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Volume 4.1 | January 2014


Founder’s Message EACH NEW YEAR brings a great sense of excitement and possibilities. Our minds are fixed on the things we can do, and our souls are filled with determination to accomplish what was once thought impossible. I love this attitude! Looking up and looking forward is really a tremendous way to live. When you walk, are you staring down at the ground, afraid to make eye contact with a passerby? During quiet times, do you beat yourself up over past mistakes? If you do, please stop NOW. Look up and look forward! How high can you climb when you’re looking down? Who can you help when you’re looking back? You are far more influential and can do so much more good when you look up and look forward. This is the season held aside for ambitious goal setting. Dream big! Don’t let yourself or others tell you that something is impossible or that you can’t change. Don’t believe them. They are not speaking truth to you. These are people who want to drag you down into their box of negative influence. Don’t let them. Break out of that box and propel yourself into the life you want to live—a life without limits. The pathway to reaching goals can be painfully difficult at times; don’t let this stop you from setting and then pursuing very big goals. Instead, surround yourself with positive, happy people who believe in you and who will inspire you to keep going when times get tough. Remember, greatness requires sacrifice and determination. Make 2014 your year to realise your success and to see your dreams come true. Make it great by looking up and looking forward.

Good Times Changin’ Lives EXOTIC ADVENTURES, CELEBRATIONS of a festive and colourful culture, experiencing the Seed to Seal® process, and forever changing lives: that’s what you get when you participate in the Young Living Master Leader Retreat.

In late November, Young Living leaders and high-achieving members from around the world lived an unforgettable week in Ecuador. This year’s retreat featured a personal tour of the local Young Living farm with Young Living Founder and CEO D. Gary Young. Attendees were treated to a step-by-step look into how many of our precious botanicals—such as Eucalyptus Blue, Lemongrass, and Palo Santo—are grown and then distilled into Young Living’s pure, powerful essential oils. “Attending the Master Leader Retreat was so enlightening, encouraging, and inspiring,” said Platinum Karen Douglas. “Being able to participate in the action at the farm by packing down the Eucalyptus Blue in one distiller and then placing Oregano into another distiller was so great!” Capping off their Ecuadorian adventure, members spent a truly memorable day at the Young Living Academy. On their exclusive tour, members met with the students in their classrooms, were treated to special student presentations, and discussed with Gary the future of the school Kendra Murrell and Karen Douglas and its students. On this participate in activities at the farm.

Tracy Griffiths with YL Academy students

remarkable day, the group raised a monumental $36,000 in donations—funds that are critically needed to begin construction of a high school. Karen added, “Young Living is so much more than just oils. Being able to visit the academy and share such seemingly small gifts—pencils, pens, and just warm smiles—the children received these gifts Rob Ridpath and Alina Piccone with such joy. What a pleasure it was to be part of something so much bigger than myself. These children are so inspiring!” “The entire week was such a blast—the farm, the ATVs and Jet Skis, the trip to the beach were all great,” expressed Gold Rob Ridpath, who attended with his wife Alina. “But by far, the best part was our time at the academy meeting the children and really connecting with what Young Living is all about: making a difference in the lives of people everywhere.” Throughout the week, members enjoyed the beach, a relaxing spa day highlighted by Raindrop Technique® treatments, fourwheeling, jet skiing, and local excursions to markets and restaurants in the area. Attendees bonded with one another, enjoyed personal growth, and took in the sights and sounds of beautiful Ecuador. “We left Ecuador feeling very proud of our company, its leaders, its mission, and our place in it all,” said Rob. “It was a life-changing week, for sure!” page 1

