Zeitgeist: Cherishing Our Realities

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Volume 10 - Monday, May 17th, 2021

Cherishing our realities

2020-2021 Academia del Perpetuo Socorro Miramar, Puerto Rico

After this challenging year comes to an end, I can’t help but reflect on all we’ve been through. For almost three years now, we’ve faced unimaginable adversities that have come to define us today. During these tough moments, I’ve often thought that peaceful times seemed farther and farther away. But now, I find myself standing in the eye of the hurricane: with the turbulent path already left behind me, and a new, thundering future just upon me. I am sure that many of us share this feeling of uncertainty with what may come next, that is why I invite you all to breathe in, breathe out, and cherish today. For this edition of Zeitgeist, explore as our club members proudly cherish their realities with their creative voices. As a 2021 Senior, I am proud to have been a part of the wonderful journey I’ve experienced in Zeitgeist Literary Magazine and APS. It is now time to close this chapter and strive for new adventures. In the blink of an eye, it will be your reality too. So live in the moment! It is the most powerful way to set aside all your worries and enjoy every single second of our lives, welcoming change with open arms. As always, I assure you that there will be an artistic piece in this magazine that will appeal to you. Sincerely, Claudia Figueroa-Pabón Editor-In-Chief 2020-2021

notions of a dreamer......... 5 in our hands.................... 6 forever with me................ 8 farewell once more............ 9 nostalgia......................... 10 peculiar way time moves... 13 boundless........................ 14 letter to past self............. 16 life after perpetuo............. 18 double digits.................... 20 questions.......................... 22 summer bucket list............ 26 playlist............................ 27

Alejandra Castro Ariana Viera Carolina Aguayo Catalina Echegoyen Claudia López Claudia Figueroa Estefanía Berio Lucía Garrido Mia González Pablo Ramírez Rocío Colón Tiare Sierra Ash Mercado Mariana Salinas

Club Moderator: Prof. Mari Vega Editor-in-Chief: Claudia Figueroa --> Lucia Garrido Assitant Editor: Lucia Garrido --> Estefania Berio Secretary: Carlos Mendez --> Carolina Aguayo Art Director: Claudia Lopez --> Catalina Echegoyen Graphic Designer: Tiare Sierra --> Rocio Colon

2020-2021 2021-2022


By: Alejandra Castro I want to be captivated I want to be left with the feeling of pure astonishment Not of a landscape or beautiful words that are flirted Nor a memory that makes me feel content. But to see something rare yet marvelous something that leaves you without a gasp of breath and nurtures your curiosity with intensity A moment so powerful that it distracts you from the fear of death I want to feel a connection so deep that I forget all the dark corners of the world And love warms my heart as I sleep when I’m lying, curled in my bed I want to be captivated and rendered speechless by something that stops my words because of its boldness

Song: Dreams from Yesterday - Mac DeMarco

Art by: Estefania Berio

By: José Mendez

Just when we get a hold of things The universe throws curveballs at us Everything starts to fall apart Things change like that, in an instant I like to believe there is a reason for it all

I couldn’t listen over their laughter Nobody noticed, we were in our own world Not much mattered at the moment We were rejoicing, but it came to an end I received the message and left As I approached the curb I felt my whole world fall apart It was all gone, nothing left This was not real; it didn’t feel real It had to be a dream; a nightmare

I remember those happy moments Not many worries at all, easygoing So different to what we know today Suffering, disappointment, and deception often come But we pull through, we always do I often ponder what could have been But that is no way to live Living is relishing the moment Making the most out of everything And learning from experiences The past does not dictate what is next “The past is history tomorrow is a mystery” Our destiny is one It’s up to us to create the right path

Song: Changes - David Bowie

By: Carolina Aguayo Death- an uncontrollable effect of living. my soil is forever blemished by the mark you left behind it is painful to remember, but beautiful to recall I can’t help but reminisce about the times I had alongside you. our secret conversations are engraved in my memory your love for me did not require a name, you never forgot I was your favorite one with a full heart you crossed the finish line needless to say you won the race Starting now, time will be forever in your favor but it is daunting for those who stay Please tell me you love me before you go I’ll tell you I love you before you leave -your favorite one

Song: Everywhere - Fleetwood Mac

By: Catalina Echegoyen The reason I hid it so suddenly I barely know Every word still clings Lying deep in my so forlorn heart Their delicacy and soft touch Still holds me tenderly Those delicate verses No matter how plain, how effortless Are each so distinctive, so personal And I can simply, never allow their leave So, I ask myself once more Why, If so dear and pure Did I hide it so suddenly Song: Sunrise Sunset - Perry Como

