Essential Lifestyle Summer 2011-UK

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W LE O B N ILA pe A uro AV E






CONTENTS Introduction 4 Murray Smith


Members Spotlight

History of the Raindrop Technique

Barbara Ochsenhofer Young Living’s First International Crown Diamond Dietfried Wruss



Feature 22 16

Yoga: Exercise for the mind, body and spirit

Events 8 PV 112.5 £160 CODE 452408

Tenerife Madrid Super Saturday - Sweden

Focus Product


Release your feelings

Business Tools Recognition 12 Home 26 Pop Up Banners 30 Freshen your home

Young Living’s Aria Diffuser is an elegant, unique way to bring the benefits of essential oils into your home or workplace. This system combines the latest in diffuser technology with a variety of useful features. The included remote lets you choose from a selection of soothing, built-in sounds or enjoy the multi-coloured LED lights. The built-in speakers also allow you to plug in your own MP3 device and enjoy the music of your choice. 2


Corporate Message from our General Manager

I love spring time. It’s a time of renewal, rebirth, and new growth. It’s also a time to look at our own lives and reflect forward on needed areas of improvement which can move us forward in powerful ways. I get excited when I think of the future and the possibilities ahead. The message of Young Living can transform our lives in a positive way and bring others along in the process. Life is a series of transitions and it is my hope that we help those around us in their respective seasons of change. Whether it’s a health challenge, financial hardship, or emotional need, Young Living helps move individuals forward with renewal and hope. When I moved away from home as a young man, I remember how my Mother never liked to say the word ‘good-bye’, she would always say, ‘until next time’. This has stuck with me throughout my life as I made the transition from one opportunity to the next, and meet new people in various places around the world. The

first international Crown Diamond, Barbara Oschenhofer come up through the ranks, and witnessed many other success stories along the way. The future is very bright as we continue to see double digit growth in many areas of Europe. As my time in serving the distributors and employees of Young Living Europe comes to a close, I feel great respect for all those who share this wonderful message of Young Living that Gary and Mary started so many years ago. Whilst I will miss the day to day interaction with the staff


Young Living


e r a C r i Ha


and meeting many of the distributors in person and over the phone, I have never been more optimistic about the future of Young Living. The ground work in many areas of the world has been seeded for those attracted to Young Living in the future. I look forward to forging new paths as we pursue this wonderful journey together.


connotation of, ‘until next time’ suggests great hope and feeling that our paths will continue to cross in the future. It amazes me how we are all connected in ways that are hard to describe. Young Living Europe has come a long way in the last few years. Our distributor field has more than doubled, thanks to the efforts of those that share the mission and

Murray Smith General Manager Europe

vision of these life changing products. We have seen our

Copaiba Vanilla Moisturising Shampoo Copaiba Vanilla Moisturising Conditioner


Lavender Mint Daily Shampoo Lavender Mint Daily Conditioner



Young Living’s First International

Barbara Ochsenhofer is Young Living’s first International Crown Diamond. She lives with her husband Franz in Weiz, Austria. Here, she shares with us some invaluable thoughts on her success in sharing with others the power of Young Living. In your view, what are the most important factors which have contributed to your success at Young Living? With perseverance and patience I plan achievable targets with my team members, in order to encourage stable growth without forcing them or putting them under any pressure. Knowing the product well brings a lot of pleasure and is also the best motivation for building up a business.

What advice would you give to other members of Young Living who would like to be as successful as you? My tip for being successful: value and respect the work of each individual distributor and only opt for those activities which you yourself could manage 100%.

How do you stay motivated and committed to constantly achieving more? Working together with the members of my team gives me the strength and energy which are needed for committed team building.

What makes Young Living different from other companies? The call centre in the European office deals with customers’ concerns in the best possible and satisfactory way.

What have you learned about yourself during your time with Young Living? At Young Living I have learned more about listening to my inner self.

What are your favourite Young Living products and why?

Which product would you use to make most people excited about Young Living?

Harmony is my favourite oil because it always keeps me on an even keel in critical and stressful situations. Roman Camomile is my favourite oil for keeping up my skin care regime.

I am most able to excite people with: Lemon oil, Joy and Peace & Calming.

Which product has surprised you the most?

INT HELPFUL H n problems is:

I have been most surprised by how many different ways you can use the Tranquil Roll-On.

l tip for ski amomile My persona of Roman C s p o dr 4 Spread 3 to tspoons of three desser h it w ed ix before a oil m istened skin o m to o nt e skin and honey o ms down th al c is h T . full bath g. ully relaxin is wonderf tip: offers the My secret Care Range dy o B r de e skin. The Laven and sensitiv e at c li de r o oon 1 best care f in the aftern d an t as f e the energy Before break Red gives m ia gX in N f o glass day. the whole I need for





enerife was the destination for the European Vacation Challenge 2011. The stunning Abama resort hotel in Guia de Isora welcomed 21 successful distributors and their guests for 4 days and nights.




The aeroplanes bringing distributors from 6 countries around Europe touched down in bright sunshine. Arrivals were happy to be met at the airport by Young Living staff and transferred immediately to the hotel. Monday afternoon was free for all to enjoy as they pleased. A quick freshen-up and a leisurely walk around the beautiful, natural surroundings seemed the most popular idea. The evening Welcome Reception gave everybody the chance to catch up with old friends and meet some newer members of Young Living Europe staff. Tuesday was our first full day in Tenerife. Doug Cloward (Chief Sales and Marketing Officer) from the U.S, gave a presentation on Market Leadership principles which can help accelerate the growth and success of your

Young Living business. An enthralling day of interactive learning was enjoyed by all, during which many ideas and much passion were shared. The several swimming pools, beautiful, natural surroundings and nearby beach meant that everyone had plenty to explore over the next couple of days. The beach which was exclusive to the hotel was a very popular place to spend the day with friends and for some hardy souls to take a dip in the ocean. The picturesque local fishing village of San Juan provided a nearby change of scene and the chance to enjoy the local culture. When departing on Friday, Distributors and their guests alike were very happy to have shared with one another a wonderful reward for their passion and hard work.





