Youth Villages 2010 Annual Report

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Every day is a journey, Matsuo Basho

journey, and the journey itself is home.

The Road Home

For many children we help, the road of life has been anything but easy. Because most of our children have already endured more hardship, trauma and troubles than many adults will see in their entire life’s journey, our programs focus on setting them on the path for a lifetime of success.

We focus on serving children and families effectively while helping to transform child welfare systems. This year, we helped 16,295 children and their families—2,343 more than last year—chart a different course for their lives. You’ll meet some of them in this report. Even with such growth, our programs’ integrity remained intact, with success rates reaching more than 80 percent.

Some highlights of our year include:

◊ Expanding into New Hampshire.

◊ Continued recognition from the White House.

◊ Recognition in a Casey Family Programs case study for partnering with Tennessee to safely reduce the number of children in foster care by 34 percent.

◊ Being named one of the Top 50 Nonprofits to Work For by The Nonprofit Times and Best Companies Group.

◊ Receiving employee contributions of more than $850,000 to help with our important work.

We’ve also encountered hardships along our journey this year, with flooding in Atlanta and Middle Tennessee destroying offices and homes. But our Youth Villages team continued to help one another and our families in these challenging circumstances. Their generosity and that of our volunteers, mentors, foster parents and donors is overwhelming.

Helping our children and families step solidly on the road to success takes all of us. With your support, we can do more next year: we can expand into new communities and help more children and families. We can be the force for good, the force for change—the force for families.

Thank you for your help,


“And think about Youth Villages, which Sonal Shah—the director of my Social Innovation team—visited in Memphis as part of our Community Solutions Tour… In 1994, Youth Villages decided to focus on a home-based model to help children struggling to overcome serious emotional or behavior challenges. Since then, they have seen remarkable results…Imagine if we could help every child with these challenges reintegrate into their community? Youth Villages tells us it’s possible.”

Youth Villages

17,000 children problems intensive in-home

Organizational News
-White House Domestic Policy Council Director Melody Barnes in a July 2010 speech at the National Conference on Volunteering and Service
“We could not have achieved these gains without the diligence and of partners such as Youth Villages…”
-Dr. Viola Miller, Tennessee Department of Children’s Services speaking about 34% reduction of children in state custody

Villages family counselors have helped more than children with serious emotional and behavioral and their families since it began offering in-home services in 1994.

and vision

Services Commissioner, custody since 2000.

-The NonProfit Times and Best Companies Group

“Youth Villages [is] one of the 50 best nonprofit organizations to work for in the United States.”
Kendra 23, Tennessee Transitional Living

Always Willing to Help

Kendra’s cheerful personality reveals nothing of what she’s been through —but everything about who she is. Neglected and abused as a child, she eventually came to live with a Youth Villages foster mom. She found stability, put her trust in God and worked hard in school.

“I wanted to build my life. I wanted an education, to go to college,” she said.

Youth Villages matched Kendra with a transitional living counselor. TL, begun in 1999, helps former foster youth like Kendra make a successful leap into independent adulthood. Today, Kendra, 23, is a junior in college and the mother of Genesis, 2. Majoring in social work, she also works parttime helping the elderly. She hopes to graduate next year.

“I have always wanted to help people. I think I can help people solve their problems,” she said.

8 Read more about Kendra’s story on

Garry 18, Tennessee

Residential Services

A Voice for Garry

Garry’s mom loves her son and has always wanted the best for him. The nurse even moved the family to Nashville to give Garry a better chance to start a career in music. Instead, Garry’s behavior spiraled out of control. The teen disregarded curfews, got into fights at school and violated his probation. Finally, his probation officer had enough. She sent Garry to residential treatment at Youth Villages. At first, Garry was resistant to the idea of changing his ways.

“Seeing my mom cry made me want to change,” Garry said. “I never want to make her cry again.”

His Youth Villages counselors and peers also pushed him to make changes. Garry, who has been writing songs for years, began writing songs about his changing perspective and who he wants to be. Now 18, he is ready to move home and resume his goals.

“I want to go to college,” he said. “I want to become a sound engineer and continue to play music.”

10 Read more about Garry’s story on

Confidence to Live Independently

Mariah is ready for college and preparing for life as an adult. Many young people who grow up in foster care don’t complete their education or find steady employment. During this critical time, young people transitioning to adulthood may not have the ability to find a job or a place to live or to enroll in college—no one has ever shown them.

