Your Style eZine

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August 23,2010 Healthy Eating Between Your 20s and 60s Sandra Bramwell: A Passion to Educate and Transform Lives Lies Men Tell

Quote of The Week The aim of education should be to teach us rather how to think, than what to think - rather to improve our minds, so as to enable us to think for ourselves, than to load the memory with thoughts of other men. -Bill Beattie

Editor’s Note Hi Readers,

“True education means more than the pursuit of a certain course of study.” Just ask Sandra Bramwell, Founder and Director of Versan Educational Services, who continues to successfully guide hundreds of Jamaican hopefuls into colleges overseas. Also, check out an easy food guide on weight management in every decade to go with your weekly Your Style feast. Bon Appétit.

Live. Love. Laugh a Lot.

Cover & Cover Story Photography by Warren Buckle

Makeup by Nicki Brown

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Between Your 20s and 60s


e all remember the days when our metabolism could effortlessly burn through loads of fatty foods, but as we get older we realise that it is taking a little bit more effort to keep that weight in check. The truth is we can’t eat whatever we like at different stages in our lives. To help out, Your Style presents a guide on eating.

In your 40s: To minimize hormone-level changes that may cause weight fluctuations, replace animal protein and fat with vegetarian sources, like nuts, seeds, beans, avocado, and quinoa.

In your 20s: Build good habits—and bone density—by opting for nutrient-rich whole foods instead of refined varieties (an apple instead of apple juice, whole grains instead of white flour).

Saturated fat (which meat tends to have a lot of ) can gum up arteries and speed you toward heart disease. Too little fiber (meat has zero) can accelerate the ageing of the gastrointestinal system. Beans and lentils are the opposite of meat: lots of fiber and no saturated fat—and they provide protein.

White Bread for Whole Grain Bread Whenever you replace white flour with whole grains—in bread, cereal, pasta—it’s a strike against aging. Soda for Tea A cup of tea infuses you with antioxidants instead of the wallop of sugar you get in a can of soda. Green, black, and especially white—drink it hot or iced: All offer the powerful nutrients and a boost of caffeine. In your 30s: Rather than cutting out certain foods or reducing calories, eat smaller, more frequent meals that include a balanced mix of carbohydrates, protein, and fat. *Brian Wansink, PhD, has found that switching from a 12” to a 10” plate leads people to eat 22 per cent fewer calories. If you downsized only your dinner plate, you would be eliminating more than 5,000 calories a month from your diet. source:

1/4 of Your Meat for Lentils

In your 50s: To fight abdominal fat, focus on making exchanges. Skip coffee and diet soda in favor of green tea, or ditch high-sugar sweets and have a portion of dark chocolate instead. Milk Chocolate for Dark Chocolate Dark chocolate (look for at least 60 per cent cocoa) is a concentrated source of antioxidants, which protects cells from age-related damage; milk chocolate contains significantly smaller amounts. Also, chocolate’s fat doesn’t raise cholesterol. Preliminary results from tests done by doctors show benefits to blood vessels two hours after eating dark chocolate or drinking it in cocoa. Nibble an ounce, sip a small cup—the calories still add up. In your 60s: As your body loses lean muscle, your metabolism naturally slows, putting you at risk for weight gain. Choosing highquality proteins can help maintain muscle and your body’s calorie-burning ability. your style eZine

cover story

Sandra Bramwell


hough most of us are implored to be the best at whatever we try our hand, very few individuals take up the challenge of the adage wholeheartedly. Sandra Bramwell is one of those precious few who embody this with unfettered passion. “One of Jamaica’s biggest problems is the lack of passion particularly in our educational sector, and what most fail to understand is that just because you are certified as an educator it does not necessarily mean that you are an educator, there is a lot more to it,” Bramwell`` said. Over the years, there has been a significant increase in the demand for people all across the world wanting to study in other countries, and Jamaica is no exception. “I’ll tell you, since

A Passion to Educate and Transform Lives

the seats are filling up at the University of West Indies (UWI), many students opt to study elsewhere but not just for that reason, it is also borne out of wanting to have a different cultural experience,” she said, as she recalled her early years at the Wolmer’s High School for Boys where she began teaching after returning to Jamaica. She recalled that the boys at the prestigious Jamaican high school were always interested in college overseas, so it was out of this realisation that Versan Educational Services Limited was born. Versan is a 15-year-old organisation that sends over 300 students to colleges in North America annually.

your style eZine

cover story

I’m looking to set up a fully equipped school with all the rigours, intensity and comprehensive teaching modules that will adequately prepare all students for the next level.

