YWCA Metropolitan Phoenix 2020-2023 Annual Report

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YWCA USA Conference2023 Race Forward Conference 2022 2020 - 2023 Impact Report YWCAAZ.ORG


2 YWCA Metropolitan Phoenix | 2020-2023 Impact Report
William L. & Ruth T. Pendleton Memorial Fund From the Heart Centene Management Company Kemper and Ethel Marley Foundation

Welcome Welcome


Hello Friends, Colleagues, Partners in Justice,

The stories and impact on the following pages will give you a glimpse into the trials and tribulations as well as the joyful accomplishments we experienced here at YWCA Metropolitan Phoenix. Gratefully, you were very much a part of the journey!

Since 2020, external factors have impacted our organization in ways we could not have predicted. Nevertheless, we adapted, we persisted, and we kept up with the community. Here’s a look into how these shifts have ushered in transformative opportunities, illustrating our organization’s dynamic response and strategic evolution:

• The surge in violence against AAPI individuals during the COVID era and the widespread outcry following George Floyd’s murder activated us to engage the community through our Racial Justice Challenge. At the same time, the increased societal focus on DEI provided a fertile ground for us to launch our Racial Equity Action and Learning training, offering a structured pathway for organizations to contribute to systemic change.

• Our county health system realized that it needed more information to meet the needs of some of the most under-engaged communities in the Valley. This led to the inception of our Systems Change Initiative, which leverages “the ground truth” to instigate changes in policy, systems, and environment.

• The pandemic-induced loneliness epidemic heightened the demand for our Older Adult nutrition services, inspiring the “More than a Meal” initiative. This program underscores our holistic approach to wellness, ensuring that we address both the physical and emotional well-being of our community’s older adults.

• Economic shifts and community wellness challenges steered the development of our Prosperity Program, a testament to our adaptability in addressing emergent community needs against a backdrop of economic uncertainty.

• The overturning of Roe v Wade turned back women’s reproductive rights 50 years and therefore reignited our fight and commitment to women’s empowerment.

YWCA Metropolitan Phoenix is poised for additional innovation, growth and co-creation with community partners. We are focused on building capacity to strengthen our infrastructure and community reach so we can be a strong and stable partner in the community—one that knows when to lead and when to follow.

This report is a testament to the role each of you has played in this journey toward Eliminating Racism, Empowering Women, and promoting peace, dignity, justice, and freedom for all. Should these stories inspire you to join us in this ongoing journey of change and impact, I invite you to reach out.

With love and joy,

1 YWCA Metropolitan Phoenix | 2020-2023 Impact Report
EMAIL DEBBIE debbiee@ywcaaz.org
2 YWCA Metropolitan Phoenix | 2020-2023 Impact Report TABLE OF Contents TABLE OF Contents 01 14 WELCOME 03 Who We Are 04 Financials by Fiscal Year 05 Budget & Values INNOVATION 14 Tribute to Leadership 16 Elements of a Healthy Community 17 THANK YOU 17 Volunteers 18 Board of Directors 06 PROGRAMS 06 Prosperity 08 Older Adults 10 Equity & Advocacy 12 Systems Change Initiative


Since 1912, YWCA Metropolitan Phoenix has been leading and encouraging courageous conversations and implementing equity in every space that Phoenicians occupy.

Across the Valley, we open our doors to answer the cry for justice. Our programs directly support...

Women and families on their journey to holistic prosperity. Financial empowerment classes offered publicly as well as privately to local organizations serving individuals in vulnerable situations | Mental Wellness workshops | Civic Engagement opportunities and learning (pg. 6)

Senior independence and the dignity of aging in place. Meals on Wheels Member since 2013 | Congregate dining in four locations across Glendale | Workshops and programming that build community | Wellness calls (pg. 8)

A world built upon values of equity and justice.

Racial Justice Challenge | Organizational equity through our REAL•TOC program | Equity in STEAM (pg. 10)

Our community members by instigating policy and systemic changes. Listening sessions across the Northwest Valley | Data and research | Policy recommendations made to Maricopa County (pg. 12)


To eliminate racism, empower women, and promote peace, justice, freedom, and dignity for all.