Econat 2011 Madrid Econat, the International Congress on Natural Medicine and Alternative Therapies, held its fifth edition in Madrid in October 2010. Eva Franklin and her enthusiastic team comprising Eva

Oils targeting different types of ailments were frequently

Moreno, Ester Perez, Carolina Vigara and Angela Franklin

sampled by visitors to the Young Living stand. They were

barely paused for breath, sharing their knowledge of oils

highly impressed by the speed and effectiveness of the

with discerning visitors avidly interested in alternative

oils, and recommended others to visit our Young Living

therapies. A presentation was delivered by Eva to a

stand, resulting in brisk yet very welcome activity.

captivated audience.


Eva was quick to praise the efforts and enthusiasm of Conchi Gude, Mila Garrido, Isabel Fernandez and Angela Franklin for their contribution.


Biocultura, Spain’s most important exhibition for organic products and responsible consumption, welcomed to Madrid more than 700 exhibitors on the occasion of the 26th annual show. Once again Eva Franklin hosted a full conference room, where she carried out an enthusiastic presentation of the benefits of using essential oils in our daily life. She also gave a wonderful introduction to the Raindrop Technique, which she has been teaching and practising in Spain for over 4 years.


At the latest Biocultura exhibition, which took place in Madrid from 4 to 7 November 2010, Young Living was represented for the fourth consecutive year by Eva Franklin and her team.

10 10

Many visitors were attracted to the Young Living stand by the scents coming from the two active diffusers; others came out of curiosity to find out more about our wonderful oils and their therapeutic properties. Eva and her team are looking forward to returning in November 2011. They say that although it is 4 days of very hard work, it is worthwhile - year after year – becoming the messengers of Gary’s mission, bringing YL oils to every home in the world.

SWEDEN “Wow, what a fantastic day!” “I didn’t want the day to finish!” “The speakers were great and meeting fellow distributors gave me such a boost”. This was just some of the feedback we received after our very first Swedish ‘Super Saturday’, which was held in Gothenburg on 26th March. Our team from Young Living Europe travelled to Gothenburg, accompanied by co presenters, Susan Neary, CARE Cert. Raindrop Instructor and YL’s Research and Discovery Director, Dr. Cole Woolley from the US. We were also joined by Dietfried Wruss, YL’s Diamond leader from Austria.

pharmaceauticals, flavour, petrochemicals, beverages and analytical equipment. He is an avid user of essential oils and spent a fascinating couple of hours talking about his experiences and what makes Young Living oils so special. Dietfried Wruss gave a brief background story to how he started working with the oils and how his dedication and business approach has now earned him Diamond status with established groups all over Europe. A demonstration of the Raindrop Technique was given by UK’s certified instructor Susan Neary to a delighted volunteer winner, Andreas Kalderon. Many distributors in attendance commented that although they perform the technique on a daily basis, new tips and invaluable information was learnt throughout this demonstration.

Saturday started bright and early and we welcomed our distrbutors to the meeting as the venue quickly filled with excited voices and the aroma of “Common Sense” being diffused around the room.

‘Super Saturday’ is a new global Young Living concept and Sweden was chosen as the first country in Europe to hold this annual event. The day was a huge success and proved to be a perfect platform to network, gain product and business knowledge and most of all enjoy!

Dr. Cole Woolley P.H.D, who works closely with D.Gary Young in the never ending discovery, research and development for Young Living , has spent the last 20 years working with Fortune 500 companies to develop products in the areas of foods,

Other core European markets will host “Super Saturdays” throughout the year. For more information please refer to the Young Living website.





DR. GABRIELE HAUSER & MARKUS IDL......... AT DIETFRIED WRUSS................................... AT


THOMAS TESCHL.......................................... AT FRANZ OCHSENHOFER........................ AT


Young Living wouldn’t exist today without the dedication and hard work of our many independent business owners. Take some time to look at the names of the men and women who bring wellness, purpose, and abundance into the lives of so many. From those just beginning their journey with Young Living to the Crown Diamond and Diamond leaders, each name listed here is crucial to our success.


MATZNER KEG............................... AT

REBECCAH STEELE.........................GB




ULRIKE CHURFUERST..................... AT

WERNER BIGIEL.............................. DE

GABRIELE HORVAT......................... AT

EVA RINGHOFER............................ AT

AROMAAKADEMIE CHURFUERST HANZAL OG.................................. AT

MARIA SCHASTEEN....................... AT MARIELLA SCHEUTZ...................... AT




HELGA PIEKNIK.............................................DE

DR.D.O GABI VON GIMBORN........................ AT

MARTHA KNIEPEISS...................................... AT

BETTI`S KUNST ECK....................................... AT

JOLANTA JANTA............................................PL

INGRID & HUBERT DEISINGER....................... AT

INES GFRERER............................................... AT

DOMINIC RUNGE.......................................... AT

BERNHARD KICKMEIER................................. AT

TRAUDE BRUGNER........................................ AT

LILJA ODDSDOTTIR........................................ IS

PETRA WINTER.............................................. AT


RONALD KOBER............................................ AT

ESSENZIA AROMA + VITALSTUDIO WIESAUER + LEIRICH.................................... AT

GREINECKER GERTRUDE............................... AT

ROSWITHA SCHULZ......................................DE

SUSTAINABLE HEALTH................................. GB

BARBARA FEIMUTH...................................... AT


TANJA DRAXLER........................................... AT

CHELO MORENO MARTINEZ........................ ES

ELISABETH MATZNER.................................... AT

MICHAELA SCHIEDER................................... AT

KARL HEINZ SCHEIBER.................................. AT

ULRIKE HAUSER............................................ AT

HEIDI GASSNER............................................. AT

JOSEF SCHAFFRANEK.................................... AT

BETTINA KNAFLIC......................................... AT

VERENA MARIA DUMANN............................ AT


KARIN RABENSTEINER................................... AT


URSULA BELLGARDT.....................................DE M.KOSKE......................................................DE BABZ KNOTZER KEG..................................... AT PRAXISGEMEINSCHAFT INSTITUT BESSER LEBEN................................ AT



