Your Child in Whittlesea December 2020

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Edi t orsLetter Editors Letter Welcome to our Christmas/New Year Online Edition of Your Child in Whittlesea. December really is a most exciting month - with all the child like wonder, excitement and anticipation. If only it wasn’t also the most hectic time of the year! (My children love watching all the lights and decoctions going up around the area.) As I sit here I find myself looking back over the year 2020 - and I’m fondly remembering the fun family moments, baking with my children, playing family games, working together to finish a jigsaw puzzle, watching family movies and going for walks around the local neighbourhood. I find that I am pushing the not so nice memories away, however I would not like to live another 2020 and I hope 2021 will have much more to offer. I know that I have much to be grateful for as this year comes to a close. The magazine this month has some great reading, on page 16 Aussie Christmas Tips. Page 40 has an interesting article, (especial for those of us with New Preps next year) about Essential Literary Skills for Preschoolers. Plus we have some great ides and Tips for Road Trips and Holidays on page 18 and Staying Healthy Over the Holidays, can be found on page 36. Christmas is such a wonderful time of year for children! Kids Corner, pages 32 & 33 have an Elf colouring page and a Christmas Spot the Difference. Maybe when that is completed mum or dad could help you write a ‘Letter to Santa’. Kids in Kitchen has some fantastic Christmas Cooking on pages 34 & 35 with our Guest Mini Chefs Tahnee and Mackenzie. Don’t forget Summer is a great time to get out and enjoy the fantastic weather and our local parks and bush walking tracks. Hanging with Hannah can be found on page 22, visiting a Bollygum Park in Kinglake. I hope you enjoy reading the December/January online magazine. My family and I wish all our readers and their families a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

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Christmas Trees 1st Craigieburn Scout Group will deliver a freshly cut Christmas Tree to your door. That’s one less thing, you have to worry about this Christmas Season. Online ordering:

Delivery dates: 28th & 29th November 5th & 6th December 12th & 13th December Any queries – email or call Greg 0419 886 907

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Materials help families navigate new and changing rou nes including face masks and adjus ng to on-screen learning Wearing masks, interac ng with others on video chats, and adjus ng to frequent changes in rou nes can be challenging for all children and families, including children with au sm. Sesame Workshop however is launching brand new videos and resources featuring Julia, a 4-year-old Sesame Street Muppet with au sm, to help au s c children and their families cope with some of the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. The resources, available for free in English on sm are designed to help families adapt and create rou nes, build flexibility, and cope with the challenges of living in the me of COVID-19, like having to wear masks and learning to understand physical distancing. The resources released include: ¦ New Virtual Playdate Videos with Julia, including a playdate with Elmo where the friends learn how to adapt an ac vity they usually do in person, and a video call with Julia’s dad Daniel where they prac ce wearing their masks, an experience rarely addressed from a child’s perspec ve. ¦ A Park Problem, an anima on featuring Julia and her family out at the park for the first me in a long me. So many things are the same, but some things are different and take ge ng used to. ¦ “No Ma er What,” a digital storybook teaching children that even when the world around us looks and feels different, some things stay the same no ma er what—like the love within a family. ¦ New ar cles and rou ne stories, including strategies for parents and caregivers to help children cope with—and even embrace—changes in rou nes. 10 8

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“We know that children with au sm and their families are experiencing unique challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic, and that schedules, rou nes, and guidelines can change with li le warning,” said Dr. Jeane e Betancourt, Senior Vice President of US Social Impact, Sesame Workshop. “The new resources are designed to help families manage unexpected circumstances, familiarise children with important new behaviours like wearing masks, and incorporate prac cal strategies into their day-to-day lives—all with a li le help from Julia.” In March, soon a er the pandemic began, Sesame Workshop, the nonprofit educa onal organisa on behind Sesame Street, launched the Caring for Each Other ini a ve to meet the needs of families as the situa on evolves, with free resources designed to help parents provide comfort and manage anxiety, as well as help with crea ng rou nes and fostering playful learning at home. The new resources add to exis ng resources released in April for au s c children and their families with language and strategies for providing comfort, crea ng rou nes, and staying healthy as a family during the pandemic.

