Diary October 23

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Summer Fair

Our third summer fair went extremely well considering the weather. There were 23 stalls selling a variety of items – home baking, jewellery, crafts, raffle, cards, home scents, home produce, and plants as well as free face painting and Crafts for the children and BBQ, cakes, teas and coffee. And last but not least the “Hillend Bake-Off” run by the Hillend Tavern. Bake off challenge was cupcake or cookie – 1st Trish Begg, 2nd Emma Connor, 3rd Laura Napier

Also, on the day our judge Andrew Govan had a difficult task choosing both the winner of the adult and children section of the “Totem Pole”. What a tremendous effort from the village residents and the totem poles were absolutely fabulous with 15 entries in total.

Adult Totem Pole – 1st Disney (Liz Smart), 2nd Hiawatha (Billy Balfour) and 3rd Hilda (Angela McArthur)

Children’s Totem Pole – 1st Wiki Tiki, 2nd Animals and 3rd Rainbow Teddies

Andrew’s day however was not over as he also walked around the village and judged Best Front of House display.

Best Front of House – 1st 5a Main Street, 2nd 8 Scots Mill Place and 3rd 11 Main Street West.

Thank you to all our stall holders, everyone who donated prizes and items for sale, all our helpers and to all who came along on the day to support us.

Spring Bulbs and Winter Bedding

We have added a few more spring bulbs and planted up our winter bedding in our planters. With the help of residents in the village these were all planted up at the beginning of October.

Halloween Pumpkin Competition

This year we will again be running a pumpkin competition. Judging will take place in the afternoon of Sunday 29th October. Angela McArthur has kindly donated a Halloween decorative bottle as a prize. Have your pumpkin or turnip on your doorstep or in your window by 1pm on the 29th.

Hillend Village Calendar 2024

The 2024 calendar is now on sale at £8 each again themed on the village past and present. A huge thank you to all of our sponsors. All proceeds will go towards the Hillend Community Hub funds. There will be a stall at the post box on Sunday 29th October and also Sunday 5th November between 2pm and 3pm to purchase. Or if anyone wishes to reserve a copy contact me on 07720 944490 or email h110ruh@yahoo.co.uk

Xmas Raffle

Again, to raise money to purchase our Christmas tree and lights we will be holding a Christmas Hamper Raffle. Tickets will be available to purchase along with the calendars on the dates above. We will continue to advertise everything through our Facebook page, Dalgety Bay and Hillend Diary and the notice board next to post box. Please watch the noticeboard for the most up to date information.

All residents and anyone with an interest in the village please join our Facebook Page the Hillend Hub – Our Community Page


We are looking for someone to oversee the entries for The Diary. This is a once a month job that takes 2-3 hours.

You do not have to be a member of the Community Council but should have a good standard of written English.

Please contact


NEWSLETTER OCTOBER 2023 1 NEWSLETTER www.dalgetybayandhillend.org

your local council ...up to the minute

All our public meetings are held in The Kabin at 7pm on the first Monday of the month. Our next public meetings are on:-

Monday 2nd October

Monday 6th November

Monday 4th December

If you would like to participate in a meeting, you should contact: secretary@dbhcc.org.uk


Attendees: Anja G (AnG), Peter F(PF), Phillip L (PL), Steven L (SL) Brian J (BJ), John R (JR), Louise B (LB), Louise G (LG) Cllr Sarah Neale (SL), Cllr Dave Dempsey (DD), Cllr David Barratt (DB), Public: 5 public in attendance

Apologies: Dij MD (DMD), Cllr Patrick Brown, Alastair G and Zack N

Declarations: PL and BJ for Trust

2.Police Report

No police report available.

3.Public Forum

The Orchard – ward councillors to follow up – could be included in Dalgety Bay in Bloom maintenance

St David’s Waterfront unsocial behaviour/noise – ward councillors to follow up.

Edinburgh Airport – next block of funding applications now open.

Edinburgh Airport – LG gave an update on the recent noise board meeting and future consultation (2024)

4.Approval of Minutes and Monthly Accounts

5.Correspondence and Local Issues

Motorbikes on the coastal path

It was reported on the local FB pages on the 27/8/23 that two youths were riding motor-cycles on the path between Str David’s and Inverkeithing. DB discussed the possibility of placing bollards at each end and talking to Fife Coast and Countryside Trust about it.

PL mentioned the incidents at the avenue where pedestrians were complaining about the speed and lack of bell ringing from the cyclists on the Avenue. It was agreed to monitor this as there will be new signage being deployed at both ends.

Empty units at Tesco – Post Office

AG asked the local Ward Councillors if there were any updates on the empty units at Tesco and if there was any news about a replacement P/O. This led to a discussion between all present, including members of the public around the rents have been recently decreased by Tesco, as reported in the local press, but that Fife Council had not, in turn reviewed the rateable value. Meaning that any potential businesses would need to take the chance that the rates would be reviewed on an appeal which would not encourage any traders therefore stifling opportunity. A suggestion was made that we could encourage residents to write in and canvass Fife Council to act now. It was agreed to consider a template letter to enable this.