ISABELLA MEIXNER....................................... AT


BRIGITTE WEIK.............................................. AT

ANETTE JENS KNIPPHALS..............................DE

RUTH FORSTNER........................................... AT

KARL LOIBL................................................... AT

MICHAEL GOSCH......................................... AT

ASTRID KAHR............................................... AT

HANS KNAUS............................................... AT

BARBARA THÖNNESSEN............................... AT

FEE BOEY..................................................... GB

ELISABETH KLOESCH.................................... AT

JOHANNA STRASSER.................................... AT

FUSSPFLEGE HOELLER................................... AT

GERHARD FRANK......................................... AT

BETTINA HUETTLER....................................... AT

SUSANNE THOMASCHUETZ.......................... AT

FRANZ ESSLETZBICHLER................................ AT

KINESIOLOGIE............................................... AT

JOSEF HUFNAGL........................................... AT

BIRGIT SABINE AUMAIR................................ AT

ELISABETH THENI.......................................... AT


THOMAS SPOHN..........................................DE

WALTER LUEBECK.........................................DE

CHRISTINE SAUSENG.................................... AT

BE FREE RESANTERAPI................................... SE

MARIA THERESIA DI CICCIO......................... AT

ROSWITA HEITMANN....................................DE

ANITA EBNER................................................ AT

DR CHRISTIAN PRESSEL................................. AT

GERTRUDE BADHOFER................................. AT

MARTIN MAG. POETTLER.............................. AT


SUSAN ANTHONY........................................ GB

SYLVIA AMSZ................................................ AT

ANGELIKA TEKET.......................................... AT

RENE LEITNER............................................... AT

MATHILDE KOEFFLER.................................... AT

THOMAS ZARUBA........................................ AT

DORIS ZIEGER............................................... AT

EVA ASMA KOCJAN..................................... AT

REGINA BOESMUELLER................................. AT

VIKTOR WUND............................................. AT

CECILIA KERSTING-AGUIRRE......................... ES

ULRICH ZENZ................................................ AT

EVA STERN................................................... GB

PATRICE GORMAND..................................... FR

ELFRIEDE MEDLINGER................................... AT

MARIA IDL.................................................... AT

MANUELA HNILICKA.................................... AT

ANNELIESE GABERNIG ................................. AT

WOHLFUEHLOASE ZENZ............................... AT

CHRISTINE JAKSCH....................................... AT

ANGELIKA GROGGER................................... AT

HELGA LANGMAIER...................................... AT

ADELHEID HUFNAGL..................................... AT

MARIA REISCHL............................................ AT

SIEGFRIED DEUTSCH..................................... AT

CLAUDIA MARIA HENZINGER....................... AT

BIRGIT ROITHNER.......................................... AT

ANNA BRUEHWASSER.................................. AT

ANDRZEJ SZYMONIUK...................................PL

JOHANNES TAZREITER................................... AT

MARKUS POELLENDORFER............................ AT

CORNELIA ROHRER....................................... AT

LYDIA WERNER............................................. AT

NATALIA IVANOVA........................................RU

ELISABETH WAMPL....................................... AT

ERIK LILJESTROM.......................................... SE

ASTRID PEINSITT........................................... AT

BRIGITTE MARTON....................................... AT

MARIBEL NAVARRO PRIETO.......................... ES

INES GREINECKER......................................... AT

MICHELLE JULIAN......................................... ES


DROP OF BALANCE...................................... GB

BARBARA WOLF........................................... AT

KATRIN PIRKER.............................................. AT

MARIANNE HASLINGER................................ AT

MANUEL HARRER......................................... AT

SASPANTOS E.U............................................ AT

LAURA HORVAT............................................ AT

MARINA ZANDBERGEN................................. LU

MALGORZATA KARBOWIAK..........................PL

RENATE WEITZER.......................................... AT

THOMAS FISCHER......................................... AT

JULIA STAUFER.............................................. AT


EVA BERNSCHERER....................................... AT

EVELYNE SEYBOLD........................................ AT

CLAUDIA NOREIA EREKY.............................. AT

MARIANNA KREIDL....................................... AT

MASSAGE STEISKALL.................................... AT

MARIA ANNA ELMER................................... AT

SUSANNE TISCHBERGER............................... AT

INGE HOCHKOENIG...................................... AT

JOZEFA TERESA KANCLERSKA........................PL

ANITA LEIRICH.............................................. AT

STEFAN ERICH SCHINDLER............................ AT

MARIO MIRNIG............................................. AT

ANITA MUELLNER......................................... AT

DAVID JOHAN HAGEVOORT......................... NL

PETER HANKE............................................... AT

JUERGEN LINDINGER..................................... AT

ELISABETH LANG.......................................... AT

GABRIELE FASSER......................................... AT

ANDREA SCHWARZ...................................... AT

BRIGITTE BRUECKNER................................... AT

MALGORZATA MARKOWICZ.........................PL

SIEGLINDE OHR............................................. AT

SUSAN ELIZABETH NEARY............................ GB

NATURAL CONCEPTS.................................... AT

GERTRUD WEISS........................................... AT

MARIKA STEINAUER..................................... AT


NICOLE MARIA STEINWENDER...................... AT

MARION GABER........................................... AT

RUDOLF PIEKNIK...........................................DE

PETRA GLAUNINGER..................................... AT

SABINE CZERNIN........................................... AT

KIMBERLY BORMAN....................................... IT

EDITH OBERLERCHNER.................................. AT


PETER VAINIKKA........................................... SE

UTE ALUANI.................................................. AT

CHRISTIAN CZERNIN..................................... AT

BRIGITTA NEUBERGER................................... AT

HELGA SCHLAGER........................................ AT

JULIA VORNEHM.......................................... RO

REX LASSALLE.............................................. GB

AILEEN DEVLIN............................................... IE

AFRODITE KESSEL......................................... SE

ANNA FOHRINGER........................................ AT

WILLIBALD WAGENDORFER.......................... AT

JOERG POEDTKE...........................................DE

KATHARINA SCHIRL...................................... AT


TANJA LUCHSCHEIDER................................. AT

MARIA MAIER............................................... AT

WALTER MINARIK......................................... AT

ELFRIEDE HARRER......................................... AT

EVA GMEINER............................................... AT

BILAL FERNANDEZ GARCIA........................... ES

HARRER HARRER.......................................... AT

ALEXANDRA OPPOLZER................................ AT

EILEEN PALM................................................. SE

GERHILD GERSTNER...................................... AT

VITAFORM AB............................................... SE

MONIKA SCHOLLER...................................... AT

GLADYS EROES............................................. AT

MONIKA ZWISCHENBERGER......................... AT

VITALSTUDIO................................................ AT

ILSE WINKLER............................................... AT

THERESIA KUGI............................................. AT

SIEGLINDE WIENER....................................... AT

LEOPOLD PRANKL......................................... AT

CLAUDIA WEBER.......................................... AT

JASMIN HESCHL........................................... AT

REGINA VOCKNER........................................ AT

ANNA JEDLICKA........................................... AT

HEIDEMARIE MATZNER................................. AT


JOSEFA KOENIG............................................ AT