Created in 2015, the Sesame Street and Au sm: See Amazing in All Children ini a ve aims to increase public awareness and acceptance of au sm, foster greater empathy and understanding, and support families with free, bilingual resources. The ini a ve was developed in consulta on with over 250 organisa ons and experts within the au sm community. About Sesame Workshop Sesame Workshop is the nonprofit media and educa onal organisa on behind Sesame Street, the pioneering television show that has been reaching and teaching children since 1969. Today, Sesame Workshop is an innova ve force for change, with a mission to help kids everywhere grow smarter, stronger, and kinder. We’re ac ve in more than 150 countries, serving vulnerable children through a wide range of media, formal educa on, and philanthropically funded social impact programs, each grounded in rigorous research and tailored to the needs and cultures of the communi es we serve. For more informa on, please visit To advertise in Your Child in Whittlesea Call 0439 732 977


Business Management, Accounting & CRM Software Contact Shannon - 0419 557 314

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Monday’s 4.45 - 8.15pm

Thomastown Secondary College 80 Main St. Thomastown 3074 Enter carpark from Main St. OPEN DAY 11/11/19 5 - 6pm

Wednesday’s 4.45 - 8.15pm

Doncaster Secondary College 123 Church Rd. Doncaster 3108 Corner Ibis St. OPEN DAY 13/11/19 5 - 6pm

Friday’s 4.45 - 815pm

Thornbury High School 238 Collins St. Thornbury 3071 Enter Dundas or Matisi Sts OPEN DAY 15/11/19 5 - 6pm


We look forward to meeting you at our School Open Days! To enrol call 03 8300 0270 or visit


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Dear Santa, I have been ¨ Awesome ¨ Pretty Good ¨ A little bit naughty ¨ Naughty, but I can explain! All I want for Christmas is... This _______________________________ and ________________________________ and _______________________________ Thank you Love from PS I hope you like the treats I leave for you and the reindeers Visit: to download our Dear Santa letter template

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Tips for Road Trips & Holidays 1. Leave at night or very early in the morning It’s a good idea is to leave at night when children have all been fed and it is bedtime so they can have a good long sleep, as the motion of the car will also help them sleep. If you prefer to drive when it is lighter then leaving in the early, give bub a feed and get the older children in the car so you can get a good start while they are tired and still need to sleep.

by Cheryl Fingleson different, and if you want to enjoy your time with kids, pay attention.

2. Pack Refreshments Drinks and snack foods are a must for the car age appropriate. 3. Stop for breaks If you have tired, grumpy or bored children in the car it is no fun. Remember children are hard wired for movement. Stop for breaks so the babies can crawl, walk and the older kids can run around for a while, then back into the car. Put the nursery rhymes on, sing along. 4. Pack the technology Ipads, mobiles and movies can be one of the most valuable things you pack and more importantly may keep you sane.. This may be the key to eliminating whinging and fighting children. 5. Routine. Routine. Routine. While travelling try keep to your babies and toddlers usual routine. 6. Clean as you drive Keep a roll of paper towels and a box of wipes in the front seat for easy cleanups. Keep a rubbish bag handy too. Camping with kids: When camping please remember babies have a more difficult time regulating their body temperature than adults do, so it’s important to keep them warm. Even during the summer, nights and mornings can get especially chilly. Kids are not little adults. Their needs are very


There are six things I tell people when they ask about taking kids camping or hiking or paddling: Ø They get cold faster. Ø They get hot faster. Ø They get hungry faster. Ø They get bored faster. Ø They want to be helpful. Ø They get tired quickly. Babies and kids need to eat regularly and sleep on their schedule. I recommend you make sure kids nap and sleep at their usual time. Babies can nap in a front carrier, pram or backpack. Having their schedule and routine the same makes them feel secure. Take their own toys, games, books and anything you child loves to play with from home. Making them have their own belongings helps them adjust to the different surrounding. Consistency and routine will be the magic that make a great relaxing holiday. Cheryl Fingleson, The Sleep Coach. specialises in children aged 0-6.

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h a n n a H h t i w Hanging Bollygum Park, Kinglake

40 Whittlesea-Kinglake Road, Kinglake

This month Hannah visited the beau ful Bollygum Park in Kinglake. The playground is nestled into the lovely gardens and gum trees, that make up the Kinglake landscape. This amazing space also has a deligh ul Australian story running through it ‘Bollygum’ by author Garry Fleming. There are 4 swings, 2 basket swings, 2 monkey bars, fireman’s pole, 5 slides, 3 climbing cargo nets, 3 climbing walls, lots to climb over, under and through. It also has musical instruments a pipe piano, a tyre drum, coun ng beads, fishing poles, crazy mirrors that make you look short and funny and sand pit with a digger.

