America’s most notorious outlaw. On Friday experience the 1930s at the 25th anniversary of Dillinger Speakeasy with whisky tasting, food, live music, premium cigars and era related entertainment. On Saturday, take a front row seat at the reenactment while enjoying brunch at the Cup Café, plus a commemorative gift! For tickets and more information visit event website. Hotel Congress, 311 East Congress Street. 520-6228848. HotelCongress.com/Dillinger-Days/

events Z


Dillinger Days, Jan 18-19

FRI 18 – SUN 20

SAT 26

TUCSON SQUARE DANCE FESTIVALThis year’s festival features mainstream and advanced rounds, workshops, and callers and cuers: Andy Allemao, Barbara Haines, and Jeff Palmer. Friday 1pm to 10pm; Saturday 10am to 10:30pm. $40 per person, $25 all day rates. St. Paul’s Methodist Church, 8051 E. Broadway Blvd. Sardasa.com

SAT 19 DAN’S 100 HUNGER RUN WELLNESS FAIR Beginning at 5am,


Dan will start running 100K over 12 hours to help end hunger in Southern Arizona.. Register to run or walk with him anytime or cheer on other walkers and runners throughout the day. Keep Your Health on Track Wellness Fair from Noon to 5pm. 5:00am to 5:00pm. Free. Mountain View High School, 3901 W. Linda Vista Blvd. CommunityFoodBank.org

SAT 19 – SUN 20 WOMEN’S WHEELCHAIR BASKETBALL TOURNAMENT The UA Women’s Basketball team will host a home tournament at UA Campus Rec. Admission is free. 1400 E. 6th St. 520-626-9483. DRC. Arizona.Edu

LA ENCANTADA FINE ARTS FESTIVAL From metalwork to locally designed fashion, jewelry, and art, this festival is sure to be a visual surprise for all ages. Free event. Saturday 10am to 5pm and Sunday 11am to 4pm. La Encantada, 2905 E. Skyline Dr. SAACA.org


Tucson Botanical Gardens celebrates the opening of three nature-inspired exhibitions: Living Bronze Sculptures by Robert J. Wick; The Photographic Art of Kate Breakey; and Out of the Woods. Enjoy music and drinks while dining under the trees and delight in the specially planted tulip floral displays, along with live entertainment. 5 to 8pm. Tickets: $225 p/p. 2150 N. Alvernon Way. 520-326-9686 TucsonBotanical.org


Join the Desert Museum for their first annual coffee and tea event. Sip delicious tastings from local coffee roasters and tea houses, sample sweet snacks, jam to tunes by Jacob Acosta Band, create coffee crafts, and visit with animated animals. You can also practice your downward dog in the desert with Tiffany Georgia from Empower Tucson Yoga (limited spots available), enjoy exclusive coffee presentations, learn what birds and coffee have in common from Desert Museum Public Programs Coordinator, Sonya Norman, and sip on morning cocktails at the cash bar. 9am to Noon. Tickets: $32 Non-Members, $15 Museum Members (includes museum admission). Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum, 2021 N. Kinney Rd. 520-883-2702. DesertMuseum.org

THURS 31 – MON 11 JOGS TUCSON GEM AND MINERAL SHOW One of the leading jewelry events in North America. 10am to 6pm, last day 10am to 4pm. Tucson Expo Center, 3750 E. Irvington Rd. JogsShow.com

ONGOING MONDAYS MEET ME AT MAYNARDS Southern Arizona Roadrunners’ Monday evening, non-competitive, social 3-mile run/walk, that begins and ends downtown at Hotel Congress, rain/shine/holidays included! Free. 5:15pm. 311 E. Congress St. 520-991-0733, MeetMeAtMaynards.com

THURSDAYS SANTA CRUZ RIVER FARMERS’ MARKET Locally grown foods and goods with live music. Guided walks through Menlo Park begin at 4:30pm. Market Hours: 4-7pm. Mercado San Agustin, 100 S. Avenida Del Convento. MercadoSanAgustin.com


Every Third Thursday of the month, MOCA is open for free to the public from 6pm to 8pm. These themed nights feature different performances, music, hands-on art making activities, as well as a cash bar and food trucks. Free admission. 265 S. Church Ave. 520-624.5019. Moca-Tucson.org

SUNDAYS 5 POINTS FARMERS MARKET Every Sunday at Cesar Chavez Park. 10am to 2pm. 756 S. Stone Ave.