Bolt to the 20th Anniversary Bash

Promotion period: 1 January − 30 April, 2014. LOOKING FOR AN extra incentive to grow your business? In our Bolt to the 20th Anniversary Bash promotion, not only will your business-building efforts bring you greater wellness, purpose and abundance, but they will also earn you opportunity to win fantastic prizes! Amazing Prizes In this first-of-its-kind promotion, each qualifying Australian distributor has the opportunity to earn points based on every new personal enrollment and reactivation in his or her organisation. 1st–5th place • Airfare from your closest city to Salt Lake City for one. • Convention registration fee for one. • Six nights accommodation in Salt Lake City for two. • Preferred seating in General Session for two. 6th–20th place • Airfare from your closest city to Salt Lake City for one. • Convention registration fee for one. 21st–30th place • Six nights accommodation in Salt Lake City for two. • Convention registration fee for one. Earn Points You must earn a minimum of 850 points during the promotion period to qualify. Earning the point minimum does not guarantee a spot, as only the 30 highest total point earners will win a prize. You may qualify with any combination of points. Earn points when: You personally enrol a new distributor between 1 January and 30 April, 2014, with our new Basic Starter Kit (Item no. 467002) and with at least 100 PV in his or her enrolling order—5 points You personally enrol a new distributor between 1 January and 30 April, 2014, one of the new Essential Rewards kits (Home Item no. 472602, Wellness Item no. 472702, Beauty Item no. 472802, Balance Item no. 472902, Lifestyle Item no. 473002), with at least 100 PV in his or her enrolling order—15 points Between 1 January and 30 April 2013, you reactivate anyone in your organisation who has not made a purchase of 50 PV or more in at least 12 consecutive months. Order must be 100 PV or greater—15 points A distributor you personally enrol between 1 January and 30 April, 2014, personally enrols a new distributor with a Basic Starter Kit and at least 100 PV on his or her enrolling order—25 points Your personally enrolled new distributor (enrolled between 1 January and 30 April, 2013) maintains an Essential Rewards order with at least 100 PV each month—25 points Visit youngliving.com/en_AU for additional information on calculating points and conditions.

Basic Starter Kit Item no. 467002 | Whsl. $45.00 Among the very first products a new distributor will order, the new Starter Kit is designed to provide an immersive, fun introduction to essential oils, including:

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• Welcome letter • Welcome to Young Living booklet • Essential Oils at a Glance • Distributor Resource Guide • Distributor Application & Agreement form • Policies and Procedures • Product Guide • AromaGlide Roller fitment • Stress Away 5 ml • 2 x NingXia Red singles • 2 x Lavender essential oil samples • 2 x Thieves essential oil samples • 2 x Lemon essential oil samples • 2 x Peace & Calming essential oil samples • 2 x Peppermint essential oil samples • 3 x sample packet business cards

Essential Rewards kits Available from 1 January, 2014.

Home Essential Rewards kit Item no. 472602 Whsl. $199.00 | PV 139.00 Perfect for helping purify the home and protect your family! Includes: • Purification essential oil blend 5 ml • NingXia Red Singles 30 pack • Deep Relief Roll-On • Thieves Waterless Hand Purifier • Thieves Foaming Hand Soap • Thieves Dental Floss (new) • Thieves AromaBright Toothpaste • Lemon essential oil 5 ml Wellness Essential Rewards kit Item no. 472702 Whsl. $199.00 | PV 139.00 A month’s supply of our best nutrition products to support overall health. Includes: • Longevity Softgels • Inner Defense • NingXia Red 2 pack • Slique Essence essential oil blend

Beauty Essential Rewards kit Item no. 472802 Whsl. $199.00 PV | 139.00 Pamper and nourish your skin with our best-selling essential oil-infused beauty products. Includes • Progessence Phyto Plus • A·R·T Gentle Foaming Cleanser • Boswellia Wrinkle Cream • 1x A·R·T Beauty Masque packet Balance Essential Rewards kit Item no. 472902 Whsl. $199.00 | PV 139.00 Find balance and the fortitude to handle life’s daily challenges. Includes: • Valor essential oil blend 5 ml • OmegaGize3 • Stress Away Roll-On • Peace & Calming essential oil blend 5 ml • Lavender essential oil 5 ml • Frankincense essential oil 5 ml Lifestyle Essential Rewards kit Item no. 473002 Whsl. $199.00 | PV 139.00 Can’t decide where to start? Try one product each from our Home, Wellness, Beauty, and Balance categories! Includes: • NingXia Red 2 pack • Thieves essential oil blend 5 ml • Lavender Mint Shampoo • Lavender Mint Conditioner • Stress Away Roll-On

Building A Future

Donations made during the Master Leader Retreat ead to groundbreaking of new YL high school.

By Don Clair

Director, D. Gary Young Foundation

Recognition for November 2013

Young Living Leaders DIAMOND

Alan & Linda Simpson (AUS) Artemis (AUS)


Neena Love (AUS)


