Your Style eZine

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june 21


Quote of The Week

Are You Ever Truly Ready? Jeneva Whorms Holding Firm to Love, Ambition and Perseverance Top Five Cancer Causing Foods

“Self-respect cannot be hunted. It cannot be purchased. It is never for sale. It cannot be fabricated out of public relations. It comes to us when we are alone, in quiet moments, in quiet places, when we suddenly realize that, knowing the good, we have done it; knowing the beautiful, we have served it; knowing the truth, we have spoken it.” Whitney Griswold

Editor’s Note Hi Readers,

It is only on rare occasions that one hears a story of a true diamond in the rough fulfilling its potential and becoming the gem it was created to be. This is the story of Jeneva Whorms, owner of Urban Beauty. See what our monthly columnist Olivia Rose has in store, feast on our literary offerings and enjoy this moment like only you can.

Cover & Cover Story Photography by Warren Buckle

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your style eZine

food for the soul

AreYouEver truly Ready?


ife is about readiness…not what you should have been ready for then, or what you will be ready for in the future but what you are ready for NOW. Often times we know exactly what we should have been ready for in the past which fuels all the “whys” we ask ourselves when we reflect. We also have dreams and aspirations and that is why we try to get ourselves “ready” or prepared for what the future has in store for us, and the trouble with the future is that it sometimes arrives before we are ready for it. Hence, the difficulty is, I believe, in trying to figure out what you are ready for NOW. The thing is, most of us can easily state and know exactly what we are NOT ready for, but few of us can easily express or know what we are ready for. So we say, we are ready for love, we are ready for that new opportunity, we are ready for change.. but are we truly? Then there are times when we doubt our own readiness and those closest to us play a very important role here, or should come in to give us that push or extra support that we need to reassure us, that we too are ready.

Olivia Rose

Then again, in all this preparation, or state of getting ready, do we miss the opportunity of enjoying life? Besides, “many people die with their music still in them. Why is this so? Too often it is because they are always getting ready to live. Before they know it, time runs out. Olivia Rose Applied Sports Psychologist


Are we ever fully ready for anything? and why do we have to be ready for anything? What causes us to avoid/ ignore/put aside opportunities that we know we are ready for?

Are we ever fully ready for anything? and why do we have to be ready for anything? What causes us to avoid/ ignore/put aside opportunities that we know we are ready for? Then again, in all this preparation, or state of getting ready, do we miss the opportunity of enjoying life?

your style eZine

cover story

Jeneva Whorms

Holding Firm to Love, Ambition and Perseverance


ur society has grown over the years, but until recently, the idea of a professional makeup artist still elicited the occasional raised eyebrow. Jeneva Whorms is just that - a professional makeup artist and quite successful at it too. Makeup artistry has been a viable occupational choice in first world countries where film, magazine and modeling are all billion dollar industries, but growth in Jamaica has been slow. That is, until now. As Jeneva will share, we are on the cusp. “When I first started out and I’d tell people what I did it was always the same response. ‘Makeup? People can’t make money from that,’” she says. Jeneva’s dreams and aspirations were unfettered by the fact that she came from a very poor background with her five siblings, and even grew up in an orphanage in Trelawny. She shares with us her journey and how she is trying to change the perception of her chosen industry. From one to extreme to another “I think I’ve lived almost everywhere in Jamaica,” says Jeneva. “At 12, I left the orphanage and came back to Kingston where I met my parents for the first time.” As fate would have it, Je-

neva met with a relative who took her into her home in Cherry Gardens. The distinct turnaround in lifestyle soon changed when she was forced back into the inner city, after disobeying her relative’s rule about visiting her siblings back in Price Lane off North Street. Her change in fortune was made complete, when after completing Covenant Preparatory and attending Gaynstead High School, she was forced to drop out due to non-payment of fees. “I was crestfallen when I had to drop out of school; it seemed like there was no hope. When I got a job however, I was determined to send myself back to school,” she said. Using her determination as impetus, Jeneva attended evening school before gaining acceptance into a diploma programme at the University of the West Indies (UWI). A dream realized The perennial tomboy decided to try her hand at being a “girly girl” during her first term at UWI. However, she decided to drop out to pursue a makeup course, after seeing an advertisement for an institute called The Face Place. She went on to teach there for several years, but says it was while studying in Canada, and seeing the admiration and respect that people had for the profession, that motivated her to bring that fresh perspective to Jamaica. your style eZine