INGEBORG WIESER....................................... AT

ANDREA FROSCH........................................ CH

INGRID SCHMID............................................ AT

ALFRED SCHEIDL........................................... AT

ANDREAS ZAND........................................... AT

CLAUDIA RUSS............................................. AT

MASSAGE STUDIO........................................ AT

JOANNA KROPIEWNICKA..............................PL

JANIS AND MARTIN LAKING........................ GB

JOSEF ZOEHRER............................................ AT

GERLINDE STUERZENBAUM.......................... AT

MONIKA LUEGER.......................................... AT

SUSANNE ZOEHRER...................................... AT

SUSANNE ERHART........................................ AT

HEIDI HARRER............................................... AT

EDELTRAUD PADINGER................................ AT

M AND A KOBLMUELLER.............................. AT

INGA KAULINGFRECKS.................................DE

BARBARA WEGORZEWSKA............................PL

DAGMAR SCHAMBOECK............................. AT

JOSE ALONSO QUINTANILLA......................... ES


MICHAEL BRANDSTAETTER........................... AT

JUERGEN WANDALLER................................. AT

MARIA ECKLBAUER...................................... AT

ANNA MARIA DENNER................................. AT

JONATHAN PIEKNIK......................................DE

STEFAN WARUM...........................................DE

IRMGARD REISINGER.................................... AT

ANNA NORDSTROM..................................... SE

CARMEN CARRION RUIZ............................... ES


MARIA PIRCHHEIM....................................... AT

ANITA OCHSENHOFER.................................. AT

PAULINE NEUHUBER..................................... AT

KRISHNI KAJSA BORANG.............................. SE

MARTIN SONNLEITNER.................................. AT

ELISABETH SCHIESSL..................................... AT

CHRISTIAN TUER........................................... AT

MASSAGEPRAXIS WERNER........................... AT

STEFAN BELLGARDT......................................DE


ALEXANDRA MICZKA.................................. CH

EVA UNZOG.................................................. AT

WALTER BARTL............................................. AT

ESTER PEREZ PECHARROMAN....................... ES

ZOISA HOLDER............................................ GB

MARIA KORNELIA VOEGL............................. AT

EMMA ZIFF.................................................. GB

EVELIN UNTERWALCHER............................... AT

WERNER HANS PFNEISL................................ AT

ANGELIKA ENHUBER..................................... AT


BIRGIT SKOTT...............................................DE

IRENE REISINGER........................................... AT

RAINER SCHMIDT......................................... AT

MANUELA KRAUSHOFER.............................. AT

EDITH BRUEHL.............................................. AT

HEAVEN COACHING..................................... SE

CLAUDIA MOOSBRUGGER............................ AT

IRMGARD SKORZ..........................................DE

EVA KNOTZER............................................... AT

KIRA FRERK................................................... AT

SILVIA ALTENDORFER.................................... AT

JOHANNA DORNHOFER................................ AT

ELFRIEDE LUKAS........................................... AT

MARGRET NADRAG...................................... AT

JOSEF SCHNEPFLEITNER................................ AT

BARBARA TAUSCH....................................... AT


IRIS KRAML-WEBER....................................... AT


ARNOLD ZAND............................................. AT

ANNA KRAMARSKA......................................PL

ELKE WEITGASSER........................................ AT

DR. SIGRID KUNISCH.................................... AT

ASTRID VON OETINGER................................DE

MORENO SANCHEZ, EVA.............................. ES

REGINE WEBER............................................. AT

HERMINE MOCK........................................... AT

TINA PUSCHITZ............................................. AT

EVELIN LESJAK.............................................. AT

RASCHER ATTRAKTIV-E.U............................. AT

JAKOB HORVAT............................................ AT

ALOIS LODER................................................ AT

ANDREA GLOECKL....................................... AT

ANNELIESE SCHMELZER................................ AT

ELISABET MYR.............................................. SE

WOLFGANG HARRER.................................... AT

REGINA GARTNER........................................ AT

JANINA IRENA WROBLEWSKA.......................PL

M AND A WRUSS......................................... AT

SOPHIA NILSON............................................ SE

EDITH NEUMEISTER....................................... AT

ISABELLA RUNGE.......................................... AT

GUENTHER SPARI.......................................... AT

ANGELIKA HOEPLER KALCHER...................... AT

HILDEGARD RESSEL...................................... AT

GALLERY&ART.............................................. AT

SABINE LEINHOLZ......................................... AT


CHRISTIAN OBERLERCHNER.......................... AT

GERHARD MOSER......................................... AT


BERTHILDE NIGL........................................... AT

JOACHIM VON OETINGER.............................DE

FRIEDRICH PLANKENBICHLER........................ AT

MONIKA HOFBAUER..................................... AT

IRIS CHRISTOEFL........................................... AT

ADITYA NOWOTNY......................................DE

MONICA ARDENMARK................................. SE

MARTINA HASLINGER................................... AT

MARIANNE BUCHEGGER.............................. AT

JOSE ANTONIO LUNA PEREZ......................... ES

EVA JANAUSCHEK........................................ AT

INGE PEER..................................................... AT

MARIA ZINN.................................................DE

MONIKA GABERNIG..................................... AT

BENJAMIN ZENZ............................................ AT

SILVIA HOFMANN......................................... AT

ANITA BABUN............................................... AT

GERHARD ZAND........................................... AT

IRENE WINTER............................................... AT

CHRISTINE KREMSER..................................... AT

JASMIN AZIZIAN........................................... AT

ULRIKE HIRSCHEGGER.................................. AT

ELISABETH MUSSACK................................... AT

PETER PFRIMER............................................. AT

FRANZ BRUGNER.......................................... AT

Correct from March 2011



In your view, what are the most important factors which have contributed to your success at Young Living? It is the quality of the products every time and the overwhelming interest shown by the market which are of huge significance. It is equally important to create for yourself an image of how you see future cooperation with a company like Young Living. To do this, you need both your own plan for the future – and that’s something you have to work out for yourself – as well as information about what the company is planning for the market and how support from the company can help you. Young Living is on a drive to expand in Europe and this is an important point to consider. Young Living is a company which has seen healthy growth and has already been in the market for almost 20 years. The products are unique and we are fully up to date with what we can offer. We are the world leader in essential oils! People’s awareness of their health is becoming ever greater and "Wellness at Home" is already being mentioned by institutions forecasting the future as a growth area right through to 2025 – we are ahead of that date and this offers a great opportunity for people who are already in touch with the future. Network marketing, the concept of how we offer our products and ideas, is moving more and more out of the shadows and becoming the main force behind the business. A fact not to be underestimated and one which introduces a new economic cycle. Taken together, these factors are so powerful! What advice would you give to other members of Young Living who would like to be as successful as you? As we have often said, without your own “why“ and your plan for the future, you won’t succeed. Successful people don’t do ordinary things; rather, they do what they do in their own different and special way. "Plan your work and work your plan"! If we’re planning to have a barbecue, then when we go to the supermarket to do the shopping for it, we have a shopping list showing what we need for that one day but what does that then


