Cicely Perfumes

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Isabel Tanner | BAGD 601

Cicely Perfumes | Sustainable Packaging


_The Sustainable Policy The brand follows a strict sustainability policy, and aims to be sustainable in every way that it can. The packaging is 100% Recycled and 100% recyclable. Only sustainable inks and adhesives are used to create the packaging.

Isabel Tanner | BAGD 601

Cicely Perfumes | Sustainable Packaging


_The Logo The logo that appears across all the branding relates to the botanical concept of the brand. The letterforms have been extended to resemble the vines and leaves of a plant, whilst remaining feminine and elegant to fit the quality and class of the brand.

Isabel Tanner | BAGD 601

Cicely Perfumes | Sustainable Packaging


_The Bottles Each bottle of perfume is different, offering a uniqueness and collectable aspect to the brand. All bottles will fit a certain aethetic, all will be clear glass, decorated with a small ribbon. The idea behind the bottles is the aim for creating an end life to the packaging. The bottles are not branded in the hope that the owner will keep the bottle for other uses when the perfume runs out. Every bottle is second hand and thus recycled.

Isabel Tanner | BAGD 601

Cicely Perfumes | Sustainable Packaging


Isabel Tanner | BAGD 601

Cicely Perfumes | Sustainable Packaging


_The Prints Each fragrance has a different print. This print includes two hand painted illustrations of parts of a flower that is within the scent. These are then scattered to create a floral pattern across the packaging. Each scent includes two floral ingredients the dominant ingredient will be the subject for the illustrations. As shown below, the Eucalyptus and Tea Tree scent has eucalytpus illustrations.

Isabel Tanner | BAGD 601

Cicely Perfumes | Sustainable Packaging


Isabel Tanner | BAGD 601

Cicely Perfumes | Sustainable Packaging


_Additional Information Each box of perfume comes with a leaflet with additional information explaining the brand’s ethos and the details about the perfume. This way consumers will be aware of the sustainable elements to the brand and the product.

Isabel Tanner | BAGD 601

Cicely Perfumes | Sustainable Packaging


_Additional Information On the back of each box is some brief information about perfume, the ingredients, and the sustainable packaging.

Isabel Tanner | BAGD 601

Cicely Perfumes | Sustainable Packaging


Isabel Tanner | BAGD 601

Cicely Perfumes | Sustainable Packaging

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