Jeneva Whorms

cover story

Holding Firm to Love, Ambition and Perseverance “I came back to Jamaica doing freelance work, going door to door and I kept being asked where I bought particular products that I used,” says a laughing Jeneva. It wasn’t until a friend recommended that she also provide products to her clients instead of recommending them to other places that the light bulb went off. Jeneva started selling from her car until her business expanded so much, that she couldn’t adequately manage servicing her clients while still doing shoots, which she professes to be her first love. Urban Beauty School The exposure to cable television, fashion magazines and shows such as Fashion Block and Fashion Week have got Jamaicans to now start paying attention to fashion, and this is not limited to clothes. “People are seeing their favourite stars look a certain way and after realizing that they just can’t get it right at home that’s when they come to me,” explains the 33 year old. “This is where the respect begins to build.” After realizing that there was a market for people who wished to have their makeup done as close to professionally as possible, Jeneva decided to start teaching personal makeup courses. Bitten by the teaching bug once again, she decided to start Urban Beauty School, an institute which provides courses in special effects makeup, a service which she says she is proud to have been one of the first to pioneer. The Urban Beauty School is also the only school in Jamaica which offers such a course.

Anything in life that you do, once you are good at it and you put that passion into it and you have a love for it because I believe that you need to love what you do, then if you are good at it, you will not have a problem getting work

Competition “Once you have figured out what it is that you love, and you put your passion into it then there should be no problem finding work,” she says, as she explains that this is the same message she imparts to her students. “You just need to love what you do.” She says today’s landscape sees makeup artists being a dime a dozen when compared to 10 years ago when there were three or four people in the game. As such, she believes that competition is healthy and good for the industry, as it keeps her on her toes. “I don’t subscribe to the notion that I should be upset when someone gets a job and I don’t,” she says. “There is a very big pie out there and that’s the lesson that I try to impart to my students.” Her main focus is keeping up with the latest trends and staying ahead by keeping her ever diversifying client-base happy. The hunger for wanting to succeed and proving others wrong has kept her going. “I think one of my mottos throughout life is that failure is not an option,” she says smiling. With no intention of slowing down, she recently started offering spa services at the five year old business. Strong, successful and grounded, Jeneva Whorms is truly an example to our young blossoming minds. Jeneva at a glance: Holder of Bachelors of Administration and Masters Degrees in Business Administration. Not much of an outgoing person as she prefers to read a good mystery or comedic book. She is presently reading a novel by Chelsea Handler and also enjoys books by John Grisham and James Patterson.

your style eZine

Top Five


Cancer Causing Foods


eople who do not take breakfast are going to have a lower blood sugar level. This leads to an insufficient supply of nutrients to the brain causing brain degeneration. Have you ever wondered which foods are best to avoid when trying to prevent cancer? The secret is to be able to identify which foods contain ingredients that are carcinogens, or cancer promoters. Once you know which ingredients will end up giving you cancer, you can read labels and avoid those foods altogether. Let’s start with sugar. One of the ways cancerous tumors develop is by feeding on sugar in the bloodstream. If you are continuously overloading your body with sugar you are giving your body what it needs for cancer to flourish. Next is sodium nitrite. This chemical is added to certain foods...on purpose in order to make it look reddish and fresh. Once upon a time, meats were preserved with salt, but manufacturers eventually switched to this much more dangerous form of meat preservation.


Donuts - These contain white flour, sugar, hydrogenated oils and acrylamides. Talk about the perfect cancer causing food! Doughnuts are cancer-causing double trouble. First, they are made with white flour, sugar and hydrogenated oils, then fried at high temperatures. Doughnuts, may be the worst food you can possibly eat to raise your risk of cancer.

4 5

French Fries - Often made with hydrogenated oils. There would also be acrylamides present. Like doughnuts, French fries fried at high temperatures. They also contain cancer- causing acrylamides which occur during the frying process. They should be called cancer fries, not French fries. Chips, crackers and cookies - Usually have white flour, sugar and trans fats. Many manufacturers also hide MSG in the form of yeast extract and mess around with serving sizes so you actually take in a lot more bad stuff than you think. There you have it. Avoid these foods most of the time and you are well on your way to avoiding that dreaded ‘Cancer’ word altogether. Source: Star Medical Services


Then there’s hydrogenated oils. When oils are heated in the presence of hydrogen and metal catalysts, it makes them hydrogenated; this preserves the shelf life, but also creates trans fats. Aside from causing cancer, trans fats are bad for your heart and can even interrupt metabolic processes. Finally, there’s the acrylamide factor. Acrylamides are created during the frying process, when starchy foods are subject to high temperatures. And so, taking all of the above into consideration...the top 5 cancer causing foods are:


Hot Dogs - Usually preserved with sodium nitrite and full of fat (among other things!)


Processed meats and Bacon - Lots of saturated fat and nitrites, raise the risk of heart disease. The saturated fat in bacon also contributes to cancer. Study showed eating process meat may increase stomach cancer risk.

your style eZine




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