YLM December 2013 Edition

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Formally ‘Your Local Magazine’














#42 December 13







Lifestyle, Stories & Events in Norfolk & Suffolk

#42 December 13

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re you ready and all organised for Christmas? I’m going to show off now and say that I am ready; Christmas presents were all bought in October. Why I hear you say? The answer to that is I got confused over which month it was because here at Circuit Media (P&L) we work a month ahead! We are so blessed to have many fantastic, independent shops in some lovely towns in

our area, perfect for Christmas shopping trips with great cafes to stop and have a cuppa and a bite to eat or a nice pub for a glass of wine and lunch before you explore the backstreets or yards with bags of character. I’m planning on using some of Gemma Harvey’s buffet ideas for when we have a house full or I may just ask Gemma to come and do all the hard work, then I don’t even have to clean up!


In this issue of YLM prepare to be inspired by all the local businesses, produce, crafts and so much more all on our door steps. I’d like to personally thank all the team here at YLM, who contribute to YLM and to you the readers for the fantastic response we have had. From everyone at Circuit Media P&L Limited, home of YLM, we wish you a very Merry Christmas!

stmas can be a very P.S. I really do understand that Chri le. There is always peop e som lonely and tough time for to, please don’t suftalk to e phon a of end the someone at ation. infom e mor fer in silence. See page 49 for

YLM is Published by Circuit Media (P&L) Ltd 3 Hales Yard, Diss, Norfolk IP22 4AF | Tel: 01379 642044 PUBLISHER


Wendy Aiken wendy@ylm.co.uk

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COMPETITION WINNERS: Wordsearch: B. Harold, Diss Sudoku: J Tate, Botesdale Diss Corn Hall: D. Larkins, Roydon

Wendy Aiken wendy@ylm.co.uk Disclaimer: The views expressed by the contributors are not necessarily those of the publisher. Every effort is taken to ensure that the contents of the magazine are accurate but the publisher can not assume responsibility for errors or omissions. Whilst reasonable care is taken when accepting advertisements the publisher will not accept any resulting unsatisfactory transactions. They will, however, immediately investigate any written complaints. © Circuit Media (P&L) Ltd, 2013.

#42 December 13





Lifestyle, Stories & Events in Norfolk & Suffolk

#42 December 13

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he Queen’s Speech is a tradition that happens every Christmas. But did you know that it started here in Norfolk? The first ever Christmas speech was made by King George V from his home at Sandringham. This was an historical moment and everyone listened with bated breath as the King broadcast from the makeshift studio in his country home at 3pm on Christmas day 1932. The speech, which had been written by Rudyard Kipling, was heard around the empire. The tradition of the Christmas speech was carried on by King George VI, Queen Elizabeth II’s father, and when he passed away in his sleep at Sandringham she took on the role and made her first speech in 1952 from the study. She sat in the same chair and used the same desk that her father had and she began her speech…

“Each Christmas at this time, my beloved father broadcast a message to his people in all parts of the world. Today I am doing this to you, who are now my people”. She continued with…. “As he used to do, I am speaking to you from my own home, where I am spending Christmas with my family. My father and my Grandfather before him worked hard all their lives to unite our peoples ever more closely, and to maintain its ideals which were so near to their hearts. I shall strive to carry on their work”. She also mentioned those serving abroad saying that she had a “special thought for those who are serving their country in distant lands…” and that she gave them her “affectionate greetings, with every good wish for Christmas and the New Year.”

The Queen had gone through so much that year, losing her father whilst she was still only in her twenties, yet her message was strong and clear. Today it is still as firm and offers hope and unity to everyone. This Christmas will be the Queens 61st Christmas speech and it will be just as poignant today as it was in 1952, although now it is televised, in colour, and for some in HD or even 3D! One thing that hasn’t changed, however, is that the Queen still regularly spends her Christmas’s at Sandringham in Norfolk where she will oversee the decorating of the tree, carefully chosen from the estate. So as you listen and watch the Queens speech this year, remember where it all began and what the tradition truly means to all of us.

“Let us set out to build a truer knowledge of ourselves and our fellowmen, to work for tolerance and understanding among the nations and to use the tremendous forces of science and learning for the betterment of man’s lot upon this earth.” #42 December 13




Lifestyle, Stories & Events in Norfolk & Suffolk

Royal British Legion On Friday the 10th November I was privileged to be invited to the Royal British Legion’s festival of remembrance at the Corn Hall in Diss. What a wonderful evening, with fantastic music and a sense of togetherness. The Norfolk Fellowship Brass Band performed throughout the night, along with pupils from Diss Junior School and Diss High School and The Waveney Choir led a fantastic sing-a-long. There was poetry and more, the night had a real sense of community. Thank you to all who supported the programme for the festival, which we produced. The Royal British Legion will be receiving a cheque from us for £800.00


#42 December 13

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Harleston’s Future

#42 December 13

‘Harleston’s Future’ is about so much more than just the economic well-being of Harleston. It’s also about the well-being of the people of this pretty market town, its residents and the users of the town from the surrounding villages. That’s why, in the coming year, there will be a raft of new events to enjoy being added to the already packed events calendar. And, this Christmas will be no different! Events include, from the 26th Nov-6th Jan The Festive Fusion Trail. Collect a map (or download one from www.south-norfolk.gov. uk). Find the bauble stickers in Harleston stores and enter to win a New Year Family Hamper. On the 6th of December the Harleston Christmas Lights Switch On Event will see Science fiction characters roaming the streets. Santa in attendance. From 6pm. The South Norfolk Youth Symphonic Band will support the Carol Singing, Union Street, on the 7th from 11am. Stirring stuff. Loads of ‘stuff’ happening in Harleston this Christmas. We hope you enjoy the community spirit in the Town, and have a wonderful Christmas in Harleston, in the heart of the Waveney Valley.

A North Norfolk Christmas

ª BITS & BOBS Deepdale Christmas Market takes place on Saturday 7th and Sunday 8th December with over 70 stalls offering presents, decorations, food and drink. This year there are stalls in 3 large marquees and St Mary’s Church, with entertainment throughout the weekend and lovely lunch options. www.deepdalechristmasmarket.co.uk On Tuesday 10th December, the shops of Dalegate Market are offering Late Night Christmas Shopping until 8pm, so pop in for a mince pie, a glass of mulled wine and inspiring Christmas present ideas. The chaos in the City will only get worse, so you can beat the crowds on Saturday 14th & Sunday 15th December by doing your Christmas shopping at Dalegate Market. When the panic sets in and you really need help and inspiration, the friendly staff of Dalegate Market will help you with your Last minute Christmas shopping over the weekend of Saturday 21st & Sunday 22nd December. Of course with the shops open everyday, both midweek & weekends, in the run up to Christmas, you can visit any day for Christmas Shopping, so escape the hustle & bustle to the beautiful North Norfolk Coast.





Lifestyle, Stories & Events in Norfolk & Suffolk

#42 December 13

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was very excited to do Out and About this month. I’ve never ever been skiing before and I was really keen to have a go (although I did have some worrying images of Bridget Jones in my head!!). Our instructor for the afternoon was Ben Burrows; he was very nice and put us completely at ease. The first thing I had to tackle was just walking in the boots!! Although very comfortable, they tilt you forward and I had to walk with bent knees. I was starting to wonder if it was a good idea for someone with Dyspraxia to be allowed to put on a pair of skis?! Dyspraxia affects your balance and coordination; I fall over a lot just being on my own two feet! It was too late now though!

Once we got on the slope it was time to put on the skis. I had to hold on just to do this! It took a while to get used to having extra-long feet but I soon got the hang of walking up the slope by using the side of the skis and then turning around to face downwards – although I had to chant ‘big step, little step, big step, little step…’ I did okay until Ben said to touch my toes and reach to the sky whilst sliding down the slope. Disaster!! I leant too far back, fell and plonked down on my bottom!! However, I have never been a quitter and clambered straight back up the slope. Second time round I did it! Wahoo!!! I should have known that it was too good to be true as a little later I careered down the slope, nearly

DATE FOR THE DIARY 1940s Christmas at Felbrigg Hall Fri 13th – Sun 15th December 11:00 – 2:30 nationaltrust.org.uk/felbrigg-hall

#42 December 13


taking poor Ben out and landing in a heap at his feet! It actually hurt but I was laughing so much I couldn’t get up and the others were laughing so much they couldn’t help me up! After much pulling and pushing, I got up and had one last go (which went well!). It was then on to the inflatable rings! The inflatable rings are exactly as their name suggests. You sit in the middle and they take you flying down the slope. We walked to the top of the main slope which was HUGE; suddenly I thought that maybe I was scared of heights after all! Ben turned to me and said “we usually start people from half way down but we instructors go from the top, which would you like to do?”. Gulp!

“Most definitely from the top” was my reply (what was I thinking!!). It was such amazing fun!! I think I might have screamed the whole way down but I loved every second. I just wanted to go again and again and again. We then raced on the toboggans; this was actually the scariest thing for me. The toboggans are very small and I had images of coming straight off and continuing down without it! Again, I nearly managed to take Ben out as my steering left a little bit to be desired; I just thought I would make use of every part of the slope! We had a fantastic afternoon and would like to thank Ben and Suffolk Ski Centre so much. I can’t wait to go back again!!

A BIG THANK YOU I would just like to say a personal thank you to Calvin Armstrong of Evolution Avenue Studio, and his family, for doing such a fantastic job for my 30th birthday 1920’s party, and at such short notice! Also to The Card Factory, Diss, for their kindness and help with my balloon fiasco!! It was a perfect night!

You can follow Sarah on her blog - yourlocalmag.tumbler.com



Left to Right; Burnham Market, Houghton Hall, Niomi Watts in King Kong, Miv and Family, Bedroom Interior, Living Space


iv Watts is a prolific designer and consultant. Her designs are innovative and eclectic, sourcing inspiration from all over the world. She loves to use colour and bespoke items to create individual and unique designs. She is also known for being the mother of Naomi Watts who is famous for her talent as an actress with roles in 21 Grams, King Kong, The Painted Veil and most recently playing Princess Diana in the new film ‘Diana’. Here, Miv tells us about her work and her time spent in Norfolk…


#42 December 13

So, Miv, how long did you live in Norfolk? Over a period of 15 years to-ing and froing. I lived for five years on the beautiful Houghton Estate- at the edge of the park. Those years are memorable for their beauty and incredible peacefulness. Houghton, to me, is a perfect country Estate. David Cholmondeley gave me a film he had made of his grandmother Lady Sybil. In it she tells some amusing stories of her life and her early years at Houghton. It is something I shall treasure forever. Where do you live now? La Belle France near the beautiful Med in a 14th century town house that was once a silk factory. The village remains totally authentic. It’s people are Cevenoles as in the film, Jean de Florette. The area is completely unspoilt, with it’s wild Cevennes mountains and cascading sweet rivers. Life here is pretty good. What was your favourite thing about Norfolk? I loved Norfolk in the seventies, before is was “Discovered!!” I loved that the little roads still had grass up the middle, the villages had lovely independent shops. People I knew were full of ideas and inventions and they were kind to each other. You could still find an old barn that hadn’t fallen into the hands of a property developer and the roads were empty of traffic.


ª Q&A

“We stayed the entire summer of 76 in Romany caravans in Swanton Novers. We lived off an account at Bale Garage and dined in the empty, abandoned halls of Melton Constable by candlelight.” When did you start up Miv Watts Design and why? I started a café first, above Gurneys fish shop in Burnham Market. I fell in love with the Fishmonger. I had just returned from Sydney and was full of ideas about Pacific Rim food. Mike Gurney had the ingredients, so we spent a winter plotting a menu. I had to veer him away from the beloved classics, and the belief that Burnham was a destination for elderly coach parties. The UK was just beginning to pick up the concept of “Fresh”. Sydney was well ahead in the food world in those days. I had a kitchen the size of a broom cupboard, and I cooked in the plain sight of expectant customers. Very stressful. I did it for four years and ended up in a neck brace throwing fish at Mike Gurney. So I decided it was not my world and went back to fabrics and design in 1998. Do you have any current or recent projects in Norfolk or Suffolk that you can tell us about? Yes I have a wonderful project in Norfolk at the moment with really delightful appreciative clients. Always such a pleasure to work with people when you share a vision. The house is very fresh and light with beautiful views. Living in France, I am able to really source items that suit the light and wide spaces. I think I am over little English ephemera for a while.