say about our life? That’s what is missing with most people. Using your own initiative and your own motivation are “musts”. And it must be possible to duplicate what you do. Share what you have to offer with lots of people, there is no-one setting limits on what you do! Be your own example! What are your three favourite Young Living products and why? Now that really isn’t an easy thing to answer, I have lots of favourites! But for me it has to be PanAway – that’s the product I’ve had most experience with. Abundance and the idea of marketing! Yes, the business concept of helping people buy these unique products at the best conditions for them and sharing this with others. That’s Wellness, Purpose and Abundance all combined. That’s unbeatable. How do you stay motivated and committed to constantly achieving more? As I said before, I have my plan and an aim! You need shortmedium term and long-term aims. This long-term aim is a really huge aim and there is no danger that I’ll achieve it quickly! It makes me really happy to be supporting people in leading a better life with what we can offer them both today and for the future. These people have made a decision for themselves and supporting them as they make the change to becoming possibly even more successful than I have been, well that makes me happy! What makes Young Living different from other companies? Oh, I could write a book about it! It starts with Gary and Mary Young! Getting to know these people and being able to meet them time and time again is a real gift! We are a peopleorientated company and not just a company which bottles oils, and tries to motivate people with money or a "me too" company. We are simply unique! The vision, the history we offer and the ideas and concepts by which we work both now and for the

future - "The Next Generation" is not often mentioned, and then the people at Young Living and their special commitment without which even my success would not be possible, who are behind the company and who deserve special thanks for my success! What have you learned about yourself during your time with Young Living? The image you have of yourself can change and this conventional image should not become an excuse for the rest of your life. I myself am always working on changes in my life and that’s how it will always be. I’m learning from this to know myself better all the time and what’s very special too is that the Young Living products are helping me and many other people to change and expand our awareness. I have learned that each day I can do something better than I did it the day before and that I can learn something new every day!

Which product would you use to make most people excited about Young Living? There are combinations of products which are really effective for everyone. Essential 7 and Every Day Oils. These contain so many possibilities and in the fast-moving times in which we live, it is ever more important to offer such product combinations. Which product has surprised you the most? There are many products, such as lemon and its cleansing effect, Thieves and the history behind it and the sets of Bible oils. To end, I’d just like to say that it isn’t simply right to do important things but also to do the right things. Think about your future. You can shape it. "The future is empty and it’s up to you what goes into it" and be to yourself the fully enriched person you should be!


Terms and Definitions

Ranks and Qualifications

DISTRIBUTOR: Any Young Living member who is actively


EXECUTIVE: In order to qualify as an Executive, a

DIAMOND: In order to qualify as Diamond, a distributor

building his or her own Young Living business. In order to

(PGV): The total amount of sales volume in an organisation

distributor must possess 100 PV and 5,000 OGV within the

must possess 100 PV, 2,000 PGV, and six Silver legs within

receive compensation, a distributor must be considered

down to, but not including, the next Silver or above. Also

commission period. As an Executive, the distributor qualifies

a commission period. As Diamond, the distributor qualifies

active. Distributors who possess a 50 PV minimum within

defined as all volume outside of Silver legs or “non-Silver”

the qualifying period will be compensated on the volume of

to receive compensation on the volume of five unilevels

volume. Gold distributors’ monthly PGV must be 1,500

to receive compensation on the volume of five unilevels at

two unilevels at 5% in addition to retail earnings.

or more and Platinum and above PGV must be 2,000 or

within his organisation at 5%, in addition to any retail

5%, Personal Generation at 3%, and five Generations at


4%, in addition to any retail earnings. If the Diamond has

more. PGV includes personal orders and those placed by MEMBER: General term used to describe any Young Living

another qualifying Diamond within his organisation, the

customers. SILVER: In order to qualify as Silver, a distributor must

distributor or preferred customer.

distributor will receive a 1% Leadership Bonus.

PERSONAL VOLUME (PV): Points calculated for a

possess 100 PV, 1,000 PGV, and two Executive legs within

ENROLLER: The person responsible for personally

distributor’s personal and customer purchases during any

a commission period. As Silver, the distributor qualifies to

CROWN DIAMOND: In order to qualify as Crown

introducing a new member to Young Living. Enrollers

one calendar month.

receive compensation on the volume of five unilevels at

Diamond, a distributor must posses 100 PV, 2,000 PGV,

5%, Personal Generation at 3%, and two Generations at

six Silver legs, and one Diamond leg. As Crown Diamond,

4%, in addition to any retail earnings.

the distributor qualifies to receive compensation on the

are eligible to qualify for financial bonuses including Star Performance, Matching, and Start Living.

UNILEVEL: Known as a distributor’s “standard commissions,” whereby they earn 5% of the volume

SPONSOR: A new member’s direct upline and closest

for each level of their organisation up to five levels deep

supporter. The sponsor may also be the enroller.

(depending on rank).

volume of five unilevels at 5%, Personal Generation at GOLD: In order to qualify as Gold, a distributor must

3%, six Generations at 4%, and a Leadership Bonus at

possess 100 PV, 1,500 PGV, and two Silver legs within a

1%, in addition to any retail earnings. In cases where a

DOWNLINE: Any member enrolled under another member


commission period. As Gold, the distributor qualifies to

Crown Diamond develops an additional Diamond within

in an organisation.

monthly Essential Rewards ordering program allows

receive compensation on the volume of five unilevels at

a Diamond leg, the distributor may also receive a 1%

members to receive products of their choosing on a specific

5%, Personal Generation at 3%, and three Generations at

Leadership Bonus on that second Diamond within that leg

UPLINE: Any member above another member in

date every month. Members-only specials, including

4%, in addition to any retail earnings.

of his or her sales organization.

an organisation.

discounted shipping, and free product credits are available for all Essential Rewards members. Participation in the

LEVEL: A distributor’s personally sponsored members are

programme is required for Distributor Team Performance

referred to as their first level. Any member sponsored by a

Bonus qualification.

