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Size four models that look like they haven’t had a bad hair day or a zit in their entire life, celebrities airbrushed beyond recognition, one thousand and one ways to get an orgasm, articles encouraging girls as young as thirteen to go out dressed in little more than a hanky, a one thousand five hundred dollar scarf advertised as a wise investment, girls ‘dressed’, posed and photographed for the pleasure of perverted old men and pubescent little boys, 20 question quizzes that will determine the rest of your life, miracle diets and miracle creams. That’s not life that’s a glossy magazine. Life’s is an amazing, beautiful, eye opening journey, a learning process through which we gather the knowledge and experience required to pass from this life into the next. Youth in revolt will evoke thought, feeling and discussion from start to finish, life will never be a glossy magazine but this, is progress. This is YOUTH IN REVOLT.

Olivia Mróz

Nicole Daphne


FOUNDING EDITOR Photographer and artist.

Writer and journalist.



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From The Moment I Could Talk HYPE YIR MOD BL0GG3Rz Mirror, Mirror Trick OR Treat? Epinions Hannah Rockliffe Colourblind Kristina Miltiadou Jennine Scarboro i fink u freeky



“From the moment I could talk I was ordered to listen.”



In today’s society everything is constantly moving and changing, one thing that stays constant however is the pressures of our youth. We sat down with a young male student currently completing VCE and asked him how him and his friends deal with the pressures of school girls and growing up during a time that is sometimes moving so fast that all the days often blur into one. The media often portrays today’s youth as being wild, promiscuous, out of control party animals; do you believe this to be an accurate depiction of your generation? There’s always going to be people that fit into that description, people that don’t and people that sit somewhere in the middle. Different people are under different pressures, they differ from social group to social group and from school to school. I personally think that things don’t change all that much from generation to generation and that things more or less go around in circles. Life is just one big school ground and everyone is keen to point the finger at each other and say “You’re worse.” Another generalisation made about today’s youth is that they don’t know the difference between being depressed and being sad, and that they are pill happy, popping a pill for every problem. What do you think about this? This is a hard one because you can never really know what someone is going through without being in their position. Obviously some people are oversensitive whilst others are generally depressed, it’s up to the professionals to make that decision though, and nobody else. If pills are going to stop people from harming themselves and lower suicide rates – great. If anything, our generation is more open about our issues and I see nothing wrong with that. It seems that more and more young girls are falling pregnant, do you think this is because your generation are having more sex, are being less careful, both or something else? To be honest, I’d like to see the statistics on this. Has it really changed that much? I don’t think so. I could be wrong though. It probably changes slightly from area to area, school to school but not so much from generation to generation. You mentioned earlier that you think this generation is more in touch with their emotions, do you think this one of the reasons that more young adults are pursuing creative careers? I think self-expression is a big part of why more people are pursuing creative careers, but a lot of other things factor into it too. I play guitar for my personal enjoyment more than anything else. Playing guitar is something that I can do by myself or with others; it’s a great boredom buster. It comes down to the individual, not the generation they were born in. What do you think is the biggest source of pressure on today’s youth? Personally I feel a lot of pressure to stay out of trouble. I don’t think I go looking for trouble but sometimes it just seems to find me. Maybe it’s because people are associating me with these stereotypes without getting to know me. I’m sure I’m not the only one who feels like this. People seem to very eager at times to shove our generation back in ‘our place’. Like Cat Stevens said “From the moment I could talk I was ordered to listen.” By Nicole Daphne Wilson




Detachment by Tony Kaye - 2011

Detachment provides a unique perspective on the relationships between teacher and student, teacher and teacher, and student and student. Detachment brings to light the different pressures put on both students and teachers alike, particularly teachers. This film brings to light the stress associated with the responsibility that is put on high school teachers to nurture their students both academically and emotionally during a very sensitive part of their lives. The film touches on topics such as abuse, prostitution, bullying and suicide. Adrian Brody is at his finest in this film, his best performance since The Pianist. The cinematography is superb and the story is well told and highly emotive.