Your work is extremely varied, what are your inspirations? Nature most importantly, because she never does anything ugly. Travel naturally because with every journey one is newly inspired and brings so much home. Our house in the Hinterland behind Byron Bay Australia, is a great sense of inspiration to me. I kick back there and work on my upcoming book. I love the greenery of the Rainforest and the fabulous, chattering birds and wildlife. Do you have a particular favourite project? I have a very imaginative client who regularly comes up with theatrical ideas to keep me on my toes from operas to Maharajah’s tea parties, I am always creating theatre in his house and garden. I love working with him, but I think next year is going to be a really interesting. I am starting a beautiful Chateau project, just outside Paris. Can’t say more for the moment. Do you miss working on sets and costume designs? I miss the itinerant life. Film crews become family for the duration, we work really hard; sometimes 17 hours a day. Everyone is working to the same end. A great film. No showing off, just real teamwork. Back breaking stuff, but if you can tell a story about a character simply by the set in which he is placed- then you have done

your job well. There is a great deal of pride in that. Have you ever worked on the same film as your daughter Naomi Watts? Yes twice. I got her her first two film parts. One in a 22 part TV series called Return to Eden, and the second in Margaret Fink’s film For Love Alone. She worked as a fashion stylist in Sydney after that and moved into acting......and well..the rest is history! Lastly, what would be your fondest memory of Norfolk? A wild and wonderful summer with my children when they were both quite small. We stayed the entire summer of 76 in Romany caravans in Swanton Novers. We lived off an account at Bale Garage...and dined in the empty, abandoned halls of Melton Constable by candlelight. Those were the days...We spent money ,at Fakenham auction, on beautiful things. I still have a leopard skin, draped on a chair, that I bought at Hugh Beck’s auction. I remember waking up to the rusty squawk of cock pheasant at 5am and the wagons were already creaking and expanding with the heat. Those were the times before the Chelsea tractors...All disappeared now, but I am so happy that my children got to share those memories.

“ I ended up in a neck brace throwing fish at Mike Gurney.”




Lifestyle, Stories & Events in Norfolk & Suffolk

#42 December 13

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Where To Find Father Christmas Over The Festive Period


hristmas Eve is such a special time for children. The anticipation of Father Christmas coming in his magical sleigh with his reindeer, led by Rudolph, is almost too much to contain as a child! So it’s important to make the most of this time, to revel in the excitement of it! When I was young we would always leave out a glass of something for Father Christmas. Sometimes it would be a small glass of something to keep him going and a glass of milk,

#42 December 13

to make sure that Santa had a choice. We made sure we always left one of mummy’s homemade mince pies for him and of course we couldn’t forget Rudolph, so a carrot was always left for him. It was so exciting coming downstairs in the morning, finding the mince pie and the carrot gone and seeing which drink Father Christmas had chosen!! Now, to make it even more fun, you can buy special reindeer food to leave out for Rudolph and his pals!

It’s fabulously festive at Jimmy’s Farm! Christmas officially started at Suffolk’s most famous farm when their new reindeer arrived. The lovely 6 month old reindeer have settled into farm life brilliantly and are living on the petting farm for all the visitors to enjoy. Believe it or not, they share their pen with two emus and two highland calves; life is never boring at Jimmy’s Farm! There is also a seriously loud gobbling noise at the farm at the moment, in the form of Jimmy’s 8,000 turkeys. His free range bronze turkeys are being reared outdoors and fattened up ready for the farm’s Christmas turkey orders. The turkeys won ‘Britain’s Best Premium Turkey Award’ last year, judged in a blind taste test. The turkeys can be ordered in the farm’s butchery or online with UKwide delivery, so you can officially enjoy the best turkey in Britain! Oh, and don’t forget the trimmings! On the 7th and 8th December Jimmy’s Farm’s famous Christmas Fayre will be the perfect way to start that festive warm glow. The fayre has over 50 food, drink and craft stall holders and is the perfect opportunity to do your Christmas shopping. The farm prides itself on selecting wonderful local producers, so that you’ll be able to buy everything from fine cheeses to Christmas wreaths and toys. There will be a chef demo stage in the giant tipi at the event


with the best of Norfolk and Suffolk’s chefs showing you their Christmas food secrets! This year the line-up includes This Morning’s regular chef Marcus Bean and Eric Snaith from Titchwell Manor as well as many others. The fayre’s barn marquee will feature a wonderful bar stocked by Aspall and Adnams and will be home to non-stop Christmas music. Hitting the stage this year will be Funky Voices, the winner of the 2013 Ipswich Has Got Talent and carols and festive bands galore. Your kids will be pleased to hear that Father Christmas will be in the Jimmy’s Farm roundhouse grotto. While you wait for the man himself, there will be providing nonstop Christmas entertainment from Red Rose Chain in the form of a magical elf workshop. And for the parents; mulled cyder and wine will be flowing! Red Rose Chain will be making a return to Jimmy’s Farm following their huge success with theatre in the forest in the summer. Their production of The Magic Fishbone will run from 19th December to 5th January. The farm’s restaurant will be open every day apart from Christmas Day. Their New Year’s Eve celebration will be the perfect way to see in 2014. Make it a Jimmy’s Farm Christmas; share the good life! Online orders and more information can be found at www.jimmysfarm.com.





Lifestyle, Stories & Events in Norfolk & Suffolk

#42 December 13

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his is a beautiful Christmas story for children about 2 friends making Christmas special. Ernest and Celestine – Ernest is a bear and Celestine a mouse – decide that they are going to have a lovely Christmas despite their lack of funds. They use what they have and what they find to make Christmas lovely and realise that you don’t need “things” to have a really great festive season – the most important thing is who you are with. The illustrations in this book are beautiful and have a vintage/classic feel to them – a future classic!

Reviews by Renee Kingdon



#42 December 13

his is a beautiful hardback book published by the British Library that is a collection of poems, short stories and prose extracts by some of the best loved authors in the English language. From P G Wodehouse’s “Another Christmas Carol” to Benjamin Zephaniah’s “Talking Turkeys!”, this collection really does have something for everyone. Every aspect of the festive period is included, from the Nativity, Christmas traditions and customs, children’s Christmas and even the New Year. It also has beautiful colour illustrations and black and white etchings interspersed throughout. A truly lovely book that can be dipped into and will be used year after year and with the charm of yester-year!

THE BEST OF MATT 2013 £6.99


ake a humorous stroll back through 2013 with Matt, The Daily Telegraph front page pocket cartoonist. Nothing escapes his attention, from the royal baby, the coalition government, horse meat scandal and everything else in between! If you would like a signed copy, Matt will be in Diss Publishing Bookshop on the 7th of December at 10.30 signing copies of the book – pop into the shop to reserve your copy now!





Lifestyle, Stories & Events in Norfolk & Suffolk

#42 December 13

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towmarket is a picturesque town with over 130 listed buildings. It is the perfect place for a day out; especially at this time of year with Christmas coming. The bustling town offers a blend of national shops and independent retailers. The word ‘Stow’ actually means ‘principle place’ and in 1793 the River Gipping, on which the town lies, was made in to a canal. Stowmarket was a leading producer of malt and the canal enabled them to send produce to Ipswich and then to London.

Anglia with lots to offer. As well as the wide range of shops there are also cafes and restaurants, a cinema, leisure centre, farmers markets, river walks and it still has its own railway station which is on the Great Eastern Main Line from Norwich to London Liverpool Street, offering excellent connections.

The arrival of the railway in 1846 brought further wealth and success to the town but also caused the gradual demise of the canal.

Stowmarket was actually awarded market rights and still has a regular market today. You can find it in the town centre every Thursday and Saturday and pick up anything from fresh fruit and vegetables, to greetings cards through to eggs! Combine it with your Christmas shop and have a look at what’s on offer.

Today the town is still a prominent and ‘principle place’ in East

Whilst you’re in the town centre why not take a look in St. Peter

#42 December 13

and St. Mary’s Church and see all the decorated Christmas Trees. With over 280 in one church it’s believed to be the largest Christmas Tree Festival of its kind! Entrance is free and you can even stop for a drink and a mince pie. There’s even more to experience on Saturday 14th December as Stowmarket hosts its Christmas Fayre, a traditional Christmas street market. The event will run from 10am – 4pm and there will be lots of exciting stalls for those special Christmas bargains, as well as live entertainment. You can also have your photo taken in a giant snow globe as well as meet Father Christmas himself. Enjoy festive fun for all the family.


Also in Stowmarket is the John Peel Centre for Creative Arts, situated in the Corn Exchange which was built in 1872. The centre is in memory of John Peel, an English disc jockey, radio presenter and journalist, an influential man in music who lived in Great Finborough near Stowmarket for over 30 years. The centre is home to many events with lots going on in December. Please visit www.johnpeelcentreforcreativearts.co.uk for more. So, why not visit Stowmarket this December for all your Christmas shopping and entertainment?





“I was on duty during Christmas, so I had New Year off and married my wife on the 29th December!”

John Taylor by Wendy Aiken Nikon D300S 18 - 200 mm Nikkor Lens


ohn Taylor, aged 86 - a local man, originally hailing from Starston and now residing in Diss - was a seaman officer in the Navy for 10 years. He went to sea in 1944 wearing his father’s coat, a coat that he still wears to this day. John’s father had also served in the Navy, so when John was about to go to sea his father gave him his own Navy coat, a ‘British Warm’ which is a particular cut of


#42 December 13

overcoat that is very thick, heavy and warm. John showed me a picture of his ship, in 1952, anchored off Dover, firing a salute as the Queen of Holland passed on her way to the funeral of King George. “I was down in the quarterdeck and the wind blew on my side of the ship for hours” remembers John “I was saved by that coat!” In the Navy he particularly loved navigation and recollects planning the route and navigating the ship

to New Zealand to replace two frigates. The journey from Malta (where they were based) took two months! However, John fondly recalls stopping at various locations on the way and if possible the ship’s football team would play a match against the local army team! During Christmas time duties on the ship would have to carry on but if they were in home waters, half of the crew would go home

for Christmas and the other half would spend New Year at home. A Christmas that stands out for John is the year he got married: “I was on duty during Christmas, so I had New Year off and married my wife on the 29th December!” There are many memories and stories from John’s time in the Navy and unfortunately we cannot tell them all, however meeting John was an honour, he is a wonderful man.

Did you know that August 2014 will mark the 100th anniversary of the outbreak of the First World War?


#42 December 13





Lifestyle, Stories & Events in Norfolk & Suffolk







#42 December 13

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‘Hart’ Of The Village Bringing The Good Times Back To Roydon’s Pub >

#42 December 13




Lifestyle, Stories & Events in Norfolk & Suffolk



#42 December 13

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Alan & Paul

#42 December 13

hen the news is full of gloom for the pub and restaurant sector, a local owner has shown that the right atmosphere, the right team and the right offer of food and drink can still create a winning formula.


“We really believe it’s all about service, at your table or at the bar. Great feedback about the dining experience is very rewarding, coming as it does through those staff as well as online, but I think people remember being looked after as well, and you can only get the White Hart ‘experience’ at The White Hart!” When Paul Meredew took on and reopened the White Hart at Roydon in 2011 with his wife Helen, he brought over 30 years of experience from popular pubs, hotels and restaurants in Diss, the surrounding area, and beyond with him. “I started working for my parents Ted and Shirley in 1981 when they took over the Garden House at Bressingham” recalls Paul. “I left a job at Garlands department store in Norwich and have been in the licensed trade ever since” The Meredew family then took The Sun in Diss (now ‘The Waterfront’) in 1986, and Paul moved with them. In 1989 Paul first struck out on his own, moving to Scotland where he bought

The Eden House Hotel in Fife. After extensive restoration, the Eden House had become a popular destination for diners and golfers, when a chance meeting one evening in 1991 at another restaurant was the beginning of an enduring and successful partnership. “I happened to take a rare evening off and went to dine at The Cellar restaurant in Anstruther” explains Paul. “They had won Scottish restaurant of the year 3 times, and that evening I met the chef Alan Lunn. The next morning I was on the ‘phone to try to persuade him to join me at Eden House!” The deal was done, and was the start of a collaboration of more than 20 years and still >





