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december 27,2010 Total Body Recharge: Six Energy-Boosting, Muscle-Toning Moves Movers and Shakers Jamaican Women Who Made Major Moves in 2010 Part Two A New Year’s Resolution

Quote of The Week

“New Year’s eve is like every other night; there is no pause in the march of the universe, no breathless moment of silence among created things that the passage of another twelve months may be noted; and yet no man has quite the same thoughts this evening that come with the coming of darkness on other nights.” -Hamilton Wright Mabie

Editor’s Note

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Hi Readers,

As we close the curtain on Christmas, we look forward to a time when we prepare to make our New Year’s Resolutions. What is it that you would like to do differently or improve on in your life? What is your New Year’s Resolution and is it achievable? Also, see Part two of our Movers and Shakers feature, plus more in this week’s issue. Have a prosperous New Year from our Your Style team.

Live. Love. Laugh a Lot.

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Total Body Recharge:

six Energy-Boosting, Muscle-Toning Moves


he festive season is coming to a close and you’re feeling drained from all the gift shopping, party planning, cooking and all other activities that seem to tag along with the season. Well, have no fear! See what our six complete energy- boosting muscle exercises can do to recharge your life. This is a zero-equipment, no sneakers required, all energy-boosting cardio workout that tones from head to toe.

Pick Up Sticks What you’ll need: A mat Targets: Abs, butt, hips, and quads • Stand with feet hip-width apart, arms by sides. • Lunge forward with right leg, bending right knee 90 degrees, left leg extended behind you, and reach right hand to ground beside right foot. • Return to start, switch sides and repeat. MAKE IT HARDER: Jump up between lunges and switch legs in midair to alternate sides or take shorter steps and lunge faster. • Do 10 repeats per leg. Trainer’s tip: To help support your lower back, keep your core engaged as you reach toward the mat.



Air Guitar Targets: Butt, inner and outer thighs • Stand with feet wider than shoulder-width apart, arms by sides. • Shift weight onto right leg, bending right knee 90 degrees to lower into a deep lunge, left leg straight, driving bent right elbow back and bent left elbow forward. • Press through right heel to stand up, lifting bent left knee up to hip height as you drive right elbow forward and left elbow back • Do 16 repeats. Switch sides; repeat. Trainer’s tip: As you lunge right, push down on the outside of the right foot to help keep your knee aligned.

Charlie’s Angel Targets: Butt and outer thighs • Stand with feet hip-width apart, elbows bent so that hands are in front of chest, palms pressed together, as in prayer pose. • Keeping shoulders squared, lunge diagonally forward with right leg, crossing it to the outside of left leg, bending both knees 90 degrees.


• As you lunge, extend arms in front of you at shoulder level, palms pressed together, then rotate torso and arms as far right as you can while keeping hips squared. • Return to start. MAKE IT HARDER: Do walking curtsies, lunging right leg diagonally in front of left, then sweeping left leg out to side and lunging it diagonally in front of right. • Do 12 repeats. Switch sides; repeat.

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fitness Tuck and Extend Targets: Abs, lower back, butt, and hamstrings • Stand with feet hip-width apart, elbows bent by sides, hands in front of chest, palms facing each other. • Bring bent left knee up to hip height, foot flexed, and bend forward at waist to get into tuck position. • Hinging forward from hips, extend arms in front of you and left leg directly behind you until body is parallel to ground from fingertips to left foot. Make it easier: Start with right hand on hip and left arm by side. Skip tuck position, instead reaching left hand toward mat as you extend left leg behind you as high as you can. • Return to tuck position. • Do 12 repeats. Switch sides; repeat.


Thread the Needle Targets: Shoulders, abs, obliques, lower back, and butt • Start on mat in full push-up position, balancing on hands and toes, arms extended, body forming a line from head to heels. • Lift right hand off mat and reach arm under torso as far to left as possible, turning head to look at fingertips • Bring right arm back to right side, then extend it directly up toward sky, rotating torso and lifting left foot off mat to bring left knee toward chest. Extend left leg out to right to briefly touch foot to ground. • Rotate back to full push-up position. MAKE IT HARDER: Do 10 seconds of mountain climbers between reps when in full push-up, alternately bringing knees into chest as if running. • Do 12 repeats. Switch sides; repeat

4 Tadpole to Frog Targets: Shoulders, triceps, abs, butt, quads, and calves • Start on mat in full push-up position, balancing on hands and toes, arms extended, body forming a straight line from head to heels. • Keeping arms tucked close by sides, bend elbows directly behind you to lower chest toward mat. • Press up, extending arms, and jump feet forward so that they land outside hands. Make it easier: Start with knees on mat and lower chest. Push up and lift knees off mat to press hips up into an inverted V; walk left foot and then right foot to outside of hands. Set up again for a low push-up or triceps push-up. • Do 12 repeats.

