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Doğa Nov 16, 2020

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School Uniforms “Not for you, For everyone”

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When many people think about school uniforms, they tend to feel like it is a bad thing as it somewhat restricts the children’s and teenagers’ creativity and keeps them from being able to show their identity through looks. They feel like it is a hit on the freedom of these kids. While these may be true, I don’t necessarily think that school uniforms are inherently bad. Now, I won’t be taking the topic in hand from an academic perspective saying, “Uniforms are better as the child will have more time for schoolwork rather than thinking about ‘what to wear’ and they will be more academically successful.” Plenty of researches have shown us that this is, factually, not true. It is a reality that little to no evidence has supported this statement. ¹ In terms of discipline too, there is no evidence showing uniforms changing students’ behavior. ² 1. Gentile and Scott, “Dressed for Success? The Effect of School Uniforms on Student Achievement and Behavior,” 2. Gentile and Scott…

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Let’s look at the issue in this way: not every family has the income to provide their children with a wardrobe full of clothes. Many schools have a demographic of diverse families. You can find students from almost every social/economical class in a single school. Now, when there are no uniform students will be able to wear how they would like, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but it will also reveal everyone’s class and therefore lead to differences among students and grouping. Some may not be fitting in with the majority and feel left out.

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Having been a student in private schools consisting of students coming from both very high-income families and very low-income families (because the student earned scholarships/ bursaries) I have had some observations and experiences. When uniforms don’t exist in such environments some children may start to joke about others, bully them, harass them solely because of their looks.

Uniforms balance these differences and let everyone have equal chances. They create a feeling of belonging. In researches too it has been seen that in mostly white schools, Hispanic children viewed uniforms significantly more positively. ³ This is because it made them feel less different and therefore, created a sense of belonging. However, in general, too most students view uniforms positively. Especially as they get older because they recognize the drop in bullying easier. ⁴ Image 7

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Jones, “Perceptions of School Uniforms in Relation to Socioeconomic Statuses,”



Uniforms also lessen the need for excessive consumerism in terms of fashion. Since children won’t be needing different clothes for school it reduces the need for shopping. They are more economically approachable.

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From another perspective, they are also more sustainable and environment friendly. ⁵ As, they, again, reduce the need for more clothing. They turn fashion into a secondary thought and maybe even stand against it. As the goal of ‘anti-fashion’ essentially is “consume less, consume higher quality”

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I think uniforms are fitting under this umbrella term too. 6 Yes, not every uniform may be made out of the most high-quality fabrics, but they definitely lead the wearer to consume less.

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Jenkins, “Diverse perspectives, from concept to consumer.” Jenkins…

As an anti-fashion brand Telfar puts up the quote: “Not for you, For everyone” on their products7, I feel like we should put this same quote on school environments as that too is for everyone and not just some who happened to be more privileged.


The Fashion Archive, “Why Telfar Bags Are in High Demand.”

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Cover photo/Cover design/Back cover photo: Zeynep Doğa Anlatıcı

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