Lifestyle, Stories & Events in Norfolk & Suffolk

#42 December 13

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going strong. In 2000, Paul moved back to Diss, and bought the Cock Inn on Fair Green and the restaurant next door which he and Alan launched as ‘The Snailmakers’. In 2004 the restaurant was sold and the pub rented as Paul and Alan moved ‘The Snailmaker’s’ brand to his new establishment, The Brome Grange Hotel near Eye. After 3 successful years, the hotel was sold and Paul and Helen, Alan and team moved back to concentrate on The Cock, launching food there to rave reviews. The opportunity to purchase The White Hart in Roydon in 2010 brings us up to date. After extensive renovations over 6 months, The Hart opened in March 2011 with full restaurant offering and refurbished bar. “It was a lot of hard work, bringing to life the potential we

saw in this lovely building and lovely setting” admitted Paul. “But it was fun. And we were able to put together a great team who are still the heart (pardon the pun) of the pub today”. There’s a certain symmetry in the way that Paul and Alan’s experience in both pubs and restaurants has been brought together in one unique place. The White Hart serves up to 600 covers a week from its bustling kitchen, where Alan has now been joined by chefs Richard Woodrow and Jonathan Osborne, but the bar is also part of the essence of the ‘local’ feel of the pub, and busy throughout the year. “Terri Fearn and her front-ofhouse and bar team are really the face of the pub” adds Paul. “We really believe it’s all about service, at your table or at the bar. Great feedback about the dining experience is very rewarding,

coming as it does through those staff as well as online, but I think people remember being looked after as well, and you can only get the White Hart ‘experience’ at The White Hart!” The work goes on for Paul and Helen. “We are constantly looking at what we offer and how we can enhance The White Hart” says Paul. Since opening, a new addition is a covered patio for drinks and informal dining, leading into a landscaped garden and oldfashioned play area (complete with pirate boat!). The setting is idyllic and rural despite being just over a mile from the town of Diss. The round tower of Roydon church overlooks the garden which to the other side enjoys views across rolling farmland and the Waveney Valley. As Paul and Helen and all at The White Hart head towards


their third Christmas in Roydon, there’s no let up – Including a Christmas menu throughout December and a breakfast service on Christmas Eve for those who need a break from the ‘build-up’. This is followed by a children’s party in the afternoon, complete with entertainment and the arrival of Santa and his reindeer. A full house is expected on Christmas Day, and The White Hart’s popular “Christmas in a Box” (collect and reheat a full Christmas Dinner!) is available again. 2014 will be ushered in with a disco and party, as the White Hart heads towards its third anniversary since reopening, time that has flown by according to Paul: “We feel very lucky to be here, and delighted that so many friends old and new have supported us in what we’ve done” he concludes. ■

“The setting is idyllic and rural despite being just over a mile from the town of Diss. The round tower of Roydon church overlooks the garden which to the other side enjoys views across rolling farmland and the Waveney Valley.” #42 December 13





Lifestyle, Stories & Events in Norfolk & Suffolk

#42 December 13

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“Every season we take great care in choosing our collections. Keeping our customers in mind and always looking for new makes that are not normally found on the high street”

DARE TO DREAM By Amanda Church

#42 December 13


ream On is your local boutique. On arriving you could be forgiven for thinking you were in the wrong place, it is such a different experience to high street shopping. The building is a beautiful little barn down a shingle drive. There is no long journey to get you there, no traffic jams, no rush hour and no expensive car park charges to factor into your day. The atmosphere is warm and friendly and you will always be greeted with a warm smile and the offer of a cup of tea. “Every season we take great care in choosing our collections. Keeping our customers in mind and always looking for new makes that are not normally found on the high street” says Amanda Church, Head stylist. This season you can find some new brands at dream on, from Betty and Betts luxury leather bags, to Two Danes a fantastic

Danish brand that uses mainly natural materials to ensure the feel and comfort of the garments match the quality and stylish designs. If you love a garment but it doesn’t quite fit there is no need to worry, with Dream On’s in-house tailor alterations completely free of charge, so those jeans that are too long or that dress that’s too big, it can all be sorted. You can pop in for a quick browse or stay for a couple of hours. Help is on hand if you would like, but never forced upon you. The staff have all been trained in styling & fashion. They will help you look at clothes that suit your body shape, your colouring and not forgetting your lifestyle. There are no sales targets so no hard sell. Amanda says ”the best way to build a customer base is to listen to the client, help them make a good choice and even be

honest when we are not able to help”. Sometimes shopping for yourself is not the only consideration. Dream On also has lovely accessories…pretty scarves, stylish jewellery, beautiful handbags. So with Christmas approaching fast Dream On can also be the place to pick up that unique gift. And for that extra special person in your life there are vouchers… vouchers for shopping, vouchers for Makeover Days and even vouchers for both. The concept of Dream On was to offer something different, something that would value great customer service and make shopping not only an enjoyable, fun experience but also somewhere to learn about your own personal style and all in a relaxed atmosphere. Best of all… its just around the corner!





Lifestyle, Stories & Events in Norfolk & Suffolk

#42 December 13

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deck the halls



By Lanassir Lawes

Have you used any of the Swank Interiors Tips this year? Share your interior design adventures with us via ylmuk on Instagram and your images could feature in the magazine!

#42 December 13


ith Christmas fast approaching the Swank Interiors Studio is a hive of activity with projects ranging from a pair of curtains for guest bedrooms, to full room refurbishments nearing their Christmas deadline. Our Showroom and Shop are equally busy, bursting with Christmas gift ideas along with the finishing touches to make your home complete before guests arrive for the festivities. As we ‘Deck the halls’ and ‘dust down the dining room’ our homes transform into a Winter wonderland. We love using clusters of candles that give a beautiful soft flicker of light to create a cosy ambiance- our favourites are the nutmeg, cinnamon and clove scented varieties as they really set the scene perfectly. If you are concerned with having naked flames in the home, popping the candle into a glass

lantern is a great option- Beautiful copper versions have just arrived in the showroom. Having recently repainted our dining room in the barn using a dark green paint we are quite excited to see the decorations go up and the table laid ready for a Christmas feast. Our choice of crockery being Sophie Conran, we love the adaptability of her design as it is robust for everyday use and smart enough for a formal dinner party. With storage space in many homes at a premium we feel a versatile dinner set is a must. Homemade table runners made from left over curtain fabric are a great way to give the dining table a bit of colour, and as always we have added a vase of faux flowers to complete the look. We wish you all a very merry Christmas and look forward to sharing our exciting projects with you throughout 2014.




Lifestyle, Stories & Events in Norfolk & Suffolk

Make Some Natural Decorations

Nature Bugs How To Make A Twig Star

HOW TO MAKE IT: 1. Remove leaves WHAT YOU NEED: A thin freshly cut twig (willow and dogwood are good but you can use others, just test to see if they will crease without breaking) Ribbon Glitter

2. Crease your twig 4 times equal distances apart 3. Hold one end (which will be the bottom of the 4), make a number 4 shape with the first 2 creases 4. Weave the long end back through the middle and you will start to see your star forming. 5. Bring the last piece back through the middle and down to meet the other end 6. Tie off with ribbon or more willow 7. Add glitter (optional)

We’ve got lots of lovely activities planned for this winter, including scavenger hunts and den building. Come and join us on a Thursday morning. We even have hot chocolate! To find out more or book a place Joanne@naturebugs.co.uk 01449 780369

Thornham Thornham Walks, Walks, Gislingham Gislingham Road,Road, Thornham Thornham Magna, NrMagna, Eye, Suffolk Nr Eye, IP23 Suffolk 8HH IP23 8HH We Meet We Meet in car in car park park at Thornham at Thornham Walks, Thursday Walks, Thursday 10.15am-12.00pm. 10.15am-12.00pm. 0-5 years. £3per 0-5family years.per £3per session. family per session. Family Forest School, Thornham Walks, meet in car park Thursday 4pm. 5-8 years. £4 per child.


#42 December 13

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Security Tips For Dark Evenings • 58% of intruder theft takes place in the evenings and the early hours. • Lock doors and windows every time you go out • Most double glazing has window locks but older windows can also have extra security locks fitted. • Use all the locks that are fitted to the door when you leave the building, if one of your locks is becoming hard to use try to get it changed as soon as you can instead of not using it. • 3 or 5 point locking is the best form of security for any type of external doors. • Sliding type patio doors always need extra security locks designed for the door or even a length of wood to stop the door from sliding back. • Never leave keys outside under pots or mats; many crimes have been committed by just using a key found outside. • Never leave keys on show in the house. • Professionally installed Intruder

#42 December 13

alarm and security lighting is always the best prevention. • Always put ladders, steps and tools away in garages and sheds. Use chains and padlocks to secure ladders if they are too big to store. • Never leave a padlock open with the code numbers on show the code can be written down and used later when in use. • Chain ladders, bikes and large items like wheelbarrows all together; this makes it harder to move one thing without disturbance. • Leaving a light on or on timer to give the impression someone is at home is often enough to deter them. • Tell a neighbour if you are going away for a few days, and ask them to push the post all the way through the door. • If you come home and your door is open or locked from the inside walk away and call 999. Malthouse Security

Small Assets Everyone knows that an additional bathroom is an asset, but how do you find that extra space? Bathroom manufacturer Ideal Standard has developed a great new range of products to help solve the problem. Called the Concept Space range it offers slimline basins, wc’s and bidets in a variety of styles including corner fitting sanitary ware for angled ensuites . Complementing this new range are slimline storage units. Designed to match the narrower depth basins, they offer a fitted finish and a way

to keep even the most miniscule bathroom clutter free. Thinking about transforming your understairs cupboard by converting it into that extra bathroom space, or using an area of your loft space conversion for that brilliant new bathroom? Call in to see the Ideal Standard and other displays at Hickman Supplies, Gosford Road, Beccles. Whatever your bathroom requirements, Hickman’s friendly and knowledgeable staff will be happy to help you find your ideal bathroom solution.





Lifestyle, Stories & Events in Norfolk & Suffolk

#42 December 13

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go green



ith so much in the media lately about the ever continuing energy price hike, is now the time to take the plunge and go green? Go solar? In a word... Yes. For years now we have been stuck in limbo with the cost of electricity soaring to new heights, but what was our alternative? To spend a fortune on a solar installation in a country with a less-than-reliable climate? Were we expected to just assume this would be the answer to our prayers and dig deep into our pockets? The vast majority of us didn’t. But it is not too late. There has never been a better time to go for it. With the cost of an installation lower than ever before, and the technology more advanced than ever before, now really is the time, and I mean now. You see, the reason this is such a good investment is because the government actually pay you for the power you produce, at a good rate too! However, as you have probably guessed, the government being

the government, they are continually reducing the rate with the next reduction due on January 1st 2014. There is good news though. Once you have your installation fitted and commissioned, your rate is your rate. It will never drop (for you). It is RPI linked and tax-free. Not much in this world is tax-free and guaranteed. Solar is.

“The government actually pay you for the power you produce”

On the subject of tax, another reason to no longer delay is the fact that at this moment in time we pay only 5% VAT on the cost of the system... Yes, you guessed it... An increase to 20% is imminent so time really is of the essence. Get your system before the VAT rises and the “Feed in Tariff” drops.

The cost of these systems hasn’t always been the only negative feeling towards solar panels. Many people simply do not like the look of the panels and would not even contemplate having a system on their property regardless of the financial benefits. “The Big Green Company” have an answer for that. The UK’s leading provider, as part of their “premium black” and “executive black” packages offer cutting-edge, top of the range black panels. Black frame, darkened glass and black cells. The end of the eye-sore, old style bright blue and silver panels supplied by their competition. These new panels accompanied by their Enphase micro- inverters with remote system monitoring and a unique 48 hour replacement service makes their ‘executive black’ package my ultimate recommendation when shopping for a system. And the fact that they have their own installation teams, as opposed to out- sourcing the work is music to my ears.

For your free Solar Survey contact East Anglia’s Dan Wright info@danwrightsolar.com 07518 480462

#42 December 13





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#42 December 13

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“The customer can be secure in the knowledge that the job will be done professionally and safely.”

#42 December 13

hen you meet Joan and Alan Garnham and their team, Kristian, Cameron, Joe, Michael, Byron and Skip the mechanic, you get a real sense of camaraderie and family. This is not just a work team but a group of friends that spend time together out of work as well. Joan and Alan bought Waveney Tree Specialists in April 2008; they cover Norfolk, Suffolk, North Essex and Cambridgeshire. Alan himself has been a tree surgeon for over 30 years, since he left the East Anglians serving in the NATO forces, however the Garnhams have been in the Timber business for many generations. They are joined by Kristian Garnham, Alan’s son, the next generation tree surgeon. Both Alan and Kristian compete in the UK Logging Championships which are held every year. This year Kristian became the UK Junior Champion and Alan is rated 12th in the ‘professional’ class. Kristian is also the UK record holder for the speed

change of the bar and chain on a chain saw, in an amazing 11.8 seconds – the world record is 9.3 seconds!! Kristian and Cam are also heavily into chain saw carving – Cam’s father Paul Kelly is helping. Joan is one of the judges for the UK Championships but refuses to judge her family and keeps her feet firmly on the ground! At Waveney Tree Specialists it is very much about working as a team. There are 3 teams of 2 men and every team is swapped around regularly so that everyone can work together. Great emphasis is put on safety and training. Every man is responsible for his own machinery and all their licenses are updated every 3 years and gear inspected every 6 months by an independent person. All men are fully trained and certified. This means that the customer can be secure in the knowledge that the job will be done professionally and safely. Waveney Tree Specialists encourage competitions since it increases speed,

precision and accuracy. They hold an Environmental Waste Carriers Licence and hold £10 million public and employee liability. Meeting the Waveney Tree Specialists team was a real pleasure. They all love their work and couldn’t imagine doing anything else: “It is very satisfying; every day brings new achievements and experiences”. “A tree is not a normal place for a human to be” says Kristian. It’s a high risk job but the team find it exciting, there’s always something new. Their motto is ‘failure is not an option’ and they will do things that other companies don’t. You can see that Joan and Alan are very proud of their team and treat them like family “they are a lovely young bunch who all get on well together”. Please note that Waveney Tree Specialists do not sell fire wood, however they can rent you an excellent log splitter!