PLATINUM: In order to qualify as Platinum, a distributor must possess 100 PV, 2,000 PGV, and four Silver legs

distributor on that first level is considered second level and

within a commission period. As Platinum, the distributor

so forth.

qualifies to receive compensation on the volume of five unilevels at 5%, Personal Generation at 3%, and four


Generations at 4%, in addition to any retail earnings.

amount of sales volume generated by a member’s entire organisation of customers and distributors. PERSONAL GROUP VOLUME FOR SILVERS (PGV): The total amount of sales volume in an organisation down to, but not including, the next Executive or above. Also defined as all volume outside of Executive legs or “non-Executive” volume. Silver distributors’ monthly PGV must be 1,000 or more. PGV includes personal orders and those placed by customers.




History of the Raindrop Technique For thousands of years, medical practitioners and individuals alike have been using essential oils to heal and balance the body. Gary Young, Founder and President of Young Living Essential Oils, has combined his vast knowledge of essential oils with the ancient energy techniques of the Lakota Indians to create the Raindrop Technique. For several generations, the Lakota Indians migrated across the Canadian border into the northern regions of Saskatchewan and Manitoba. There, they often witnessed the northern lights, or aurora borealis. Those who were ill or had complicated health problems would stand facing the aurora borealis, hold their hands toward the lights, and inhale deeply. The tribal people believed the air was charged with healing energy from the aurora borealis. They would mentally ‘inhale’ this energy, allowing it to pass through neurological pathways. Many of the Lakota ancestors experienced an incredible healing effect through this process. Eventually, the Canadian borders were closed to the Lakota people, and they could no longer migrate north. Believing in the healing power of the aurora borealis, they began to use effleurage, or feathered finger stroking, which became associated with Raindrop Technique. Later, the Lakotas added the practice of mentally processing energy, coupled with the light stroking to facilitate healing energy throughout the body. Raindrop Technique is based on the belief of this healing art as developed by the Lakota Indian nation. Gary discovered that by incorporating essential oils,


which are considered by Young Living to be nature’s living energy, individuals found great health benefits. Since its adoption in 1989, the Raindrop Technique has received an enormous amount of praise from users around the world for its ability to facilitate tissue cleansing and overall health. As a non-traditional means of addressing current medical concerns, the Raindrop Technique has proven to be a successful alternative to Western Medicine. Since the beginning of earliest recorded history, man has been drawn to aromatics and fragrant resins. Fragrance-laden wax cones were worn atop the heads of wealthy Egyptian women, while the herbal concoctions of the great Greek physician Hippocrates healed the sick. The Romans were also extravagant users of perfumes and aromatic oils. Beginning in the 1940s, the French chemist RenéMaurice Gattefossé and physician Jean Valnet led the resurgence of interest in essential oils. Dr. Valnet’s book,, The Practice of Aromatherapy, told of research documenting the power of essential oils like clove,thyme, and cinnamon in studies from the 1800s. It wasn’t until 1989 that researchers realised the profound effect aroma has on the amygdale, the part of the brain that stores and releases emotional trauma. Not only can the inhalation of essential oils combat stress, these aromas can stimulate many other physical reactions. From the dawn of time to the space age, aromatics continue to exert a powerful influence. As a result of such findings, Gary selected nine of the most potent therapeutic-grade essential oils for incorporation into the Raindrop Technique. These oils help to support the immune system, respiratory health, muscle, joint, and bone health, digestive function, as well as balance energy, lift the spirit, restore calmness, and increase the ability to concentrate.

By utilising the cleansing and purifying action of these key essential oils, the Raindrop Technique becomes a powerful, non-invasive tool for assisting the body’s natural healing processes. This therapy has helped relieve discomfort associated with common health conditions since its creation. Through the integration of Vita Flex and the Raindrop Technique, the use of essential oils has the unique ability to promote proper body alignment. Vita Flex, by definition, means ‘vitality through the reflexes’. It is a specialised massage technique that utilises rolling and releasing, potentially activating more than 1,400 known Vita Flex points on the hands, feet, and other areas throughout the human body. Vita Flex promotes good health by tapping into and supporting the body’s self-regulating system while assisting in the healing process. Originating long before acupuncture, Vita Flex has been a comprehensive resource for specific treatment correlating to neurological and complete body systems for thousands of years. Coupling Vita Flex with Young Living’s essential oils enhances energy by stimulating specific contact points. This electrical impulse stimulates neurological activity, allowing energy to be restored. Toxins, damaged tissue, and oxygen deprivation cause deterioration and impaired immune function. Each of these conditions can be addressed through the power of Raindrop Technique, Vita Flex, and essential oils. Thanks to Gary Young and his pioneering efforts, a new standard for health has been created. His contribution to the knowledge of essential oils and their incorporation into daily life has earnt the respect of scholars and changed the lives of thousands. As such, a community of stewards has been born and nature’s living energy continues to prosper.

The sense of smell is the only one of the five senses that is directly linked to the limbic lobe of the brain the emotional control centre. A powerful aroma will evoke emotion long before there is conscious thought.


Yoga: exercise for the body, mind and Spirit

Yoga is more than just physical exercise. It is a combination of physical and mental disciplines that make you healthy, alert, and receptive transforming your perception of the world and the way you live in it. Yoga is often described as an art form; one in which the body, mind, and spirit are in complete harmony with each other. This ancient practice, originating in India around 6,000 years ago, is still thriving to this very day. Dedicated yogis commonly believe that everything in the world is interconnected. The word 'yoga' actually means 'union' and is often referred to as 'the union of all things'. The Bhagavad-Gita, a principal sacred Hindu scripture, describes yoga as:

• Spiritual knowledge and realisation • Selflessness • Liberation • Steadiness of the mind under stress • Complete physical control • Freedom from desires and cravings • Moderation, restraint, and regulation • Serenity and peace BENEFITS The benefits of regular yoga practice are abundant. Yoga poses, also called asana, exercise every single part of the body: stretching and toning muscles and joints, the spine, and the entire skeletal system. It additionally works the body’s internal organs, glands, and nerves, keeping all systems radiantly healthy.

