2022 Sept-Oct Zion's Fire Magazine

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Paul and the Reprobate Rulers The Vantage Point of End-Times Prophecy How Hebrews Fits In Galatians Part 9

Zion’s Fire Magazine

Zion’s Fire is a publication of Zion’s Hope.

© Copyright 2022 by Zion’s Hope, Inc., P.O. Box 783369 Winter Garden, FL 34778-3369

Production staff

Editor-in-Chief: David Rosenthal

Graphic Design: Catherine LeMand Michael Feland Cheryl Philips

Copy Editors: Marbeth Rosenthal Michael Ufferman David Ettinger



End-Times Invasion

David Rosenthal

Could it be that the ongoing battle for energy in the eastern Mediterranean gives a clue as to how this conflict could lead to a full-scale military invasion that was prophesied by Daniel more than 2,500 years ago?


Galatians Part 9: How Hebrews Fits In Marv


To better understand Galatians, it is important to read Hebrews. Why? Hebrews teaches that the Law was good but grace is better. This is one of Paul’s key arguments in Galatians, and is further fortified in Hebrews.


A Word from the Word

Dr. Dan Hayden

Dr. Hayden takes a brief look at the words “Lovingkindness” and “Supplication” to give believers their greater insight, and hence a greater appreciation of their meanings.


The Vantage Point of End-Times Prophecy

Steve Hogan

As we approach the end of this age, we need to comprehend our vantage point – the incredible view we have of God’s end-times’ working. We need a geo-prophetic perspective, informed by God’s Word, which helps us rightly understand current events.


Paul and the Reprobate Rulers

David Ettinger

The apostle Paul had the rare opportunity of sharing the Gospel with at least two high-ranking governmental leaders of his day. Though both were morally corrupt, they listened to what Paul had to say. But how did they react?

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Zion’s Fire (ISSN 1052-2301, USPS 005423) is published bimonthly by Zion’s Hope, Inc., 146 West Plant Street, Suite 300, Winter Garden, FL 34787-3136. Periodicals postage paid at Winter Garden, FL and additional mailing offices.

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Our Purpose and Passion

Zion’s Hope is a Bible-based ministry whose purpose is to proclaim to Jewish and Gentile people throughout the world their need for personal salvation through Jesus, the Messiah of Israel. We’re also committed to helping Christians grow in their understanding of biblical prophecy and the importance of Israel in God’s plan for the Last Days. To that end, we teach Scripture in its historical, geographical, and cultural context to prepare God’s people for end-time events and the return of Jesus Christ.


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A New Collection of Bible Prophecy

Teaching Excerpts

During more than 50 years of service to the Lord, beloved and highly respected Bible teacher Marv Rosenthal brought insight and understanding to multitudes around the world through his dynamic teaching of the prophetic Scriptures.

His passion was to see God’s Word transform lives-and he was deeply concerned that God’s people understand the chronology and sequence of Daniel’s 70th Week and the soon-coming, epic events of the Last Days.

Marv passed on to glory earlier this year, but his powerful teaching remains both informative and transformative. In light of this, we’ve assembled a second Founder’s Collection CD of Marv’s teaching excerpts, and simply titled it, “Prophecy, Part 1.” On this single CD, you’ll hear Marv, in his own words, detailing Daniel’s 70th Week prophecy, and exhorting you to be faithful and prepared for the end of the age. Request this new Founder’s Collection CD, and allow Marv to lead you on the road to readiness!

ORDER TODAY! | Phone: 1-888-781-ZION (9466) | Online: www.zionshope.org *This offer is valid through December 16, 2022. IRS regulations permit you to deduct the contribution given in excess of the fair market value of any resource provided by our ministry. Our good faith estimate of the value of the resource is $9. The ministry will cover shipping costs. NEW! with a donation of any amount*



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$15 calendar
$12 calendars per calendar
CALENDAR PRICING: BEST BUY! GREAT BUY! A Great Gift Idea That Will Last a Full Year

 In the new 2023 Passages of Promise 13-month calendar, all 13 scenic pictures are not simply beautiful, they are absolutely spectacular!

 The photographs are all scenes from Israel and Jordan, and by design, are not primarily of traditional tourist sites; rather, they showcase the splendor of God’s creative work in the Holy Land.

 Each scene’s location is identified and made even more significant by being thoughtfully paired with an inspiring biblical text.

 Ample space has been provided for daily appointments and special events.

 All 13 photographs with verses are designed to be framed. They make beautiful wall hangings for your home, Sunday School class, church foyer, or your pastor’s study.

 Our ministry staff has worked very hard to provide you with a truly stunning 2023 Passages of Promise calendar that is priced as reasonably as possible.


Calendar is a large format size: 13” W x 18” L when open, 13” W x 9” L when folded, and triple-hole punched for improved wall display.

Paper is high-quality heavy stock for durability. All photographs have been high-gloss UV coated for beauty and protection.




How the battle for energy in the eastern Mediterranean may lead to a military invasion prophesied in Scripture more than 2,500 years ago.

Discerning the Days

Let it be said up front and without apology – Jesus is coming soon! But His return will not occur in a vacuum – nor should it come unexpectedly for true believers. Specific prophesied events will be the precursors of His arrival. And these events will take place within the context of a continuously changing global narrative.

The Author of the Universe has already written the final chapter. The epic conclusion will take place at His appointed time, and in harmony with His Sovereign purposes. When everything is aligned in accordance with His will, He will initiate the events of the Last Days and bring all things to a just and righteous consummation.

I believe we are seeing the shadows of this coming alignment taking shape in the world today. Our responsibility as followers of Christ is to remain faithful, keep watching, be discerning, and be prepared.

Join me for the next few minutes as I explain the ongoing battle for energy in the eastern Mediterranean and reveal how this conflict could lead to a full-scale military invasion that was prophesied by Daniel more than 2,500 years ago.