Lifestyle, Stories & Events in Norfolk & Suffolk

Keep Yer Heel Down Bor How are yer diddlin? I’m fair t’ middlin thanks. You were going to ask weren’t you? Anyone who reads this column – that’s most of you init? - will know that it’s written mostly for gardeners who know it all. Otherwise it would seem just a load a ol’ squit... Anyway, what do you buy someone who knows it all? A book of course – obviously one they haven’t read! I was lent this book recently and enjoyed it so much I immediately bought my own copy. It’s readily available, and I’m sure Diss Publishing can get it for you if they haven’t got it in stock, ISBN 0948400935. Price £8.50. Without revealing where the late author was evacuated to,


#42 December 13

Choosing Your Tree

as that would spoil the fun, I can say it’s in the Diss area, and the book gives a fantastic insight into life on a farm during WWII. Look at those nice straight rows of – spuds I assume – and it reminds me that my dad always used to tell me to keep straight rows as you have to look at them a long time! Dew yew keep on troshin and remember, don’t put an onion at the bottom of your son or daughter’s stocking, as my dad did with my brother Reg once. It may make them cry!

I love a real Christmas tree; I remember my Grandpa taking ages to choose just the right one. It had to have just the right shape! There is something nostalgic about the seasonal aroma and at the same time a real tree is renewable and recyclable. If you’re looking for a Christmas tree here is a quick guide to what you can get: Very popular is the Nordman Fir which has rich green, soft glossy needles. It is a dense tree with strong branches and good needle retention. The Fraser Fir often has pine cones still attached; it has a lovely citrus scent, dark green foliage and thin branches. A lovely festive tree is the Noble Fir with its fragrance, strong dense foliage, soft green/blue needles and again good needle retention. The Scots Pine has good needle retention, its branches are twisted green/blue needles and it has a pine fragrance. The Norway Spruce is a very traditional tree, with strong branches. The

needles are quite sharp and will drop in a heated room. Tips to keep your tree looking good for longer: • When you get your tree home take the net off as it can build up heat and this can make needles drop. • Keep the tree outside as long as possible, keeping it cool. • Don’t forget to water your tree; they drink a pint of water daily, a stand which can hold water is best. • Don’t have your tree too close to radiators or open fires, keeping it as cool as possible will help prevent needle loss.

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What’s Happening in Gabriel’s Garden December is here and the cut flowers have finished in the garden for the year. There is something quietly exciting about seeing bare earth on a frosty morning. The Autumn planted bulbs will be starting to sprout deep underground and the perennials which have given such a show all year have died back and are dormant, waiting for the warmth of Spring and the return of longer daylight hours. Walking round the garden my thoughts turn to this festive season. All around me I see a wonderful range of seasonal colour; the glossy greens of box yew and ivy, the fabulous variegated foliage of holly and euonymus, the yellow, orange and red of the holly berries, cotoneaster and pyracantha. It has been a fantastic year for berries and fruit. I

#42 December 13


think its well worth considering planting a winter fruiting shrub or tree to give you stunning colour to brighten up the shortest days of the year. Not only will you be able to use the berries for your own festive creations and bespoke Christmas wreaths but the garden birds will love you too for providing a bountiful winter larder. Gabriel’s garden Christmas wreaths are full of interesting seasonal foliage, berries fruit and cones. If you would like to make one with me come to one of the wreath making workshops at The Pennoyer Centre, Pulham St. Mary this December. To book a place or to order a wreath go to www. gabrielsgarden.co.uk Gabriel’s Garden is celebrating a productive and successful first year in business, I would like to take this opportunity to thank all my customers, the fab team at YLM, help and advice from family and friends. And a special thank you to Freddie and Linda of Fredrick’s Fine Foods in Diss, who’s support and encouragement gave me the courage to take the plunge this time last year. I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year.





Lifestyle, Stories & Events in Norfolk & Suffolk

#42 December 13

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Jimmy's Farm Tickets

Tea for Two

Win two tickets to explore Jimmy's Farm!

Win an Afternoon Tea for Two at the

BEST WESTERN Brome Grange Hotel Jimmy's Farm - a great day out for the whole family! Feed their animals, explore their nature trail, indulge yourself in their restaurant and stock up for Christmas in their farm shop.

Set in the delightful countryside the BEST WESTERN Brome Grange Hotel is an ideal venue for both business and relaxation.

YLM in conjunction with Jimmy's Farm are offering one lucky winner two tickets to visit Jimmy's Farm! all you need to do is simply answer the question below:

You can win an Afternoon Tea for two by simply answering the question below: What month did the The Brome Grange Hotel re-open in 2012?

What department at London's Natural History Museum did Jimmy work in?

Send your answers by the 16th December to: YLM Competition BEST WESTERN Brome Grange Hotel, Norwich Rd, Brome, Nr Eye, Suffolk, IP23 8AP.

Send your answer to: Jimmy's Farm Competition, YLM, 3 Hales Yard, Diss, IP22 4AF by 16th December to be in with a chance of winning. Usual Circuit Media competition rules apply.




Answer Name



Rules of entry The winner will be picked at random out of a hat, the judge’s decision will be final. Brome Grange Hotel will contact the winner by phone or email by no later than 16th December.

Address Email

Please tick the box if you wish to opt out of any future offers from The Brome Grange Hotel.



Win a Meal at the Spice Cottage in Diss.

Win a Meal at the Turkuaz Restaurant in Diss.



























































































Antlers Bells Elf Giving Holly Magical Mistletoe Rooftop

Rudolph Santa Sleigh Snowman Star Tree Workshop Wreath

Thanks to Spice Cottage, we are offering you the chance to win a meal for two. You and a friend will be able to enjoy two papadums and chutney, one chicken or lamb dish each from our Classic and Popular dishes and one rice or naan each, on any night between Sunday and Thursday. Send your completed wordsearch to Competitions, YLM, 3 Hales Yard, Diss, IP22 4AF by 16th December to be in with a chance of winning. Usual Circuit Media competition rules apply.

Name Address

#42 December 13


5 2 1

4 3 9 7 8 6

9 2 6





9 3 4 3


2 4 9

2 9 6 4 1 9

We are offering our readers a chance to win a meal for two at the Turkuaz Restaurant. Send your completed Sudoku to Competitions, YLM, 3 Hales Yard, Diss, IP22 4AF by 16th December to be in with a chance of winning. Usual Circuit Media competition rules apply. How to play... Every row of 9 numbers must include all digits 1 through 9 in any order Every column of 9 numbers must include all digits 1 through 9 in any order Every 3 by 3 subsection of the 9 by 9 square must include all digits 1 through 9








he Cock Inn on the picturesque Fair Green Diss has been a tavern for over 500 years. It has had a long standing reputation for welcoming visitors and regulars alike. It is a real community pub. Chris Gissing has owned the Cock Inn for over 3 years, he already owned Fayre View and when he heard that the Cock Inn, next door, would be coming up for sale he decided to go for it! The inn itself has been extensively renovated and has a modern, clean look whilst still retaining its old, historical features. At the front of the inn is a relaxed and cosy area, with leather


#42 December 13


’s ef Ch er rn Co

“Not only does the tap house create an amazing visual feature, it also enables The Cock to sell much better quality ales”

Bacon, Chestnut & Thyme Ravioli with Shaved Parmesan & Micro Herbs

sofas in front of a warming fire. At the back of the building the dining room has been extended back and a gorgeous and peaceful area has been created. One of the tables is made from an old electrical cable reel that was found in a skip. It was cleaned, sanded down and waxed and Chris bought it for £20.00! They will be having a glass top put on but it already looks fantastic and quirky. In the middle of October a new feature was added – a tap house. Not only does the tap house create an amazing visual feature, it also enables them to sell much better quality ales. It has a glass front, which is theatrical, and customers can see all the barrels and the ale being tapped. At the moment they supply three ales but hope to offer a wider range very soon, including some local ales as they always try to source things locally when they can. They are members of the Cask Marque, which signifies that they supply only top quality ale. You can find them on the Cask Marque website. As well as all these wonder-

ful new features they still host their regular events; such as the Buskers Nights on Thursdays, hosted by Felix Simpson or live bands on Saturdays, which are held every three weeks. They also hold Quiz nights every Tuesday in conjunction with the Fair Green Residents. All of the staff at the Cock Inn are from the local area, including Kelly Peacock who helps to run the bar and has been invaluable over the last 10 years. Now is the perfect time to head down to the Cock Inn on Fair Green, enjoy a top quality ale and warm up by the roaring fire. Their opening times are as follows: 12pm – 11pm Mondays to Thursdays 12am – 12pm Fridays and Saturdays 12pm – 10.30pm Sundays Starting in the New Year they will be serving lunches at the Cock Inn, in their newly designed restaurant. Please check out our January issue for more on this, including introductory offers and promotions.

by Chris Gissing at Fayre View Restaurant

INGREDIENTS 6 rashers streaky bacon | 6oz chestnuts | 6 tbs full fat cream cheese | fresh thyme | lemon | 1 small shallot | wonton pastry (available in most supermarkets or deli’s) | parmesan | mirco herbs METHOD Finely dice the shallot and sweat off on a low heat along with the diced streaky bacon and as the bacon cooks drain off any excess fat. When the bacon and shallot mix is cooked add the sliced chestnuts, a good pinch of fresh thyme and pinch of grated lemon rind. Cook for a further couple of minutes and set aside and allow to cool for 10 minutes When mix has cooled add to the cream cheese and mix Lay the wonton pastry squares on a broad and place a spoonfull of the mix in the centre With a pastry brush wet the outsides of the pastry and place another over the top. Seal around all four side making sure no air is trapped inside Using a round pastry cutter cut into shape To cook the raviolis simply drop into gently boiling water for couple of minutes Serve with shaved parmesan and some extra crispy bacon olive oil and micro herbs If you wanted to make your ravioli in advance they will happily keep in the fridge for 2-3 days

Fancy having a go at one of Chris’ recipes? Share your culinary creations with us via ylmuk on Instagram and your images could feature in the magazine!





Lifestyle, Stories & Events in Norfolk & Suffolk

#42 December 13

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Party Food Inspiration Gemma Harvey


osting a little party always seems such a good idea – then its two days before the event and panic sets in! How many are coming? Do you have enough glasses/seats? What music to put on? What food to serve? What to wear?! The whole point of holding a party is so you get to see your guests – therefore keep the food and drink as simple as possible and make ahead wherever you can.


Cocktails are fun but can be a pain to mix – and punch bowls are so messy - make it easy – choose 2 or 3 popular cocktails – make some jugs and pour in to jam jars. Chill on ice and then your guests can help themselves! Simple food doesn’t mean boring – dress the table nicely – don’t ruin your best table cloth – wrapping paper makes a great runner – get some height to the table – wrap Tupperware boxes to support platters and cake stands. Whole joints of meat look great, but are not easy for guests – slice them onto platters for easy serving. Remember to have vegetarian options too – and some gluten free ones. For full recipes and more ideas email YLM via info@ylm.co.uk

Share your Cherry Catering inspired creations with us via #ylmuk on Twitter and your images could feature in the magazine!



Lifestyle, Stories & Events in Norfolk & Suffolk



#42 December 13

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ª FOOD & DRINK FRESH, LOCAL VEG DELIVERED STRAIGHT TO YOUR DOOR NORFOLK VEG BOX • Local seasonal fruit and veg • Boxes from £7.50 • Free delivery • Christmas orders now being taken 01379 852450 info@norfolkvegbox.co.uk www.norfolkvegbox.co.uk twitter: @ norfolkvegbox




Oven ready Christmas Turkeys, traditionally reared corn fed. Norfolk Blacks and other rare breeds. For four generations, the Peele family has been rearing the Norfolk Black Turkey, a breed that Frank Peele saved from extinction in the 1950s. Pat or James Graham on 01953 860294 / 01362 850237. Reared at Rookery Farm, Thuxton, Norwich, Norfolk NR9 4QJ


Mrs Bridges Christmas chutney & preserves selection.