A world where all women, girls, and gender-diverse people, especially those of color, are free from racism and sexism, experience justice and equity, and are able to thrive.

We will get up and do the work until the world sees women, girls, and people of color the way we do: EQUAL, POWERFUL, UNSTOPPABLE.

3 YWCA Metropolitan Phoenix | 2020-2023 Impact Report


*While our programming data is calculated annually by calendar year, our financials are measured by fiscal year starting in July and ending in June of each year.


Total Revenue: $2,540,183

Total Expenses: $1,744,136


Ending Net Assets: $4,066,029 Total Revenue: $2,158,091 Total Expenses: $1,908,834 Ending Net Assets: $3,988,843 Total Revenue: $2,524,404 Total Expenses: $2,262,813 Ending Net Assets: $4,465,305


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KEY: expenses: program expenses: admin expenses: fundraising revenue: grants revenue: donations revenue: events/programs 75% 15% 10% 89% 4% 97% 2% 94% 3% 3% 76% 13% 11% 82% 13% 5% 1% 7%


As you will see in the graphs on page 4, our expenses have gradually increased year over year. This increase is due to the fact that since 2020, we committed to investing in our team, addressing deferred maintenance, and nearly doubling our staff to meet the growing needs of our community more effectively.

Understanding the importance of valuing our talent, we took significant steps to ensure our team felt appreciated and supported. This included increasing salaries to be more equitable, providing the first raise in years for our Meals on Wheels delivery staff to $15 per hour plus mileage reimbursement, and adjusting salaries for other team members based on tenure and responsibilities.

In 2020, we made the pivotal decision to relocate to Glendale from the Biltmore area, a move catalyzed by the pandemic and the shift towards a hybrid work model. This decision not only resulted in cost savings but also fostered a sense of team togetherness essential for our mission.

Beginning in 2021, we began making overdue improvements to our facility by investing in new kitchen equipment, replacing three air conditioners that were not working properly, and remodeling a shared drop in office space for team use (affectionately called the co- lab). We also created a team and community learning space with kitchenette.

A landmark moment in December 2020 was the transformational unrestricted seven figure gift from Philanthropist MacKenzie Scott. This contribution is a testament to the confidence in our mission and significantly influenced our strategic direction, enabling us to operate from a place of love, equity, and abundance.

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SUPPORT YWCA’S GROWTH! Make a donation at ywcaAZ.org/donate


Prosperity Prosperity

Prosperity is the state of flourishing, success, or good fortune. For the last 15 years, YWCA Metropolitan Phoenix has prioritized individuals’ financial prosperity, but we observed the need for more within our community.

Many folks are unable to focus on their finances because they are not stable in the emotional, spiritual, mental, and physical areas of their lives. Our community is seeking to address the whole person so that each individual may be prosperous in all aspects of their life.

That’s why in 2023 we began to develop programming to help us all holistically prosper, including learning opportunities in:

Economic empowerment

• Banking basics

• Budgeting

• Credit and debt

• Renting 101

• Insurance 101

• and more

Mental wellbeing

Civic engagement and advocacy

• Leaders for Change




You may notice our participation numbers have been shrinking year over year. Sometimes you need to contract in order to expand. In 2022, we paused programming to listen to what the community needs. We are poised to deliver in 2024.

In September 2022, we launched our first Leaders for Change cohort, a learning experience tailored to emerging leaders. This leadership program prioritizes leading with a lens on race and gender equity, creating a more equitable and prosperous future by starting with the next generation of leaders.

6 YWCA Metropolitan Phoenix | 2020-2023 Impact Report
LEARN MORE! ywcaAZ.org/leaders
Leaders for 2022-2023Change

Thankful Thankful FOR OUR PARTNERS

Our impact is possible thanks to the organizations who invite our team of volunteers to empower the clients and communities they serve. Our financial empowerment workshops are written and facilitated (in both Spanish and English!) by our unstoppable volunteers who are all professionals in the field of finance. Each workshop takes place either virtually or in-person and provides valuable tools and skills.

We are so grateful for the following partners who make change possible!