Pipeline Politics

Israel first discovered natural gas off its coast more than 20 years ago. Over the past two decades, it has worked relentlessly to develop the means to deliver this valuable energy resource to the European market. The EastMed pipeline project, which had been in the works for the past eight years and had the support of both the Obama and Trump administrations, would have created the longest undersea pipeline in the world. At a length of nearly 1,200 miles, it was to run from Israel’s Leviathan and Tamar offshore natural gas fields to the islands of Cyprus and Crete, then to the Greek mainland, and on to Italy and Western Europe.

The project also had robust support from the European Union (E.U.), particularly France, Italy, and Greece who stood to benefit the most from a connection to Israeli gas reserves. It was no secret that officials

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New natural gas route from Israel to Egypt for liquefaction and on to Europe by ship
Stream 1 & 2 Pipeline routes from Russia to Germany: Destroyed by sabotage
EastMed Pipeline route from Israel’s natural gas fields to Europe

across Europe understood the importance of the pipeline project as it would provide a much-needed alternative to Russian gas, thereby diminishing President Putin’s energy stranglehold on the continent.

But Israel’s plan to export its natural gas to Europe through the EastMed pipeline hit a major roadblock earlier this year when, seemingly out of the blue, the Biden administration withdrew its support.

In January 2022, the U.S. State Department quietly sent a “non-paper” (an unofficial diplomatic letter of correspondence) to Greek officials notifying them of the policy reversal. The letter described the EastMed project as “a primary source of

can only be done through Turkey.”

Erdogan has argued that Turkey should be included in the consortium of nations in the East Mediterranean Gas Forum (EMGF). The reality, however, is that the Turkish president seeks more than just “inclusion.” His actions and rhetoric indicate that he’s itching to lay claim to gas deposits in the Mediterranean, even if they’re not located within internationally accepted Turkish maritime boundaries. Erdogan’s vision is for Turkey to become the region’s energy hub with him as de facto Energy Master of the Mediterranean.

Despite its membership in the NATO alliance, Turkey has, in recent years, made

“... a more likely reason for the U.S. withdrawal of support for the EastMed pipeline was to appease Turkish President Erdogan.”

tension” that was “destabilizing” the region by creating an adversarial environment –pitting Israel, Greece, and Cyprus against Turkey.

When Greek officials responded in anger to the U.S. change in policy, our State Department changed its rhetoric and reasoning, citing “climate change” and America’s clean-energy policy as the rationale for its decision. Yet, only six months earlier, the Biden administration had approved the completion of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline in the Baltic Sea, which essentially doubled the capacity of natural gas that could be exported by Russia into Germany. Curiously, this same climatechange policy didn’t seem to have any effect on the completed Nord Stream pipeline –nor has it diminished the exporting of U.S. liquefied natural gas (LNG) to Europe over the past year. These exports have reached record-high levels.

In light of these facts, a more likely reason for the U.S. withdrawal of support for the EastMed pipeline was to appease Turkish President Erdogan, who has been a loud and vexing opponent of the project after learning it would bypass Turkey altogether. Not surprisingly, Erdogan hailed the U.S. policy change – declared it a Turkish victory, and arrogantly proclaimed: “If Israeli gas is to be brought to Europe, it

several aggressive moves, without legal standing, to threaten, disrupt, and block progress toward the realization of the EastMed pipeline. With the U.S. acquiescing to these strong-arm tactics through appeasement, energy analysts are now deeply concerned that the Turkish strongman will be emboldened to continue escalating tensions in his quest to control the flow of energy to Europe.

A New Plan Emerges

With a lack of U.S. support, the EastMed project appeared to be dead in the water in January 2022. But a secondary plan to bring Israeli gas to Europe gained traction during the ensuing months. In February, war broke out between Russia and Ukraine, and once again, Europe became increasingly alarmed by its energy entanglements with Russia – particularly in light of strict sanctions that were being placed on Russian exports.

This time, Europe looked to Israel and Egypt for an energy solution. In June, a tripartite agreement between Israel, Egypt, and the E.U. was reached for Israeli natural gas to be exported via an existing pipeline to Egypt’s LNG terminal on the Mediterranean where it will be liquified and shipped by tankers to European ports. Not only is this new multi-billion dollar agreement a

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan

financial windfall for Israel, it will increase Egypt’s standing as an energy hub in the Mediterranean and will be another vital step toward weaning Europe off its dependence upon Russian gas.

For the time being, it seems as though the Turkish president has been placated by this alternate agreement– as it avoids the thorny issue of constructing permanent undersea pipelines. But Erdogan continues to view Egypt as a nemesis and a rival to his vision for the eastern Mediterranean. Of certainty, he is displeased that this new agreement facilitates the delivery of Israeli natural gas to Europe apart from Turkey’s involvement – while simultaneously solidifying Egypt’s rising status as an energy hub in the region.

A Shocking Turn of Events

On the heels of these developments, however, another event shocked the continent of Europe and the world in recent days. The Nord Stream pipelines that transport Russian gas to Europe were sabotaged. To date, no entity or nation has taken responsibility for the action, but speculation is running wild as to the identity of the saboteur(s). One thing is certain; with the harsh temperatures of winter approaching, Europe is now desperate to access adequate supplies of energy to replace the natural gas that had been coming from Russia.

With his Baltic Sea pipelines to Europe unusable – and desperate to salvage his gas monopoly over Europe, Putin wasted no time in offering a proposal to Erdogan. “If there is an interest from Turkey and our potential buyers in other countries [meaning Europe], we could consider the possibility of building another gas pipeline system and creation of a gas hub in Turkey…”

The Turkish president is likely salivating over Putin’s words with the prospect of realizing his vision to see Turkey become a powerful player that controls natural gas exports entering European markets. Whether Putin’s pipeline proposal will ever become a reality is inextricably linked to whether or not the European continent has finally lost its taste for Russian energy.

An Eye on Biblical Prophecy

As I mentioned earlier in this GeoProphecy Report, I believe we are seeing an alignment of nations and events that are moving us ever closer to God’s prophetic narrative for the end of the age.

