1 minute read

Moseline Walked

No one expected Moseline to end up in a cap and gown. From the age of 11, when she was removed from her mother’s house due to abuse and neglect, the Everett, Mass., girl struggled. She lived with an aunt for several years, but by age 17 she ended up in foster care because her aunt lost patience and kicked her out. She bounced through a series of foster homes.

“I was just doing whatever I wanted,” Moseline said. “I didn’t follow any rules. I didn’t go to school.”

Edging toward age 18 when state support can end, Moseline was running out of options.

“I might have ended up homeless,” she said. Instead, she was assigned to Youth Villages’ transitional living program.

“My TL specialist asked me what my goals were, what I wanted to do with my life,“ Moseline said. “She helped me see beyond my current situation.”

Moseline has made great progress with the help of Youth Villages staff from our Woburn, Mass., office. In fact, they were the “family” Moseline invited to her high school graduation this spring. Her next goals: college, a good job, a comfortable life.