Currently nothing to report on any potential businesses taking on the Post Office and DD said that whilst the outcome of the P/O that he would hold off asking about a Bank Hub again.

Clockluinie Road Junction

It was noted that although the grass has been cut around the junction nothing had been done about the overgrowth that was

affecting the sight lines as you turn left to Inverkeithing, The Ward Councillors agreed to take this issue forward.

Road access at the proposed steading on the A921

AG asked the councillors if there was any consideration given to extending the 40mph speed limit, currently between the Gateway Roundabout and the Eastern Access junction to beyond the 4 Lums and Moss Cottages which would take into account the zone of the proposed access to the new development at Couston Farm. We were concerned that the sightlines for both the residents and current users of the road could lead to accidents if the 60mph remains. The ward councillors advised that there was still an opportunity to raise our concerns as the development continues its path through planning where we could also look at advisory signage and drainage with run off from the development.

Ross Plantation Fence

The ward councillors were asked again about the broken fence repairs across from Jubilee Park. DD had contacted the council about it but was informed that no action would be taken as it sits on Barratt owned land. PF reminded him that it was Fife Council who installed the fence about 8 years ago and the ward councillors will now go back to Fife Council to consider again. Safety around the garden walls at Hillside and Letham

The CC are still concerned about the leaning pillar at Letham and the retaining wall at Hillside and the removal of Heras Fencing. DB believes the fencing removal at parts of the wall is due to those parts being made safe, but he would check in with the officer who completes the regular safety checks on both site and ask for an update.

From the start of each month a full digital version of The Diary can be found at the community council website: www.dalgetybayandhillend.org and the following Facebook pages Dalgety Bay & Hillend Community Council, What's Happening Dalgety Bay and the Dalgety Bay Billboard Door to door Diary distribution is undertaken by Fast & Friendly For any Distribution issues please contact: GRAHAM LIVINGSTONE Please email: sendgraham2@gmail.com

Crash Barrier at Gateway Roundabout

It was raised with the ward councillors that the fence has still not been repaired, DB will check to see what the holdup is.

Reflective Road Signage

The CC has asked how to resolve the high volume of broken or bent over reflective signs at the top of Link Rd, Co-op central, Sports Centre, Central Way, and Aldi. The Ward Councillors advised to use the same link to report potholes but select other and list them there. CC will post this on our FB page.

Mossmorran Flaring Reduction Update

PF advised that he had recently attended the Safety meeting at the plant and has been advised that all the planned works have now been completed and that other than safety checks or testing residents will notice a significant reduction on flaring from the site. SEPA informed the meeting that their Air Quality checks have shown that the surrounding air condition results are excellent. PF asked the safety committee to consider lodging the frequent reports at the local library to allow residents access, this is being considered.

High School Update

AG had noted that on the 24/8 the Dunfermline Press reported that on the latest engagement survey regarding the High School move that most of the responders are against it and asked the Ward Councillors what the next steps will be.

The Ward Councillors are against the move but went on to explain that although the decision has been made to move the new school to Rosyth the Education Dept legally had to instigate this further round of engagement, but it will not alter the decision. There was further discussion around the traffic congestion likely at the new site, the increase in volume of children needing transported to the school and the future safeguarding of the community wing at Inverkeithing.


AG will upload the accounts to Slack. Annual accounts with auditor at present.

7.Community Council

Longhill Bench and Noticeboard update.

Bench: tarmac of area for bench rejected, although this was not the original plan. Slabbing of the area of area for the bench is what is needed. No contact as yet received from FC as to when this can be done. In the meantime bench is still in storage. Cllr DB

to chase up.

NoticeBoard: Application for funding has been lodged and awaiting outcome.

Tennis Club Tree Update: work has not been completed and contractor has not been in touch with the CC as to when completion due. AnG to email.

Signage update: Application is to be made to the Community Recovery Fund, estimated cost is thought to be around £35,000, quotes have been requested. SL to meet with Cllr DB and AnG to complete form and submit. Other areas for potential funding are Exxon (£500), Shell (£500) and Edinburgh airport (up-to £7,000). Also potential use of residual MuirDean fund subject to CC approval.

Create Activity Log: It was agreed that a Activity Log should be created, as it appears items are appearing at many meetings with no resolution and creating a log would focus the minds of the CC on items where no resolution has been logged. This log would also be used a correspondence log.

An example was shown to the CC of Burntisland Community 5-year Action plan for the Community and this something the CC should strive for. DB stated that many of the CCs in Southwest Fife had received help in this area and Dalgety Bay would be coming along the line soon.

Email Addresses for CC Members: Currently all CC members are using their Personal Email Addresses for Council Business. The CC is in the process of setting up email addresses for each post holder and all CC business will need to be conducted through that in the future.

Cllr DB noted that some CC use a generic Hotmail account and suggested that a Hotmail account could be set up for all users instead of individual accounts.