In light of the current dynamics taking place in the eastern Mediterranean, look with me at what the prophet Daniel reveals about an end-times invasion that will be led by a coming false messiah – the Antichrist.

■ The Antichrist is referred to as the king of the north (Daniel 11:40). In the context of Daniel’s prophecy – the intended meaning is that his invasion will come from a place that is north of Israel. Turkey and its Islamic, Turkic-speaking allies are located due north, and northeast of Israel.

■ The Antichrist will come like a whirlwind, with chariots, horsemen, and many ships (v. 40). His path of invasion will be by land and by sea. The Turkish Armed Forces is the second largest military in NATO, with more than 775,000 military personnel. It is second only to the United States. In 2020, the Turkish Navy operated more than 112 military vessels and is in the process of adding 24 new ships to its fleet. According to an Israeli study conducted in 2021, Turkey is the strongest maritime force in the region. In July, 2022, Erdogan declared that Turkey would soon possess the most powerful military in the world.

■ The Antichrist will enter the “glorious land,” and many countries will be overthrown (v. 41). Israel’s economy is booming, and its offshore natural gas assets will continue to make it an even wealthier target. Aside from Israel, Turkey has several historic and current-day rivals in the eastern Mediterranean. In recent years, Greece and Cyprus have been the consistent targets of Erdogan’s bombastic threats and antagonistic actions.

■ The Antichrist will attack Egypt and take control of its wealth and assets (vv. 42-43). As stated earlier, Egypt is becoming an energy hub and is acquiring


newfound wealth due to its strategic position along the Mediterranean Sea, Suez Canal, and Red Sea. The Nile River nation is also nearing completion of a new, administrative capital that has been financed and built by China. (See Zion’s Fire, May-June 2022: “A Towering New Capital Is Rising in Egypt”).

■ The Antichrist will subdue Libya (v. 43). Libya lies due west of Egypt along the Mediterranean coast. The North African nation also has significant offshore natural gas deposits. In October 2022 a divided Libyan government signed a controversial agreement giving Turkey the right to drill for oil and natural gas in Libya’s territorial waters. This prompted a swift response from Greece and Egypt opposing any Turkish activity in disputed areas of the Mediterranean.

■ The Antichrist will subdue Ethiopia (v. 43). When the Bible speaks of Ethiopia, it is primarily a reference to the country we know today as Sudan, which lies south of Egypt. Sudan and modern-day Ethiopia (which is further south) control the two sources of the Nile River that are key to Egypt’s survival. (See Zion’s Fire, JulyAugust 2022: “Fears Grow in Egypt Over Looming Water Crisis”).

■ The Antichrist will be troubled by reports he hears from the east and the north after his invasion (v. 44). This seems to indicate he will not have absolute global power. He will be “troubled” or threatened by nations to the east and north. Perhaps China, Russia, or Europe will be provoked to action by his invasion.

■ The Antichrist will set his royal encampment “between the seas in the glorious holy mountain;” but his time will come to an end and no one will be able to help him (v. 45). When the Bible uses the phrase, “between the seas,” it is likely a reference to the Mediterranean Sea and the Dead Sea. The “glorious holy mountain” refers to Mount Moriah in Jerusalem, where Israel’s ancient Temple (the House

for God) once stood. Prior to the Antichrist’s invasion, a new Temple (or a tabernacle structure) will be constructed by devout Jews for the purpose of reinstituting the Mosaic Law and the ancient animalsacrificial system. After his invasion, the Antichrist will put an end to these Temple sacrifices and will demand that he alone be worshiped. A time of severe persecution will follow for those who refuse to bow the knee to him and take his mark. But he will come to his end when the true Messiah, Jesus Christ, returns to Earth in power and glory to destroy him and his coalition of armies at the Battle of Armageddon.

Answering a Crucial Question

The alignment we see forming in the Middle East leads to a crucial question: Is it possible that Erdogan is the Antichrist? Is he the one whom the apostle Paul referred to as the coming Man of Sin (2 Thessalonians 2:3)? I will not be dogmatic on this point, but I do not believe he fully fits the biblical criteria. Scripture points to a coming individual (a little horn, Daniel 7:8) who will rise to power from relative obscurity to lead an alliance of ten nations in the Last Days. This alliance will most likely comprise Islamic nations – and it may form sooner than we think.

Having said all of this, Erdogan’s rhetoric – in combination with Turkey’s ever-increasing strongarm attempts to control energy in the Mediterranean –require close and careful observation. It may not be Recep Tayyip Erdogan who leads a coalition of Islamic nations from the north against Israel and the surrounding nations in the Last Days, but I firmly believe Turkey will play a significant role in the coming end-time invasion.

Fellow Christian: Remain faithful, keep watching, be discerning, and be prepared. u

… ”
Daniel 11:40

Some time ago, in Part 4 of this series, we took a brief detour from our study in Galatians to look at Acts 15. This is because the vital truths taught in Acts 15 were critical to our understanding of Paul’s teaching in his epistle to the Galatians. For the same reason, I’d like to take another detour from Galatians, this time to Chapter 6 of the Book of Hebrews –a book in the New Testament of great and important theology.

But just before detouring to Hebrews, I want to take you back to an Old Testament book, Habakkuk. We read in Chapter 2, verse 4, “the just shall live by his faith.” This well-known phrase in the Old Testament is foundational to a greater explanation of this idea in the New Testament – where we find “the just” is the emphasis of Romans; “shall live” is the emphasis of Galatians; and “by faith” is the emphasis of Hebrews. Though all Scripture is given by God, these three particular books are of prime critical importance. Of the three, perhaps Hebrews is the most controversial.

For instance, there is debate over the authorship of Hebrews. We’re not sure who wrote it, and scholars are at odds over who the author was. Regardless of its human author, Hebrews is inspired by God and is part of the canon – the 66 books accepted by the Church as inspired – of Scripture. There is also considerable controversy over the Book of Hebrews as the author seeks to move his readers toward something “better.” The author’s point is that the Mosaic Law was good, but the New Covenant of grace is better. Though both were sanctioned and given by God, grace is superior to the Law.

