past simple

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INSTRUCTION: Listen to the recording the verbs you hear are in bare form. You have to complete the following extract with the verbs in past simple tense in their correct form.

Student’s name: Zahid Onofre Morales ____________________ Grade: _2___Group:__”C”__

collective noun as a single entity

Last night I _had____ a nightmare, all my family ____were_____ asleep and I woke up because I __needed____



to go to the bathroom. Then, I ____go_____ to the kitchen, ____take______ a knife, because I__thought______

I ______saw_____ something. My sister woke up too, and she ___told______ me to look everywhere.

Minutes later my parents woke up too, they ___asked_____ us: ________did you see_____________ (you) something?

It ____were____ nothing. So, we ____did not do___ (not) much about it, and finally we __went_______ to bed again!

NOTE: In order to help you, I am writing you some verbs that are included in the audio, so you can choose the correct verbs from the list below. eat say go live be

talk make watch have do

think leave know writes see

SCORE: 6.2

learn look live take buy

help ask want tell need

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