Your Style eZine

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june 14


Reviving Your Work Love Kerry-Ann Clarke Shares Her Lifestyle Her Pix Entertainment Reviews

Quote of The Week

“Life is an opportunity, benefit from it. Life is beauty, admire it. Life is bliss, taste it. Life is a dream, realize it. Life is a challenge, meet it. Life is a duty, complete it. Life is a game, play it. Life is a promise, fulfill it. Life is sorrow, overcome it. Life is a song, sing it. Life is a struggle, accept it. Life is a tragedy, confront it. Life is an adventure, dare it. Life is luck, make it. Life is too precious, do not destroy it. Life is life, fight for it.” -Mother Teresa

Editor’s Note Hi Readers, Lifestyle is a manner of living that reflects someone’s values and attitudes. In this issue, Kerry-Ann Clarke reveals how she shares her ‘lifestyle’ at KERRY manwomanhome. Also, for the first time, Your Style introduces The Boss Lady, our monthly career advice columnist, plus a whole lot more. Read on and see why Your Style is the perfect read to go along with your Monday coffee.

Cover & Cover Story Photography by Warren Buckle

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your style eZine



Your Work Love

Use your initiative! Get your tasks underway rather than waiting for them to be handed to you. This will portray how competent and capable you are without someone breathing down your neck.

your neck. Please note that taking instructions are a given once you are on the job, if you have suggestions remember to find the right forum to share them.


orking in an environment that offers no real enjoyment or satisfaction can make Friday seem like due cause for confetti and streamers. If you are struggling to revive the zeal for your job, it could be as simple as altering your response to the situations presented to you. The Boss Lady provides you with tips on how to reinstate your enthusiasm and love for the job that has become your little slice of perdition.

Personality Adjustment

As employees, you will more than likely find yourselves interacting with a particularly demanding boss who is constantly breathing down your necks. The situation becomes particularly more volatile if your boss is not a natural leader and finds it hard to win your respect. So, what to do before that ulcer gets worse? Being defiant and petulant is definitely not the way to go about it. Serious conflict will inevitably ensue and the one being fired won’t be your boss. Think about it, maybe it is your attitude towards your boss and work that causes them to be constantly on your back. While you cannot change who you are, you can change the way in which you respond to the directives you receive. Is your boss really enjoying themselves following your every move? Chances are no, the vast majority probably dislike it just as much as you do. Use your initiative! Get your tasks underway rather than waiting for them to be handed to you. This will portray how competent and capable you are, without someone breathing down

Challenge Yourself

If your biggest fear is that a company restructuring could find you on the wrong side of a pink slip because your lack of things to do leads to a bit too much Farmville, then you may need to start challenging yourself. There is no such thing as not having enough work. If you find yourself feeling this way, it may be time to revisit your job description. If the load is a bit light for the time assigned, you may ask your managers to suggest ways to assist your co-workers. By assisting other employees, solid professional relationships will develop and you will show your superiors that you are eager to make your organization succeed. You may also pick up additional skills that will make you indispensable to your company.

The “What’s Next” Plan

Your career is like an aircraft. Sometimes you are grounded and other times you are airborne. Use your “grounded time” to plan the next step in your career. Having a goal in mind will keep you focused and dedicated while you work towards it. A new sense of worth and fulfillment will no doubt develop along the way. email questions and comments to Click here to follow me on Twitter

your style eZine

cover story

Kerry-Ann Clarke Shares Her Lifestyle


erry-Ann Clarke’s choice of name for her boutique conveys one single message very clearly; she obviously covers her bases well. “KERRY manwomanhome”, open since 2004, aptly represents the spirit of her enterprise which offers a wide variety of items, from wine books and local art to an exclusive line of clothing for men and women.

I present a lifestyle boutique that is always changing and catering to people who are looking for something different. A big part of my personality is that I am very involved.

Everything inside the boutique, from the architecture and neatly arranged shelves to the lighting, adds to the welcoming ambiance and gives an air of sophistication not easily found in today’s Jamaica. “I present a lifestyle boutique that is always changing and catering to people who are looking for something different. A big part of my personality is that I am very involved,” says Kerry-Ann. “I try to find what interests me, what is different and what is not too out there before anybody else does.” Starting out, Kerry was intent on offering a “lifestyle” and not a clothing store, hence the name “manwomanhome”, as she opted not to limit herself. She compares what she does to a modeling agency that is always looking for the next big thing. “I look for an artist, interesting books, new publishing houses, candles, made in Jamaica things,” says the successful entrepreneur. “My lifestyle room [section of store] is constantly changing.”

