Symptoms Of CCSVI

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Symptoms Of CCSVI

In chronic cerebrospinal venous insufficiency, there occurs a blockage of few important veins which carries blood from the brain to the heart. It the other conditions of narrowing of veins is also seen, majorly in legs or spine. It is stated by the researchers that CCSVI causes multiple sclerosis and multiple sclerosis caused because of genetic defect or fault in vitamin D, though the actual cause of it is not known. It is a complicated disease because the symptoms are not found to be similar in most of the cases and most of the people won’t experience the same symptoms. The main CCSVI symptoms are Paleness, Swallowing difficulties, Increasing physical fatigue as the day goes on, Language difficulties, Reduction of visual acuity, Sexual impediment, Variable reduction in sphincter control, Sleep disturbances, Headaches that worsen when lying face up, Reduction of the motor and sensorial functions, Variable reduction in sphincter control, Reduction in the working memory, Increasing physical fatigue as the day progresses, Problems with or temporary losses of memory, Headaches that worsen when lying face up, Reduction of visual acuity. All those who have CCSVI have multiple sclerosis but not vice versa, meaning all those who has multiple sclerosis may not have CCSVI. There are very limited treatment available for curing CCSVI Liberation Treatment is one of the most practiced treatment to cure the CCSVI symptoms and the disease both. There are two methods in this liberation treatment, one is Balloon Angioplasty and the other is Balloon Angioplasty + Stent. In the cases where the vein will not remain open balloon angioplasty + stent method is used. But then it ultimately depends on the patient and the physician who’s treating you.

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