Built To Spill – There’s Nothing Wrong With Love 1994

After hearing Modest Mouse years ago I went on a search of similar music from a similar time period. And I found this gem of a band in Built To Spill. The music made by this group is basically like people got together years ago to form a band just for my music sensibilities. Sounding like a cross between Neil Young and Dinosaur Jr., and being a massive influence on bands like Modest Mouse and artists like Ben Gibbard (The Postal Service and Death Cab For Cutie) a musical love was born. This love has lead to me having to listen to them once a week, specifically their sophomore release ‘There’s Nothing Wrong With Love’, which I consider as the best record they have ever released and one of the best 90’s records ever released. As with most of the artists I love, it’s the vocal delivery of lead singer Doug Martsch that really gets me. With such an intriguing voice, I love the emotion that he lays out with every song. Not to say that they overshadow the instrumentation either, which has that typical 90’s indie rock sound that really plays off Doug’s vocal superbly. The track ‘Car’ has to be my favourite and just one of the best songs I have ever heard. It starts off with a strikingly subdued vocal delivery and morphs into this psychedelic trip, which builds into a layered song that includes guitars, drums and even cello. The instrumentation on this track is a standout, but what caps it off is the lyrics, specifically one lyric that I think about constantly, “I want to see movies of my dreams”. With repeated listens this album seems to improve and actually grows on me further, and I cannot recommend it more highly.

breathe, calm your soul

Yoga is a great way to deal with every day stress and anxiety. Just taking 20 minutes out of your day to focus completely on relaxing can do amazing things for your mental health. One of the things that makes yoga such an accessible and versatile form of stress relief is the fact you can partake in it in a class situation or you can do it at home by yourself. If you’ve ever felt powerless to control your own emotions, yoga could be the answer you’re looking for.



Big Brother (Australia)

With Big Brother Australia 2012 coming to a close, one big (puny) question lingers –What to do now? With this series in my opinion being one of the most competitive and psychologically tolling series yet, I have no idea how the producers will top it next time and I eagerly await with anticipation to find out. In the meantime with six competitors still in the running for the grand prize, shit is about to get real. Pathetic? Maybe, but I’m a full time uni student who works weekends , this is as exciting as my life gets at the moment. So who will take the ultimate title? My money was on Sayla, Sam or Layla, but now I haven’t got a clue… One thing is for sure though, both Big Brother and Australia are watching.

Orcs Must Die 2

This game isn’t super new, but I just got a new gaming computer and hadn’t played PC games properly in a few years. Out of all the games in the world, this was the first thing I actually bought for it. Basically this game is awesome. I really liked the first one which I played on Xbox 360. It includes elements of Tower Defence as well as third person shooters. Both things I like a lot. Orcs Must Die 2 improves over the original by allowing you to choose a second playable character with different skills to the original hero. Like the original game, a few expansion packs have come out for download for a few dollars each. A cool feature of the sequel is online co-op, which is great since a second player could really help in some of the harder levels.

American Psycho by Bret Easton Ellis - 1991

American Psycho is narrated by Patrick Bateman, the anti-hero, who is a high end business man that works on Wall Street. He is the total stereotypical commercial yuppie living in New York City. The novel set in the mid 1980’s and he wants to be the best of the best in his corporate world. The thing is though, is that he is also a psychopath, he gets his thrills by killing people. Throughout this very graphic novel, the reader is left asking themselves, did all of that really just happen, or is it just the imaginary ramblings of a psychopath?

The Orcs Must Die series is a great budget series, you can get them pretty cheap on Steam (especially if they’re on sale) and there is now a box set of the two games for PC that you can buy at retail stores as well. If you like Tower Defence games as well as action / shooters, you’ll probably like this!



YiR.MOD Halloween Edition





bL0GG3Rz By Olivia Mroz

Ai Assano/Eighteen/Japanese/Aquarius What’s your name? ai asano. ai means love in japanese! Where are you from? +++++JPN. What do you do? ;;just alive.breathing,breathing,sometimes deep breathing.;; Do you have any animals? no,but my mom has a dog called momo.silver miniature poodle. Who’s your favorite artist? DJ NOBU, Shinro Otake;; Daido Moriyama;; Kazunari Hattori;; Suehiro Maruo;; Yukio Mishima;; Junichiro Tanizaki;; and more…i cant WRite all!!! What would you do differently if you knew nobody would judge you? nothing! if nobody would judge me,i judge MyselF. What’s your favorite thing to blog about? beautiful things i felt. What inspires you? eartH,Universe,all the living thing. Do you create? i do some design. Have you ever seen a ghost/alien? ghost,yes.alien,no. What’s your favorite sound/smell/touch/taste? sound kiiiiiii---piiiinmmmm-----gGGGGgagagaaa---------shiiiiishihIiiIIIiIiIii, smell depends, touch fffffffffffffffffffff, taste CalorieMate(BLOCK),manju,mintia,dango. Are you sick in any way? yes or no !because,i dont know what is Sick or healthy.