8.Councillors’ Reports

Cllr Dempsey said he was looking into the late running Fordell to Donibristle Primary School bus and the newly sprouting telegraph poles. He also mentioned that the new lamppost in Longhill Park that sticks up into a tree would get sorted. He noted that the structure on the edge of the Link Road was not classed as a building and the trees between Dalgety Bay Primary School and the path had been trimmed but the rest of the path has still to be sorted out. He also attend Scottish Water’s Annual Consultative Meeting and again raised the connection issue at Longhill Park.

Cllr Barratt mentioned assisting the Hillend Hub residents group with developing proposals for an improved civic space/ village green behind the play park which is currently getting refurbished. He also noted that the remediation works at the Sailing Club are finishing up but that there were concerns regarding the change to restoration plans as well as residents concerns for protected red squirrels. Cllr Neal discussed the need to resolve the maintenance of the planters including confirming a constitution for the group. She is also exploring the timescale for repairs on Moray Way which will be confirmed at the next Area Committee meeting. Vehicles driving along The Avenue have also been raised by residents which she is looking at a variety of solutions for and continues to work to increase litter picking along the A921 to support volunteers.


Next public meeting –Monday 2nd October, 7pm, The Kabin. Agenda items to: secretary@dbhcc.org by 25/9/23.


The closing date for receipt of all input for that issue is: MIDNIGHT ON 10th OCTOBER 2023

YOUR DIARY INPUT - please email to: alistair58.am@gmail.com This includes letters, articles, photographs or any information. Handwritten/typed articles can be sent or delivered to the Diary Co-ordinator, Alistair. Please phone: 07895 038866 for address details. ADVERTISING matters - please contact: AVRIL or CHIC (Diary Adverts) Phone 01383 620919 or email: kirsty@printingservicesfife.com
COMMUNITY COUNCIL matters - please email: secretary@dbhcc.org.uk

Happy October everyone

The 24 March 2024 is our 200th year of saving lives. From autumn 2023 and throughout 2024 we will be commemorating our past, celebrating the RNLI of today and inspiring the next generation of lifesavers, with a unique programme of RNLI 200 activity.

How do you convey what that moment of rescue feels like?

How do you explain what it’s like to witness a loved one risking their life for others?

How do you tell the story of 200 years of lifesaving?

On Friday 18 August the RNLI launched their 200 Voices podcast. Every single day until our 200th birthday on March 4, a new episode will be launched featuring a different voice. This may be a crew member or someone who has been saved by the RNLI. The aim is to use this platform to reach a broad audience from around the world, share vital lifesaving messages, commemorate those that have dedicated their time to lifesaving, as well as raise public awareness of the RNLI. The podcast is a really great thing to listen to on your way to work, get you inspired and then go and tell other people about it….. 200 Voices is available via RNLI.org/200Voices or wherever you get your podcasts.

Autumn 2023 sees the launch of our RNLI200 themed retail range. While you are browsing the RNLI shop have a look at our Christmas cards and 2024 diaries and calendars. The recent Hillend Summer Fair was amazing, despite the weather, and thanks to the success of voluntary plantswoman Joyce McConville, £593.50 was raised. We thank the people of Hillend and Dalgety Bay and Dalgety Bay Parish Church for their support over the summer.

Future events

· 28 October. Craft Fair Dalgety Bay Parish Church

· 11 November. Kingswood Shopping Event

A number of other Christmas events are in the diary and can be found on Face Book Kinghorn RNLI Lifeboats. With our 200th anniversary round the corner we would love to recruit more volunteers from Dalgety Bay, please drop us an e-mail to find out how you can help fundraisers@kinghorn.org.uk

Hope everyone is well.

Stay safe and respect the water.

Plastic-Free Dalgety Bay


Whether it’s tea bags, dog waste bags, food caddy liners or magazine wrappers, many products are now marketed as “home compostable”, leading consumers to believe they are more sustainable than the single-use plastics they are replacing. In most cases, this is pure greenwash.

Home compostables are described as “plant-based”. This usually means they are made from PLA, which is made from things like corn starch or sugar cane. But it is still chemically a plastic (polyester). Research at UCL found that up to 60% of items certified as home compostable hadn’t broken down after two years in home composting settings. This is partly because everyone’s compost heap is different, and partly because the certification happens in laboratory conditions, not the real world. Even if you do manage to successfully compost these items, UCL also expressed concerns about the unknown health impacts of the dyes and glues in these products – they recommend the compost should only be used for ornamental plants, not for growing food.

But most “compostables” will never find their way onto a compost heap. Less than a third of households have the ability to compost (i.e. space), while far fewer actually do, e.g. due to lack of time or interest. So what happens to “compostables” that don’t go on a compost heap? They go to landfill, where they don’t break down any more than other plastics, as the conditions aren’t right. Take dog waste bags. Many people buy them thinking they are a sustainable choice. But if, like most people, you put them in a public bin, they will go to landfill where they won’t compost. You can’t put them in your brown bin due to the danger of spreading disease. And if you do try to compost them at home, you can only use the results for non-edible plants. So only a tiny fraction of these bags will ever actually become usable compost. Moreover, their carbon footprint is approximately 5-6 times higher than bags made from 100% recycled post-consumer waste (https://www.becopets.com/blogs/impact/which-bagcompostable-or-recycled). So, it’s actually far more sustainable to use recycled plastic bags, even though these too will end up in landfill.

