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Learning Module

week 1.

week 3. The lesson for week three is about system of justice. Two main system of justice are adversarial system and inquisitorial system. During the lecture class, we analyzed the process and differences of the two systems as well as the advantages and disadvantages of the respective systems. Next, we followed up the lesson with a tutorial class where we learn the correct application of the topics learnt by answering questions. Tutorial classes makes us understand the topics even more as we learn to engage and relate it to real life situations with a reference of a case law.

In week 1, we have been provided with general informations of contents of the subject. This includes the lecturers, the chapters, the assessments, the reading and the strengths required to pass this subject with flying colours. We also were given the overview of the lesson plans, knowing what were the chapters to be learnt. We were briefed about the division of marks that contributes to our total grade of the subject followed by the compulsory books needed to keep up with the classes and syllabus. week 2. Week 2 is the first week of proper subject learning. We started with the first chapter according to our manuals, which is introduction to legal system of the world. We were provided with recorded materials in Google Classroom beforehand. During the lecture class of the second week, we were taught with the reference of prepared slides. This makes it easier for visual learners to engage with the content of the class whilst referring to the manual. For the tutorial session, we answered questions relating to the chapter learnt such as explaining the differences of legal systems and characteristics of each legal systems. The tutorial session keeps our memory fresh from what we have learnt in lecture.

week 4. In week 4 of our lecture class, we focused on the second half of chapter 2, which is about preliminary matters. There are five preliminary matters which are parties to the suit, locus standi, cause of actions, limitation period and remedies. The main function of preliminary matters is that in order to file a case against other parties, all five of these preliminary matters must be fulfilled. Next, in our tutorial class, we were exposed to tips of answering law based questions using the Issue, Law, Application and Conclusion (ILAC) formula. With the discussions made, we were able to come out with a proper answer to the question. This session prepared us to face the real exam typed questions that we will answer later on.

week 5. For the fifth week of learning, we moved further in the discussion with a new chapter which is classification of law. We first were briefed on the introduction to this chapter and the three main purposes of classification of law. Our lecturer then played a recording of the classifications which was divided into 7 different categories with each category having a pair but syariah law. For our tutorial class, we did an exercise of the stated topic with the slides provided. We worked together to identify the types and relevant laws that suits the scenario of the issue provided in the question. We also included a part of exercise based on the previous chapter which is the preliminary matters using the same scenario and issue of the previous question.

week 6. In week 6, we opened the book with a new chapter which is sources of law. Firstly, we were defined with the meaning of sources of law and the general definition is a place which something comes or is obtained. Next, we learnt about sources of Malaysian Law which includes Federal Constitution, State constitution, Legislation and Subsidiary Legislation. We followed the lesson with exploring the Federal Constitution. We were shown the schedules listed as well as the acts mentioned in the constitution. For the tutorial session, we did exercises on a few cases that required us to give the type of litigation and characteristics. This tutorial session familiarizes us with the formatting of the questions. We also were able to sharpen our learning skills overall.

week 7. We continued our seventh week of learning with the second part of sources of law. Under this part, we learnt the difference between types of bill as well as the differences between federal and state legislation. For part C, we scrutinized on the legislative process in Malaysia such as the article related to the process, the composition of parliament and two main stages of legislative process. Last but not least, we were explained about Subsidiary Legislation on two important parts which consists of reasons and modes of control. In our tutorial lesson, we were prepped for our mid term examination. Our lecturer recapped on how we should answer the questions given as well as proper instructions including the do-s and donts of the test.

week 8. The eighth week resumed after our mid semester break, a continuation of sources of law under subtopic unwritten sources. There are four major type or unwritten sources which are English Law, Customary Law, Judicial Precident and Syariah Law. A new discovery for us all as students, there are limitations of application of English Law. They are, absence of Local Legislation, Cut-off dates and Local circumstances. For our tutorial session, we were to explain how does the legislative process in Malaysia works. This has given us a major thought that keeps our brain working and we were engaging more on understanding the actual procedure rather than just memorizing the factual informations off of a book.

week 9 For the 9th week of learning, we finished up the remaining topics of chapter 4. We were taught about customary law that exists and still being practiced in Malaysia. Those laws are Adat Perpatih, Adat Temenggung, Chinese and Indian Custom, and Native Custom. We also learnt about Judicial Precedent including the vertical and horizontal way it works and types of each precedent. Last but not least, we learnt about Islamic Law and where the law holds in Malaysia. For the tutorial session, we were taught to construct two types of essay questions. First was about subsidiary legislation as well as the modes of controlling it which consists of 15 marks. The second question was explaining three types of judicial precedent with 6 marks to tick. This session makes us confident in answering essay questions in the future as well as enhancing our knowledge.