3 4


01379 652248 8 Market Pl, Town Centre, Diss IP22 4AB www.beales.co.uk/t/diss



A little something to keep the Reindeer going on their way! 01379 641727 2 Market Place, Diss, IP22 4AB www.bhf.org.uk



This Ruby Red Ale beer kit makes 40 pints. It is a tawny red ale with subtle malt undertones and a distinctive spicy hop aroma from Cascade.


01986 782322 St. Peter’s Hall, St. Peter South Elmham, Bungay, Suffolk NR35 1NQ www.stpetersbrewery.co.uk


Don’t panic - “your chocolate ration bars have arrived” courtesy of Dad’s Army - perfect for that diet together with our popular sliced Gourmet Chocolate Pizza’s made with real Belgium Chocolate. 01379 642059 25 Church Street, Diss, Norfolk, IP22 4DD

#42 December 13





Lifestyle, Stories & Events in Norfolk & Suffolk

#42 December 13

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ou will be forgiven for wondering what hearing loss has to do with Christmas, but infact untreated hearing loss has a lot to do with it. I always associate the festive season with family get-togethers and while on the surface that’s supposed to mean happiness and joy, it creates serious challenges for those with hearing loss. When you are unable to hear as clearly as everyone else in the family, this time can often bring great frustration, misunderstandings and tension. Take this scenario for example: Grandma sits staring blankly during Christmas dinner, not joining in the conversation and not responding when she’s spoken to. Could it be she has a hearing loss? Grandma cannot understand all of what is being said, so she shuts

herself off from the conversation! A hearing problem can cause a person to appear unsociable, when they wish to interact but instead feel isolated. Someone who experiences hearing loss may not even be aware of it, or may not admit to it for fear of embarrassment. It’s worth keeping an eye out for some telltale signs. Does the person; complain that people mumble?, ask for words to be repeated?, have difficulty hearing someone calling from behind or from another room?, ask for the tv to be turned up louder than others?, not join in the conversation? or seem quiet and reserved? In the UK, hearing impairment affects over 10 million people and it is estimated that three quarters of adults with a hearing

loss never obtain a hearing aid and those who eventually do put up with declining hearing for approximately 15 years before seeking help. As an audiologist I urge those with hearing loss to seek help. If you have a loved one that is struggling to hear, don’t be afraid to discuss this them, as Christmas is a time which should be enjoyed by all. A huge range of hearing aids are available to suit all budgets, so book a hearing test today and improve your or your loved one’s hearing.

For more information or to book an appointment please visit www.hearingcarecentre.co.uk or Freephone 0800 096 2637

#42 December 13




Lifestyle, Stories & Events in Norfolk & Suffolk

Lose Weight The Healthy Way Your body uses food for energy. It stores any excess energy as fat. This means if you eat more food than your body needs for daily activities and cell maintenance, you’ll gain weight. This is a simple equation that has been confused with all the different diets out there and opinions from different experts in the field. To lose weight, you need to get your body to use up these stores of fat. The most effective way to do this is to reduce the amount of calories you eat and also increase your levels of activity When I say reduce your calories you must still eat little and often to keep your blood sugar stable throughout the day preventing tiredness, fatigue and fat storing hormones increasing because of low blood sugar. You then increase the amount of calories you burn by taking part in a resistance and cardiovascular programme at least 3 times a week. This creates a double deficit by reducing calories


#42 December 13

consumed and increasing calories burned making your body use up the fat stores for energy. This is not a road you continue on as eventually as the fat stores reduce, your need for calories will increase again as these stores have depleted leaving a requirement of calories to keep you functioning and attending the gym 3 times a week. Should you continue on low calorie consumption and increased calorie burn your body will suffer from lack of energy and begin to use muscle protein for energy therefore increasing fat stores as your body descends into the starvation response. Should this happen you will then lose your muscle tone; your body fat will increase as you lose muscle protein and your metabolic rate will slow and the weight will return again. If you have struggled with your weight for a while and can`t seem to shift that extra fat weight then it is worth having a segmental analysis of how much body fat you are carrying; how much lean tissue you have in comparison and the metabolic age of your body to establish an effective eating plan and exercise routine. Pop into Fit Club for a Guest Visit to discuss your needs, concerns and look forward to losing weight the healthy way.

Easing The Trauma Of Hair Loss Losing hair is a common and traumatic problem affecting all age groups. It can be caused by many factors and management is all about getting the right diagnosis which helps deliver the right treatment. The technical term to describe hair loss is alopecia and there are several types. They are broadly classed into ‘scarring’ and ‘nonscarring types’. Generally, the former are much harder to treat and important to catch early so that the problem does not progress. The latter are usually easier to treat. Hair loss can show up in a variety of ways, from patchy loss over the scalp to complete loss over the whole body. The range of causes includes dietary factors (low iron), hormonal causes (thyroid or ovary problems) autoimmune conditions such as lupus, prolonged ill health or hospital stay, pregnancy, rapid weight loss, certain medications

including chemotherapy, skin infections and of course, genetic. Dermatologists describe the various hair loss types with rather serious sounding names such as ‘androgenetic alopecia’, lichen plano- pilaris’ and ‘telogen effluvium’ to mention a few. Although very frequently blamed, stress is not considered a major cause of hair loss. There may be no symptoms at all and if there are, itch is the commonest reported. The last 10 years has seen excellent advances in treating thinning hair but some forms recover on their own. Treatments are available in the form of creams, injections and tablets but mostly on prescription and with specialist administration.

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#42 December 13






Lifestyle, Stories & Events in Norfolk & Suffolk

#42 December 13

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Get Jolly With A Brolly NORWICH THEATRE ROYAL NEW SEASON It’s got charm, romance, some of the best dance routines in musical theatre, pays tribute to the golden age of movies and features 12,000 litres of water. West End stage sensation Singin’ In The Rain is heading to Norwich Theatre Royal during the summer of 2014 and heads a programme of brand new shows combining spine-tingling drama, some of Britain’s top dancers, and a series of poignant performances to mark a key point in world history. Singin’ In The Rain proved to be one of the West End’s hottest tickets of recent years telling the story of the very first Hollywood musical mixing the excitement

Aladdin At Bury Theatre Royal #42 December 13

and glamour of the era with some fantastic on-stage performances, and a host of iconic songs including Good Morning, Make ‘Em Laugh, Moses Supposes and the title track. John Bultitude, of Norwich Theatre Royal, said: “Singin In The Rain is guaranteed to bring some West End and Broadway glitz and sparkle to the 2014 programme here. The show was one of the hottest tickets for London audiences and it is likely to prove hugely popular in Norfolk too.” This touring production which arrives on June 4-14 also features a host of top West End and touring performers headed by Maxwell Caulfield (Casualty, The Colbys) as studio boss RF Simpson, and Vicky Binns (Molly Dobbs in Coronation Street and Ollie Binns in Emmerdale) as starlet Lina Lamont, plus some stunning real-life rain effects that will leave you open-mouthed (but dry). Another West End musical hit is also heading on tour to Norwich as Betty Blue Eyes arrives from May 27-31. The smash-hit musical comedy based on Alan Bennett’s popular movie A Private Function is set in late Forties Austerity

Britain. It follows chiropodist Gilbert Chilvers and his wife Joyce who are determined they should be invited to the social event of the year – a private party to celebrate a Royal wedding. When an invite is not forthcoming, the couple decide they still want their share of the event’s main attraction which is a highly illegal (at the time) pork roast. Some of the globe’s top names from the musical world are also set for an appearance at Norwich

At the Theatre Royal in Bury St Edmunds the biggest production of the year, Panto, is well underway! Each year, thousands visit the theatre to enjoy this festive tradition this year’s panto Aladdin is no exception, with over 15,000 people already booked in and some performances nearly sold out! Meanwhile, in keeping with the theme of tradition, the Theatre Royal has welcomed back Bury St Edmunds’ favourite dame, James Nickerson, as Widow Twankey! Holed away in Widow Twankey’s laundry shop in Old Peking, young Aladdin spends his days up to his elbows in pants and petticoats, getting into scrapes and dreaming of the beautiful Princess Jasmine. But his luck might be about

to change, when he meets the mysterious Abanazar and learns of a lamp that grants three magical wishes… With its cross-generational appeal, and long history of entertaining families, pantomime is at the heart of many people’s Christmas. Britain has a tradition of jokes, role reversals and carnival over the Christmas period, with Twelfth Night being a prominent and popular festival in years gone by. This merriment is still present on stage now as we indulge in retelling well-known folk and fairy tales. Pantomime is a mysterious tradition, and yet we would all feel cheated without some of its most integral elements – a panto is, after all, not a panto without a good chorus of “he’s behind


Theatre Royal this season. Internationallyrenowned Paul Carrack heads to the city fresh from a global tour with Eric Clapton on April 19 performing a host of pop and rock classics. The following month, Grammy Award-winning world-renowned blues star Robert Cray also makes his longawaited return to Norwich Theatre Royal on May 11 with a night showcasing his talent. BOX OFFICE 01603 630000. For more info or to BOOK ONLINE www.theatreroyalnorwich.co.uk

you!” or “oh no he didn’t/oh yes he did!” and where would we be without a panto dame to tease us all throughout the performance, in evermore flamboyant costumes? So this Christmas in Bury St Edmunds, you can be sure to expect a hearty chorus of hissing and booing, lots of singing and of course the inimitable Widow Twankey bringing us silliness and sauciness, whilst making sure to surprise and amaze as the Theatre Royal brings you a new spin on an old favourite! Aladdin runs from 29 Sept 2013 – 12 Jan 2014. Various performance times, call box office on 01284 769505 for booking and details. Or visit our website www.theatreroyal.org





Lifestyle, Stories & Events in Norfolk & Suffolk

#42 December 13

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Internet Banking Security I

am becoming increasingly concerned about how blasé we have all become (including me) logging into our bank accounts to check balances’ etc from PCs, Laptops and more worryingly mobile devices. I get told time and time again by consumers “it’s ok I’m on an Apple device... they can’t get hacked” or “my bank say it’s ok” or “I don’t use an antivirus, there is no need” or “I use this free one, and I have never got a virus”... Well, let me burst some bubbles. 1) Apple products can be hacked, do get viruses and will, in the future be just as likely to suffer from these annoying nerds as any other computer based product. The fact is when it comes to PCs, Apples and viruses why would you (the hacker) attack 7.73% (Apples) of users when you could attack 91% of the market place (PCs), it’s just a case of market share. The fact is, as Apples become more popular they will get more viruses. 2) “my bank say it’s ok” ... has your bank looked at your computer? Does the bank clerk know much about PCs? Does the bank manager secure your connection for you... I don’t think so. 3) “I don’t use an antivirus, there is no need”... It’s a bit like a safety belt, you don’t need it until you are flying through a windscreen at 70 MPH ... you have obviously been lucky up until now. 4) “I use this free one, and I have never got a virus”... the old say-

“APPLE PRODUCTS CAN BE HACKED, DO GET VIRUSES AND WILL, IN THE FUTURE BE JUST AS LIKELY TO SUFFER AS ANY OTHER COMPUTER BASED PRODUCT” ing there is no such thing as a free lunch springs to mind. Ask yourself, why is it free... and the answer is either they will charge you more than it’s worth next year or it’s worth what you are not paying for it, in other words NOTHING. Again, you have obviously been lucky up until now. In our workshops we see more viruses on machines using free or cheap antivirus than we do

any other problem. So here are my top 6 tips to stay safe while using online banking. 1) On PCs/Apple always buy a decent Internet Security software package, not just an Antivirus. I recommend Webroot or Panda at the moment, but this may change if they make any major changes like Norton did a few years ago. 2) Only log on to a network that you know and trust, at home is best. Public networks are very risky, how do you know it is the network you think it is? You don’t, so be careful! 3) Check the bank site is secure.