Plastic-Free Dalgety Bay and other plastic-free communities recently met with Scottish Government officials to discuss these issues and make the case for strict rules on the marketing of compostables.

Facebook: Plastic-Free Dalgety Bay

“While we take reasonable steps to check our advertisers are bona fide, readers should carry out their own checks before entering into any contract or arrangement”. 5 Helen Todd B.Sc. (Hons) HCPC/STATE REGISTERED CHIROPODIST Telephone 822278 Email: helentodd66@hotmail.com Text: 07708784276 Clinic: 18 Inchmickery Road, Dalgety Bay DALGETY BAY FOOT CLINIC Russell’s Landscapes Ground and Building Works DALGETY BAY ALL TRADES SUPPLIED • Mono Block Driveways • Slabbing • Artificial Grass & Turfing • Fencing • Decking • Stump Removal • Brick/Stonework • Garage and Shed Re-felting • Ground Maintenance • Drainage • Power Washing Service • Mono Block Resanding • Decking Re-Oiled/ Stained All aspects of Landscaping 07984 253013 Find us on Facebook a.e.t. home improvements and decorating Call Emily or Thomas for a free quote: 01383 825144 or 07714 100058 Quality workmanship offering full references on request Fully Insured • Kitchens & Bathrooms • Garages & Porches • Extensions & Conversions • Flooring (Wood & Laminate) • Painting & Decorating • Wallpaper Hanging • Interior & Exterior • Coving Insurance Work Welcome

Once again, the Gala team are working in partnership with The Dalgety Community Trust and Dalgety Parish Church to bring you a Community Christmas Event on 2nd December.

Marie Curie Fundraising Event

To help raise funds for Marie Curie, our local folk group, After 8 Mince are holding a “gig” in The Compass on Friday 27th October from 8pm-10pm. Raffle prizes to be won.

Entry £10

All Welcome

Fife Councillors for Ward 6

Inverkeithing and Dalgety Bay

Cllr. Patrick Browne



Cllr. Dave Dempsey


01383 415022 or 07585 112996

No fixed surgeries, preferring to meet at a time and place to suit you. Call any day between 10am and 10pm, leaving a message if no reply.


Cllr. Sarah Neal

The event will include a Christmas craft fair, Santas Grotto (pre booking required), a tearoom offering home baking & refreshments and festive musical entertainment throughout the day.

The Gala Team will be opening bookings for the Grotto in mid-October so keep an eye on our Facebook page.

For anyone interested in booking a stall at the craft fair there will be an online booking form available on the Dalgety Community Trust’s Facebook Page from mid-October or contact the Trust directly.

As always, we need help to run the tearoom at this event. If you are available on 2nd December for a few hours and would like to volunteer, please contact the Gala team on Facebook messenger or dalgetybaygala@gmail.com



Cllr. David Barratt



Cllrs. Neal & Barratt hold a joint surgery in Dalgety Bay from 6:30pm at the Kabin prior to each Community Council meeting on the 1st Monday of the month.

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Dalgety Bay Bowling Club


Our internal knockout competitions are almost over with the finals played in September. As we approach the end of our season, the Ladies v Gents competition is the last to be played on 7 October. Our rescheduled Anniversary Competition held on 5 August was won by the President’s team of Terry Hood, James Salkeld, Tom Ferguson and Geoff Evans. Big thanks to all the teams who supported this event. Our Dave Shepherd Balloted Triples held on 13 August was won by Billy Worthing, Alex Forrest and Hannah McGrory.Our Open Triples Competition held 26 August was won by a team from Linlithgow Bowling Club – thanks to all the teams who supported this event.

A presentation evening will be held in the clubhouse on the 17 November to celebrate the members who have won trophies at the club this year.


Congratulations to our Ladies League Team C of Angela Macdonald, Pat Walker and Isabel McAllister who won the 2023 West Fife Ladies League Cup title.


Many thanks to the following companies for their sponsorship this year: Specsavers, Crosbie Matthew, REM, Dundonald Shopfitting and STS. Although the outdoor bowling season is over, please contact Club Secretary if you are interested in supporting or sponsoring our Club.


We were proud to handover the funds raised for our 2023 nominated charity, My Name’5 Doddie, in aid of MND. Big thank you to our social committee and our generous members who participated in our race night held in July.


These are held in the clubhouse every Wednesday from 10am to 12 noon –tea or coffee plus a refill and a cake for only £2.50. No membership or booking required.