Since 2020, YWCA Metropolitan Phoenix has empowered individuals at CASS downtown single-adult shelter with their financial education program. The curriculum covers budgeting, bank account management, savings, and wise credit use, providing participants with tools and strategies for a secure financial future so that they can thrive.”

- Graham Weisse, Program Coordinator, Central Arizona Shelter Services


A New Leaf

American Association of University Women

Arizona South Asians for Safe Families

Arouet Foundation


ASU African Student Association

AZCEND Chandler & Gilbert

Burton Barr Central Library

Cancer Support Community

Central Arizona Shelter Services

CASS Vista Colina Family Shelter

Cancer Support Community

Catholic Charities

Ce Ce’s Center

Child Crisis Arizona

Cholla Library

City of Phoenix

Foundation for Blind Children

Fresh Start Women’s Foundation

Glendale Community College

Healthy Synergy LLC

Homeless Youth Connection

Homeward Bound

Hope’s Crossing

Hope Women’s Center

Nourish PHX

Juniper Library

Lutheran Social Services of the Southwest

Maggie’s Place

Maricopa Head Start

Maryvale YMCA

Mesa Community College


Paradise Valley Community College

Paradise Family Resource Cener

Perry Library

Phoenix College

Phoenix Starfish Place

Public Allies

Salvation Army

Scottsdale Library

Southeast Regional Library

Southwest Center

South Mountain Community College

Tempe Community Action Agency

Tempe Public Library

Trans Queer Pueblo


Tru West Credit Union

Valley of the Sun United Way

Women of Insight

Women Rising

Wounded Warrior

Women Working in Restoration

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LEARN MORE! ywcaAZ.org/prosperity

Older Adult Older Adult

We are committed to mitigating aging’s most harmful threats through our homedelivered and congregate meals. At four centers across Glendale, we provide a safe space where older adults can share a meal, crack a smile, and create community.


YWCA is proud to partner with Meals on Wheels America to deliver nutritious meals and provide companionship to seniors. By delivering a nutritious meal, friendly visit, and safety check daily, our program combats three of aging’s most harmful threats: inadequate nutrition, isolation, and declining quality of life. YWCA Metropolitan Phoenix is the only Meals on Wheels program that serves Glendale. TOTAL MEALS SERVED IN 2023

107,000 SERVED IN 2022



745 SERVED IN 2022 SERVED IN 2021

Ramiro, 90 years young!

122,000 SERVED IN 2021

Hey, what gives? You’re serving fewer meals each year.

We’re glad you asked. While the need is still great, after COVID relief ended, fewer adults are being authorized as eligible to receive meals. In 2021, thanks to additional funding and reduced restrictions, we served 7 meals a week per participant. Effective May 2023, we were restricted to pre-pandemic level of service, which is when we saw significant decrease in eligibility.

8 YWCA Metropolitan Phoenix | 2020-2023 Impact Report
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more than a meal.

In May 2023, the Surgeon General of the United States released an advisory calling loneliness a public health epidemic. The advisory warns that the physical effects of loneliness can be devastating, including a 50% increased risk of developing dementia for older adults and an increased risk of premature death.

Loneliness affects us more as we age. In community studies, 2-16% of adults aged 65 years old and older experience severe loneliness.


That is why we prioritize providing more than a meal. Thanks to our many community and corporate partners, we collect donations for four Bundles of Love drives a year, deliver hand-decorated smile sacks each week, host various workshops, info sessions, and health fairs throughout the year, and check on our homebound clients daily through wellness calls.

302 IN 2022 149 IN 2021

We definitely treat each other like family. If one of us doesn’t show up to lunch without warning, we worry. We help each other out. We care for one another.”
Meal Participant
9 YWCA Metropolitan Phoenix | 2020-2023 Impact Report Smile Sacks
2022 Health Fair October 2022
of Joy
LEARN MORE! ywcaAZ.org/seniors

PROGRAMS Equity Equity

YWCA Metropolitan Phoenix is committed to being a safe space where the necessary and courageous conversations about race and ethnicity, sex and gender, and inclusion can and do occur.