The padlock symbol, https at the beginning of the address and the green address bar is are good indicators. 4) Check the website address is correct and even type it in the address bar (not Google) at the top of the page yourself ie www.barclays. co.uk 5) Keep your passwords safe and make sure you are the only one who knows it. 6) If you use your mobile only use the banks app and stick to WiFi networks you know are secure or use your 3G or 4G connection. Alex from Ulric Web Design


#42 December 13




Lifestyle, Stories & Events in Norfolk & Suffolk

Land Rover Defender – The Swiss Army Knife Of The Automotive World


he season of goodwill is almost upon us and with that inevitably means the ‘to-do’ lists. Getting the house presentable before long-lost aunt Agatha comes to stay, ordering the turkey, sprouts & Christmas pudding – the lists, as they say, are endless. Thinking of lists brings me to the car enthusiast’s ‘virtual garage’ – given the choice, what would you keep in your garage? The rules are simple: 4 cars, each very different to the other, money no object. If I was writing to Father Christmas, I’d be asking for these: First on my list would be a Land Rover Defender – the do everything, go anywhere Swiss army knife of the automotive world. As one of the last truly


#42 December 13

hand-built vehicles on the planet it probably has more nuts & bolts holding it together than any other vehicle – no snap-fit plastics here! And that is the attraction; it’s the largest Meccano set you can buy – if you’re bored with it by Boxing Day afternoon you could always rebuild it as a crane or perhaps a snow plough…. For a bit of contrast my next choice would be a Lotus Elise. The Elise is possibly the ultimate embodiment of Colin Chapman’s philosophy on automotive design: “Simplify, then add lightness.” Only the essential elements made it from drawing board to the finished car, and as a result, driver involvement is in a different league to most other

performance cars – it is a razor blade to the Defender’s Swiss army knife. My choice might have been a Lotus Europa, but at a classic car show many years ago I discovered that I couldn’t fold my lengthy frame sufficiently to get behind the wheel and a dream was shattered. After those two I’ll be seeking some luxury, so next on the list would be a 1970 Bentley T1 Coupe. I grew up in an era when Rolls-Royce and Bentley motor cars were regarded as being on a different planet, and to achieve ownership meant you had made it. The Bentley coupe offers all the luxury, style and one-upmanship anyone could wish for. Next up? McLaren F1. I like to think of the Mclaren as a grown

up Elise – Gordon Murray’s pursuit of engineering excellence and purity of design delivered what many consider to be the ultimate supercar. What about the Bugatti Veyron I hear you say? – it’s a lorry by comparison. How about Ferrari, Lamborghini & Pagani? - too much style over substance. With the McLaren F1, the focus is on the engineering design, not style, and I celebrate that. But every enthusiast’s list should feature an Alfa Romeo they say. Perhaps I’ll have to do a bit of re-thinking, or as it’s my birthday in late December I might be allowed just one extra choice – I’m thinking about a 1960 Alfa Romeo Giulietta SZ Sprint Zagato!

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#42 December 13






Lifestyle, Stories & Events in Norfolk & Suffolk

#42 December 13

To advertise in YLM call our sales team now on 01379 642 044





We had pulled all the stops out and pushed it to the edge, we needed to win this race

#42 December 13

hen you meet Andy Bates you’ll be forgiven for thinking that you’d seen him somewhere before; in 2011 Andy presented his business plan on Dragons Den and won an investment with Peter Jones, £50,000.00 for 30% of the business. I am not surprised that Andy won a deal as you can see his passion and knowledge for what he does. He is no stranger to the racing world as he used to race side cars and has many titles and trophies. This was his passion as well as his career in the Norfolk Fire Service. “I was an officer in charge of my own station and I looked forward to every day” says Andy. Unfortunately after 20 years in the service a major racing accident ended his career. “It was the last round of the championship at Oulton Park. There was an accident on the start so we had to begin again. We waited half an hour before re-starting, we were 17th on lap one but by lap five we were 2nd. We had pulled all the stops out and pushed it to the edge, we needed to win this race” explains

Andy “we came over the top of Clay Hill at 160mph and the bike took off! I remember being above the bike looking down at it before landing back on top of the bike. As the bike flipped, I came out backwards, my head and neck bent over my back protection and I fractured my thoracic vertebrae 1, 2, 4 and 5 and the bike crushed my legs”. Andy was in hospital for 7 months, when he returned to work he was only able to do a desk job. Being such a pro-active person he couldn’t face sitting in an office all day, he was used to going into situations that other people were running from and bringing order to chaos. He wondered what else could he do, something that he knew and loved. When racing he would build the engines for the sidecars and so it seemed like an obvious move to set up a business building cars with superbike engines. The investment from Peter Jones helped to increase the build of more Sabres, to maximise the output and facilities. The working environment at AB performance is spotless and organised, safety is key on every

build and every attention to detail is made. Everything is kept to a minimum, less weight, more horse power, faster cars. AB Performance doesn’t just work on the Sabres, they will work on any other machine that has a superbike engine. They have even fitted a superbike engine to a Robin Reliant! Andy is always moving forward. “In business you have to look at the bigger picture” says Andy “we are just about to build a sabre that is very different – a hill climb car. We are hoping to expand into Europe with this and have dealership’s in Switzerland, Austria and Germany”. AB Performance are amongst the best at what they do; they have an unbeaten record in 5 years of never having a mechanical breakdown when on the lap. There is only Andy and Nick at AB Performance and when you telephone you will always talk straight to Andy. He is always hands on with his customers. Andy is passionate and extremely knowledgeable about his work and will always do everything he can.




UPDATES & EVENTS PRIZES GALORE IN MIDWICH AND EAAA CHRISTMAS CHARITY INITIATIVE A fund-raising incentive organised by technology distributor Midwich and East Anglian Air Ambulance aims to raise £7,000 for the charity from their Christmas bauble raffle. With support from Diss businesses, including the donation of a 10 foot Christmas tree from Diss Garden Centre, the ‘Jingle Balls’ initiative sees 100 prizes up for grabs – with raffle ticket winners given the chance to select a prize-winning bauble from the tree. Prizes, which include a Samsung 42-inch smart TV, a weekend break in London, IPad minis, wine and John Lewis hampers, will be written down and secretly placed inside baubles on the tree, meaning every raffle ticket winner has a chance of a great early Christmas present. The incentive is certainly proving popular, with over £1,000 of ticket sales in the first week. The tree will take pride of place at the Vinces Road offices of Midwich and Commercial Director Alex Ward is delighted with the initial response to the cause. He said: “The East Anglian Air Ambulance regularly saves lives throughout our region and Midwich are proud to support them in this fundraising initiative. Rather than the standard raffle, we thought we’d add a little extra festive sparkle to proceedings this year and we are extremely grateful to Diss Garden Centre for donating a magnificent tree, as well as our business part-


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ners Samsung and everyone who has contributed to the amazing prize pot. Mr Ward added: “Initial ticket sales are proving really popular and we hope that demand increases even further as we get nearer to Christmas so that we can hand over another bumper cheque to the EAAA at the end of the year. Our aim is £7,000 and, with local businesses now assisting us in selling tickets, we hope to reach that target and help with vital funding to a local charity.” The EAAA are solely funded by charitable donations from the people of East Anglia, and operating an enhanced emergency care service is a complex and costly business. Each mission costs £2,270 and with the extended provision of becoming the first dedicated air ambulance to fly at night to deliver their level of enhanced emergency medical care requires £7.2million per year to operate their life-saving service. Tickets are £2 each and can be purchased from the following Diss businesses; VAE hair, Diss Antiques, The Waterfront Inn, Mere Moments, Fit Club, Allmake Motor Parts, Photo Elite, Fayre View Restaurant, The Park Hotel, Brome Grange Hotel, The Auberge, The Sweetie Shop and Claire’s Sugarcraft.

ROSEDALE REMEMBERS AT CHRISTMAS Someone to talk to and support you during one of the most difficult times in your life is how the funeral directors at Rosedale Funeral Home see themselves.

Created by experienced funeral directors who wanted to offer a caring and personal as well as a very professional service, Rosedale Funeral Home has established itself as a thoughtful company for families to honour and remember loved ones who have died. Christmas can be a very difficult time for the recently bereaved who cannot avoid the reminders that “tis the season to be jolly” but you miss the person who has died and you don’t want to be encouraged to go on as if nothing has happened. For anyone facing their first Christmas without a loved one, Rosedale have available a small booklet entitled “A not so jolly Christmas” offering practical advice on reducing pressure, reevaluating traditions, re-defining expectations and re-living the memories. There is even a special section for helping children with their loss at Christmas. The booklet is available free of charge from any Rosedale Funeral Home. Every December, Rosedale has traditionally placed a memorial Christmas tree in each of their funerals homes and also in St. Mary’s Church in Diss. We are delighted that this year all of our local town libraries have also agreed to host a memorial tree, alongside other local churches. Sainsburys in Attleborough will also be hosting a tree this year. These trees are a focal point for bereaved families at a time when their loss may be most acute. Rosedale provides attractive cards for families and friends to write messages for their loved ones, no matter how long ago, or where they died. Each card is carefully hung on one of their Christmas trees, a simple but thoughtful gesture. If you would like to receive a complimentary card, please telephone the funeral home nearest to you, listed below. Over the Christmas period, funeral directors at Rosedale will be working day and night ensuring that the bereaved receive the same high level of service, providing a peaceful family atmosphere for making funeral arrangements, either in a private sitting room at the funeral home, or by visiting the bereaved in their own homes. They don’t just stop with the funeral either; they can offer practical support to stop unwanted mail addressed to the deceased, provide memory boxes and work books for bereaved children as well as resources for parents and teachers – all free of charge, and provide

friendship and emotional support at their bereavement support groups. The dedicated staff have over 100 years of experience in arranging and conducting funerals between them, and the emphasis is on dedicated local people working for the rest of the community, with fair pricing, flexibility and exceptional service. For a full list of this year’s Christmas Tree list please visit our website www.rosedalefuneralhome. co.uk.

THE HAPPIEST START TO CHRISTMAS Every day we read in the news papers and see on our TV screens about the increasing number of people falling into the poverty trap. Those who have lost their jobs sometimes even their homes and the many who find paying the regular bills almost impossible are now faced with the forthcoming most expensive season of the year, yes Christmas is upon us. In Diss as across the nation all churches will celebrate the real meaning of this festive season but surprise, surprise St. Mary’s the parish church of this town always goes one step further. So if you want to have a happy build up to Christmas then why not come along to the popular ‘Lunchtime Carols’ on Friday 20th December starting at 12.30pm where you can sing requested carols in the ‘Big Sing’ style. Last year new comers couldn’t believe what we did between singing carols and that caused a lot of laughter which in turn went hand in hand with happiness for the forty five minutes of this event. Right on lunchtime this occasion is suitable for everyone of all ages just bring your shopping into the building, sit down and wait for the carols of fun to begin. Yes we try to make this season enjoyable and at St. Mary’s church Diss we very much succeed so give it a try and enjoy the seasonal refreshments that follow your singing. Hope to see as many people there as possible. Gerry Hosking.

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THE ELVES AND THE SHOEMAKER The Elves and the Shoemaker Sat in his kitchen workshop, in a high rise block of flats, Sam Lacey makes terrible shoes and tries to sell them on-line. The only problem is nobody wants to buy them...not at any price! Then one magical morning Sam wakes up to discover a pair of the most amazing shoes he’s ever seen, lying on the kitchen worktop!

This event is growing in popularity every year so as well as a wonderful variety of stalls selling gifts, crafts, cakes and much much more we will also have some new games and residents of our twinned town of Hede selling delicious French crepes and mistletoe. The Tea Shop will be open for teas, coffees, mince pies and mulled wine. There is also a hot dog stall, Tombola and Raffle including a fabulous Christmas hamper. Entertainment will be provided from local singers of Discord, carol singing by the local primary school children and music from Jonny Ling’s fairground organ. And of course we shall be visited by Father Christmas who shall arrive on his beautifully decorated sleigh.

from November 1st, either online from www.mereplayers.com or by calling the ticket line on 01508 531625.

We now have a Facebook page so for all the latest information just search for Friends of Wortham Church.

This wonderful tale full of magic and adventure will be performed on the 5th, 6th and 7th of December at 8pm in New Buckenham Village Hall. There will be a matinee on the 7th at 2.30pm.

NEW BUCKENHAM PLAYERS This December, New Buckenham Players are staging Peter Pan by J M Barrie. The story tells of Peter Pan, a mischievous little boy who can fly, and his adventures on the island of Neverland with Wendy Darling and her brothers, the fairy TinkerBell, the Lost Children, the Indian princess Tiger Lily and the pirate Captain Hook.