Furthermore, Hebrews tells us the Aaronic priesthood was good, but the Melchizedekian priesthood of the New Testament through which Christ comes is far better. The sacrificial system of the Old Testament was good, but the once-and-forall sacrifice of Christ in the New Testament is better. In all, the Book of Hebrews teaches the Law was good but grace is better. Why then do so many Christians believe they must adhere to the Mosaic Law?

... the Mosaic Law was good, but the New Covenant of grace is better. Though both were sanctioned and given by God, grace is superior to the Law.


After having trusted Christ as my Savior, am I saved for eternity, or can I do something wrong and lose my salvation? We didn’t do anything to bring about our own salvation, therefore we can’t do anything to lose our salvation.

Those Who “Fall Away”

This brings us to Hebrews Chapter 6, one of the most disputed chapters in the New Testament. This is the chapter which, depending on how it’s read and interpreted, gives rise to questions concerning eternal security. After having trusted Christ as my Savior, am I saved for eternity, or can I do something wrong and lose my salvation? Those who come from this camp – that eternal salvation can be lost – champion this chapter more than any other.

The other side of the coin is “once saved, always saved”; once you are truly saved you cannot lose your salvation. This is the big debate which arises from Hebrews Chapter 6. My personal belief, and uncompromisingly so, is “once saved, always saved.” I wholeheartedly believe in the eternal security of the believer. We didn’t do anything to bring about our own salvation, therefore we can’t do anything to lose our salvation.

Verse 1 in Hebrews 6 begins:

Therefore leaving the principles of the doctrine of Christ, let us go on unto perfection; not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works, and of faith toward God.

The word “principles” refers to the ABC’s – the basics – of the faith. The word “Christ” can be substituted with the word “Messiah.” Therefore, what the author is saying is that the believers he is addressing should by this time be mature enough in the faith to get beyond the ABC’s of teachings regarding the Messiah.

From these basics, the Hebrews are to go on unto “perfection.” A better word would be “completion” or “maturity.” In essence, the writer is saying, it is wonderful during the early going of one’s Christian walk to learn about the basics of the faith, but eventually it comes time to move on. Now is that time. What does this mean? It means it is now time to move on from Law to grace; from living under a system to living by faith. In doing this, the Hebrews should refrain from “laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works.” These “dead works,” as you should know by now, refers to

the Mosaic Law, and this poses a problem. In verses 4 through 6, the most controversial section of the Book of Hebrews, the author writes:

For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened, and have tasted of the heavenly gift, and were made partakers of the Holy Ghost, And have tasted the good word of God, and the powers of the world to come, If they shall fall away, to renew them again unto repentance; seeing they crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh, and put him to an open shame.

Verses 4 and 5 seem to be describing someone who is legitimately born again. To be “enlightened” means to be exposed to greater truth, particularly the truth that Jesus Christ is the Savior of the world and that salvation in Him can be attained exclusively by grace through faith. “Tasted” indicates this individual had more than just a “bite,” but actually consumed the “heavenly gift” – salvation. This individual was a “partaker” – had fellowship with – the Holy Spirit. Furthermore, this person had read God’s Word, had benefited from it, and had seen the Word of God is indeed good. This person also experienced “the powers of the world to come,” which generally refers to miracles. In other words, 1st century believers also witnessed miracles, perhaps those carried out by the apostles in the crucial early days of the Church.

Then comes the severe warning beginning in verse 6: “If they shall fall away …”, that is, if these individuals turn their back on all they have seen, heard, read, and experienced. However, this is more than just an innocent turning. The Greek here is strong, indicating these individuals have deliberately and maliciously spurned Christ. This was far more than a careless disregard of all Jesus had done, but a cold and calculated repudiation.

Now, back to the beginning of verse 4, and then to its connector in verse 6: “It is impossible … If they shall fall away, to renew them again unto repentance.” Some translate “fall away” as “lose their salvation.”


Don’t forget, those who champion the “you can lose your salvation” idea also believe you can be saved again by calling upon God and repenting. But they also believe you can lose your salvation again, and regain it, and lose it, and regain it, over and over again. However, this is not what the text says. Verses 4 and 6 say, “It is impossible … If they shall fall away, to renew them again unto repentance.” IF this text were saying you could lose your salvation (and I don’t believe it is), it is also saying you CANNOT be saved again. So those who teach you can lose your salvation and regain it are at odds with this passage.

improve on eternality? You can’t, but this is what the Hebrews were trying to do. They had accepted Christ’s sacrifice for their sins, but now, following pressure by the Judaizers, were returning to the practice of the Mosaic Law. To do so was to say that Christ’s death was inadequate. This is what it means to “put him [Christ] to an open shame.”

Earlier, I mentioned that these Hebrews had come to faith in Christ. However, there is another group of so-called believers who must be addressed. Because I am convinced Scripture teaches that true believers are eternally secure and cannot lose their

It is impossible … If they shall fall away, to renew them again unto repentance.

Why can’t those who “fall away” be saved again? The reason is found in the second part of verse 6: “seeing they crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh, and put him to an open shame.” What does it mean, to “crucify the Son of God afresh”?

Before I go further, let me suggest to you that this book was written not to the Church (though it has crucial implications for the Church), but to Hebrews, the Jewish people. It is crucial to interpret text by its context. The Holy Scriptures must always be understood in context. I don’t believe these are just any Hebrews, but those who came to faith in Christ. I also believe these were people who, as the Galatians, were struggling with what to do with the Mosaic Law. In fact, it appears as if they had already made the decision to return to the Mosaic Law – and this after they had been “enlightened,” “had tasted,” and had been “partakers.”