Our bar is open every Friday night from 7pm. Come down and enjoy a drink to start the weekend - non-members welcome. Our next social event is Linda Sings for You on Sat 14 October. This cover artist sings songs from across the decades including Abba, Eagles and Queen plus much more. Fortnightly Thursday evening bingo is on 5 and 19 October- door and bar open at 7pm. No need to book, please just turn up. Our Saturday Jackpot snowball bingo is on 30 September and 28 October – members only and booking is required. https://www.facebook.com/DalgetyBayBowlingClub


Please direct any enquiries to DBBC Club Secretary, Sarah McCluskey Mob: 07941 401947 Email: sec.dbbc@gmail.com

Dalgety Bay Folk Club

With the autumn season fully into swing now the October gig, on Friday 13 Dalgety Bay Folk Club are presenting Rebecca Connelly, a singer / song writer from Arbroath. Rebecca is an award-winning singer/song writer who has been performing music in the UK and USA for over 15 years bringing passion and determination to all aspects of her music career. This will be her first visit to the club and hopefully there will be a good turnout. Entry is by prepaid tickets priced £5-00 for members and £10-00 for nonmembers, but can also be reserved and paid on the night, priced £6-00 for members and £12-00 for non-members, can be obtained by contacting db01folkclub@gmail.com via email or through the website www.dbfolkclub.co.uk

Moving forward to November, on Friday 17 we are pleased to welcome first time visitors to our club, Stoke-on Trent based folk duo Paul Walker and Karen Pfeiffer. They are an AngloGerman combo, much in demand both in the UK and in Europe playing in theatres, folk clubs and many a festival as well. Whilst Paul Walker & Karen Pfeiffer are acclaimed for their image provoking songwriting, expressive vocals and authentic musicianship, they are frequently recalled for their warmth, humour and their remarkable ability to engage with their audience.

Karen’s natural theatricality and life affirming playful energy compliment charmingly with Paul’s calm geniality and combined they magically turn a great performance into a real event.

Entry is by prepaid tickets priced £5-00 for members and £1000 for non-members, but can also be reserved and paid on the night, priced £6-00 for members and £12-00 for non-members, can be obtained by contacting db01folkclub@gmail.com via email or through the website www.dbfolkclub.co.uk

Further details of the acts, ticket prices and booking availability can be obtained by contacting db01folkclub@gmail.com via email or through the website www.dbfolkclub.co.uk

As always, the Folk Club meet at Hugo’s Pavilion Regents Way Dalgety Bay where a selection of freshly cooked food is available pre-gig, together with a wide choice of beers, wines and spirits, so why not make a night of it.

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DBHS Annual Show Results 2023

Here are the results of Dalgety Bay Horticultural Society (DBHS) 48th Annual Show held on Saturday 2 September 2023:

Closed Sections: Confined Vegetables: Dalgety Quaich, P Brennan; Confined Flowers: DBHS Members Trophy, I & A Rennie; Confined Pot Plants: Maureen Trotter Memorial Trophy: I Bryson; Most Points in Confined Sections 1,2 and 3: DBHS Championship Quaich, I & A Rennie; Confined Industrial: Joe Meldrum Trophy, G Shah; Open Sections: Vegetables: Prathouse Farm Trophy, K Brand; Best Vegetable entry: NVS Medal, K Brand; Fruit: Millennium Quaich, D & D Baty; Herbs: DBHS Silver Jubilee Quaich, I & A Rennie; Cut Flowers: Herbaceous & Annuals: Rosenbaum Bowl, K Brand; Roses: Stewart Rose Bowl, I & A Rennie; Carnations: Carnation Bowl, I & A Rennie; Chrysanthemum: Wee Glasshouse Bowl, A Davidson; Dahlia: Garden Plan-It Trophy, G & W Bennet; Sweet Peas: Society Quaich, I & A Rennie; Gladioli: Conway Bowl, K Brand; Most Points in Cut Flowers Sections 8 to 14: BAE Systems (Dalgety Bay) Trophy, G & W Bennet; Fuchsia: Douglas Boath Memorial Trophy, A Stirling; Pot Plants: Anniversary Cup, A N Weepers; Alpines: MJG Bowl, P Gourlay; Cacti & Succulents: Pitcairns Trophy, R Arnott; Begonia: D & J Forrester Trophy, R Bryson; Bonsai: DBHS Decanter, W MacDonald; Most Points in Pot Plants Sections 15 to 20: Bruce Shaw Ltd Trophy, A N Weepers; Most 1st Placed Entries in Sections 5 to 20: Printing Services Show Champions Shield, K Brand; Floral Art: DBHS Silver Jubilee Plate, M Haynes; Floral Displays: Sign Plus Trophy, G & W Bennet; Wines & Beers: D H Chalmers Trophy, S Sheail; Baking & Sweets: Lambert Trophy, F Gray; Preserves: Dalgety Bay Sports & Social Club Trophy, F Gray: Handicrafts (Traditional): Scothomes Trophy, I Mayes; Handicrafts (Contemporary): Curtis Motors Trophy, I Mayes; Most Points in Industrious Sections 24 to 27: DBHS 2006 Trophy, F Gray; Photography: Rebecca Lee Photography Trophy, B McCance; Nursing and Residential Homes: Broon Trophy, Alexander House, Crossgates; Novice: St David’s Quaich, J Gray; Green & Recycled: Laughlan-Deans Trophy, M Mayes; Just for Fun: Pat and Pat Bacon Fun Cup, G & W Bennet; Young Gardeners: DBHS Young Gardeners Cup, E Wood; Young Photographers: DBHS Young Photographers Cup, E Henderson; Local Groups: PJG Trowel Trophy, 1st Dalgety Bay Rainbows; Schools: Community Council Schools Cup, Dalgety Bay Primary School; Allotments: DBHS Allotments Cup, G & M Buick; Fabulous Florals: Crosbie Matthew Trophy, K Brand; DBHS Top Tray: A & M Sherry DBHS Top Tray, P Brennan; DBHS Top Vase: A & M Sherry DBHS Top Vase, D & D Baty; Choice of the Sponsor: DBHS Sponsor’s Trophy, Susan Masson; Special Trophy to mark the King’s Coronation: Imogen Sutherland.