By: Mia Gonzalez & Estefania Berio It’s funny, isn't it ? Nostalgia. Strong feelings making a resurgence over a reality that’s long-gone. Longing for people that are no longer part of our lives. Vivid memories about the most impactful moments of our life. We make the sad seem more tragic than it really was and while we romanticize the good ones, I doubt they were half as great as I remember them. This may sound like a bit of a downer, I really don't mean for it to be, but think about it: chances are most of the people reading this are stressed out of their minds, but in ten years they’ll look back and describe “the good old high school days''. It's not a bad thing; it's more fun to look back and think about how fun life was back then than think about how miserable you were. Maybe it's some sort of coping mechanism. Even if it is, is that such a bad thing?

Art by: Catalina Echegoyen

People, thoughts and memories All things that can be left in the past Some purely by choice And others just didn't seem to last Sometimes it might hurt Having to leave something behind But if we never cease to be alert New things we can always find The past will never leave us No matter how hard we might try It’ll be there just because And never let us say a goodbye

Song: Future Nostalgia - Dua Lipa

Short stories SHORT STORIES (and other prompts)

By: Alejandra Castro The future is a very interesting topic. It moves in steady and silent steps that enables it to leave behind all the good memories of hiding in the shade during hot summers, and the excitement that came the day before the start of the school year. The moment you realize it has finally come, you are left with a hollowness inside you as if you were just ripped from a prized possession, but as time passes that emptiness starts to fill up again with new experiences and memories. Not replacing it, but striving for better. From there it goes on to a ruthless cycle of nostalgia. I guess it depends on how you see it. It’s either a bright, hopeful glow at the end of a tunnel, or a chance for the past to repeat itself. Like calls to like. But that's the interesting thing about it. You’ll never know. So pull up your boots and bring forward your best poker face because you have a long way to go. In the end, you decide whether the journey’s worth it or not. At least you moved forward. At least you made the best of the peculiar way time moves.

Song: my future - Billie Eilish Art by: Rocío Colón

By: Lucía Garrido Art by: Alexandra Aguayo

The clock struck twelve with a chime that reverberated throughout the city, causing a barely perceptible ripple that most ignored as they wound through the labyrinthine roads. I stood still amid the bustling marketplace filled with merchants and their carts, oracles waving stacks of brightly colored cards and women filling brown bags with the day’s groceries. It was always startling to be among them. People who lived pretending their actions had any meaning, who rushed despite the insignificance of Time. That was the problem, I thought, frowning at a businessman who kept glancing at his pocket watch. They cared too much about Time. The instruments they used to measure it were held too closely, valued to an extent beyond my comprehension. I almost laughed. It had been the same when I last ventured into the city, and it seemed they had not learned. It was one of the reasons I had strayed from them. I felt a light tap on my shoulder and the corners of my lips tugged upwards. “Yes?” “You’re supposed to be well underground by now.” I turned. “So are you.” I suppose it had been years, in mortal terms, since I had last heard his voice, seen his face. It hadn’t changed. I hadn’t expected it to.

“Have you done it, then?” I asked him, voice dripping with skepticism, although part of me hoped he had succeeded. A grim silence was his only answer. My voice softened, “I told you.” “She promised she had freed herself from it. I believed her.” His eyes drifted from mine. “Then Time etched lines at the corners of her eyes.” I lay a hand on his arm. “Was it her past?” He shook his head, “Her future.” Less common, but not unlikely. Time had used her fear of what was to come to keep her bound. “Are you ready to come away with me again?” He moved away, meeting my gaze again. “I want a future.” My blood chilled. He continued, “I want to live like they do. It’s trivial and fluctuating, but I want to feel like they do. I don’t care if it means I need to abide by Time, I’d rather play by its rules than not play at all.” “Your life will be finite.” “I know. That’ll make it worth living.” “I shouldn’t have let you come.” “I would’ve done it anyway.” My eyes flooded with tears, but I pushed against every impulse and turned on my heel. He didn’t follow me. People turned to stare as I stormed from the square, pulling my hood over my head. He had chosen Time over me. Over peace, quietude, and I realized- nothing. He had chosen Time over nothing. I wish I could destroy Time.

