Longboat Observer - Thursday, February 3, 2011

Page 46


Deal Us In


A trump shift is the winning move here

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The longboat Observer THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 2011



The old adage: “when in doubt, lead trump” is the winning defense in this hand. West led the king of hearts and led the deuce to East’s ace. East shifted to a trump. Without the trump shift by East, South would have had an easy time. He would have ruffed the third heart and led a low club to the dummy’s queen of clubs. Regardless of how the defenders played, South would then have two club winners and a club ruff in dummy. With the trump shift by East, a second trump lead by West after winning his king of clubs would limit South to only nine tricks. South can overcome the excellent defense by East. Instead of trying for a club ruff, he should try to establish dummy’s diamonds. After winning the trump shift, South cashes his ace of diamonds and trumps a diamond. He then leads a low club to dummy. If West wins and leads another trump, dummy wins, and another diamond ruff establishes dummy’s suit. South draws the last trump, and the queen of clubs provides the vital entry. When the defenders get in the way, a good declarer will show flexibility.



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Donna Swan is a resident of Long-

boat Key, an ardent bridge player and an American Contract Bridge League certified director who plays “for the fun of it.”


Dealer: South Vulnerable: Both


♠ J9 ♥754 ♦ A 10 9 6 5 4 West ♣ Q 7

♠ 43 ♥KQ82 ♦ KJ3 ♣KJ98


♠ ♥ ♦ ♣ Bidding: West Double Pass Pass


♠ 752 ♥AJ96 ♦ Q82 ♣543

A K Q 10 8 6 10 3 7 A 10 6 2

North Pass 3 ♠ Pass

Opening Lead: K

East 2 ♥ Pass Pass

South 1♠ 2♠ 4♠

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