Youth Villages Transitional Living Specialist Tia Roberts has helped Mariah reach her goals, including graduating high school and entering college. With this support, Mariah has learned how to communicate better with others and build her self-confidence.

“She gave me the push to believe in myself,” Mariah said of Tia and the TL program. “I cannot think of anything that she hasn’t helped me out with.”

Mariah 18, North Carolina Transitional Living 12 Read more about Mariah’s story on

Part of the Family

Stormi is settling in nicely. She was only supposed to stay temporarily with Mattie and Alex before she moved on. But she grew to like their home. They also liked her staying there. She sings in the church choir and participates in school activities while maintaining an A/B average. So when talk of adoption started, Mattie, Alex and Stormi considered making the foster arrangement permanent.

“Stormi is an exceptionally intelligent, well-mannered girl,” Mattie said. “She’s doing well in school, and we’re proud she’s become part of the family.”

The adoption became official in August.

“Foster parents and adoptive parents are needed so much now,” said Shelley Richards, Youth Villages adoption specialist. “Mattie, Alex and Stormi are amazing people, and Stormi has thrived in this home. Her physical, emotional and spiritual needs are being met, and we’re glad it will continue on a permanent basis.”

Stormi 9, Tennessee Foster Care and Adoption 14 Read more about Stormi’s story on
Mersediez 13, Mississippi Intensive In-home Services

She Can Make Her Mom Cry

Mersediez and her mom, Michelle, finally have the relationship they’ve always wanted. They laugh, play board games, roll each other’s hair and, most importantly, they talk. But just a few years ago, things were very different.

Mersediez was failing school, was often suspended and ran away from home regularly. Seeking help, Michelle learned about Youth Villages. Youth Villages Clinical Supervisor Tiffany Ross helped mom find safer housing and get the resources she needed. She worked with Mersediez on her anger and future goals. As Mersediez opened up, her grades shot up. She now makes the honor roll and leads her high school band. She hopes to get a band scholarship for college. Sometimes, Mersediez plays the flute for her mom. She plays so beautifully, it can make her mom cry.

“She is a totally different child,” her mom said. “I am so proud of my little girl.”

16 Read more about Mersediez’s story on

Laurissa Has a Friend

Linda Burdett remembers never having anyone attend her softball games.

Her father, who served in the Air Force, spent much time away from home. Her mother, she later found out, was struggling with bipolar disorder.

“I know what it feels like to be on your own,” she said.

Two years ago, Linda became a mentor through Tennessee

Gov. Phil Bredesen’s Mentoring Initiative, administered by Youth Villages. She was matched with 13-year-old Laurissa.

Linda and Laurissa spend a lot of time talking. They also show Linda’s dogs at dog shows and participate in competition dog mock hunts. Most importantly, Linda makes sure Laurissa knows she will never be on her own.

“I always tell her that no matter what, I am here for her,” Linda said. “She can always count on me.”

Linda and Laurissa
Tennessee Mentoring Read more about Linda and Laurissa’s story on

Moseline Walked

No one expected Moseline to end up in a cap and gown. From the age of 11, when she was removed from her mother’s house due to abuse and neglect, the Everett, Mass., girl struggled. She lived with an aunt for several years, but by age 17 she ended up in foster care because her aunt lost patience and kicked her out. She bounced through a series of foster homes.

“I was just doing whatever I wanted,” Moseline said. “I didn’t follow any rules. I didn’t go to school.”

Edging toward age 18 when state support can end, Moseline was running out of options.

“I might have ended up homeless,” she said. Instead, she was assigned to Youth Villages’ transitional living program.

“My TL specialist asked me what my goals were, what I wanted to do with my life,“ Moseline said. “She helped me see beyond my current situation.”

Moseline has made great progress with the help of Youth Villages staff from our Woburn, Mass., office. In fact, they were the “family” Moseline invited to her high school graduation this spring. Her next goals: college, a good job, a comfortable life.

Moseline 18, Massachusetts Transitional Living 20 Read more about Moseline’s story on

Expanding the Skill Set

Alison came into foster care because of truancy and other behaviors, and she struggled in foster homes until she turned 18, where she turned things around both at home and school. She returned to her biological parents’ home and continued to maintain a 3.5–4.0 grade point average at Southeast Prep Academy.