your style eZine

cover story

Kerry-Ann Clarke Shares Her Lifestyle

To Kerry, the opening of her own boutique was the fulfillment of her destiny, as she could hardly see herself doing anything else. Usually found wearing jeans, t-shirts and flip flops, Kerry describes her fashion sense as “classic”. “I love designing and that’s why I studied fashion,” says the former Vogue France intern. This fashion sense is reflected in the personality of her store, since every clothing line she carries is something that she herself would wear. Exclusivity plays a key part in KERRY manwomanhome. This is further emphasized by a recent arrangement as exclusive carriers for a new clothing line. “I was approached by Tami Chynn and Lubica to carry their line and I also carry Megan Fabulous, which I have been doing for six years,” says the 35 year old classical beauty. “I recently flew her here for two days for a shopping party where she carried 100 pieces and sold 70 pieces; it was fabulous.” The runner-up in the 1998 Miss Jamaica pageant shows no sign of slowing down, as she opened a second outlet in Montego Bay in 2008. She says managing both locations has been hectic, but she has struck a balance that finds her spending ample time at both, while still finding time for her hometown of Mandeville and life partner, Paul Burke. Once again, Kerry-Ann has it covered.

WHO are KERRY manwomanhome customers?

I cater to those who are not looking for the usual; most of my customers are really repeat customers primarily because I make them feel at home, and they know that I will tell them the truth [about] whether something is their style or not.

WHAT do you consider to be your competitive edge?

The enjoyment that I get from doing what I do. I think my passion shows and I’m not just in it to make money; I really love to do what I do.

WHEN did you attend high school and college?

I attended Belair High and then Bishop Gibson High School. After that it was on to the Institute of Management and Production (IMP), known today as University College of the Caribbean (UCC), where I did my Associate Degree in Business. I later went to Paris, originally to study Fashion Design. I hated it but at the same time, I really loved Paris and then I found Parsons School of Design, where I did Marketing in Fashion.

WHERE do you see KERRY manwomanhome in the future?

I’m definitely looking at other locations particularly in the Caribbean; nothing concrete as yet, KERRY manwomanhome is always changing so you never know what to expect

HOW do you separate yourself from the competition?

I totally do not try. I think it’s a part of me. This is just what I enjoy doing, hence the name Kerry because it is a part of me. It’s like a hobby to me; it is not a job because I totally enjoy what I do.

WHY she’s a true Taurus?

She speaks her mind and is very strong willed. “Just do it’

your style eZine

Her Pix


Entertainment Reviews

Romain Virgo

Ever since he won the Digicel Rising Stars competition in 2007, Romain Virgo has not looked back. The youngster has just released his self-titled debut album with VP Records and the result is a winning effort. With smooth vocals and heartfelt lyrics that belie his young age, Romain has a veritably old soul. With tracks like “Wanna Go Home” (Rain is Falling), “Mi Caan Sleep” and “Murderer” which speaks about the crime and violence plaguing our society, Romain hits the mark well. The album features appearances by Etana, “the strong one” and Digicel Rising Stars’ 2008 winner Cameal Davis. A refreshing album that speaks volume that Reggae music is alive and well.

\Dear Dad by Ky-Mani Marley

Sex and The City 2 (Carrie) Sarah Jessica Parker, (Samantha) Kim Cattrall, (Charlotte) Kristin Davis and (Miranda) Cynthia Nixon are back, as they shake off “sequelitis” and jet off to Abu Dhabi to let their hair down a bit and live it up. The usual drama ensues as Samantha struggles with menopause and Carrie is fearful that her marriage with Big has become ‘ordinary’. While not as exhilarating as the first time around, getting the chance to admire the fashion and see your favourite “City Girls” certainly make up for it. This movie is about kicking up your heels, relaxing and of course enjoying a little “girlfriend time”. So even if you missed the premiere it’s still OK to grab your friends, dress up, have a cocktail or two, leave the kids at home, and enjoy!

Dubbed “The story the Marley family apparently doesn’t want you to know”, Ky-Mani shares in this book, his story of being born the tenth child of the greatest Reggae artist of all time, Bob Marley. Ky-Mani speaks about the struggles he endured and how he survived without the wealth, power and influence that his siblings were able to enjoy. The book is likely to be a firebrand of controversy. Below is a short excerpt, in which he draws a parallel between visits to his siblings’ home in Kingston and his real life in Falmouth.

“I’d be coming back home [from Kingston] from two weeks of helpers, cooks, gardeners, and a lawn man to bathing and cooking outside in our front yard [in Falmouth, Jamaica].” your style eZine




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