Every second Sunday, enjoy free admission and free family programming from 12-5pm. Tucson Museum of Art, 140 N. Main Ave. TucsonMuseumorArt.org

January 2019 | ZOCALOMAGAZINE.com 41

Z tunes

What’s Live Random Thoughts on the Coolers, Springsteen, the White Album, Chris Burroughs and Paul Thorn by Jim Lipson

I’M embarrassed to admit this but it was not until their final performance last month that I got to see the Coolers, Tucson’s 8-piece dance band with four horns, guitar, bass and keyboards and a vibe that brought nothing but smiles and appreciation for a smoking hot band. Playing to a packed house on a brisk winter’s eve at Monterey Court, I experienced this band from every angle of the room but none more affecting than directly behind the stage where I got the best view of the three primary horn players doing their thing from behind the drums. Belting out intricate arrangements and solos, there was a palpable sense of comradery and joy both on and off stage. While no specific reason has been offered for the band’s demise, a group that size comes with literally dozens of potential relationships within it when you start pairing up all of the personnel possibilities. With that can come differing and even competing interests, musical directions and priorities. Guitarist Joe Scibilia, who began this band over a decade ago, while happy to chat during the break, was more interested in rounding up his mates for the next set. Knowing this was the last hurrah, he wanted to cram as much music as possible into this magical night. Bands like this don’t come around very often. Unless you were around for the mid-1980s into the late ‘90s, the name Chris Burroughs probably won’t resonate much, if at all. But, if you were going to clubs in1983/84, his band, Chris Burroughs and the Nationals was a bit of thing in those days. Although not quite at the level of contemporaries Street Pajama and Los Lasers, Burroughs’ originals and presentation of such, was an early and exciting version of what would soon come to be known and marketed as Americana. Although not much of a soloist, Burroughs big vocals and power chords could take you on a ride that was guaranteed to engage, be it through lyric, rhythm or both. His 1997 release West of Texas/Trade of Chains remains one of the premier local recordings of that era and remains a prized possession in any collection of local product. Employing many luminaries of the day, such as Scott Garber and Steve Grams (bass), Bridget Keating (violin), Johnny Ray, Marx Loeb and Tom Larkins (drums), Randy Lopez (keyboards and sax), Chris Cacavas and Lance Kaufman (keys), among others, he also got cameos from Jonathan Richman and Solomon Burke Jr. Long after his days fronting a big band had passed, Chris evolved into a solo act where he felt his songs were a better fit for that kind of format. Touring Europe often, he would occasionally lament his inability to replicate the success he enjoyed overseas back home. No longer performing with any regularity, his unexpected death came as a shock to many. With any luck, his passing will rekindle an interest in his work. As was the case last year with Sergeant Pepper, Apple Records has released a 50-year anniversary edition of the White Album, remastered and remixed, and it is nothing short of spectacular. Supervised by Giles Martin, son of the late Beatles producer George Martin (Giles also supervised the new Pepper production) this music jumps out from the speakers with a clarity and power not possible through late 1960s technology. Without diving into a blow by blow 42 ZOCALOMAGAZINE.com | January 2019