Founder and Director of the organisation, Bramwell is blessed with the ability to immediately pair a student with a particular university within seconds of meeting them. “I’ve travelled to all the states in the US and visited many colleges; this is primarily important because each student has a certain personality that matches a particular school.” With branches in Kingston, Montego Bay, Ocho Rios, St. Lucia and the USA, the services that Bramwell and her team provide have not lost quality. “We’ve just rewritten our manual and our Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) classes have become more rigorous,” she explained, on maintaining quality and an excellent track record. Ever so often there are doubters, who believe that the process of sending away some of our brightest young minds, creates a brain drain. Bramwell does not believe that this is the case. “The United States is at a point where no job is stable, as they are currently still experiencing a downturn,” said the experienced educator as she made reference to two of her staff members who studied in the States and have since returned home. Her commitment to her students’ success at all levels has not gone unnoticed as she has received a number of awards. She was awarded “Teacher of the Year” for five consecutive years at the high school level, in addition to “Teacher of the Year Citation Awards” from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Stanford University for providing them with top students continuously.

While most associate her success with the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) for undergraduate students, she has also overseen a steady increase in successful scholarship winners for the Law School Admission Test (LSAT), the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) for graduate students pursuing arts courses, and the Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) and scholarships to top Ivy League schools. Since being in the business, Bramwell has seen many other institutions similar to Versan come and go, however she and her team have continued to lead the way steadfastly while looking for other locations across the world to set up offices as well as a complete school. “I’m looking to set up a fully equipped school with all the rigours, intensity and comprehensive teaching modules that will adequately prepare all students for the next level,” she stated enthusiastically.

About Sandra Bramwell: Attended: Wolmer’s High School for Girls Speaks nine languages fluently Taught High School Language and Literature Translated documents on nuclear weapons and peace armament agreements at the UN level. your style eZine

relationships by Rev Elry


men tell


en love to see quotes that somewhat justify their seemingly compulsive need to stray from the truth. One particular memorable one reads, “Whenever a man lies, it is usually for a good, honourable reason and usually for the benefit of his wife’s feelings.” Of course, most of what is implied by this quote is motivated by chauvinism and male ego, but it turns out that a lot of the top lies that men tell women seem designed to make life less confrontational for them. Your Style compiled a list of some of the top lies that men tell their partners. You may be surprised to see what we found. “I’m sorry I missed your call” With so many modes of communication nowadays this lie can take on many variations, but it can range from a white lie designed to cover up an impromptu boys’ night out or something far more dastardly. “I wasn’t looking at that girl” This one usually gets women irritated, mostly because girlfriend probably saw the other girl first and caught the boyfriend absolutely cold. Men never seem to learn but its usually harmless. “I’m fine, nothing’s wrong” Women can sense when something is off in a relationship but men usually ‘fess up’ when they are ready to, or never at all. This normally sets off alarm bells but each relationship is different, so approach accordingly.

ping trips this lie will come up quite often. “You’re the best” Well, we all know why men would tell this lie. No complaints here. “I’m completely over my ex” This goes both ways, but this one could be taken with a grain of salt…maybe the whole shaker. “Weight? No man and even if u put on a couple pounds it looks good on you” Men see these types of questions as the type to avoid at all costs for a peaceful existence and they’re absolutely right. “I hate girls that dress that way” They’d hate it if you dressed that way on the street but by no means do they hate that kind of dressing. advertisment

“I’ll fix it (when my back stops hurting)” The first part of this lie usually comes up early in the relationship when men are trying to exert their manliness. The second half usually comes up when men are trying to avoid nagging. “I never think about other women” YEAH RIGHT! “Yeah man, you look nice in that” Women know that they’re not going to look great in everything they try but men haven’t caught on, so for shorter shop-

your style eZine

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