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Throughout the park you will find hidden treasures rela ng to the story a wombat, an echidna, Platypus’ House, Frogmouth’s House, Wombat’s House and the Bower Birds Nest - Hannah really enjoyed pretending to be all the different animals and making friends with the wombat. If you like skateboarding, then this is the park for you, it has an incredible skate bowl with some of the most amazing art work for its backdrop. Other facili es include - a BBQ, drink fountain, 2 undercover areas, lots of tables and chairs, plus other wooden benches, a rubbish bin and toilets. While in Kinglake, why not make it a day of it and visit Kinglake Na onal Park. Where you will find the beau ful Mason’s Falls, just a short walk from the car park. Hannah’s p of the month - there is so much to play and do at Bollygum, take some snacks or a picnic lunch ... as your kids will not want to leave. Hannah didn’t!

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Kids Corner

Hey Kids you can be a ‘Your Child STAR’ share your jokes, recipes, puzzles, fun facts or photos with other Kids in Whittlesea contact us: Kids Corner PO Box 280 Doreen 3754 email: ph: 0439 732 977 advertise in in Your Your Child Child in in Whittlesea Whittlesea Call Call 0455 312 166us 32 26TTo 3327 Follow on yourchildinwhittlesea o advertise 0439 732 977 Shop Local and mention Your Child In Whittlesea 10


There are 10 differences between the pictures. Can you find them all? To advertise in Your Child in Whittlesea Call 0439 732 977


Kids in the Kitchen Reindeer Tartlets with Tahnee Ingredients 250g pkt Bu ernut Snap Biscuits 65g unsalted bu er (chopped) 1/3 cup cream 200g milk or dark chocolate (chopped) 10 vanilla marshmallow (halved horizontally) 2 tablespoons of icing 20 Jaa lollies 20 mini vanilla marshmallows (halved crossways) 40 mini pretzels (stars if you can get them) A li le black or brown icing for eyes

Method Step 1 - Preheat oven to 180C. Place 1 biscuit over each hole of a 12 hole tartlet n. Back for 2-3 minutes or un l so . Remove from oven, using a small ladle, carefully press to mould into a cup shape. Allow to cool. Remove form n and place onto a severing plate. Step 2 - Place bu er, cream and chocolate into a saucepan over low heat and s r un l melted and smooth. Pour into a clean dry bowl and refrigerate for 20 minutes or un l cool but not set. Step 3 - Fill biscuit bases with 1 heaped teaspoon of chocolate mixture. Then return to the refrigerator for 20-25 minutes, or un l set. Step 4 - Then add decora ons using icing - 1 halve a marshmallow and a Jaa for a nose, 2 mini marshmallow halves for eyes adding a black icing dot for pupils, and cut pretzels in half to form the antlers and place above eyes.

Kids in the Kitchen Gingerbread Men with Mackenzie

with Ollie

Ingredients 125g bu er, so ened 1/2 cup brown sugar, packed 1/2 cup golden syrup 1 egg, separated & 1 egg white, extra 2 1/2 cups plain flour 1 tbsp ground ginger 1 tsp mixed spice 1 tsp bicarbonate of soda 2 cups icing sugar 150g packet Smar es or chocolate bu ons

Method Step 1 - Preheat oven to 180C (160C fan-forced.) Step 2 - Cream bu er and brown sugar together using an electric beater. Step 3 - Add egg yolk and golden syrup to mix un l combined. Step 4 - Add flour, ginger, mixed spice and bicarb soda and combine. (It might look a bit crumbly, but don’t worry - it works!) Step 5 - Place dough between two pieces of baking paper and roll, then using a cookie cu er cut Gingerbread Men. (Re-roll as needed but keep using the baking paper.) Step 6 - Move cut shapes to a greased baking tray and bake for 8-10 minutes. Step 7 - Once baked, let cool for 10 minutes on the tray and transfer to cooling racks. Step 8 - To make icing, beat the 2 egg white un l they are s ff peaks, add the si ed icing sugar and combine with a few drops of lemon juice and colour if needed. Place into a piping bag and decorate the Gingerbread Men with the icing and Smar es.