of each tune, there are places you will swear you’re hearing things you’ve never heard before. This is the difference between a simple remastering and a remix, the latter here, allowing Martin to bring up and EQ things previously buried in the mix. Examples of this include the classical horns, now so much more prominent on “Mother Nature’s Son” and the added vocals padding Ringo’s closing of the album on “Good Night.” There are lots of other moments of unexpected delight, none more surprising (to me) than the remix of “Helter Skelter,” which presented here sounds to be perhaps the first truly great heavy metal song (if you can believe that). Mostly, I came away with a renewed sense of awe given the magnitude and scope of the material and leading me to believe, this in fact may be their greatest masterpiece. As an added bonus CD there are the infamous “Esher Tapes.” These were the demos recorded in George Harrison’s home studio where they went to record, mostly solo and with very few overdubs, all of the new material they wanted to present to each other following their return from India and their adventures (or misadventures—See “Sexie Sadie”) with the Maharishi. Listening to this new mix and with fresh ears was like hearing it for the very first time all over again. Fifty years on, this edition is as contemporary and ahead of the curve as anything in my collection. As predicted and immortalized in Men in Black, it is indeed time to buy the White Album again. Then there is Bruce Springsteen and the Netflix special (and accompanying Cd) documenting the 13 month run of his recently closed one man show on Broadway. Working with a lot of material from his autobiography released last year, Springsteen proves he can be equally if not more effective on a small stage with just piano and acoustic guitar as with his storied E Street Band. While the “Springsteen rap” have always been a highlight of his shows, never has there been a story preceding every one of his songs as is the case here. In doing so, he paints a portrait of his life from the moment the world changed in 1956 (watching Elvis on TV), up to the release of Born to Run when his world was forever changed. Through it all he delves deeply into his relationships with his parents, bandmates and Clarence Clements in particular, while also poking fun at his own celebrity. You’ll know 10 minutes into the lead up to the first tune “Growin Up,” as to what kind of a ride these fast moving two and a half hours is going to be. As for the music, every song is set up by the story that proceeds it. And while I would rather have heard the iconic “Thunder Road” on the piano rather than guitar (nothing beats those solo piano versions documented on the Born to Run tour from 1975), it was nothing short of a revelation to hear “10th Ave. Freeze Out” on the piano, complete with the story of how Clemons came into the band and his subsequent death. “Losing Clarence was like losing the rain,” he says, his heart still heavy with grief. This performance is so well written and staged, it’s almost like watching someone who is playing Bruce Springsteen as a mythical or historical figure. Think Hal Holbrook doing Mark Twain. An emotional ride that brings laughter,


tunes Z

Paul Thorn

tears and almost everything in-between into play, Springsteen has pulled back the curtain in a way few performers will allow or can so artfully articulate. Finally, we have Paul Thorn, making his third Tucson appearance in a Rhythm and Roots production at 191 Toole. A Mississippi native and son of a preacher, Thorn was probably most effected as a kid by the neighboring black churches and their penchant for gospel and down home R&B. Like Wolfman Jack in American Graffiti, if you didn’t know it, you could easily mistake Thorn’s deep soulful vocals for that of a southern black blues artist. A gifted storyteller, Thorn has a wealth of life experiences from which to draw upon including his time as a professional boxer where a successful career included a bout with middle weight champ Roberto Duran. Like Springsteen, Thorn’s relationship with his father was also deep and complex. His tune “Pimps and Preachers” is a portrait of his relationships with his father and uncle and the two radically different directions they offered to a young and impressionable Thorn. His newest release, Don’t Let the Devil Ride, is a full-on revisit to his gospel roots. The album features a wonderfully soulful arrangement of the old O’Jays hit “Love Train.” When asked why re-work an old 70s disco tune his reply was refreshingly straightforward. “If we could all live our lives by the words of this song, it would fix everything that’s wrong in this world.” Amen to that. While this show may not have all the extras of the recording which includes the Blind Boys of Alabama, the McCrary Sisters, and the Preservation hall Jazz Horns , Thorn does promise to weave some of the new material into the set. He and his band will play a sit-down show at 191 Toole on January 11. And now, the rest of the story… January 3 – Brian Berggoetz Band, Monterey Court – The new year begins with a local CD release show. After years of presenting himself as a solo act at the Tucson Folk Festival, Berggoetz now fronts a four-piece dance band with sax playing original funk and blues. January 9 – Don Armstrong and the Whiskeypalians, Monterey Court – In the years following the death of his beloved Victoria, partner in life and all things music, Armstrong has emerged as an artist he may never have discovered