Now in Youth Villages’ transitional living program, Alison is working with a TL specialist on preparing for college and developing interview, employment and communication skills. She’s getting comfortable with the new experiences and is receiving a lot of support from her biological parents.

She’d like to work with animals and plans to study zoology or veterinary medicine in college.

Alison 18, Tennessee Transitional Living 22 Read more about Alison’s story on

Shared Experiences, Shared Joy

Words are sparse between Tonya and Suzanne. For more than two years, they have enjoyed time together watching movies and visiting museums – doing things together to enrich Tonya’s interests and also expose her to new experiences.

“We’re both introverted, so we don’t talk much,” mentor Suzanne said.

And they don’t have to. Tonya, who sings in her church choir, was able to watch a rehearsal of the Fisk University Jubilee Singers recently. Suzanne set it up.

Youth Villages operates the Tennessee Mentoring Initiative, partnering with the Department of Children’s Services to match mentors with Tennessee’s older foster children. Mentors offer support by serving as a positive role model for children.

“I enjoy the one-on-one connection with Tonya,” Suzanne said. “Tonya’s a delight to be with, and I enjoy being involved as she grows into an adult.”

Tonya and Suzanne 18, Tennessee Mentoring 24 Read more about Tonya and Suzanne’s story on

A Family Restored

They were a family in crisis.

Shaun, 16, and his two younger brothers accumulated 47 juvenile charges and missed 61 days of school.

The parents were committed to their children, but Robin, a paramedic, developed a dependence on prescription painkillers after two on-the-job injuries. Mike, her husband, began to drink after being laid off.

The state took custody of the boys. Youth Villages Senior Family Counselor Mary Beth Bailey first worked with the parents. Robin and Mike entered rehabilitation programs. Youth Villages helped pay for Mike’s plumbing license. Robin worked as a home health aide and began college nursing courses.

Bailey helped Robin and Mike return the focus to their children and their home. They established family rules, behavior plans, structure and a reward system.

The judge returned the boys’ custody back to Robin and Mike with conditions…

“I want you to send me invitations to all three of their graduations,” he said.

Shaun 16, Alabama Intensive In-home Services 26 Read more about Shaun’s story on
Ellis 18, Georgia Intensive In-home Services

Ellis Loves Home

When Angela White heard about Ellis, she knew her first family reunification case at Youth Villages would be a difficult one. It proved to be her hardest—and most rewarding one. Ellis had spent 10 years in foster care. His mother did not want to raise her son, born with autism and developmental delays. Relatives, teachers and caretakers could not handle his destructive behavior and considered him unable to live in the community. He was too aggressive, they said, and needed to be watched constantly. Still, Angela, a Youth Villages intensive in-home counselor, had hope. Angela did a family search. Ellis’ cousin, Tiffany Young, said she’d give the 17-year-old a try. Together, Angela and Tiffany worked on a consistent behavior plan with rewards and consequences. Over time, Ellis’ behaviors mellowed. After 10 years in foster care, Ellis finally returned to his family. He loves being home. Home to Ellis is “my blue house” with “my Tiffany.”

28 Read more about Ellis’ story on
Jessica 17, Florida Intensive In-home Services

Believe in Family

This is the year Jessica’s world changed.

Just 17, the young Tampa, Fla., girl grew up hard. Sometimes, her family lived in shelters; sometimes, the older children were taken into the child welfare system. Youth Villages Senior Counselor Mandy Carr helped Jessica return home from a residential stay.

Jessica’s mother, Judy, said the counselor helped heal the entire family.

“Mandy was the inspiration that my family needed,” she said.

Spurred by her counselor, Jessica began identifying her strengths and learned to work toward goals. She’s completing a GED course and will soon start at community college. She would like to be a veterinarian. Her mother is a believer.

“Jessica has overcome a lot of hurdles in her life,” Judy said.

“I see her making it now. She’s on task and doing awesome.”