Staying healthy over the holidays M

any people pile on a few extra kilos over the fes ve period and start the new year feeling like they're on the back foot with their health. So today I wanted to share some ps for enjoying the holidays in a healthier way. 1. Hydra on

by Dr Shikha Chhabra you may find you inspire other people to follow suit in the future! 4. Load your plate with veggies Load up at least half of your plate with salads/cooked veggies first then add other foods. You will s ll get to try all the other foods you enjoy but it will keep your por on sizes in check.

Our brains o en mistake thirst for hunger so staying hydrated helps to control overea ng and helps you recognise when you are full. Unfortunately, alcohol and sugary drinks don't count for hydra on and can actually dehydrate you further. Balance out any other drinks with at least an equal amount of water. Having a nice big dispenser of water with some slices of citrus,

Rather than a creamy calorific ice cream, try freezing away different fruits for a treat on a hot day. Frozen Bananas dipped in chocolate, frozen grapes and banana 'nice cream' (blended frozen

fruit or cucumber can encourage everyone to get guzzling at par es this summer.

banana with some peanut bu er and cocoa) make great alterna ves that the kids will love!

2. Eat slowly

6. Organise ac ve gatherings

Overea ng usually happens because we consume food faster than our body can register that we're already full. Take me to be mindful of what you're ea ng- savour the flavours and let your body tell you when you've had enough. You'll find you actually enjoy what you're ea ng even more than if you had just scoffed it down!

Get ac ve during gatherings with a game of back yard cricket, a pool day or simply going for a walk while catching up with your friends. And remember that playing in the back yard isn't just for kids! Get involved with their ac ve play- it will bring the family closer together too!

3. Bring the healthy op ons Some mes it can be hard to find a healthy op on at a party even when you go in with the best inten ons. So why not offer to bring a healthy salad to share to your next gathering10 36

5. Frozen treats

Hope you find these ps helpful. If ge ng healthy and improving your lifestyle is part of your resolu ons for the New Year, the best place to start is by seeing your GP to make a plan! Dr Shikha Chhabra MBBS (Hons), FRACGP General Practitioner North Mitcham Clinic

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Essential Literacy Skills Y

ou’re only one summer away from your li le one star ng school and it won’t be too long before the reading and wri ng kicks in. Unlike talking, which comes naturally, literacy needs to be explicitly taught. Did you know there are six early literacy skills which are cri cal for future literacy success? These early literacy skills are everything children should know about reading and wri ng before they can actually read or write. As parents, there are many experiences that we can provide at home to promote the following skills.

one at a me, and tracking reading from le to right and from top to bo om. “Parsley Rabbit’s Books About Books” by Frances Wa s and David Legge is a perfect introduc on to the wonderful world of books.

4. Narra ve Skills is about being able to describe things and events and tell stories. Encourage your child to tell what happened during their day or on a TV show or movie. Enjoy your child retelling a story of a favourite picture storybook. Provide promp ng to help in sequencing events in a logical order. Playing 1. Print Mo va on is taking an interest in and “What is it?” allows children to give clues and enjoying books. Give children the opportunity describe things. Find something that they are to explore books, and provide books that good at and engage in role reversal … let them include things they are interested in. A trip to be the teacher to teach you! the library or a bookstore can guide you in finding interac ve books that children can 5. Le er Knowledge is understanding that manipulate, and in finding books that have le ers are different from each other. It is about textures. Increase par cipa on and enjoyment knowing le er names and sounds. Children by giving them access to books on the computer who go to school already knowing the and iPad. consonant and short vowel sounds have an easier me learning how to read. Mul sensory 2. Vocabulary is knowing the names of things. ways, such as drawing le ers in sand or shaving Most kids enter school knowing between 3000 cream, to prac ce wri ng le ers increases to 5000 words. Vocabulary is both expressive engagement. S ck to lowercase case le ers (being able to locate the name of something because wri ng en rely in capital le ers is a and saying it) and recep ve (being able to hear difficult habit to break when in school. the name of something and making sense of it). Use symbols and signs to give the ability to use 6. Phonological Awareness is the ability to vocabulary. Offer a variety of pictures of the think about the sounds in a word rather than same object so they learn to generalise labels. just the meaning of the word. Skills include the There are many computer ac vi es and apps ability to rhyme, segment words into syllables that target vocabulary. and single sounds, blend sounds together, iden fy sounds in different posi ons in words 3. Print Awareness is about no cing print, and manipulate sounds within words. The most knowing how to handle a book and how to difficult and most important phonological skill is follow words on a page. Support your child with phonemic awareness, the awareness of the holding the book right side up, turning pages individual sounds in words and the ability 10 40

