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ARCI 211 COFFEE HOUSE Development Process Yuqi Kong School of Architecture Victoria University of Wellington


Developing program based on the brief. The general idea is considering the coffee house as a micro-city.

The ground floor is considered as the urban, where the main consumption and transpotation located. In the context of cafe, consumption refers to seating and transpotation refers to the adjacent street. The coffee bar on groud floor demonstrates the role as a coffee house, meanwhile, provides takeaway coffee to passengers through two street-facing windows which is called junction in the diagram ablove. The extention of the first floor is trying to show the intention of

Through the analysis carried on in the first stage, it is discovered that in most of landscape-adjacent coffee houses, the association of coffee drinking with landscape is very constricted. People in the cafe can only engage with the landscape at the edges. How this boundary between landscape and coffee drinking can be broken beame the key issue of the project.

Trying to reverse the conventional impression of the activeness of outdoor space and the relatively peace of indoor space according to the research at the first stage. Splitting space based on programs. Set up the location of central staircase.

Rough space composition - Experiment on building a garden in the building.

Exploration of the arrangement of spaces within the building.

Conceptual plans for ground floor to second floor(from top to bottom)

Exploration of bringing landscape into the building.


FORM, TECTONIC, MATERIALITY --the process of building the rhino just like the process of the “parasite“ structure growing inside the building.

The notion of the organic form is settled on the site, which flows from the bar, kichen to upstairs and the extension approaching to the park Lighting Study

Formal Development

Exploration of Form and materiality

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