By serving as a convener of substantive and vital dialogues, we shine a light on the amazing progress that is being made in our neighborhoods and all across Arizona, while acknowledging the work that remains ahead.

Our offerings provide room for anyone and everyone—no matter where they are in their anti-racist and gender justice journeys—to learn together.

Each April, we join our sister associations across the US for the Until Justice Just Is campaign. The Racial Justice Challenge, a signature component of this campaign, engages individuals through various learning vehicles (videos, podcasts, articles, movies, music...) to raise awareness of systemic racism and drive a collective effort towards justice.

The “challenge” is for individuals to engage in the content each day for 21 consecutive days, and pass on the knowledge they gained.


As Arizona becomes the next tech hub, we have tremendous opportunity for our STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts, mathematics) professionals to reflect the state’s workforce diversity. Addressing these gender and racial gaps will support Arizona’s economic growth by developing our next generation of STEAM innovators.

Empowered by Intel and SRP, YWCA is leading the Equity in STEAM Initiative to advance women and people of color across STEAM careers to improve representation in STEAM statewide.

Qualifying nonprofit organizations, public schools, and charter schools are invited to apply for the Equity in STEAM Initiative to receive funding (up to $2,500!) for their STEAM projects and participate in a learning community to help further close the gender and race gaps across STEAM.

10 YWCA Metropolitan Phoenix | 2020-2023 Impact Report

This twelve-week interactive program is designed to further participants’ capacity to: Unpack and understand the root causes of systemic and structural racism; enact strategies to dismantle structural racism and promote equitable practices; collaborate with other leaders committed to improving equity in their community.

The REAL•TOC experience leads organizations to understanding and investing in internal equitable practices. Participating teams build their race equity goal and the steps they need to take to achieve it.


YWCA Metropolitan Phoenix believes in the inherent value of every individual and the strength that emerges when diversity is celebrated, equity in championed, and inclusion is woven into the fabric of our community.

We join nearly 200 YWCA associations in communities across the country in providing racial justice training, professional development, economic empowerment workshops, and so much more to level what has long been an uneven playing field to open doors of opportunity for women and people of color. Our commitment to justice is not just a statement, but a lived reality, pulsating through every program, initiative, and interaction.

We need YOU to join our mission! There are many ways to partner with YWCA to build a future where everyone can thrive. Give us a shout at engage@ywcaaz.org to learn more.

11 YWCA Metropolitan Phoenix | 2020-2023 Impact Report Women’s March 2021 MLK March
first REAL•TOC
LEARN MORE! ywcaAZ.org/real-toc


In April 2022, YWCA Metropolitan Phoenix was awarded a grant by the Maricopa County Department of Public Health (MCDPH) via the US Department of Health & Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to address health disparities that were created or worsened by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Building Healthy Resilient Communities examines barriers to accessing mental health services and race/gender discrimination against older adults and LGBTQ young people ages 18-24.


• Develop and leverage partnerships with the people we intend to serve and key partners

• Create more safe spaces for courageous conversations

• Champion changemakers in community

• Amplify voices of those who have been disproportionately impacted by COVID-19

• Suggest policy and systems improvements from information gained from those impacted by racism and gender discrimination

• Present suggestions to Maricopa County Department of Public Health to inform their Community Health Needs Assessment

12 YWCA Metropolitan Phoenix | 2020-2023 Impact Report
PRACTICEREFORMS These pages are supported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) of the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as part of a financial assistance award totaling $498,689.45 with 100% funded by CDC/HHS. The contents are those of the authors and do not represent the official views of, nor an endorsement by CDC/HHS or the U.S. Government.
YEAR 1 YEAR 2 oeplp ecenteredHOLISTICCARE

Glendale Community Center Listening Session



In 2023, we conducted 12 listening sessions, which were instrumental in gathering the “ground truth”—what we call the lived experiences of our community members, the people most affected by the issues we are addressing.

We were called to this work because we witnessed and experienced some of these critical concerns surrounding access to care ourselves:

• challenges in accessing care and privacy.

• lack of community knowledge and education about available resources.

• community-based and cultural stigma.