had things been different. An accomplished songwriter in his own right, and still reinterpreting selected pieces of Victoria’s work, the Whiskeypalians is a makeshift all-star band that often includes the likes of Nick Coventry on violin, Gary Mackender, accordion, Mike Markowitz, mandolin and Slim Rost, bass. January 11 – Paul Thorn Band, 191 Toole – R&B, gospel and Americana. See copy above. January 17 – Asleep at the Wheel, Fox Theatre – This band was founded by Ray Benson in Paw Paw West Virginia (you can’t make that up), some 48 years ago and it’s still going strong. Striving to remain relevant, it’s most recent release, a celebration of legendary Texas swing master Bob Wills, has got everyone from Willie Nelson, Merle Haggard and George Strait to contemporary artists such as the Avett Brothers, Amos Lee and Old Crow Medicine Show. It’s hard to imagine there won’t be dancing in the aisles. January 19 – David Bromberg, Larry Campbell, and David Hidalgo, Rialto Theatre – this acoustic show should be as good as anything you’ll see this month. While Hidalgo (Los Lobos) and Bromberg are quite well known, Campbell is the glue that will probably hold this stellar show together. A key collaborator of Levon Helm’s throughout his post Band career, Campbell has also been an important side player for Bob Dylan, Emmylou Harris and Jackson Browne among others. January 20 – Bobby McFerrin, Fox Theatre – this is one of several shows making up this month’s Tucson Jazz Festival. McFerrin is a genuine superstar. Enough said. January 24 – Kris Kristofferson, Fox Theatre – It’s hard to say how well his voice has held up over the years, but backed by a full band, this legend is sure to please. February 2 – Beausoleil, El Casino Ballroom – In an encore performance of last year’s killer show, TKMA is bringing back the greatest Cajun dance band ever featuring Michael Ducet on fiddle, for a night of pure delight on the big El Casino dance floor in this annual benefit for this spring’s Tucson Folk Festival. Opening, as they did last year, are the Carnivaleros. n January 2019 | ZOCALOMAGAZINE.com 43

Photo courtesy Miller’s Planet Music.

Photo © Carol Friedman.

Z tunes

Miller’s Planet performs at House of Bards on Friday, January 25. Bobby McFerrin performs at Fox Theatre on Sunday, January 20.





Schedules accurate as of press time. Visit the web sites or call for current/detailed information.

350 N. 4th Ave. 623-2088, ChesLounge.com See web site and Facebook page for information.



191 E. Toole Ave. rialtotheatre.com Fri 11: Paul Thorn Sat 12: El Ten Eleven, Rob Crow Wed 16: Reverend Horton Heat, The Delta Bombers, Voodoo Glow Skulls, Big Sandy Thu 17: The Flesh Eaters, The Mission Creeps, Kid Congo Powers Fri 18: Psych Circus Nights: Desert Beats, Birds and Arrows, Grand Voodoo Band Sat 19: Chrome Sparks, Teen Daze Mon 21: Tommy Castro and the Painkillers, Neil Gregory Johnson Tue 22: Flor De Toloache Wed 23: Corb Lund, Jason Eady Fri 25: Rhea Butcher Sat 26: Greg Brown Sun 27: Marty Friedman Tue 29: Turkuaz Thu 31: J.I.D.

311 E. Congress St. 622-8848, HotelCongress.com/club Wed 2: Street Blues Family Thu 3: Colin Shook Jazz Quartet Fri 4: Taking Back Harambe, Cement Shoes, Cool Funeral Sat 5: Wooden Ball—Mute Swan, Gabriel Sullivan, Sweet Ghosts Wed 9: King Tuff, Stonefiled Fri 11: Paul Thorn, Jesse Valenzuela, The Luminarios Mon 14: Tucson Jazz Fest— Kathleen Grace, Larry Goldings Tue 15: Open Mic Wed 16: Ladytowne Live, Birds & Arrows, Cool Funeral Mon 21: Lucky Devils Band Showcase Tue 22: Dash, Juju Fontaine, Miss Olivia & The Interlopers Thu 24: Tom Russell Sat 26: Hunny X Hockey Dad, Queen of Jeans Sun 27: Supersuckers Mon 28: Black Market Trust Tue 29: Duster, Soft Shoulder, Hikikomori, Droll Wed 30: Drama, Claire George