30 Read more about Jessica’s story on

A Commitment to Family

Youth Villages Family Counselor Megan Grabe first met with a depressed and withdrawn Teon in jail. Arrested for unregistered vehicle charges, fighting in school and theft, 14-year-old Teon also got expelled from school. His world lacked structure, and his situation left Teon with a lot of anger. For six months, Megan did intensive counseling with Teon and his mother, Gail, at least three times a week, working with Teon on his decision-making and coping skills, and working with mom to implement a supervision plan and behavior contract. They went to school board meetings to advocate for Teon to get back in school and moved to a better neighborhood. “Gail has an amazing commitment to her son,” Megan says. “She was determined to have him at home and wasn’t going to give up.” Now Teon enjoys hanging out with his siblings at home, attending school and playing basketball in a league.

Teon 14, Washington, D.C. Intensive In-home Services 32 Read more about Teon’s story on
4.7% 13.0% 2.4% 59.1% 2.3% 1.9% 2.1% 0.5% 2.7% 1.6% 8.9% 0.6% 0.2% STATE OF ORIGIN AL MA TN FL NH VA AR MS TX GA NC DC OTHER PRESENTING ISSUES SUCCESS RATE 87% 67% 36% 33% 31% Behavioral Disorder Physical/Sexual Abuse Emotional Disorder Suicide Ideation/Attempt Substance Abuse 90% SATISFACTION PARENT 86% 83% At Discharge At 24 Months Post-Discharge GENDER 60% Male 40% Female CHILDREN SERVED BY PROGRAM Specialized Crisis Services Intensive In-home Services Transitional Living Residential Treatment Foster Care Group Homes Other Total 6,771 5,523 1,308 1,264 984 333 112 16,295* *110 children were placed for adoption or had their adoptions finalized in 2010. AGE DISTRIBUTION 8 and Younger 11% 9–11 9% 12–14 25% 15–17 42% 18 and Older 13% More than 80% of youth have multiple presenting issues.
2010 Statistics

Financials for Youth Villages Inc. and affiliates (in

Revenue and Expense Statement


Consolidated Balance Sheet

Giving Our Best

More than 3,600 individuals, corporations and foundations gave $10,002,993 to help the children and families served by Youth Villages in FY10. Youth Villages’ employees alone donated $850,000 through the Our Family Campaign.

It cost Youth Villages only 10¢ to raise $1 to support children and families. **

Of every dollar spent, 85¢ went directly to programs that support children and families.

*The information reported above is unaudited and reflects the fiscal year July 1, 2009–June 30, 2010. Net asset increase in 2010 is attributed to the merger with Inner Harbour in Georgia. For complete audited financial statements, please visit or contact the Youth Villages Development Department at 901-251-4807. **Youth Villages uses