6 your style eZine

cover story


jamaican Women who made big moves in 2010 part two Sheree Martin Dubbed one of the best marketers in the island, Sheree Martin has displayed the credentials to back it up. She has recently been added to the Latin American Advisory Board of the Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) Council, which is a global network of more than 5,000 senior marketing executives controlling an estimated US$150 billion in annual marketing spend. As if this was not enough, she was promoted at the beginning of the month to General Manager, which was added to her present portfolio of Marketing, Communications and Service Delivery Division at the National Commercial Bank (NCB). Mrs. Martin is also the Chief Executive Officer of the NCB Foundation, which paid out a whopping $8.8 million for students who will be writing Principles of Business and Principles of Accounts in the CSEC/CXC exams this academic year.

veronica campbell-brown Steadfast, focused and consistent. These are all words that come to mind when we think about Veronica Campbell-Brown, our most decorated female athlete of all-time. VCB, as she is affectionately called, can never seem to have enough, already earning a world leading time of 10.78 this year over the 100 meters, being crowned World Indoor Champion over 60 meters, and also added to her accolades female Central American and Caribbean Athlete of the Year. She was also short-listed for the 2010 World Athlete of the Year Awards. We have come to expect nothing but the best as Veronica is known to always give her best, representing her country well.

Heather Goldson Heather Goldson – With a diversity that is incomparable and a marketing savvy that could be likened to a successful refrigerator salesperson in the Arctic, Heather Goldson has been at the forefront of the Jamaican marketing landscape for over a decade. From selling Jamaica to overseas markets at JAMPRO to head of marketing at Digicel and then the same post at Scotiabank Jamaica, Mrs. Goldson has made her mark in a number of very diverse industries. Earlier this year Heather was assigned to The Bank of Nova Scotia Canada as their Regional Marketing Director for the English Speaking Caribbean in a move designed to facilitate overseas exposure for their Jamaican managers. Heather reports directly to BNS, Canada.

Dr. Dainia Baugh Dr. Baugh is really shaking things up with an MD from the University of Tennessee in Memphis and post graduate internship and residency in Internal Medicine at the same institution under her belt. Added to that is the newly opened wellness center, Breath. The co-founder of the Heart Institute of the Caribbean (HIC) keeps making moves, since this organization has opened a mini diagnosis clinic in Ocho Rios. With multiple locations of Breath throughout the Caribbean, Dr. Baugh is taking a new approach to health and lifestyle, while trying to understand the mindset of the people. your style eZine

food for the soul

A new year’s



hen December 31 turns into January 1, not much around us will change physically but something usually stirs within most of us to look inwards, and we try to use the New Year as a mark of renewal and regeneration. Most pragmatists would tend to posit that this period of introspection that we go through would serve us better if we did it periodically throughout the year, but we have become accustomed to asking this question around this time of year… “What’s your New Year’s Resolution?” Many psychologists believe that New Year’s Resolutions are pointless because we break them, become dispirited in the process and eventually more despondent as the year progresses. Making resolutions should not be about pushing yourself to do something you don’t want to do. In fact, it should be quite the opposite. It should give you the opportunity to make an evaluation on what you accomplished the past year and if you are satisfied with your life at present, and how you want to continue to make your life the best it can be.

A final thought is to make your New Year’s Resolution clear and concise, because goals that are too general can be overwhelming and lead to frustration. A great way to combat this is to not think of your resolution as one ‘BIG’ goal for the entire year, but rather as small things you want to focus on over the course of the year that you will expect will have a BIG impact on your wellbeing.


A fresh start Making a resolution can be as simple as going on a vacation or slowing down and giving yourself a chance to reflect on what’s working and what’s not working in your life. Ask yourself… ”What would I like to change or do differently?” Often the misconception is what creates an issue, because we believe that a life’s evaluation is to be done at the end of the year to facilitate a New Year’s Resolution. So we get that it’s called a New Year’s Resolution because it is a resolution made in the New Year, but are we just making them because we are caught up in tides of the season and not following though? In some cultures people jump into the sea or a local body of water; this signifies washing the slate or the body clean. In others, people toss their old sofas, chairs and many other objects out their window on New Year’s Eve. Also, in Ecuador many make a dummy stuffed with straws and this is burnt at midnight as a symbol of getting rid of the past. Whatever way you celebrate, there seem to be one thing that is most common between all and that is ‘getting rid’ of and starting ‘anew’.

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