201 N. Court Ave. 622-0351, LaCocinaTucson.com Wed 2: Miss Lana Rebel & Kevin Michael Mayfield Thu 3: Freddy Parish Fri 4: Greg Morton & Friends, Oscar Fuentes Sat 5: Nathaniel Burnside Sun 6: Mik and the Funky Brunch Wed 9: Miss Lana Rebel & Kevin Michael Mayfield Fri 11: Greg Morton & Friends Sun 13: Mik and the Funky Brunch Wed 16: Miss Lana Rebel & Kevin Michael Mayfield Thu 17: Mitzi Cowell Fri 18: Greg Morton & Friends Sun 20: Mik and the Funky Brunch Wed 23: Miss Lana Rebel & Kevin Michael Mayfield Fri 25: Greg Morton & Friends, Eugene Boronow Sun 27: Mik and the Funky Brunch Wed 30: Miss Lana Rebel & Kevin Michael Mayfield Thu 31: Hank Topless

17 W. Congress St. 624-1515, FoxTucsonTheatre.org Thu 10: Jackie Evancho Fri 11: Tucson Jazz Festival—Joey Alexander Sat 12: Tucson Jazz Festival— Special EFX, Regina Carter, Eric Marienthal Sun 13: Tucson Jazz Festival— Tucson Jazz Collective features the music of Nelson Riddle Wed 16: Tucson Jazz Festival— Magos Herrera Quartet, Jane Bunnett and Maqueque Thu 17: Tucson Jazz Festival— Asleep At The Wheel Sun 20: Tucson Jazz Festival— Bobby McFerrin Thu 24: KrisKristofferson & The Strangers Fri 25: Don McLean, Al Stewart Sat 26: The Fab Four Sun 27: Herb Alpert, Lani Hall Thu 31: Big Bad Voodoo Daddy

2ND SATURDAYS DOWNTOWN Congress Street, 2ndSaturdaysDowntown.com Sat 12: See web site for more information

BORDERLANDS BREWING 119 E. Toole Ave. 261-8773, BorderlandsBrewing.com See web site for information. 44 ZOCALOMAGAZINE.com | January 2019

CULINARY DROPOUT 2543 E. Grant Rd. 203-0934 culinarydropout.com/locations/ tucson-az/ See web site for information.

FINI’S LANDING 5689 N. Swan Rd. 299-1010 finislanding.com Fri 18: Tiny House of Funk

HACIENDA DEL SOL 5501 N. Hacienda Del Sol., 2991501, HaciendaDelSol.com Nightly: Live Music on the Patio

HOUSE OF BARDS 4915 E. Speedway, 327-2011 houseofbards.com Wednesdays: Ladies Night with A2Z Sat 5: 2 In The Chest, Tribulance, Black Wolf Mountain, D2D Fan Page Sat 12: Battle of the Bands,

Photo courtesy whosebluesband.com.

Photo courtesy tomrussell.com.

Tom Russell performs at Hotel Congress on Thursday, January 24.

Tribunus Album Release Show, Sigils Of Summoning, Eviternity, Decrown The Heir, Bury Me Alive Sat 19: Swarm Of Serpents, Olden, Mutilated Tyrant, Zombie-Kalibus, Atavistic Fri 25: Still Life Telescope, Miller’s Planet Sun 27: Spence, A.L.L.Y., Endavs, Black Amethyst, Better On The Inside, The Great Citizens

THE HUT 305 N. 4th Ave., 623-3200 www.facebook.com/TheHutTucson Saturdays: Mike & Randy’s 420 Show with Top Dead Center

MONTEREY COURT 505 W. Miracle Mile, 207-2429 MontereyCourtAZ.com Wed 2: Nick McBlaine & Log Train Thu 3: Brian Berggoetz Fri 4: The Amosphere Sat 5: The Rhythm Jax Sun 6: Nancy Elliott & Friends Sunday Brunch Music Series, Michael P & The Gullywashers Tue 8: The Holy Who Whos, Zen Salad Wed 9: Don Armstrong & The Whiskeypalians Thu 10: Touch of Gray Fri 11: Whose Blues Sat 12: Elise Grecco Tribute, Wayback Machine & The Wooley Dawgs Sun 13: Nancy Elliott & Friends Sunday Brunch Music Series, Johnnie & The Rubmblers