How on earth did they get there? Tickets are priced at £7.50, £6.50 for concessions and £3.50 for children aged 14 and under. They will be available from the beginning of November from Kings Stores New Buckenham or from our Box Office 01953 860320/861438

Once again the inescapably bonkers Stuff and Nonsense Theatre Company return with thier brand new, up-to-date, size 13 ½ re-telling of everyone’s favourite story... about elves... and shoes! For more info visit www. elvesonstage.com “The rather super Stuff and Nonsense theatre company has again hit pitch perfect in its innovative version of the Brothers Grimm fairytale.” THE STAGE

MERE PLAYERS This December, The Mere Players bring a slice of Southern hospitality to Roydon Village Hall. Set over three years, Steel Magnolias is the story of six smalltown Louisiana women who come together to share friendship, secrets and neighbourly gossip. Visiting Truvy’s Beauty Parlour they take comfort and solace in their friendship when faced with weddings and divorces, babies and funerals, new beginnings and happy endings - with grace, determination and perfectly coiffed hair! And there’s even an armadillo groom’s cake!

VICTORIAN CHRISTMAS MARKET The Friends of Wortham Church are holding their annual Victorian Christmas Market outside the Post Office and Tea Shop on the 6th December between 4 & 7pm.

#42 December 13

The play is directed by April Secrett, who has been involved in many productions with The Mere Players and other local groups appearing last year in Calendar Girls. The show runs from Wednesday 4th to Saturday 7th December 2013. Doors open at 7pm and there is a licenced bar. Tickets are available for £8 in advance

BELLA HARDY FESTIVE TOUR Bella Hardy will be performing her new festive tour, Bright Morning Star, with special guests Anna Massie and Chris Sherburn. In Bella’s north Derbyshire home, Christmas songs have long been the local speciality. People flock from far and wide to sing the Peak District’s local carols, and in these dark months, the villages are lit up with song to celebrate the time of hope and community. This year, Bella takes this seasonal cheer on the road! The Bright Morning Star tour features a repertoire of seasonal treats, from her local Castleton carols ‘Down In Yon Forest’ and ‘All in the Morning’, to well known favourites ‘O, Come All Ye Faithfull’ and ‘Have Yourself a

ª UPDATES & EVENTS Merry Little Christmas’! She will be singing her arrangement of ‘The Coventry Carol’, which was shown on BBC Two on Christmas day 2008 as part of Howard Goodall’s show The Truth about Carols, along with popular songs from Bella’s critically acclaimed albums Night Visiting and In The Shadow of Mountains, including her own night visiting song ‘Three Black Feathers’ (nominated best original song BBC Folk Awards 2008). As well as a rich and true voice, Bella’s song-writing is also garnering acclaim, and this winter she will be performing some of her own Christmas songs for the first time. She will be joined by guitarist Anna Massie, winner of the BBC Radio Scotland Young Traditional Musician of the Year in 2003 who now tours with Blazin’ Fiddles and The Unusual Suspects, and concertina genius Chris Sherburn of Last Night’s Fun. Bella Hardy Bright Morning Star Tour Sunday 15th December 2013 at The Cut, Halesworth - 7:30 pm £12.00

TOWN MAYOR’S CHARITY AUCTION OF PROMISES During his year in office Diss Town Mayor, Neil Howard is raising funds for Diss First Responders and the Quidenham branch of the East Anglian Children’s Hospices, and as part of this fundraising he will be holding an Auction of Promises, at Diss Corn Hall on Saturday 8th March 2014. This will be a fun, informal evening for up to 200 people with a ticket price of £5.00, which will include a glass of wine and table snacks. There will also be a licensed bar available. Estate agents and auctioneers, T W Gaze is supporting the event and well known auctioneer Mike Sarson, has kindly offered his services, free of charge. If you would like to support these two very good causes by donating something for the auction please contact Diss Town Council on 01379 643848 or email towncouncil@diss.gov. uk and put the date, Saturday 8th March in your diaries now.




What’s happening in...





Stalls of vintage, antique, collectables, etc.

King George’s Hall, Harleston | 2pm | I 01379 854099

9.00-1.00pm | Stalls £10 | I 01379 855486

EVERY SUNDAY STONHAM BARNS ALL YEAR CAR BOOT SALE 8am for Sellers, 9am for Buyers. Stonham Barns, Pettaugh Road, Stonham Aspal IP14 6AT. £3.50 cars | £5 Vans | £7.50 Large Vans | www. fishface.co | I Simon Tilley 07817 539168.

MON 1.30-5.30PM & SAT 9.30-12 NOON PC HELP CLUB One-to-one PC help from keen and knowledgeable volunteers. £4 for 1 hour session. The Pennoyer Centre, Pulham St. Mary IP21 4QT | I 01379 676660

FIRST TUESDAY THE ART OF LIFE Voluntary-led group supporting local people living with cancer and their caregivers. Roydon Village Hall, High Road, Diss. Each month new activities offered. Concludes around 4pm. 1.45pm | www.theartoflife.org.uk | Minimum donation £2 | I Jay 07786 833916 / 01379 640598 WAVENEY BEREAVEMENT GROUP 2pm at Number 7 - Prayer & Counselling Centre, 7-8 Mere Street, Diss | I 01379 658956.

EVERY TUESDAY DISS JOBS CLUB 1:1 Careers Advice – Tuesday 17 December 9.45am-3.30pm – please book The Jobs Clubs will close at 2pm on Thursday 19 December in Harleston and will re-open at 1.30pm on Tuesday 7 January 2014 in Diss. Diss Library | 1.30-3.30pm | I Lucy Marjoram / Jake Kubala 01379 851920 / 07857 374857 / jobsclub@harleston-norfolk.org.uk


A talk or demonstration, raffle & refreshments.

FIRST FRIDAY & THIRD SUNDAY AFRICAN DJEMBE DRUMMING LESSONS ‘Backspace’, Angel Cafe, Fair Green, Diss | Friday: 10-12pm and Sunday: 2:30-5pm | £12 per session | IJane 01379 641233

NOW UNTIL JANUARY 4TH STOWMARKET CHRISTMAS TREE FESTIVAL Over 250 trees. They are decorated by various groups and individuals within the town and the talent that goes into creating such outstanding trees gets better each year. Wheelchair access St Peter and St Mary’s Parish Church | 10am – 4pm (7pm Thursdays) | £FREE | 01449 678623 / www.stowmarketparishchurch.co.uk

NOW UNTIL JAN CHRISTMAS LUNCH OR DINNER We are offering a special lunch/dinner to celebrate Christmas for any size group. Booking in advance only. Get in touch for further info

Apollo Rooms, Harleston | 7pm - 10pm | £5 | I 01379 854205 THE SILVER DOLLAR COUNTRY MUSIC CLUB, THE PARK HOTEL, DISS PRESENTS MADISON COUNTY. Doors 7pm | Music 7.30pm until 10.30pm | Members £5 / Non-Members £6 | Contact John and Teresa Stannard, Committee Members on 01603 433918 or Maureen and Peter Devereux (Chairman) on 01379 643381.



At the Residents’ Meeting Room, Taylor Road, from 7.00pm to 10.00pm. I Bob Morgan on 01379 650977 | disscomputerclub@gmail.com

EVERY THURSDAY HARLESTON JOBS CLUB Harleston Information Centre | 12am-2pm | I Lucy Marjoram / Jake Kubala 01379 851920 / 07857 374857 / jobsclub@harleston-norfolk. org.uk TEA & CHAT Pop in for a cup of tea or coffee, chat and make new friends at the Harleston Information Plus. 1-4pm | 8 Exchange Street, Harleston | I Carole Tilston 01379 851920.


#42 December 13


The Pennoyer Centre | 6.30PM FOR 7PM | £FREE | 01379 676660 / www.pennoyers.org.uk / admin@pennoyers.org.uk

Guest ale, a festive cocktail, mulled wine and of course bacon butties! All welcome.

TUESDAY 3RD - 7TH THE DISS ART GROUP CHRISTMAS EXHIBITION Art in a variety of styles together with cards, glassware and turned items. Saint Mary’s Church, Diss | 10AM - 4.30PM | Ian Cotgrove 07879661831 / iancotgrove@ btinternet.com

WEDNESDAY 4TH THE BLING RING (15) Dir: Sofia Coppola, 2013, USA, 90 mins. With Claire Julien, Emma Watson, Georgia Rock, Israel Broussard. They’re rich, beautiful and bored - five young people in search of excitement. The idea they come up with is to burgle the homes of the celebrities and millionaires who share their world, including Paris Hilton. The fact that this is a true story and that Paris Hilton allowed filming in her house adds to the fascination. Sofia Coppola (Lost In Translation, The Virgin Suicides) directs with her usual nonjudgemental detachment, offering a glimpse into lives so shallow and inane you fear for the owners’ sanity. Emma Watson of Harry Potter fame is one of the leaders of the pack 7:30 pm | £5.00 | The Cut | 0845 673 2123 | www. newcut.org

DESIGNERMAKERS@21 AND FRIENDS Open Box Office hours | FREE Entry | Box Office 01379 652241 | www.disscornhall.co.uk


Enjoy a great night & help raise money for Harleston Primary School. Apollo Rooms, Harleston | 8pm - Midnight | Tickets £5 available from Apollo or Whiskas PetShop | I 01379 854205

FRIDAY 6TH & SATURDAY 7TH DOVE PLAYERS PRESENT - ALADDIN PANTOMIME Eye Community Centre | Fr6 Dec 7.45pm | Sat 7 Dec 2.30pm & 7.30pm | Tickets - Adults £7, Concessions £6 and 12 & Under £5 (Discounts for 4 or more tickets) Tickets available from Mary Mills on 01379 870 455.

SATURDAY 7TH CHRISTMAS CRAFT FAIR Lots of stalls offering handcrafted gifts for you and your family. Refreshments all day. Wyverstone Village Hall | 10AM - 3PM | £00.50 | Margaret 01449 766398

The Apollo Rooms, Harleston | 7.30pm - 12pm | Tickets selling Fast! Available from Tony on: 01379 783526

THE WORLD’S END 8pm | Tickets £5 / Under 18s £2.50 | Box Office 01379 652241 | www.disscornhall.co.uk

WEDNESDAY 4TH TO SATURDAY 7TH STEEL MAGNOLIAS BY ROBERT HARLING The Mere Players bring a slice of Southern hospitality to Roydon Village Hall. 7pm | Licenced bar | Tickets £8 in advance from www.mereplayers.com | ticket line on 01508 531625.

THURS 5TH, FR6TH AND SAT 7TH PETER PAN The New Buckenham Players are staging Peter Pan by J M Barrie. The story tells of Peter Pan, a mischievous little boy who can fly, and his adventures on the island of Neverland with Wendy Darling and her brothers, the fairy TinkerBell, the Lost Children, the Indian princess Tiger Lily and the pirate Captain Hook. New Buckenham Village Hall | There will be a matinee on the 7th at 2.30pm | Tickets £7.50, £6.50 for concessions and £3.50 for children aged 14 and under | Available from Kings Stores New Buckenham or from our Box Office 01953 860320/861438


COME AND CREATE A DOOR WREATH AND A TABLE CENTRE IN TIME FOR CHRISTMAS. You will need to bring: Garden or kitchen scissors, secateurs, paring knife. For the Door Wreath: Fresh foliage – holly, ivy, yew, Baubles, nuts, berries. For the Table Centre: An old dinner plate sprayed gold, or a plastic platter from QD or ASDA approx. 30 cms in gold/silver/red. Fresh foliage, artificial or fresh flowers (small poinsettias, roses, Christmas roses, carnations), Baubles. A limited quantity of these items will be available for sale on the day as well as some fresh foliage. We will provide the rest of the requirements. John Peel Centre | 10:00am - 2:00pm | £12.00 | 01449 774 678 / www.johnpeelcentreforcreativearts.co.uk AN EVENING OF WINTER AND FESTIVE MUSIC WITH ROUGH AT THE EDGES, SUPPORTED BY BROODY CUCKOOS. Rough at the Edges is an a capella singing group based on the Suffolk/Norfolk border. They sing a wide range of music but their core repertoire is English folk songs. They like harmonising, and don’t much like very long ballads! Broody Cuckoos is an all-female instrumental group playing entertaining folk music. John Peel Centre | Doors open at 7pm | £6.00 | 01449 774 678 / www.johnpeelcentreforcreativearts.co.uk

TUESDAY 3RD DISS TOWN CAROL CONCERT 7pm. Tickets £3.50 / Children £2. Box Office 01379 652241 | www.disscornhall.co.uk

One for all the family with the singing led by the Waveney Choir together with the Diss Salvation Army. The evening also includes performances from the choir of Diss Church Junior School and pupils from Diss High School. Everyone is invited to stay after the concert to enjoy mince pies, mulled wine and soft drinks.


An excellent nights entertainment. Bar, hot meals & raffle available.

