Life Unlimited "New You" Kit

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Stock up on the perfect combination of Zija products needed to nourish and transform your body, jumpstart your health and fitness New Year’s resolutions, and experience a whole new you in 2016!


$269 USD*/200 PV

• 1 Case of SuperMix (32 Sachets) • 1 Box of XMburn* (60 caps) • 1 Tea Combo Box (20 Daily Tea Pouches, 10 Premium Tea Pouches) • 1 Bag of XMprotein Dutch Chocolate (28 Servings) • 1 Bag of Ripstix Hydrate (60 Sachets) • 1 Bottle of AGX Digest (60 Softgels) • 1 Bottle of Améo Trim & Tone (15 ml) + FREE • 1 Zija Trimr Bottle • NEW Améo Frankincense Boswellia carterii Oil (15 ml) – December Orders Only • Shipping • Enrollment Fee For New Enrollees Available December 1, 2015 – February 5, 2016. Kit can be placed on AutoShip during this time.


FROM DR. PLANT DAILY • • • • • • •

Start your day with Moringa nutrition—mix 1 sachet of SuperMix with 8 -18 oz. of water in your Trimr Bottle and consume Eat a healthy, high-protein (30-45 grams) breakfast with 600 calories or less After breakfast, take 1 AGX Digest softgel to optimize digestion and 2 XMburn* capsules for a boost of energy and appetite suppression Drink an XMprotein supplement shake in lieu of your regular lunch Eat a sensible dinner with at least 45 grams of protein, less than 45 grams of carbohydrates, and 1,000 calories or less Mix 2-3 drops of Améo Trim & Tone in a glass of water or Ripstix Hydrate and consume throughout the day to stay hydrated and take in the oil blend’s weight management benefits Drink Ripstix Hydrate throughout the day in lieu of juice, soda, and sports drinks

Make sure to include a workout or other physical activity to maximize these products and better reach your weight management goals.


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If afternoon cravings hit, drink Daily Tea to help curb your appetite Drink Premium Tea 2-3 times per week, in the evening, to help promote detoxification

*$309.95 CAD; XMturbo in place of XMburn in Canada

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