Song: Peace - Taylor Swift

By: Tiare Sierra It’s difficult to describe our high school years in mere words or phrases. A whole essay still wouldn’t be enough. The experience is not even close to what we are shown in TV shows and movies. There’s a 99% percent chance that you will be extremely disappointed during these four years if you’re basing your expectations off Wattpad stories. Having said this, there is no correct synopsis of the high school experience. At this point, you’re probably considering stopping reading this, lol. If you’ve decided to continue reading, keep in mind that these are recommendations, not commandments written in stone. Take them with a grain of salt. 1. Expectations are your biggest enemy: No expectations, no disappointments. Leave out the negative remarks you heard in the hallways about that one math teacher once you walk into their classroom for the first time. High school is what you make of it. 2. You do you: There’s a high chance that you will be pressured into participating in things you would normally boycott. This doesn’t only apply to the social scene—contextualize it in the school environment as well. You could be the influencer or the influenced. The decision lays on what type of character development you want.

3. The two roads: Undecided? Worried you might choose the wrong option? Don’t worry, remember that there is a quote for literally everything. When making decisions, you could take the more convenient perspective of “no regrets” or you could stay on the conservative side with “don’t do something that you’ll regret later.” In my opinion, stick with the first. It’s the riskiest, yet safest point of view. 4. Follow your gut: I know you want to have an impressive transcript. But do you want an impressive case of anxiety and depression? I don’t think so. Try not to overwork yourself. Stick to that gut feeling that churns your stomach at the thought of three (or more) AP classes in a single school year. 5. Make the best out of it: Do all it takes to laugh at the bad instances. Many times, the crummy moments surpass the pleasant ones. You can only revert this by making undesirable experiences memorable. Instead of crying over the 41% percent you got on your final, think about how irrelevant it will be five years later—laugh it off.

Song: Are You Satisfied? - MARINA

By: Harold Peón Graduating from high school is a quintessential bittersweet moment. For one, you’re excited to embark on the journey that’s the rest of your life; however, you’re also bidding farewell to most of what you’ve ever known. My life in Perpetuo began in kindergarten, and continued through my high school years without interruption, so graduating felt like I’d be losing a part of who I am. Perpetuo was as ingrained in me as I was involved in the school; yet, throughout the past year, I’ve learned that the lessons I learned at Perpetuo will really stick with me for the rest of my life. I would describe most of Perpetuo’s students as resilient, optimistic, and curious minds who always try their best to be a positive influence wherever they go. As such, I believe these particular traits I picked up throughout my thirteen years in Perpetuo enabled me to make the best of the experiences I’ve lived this past year. After graduating and applying to college, I decided to take a gap year, during which I originally planned to move to Taiwan and study Chinese. However, our departure was postponed from August to January due to the pandemic we’re all so familiar with by now.

Yet, Perpetuo taught me to be resilient, curious, and make the best of my time, so I decided to reach out to a few people who seemed friendly and were also taking gap years to ask them if they wanted to go on a cross-country road trip through the United States. What started with an Instagram message became reality, and before I knew it, I spent the first half of my gap year driving through the contiguous 48. Our car’s engine exploded in the middle of Yellowstone National Park, some of our AirBnBs looked very different to the pictures online, and we got very lost through back roads several times, but, as a true Perpetuano, I took all these moments as learning experiences through which I should persist and make the best of. Eventually, I made it to Taiwan, where I’ve been living the past few months, and have been taking Chinese classes and having a lot of fun. My time in Perpetuo prepared me for culture shock, made me tolerant towards different cultures, and has helped me make the best of this unique opportunity. Many words can accurately describe the past year, but it’s undeniably been a learning experience. My gap year taught me to take risks, from driving all over the country with strangers to dyeing my hair. It taught me the true diversity in our world, its vastness and how much I have yet to explore. It taught me that everything truly happens for a reason, even if that reason can be hard to find sometimes. Yet, all of these lessons are built on the foundation made by those I learned from at Perpetuo. I know this foundation will accompany me, and everyone who goes through the classrooms of Perpetuo, through college, adulthood, and beyond.

Song: Never Grow Up - Taylor Swift

By: Cecilia Rovira

“Why am I crying?”, my head pounds over and over with the same thought as I force a smile. Camera flashes surround me and the horrible song I grew to hate, grows louder and louder. “Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you”, I wanted to leave, disappear; I didn’t want to turn 10. The truth is, I feared growing up. As I sat in that tall chair, in my favorite pizza place, nobody seemed to notice my tears except for one person, my other self. It's the voice I call my inner coach. The one that started to tickle me on the inside and drew a smile on my face. The one who turned on and immediately flooded my mind with positive thoughts. The one that said "look around you with a new perspective - your friends are here to wish you an awesome new year." Most are already 10 and they probably had some fears as well, but you now have the opportunity to grow with them. Evolve - cry, laugh, cheer, sing, run, dance, shout, fall, fly, pray, jump, sleep, study, create. You have great friends and an amazing family to overcome your fears with, and a unique opportunity to grow courageous and bold together.