Julia/Twenty/Russian/Sagittarius Where are you from? I was born in Belarus but am currently living in Canada. What do you do? Full time student and full time mess. Do you have any animals? I have a little 3 legged angel (dog) named Sofia. Are you holding onto something you need to let go of? No. I am literally incapable of holding on to things. It’s both a blessing and a curse. Have you been the kind of friend you want as a friend? Yeah, I can say I am a good friend. I’m the whole list of adjectives for the word good on What would you do differently if you knew nobody would judge you? I’d tweak my personality to become outgoing and confident. I’m stupidly shy. Do you believe in God? No. The only person I live for is myself not some deity that may or may not exist. If God turns out to be real (unlikely), I hear he’s a great guy anyways and I’m sure he can forgive my pessimistic and untrusting attitude. What revolts you? Wow I almost wrote homosexuality, but I meant to say HOMOPHOBIA. Lately it’s been really irking me. I guess just general closed mindedness makes me awfully pissed off. Do you believe in true love? Of course. Because my parents. Are you sick in any way? No. I am not one of those people from the internet who feels it necessary to self diagnose myself with depression and anxiety because I am too lazy to go and interact with living, tangible people. What’s your fave sex position? All because sex rules. Spit or swallow? Swallow, if I felt it necessary to spit I wouldn’t be performing fellatio on said person anyways. Are you a virgin? I lost it at 18 because I felt like it. How many sexual partners have you had to date? Does anyone ever go around sharing this information? Have you ever been paid for sex? No. As J-Lo says: My luv don’ cost a thing. Sex toys? No, flesh is always better.





Mirror, Mirror By Olivia Mroz Model: Misha Grace Assistant: Nicole Wilson 13


















TRICK or TREAT? By Nicole Daphne Wilson

Captain America’s Hamburger Heaven, Ferntree Gully, $28 This 1kg monster is essentially made up of two burgers with the lot stacked on top of each other and held together by a giant toothpick accompanied by a mini American flag. To put it into perspective and so you don’t take on this challenge without knowing exactly what it is your getting yourself into, taking on this challenge means that you’ll be consuming a double stack of beef patties, egg, bacon, onion, pineapple, lettuce, tomato, cheese and dill pickle. If this description doesn’t already have you second guessing whether you’re up for taking on this beast, we should probably mention that it’s accompanied by 600g of thick fries for men and 300g for ladies. At least one person a night takes on Captain American’s Big Heavenly Burger Challenge and understandably most people fail. Word is that it’s the fries that’s the real killer. Right now the record for men stands at 6.58 minutes and the lady’s stands at 12.42. Take on this challenge at your own risk; many great men have fallen to this food challenge.

Outback Jack’s, Knox City, $49.95 Steak lovers, this one for you: 1kg of steak and 500g of veg and wedges. –devour this monstrosity in under 30 minutes and you’ll walk away with a $30 voucher, choose to humbly admit defeat and you’ll still walk away with a free Outback Jack’s t-shirt (we know which we’d rather). Are you up for it? Go on, give it a go. If you complete this challenge successfully you’ve probably missed your calling and maybe it’s time to start considering a future in competitive eating. What are you waiting for? Hop on down to Outback Jack’s and take on Jack’s challenge.



epinions. HI, I’m e. first time writer, long time reader? I guess that’s what you’d call it. This is my opinion page, where I write my opinion on ANYTHING I feel like expressing my opinion about. Anyway, I’m going to remain anonymous, because that’s what I feel like. If you have any questions or queries, or anything for me, don’t hesitate to email me at the YIR email, because those hot bitches that run this magazine will pass it on! xx

I Love Asians Racism is flipping mental, and it disgusts me that racists still exist in this time, this day and this age. What is wrong with people? What is wrong with you people? Just because someone is from a different background to you, doesn’t make him or her any less of a person than you are. No one is beneath you, as people we are all equal, with equal rights. More importantly, Asians are wonderful. They’re intelligent and lovely. They wear the cutest clothes and come up with some of the cutest styles. Who cares if they speak a different language? Hey, who even cares if they take up most of the population in this world? They have wonderful natures. They treat everyone with kindness, and yet deal with so much disrespect in this country. I always hear people disrespecting asians, and making snide remarks and rude comments about them, they definitely don’t deserve anything like this. Everyone is able to treat each other with the respect and kindness they deserve. It’s disgusting to see how many people can be so disrespectful towards other people, all because the colour of their skin, or what they believe in. next times you think about judging someone based on their background or skin colour, think again. And think how you’d feel if you were in their shoes. Exactly. This website is brilliant with helping out those disrespected by racism, and raising awareness for them. Help them out today, by just reading about what they do to help others, and I promise you, you’ll feel better about yourselves: Racism makes me sick. Stand up for what you believe in, - e.