• importance of addressing food insecurity, grief, loss, isolation, and the barriers to effective care.

Our work in the past two years has not gone unnoticed. In 2023, the Arizona Public Health

Association resolved that racism is a public health crisis. This resolution was made possible in part to the ground truth that the Systems Change Initiative team was uncovering. This is one among multiple policy instigations the team identified. You may find more in the two reports the team wrote through the link below.

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Conversation in Aguila
LEARN MORE! ywcaAZ.org/systems-change
Partnership with Adelante

YWCA’s Tribute to Leadership (one of the longest standing women’s empowerment awards programs across the Valley!) is an annual celebration that acknowledges the remarkable achievements of leaders in our community. These individuals are committed to enhancing the lives of women, girls, and people of color through their unwavering dedication to leadership, advocacy, and community service. Since 1994, we have proudly honored 277 extraordinary individuals, and we are just getting started!

To receive the prestigious YWCA Tribute to Leadership award, our honorees embody the mission of YWCA: eliminating racism, empowering women, and promoting peace, justice, freedom, and dignity for all. These selected honorees generously contribute to their communities, set the gold standard for equity in leadership, and transform the Valley into a better place for all to thrive.

a New Way of Fundraising a New Way of Fundraising

Stuffy luncheons, selling tables, and hosting auctions no longer felt mission-aligned by 2021. Year-round, we strive to create accessible and inclusive spaces that don’t pose any barriers—financial or otherwise—to our community. So hosting our annual fundraising event in a fancy hotel banquet room and charging $100s per ticket felt... wrong.

In 2022, we did away with the antiquated ways of raising money and opted in to happy hour style networking, drinking, and munching. We introduced sliding-scale ticket pricing with “pay it forward” and “pay what you can” pricing levels.

We’re proud to host an event that prioritizes fun and community building, and acknowledges the accomplishments of the women we’re there to celebrate. Join us on the last Wednesday of March each year!

14 YWCA Metropolitan Phoenix | 2020-2023 Impact Report
LEARN MORE! ywcaAZ.org/tribute

Support local & Woman-owned!

Attendees 2022

219 IN 2022 615 VIRTUAL ATTENDEES IN 2021

$109,213 RAISED IN 2023

$61,641 RAISED IN 2022

$36,360 RAISED IN 2021

Along with making the event more equitable to attend, we have also prioritized working with woman-owned, person-of-color-owned, and/ or locally-owned businesses to make Tribute to Leadership and all of our programming possible.

We have been intentional about using woman-owned catering companies, woman-owned photos booths, woman-owned and operated printing shops, and woman-owned venues. We recognize that we have the decision-making power to choose where our dollars are invested, and we’ll choose local every chance we get.

Program 2023

2023 Honorees

15 YWCA Metropolitan Phoenix | 2020-2023 Impact Report

Elements Elements


2022 marked YWCA Metropolitan Phoenix’s 110th year serving the greater Phoenix Valley. In celebration, we highlighted one of the Department of Health and Human Services’ Elements of a Health Community each month. Because our programs and advocacy align directly with each of the 12 elements, we took a deep dive into how race and gender impact each of the elements and how our YWCA is filling the gaps.

Our intent was to show how the systems in place are stifling our ability to thrive in healthy communities, and how YWCA Metropolitan Phoenix is challenging that. All of the educational pieces and panel discussions we offered throughout the year are still available on our website, including some relevant state history. Continue your own learning and check it out.

LEARN MORE! ywcaAZ.org/elements

That same year, we also introduced our sticker-ofthe-month campaign and released a new sticker each month that illustrated our mission and impact.

What was initially implemented as a creative way to increase individual donations and monthly donors became our signature merchandise offering and great conversation starter.

We bring these stickers with us when we’re out in community, so next time you see one of us, come visit!


of stickers!our

16 YWCA Metropolitan Phoenix | 2020-2023 Impact Report


Our mission is heavy, and it takes a whole lot us of to make meaningful steps towards equity and justice. That is why we are so proud to work with so many talented, dedicated, and compassionate experts, advocates, and friends across each of our programs.