As I talked myself out of the fear of growing up, the birthday song's tune began to change; the traditional lyrics became words to cherish. I traveled in time, and when I blew out the tiny candles, the number 10 became a symbol. A decade of love had just passed by, and a new one had just begun. That afternoon, I understood that growth creates a stronger bond among those you love; that feeling vulnerable is being authentic. Once we recognize authenticity as an essential gift of life, it will be the reason we reach the 100th milestone.

Song: All Things Must Pass George Harrison

Rocío: I think so! I’ve tried to become the cool teen I admired when I was younger. Plus, I’m still into art and music! I even started playing an instrument, which I think younger me would have liked very much <3 Alejandra: I think so, I never really put much pressure on myself regarding what to be in the present. Not as much as I put on my future self. In all fairness, I now have higher expectations, and I consider that a good thing. Carolina: Yes, she would think I’m awesome! She’d be confused by how drastically my interests have changed, but she would admire me nonetheless. Mini Caro thought being a teenager was all the hype and would be disappointed to find out it is not all that great.

Ash: Yes. I think I am similar to the person they wanted me to be.

Catalina: I feel as if my 8-year-old self had far too many expectations of the person I could become, but still I think she might be proud. She would definitely be startled at how much life has changed, though pleased, hopefully, by my growth and resilience.

Lucía: My 8-year-old self would definitely be surprised at who I am right now. At first she would be too startled to be proud, but she would eventually see that I have grown a lot and that change should be welcomed sometimes. I think she would look up to me while at the same time being scared of becoming me.

Rocío: I think my older self will definitely have some regrets about my current decisions, as many older people do, but I still think they would be proud of me in their own way. It’s all about growth, I’m sure they’ll appreciate how much my current experiences will change me for the better. And if not, well, can’t worry about that now, I have more important things to do! Alejandra: Yeah, because I’m trying new things and trying my best to figure out who I want to be. So, I don’t think she would put it against me. In the end, she would understand that the mistakes I’ve made helped shape her as she is now. At least that’s what I tell myself to keep moving. Carolina: She would be proud of the path I’m taking and my ambition, but also get a good laugh at how naive I am. She would perceive me as determined, wild and free.

Ash: I hope so. I am not the type of person to regret the way I was in the past and I think future-me will still abide by that mindset. I think they know how hard I’m working and how hard I’m trying.

Catalina: My older self would definitely joke about the silly things that I constantly over think, whether it be about school, friendships or any minor occurrence in my daily life.

Lucía: My 80-year-old self would probably laugh at who I am right now. She would smile fondly remembering this stage in our path but also shake her head at how much I still have to learn. I think she would encourage me to live without regrets, so that's what I'm trying to do (emphasis on trying).

By: Ivanna Vidal 1. Get your second dose of the vaccine. 2. Wake up early to watch the sunrise. 3. Take a road trip around the island with your friends. 4. Bake a cake and have a picnic with your friends. 5. Blast the song of the summer in the car with the windows down. 6. Dance in the rain to your favorite song. 7. Read that book that’s been sitting on your shelf this whole year. 8. Try a new hobby. 9. Take 5 pictures every day of things that make you happy. 10. Spend time trying to learn something new about yourself.

Song: Summer and Breeze - Seals and Crofts

By: Catalina Echegoyen & Mia González

Songs: Never Grow Up - Taylor Swift Secret For The Mad - Dodie good 4 u - Olivia Rodrigo Yesterday - The Beatles my future - Billie Eilish Breakdown - Jack Johnson Lost In Yesterday - Tame Impala Perfect Day - Lou Reed This Time Tomorrow - The Kinks America - Simon & Garfunkel Are You Satisfied? - MARINA Everywhere - Fleetwood Mac Dreams from Yesterday - Mac DeMarco Future Nostalgia - Dua Lipa City Of Stars - Ryan Gosling, Emma Stone The Record Player Song - Daisy the Great Summer Breeze - Seals and Crofts Changes - David Bowie Over My Head - Fleetwood Mac

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Dear 2021 Seniors, We hope you continue to grow as you have this past arduous year. Your resilience and motivation have been an inspiration to us all. No matter the obstacle, especially this seemingly never-ending pandemic, you have never given up on your dreams and are always open to new ideas and possibilities. Thank you for the years you've spent with us, and we hope you never forget your past here in Perpetuo. We will miss you all dearly: your uniqueness, your strength, your joy. Thank you for making Zeitgeist the family that it is today. Much luck to all of you in your future, no matter what path it may lead you in! With love, your Zeitgeist family

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