Colourblind Pink was once the colour of everything. But now I see in all colours. My mind loves, My heart loves And so does my soul. Slowly things once turned blue, I thought I almost lost you. Jealousy controlled my thoughts, Heartbreak blinded me And I lost my positive nature. Things turned red, Causing me to lose my head. I almost thought I hated you, My heart was hurt And I felt broken. When things became purple, I was always uncertain. Thoughts were always irrational, My angered heart turned me bitter And I was lost, working this out. The time it was orange, Was quite a challenge, Over time my mind healed itself, And so did my heart Along with my soul, My positive nature bringing itself back. Things are rose now, As well as all of other beautiful colours in this world. I’m happy, my mind is happy, My heart is happy And my soul is happy. -Elyse Letteri



Kristina Miltiadou

How would you describe your sound? Nu-wave RnB pop. They are the two worlds of music I listen to most, grew up with and get most excited by. Putting my own spin on them. I’m working on getting some gospel feel in there too, that real deep soul. Passionate pop. What separates you from other artists? Well I think everyone is different. I am me, I have my own influences, my own live performance style, my own vocal tone. I think these all add up to separate me from every other person with their way of doing things. I don’t think anyone sounds exactly like me or moves the same way. I would say my personality comes through in my songs and live performances as a point of distinction. What artists inspire you? Powerful live performers. Mariah Carey was my main inspiration from a young age for her insane vocal range and live delivery. Beyonce for her sass, confidence and genuine talent both moves wise and vocally. She is an all round fantastic entertainer and that is what I strive to be. Frank Ocean is a big inspiration as a songwriter, his lyrics and song structures are both unique and deep, they really speak to people and I hope to do that with my songs also. For every song to ring true in its own complex way. I see him as one of the modern geniuses. Who would you love to collaborate with? Frank Ocean for sure. I have a sneaky duet dream I am yet to fulfill. The song is ready, just waiting for the right moment........ Tell us a bit about the girl behind the music. I can’t seem to keep my voice down, ever. I use way too many tissues ( I think it’s the big Greek nose). I own way too many pairs of shoes, but I’ll never stop wanting or buying more. I love tight clothing. And I cried when I met Beyonce & Jay Z. It’s my favourite story to tell. What do you get up to during your down time? I love cooking, visiting friends, spending all day drinking coffee, chatting, walking around our beautiful city of Melbourne. I just got a bike so I’m pretty excited to start riding around and exploring new forms of downtime. Summer is the best for that. Winter is more of a heater onwatch a billion movies type thing. I love my rom coms. Watching documentaries as well. There’s so many interesting things to learn about.



What has been your biggest musical accomplishment so far? I think supporting Marina & The Diamonds a few summers ago was a big one for me. I wanted it so bad and to get that slot was a dream come true. One of those things I wasn’t sure was possible but it happened. What should we expect from you in the future? Lots of new material and a lot more touring. I just want to keep developing and putting great stuff out there. What venue/event would you love to headline? The Forum for sure. I think it’s stunning. As for events, Meredith would be incredible. I think it’s the most special music festival. But I haven’t been to any outside of Australia so who knows where I’ll set my sights in the future. Have you had any gig disasters? Well, almost. We played a gig at the Ivy in Sydney, the stage was in the middle of a pool full of people and I stepped into the water with my microphone. I didn’t realise at the time but the lead had gone into the pool and our sound guy had run up to the stage screaming at me to get out before I electrocuted everyone. Nothing happened but I’ll be extra careful next time I’m handling electronic equipment around water. Oops! Do you have any lucky charms or pre-gig rituals? I like to smash a bowl of Pho on the day of a show. Full of chilli. That steamy, clear broth is great for clearing up any congestion or muccus. And I always have a singing lesson, if not a few throughout the week. I have a great teacher (Katherine Dolphin) who gets everything working right and ready for a great performance.