Our sponsor this year was Viv McBride from The Artful Bear. Viv has been a Sponsor in the DBHS Annual Show Schedule for a good few years now and did a lovely job presenting the trophies. She was presented with a replica of the Sponsor’s Choice Trophy. The Young Gardeners and Young Photographers trophies were presented by members from the Gala Royal Party. They carried out their tasks with great dignity, as you would expect. The Gala provided a voucher for the winner of each of the two sections they presented.

The Word Search this year was won by Elizabeth Marshall. Thank you to all those who entered. Tickets for the show are sold at the door of the Community Centre and at the door of the church. In each bundle is a red ticket. When these tickets are sold, the entrant is given a spot prize. DBHS was donated a couple of bottles of “good” whisky, in boxes and these were used for the spot prizes this year.

It was a successful show, entries were good, and we couldn’t have had better weather. There were plenty of visitors and many compliments about the show were received. We had six trade gazebos and they all seemed pleased enough. Once again, the Gala Committee ran a very successful tea room. It always seemed busy when I was in there. They will be asked to join us again next year. Let’s hope it will be a long and happy partnership. Volunteers to lift and shift before and after the show were thin on the ground. We did not get finished until half past eight on Saturday. However, thank you to all the volunteers who did help and thank you and well done to all the exhibitors. We will see you next year.

Our next meeting is a talk by Izzy Brown about the work of Rotary Forth Bridges. It is not, perhaps, a horticultural subject but will be interesting. This will take place on Friday 6 October 2023 at 7pm in Dalgety Bay Community Centre. Come along. You will be welcome.


“While we take reasonable steps to check our advertisers are bona fide, readers should carry out their own checks before entering into any contract or arrangement”.


Dalgety Parish Church

Come and join us for worship every Sunday morning at 10:30am. The service is also live streamed on YouTube and is available to watch later.

After the service on the first Sunday of each month our Fair Trade stall will be open. Come and buy your coffee, chocolate and a range of other Fair Trade products.

There will be a Remembrance Service on Sunday 12 November. We begin our worship outside at the war memorial at 10.45am, with the laying of wreaths after the Act of Remembrance and for those who wish we continue our worship inside.

Midweek Communion each month will be on the second Wednesday at 7pm. All are very welcome for these short reflective services. We also hold Evening Reflective Services on the last Sunday of the month at 7pm.

Our Bereavement Group meets on the second and last Thursdays each month at 1011.30am for anyone to drop in for company and a chat over refreshments. On November

5 our Time to Remember Service is at 3pm. This is for any who are grieving, for whom the year has been tough (or indeed years!); a quiet service to remember and acknowledge our sadness and, amongst others feeling similar emotions, hear of God’s love.

Our Youth Evenings (Fridays 6.30-8pm) are open to all High School age. They offer a safe space for folk to gather with the option to play badminton, table tennis, board games, or just come and chat. For the younger ones, we host a Story telling session for 0 – 5-year-olds from 10:30 to 11am on Tuesday mornings, with the option of tea and coffee afterwards at Cafe Connect.

Anyone with dementia is welcome to come with a friend or carer to join us at the Sunshine Group for refreshments followed by singing to a live band. Join us 2-4pm on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of each month.

The Guild meets on the first and third Wednesday in the month, with a variety of speakers and activities.

If you need to organise a wedding, funeral or would like to know more about baptism or would simply like a chat, you are welcome to contact the acting Minister through our Church Office.


St Columba’s Episcopal Church Aberdour

part of All Souls Fife.

Cornerstone Full Gospel Church


(a Bible-based Church)

Please join us in Cornerstone Church for our Sunday morning service at 11am

We continue to pray for the health and safety of our community in these times.

Ladies’ Meetings:

We are part of the All Souls Fife group of Episcopal churches –St Columba’s in Aberdour, St Peter’s in Inverkeithing and St Fillan’s in Burntisland.

We hold a traditional sung communion service here at St Columba’s Church in Aberdour at 11am every Sunday to which you are welcome.

We are still collecting clothes, shoes, bags and belts which are recycled and sent abroad. If you have any offerings and can bring them to church prior to our Sunday service, this would be ideal.

We continue to pray for our brothers and sisters in Ukraine and Sudan, for those still affected by other natural and man-made disasters and for all seafarers who bring us 90% of what we have in our homes who are away from their families for long periods of time, working often under difficult conditions. Please remember them too.

Telephone 01383 410 442 jeremy.hawkings@sky.com

·The Craft and Much More meetings take place in the Kabin on Wednesdays from 1pm to 3pm.