34 ASSETS Total Current Assets Property and Equipment, Net Other Assets TOTAL ASSETS LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS Total Current Liabilities Long-Term Debt TOTAL LIABILITIES NET ASSETS Unrestricted Temporarily Restricted Permanently Restricted TOTAL NET ASSETS TOTAL LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS 2010* 101,151 56,247 3,608 161,006 12,031 4,200 16,231 135,714 6,386 2,675 144,775 161,006 2009 89,780 40,708 3,327 133,815 11,071 3,200 14,271 105,762 11,466 2,316 119,544 133,815 REVENUE State of Tennessee State of Arkansas State of Mississippi State of Texas State of Alabama State of North Carolina State of Massachusetts State of Florida State of Georgia District of Columbia Other States TennCare Grant Revenue Private Insurance Contributions United Way Investment Income Miscellaneous Income TOTAL REVENUE OPERATING EXPENSES Salaries Benefits Travel Communications Utilities Professional Fees Foster Parent Contracting Supplies Maintenance Training / Seminars Insurance Advertising Rent Miscellaneous Client Related Support TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES OTHER EXPENSES Depreciation Unreimbursed Program Care Interest Expense TOTAL OTHER EXPENSES TOTAL EXPENSES REVENUE OVER EXPENSES 43,097 8,451 15,866 838 5,679 8,844 2,279 2,328 12,349 1,795 3,283 21,325 5,394 3,574 10,003 196 5,621 1,431 152,353 76,926 19,130 7,421 2,381 1,433 3,801 5,411 1,160 3,196 563 987 644 2,508 1,779 5,180 132,520 4,307 1,114 102 5,523 138,043 14,310
a five-year
cost to raise $1. Figure above
to determine its
is for
A Catered Affair • ACH Food Companies, Inc. • AkzoNobel • Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church • Armstrong Relocation • Management • BancorpSouth • Bank of Bartlett • Bartlett Area Chamber of Commerce • Best Buy • Boston Celtics • Boyle Investment and Prevention Education) • Capitol Consultants • Carnival Memphis - Great River Carnival Association • CAT • Chipotle Mexican Computer Support Services Corporation • Comtrak Logistics • Contemporary Media, Inc. • Conwood Charitable Trust • Cornerstone DelBrocco & Associates • Dell, Inc. • Dog River Grading • Druid Hills Presbyterian Church • DTC - Diversified Partners, L.P. • Education Mutual • FedEx Corp. • FedEx Express - Global Trade Systems • FedEx - Retail Marketing • FedEx Services • Financial Federal Savings GE Foundation • Geny Insurance Agency • Goddard Foundation • Goodlett Foundation • Graffiti Graphics • HCA Health Care Foundation Hyde Family Foundations • Jackson Lewis, LLP • Jaco-Bryant Printers, Inc. • Jenesis Group • Joe C. Davis Foundation • Joseph B. Kiwanis Foundation of Atlanta, Inc. • Knoxville Association of REALTORS • Kroger • L&L Exhibition Management LLC • Loeb Properties, Inc. • Lowe’s • Lydia Circle of Christ United Methodist Church • Macaroni & Company • Medtronic • Memphis Area Association of Realtors • Memphis Chapter 20 • Microsoft Corporation • Mid-America Apartment Communities • Miller Nashville Steel Corporation • Nelson Mullins Riley & Scarborough, Makers • OnForce, Church • Pfizer Commerce Club of Douglas Signet, Insurance Memphis Inc. • Edna McConnell Memorial • The Pharmacy • Variety Wells Fargo Granite, Corporation Community Partners MORE THAN 3,600 INDIVIDUALS, CORPORATIONS AND FOUNDATIONS


AT&T • Atlanta Ballet • Atlanta Women’s Club • AutoZone • Babies R Us • Back Yard Burgers, Inc. • Bailey Insurance & Risk Investment Company • Bridgestone / Firestone • Brother Industries • C.H. Robinson Worldwide, Inc. • C.A.P.E. (Crime Awareness Mexican Grill • Citadel, Memphis Radio Group • Clarcor Foundation • Clear Channel Outdoor • Coca-Cola Foundation • Comcast • Cornerstone Systems • Cracker Barrel Foundation • Crye-Leike, REALTORS • Dan and Merrie Boone Foundation • Dan McGuinness • Education Realty Trust • Entercom Memphis, LLC • Ernst & Young, LLP • EZ Agape Foundation • Family Christian Stores • Farmington Savings Bank • First Tennessee Foundation • Futons, Futons, Futons, LLC • Gannett Foundation • GAP • Gaylord Entertainment • Foundation • Health & Fitness Magazine • Healthways • The Hershey Company • Highwoods Properties • Hunt Brothers Pizza • B. Whitehead Foundation • Katcher, Vaughn & Bailey Public Relations • Kele, Inc. • Keller Williams Realty • Kelley Productions • Management • Lakeland Lions Foundation • Latecomers Family League • Linkous Construction Co., Inc. • Lipscomb & Pitts Insurance, Grill • Magna Bank • MARS Petcare • Marvelous Light Christian Ministry • Mary Allen Lindsey Branan Foundation • McCormick 20 of the Institute of Real Estate Management - IREM • Memphis Grizzlies • Memphis Runners Track Club • Menke Foundation Miller Dental Health • Morgan Keegan & Company, Inc. • MAAR Multi-Million Dollar Club • Nashville Predators Foundation • Scarborough, LLP • Nesvick Trading Group, LLC • Newman-Tillman Properties, LLC • NFIB • Norfolk Southern • North Georgia Doll OnForce, Inc. • Optimist Club of White Station • Panera Bread • Paul Mitchell The School • Peachtree Road United Methodist Pfizer NASS • Pittulloch Foundation • Plough Foundation • Premium Refreshment • Publix Super Markets • Quebec Chamber of Commerce - Atlanta • Radcliffe Presbyterian Church • ReTrans • redplus innovations • Rogers Group, Inc. • Rose Foundation • Rotary Douglas County • Saint Francis Hospital - Bartlett • Sam’s Club • Sautee Nacoochee Center • Schadt Foundation • Seasons.4 • Inc. • Sommet Insurance & Risk Management • Spiral Systems • Stacey Ann Boe Memorial Fund • State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Co. • Stratas Foods • Strategic Grant Partners • SunTrust Atlanta • Target • Tenet Healthcare Corp. • The Assisi Foundation of Memphis • The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation • The Boston Foundation • The British Sports Car Club LTD. • The Canale Foundation, The Commercial Appeal • The Community Foundation for Greater Atlanta • The Day Foundation • The Duke Endowment • The McConnell Clark Foundation • The GreenLight Fund • The Kemmons Wilson Family Foundation • The Kresge Foundation • The Memorial Foundation • The Memphis Flyer • The Memphis Group • The Paul and Phyllis Fireman Foundation • The Robertson Foundation M. Stratton Foster Charitable Foundation • The UPS Foundation, Inc. • Thomas W. Briggs Foundation, Inc. • T.J.Maxx • Tri-Med Pharmacy Services • Turner Construction Company • UBS • United Way of Metropolitan Atlanta • Unity Hair Salon • UPS • U.S. Bank Variety of Eastern Tennessee • Village Real Estate Services • Vining Sparks • Vitro America, Inc. • Volunteer Corporate Credit Union • Fargo Foundation • Wal-Mart • Walker-J-Walker, Inc. • Watkins Uiberall, PLLC • Wellspring Capital Management, LLC • Werthan Granite, LLC • Women’s Council of REALTORS • Wood Personnel Services • WRVR 104.5 The River • Wyatt Tarrant & Combs • Xerox Corporation • Yale Commercial Locks and Hardware • Zachariah Foundation 36