A volunteer hour in the United States is estimated to value $31.80—we think a volunteer hour is even more valuable! The time, talents, and treasures that our volunteers pour into our Mission each day are invaluable. Thank you to all who serve YWCA Metropolitan Phoenix as program volunteers, board of directors and committee members, and corporate supporters.


121 IN 2022 43 IN 2021

5,980 hours VOLUNTEERED IN 2023

4,639 IN 2022

1,891 IN 2021

17 YWCA Metropolitan Phoenix | 2020-2023 Impact Report
Thank You Thank You
LEARN MORE! ywcaAZ.org/volunteer
Serving Meals Delivering Meals & Bundles of Love Assembling Bundles of Love

On a Mission... On a Mission...


The YWCA’s commitment to its mission of eliminating racism and empowering women is evident internally as well as externally. Since the beginning of our tenure in 2022, we have implemented innovative strategies and initiatives that truly center equity. Our leadership model, which includes having a woman of color as a criterion for forming co-leadership partnerships, builds upon the foundation laid by our predecessor, Maria Crimi Speth, and expands the organization’s vision for achieving racial justice.

The reimagining of the board member recruitment criteria to establish equity-centered priorities is a strategic move to ensure that the board is equipped to engage in difficult discussions about socio-cultural and political issues that perpetuate inequities. By fostering a culture of self-reflection and commitment to the YWCA’s mission among board members, the organization is reinforcing its dedication to transformative work.

The yearly retreats initiated since 2022 are a proactive response to the challenges and opportunities presented by the pandemic. These retreats serve as a platform for the board to re-envision their equity outreach work, moving from discussions to action-oriented equitable outcomes. The increased participation of board members in the community is a testament to this shift towards active engagement.

Dr. Tara Nkrumah’s facilitation of a race-talk session in June 2023, following the screening of the film “Harriet” at Pollack Cinemas in Tempe, is a prime example of how YWCA is creating spaces for meaningful dialogue on race and social justice. The success of this event and the plan for future sessions indicate a sustained effort to foster community engagement and education on these critical issues.

Our leadership approach demonstrates a dynamic and culturally responsive model for non-profit leadership, one that is deeply invested in creating lasting change and achieving equity through both internal practices and external outreach.

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Thank You Thank You


Carol Ackerson

Tina Brown

Maria Crimi Speth

Diana Gregory

Maria Harper-Marinick, Ph.D.

Paula Hill

Lonni Keiffer (Lattie)

Giselle Leyva Corella

Joyce Medina Harper

Tara Nkrumah, Ph.D.

Lisa Sampsell

Laura Schiesl-Vega

Caroline Vaningen-Dunn

Tina Brown

Maria Crimi Speth

Diana Gregory

Maria Harper-Marinick, Ph.D.

Giselle Leyva Corella

Joyce Medina Harper

Tara Nkrumah, Ph.D.

Caroline Vaningen-Dunn

Kara Williams

Roxanne Wingate

Tina Brown

Maria Crimi Speth

Tonya Dawn Recla

Diana Gregory

Giselle Leyva Corella

Joyce Medina Harper

Tara Nkrumah, Ph.D.

Bianca Vargas

Kara Williams

Roxanne Wingate


Carol Ackerson

Jacquelyn Ahrenberg

Catheryn Avalos

Lisa Cagnolatti-Daniels

Hilarie DeCesare

Pam Hart

Kenja Hassan

Alexis A. Hermosillo

Sarah Herrera

Paulina Ibarrola

Maya James

Sarah Kader

Ashley Kelly

Jill Mapstead

Nicole McKelvey

Megan Millage

Karianne Munstedt

Alicia Nunez

Jessica Pedroza

Barbara Ralston

Angela Salazar

KaraLyn Thompson

Bianca Vargas

Rachel Ware

Kara Williams

Melissa Ziedy

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MEET THE BOARD ywcaAZ.org/board-and-staff
2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-2023
YWCAAZ.ORG @YWCAAZ 602-258-0990 INFO@YWCAAZ.ORG Preparing Thanksgiving Meals at Glendale Community College YWCA IS ON A MISSION.

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