week 10 The lesson of week 10 were carried out by Madam Marina as our lecturer was not in pink of health. We began this week’s agenda with chapter 5 which is Legal Institutions. There are two categories of courts which are superior court and subordinate court. We also were taught to differentiate the difference between question of fact and question or law. We also learnt about composition and jurisdiction of superior court, federal court and court of appeal through a slide presentation. For our tutorial session, we were provided with multiple choice questions provided via google docs. Practice makes us perform better!

week 11 The lesson of week 11 was a continuation of the chapter Legal Institution. We were taught of the composition and three jurisdictions of High Court. Next, under the same chapter was Subordinate Courts which are Session Court and Magistrates Court. We learnt about the composition, jurisdiction as well as the level or class or the court. For the tutorial session, we discussed the answers to the previous questions answered via google form. The questions prepared was two sets of Multiple Choice Questions about the first half of the fifth chapter. This tutorial session is a dire need for us as we were able to clear our confusions of any given questions. Besides that, we definitely feel better with testing our understandings through tutorial sessions.


“TAHNIAH! Anda telah berjaya telah berjaya mengikuti program pengajian seperti berikut: Asasi Undang-Undang (UITM)”. These are the words on August 2021, particularly on 16/7/2021 that made my day, and hands down the best day of my life, and the beginning of my journey being a student at Uitm Dengkil. I was thrilled and nervous at the same time by the idea of going to campus and making new friends there but unfortunately, because of the Covid situation, students are required to stay at home and continue with online learning. But at the end of the day, I managed to make new friends. For me, overall I think that my classmates are really friendly and they are so kind because when I first joined the group chat that was created by my classmates, it does not feel strange at all. It felt like we already know each other because they answer all my questions regarding the course or what books should I buy and these little things made me feel closer to them even though we haven’t met yet. What I love the most about my classmates is they would never leave anyone hanging or wondering. If someone asks questions in the group chat, they would always answer it even if they are not really sure about it too because they did not want the person who asked the question to feel left out. “Find a group of people who challenge and inspire you” quoted Amy Poehler. I do think that I have found a group of people within my class that always push me to always do my best and I constantly work hard in order to be a better version of myself. We always help each other out regarding our assignments or any topics that were hard to understand. Besides academic stuff, we would just hang out at discord and share our high school experiences and we talked for hours. Their presence made my university life even more fun and less stressful even though I really hate online classes. Overall, I am forever grateful to my classmates and I hope that I can meet them at the campus for semester 2.


Based on what we experienced, the whole learning process was fun, exciting and interesting. However, we will not run from the fact that it was tiring and at times where we felt burned out catching up with all the classes and assignments. Luckily, we were very grateful for the help and guidance from our lecturer, Sir Safri himself. There are times when we got very confused on how to start doing the assignments given, and that is the time where Sir Safri will guide us by explaining in the whatsapp group on how to properly do the tasks assigned. During the first week of lecture, I was very confused on how university life works, especially with online distance learning (ODL). It gets very confusing at times, we couldn’t even differentiate and understand what does “tutorial” and “lecture” mean. To be brutally honest, I thought they were the same since the one who’s teaching is the same. After some times, we got to wrap our heads around the learning process. We find out that tutorial classes in a way is very helpful especially for some students who are afraid to ask questions in large audiences since tutorial sessions are between classmates and Sir Safri only. The tutorial sessions are very interactive too so I’m glad that we can interact with each other in a very calm manner. For me, I think all the lessons were well conducted as it is very systematic. From the attendance to the class platform. We don’t have to worry about our attendance as we use UFUTURE to mark our attendance and get the link to lecture and tutorial sessions. I like how well organized the system is as we don't have to worry about missing out on anything as there are only three platforms used which is Google Classroom, UFUTURE and whatsapp. If I were to divide it to respective weeks, week 1-week 4 was very confusing. We had to take some time to comprehend everything that was going on and during week 5-11, things got better and things have started to make sense. It was a very slow progress, but it was fun! Though some assignments were very tough as we barely get to see each other and communicate, everything went well.

After some times learning law subjects, I viewed things differently and have a greater understanding of general knowledge on various things. I was thinking of what to write if there should be any improvement to make in the future, but I realised i'm already satisfied with the system here given we could only do online classes. We would like to say,

THANK YOU Sir Safri and everyone in UiTM!

students of U07

sir safri

"for your focus, participation and commitment"

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