The return to the Mosaic Law would be, among other things, participation in the sacrificial system. However, the sacrificial system had always pointed to the once-andfor-all sacrifice of Christ for the sins of the world. Eventually, Jesus came and offered Himself as that eternal sacrifice which never again has to be offered up. How do you improve on perfection? How do you

inheritance, it is clear to me that those who “fall away” were not true believers in the Lord Jesus Christ, but merely “confessors.” Romans 10:9 says: “That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.” Notice there is the confession of the mouth, but also the belief in the heart. Christendom is filled with those who have confessed with their mouths, but never truly believed.

To the very core of my being I am convinced it is this group being referred to by the author of Hebrews. They were once “enlightened,” but they never came to faith in the true Light. They have “tasted,” but have never dined. They were “partakers,” but never were adopted into the family of believers. However, because they had such an intimate experience with the true Christ and could yet turn away from Him, there would be no hope of future salvation. They maliciously and deliberately turned their backs on Christ, who they believed, at least intellectually, was the long-awaited Messiah of Israel. Yet, somehow, someway, they did not believe in Him totally; that He was the end of the Mosaic Law. These are the ones to whom the author is referring in verses 4 to 6.

If they shall fall away, to renew them again


repentance; SEEING THEY CRUCIFY TO THEMSELVES THE SON OF GOD AFRESH, and put him to an open shame.

Christendom is filled with those who have confessed with their mouths, but never truly believed.


True Believers

However, the group of Hebrews being addressed in this epistle are not those of verses 4 through 6. The author makes this clear when he writes in verse 9:

For God is not unrighteous to forget your work and labour of love, which ye have shewed toward his name,



In the next edition of Zion’s Fire: “How Hebrews Fits In” (Part 2). Believers are strongly encouraged to not yield to the pressure of the Judaizers. God is a covenant-keeping God; the Hebrew believers are now adherents of the New Covenant by faith in God’s grace. All they need do is stay the course, and their covenant-keeping, promise-keeping God will uphold them.

But, beloved, we are persuaded better things of you, and things that accompany salvation, though we thus speak.

This can be rephrased to say, “I believe when all is said and done, and when you come to a full understanding of all Christ has done for you, you will remain faithful to Him.”

The author has good cause to make such an assertion, as he writes in verse 10:

For God is not unrighteous to forget your work and labour of love, which ye have shewed toward his name, in that ye have ministered to the saints, and do minister.

In other words, these Hebrews have not only confessed their faith in Christ, but have performed the works that accompany salvation. These are not the works that lead to salvation – for salvation cannot be attained by works – but these are the works that follow salvation, that give credence to a saved soul. Once someone is saved, they will more often than not exhibit their salvation by their works.

Verses 11-12 read:

And we desire that every one of you do shew the same diligence to the full assurance of hope unto the end: That ye be not slothful, but followers of them who through faith and patience inherit the promises.

This is the author’s plea to the Hebrews to stick with it; don’t turn back. Despite the pressure from the Judaizers, the Hebrew believers are staying the course. Yes, some of them are beginning to waver and their

confidence is shaken, but they must hold on. Why must they hold on? Because they got it right! They understand the superiority of grace over the Mosaic Law; all they need do is stand firm in that understanding.

This echoes the admonition of verse 1: “… let us go on unto perfection [completion].” Furthermore, the Hebrews were not to be “slothful” – not lazy – when it comes to holding soundly to the faith. They were to be imitators of those who have come before, those who clung to their faith even at the very real possibility of death. These faithful ones would inherit the promises of Genesis 12:1-3 in the next life rather than this one. The author will talk more about these faithful ones in Chapter 11.

The Hebrews can be assured of inheriting the promise because of the One who makes the promise:

For when God made promise to Abraham, because he could swear by no greater, he sware by himself, Saying, Surely blessing I will bless thee, and multiplying I will multiply thee (vv. 13-14).

In Genesis 12:2-3, God said to Abraham, And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing: And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.

This doesn’t mean everyone in the world would be blessed, but that there will be those from every race, religion, and background who will come to faith in Jesus Christ. u



– Philippians 4:6

o you know the “fancy” way of asking for something in a specific way? The word is “supplication,” and it’s another way of God saying, “Be specific. Tell me exactly what you mean.”

This is what God says about the way we ought to pray. He wants us to be specific, and tell it like it is.

Philippians 4:6 says, “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God.”

This verse tells us that letting our requests be made known to God is to be done by “supplication.” “Supplication” means, “to earnestly share a specific need.”

There is emotion in this word, as when we get passionate about that for which we are specifically asking. Therefore, we are to make our requests known to God by supplicating.

A supplication is a special type of request in that it is the passionate and earnest sharing of a need. And, of course, a supplication is very specific. It gets to the

point and articulates exactly what is needed. Logic then dictates at least one thing a supplication certainly is not: a general request for help.

The point is this: when you bring your request to God, He wants you to be specific about what you need, and He wants you to be earnest and sincere in your request –even passionate. The reason, of course, is because God really cares about you and your needs.

And this is how God wants you to pray when you are anxious about something.

Therefore, remember, “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God.”

Always remember, when you pray, it’s OK to supplicate! u

“Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God.”

(Philippians 4:6).



What Only God Can Do

People love to predict what will happen in the future, but you know how that goes. Nobody gets it all right, for no man or woman can accurately forecast the future. Only God can perfectly predict what will occur, and that’s because He makes the future. He knows exactly what He is going to do. He has it all planned out, and then at the right time, He brings it to pass. He tells us:

Remember the former things of old, For I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like Me, Declaring the end from the beginning, And from ancient times things that are not yet done, Saying, “My counsel shall stand, And I will do all My pleasure” (Isaiah 46:9-10).

Our Vantage Point

God didn’t have to tell us about the future, and about Christ’s return, but He did, for He wants us to know His plans for planet Earth, the Jewish people, and the Church.

What amazes me is that such a large portion of the Bible is prophetic, precisely predicting events that occur in the future. Maybe you have read some of the Old Testament verses which tell us about Christ’s first coming (Psalm 22:1-21; Isaiah 7:14; 9:6; Micah 5:2; Zechariah 9:9, among others), but I want to focus on the many verses from both the Old and New Testaments that predict and describe Christ’s second coming.