Yoga also relies heavily upon breathing patterns. Becoming conscious of your breath during yoga practice revitalises the body and helps control a wandering mind, leaving you feeling calm and refreshed. Meditation, a powerful stress reliever, is also a yoga staple. Meditation gives you increased clarity, mental power, and concentration. STYLES You may have thought that yoga simply involved stretching and posture, and was pretty much the same wherever you went, but there are many different styles to choose from. If you've decided to give yoga a try, make sure you read the following list before enrolling in a class: Hatha: a basic, gentle, slow-paced form of yoga, perfect for beginners Vinyasa: a more vigorous form of yoga than hatha, utilising breath-synchronised movements and often incorporating Sun Salutations Ashtanga: this form of yoga is also known as ‘power yoga’ because it involves a series of intense, fast-paced poses performed with a continuous flow (the quick movement from one pose to the next). If you’re a newbie, try hatha or vinyasa before attempting an ashtanga class Iyengar: focuses on the correct alignment of the body to avoid injury by holding poses over longer periods Kundalini is a dynamic scientific system combining breathing, movement, stretching, meditation, the use of sound and rhythm, relaxation, and meditation. Kundalini yoga focuses on the energy within and strives to restore your body, mind, and spirit to its natural state of grace Bikram a modern form of yoga also known as ‘hot yoga’, bikram is performed in a room heated between 35 to 38 degrees celsius it loosens and tones muscles and allows for lots of sweating



SUN SALUTATION Surya Namaskar, also known as the Sun Salutation, is a series of 12 poses performed in a single, graceful flow. Sun Salutations are practiced in a number of different yoga styles, predominantly vinyasa, and are simple enough for beginners. The Yoga Site, an online resource for yoga lovers, explains in simple terms how to perform the Sun Salutation:

1. Mountain Begin by standing in Mountain pose, feet about hip width apart, hands either by your sides or in prayer position. Take several deep breaths.

2. Hands Up On your next inhale, in one sweeping movement raise your arms up overhead and gently arch back as far as feels comfortable and safe.

3. Head to knees As you exhale, bend forward, bending the knees if necessary, and bring your hands to rest beside your feet.

4. Lunge Inhale and step the right leg back.

5. Plank Exhale and step the left leg back into plank position. Hold the position and inhale.

6. Stick Exhale and lower yourself as if coming down from a push-up. Only your hands and feet should touch the floor.

While practicing yoga, try diffusing Clarity to help your mind focus or Peace & Calming for a truly relaxing experience. If you attend a yoga class and can't diffuse the oils, apply them to your pulse points instead.

7. Upward dog Inhale and stretch forward and up, bending at the waist. Use your arms to lift your torso, but only bend back as far as feels comfortable and safe. Lift your legs up so that only the tops of your feet and your hands touch the floor. It's okay to keep your arms bent at the elbow. 8. Downward dog Exhale, lift from the hips and push back and up.

9. Lunge Inhale and step the right leg forward.

10. Head to knees Exhale, bring the left foot forward and step into head to knees position.

11. Hands up Inhale and rise slowly while keeping arms extended.

12. Mountain Exhale and in a slow, sweeping motion, lower your arms to both sides. End by bringing your hands up into prayer position. Repeat the sequence, stepping with the left leg.

Yoga is a truly holistic practice, gentle enough for beginners and tough enough for the super-fit. If you are going to do one thing to improve your health, try incorporating yoga into your lifestyle. You’ll be glad you did!


Release yourF eelings

ear restricts us “Ffrom reaching our


highest potential...

Everyone has experienced lasting adverse impressions that scar the inner self, prohibiting self-growth and accomplishment. Following the Feelings regime, one can begin the path of self-identification by aligning their emotions. Inspired by Gary Young’s life experiences, the Feelings collection was designed to lift negative impressions and allow openness to new beginnings. During a visit to Egypt Gary was shown ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs that illustrated the removal of negative emotions from the human body. This practice is also known as ‘cleansing the flesh and the blood’, and incorporated the use of essential oils to purify the body by eliminating emotional build-up, allowing the receiver to go on to live a wholesome existence in their next lifetime. This ancient practice has modern implications. As we go through life, we have experiences that leave us in trauma. The end result of trauma is fear. Fear restricts us from reaching our highest potential, keeping us from being the kind of person or from doing the things that we really want. Fear is a controlling, negative energy necessary to keep us safe from danger. But for some people, fear controls life. Essential oils are living energy and can help resolve past emotional experiences. Gary created the Feelings collection as a powerful tool in helping us to embrace those old emotions and change them for the better. These six essential oil blends have been designed to remove any blocks from your body and mind, allowing you to balance your energy and emotions and achieve your highest potential.

THE FEELINGS COLLECTION IN PRACTICE Begin with three to six drops of Valor Essential Oil Blend on the soles of your feet, on your temples, chest, and throat chakra. Valor helps to balance the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems, creating a feeling of empowerment. Once in this state, you can face your emotions. Emotional blocks scramble the energy centres in your body. Placing Harmony Essential Oil Blend on each of the chakra points, including the base of your spine, halfway between this point and your navel, on your navel, over your heart, on your throat, between your eyebrows, and on the very top of your skull allows the energy to harmonise and flow correctly again. An important factor in healing is forgiveness. When you have truly forgiven you have forgotten, until you can come into harmony emotionally, you aren’t ready to forgive! Forgiveness Essential Oil Blend is most effect when


placed on the navel, as this is the central meridian where all the nerve endings join, allowing access to every single nerve fibre in the human body. Everyone is guilty of emotionally dragging the past along, always asking why today is the same as it was yesterday. Present Time Essential Oil Blend helps remove you from the past. Rub one or two drops of this oil on your throat in a clockwise direction and sit back, be in the moment, feel, breathe, and allow your emotions to come forward. Put three to four drops of Release Essential Oil Blend into your left hand and rub over the liver, then hold for a few minutes. Then put a drop under your nose and breathe it. Before long, your emotions will begin to flow out. ‘You’ll know if you have effectively let go of an emotion if you can go back, look at it, and talk about it without upsetting yourself. The less it is revisited, the better chance of it being forgotten,’ Gary says. Once you have released the build-up of emotion, you’ll need to look right back to your true identity. Inner Child Essential Oil Blend helps to reconnect with your true self and enables you to build yourself up as the person you want to be. Apply a drop or two of Inner Child to the pad of the thumb and slowly insert it into your mouth, placing it on the roof of your mouth, taking in its fragrance. It will leave you feeling youthful, happy, and full of self-worth while remaining grounded. Once you have performed the entire ritual, re-apply a few drops of Valor to the base of your neck and soles of your feet to anchor this new positive memory in place. Regular practice will help to strengthen your emotional and physical health and wellbeing. In life, there will always be challenges that will test your emotional health. The Feelings ritual can be performed as many times as desired. Gary recommends that this be performed weekly if not daily. Nightly use is a great way to relax and help deal with any traumas encountered during the day. He also asserts that it isn’t necessary to perform the whole sequence every time just one or two oils used daily is better than nothing.