SENIOR CITIZENS CHRISTMAS LUNCH 2-course full roast dinner | Booking essential The Pennoyer Centre | 12.30pm | £8.50 | 01379 676660


The Pennoyer Centre | 6.30pm-11.30pm | FREE | 01379 676660 / www.pennoyers.org.uk / admin@pennoyers.org.uk



www.disscamera.org.uk | I John 07808 052188.


CASH PRIZE BINGO All welcome - Just come along. Cash Prizes.

COME DANCING Get your dancing shoes on & enjoy our large dance floor & superb DJ playing all your favourite requests.

Members meet twice a month to enjoy a fun and informative programme featuring a variety of photographic events.


Outside Wortham Post Office and Tea Shop | 4 - 7pm

The Pennoyer Centre | 01379 676660 / www. pennoyers.org.uk


Harleston Information Centre | 10am-2pm | I Lucy Marjoram / Jake Kubala 01379 851920 / 07857 374857 / jobsclub@harleston-norfolk. org.uk

Diss Corn Hall | 7PM | £3.50 / CHILDREN £2 | Corn Hall Box Office / Diss Town Council Offices


A 30 strong community choir project in Ipswich for men and women, specialising in rich fourpart harmonies of Soul and Gospel music. Supported by a professional band, this live performance by Suffolk Soul Singers will be an upbeat music experiences full of energy and excitement. This gig is guaranteed to get toes

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tapping! With a core repertoire taken from classic soul and gospel roots, this “Christmas special” programme will include more contemporary artists, modern gospel music, soul, reggae and pop. Tickets £10 (Concessions £8), Doors open at 2.15pm | www.facebook.com/pages/SuffolkSoul-Singers | www.twitter.com/SuffSoulSingers | £2.50 from each Ticket Sale to be donated to STOWMARKET STEPPING STONES John Peel Centre | 01449 774 678 | www.johnpeelcentreforcreativearts.co.uk

FILM NIGHT - SUMMER IN FEBRUARY (15) A true tale of love, liberty and scandal amongst the Edwardian artists' colony in Cornwall. Starring Dominic Cooper, Emily Browning & Dan Stevens. Ices on sale at interval. Booking advisable. The Pennoyer Centre | Bar from 7.15pm 8.00pm start | ADVANCE £4, DOOR £4.40 | 01379 676660 / www.pennoyers.org.uk / admin@pennoyers. org.uk SHAUN CUDDY & HIS BAND Enjoy this great Christmas special, dancing to Irelands Top showman! Bar, hot meals & raffle available. Apollo Rooms, Harleston | Doors 7pm, show starts 8pm | £12.50 | I 01502 715617


SWING INTO CHRISTMAS – JONATHAN WYATT BIG BAND AND THE MOONGLOW SISTERS 7.30pm | Tickets £12.50 | Box Office 01379 652241 | www.disscornhall.co.uk KINGFISHER SINFONIETTA Leader - Beth Spendlove, Conductor - Elgar Howarth. Seasonal Extravaganza of much-loved music from the ballets including Swan Lake, Nutcraker, Les Sylphides, Coppelia, and much more!This orchestra makes a popular return to The Cut for a magnificent seasonal concert of ballet music! The Cut | 6:30 pm | Standard: £12.00 Concessions: £10.00 Full time education: £2.00 | 0845 673 2123 / www.newcut.org APOLLO COUNTRY MUSIC CLUB PRESENTS ‘CHRISTMAS PARTY NIGHT WITH THE MC CALLS’ Great party atmosphere, bar, raffle & free bangers & mash! 7.30pm - 10.45pm, admission £5 cmc members/£6 non. Apollo Rooms, Harleston | I 01379 854205

WEDNESDAY 11TH GABRIEL’S GARDEN FESTIVE ARRANGEMENTS Create a traditional moss wired wreath using fresh foliage, berries, cones & fruit. Bring along your favourite container to create a table centrepiece to delight your guests. Prices from £20. ALSO SUNDAY 15TH DEC 2PM – 3.30PM The Pennoyer Centre | 10AM - 3PM | 01379 677793 / hello@gabrielsgarden.co.uk

A DANCE TO THE BAND MEMPHIS INDEX. Music 8.30pm until midnight. £6. Licensed bar, tea, coffee and rolls. Wreningham Village Hall, Mill Lane, NR16 1AN | I Christine Minns 01508 488123.


well known favourites ‘O, Come All Ye Faithfull’ and ‘Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas’. The Cut | 7:30 pm | £12.00 | I 0845 673 2123 / www.newcut.org THE SILVER DOLLAR COUNTRY MUSIC CLUB, THE PARK HOTEL, DISS PRESENTS COUNTRY LAW. Club Xmas Party | Doors 7pm | Music 7.30pm until 10.30pm | Members £5 / Non-Members £6 | I John and Teresa Stannard, Committee Members on 01603 433918 or Maureen and Peter Devereux (Chairman) on 01379 643381.



SATURDAY 21ST CHRISTMAS PARTY NIGHT Delicious 3 course meal with coffee, superb live singer and fantastic disco DJ all make for the best party in town!! Apollo Rooms, Harleston | Please book in advance on: 01379 854205

1:1 Careers Advice – Tuesday 17 December 9.45am-3.30pm – please book


Diss Library | 1.30-3.30PM | I Lucy Marjoram / Jake Kubala 01379 851920 / 07857 374857 / jobsclub@harleston-norfolk.org.uk THE ACOUSTIC SESSION Another evening of all types of music including modern, blues and folk. just bring along your instrument & speak to Dave when you arrive. Bar with real ale & bacon butties.


CHRISTMAS PARTY NIGHT Delicious 3 course meal with coffee, superb live singer and fantastic disco DJ all make for the best party in town! Apollo Rooms, Harleston | Please book in advance on: 01379 854205

Diss Corn Hall | Tickets £9 / Under 16s £7 / Family (2 adults, 2 children) £30. Age 6 + | I Box Office 01379 652241 / www.disscornhall.co.uk


The Pennoyer Centre | 7PM | FREE | I01379 676660 / www.pennoyers.org.uk / admin@ pennoyers.org.uk

THE BURGATE SINGERS Magnificat by J S Bach. Magnificat by C P E Bach and Missa Brevis by Zonltan Kodaly. Diss Corn Hall | 7.30pm | I Box Office 01379 652241 | www.disscornhall.co.uk


BEHIND THE CANDELABRA Dir: Steven Soderbergh, 2013, USA, 118 mins. With Michael Douglas, Matt Damon, Dan Aykroyd, Debbie Reynolds. Kitsch, sensational, grotesque - Douglas is frighteningly brilliant as Liberace. Matt Damon is equally compelling as Scott, an unfortunate young man whom Liberace decides to groom to the extent of persuading him to undergo plastic surgery in order to look like a younger version of his lover. However such a transformation is no guarrantee that he will not be cast aside in favour of a new model. This is Hollywood entertainment at its very best - glamorous, funny, outrageous. The critics all loved it. The Cut | 7:30 pm | £5.00 | I 0845 673 2123 / www.newcut.org FESTIVE LUNCH WITH CAROL SINGERS Delightful 2 course Christmas lunch followed with coffee & mince pies whilst listening to the local choir sing all your favourite carols. Apollo Rooms, Harleston | Please book in advance on: 01379 854205.

A rare opportunity to buy an unusual & unique Christmas present. There will be 100’s of mounted prints, most of which are signed by the artist dating back to the early 90’s that are no longer in print.Famous Comic Hero characters like Superman, Superwoman, Batman, Wonder Woman, The Avengers, Spiderman, Iron Man etc plus airbrush Fantasy Art including original signed sketches from Patelis, Henry, Stewart Bluke & Greg Horn and limited quantities of prints from Star Wars & The Empire Strikes Back. Free Entry & one Free Drink with any purchase over £30 - Upstairs licenced bar open throughout the exhibition. John Peel Centre | 10:00 am - 6:00 pm | Free 01449 774 678 | www.johnpeelcentreforcreativearts.co.uk

SUNDAY 22ND DUMPLIN COUNTRY PRESENTS DARREN BUSBY Xmas Party. Licensed bar, tea, coffee and light refreshments. Wreningham Village Hall, Mill Lane, NR16 1AN | Doors 1pm. Music 2pm until 5pm | £4 | I John and Teresa Stannard 01603 433918 SUNDAY LUNCH WITH SANTA Enjoy a delicious 2 course Sunday lunch followed with coffee whilst the little ones enjoy presents from Santa. Apollo Rooms, Harleston | Please book in advance on: 01379 854205



Come and join the community sing along.

Held at Taylor Road Community Hall, Diss.

The Mere’s Mouth | 6pm APOLLO COUNTRY MUSIC PRESENTS ‘THE BAR HOPPERS’ SOUTH NORFOLK YOUTH SYMPHONIC BAND CHRISTMAS CONCERT Diss Corn Hall | 7pm | Tickets Tiered £7 / Level £5 | I Box Office 01379 652241 / www. disscornhall.co.uk

THE GREAT GATSBY (12A) 8pm | Tickets £5 / Under 18s £2.50 | Box Office 01379 652241 | www.disscornhall.co.uk

THURSDAY 12TH ATTLEBOROUGH TOWN HALL CRAFT FAIR Open from 10am-2pm. Tea & coffee will be available to stall holders for a donation. FREE | I 01953 456323.

FRIDAY 13TH FILM - DESPICABLE ME 2 (U) Starring Steve Carell as Gru with more outrageous characters including the minions and the girls. Ices on sale at interval. Booking advisable. The Pennoyer Centre | CAFE FROM 4.15PM 4.30PM START | ADVANCE £4 Adults / £3.00 Kids, door £4.50 Adults / £3.50 Kids | 01379 676660 / www.pennoyers.org.uk / admin@ pennoyers.org.uk THE DOORS EXPERIENCE 8pm | Tickets £12 | Box Office 01379 652241 | www.disscornhall.co.uk

#42 December 13

POPULAIRE (12A) Diss Corn Hall | 8pm | Tickets £5 / Under 18s £2.50 | I Box Office 01379 652241 | www. disscornhall.co.uk


COME DANCING CHRISTMAS SPECIAL Get your dancing shoes on & enjoy our large dance floor & superb DJ playing all your favourite requests. Apollo Rooms, Harleston | Light refreshments included | 7pm - 10pm | admission £5 | I 01379 854205.

A TOUCH OF CLASS CHRISTMAS MEAL Be welcomed with a glass of Kir Royale & enjoy a delicious 4 course Christmas meal followed with coffee & petit fours. Apollo Rooms, Harleston | Please book in advance on: 01379 854205

STRADBROKE & DISTRICT BRANCH OF THE ROYAL BRITISH LEGION COMMEMORATIVE CHRISTMAS SERVICE To commemorate the 100th anniversary of the start of the WW1 and the 70th anniversary of the D-Day Landings WW11

CHRISTMAS DISCO Let your hair down & enjoy a great night at Kelly’s ever popular Christmas disco. Apollo Rooms, Harleston | Doors open 8pm | Tickets in advance from Kelly or on the door.


Horham Baptist Church | 6PM BELLA HARDY BRIGHT MORNING STAR TOUR Winner Best Original Track ‘The Herring Girl’ BBC Radio 2 Folk Awards 2012. Bella Hardy will be performing her new festive tour, Bright Morning Star, with special guests Anna Massie and Chris Sherburn. The Bright Morning Star tour features a repertoire of seasonal treats, from her local Castleton carols ‘Down In Yon Forest’ and ‘All in the Morning’, to

Get in the Christmas spirit with this fantastic lively band. Bar & raffle available. Warm mince pies for all! Apollo Rooms, Harleston | 7.30pm - 10.45pm | I 01379 854205

CHRISTMAS EVE KARAOKE SPECIAL There will be lots of fun and laughter in our club bar with Mark & Liam’s Karaoke. Bar, Christmas Draw, sausage rolls & mince pies for all! Apollo Social Club, Harleston | 8pm | Members Free, Non Members Just £1 | I 01379 854205

NEW YEARS EVE APOLLO NEW YEARS EVE PARTY Glitter in all your sparkles with live music from ‘The Encores’ plus our party DJ & a sumptuous buffet. Tickets selling FAST!! Apollo Rooms, Harleston | I 01379 854205 NEW YEARS EVE DISCO & SHOTS It’s party time all the way into 2014! Dance the night away with music from our excellent DJ whilst enjoying a shot or two at just £1 a pop! 8pm till late.


Apollo Social Club, Harleston | Members Free / Non Members Just £1 | I 01379 854205


















#42 December 13

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#42 December 13





Lifestyle, Stories & Events in Norfolk & Suffolk

#42 December 13

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#42 December 13




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