Our Vantage Point

God didn’t have to tell us about the future, and about Christ’s return, but He did, for He wants us to know His plans for planet Earth, the Jewish people, and the Church. He doesn’t want us to be

surprised or afraid when calamitous events take place. He wants us to anticipate Christ’s second coming, and to be excited about being with Him.

God also knows we need hope, especially in this world of evil and increasing darkness. God’s prophetic Word gives us hope, for it helps us see the future that God has planned and prepared for us:

And so we have the prophetic word confirmed, which you do well to heed as a light that shines in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts (2 Peter 1:19).

As we draw closer to the end of this age, we need to comprehend our vantage point, the incredible view we have of God’s end-time’s working. I am not talking about a physical vantage point, but a geo-prophetic one, a perspective informed by God’s Word which helps us to rightly understand events taking place.

By looking at God’s prophetic Word and the world around us, we can clearly see that Christ’s return is drawing near:

Blessed is he who reads and those who hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written in it; for the time is near (Revelation 1:3).

What about the coming year – or the next five to ten years? What is going to happen? No person can specifically know what will occur,



but God gives us a general idea of what will be taking place in the not-too-distant future.

There will be preaching of the Gospel (Matthew 24:14), making of disciples (Matthew 28:19-20), and growth of the Church (Matthew 16:18). Wickedness will increase (Matthew 24:12). There will be increasing globalism and the emergence of false christs (Matthew 24:24). There will be increasing wars, famines, economic problems, and widespread earthquakes (Matthew 24:4-8). Countries will be reshaped and realigned, leading to that final, God-planned configuration of nations (Ezekiel 38:1-6; Daniel 2:36-45).

On the Horizon

But there are also very specific, identifiable, God-predicted prophecies which will be fulfilled. These include:

1. A treaty between Israel and a number of other nations will be signed or confirmed. This event, whether globally observed or not, will occur at the beginning of Daniel’s 70th Week, a prophetically strategic seven-year period of time (Daniel 9:27).

2. The Antichrist will be revealed at the midpoint of Daniel’s 70th Week (Daniel 9:27).

3. An intense period of persecution of Jewish people and Christians will take place after the midpoint of Daniel’s 70th Week, but will then be cut short (Matthew 24:9, 21-22).

4. The rapture of the Church will occur sometime during the second half of Daniel’s

70th Week (Matthew 24:31-36; Revelation 7:9-14).

5. A remnant of Jewish people will be saved at the end of Daniel’s 70th Week (Daniel 9:24).

6. The kingdom of the world will be transferred from the control of Satan to the control of Jesus Christ at the end of this 70th Week (Revelation 11:15).

7. A new and glorious kingdom, with Jesus Christ ruling and believers reigning with Him, will begin and then continue on for 1,000 years (1 Corinthians 15:22-28; Revelation 20:1-6).

Absolutely Guaranteed

All these things will occur because God has told us so, and because He will make sure they are carried out. The Lord God of Heaven and Earth is on the move, and nothing will derail His purposes. He is continually and faithfully working out all the details which need to take place to bring this present age to a close.

As for the present, there won’t be a wasted second, day, or week, for all which will occur is part of God’s eternal, sovereign, and perfect plan to bring about the return of Christ, the rapture of the Church, and the reign of Christ.

Be humble and holy, pray and work, and wait and see!

Then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in heaven, and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. And He will send His angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they will gather together His elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other (Matthew 24:30-31).

Yes, we live in challenging times now, but hold on just a little longer, Christian. Unimaginably wondrous things are heading your way!

Steven J. Hogan has been a pastor-teacher for more than 25 years, and has been the pastor at Hope Bible Church of Tampa, Florida, since 2003. u

On the Horizon

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

A treaty between Israel and a number of other nations will be signed or confirmed.

The Antichrist will be revealed at the midpoint of Daniel’s 70th Week . . .

An intense period of persecution of Jewish people and Christians will take place after the midpoint of Daniel’s 70th Week . . .

The rapture of the Church will occur sometime during the second half of Daniel’s 70th Week . . .

A remnant of Jewish people will be saved at the end of Daniel’s 70th Week . . .

The kingdom of the world will be transferred from the control of Satan to the control of Jesus Christ . . .

A new and glorious kingdom, with Jesus Christ ruling and believers reigning with Him . . .


When ananias objecteD, GoD rePlieD:


– Acts 9:15

god’s chosen instrument to kings AND THE

DestineD to Preach

he Pharisee Saul was on his way to Damascus to arrest followers of the allegedly (in his mind) risen Christ (Acts 9:1-3). Then suddenly a great light from Heaven flashed around him, causing him to fall to the ground.

He next heard a voice speaking to him: “Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting Me?” (v. 4).

Saul knew exactly to whom the voice belonged. He replied: “Who are You, Lord?” (v. 5).

Saul’s life would never be the same, and for the next three days he was rendered blind.

A few days later, the Lord spoke in a dream to a disciple of Christ named Ananias, instructing him to seek out Saul and place his hands upon him that Saul’s sight may be restored. When Ananias objected, God replied:

Go, for he is a chosen vessel of Mine to bear My name before Gentiles, kings, and the children of Israel (v. 15).

Ananias obeyed, and Saul’s sight was restored. He would later be known as Paul, and would indeed fulfill the Lord’s will for him, not only spreading the Gospel throughout Israel and parts of Asia and Europe, but also to non-Jews and rulers. This article looks at two of those rulers.

Felix: the Governor Paul “t utoreD”

A Fascinating Exchange

In Acts, Chapter 24, we read of Paul’s trial before the Judean governor Felix. The exchange between them was fascinating. (If you cannot recall it, please take a few minutes to read the account.) Just who was Felix and his wife Drusilla, and why was he so discomforted by Paul? Let’s take a look.

What an Opportunity!

Imagine what it would be like to have Paul as a personal teacher. What would it be like to sit hours a day just soaking in everything Paul has to say about Jesus, faith, holiness, the end times, the second coming of Christ, and so much more?