Freshen Your Home! Being inside all winter can leave the air in need of a good spring cleaning! That’s why we’re offering some air-purifying tips to eliminate any lingering indoor stuffiness, freshen your home, and welcome the warmth of summer. Here you’ll learn a few simple tips for using Young Living’s popular essential oil blends, Purification, to cleanse, purify, and renew your home. One of the most effective Young Living products for cleansing away undue odours is Purification oil blend. Its clean, refreshing, uplifting scent eliminates unpleasant smells and helps dissipate indoor pollutants.

This blend of pure essential oils is comprised of citronella, rosemary, lavandin, melaleuca, and lemongrass- all powerful odour eliminators and was formulated specifically for diffusing. Simply fill your diffuser with Purification and enjoy its fresh, clean aroma!

More Purification! The Young Living oils in Purification make it tough on odours. Let’s take a closer look at these key ingredients:

Citronella: Known for its

Rosemary: Contains natural

ability to repel insects, citronella

properties similar to those in many over

also has cleansing properties.

the counter germ fighters.

Lemongrass: Believed to have strong

Melaleuca: Also known as tea tree

purifying and germ- fighting properties,

oil, melaleuca has a powerful,

lemongrass lends its refreshing

herbaceous aroma.

scent to Purification. Myrtle: Believed to help ward off Lavendin: Adds to the odour

microscopic intruders.

neutralising power of Purification.


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Sacred Frankincense

Did You Know‌

that Young Living offers exciting

product promotions every month?

Available Soon!

Sacred Frankincense essential oil comes from the Boswellia sacra frankincense tree and is distilled at the Young Living distillery in Oman. Sacred Frankincense is ideal for those who wish to take their spiritual journey and meditation experiences to a higher level.


Check out our websites for product promotions English: German: Swedish: Spanish: 29


NOTES.... How you can pay for your orders


CREDIT CARD You can pay for your orders by supplying us with your credit card details. These are securely stored on our system to be debited every time you place an order.


We are proud to offer a range of 9 stylish banners to support our independent distributors. Maximise Young Living product awareness in a convenient, easy to use portable display. Ordering will be through our recommended suppliers Exhibition Superstore who will efficiently process your orders directly.

Please remember that any returns or refunds will need to be credited back to the original card. DIRECT DEBIT


Essential 7

Everyday Oils

Don’t worry if you’re a member outside these countries. With the European Community making great strides towards banking conformity we are making every effort to extend this service to you all.

Pop Up Banner specifications u Stylish lightweight components u Anodised aluminium silver finish u Ideal for point of sale, retail or exhibitions u 800mm wide x 2000mm high u Includes quality foam padded bag u Includes quality printed graphics u 125 micron banner material u Professionally coated with Crystal laminate u Delivered to your door ready to go!

Brought to you for a privileged price of only


BANK TRANSFER You can still of course pay by Bank Transfer by paying funds directly into our Austrian account. Please remember that the nature of these payments may mean that your order takes slightly longer to be shipped. Please consider Direct Debit as an easier alternative if applicable. OUR DETAILS ARE


Package deal price Inclusive of VAT and Delivery

This is our new method of payment for those of you with Austrian and German bank accounts. Please call our customer service centre with your account number and bank code and after agreeing to the usual direct debit policies that apply in your country you will be ready to order.

NingXia Red

Operations Director

Christine Littlewood

Marketing Manager

Joanna Gray

Sales Manager

Paul Forrette

Sales Manager

Rob Phillips

Financial Controller

Petra Schreier

Customer Care Supervisor

CUSTOMER SERVICE: Order entry fax:



Please include the following details with your payment

00 44 (0)1480 862849

0800 296205

08000 825049


0207 93400


900 812976


0800 9179438

Name, Membership ID and Order Number.

You are probably all aware that most companies are moving away from cheques as a method of payment, Young Living is no different. Both environmental and cost factors make this method of payment inefficient for both you and us, so please make a special effort when signing up to supply bank details and request that any commission is transferred directly to your bank account. Alternatively, ask for your commission to be ‘with-held on account’ and it will be ready to apply as a credit against future orders.

Payments can be made by credit card (over the telephone) or by Paypal (via To order any of the above banners, please contact

(Please look at the policy and procedures for all the regulations that apply to commissions)

VAT Did you know that if you live outside the UK and have a valid EU VAT registration number you will not be charged VAT on your products?

Exhibition Superstore: Telephone: 00 44 (0) 1480 223800

When contacting Young Living via e-mail please include the following information: First and Last Name and Member Number.


English: German: Spanish: Swedish:

If this is the case, please supply us with your registration number as soon as possible.


Simon Payton

Bank Details – Bank of Austria, Creditanstalt AG, Wien, Austria.


General Manager




Murray Smith

Account Name – Young Living (Europe) Ltd

IBAN – AT 97 1200 0529 4600 1478




Roll Ons


Exhibition Superstore Enterprise House, Great North Road, Little Paxton, Cambridgeshire PE19 6BN


R E P N 5 O 2 S 1 R ÂŁ E P

Come and join Young Living in Gmunden, Austria for the

European Convention 2011

WHERE - Gmunden, Austria WHEN - Friday 7th + Saturday 8th October 2011 VENUE - Toscana Congress Centre, Gmunden Tickets now available to purchase Limited tickets available

Young Living (Europe) Ltd 12 Harvard Way Harvard Industrial Park Kimbolton Cambridgeshire PE28 0NN

Š 2011 Young Living Essential Oils All rights reserved Code 361608

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