Board of Directors, Leadership Councils

Board of Directors

Michael J. Bruns (Chairman)

Patrick W. Lawler

(Chief Executive Officer)

Ronnie Randall

(Vice Chairman)

Jimmy Lackie (Secretary)

Paul Bower (Treasurer)

Jim Barton Jr.

Eric Bolton

Judge Joyce Broffitt

Kenneth A. Campbell

Lewis G. Holland Sr.

John Hutchins

Joanna Jacobson

Middle Tennessee Leadership Council

Bill Hamburg (Co-Chair)

Betsy Walkup (Co-Chair)

Karen Baker

Judy Caplan

George Cate Jr.

Tarsha Clemons

Mary Cooper

Vaughan DePillo

Bob Grimes

Mary Grochau

North Carolina Leadership Council

Elizabeth Skvarla John White

Massachusetts Leadership Council

George D’Errico

William Foster

Deborah Fung

Robert P. Gittens

Paul S. Grogan

Margaret Hall

Joanna Jacobson

Paul F. Levy

Rev. Robert Earl Jones

Bryan Jordan

Kenneth May

Mark Medford

Jim Parrish

Johnny Pitt s

Ray Pohl man

Jennifer Q ueen

Kenneth Reeves

Matthew F. Tarkenton

David Tyler

Bets y Walkup

To dd Watson

George White

Jeff Harman

Julia Ann Hawkins

Louisa Kennerly

Chris Kimler

Elena Perez

Laura Perkins

Lisa Small

Lele Thompso n (Council Intern)

Pat Wallace

Jeremy Werthan

Carole Wilson

Leigh Young

Melinda Marble

Robert M. Nephew

Mark E. Robinson

Marylou Sudders

Warren E. Tolman

Greg Torres


On The Cover

Quentyn, 9

Writing, Design and Photography

Youth Villages’

Communications Department

Additional Photography

Joshua Anderson

Robin Conn

Brian Adams

Mark Dolejs

Dayna Smith


Jaco-Bryant Printers


Youth Villages helps children and families live successfully.

Our Values

Kids’ needs come first… Always.

We believe children are raised best by their families.

We provide a safe place.

We strive to achieve positive, lasting results.

We are committed to our staff.

We are each responsible for providing the highest level of service to our customers.

We constantly improve our performance to achieve excellence.

We create new programs to meet the needs of children, families and the community. We do what we say we do.

To learn more about Youth Villages and how we help children and families in your state, visit

Youth Villages | 3320 Brother Blvd. | Memphis, TN 38133 | 901.251.5000

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