Two personalities in history who had that opportunity were Felix and Drusilla. Neither of them were believers in the Lord Jesus when Paul came to them, and, to the best we can determine, neither of them became believers despite having Paul as their personal tutor.

This seems amazing, but perhaps not so much when we consider their character.

Their Background

Felix and his brother Pallas were born in Rome as slaves. To their credit, they attained their freedom and made inroads in society. Pallas was so successful that he became a Roman official and was well-esteemed by Emperor Claudius.

Pallas’ influence helped Felix attain the position of governor of Judea from A.D. 52-58. One of Felix’s predecessors was Pontius Pilate, who served from A.D. 26-36. A primary responsibility of Roman governors was to keep the peace in the provinces over which they were assigned. Felix did his job, but with far too much zeal. He was a brutal, violent man who executed his duties with fury.

In Annals, his partial history of the Roman Empire, the Roman historian Tacitus wrote that Felix “thought he could commit every sort of iniquity and escape the consequences.” Tacitus also referred to Felix as “a master of cruelty and lust who exercised the powers of a king in the spirit of a slave.” Hardly words of praise!

Felix was highly immoral. When we’re introduced to him in Acts 23, he is already on his third marriage. We don’t know much about his first two marriages, but what we know about his third marriage is plenty!

At the time he met Drusilla, he was in his second marriage. This small detail, however, meant little to him as he desired the 16-year-old Jewess for himself. Not only was she just a teenager, but she, too, was married at the time. Taking advantage of his position and favor with Claudius, Felix made quick work of attaining Drusilla, ending both his and Drusilla’s current

. . . Felix and drusilla . . . neither oF them were believers in the lord Jesus when Paul came to them . . . neither oF them became believers desPite having Paul as their Personal tutor.

marriages, and beginning a new one together.

The Herod Clan

In marrying Drusilla (her formal name was Drusa), Felix aligned himself with the notorious family of Herod; Drusilla was the daughter of Herod Agrippa I. Agrippa I is the Herod of Acts 12. He was the first to martyr one of the Apostles (Acts 12:2-3). So, not only was Agrippa not a supporter of Christianity, he was also one of its earliest persecutors. This Herod (not to be confused with Herod the Great who ruled more than 50 years earlier) eventually met his end when the Lord struck him down and he was eaten by worms (Acts 12:23).

Wishing to strengthen political ties in the north, Agrippa I married off Drusilla to King Azizus of Emesa (western Syria) when she was only 15 years old. However, a year later, after meeting Felix, Drusilla was seduced by him, fled Azizus, and became Felix’s third wife.

By the time Paul was brought before them as a prisoner – on bogus charges of inciting a disturbance (Acts 24:5-6) –Drusilla was only 19 years old. What she thought when she heard Paul speak about faith in Christ is unknown, but we have an idea what Felix thought.

. . . not only was Agrippa not a supporter of Christianity, he was also one of its earliest persecutors. This Herod eventually met his end when the Lord struck him down and he was eaten by worms (Acts 12:23).

What she [Drusilla] thought when she heard Paul speak about faith in Christ is unknown, but we have an idea what Felix thought.

Image of Paul, Evangelical Church, Wasseralfingen, Germany.

Felix Hears Paul

The firsT Time felix agreed To lisTen To Paul, we learn . . . felix was afraid and answered, GO AWAY FOR NOW; WHEN I HAVE A CONVENIENT TIME I WILL CALL FOR YOU.

– Acts 24:25

The first time Felix agreed to listen to Paul, we learn that,

… as [Paul] reasoned about righteousness, self-control, and the judgment to come, Felix was afraid and answered, ‘Go away for now; when I have a convenient time I will call for you’ (Acts 24:25).

Afraid? What was Felix so afraid of?

It’s possible he feared for the peace of his province. If he allowed Paul to go free and return to Jerusalem, he could well incite a full-fledged riot. To avoid this, Felix placated the Jewish leaders by keeping Paul locked up in his palace at Caesarea on the Mediterranean Sea.

However, there may be another reason for Felix’s fear. Again, notice that the Bible tells us Paul “reasoned about righteousness, self-control, and the judgment to come.”

Regarding the first two, we know Felix was desperately lacking; there was not much righteousness and self-control to be found in his life!

But what about the third subject Paul spoke on: judgment? Generally, those with guilty consciences – those who know they have done wrong – fear judgment. Could this be the real reason Felix was afraid? Was he convicted about the violence and debauchery of his ways?

Scripture also tells us that Felix was hoping Paul would bribe him, so he sent for him frequently the two years Paul was in prison (Acts 24:26). We’re not told what they spoke about, but it’s reasonable to assume Paul shared with Felix much of what we read about in his New Testament epistles.

their “day of salvation” (2 Corinthians 6:2) to pass, hence bearing their eternal consequences? Scripture does not address this matter, but it would be tragic if they did.

Paul and The incesT uous K ing agriPPa ii

Felix was replaced by Porcius Festus while Paul was still imprisoned. Paul’s case, however, baffled Festus, and he sought help from King Agrippa. Paul would deliver the Gospel to this monarch in a compelling testimonial of his personal journey to faith. (Read the account in Acts, Chapter 26.)

Who was King Agrippa – and Bernice (v. 30), the woman who accompanied him? Let’s look at the sordid details.

Another Descendant of Herod

Agrippa II was the son of Herod Agrippa I (mentioned earlier) and great-grandson of Herod the Great (Matthew 2:1), whose many descendants ruled over Middle East provinces.

Agrippa II, who was but 30 years old when he heard Paul’s testimony, began his political life with his appointment as tetrarch in Chalcis (modern-day northern Syria) in about A.D. 50. His reign was eventually extended to include Galilee and Jerusalem.

King Agrippa II was highly regarded by the Roman imperial family and awarded the privilege of appointing the Jewish high priest AND was made the custodian of the Temple treasury. Both responsibilities were odious to the Jews as the Herods were not Jewish.