By Nicole Daphne Wilson



Jennine Scarboro By Olivia Mroz

What mediums do you use? Graphite and acrylic, on paper. What do you do while you create? Dance and sing. Pop music is best. There’s always this moment when working starts to freak me out…it happens when I’ve gotten some good results but the piece isn’t finished yet. Then, I have to risk destroying what I have to continue. Dancing around, belting-out some Katie Perry or Pink, jolts me out of that moment so I can get back to work. How old were you when you started? I’m remembering back to a drawing in purple-crayon-scribble on Pepto-Bismol wallpaper, no longer extant since Mom painted the room. I think my love for lurid color was there, already. It was in high school, though, that I started working seriously at art. I spent a zillion hours copying Vogue fashion spreads and Erté illustrations. Tell us a little about your creations. The paintings are very romantic. And vividly, luridly, pretty. The ladies especially, who tend to wear: delicately hued blouses and panties, high high-heels, big luxurious hair, pouting lips, and shiny red fingernails. I work on paper: drawing in pencil, and painting in acrylic. The paint is often diluted to the consistency of watercolor, or made viscous and shiny, or flat and opaque, by the addition of mediums. There are stories behind the paintings. These tales, from a saga of rotting-skinned beauties in love with Death, to a science/fairytale in which genetically crossed shrubs propagate a population of plant/ human hybrids, spark the paintings. Do you have any animals? I have one very spoiled orange cat Oscar, a.k.a. Lazy Fur. Who’s your favorite artist? Lisa Yuskavage, for capturing that brazen, rude, innocent, bawdy, loveliness of female sexuality so alluringly in paint. What inspires you? Wow! It’s hard to narrow down, but books often inspire me. Right now I’ve been thinking a lot about Beautiful and Pointless: a Guide to Modern Poetry; David Orr writes on what it means to make “ambitious” work, he’s talking about poems of course but in my head I’m applying it to painting. That’s been percolating around my brain and I think it’s going to influence what I do next. I’ve also been loving the book Electrical Banana: Masters of Psychedelic Art, which has interviews and projects of some fantastic artists of that era. If you started a revolution what would it be? The Roof Garden Revolution. I love gardens but I love the city. I think it would be fantastic, if when you looked down from your airplanewindow the cities below were a jumble of lush, green, rooves.











i fink u freeky Me and my ex were doing the whole ‘trying to be friends thing’ (righto) and he was over and we were hanging out, and decided to go for a walk. Towards the end of the walk it was getting dark and we were making our way back when we decided to stop by my old primary school. Sexual tension was high sitting next to each other on the playground and it wasn’t long before the two of us were giving playtime a whole new name. - Playtime After a booze fuelled Saturday night that continued on to the early hours of the next morning I finally collapsed into (someone’s) bed, but I wasn’t alone. Earlier that night I was being harassed by a way to persistent club goer who just wouldn’t take no for an answer, a girl who I be-friended earlier in the night kindly offered to pretend to be my lesbian lover so that sleaze ball would leave me alone. Initially it didn’t seem to deter him at all so we decided to make out in front of him to give the tale some credibility. Finally he got the message and pissed off. Shortly after that the club closed and the kind Samaritan invited me back to her friend’s house for kick-ons, I accepted. As we made our way back to house it became obvious that my new friend was not pretending to be lesbian at all. Once we arrived at the house I was feeling well and truly uncomfortable, but the two girls were more than accommodating and soon the attention began to give me the giggles. Several drinks later I found myself in bed with the two girls and from that point on, the rest of the night is a drunken blur of heavy, girl on girl, skin on skin action. For someone who said they would never partake in ménage a trois it was a night that regrettably or not, I’ll never forget. - Menage-a-trois A few years ago I was in a not so serious relationship with my then boyfriend, which largely revolved around sex. He was into a few things that some people might find borderline weird but nothing that would raise too many eyebrows. One day, in the middle of sex he asked me if he could wear and sniff the pair of red lacey panties I was wearing at the time. Kinky or queer? I’m still not sure. - Panties I’ve always had a sweet tooth and I’ve never been afraid to experiment. One day I was mucking around with a friend, exploring each other and so on when I decided to unwrap a lollypop and stick it in her wet pussy. My friend was pleased with the sweet penetration, but then my mum walked in on us and quickly sent my friend home. - Sweet Tooth

Are you freeky? Freek us out by sending your freeky (or not so freeky stories) to *Anonymity guaranteed*



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*Blogger BABEz* *Cam Johns* *Keith Nallawalla* *Nazanin Behbehani* *Em Kay* *Misha Grace* *Elyse Letteri* *Justin Wilson* *Hannah Rockliffe* *Kristina Miltiadou* *Jennine Scarboro*


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