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for Preschoolers

by Sandra Sartor

to manipulate the sounds. Most o en, children having difficulty with phonological awareness have trouble learning to read. Phonological awareness ac vi es can be lots of fun for children as they challenge themselves in saying as many words as possible with the same beginning sound. Rhymes and rhyming games are also winners with the children. Speak like a robot by saying a word slowly based on its sounds (c-a-t) and then have your child blend the sounds and say it. Take turns and let your child be the robot too. If at any me you feel that your child is simply not smashing out these early literacy skills, seek professional support and guidance. Parent ins nct is pre y powerful, so do not let the

“let’s just wait and see what happens” approach steer your decision. Children having been exposed to, or having most of these early literacy skills, will benefit more from the reading instruc on they receive when entering school than the child with fewer skills or no exposure at all. Immerse your child in varying early literacy ac vi es, even if its just for ten to fi een minutes a day. Sandra Sartor is the Principal Literacy Teaching Practitioner at Lasting Lessons in Bundoora.

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Northern Hospital................................................... Austin - Heidelberg................................................. Box Hill Hospital...................................................... Royal Children’s Hospital (Parkville).......................

8405 8000 9496 5000 9895 3333 9345 5522

Crisis Centres Poisons.................................................................... Parentline Victoria................................................... Kids Help Line.......................................................... Lifeline..................................................................... Suicide Helpline - (Victoria only)............................. Nurse-on-Call.......................................................... Child Protection - (After Hours Service).................. Domestic Violence Crisis Centre............................. Sexual Assault Service (After Hours)....................... Centres Against Sexual Assault................................ Victims of Crime Helpline....................................... LifeCircle - HOPELINE.............................................. SANDS* Vic...*Stillbirth & Neonatal Death Support Australian Breastfeeding Association Helpline

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Your Local Police Station . Epping Police.......................................................... Kinglake Police........................................................ Mernda Police......................................................... Mill Park Police....................................................... Whittlesea Police ...................................................

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Contents & Index of Advertisers Your quick guide to everyone and everything in Your Child...

Articles 6 8 14 16 18 20 26 30 36 40 42 44


Deck the Halls ... Sesame Street Helping Kids With Autism Learn To Wear A Face Mask. Tips on writing your letter to Santa. Aussie Christmas Tips. Tips for Road Trips & Holidays. Snake Bite First Aid. Tips and Tricks to Survive the Summer Holidays. Bye Bye New Year’s Resolution. Staying healthy over the holidays. Essential Literacy Skills for Preschoolers. Australia Day 26 January. Getting ready for school.

Regulars 4 22 32 34 48

Editors Letter Hanging with Hannah Kids Corner Kids in the Kitchen Useful Information

A Gift of Hope Baby Obsessions Billy’s Junction Casa D’Abruzzo Club City of Whittlesea - Immunisation Dance Majic Thomastown Herbal Life Hume Anglican Grammar Jets Gymnastics Kool Kidz Lasting Lessons Little Ballet Stars Little Learners ELC Marymede Catholic College Myndful Yoga

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Nestoras Pat Cronin Foundation Ready, Steady, Go Kids Scope St Paul the Apostle TBS Software The Kilmore International School The Parentmedic Movement Yarra Plenty Regional Library YMCA - Whittlesea Disability Services

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St Paul the Apostle Catholic Primary School “Engaging With Our Contemporary World” 2021 PREP ENROLMENTS OPEN “I think therefore I am.” (Rene Descartes - French Philosopher 1596 - 1650)

“Our class is like a persuasive piece of writing or a tug of war, sharing different perspectives, finding ways to agree, bouncing off each other, looking for answers, trying to persuade each other.” (Year Five Student) “I used to just look on the surface, here I am challenged to go beyond.” (Year Six Student)

Please explore our school website, take a virtual school tour (to experience our unique contemporary learning culture, based on the Cultures of Thinking through a Christian perspective) and access the Enrolment Information link on the Home Page. To secure a place for PREP 2021, please return the Enrolment form via email or post. Families will be contacted for an online interview via Zoom, Facetime etc.

80 Bassetts Road Doreen 3754 Phone: 9216 2000 or email: Website: Principal: Mr Phil Doherty

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