Bible Study Home Group

·Thursdays at 10.30am in Dunfermline

·Thursdays at 7pm in Dunfermline (attendance via Teams is optional)

Sunday Service

·Our Sunday service takes place at Cornerstone Church at 11am. On the first Sunday of each month, the service includes Communion. We meet only once on Sunday.

Prayer Meeting

·The weekly prayer meeting takes place in Dunfermline on Tuesday evenings at 7pm.

For further details regarding any of the above, please contact the church office on telephone number

07738-448133 or email


Please visit our website: www.cornerstonechurchdalgetybay.co.uk

13 “While we take reasonable steps to check our advertisers are bona fide, readers should carry out their own checks before entering into any contract or arrangement”. -Ground Works & Drainage -Landscaping -Fencing -Tree Work -Paving -Turfing -Mono Block Driveways Dalgety Parish Church Regent Way, Dalgety Bay KY11 9UY Classes Weekly on Wednesdays 11.45 to 12.45pm Dunfermline East Church Nightingale Place, Dunfermline KY11 8LW Classes Weekly on Tuesdays 2.15 to 3.15pm All Electrical Work Undertaken Full and thorough service guaranteed • House Rewire Specialists • Fuse Box Upgrades • • Down Lighting Design and Installation • Same Day Service Available • All Work Tested and Certified to BS7671 Problems with Broadband Speed or Wireless Coverage? Would you like Broadband in a Summer House, Workshop or Outbuilding? Visit our Website: www.acr-electrical-systems.com 07974 237658


The club has been very busy throughout the last month with photoshoots and presentations varied to suit all levels of competence and ability.

Our AGM in August set up our 2023-24 membership list and elected a new committee. We are currently taking on new members and will renew our membership of the Scottish Photographic Federation giving members wider opportunities and a chance to compete internationally. The new committee consists of:-

·President – Peter Stanford

·Secretary – David Dewar

·Vice President – Gordon Stephen

·Treasurer – Andrew Walker

·4 Committee members – Kathleen Haddow, Alison O’Neil, Graham Beauman and Dave Yates

We recently went to Knock hill racing circuit to photograph superbikes and to give members a chance to use fast shutter speeds, practice panning and to use long lenses. This was challenging but good fun.

The theme for August was street photography requiring subtle candid photography that was creative yet photographically accurate. Some of these images will feature in our competition for the Autumn. Our last photoshoot for this period featured farmland in preparation for our “Autumn colours” monthly theme. The group photographed the fields at the back of Hillend in poor lighting conditions, cloud and the hidden blue moon resulting in a gathering back at the pub where we analysed our experience and a drink or two.

We also had a trip to the Glen to be shown by Peter Stanford how to capture moving water. Members managed well in using their cameras on manual settings, using tripods and neutral density filters. Various filters and tripods were made available to members. The club has a season that lasts all year from August to July. As a result the committee, along with our Technical Director plan activities that appeal to a wide range of photographers. We meet each week alternating between meetings at the Hillend Tavern and organised photo-shoots. A few of our members also take part in the pub’s quiz night.

The Summer Adventure, a team competition will be judged in October where we hope to enlist a train enthusiast to judge the work of the four teams who photographed to a script that included trains.

(continued page 16)

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The Winter adventure is still being formulated and will include North Queensferry, Lime Kilns and Culross in a similar style.

Throughout the last period members have been encouraged to take part in the Dalgety Bay Horticultural Show’s Photographic contest. We were delighted with our members successes at that event and in particular Bill McCance who won the overall Trophy. (seen pictured below with the main sponsor and one of his many winning photographs. Our thanks to the Judge Rebecca Lee.

Our President Peter Stanford made himself available to photograph the Dalgety Bay Show and on the same day Judged the Aberdour Flower Show Photographic also. Peter is also an assessor for the Duke of Edinburgh Award (Photography)

Hillend Camera Club is the official Photographic Association for the Dalgety Bay, Aberdour and Inverkeithing areas. Joining details and our syllabus can be found on the Club’s website www.hillendcc.org

The club runs all year and is open to anyone from novice to expert. Interested photographers may join free for a three week taster by joining the Facebook page. https:// www.facebook.com/groups/hillendcc

We have a range of equipment including cameras that members can borrow and hope this year to give members a chance to gain a qualification with the Photographic Alliance of Great Britain. Our best photographers will also have the opportunity to enter an international competition or work towards an international artistic award.

The club is now recruiting for the 2023-24 season. We have kept the membership fee at £40 year which is really good value. The club can be contacted by email - hillendcameraclub@btinternet.com Joining forms can be downloaded from our website. Or people can pop into our fortnightly meetings at the Hillend Tavern.