However, these duties also meant Agrippa was familiar with Jewish law, making him better qualified than Festus to judge Paul’s case.

The Arrogance of Monarchs

Is it possible Felix and Drusilla allowed their “day of salvation” to pass, hence bearing their eternal consequences?

From the best we know, though possibly convicted over his sin and evidently intrigued enough to hear Paul on numerous occasions, Felix never moved on his conviction. Did Paul’s words affect him? Did Felix ever wrestle with his sin? We don’t know, but there is no doubt he received a remarkable education about God, Christ, salvation, redemption, and so much more.

Is it possible Felix and Drusilla allowed

After Festus summoned the young king to Caesarea, we read in Acts 25:23:

So the next day, when Agrippa and Bernice had come with great pomp, and had entered the auditorium with the commanders and the prominent men of the city, at Festus’ command Paul [who was in chains, Acts 26:29] was brought in.

Image of Felix, Cathedral of Brussels, Belgium.

This may simply seem like an explanatory sentence, but going deeper, we realize it is filled with meaning.

First, we read of Bernice, the woman who accompanied Agrippa. Without looking at her background, one would assume she was Agrippa’s wife. But – and this should not surprise us when it comes to the family of the Herods – she was not. Bernice, a widow, was the sister of King Agrippa. A brother caring for his widowed sister is admirable, and had this been the only link between the two, King Agrippa would have been acting benevolently.

History, however, tells us otherwise. Though Bernice had a favorable relationship with the Jewish people and was familiar with their beliefs, she nonetheless lived a debauched life, its ugliest manifestation being her incestuous relationship with Agrippa. Though brother and sister, they shared the same bed, and she accompanied Agrippa to Paul’s trial as a wife would accompany her husband (as did Drusilla with Felix).

Second, note in verse 23 how Agrippa and Bernice “with great pomp … entered the auditorium.” It would seem both Festus and this godless couple used the occasion of Paul’s trial to display their power, position, stature, and wealth. Their arrogance is a striking contrast to the shackled, Godfearing Paul. On display was pomp vs. humility, the deeds of godlessness vs. the fruits of faith in the God who created the universe.

A Stunning Response

When Paul came to the end of his testimony, he asked the monarch: “King Agrippa, do you believe the prophets? I know that you do believe” (Acts 26:27).

Paul wished to engage in conversation with the purpose of bringing this man to faith in Christ (v. 29). The nature of Agrippa’s response to Paul, however, is debated: “You almost persuade me to become a Christian” (v. 28).

If Agrippa was intending to ridicule Paul, his response could be understood this way: “Paul, do you really think you can convince a man like me to embrace your faith based on your personal story? It will

take far more than that!”

Or, perhaps – and more likely – Agrippa was in essence saying: “You have presented compelling testimony, Paul, but alas, though I am intrigued by your story, I cannot bring myself to believe in the possibility of an executed man being raised from the dead –let alone this man being the Son of God.”

Either way, Agrippa heard the Gospel as clearly as it could have been presented, and sadly turned his back on it.

Agrippa and Bernice then left the premises with no hint either ever engaged Paul again.

They came to Caesarea simply to weigh in on a thorny judicial matter, but what Agrippa and Bernice failed to understand was that a righteous, courageous man of God cared enough about them – a sin-stained incestuous couple – to share the way to salvation!

Tragic Rejection

. . . I cannot bring myself to believe in the possibility of an executed man being raised from the dead –let alone this man being the Son of God.

. . . agrIPPa heard the gosPel as clearly as It could have been Presented, and sadly turned hIs back on It. agrIPPa and bernIce then left the PreMIses wIth no hInt eIther ever engaged Paul agaIn.

Felix, Drusilla, Agrippa, and Bernice had nothing less than the apostle Paul standing before them, conveying to them through compelling testimony the Gospel of Jesus Christ. To the best we can tell, they tragically rejected the soul-saving truth.

As Christians we are surrounded by unsaved loved ones, friends, acquaintances, fellow workers, and those we’ve never before met whom God puts in our path. Though not rulers or monarchs, they are men and women who desperately need to hear the message of salvation through the Lord Jesus.

May you and I be found faithful – like Paul – to share our testimony of God’s grace in our life with them – whatever the depth of their depravity –



. and may our gracious God open their hearts and minds to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved! u

– Acts 16:31

May you and I be found faIthful–lIke Paul–TO SHARE OUR TESTIMONY OF GOD’S GRACE IN OUR LIFE WITH THEM . . .

Image of Paul, All Saints Episcopal Church.



For God so loved the world, that he gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.


2 Corinthians 9:15

Romans 6:23

John 10:27-28

John 3:16

James 1:17

Ephesians 2:8


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Most gifts we receive are temporary. Though we are excited when we receive them, they soon lose their luster and usefulness. In stark contrast to such worldly gifts, there is one gift which will never fade or lose its value. This greatest gift of all is wondrous eternal life through the Lord Jesus Christ. May this card bring joy to your heart this season and throughout the new year!


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CC2201A For by grace are ye saved through faith… it is the gift of God… R ejoicing in God’s Gift to us this Christmas! Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift! My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me: And I give unto them eternal life… Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights… RED AND SILVER FOIL 3-PANEL CARD WITH ACCORDION FOLD FOR


That God gave us Earth to be our home was generous. That He ordered the skies in a way that gave light was ingenious. That He breathed life into us was miraculous. All this was far more than we deserved. Yet, God saw our desperate need of a Savior and sent us the greatest gift of all – His Son. May this card remind you of God’s wondrous love for you this Christmas season and throughout the year!


A beautiful card printed on high-quality paper. Printed in full color with embossing and silver foil. There is plenty of room to write messages to loved ones and friends! Actual card size is 7” x 5” (folded). Pack includes 10 cards and envelopes plus bonus* subscription cards.


“In this the love of God was manifested toward us, that God has sent His only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through Him.”

1 John 4:9 (NKJV)

“… the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” Romans 6:23b (KJV)





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