Tue 15: The Tucsonics Wed 16: Eric Schaffer & The Other Troublemakers Thu 17: Virginia Cannon Presents Thursday Night Fri 18: Last Call Girls Sat 19: Cochise County All Stars Sun 20: Nancy Elliott & Friends Sunday Brunch Music Series, Ramsey Roberson Tue 22: Adam Smith & Mark Browning Milner Wed 23: Mike Wozniak Thu 24: Funk Bunnies Fri 25: The Muffulettas Sat 26: Key Ingredients of African Soul Sun 27: Nancy Elliott & Friends Sunday Brunch Music Series, P.D. Ronstadt & The Company Tue 29: Lizard Rock Ramblers Wed 30: Kenny Freeman Thu 31: Titan Valley Warheads

THE PARISH 6453 N. Oracle Rd. 797-1233 theparishtucson.com Mondays: jazz & blues Fridays: live local music Sundays: Andy Hersey

PLAZA PALOMINO 2990 N. Swan Rd., 907-7325 plazapalomino.com Sat 19: Blue Monsoon

PUBLIC BREWHOUSE 209 N. Hoff Ave. 775-2337 publicbrewhouse.com Sun 27: Tiny House of Funk

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Whose Blues performs at Monterey Court on Friday, January 11.

RIALTO THEATRE 318 E. Congress St. 740-1000, RialtoTheatre.com Fri 4: 80s Holiday Hangover— The Cured, Arena, Substance, Maladjusted Sat 5: Lukie D, Rockers Uptown, Neon Prophet, Papa Ranger Fri 11: Zeppelin USA Sat 12: Metal Fest XV, Push Fri 18: Winger, Hands and Feet, Push Sat 19: American Crossroads Trio, Jordan Tice Tue 22: Orchestral Manoeuvers In The Dark, Birds and Arrows Fri 25: Whitey Morgan, Alex Williams Sun 27: A Hamilton Music Revue Tue 29: Blackberry Smoke, Chris Shiflett

THE ROCK 136 N. Park Ave. rocktucson.com Thu 3: Violent J, ESHAM Sat 12: Stubborn Old Bastard, Scattered Guts, Magguts


SAND-RECKONER TASTING ROOM 510 N. 7th Ave., #170, 833-0121 sand-reckoner.com/tasting-room Fri 4: Reno Del Mar w/ Beth Daunis Sat 5: Dan Stokes Fri 11: Oscar Fuentes & Mark Anthony Febbo Sat 12: Joe Peña Fri 18: Big Grin Sat 19: Adam Townsend Fri 25: Amber Norgaard Sat 26: Leila Lopez & Brian Green

SEA OF GLASS CENTER FOR THE ARTS 330 E. 7th St., 398-2542 TheSeaOfGlass.org Fri 25: Jill Cohn

SKY BAR TUCSON 536 N. 4th Ave, 622-4300. SkyBarTucson.com See web site for information.

TAP & BOTTLE 403 N. 6th Ave. 344-8999 TheTapandBottle.com Thu 3: Cameron Hood

1003 N Stone Ave (520) 622-8872 BWRoyalSun.com Sun-Tue: Happy Hour Live Music

SAINT CHARLES TAVERN 1632 S. 4th Ave (520) 888-5925 facebook.com/pg/ SaintCharlesTavern See Facebook page for information. January 2019 | ZOCALOMAGAZINE.com 45

Z sceneintucson

by Janelle Montenegro instagram / @JMontenegroPhotography

Top to bottom, left to right - Sunny and Sarah from @tucsonyogi in downtown Tucson; Jackie serving oysters at Kingfisher Oyster Fest; Blues Brews and BBQ’s at Loews Ventana Canyon; Picacho Peak: Picacho Peak State Park; Blues Brews and BBQ’s at Loews Ventana Canyon.

46 ZOCALOMAGAZINE.com | January 2019


331-349 S Convent Ave, 69-91 W Simpson St, $1,450,000.


602 S. Convent Ave, $234,000 • 606 S. Convent Ave, $224,000 • 612 S. Convent Ave $292,000

520.977.6272 • BethJones.com • bethj5@yahoo.com

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