17 “While we take reasonable steps to check our advertisers are bona fide, readers should carry out their own checks before entering into any contract or arrangement”. TELEPHONE 01383 306477 Mob: 07745 582 005 David K Marr 106 Strathbeg Drive Dalgety Bay KY11 9XH FORTH Decking & Fencing forthdeckingandfencing.co.uk forthdeckingandfencing.co.uk PRINTING SERVICES (FIFE) LTD 11 Broomhead Drive • Dunfermline • KY12 9DT Tel: 01383 620919 Email: info@printingservicesfife.com


The history of music in Scotland, introduced by Ivy Partridge, was the first talk at our September meeting. Many of us are familiar with Ivy and her passion for music of every genre. Graduating from the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland, a keen bassoonist, and music teacher, Ivy’s enthusiasm for Scottish music and its history is evident.

From the 15th century bagpipes to the 17th century fiddles, Scottish music has evolved through the generations to encapsulate strong oral and literary traditions, which gives Scots throughout the world a sense of belonging. There are tunes and verses for every occasion, from storytelling, working, dancing and worship. These can include large gatherings (Pipe bands, Ceilidh bands), to modern Scottish bands (Runrig). There are also solo performances and the singing of ballads evoking past and present events. Scottish music has evolved to include Variety (Harry Lauder, The White Heather Club) Folk music (the Corries) and today’s Popular music (Barbara Dickson, Bay City Rollers, Deacon Blue).

No matter the type of music, the influence of the pipes, tin whistle, fiddles and accordion are still very much in evidence and are part of Scotland’s music legacy.

Ivy shared her immense knowledge and enthusiasm with us, interspersed with songs from well-known artists (Andy Stewart, Billy Connolly, Dougie MacLean) and Instrumental clips (Jimmy Shand, the Inverary and District Pipe Band). Many memories were evoked and much toe tapping accompanied these and our thanks go to Ivy for an uplifting start to our new term.

The vote of thanks was given by Pauline Hulston.


For over forty years the Dalgety Bay Men’s Probus Club has been providing fellowship, friendship and fun for retired and semi-retired men in the area. We meet on the first Tuesday in every month at 10am in The Compass in Dalgety Bay. Cake and coffee are served between 10am and 10:30am to enable members to circulate and chat to friends before settling down to hear the programmed talk. These are augmented with either an activity or a talk usually scheduled for the third Tuesday in the month. Our badminton, bowls, golf and photography (digipix) interest groups also hold regular meetings throughout the year.

A range of speakers and activities has been organised for October 2023 to February 2024.

October 2023

3 OctoberA talk on the Kafue Gorge Power Station in Zambia by Allen Cochran

17 OctoberA morning quiz held at The Compass

November 2023

7 NovemberA talk on the work of the Forth Bridges Rotary Club’s Nepal Project by Izzy Brown

10 NovemberA folk night at The Compass with After Eight Mince commencing at 8 pm

December 2023

5 DecemberThe club’s Christmas lunch and 40th Anniversary celebration at the Pitbauchlie House Hotel

19 DecemberA morning of Festive Fun at The Compass

January 2024

9th JanuaryA talk on The Immortal Robert Burns by John Gilfillan

23rd JanuaryA talk on The Wild (and the not so wild) West by Arthur Lloyd

February 2024

6th FebruaryA talk on his career in football and politics by Jim Leishman

20th FebruaryA talk on the Dalgety Bay Heritage Trail by Brian Johnson

Further information regarding the club’s activities can be found on our website. https://www.dalgetybayprobus.club



You have probably heard of and still may be deliberating whether or not to take up Go Sober for October, but what you may not be aware of is that October is also Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

Breast cancer affects 1 in 7 women in the UK!

Men can also be affected albeit with a smaller risk. 23% of cases of breast cancer are PREVENTABLE.

Many women I see tell me they’re not sure how they’re meant to check their breasts. Here is what I tell them:

Think of your breast as a clock face, with 12 o’clock at the top at 6 o’clock at the bottom. Use the pads of 2-3 fingers at a time to examine yourself - here is the most sensitive part of your finger. Start at the outside of the clock face at 12 o’clock, and feel clockwise round the outer aspect of your breast with the pads of your fingers to 3 o’clock, then 6 o’clock, 9 o’clock then 12 o’clock. Once back at 12 o’clock, move your fingers in a centimetre or two towards your nipple, then repeat the same process, clockwise, back round to 12 o’clock. Once there, move in a centimetre or two and go round clockwise again, continuing this process until you get to the nipple. That way, you’ve covered all the sections of your breast systematically.

Don’t forget to feel in your armpits as this area is still technically breast tissue.

If you get into the habit of doing this regularly, you get to know what feels normal for you, and then what feels different.

Don’t forget to look at your breasts - any change to the texture of the skin, new nipple inversion or change in the direction the nipple points, or eczema around the nipple, can also be signs of breast cancer.

Regular self-examination and attending mammograms when invited can help to detect early breast cancer, but there are also things you can do to reduce your risk of developing breast cancer in the first place. These are:

Keeping a healthy weight

A healthy diet

Being physically active

Drinking low amounts of alcohol


Hopefully you now feel confident and inspired to regularly check your breasts.

October 13 is national #nobraday - raising awareness of breast screening and self-examinations and symptoms of breast cancer. Will you be brave enough to join in…?

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20 Published by Printing Services (Fife) Ltd in association with Dalgety Bay & Hillend Community Council

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