“SUCCESS IS MEASURED by obstacles overcome,” wrote Booker T. Washington; and by that thought alone, the D. Gary Young Foundation has had great success! In November, Young Living members visited the Young Living Academy in Ecuador during the Master Leader Retreat. This group of leaders listened to the children tell them how the school has changed their community and families and how it has given each student hope for the future. Even more, the children explained how much they need a high school. During the visit, a “cornerstone” was formed, and each leader contributed to a dream. When the day’s activity was completed, $36,000 was collected—enough funds to break ground for the new high school! Thank you to each of these wonderful leaders for embracing their ability to make a difference in the world. Throughout this great day, the leaders were entertained by the students and spent time with the children whom they had sponsored. It was a day of magic and wonder as each person was moved in a very special way. The kindness in the eyes of every child and the warmth of their Jill Young unites with a YL Academy student. desire to learn touched everyone. One member told me that saying goodbye to the child he sponsors was the most difficult thing he had ever done. If you would like to become a supporter of the new high school, please visit DGaryYoungFoundation.org. There you will have the opportunity to purchase bricks to help build the school, and your name will be placed on the wall of honour. The DGYF honours all those who support the vision of the Young Living Academy.

Young Living Australia’s newly designed website is now live! Visit youngliving.com/en_AU

Bold = Newly Qualified

Aleena Leah Simpson (AUS) Chris Lewin (AUS) Girija & Hal Tropp (AUS) Janet Knight (AUS) Maria Jones (AUS) Menkit Prince (AUS) New Frontier Botanicals (AUS) Sharon & Andrew Wild (AUS)


Aaron Hess (AUS) Annthea Matheson (AUS) Bridge Of Love Australia (AUS) Catherine T/A Cdg Trust Garro (AUS) Claire & Paul Haywood (AUS) David & Elaine Von Pein (AUS) Essential Chi (AUS) EssentialoilsonlineBiz (AUS) Global Spirit Records (AUS) Gorgeous & Home (AUS) Greg Degenhardt (AUS)

Happy Moments (AUS) Hazel Holland Bowen Therapy (AUS) Janette Gallagher (AUS) Janice Marshall (AUS) Jdj & Ra Porker (AUS) Jennifer Moalem (AUS) John & Christene Sweet (AUS) Kathy Dempsey (AUS) Kim Thomson (AUS) Larissa Erzikov (AUS) Living Dynamics Pty Ltd (AUS) Liz Moldenhauer (AUS) Maree Anne Holzheimer (AUS) Margaret Rossi (AUS) Mark Damian Seng Chai Song (AUS) Michael Mason (AUS) Michal Haswell (AUS) Newstart Health Supplies (AUS) Noel Cunnington (AUS) Nutrition And You (AUS) Ron Phythian (AUS) Sara Nadin (AUS) Sharon Neal (AUS) Sheena Hughes (AUS) Steve & Kerryn Martin (AUS) Suzanne McTier-Browne (AUS) Terrence John Drury (AUS) Vibrant Choices (AUS)

Silver in Six

EARN YOUR AROMA Complete kit – retail value AUD $3,944.10. This ideal collection contains up to 120 Young Living Essential Oil singles and blends. Perfect for massage therapists and other health professionals. The kit also includes a handsome carrying case in burgundy. Jump on the fast track to Silver in six months and win a FREE Aroma Complete kit. What’s even better, you can choose from two different routes to achieve success and take on the extra challenge to achieve even more abundance! Qualification Period January 1 to December 31, 2014. Qualification Requirements • Open to all Australian Members. • Members must register via email to events@youngliving.com.au • Strictly only one Aroma Complete kit may be earned in the Si6 program per membership. #1: Achieve Silver within six months of reaching Executive • Any existing Executive who earned that rank for the first time on or since July 2013 to December 2013 will have 6 months to achieve the rank of Silver. For example, if the first Executive month is July 2013, the member must reach Silver January 31, 2014 to qualify. • First-time Executives from January 2014 and onwards who achieve the rank of Silver within 6 months of becoming Executive will also qualify.

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Young Living World News SOUTH EAST ASIA

We would like to thank all of those who attended the Malaysia Founders Meeting in December and for making the event a wonderful success! Leaders and members from Malaysia and other South East Asian nations; special guest speakers Connie McDanel, Jared Turner, and Matt French; and all guests from around the world were part of a crucial step toward Young Living’s global expansion and fulfilling Gary Young’s dream of bringing Young Living into every home. The next big event is the South East Asia Wellness Tour with special guest speaker Dr. Olivier Wenker, who will be talking about wellness with essential oils. This tour will coincide with the launch of NingXia Nitro™ and Slique™ Bars in late January.


The new year will kick off with Dr. Minke’s seven-city tour, held January 13–19. Dr. Minke will give presentations centered on family first aid with essential oils and a wellness approach to allergies. He will also share his story about surviving bone cancer while in college and later, lymphoma. One of his most important messages will focus on how daily dietary habits can make a difference for a healthier and longer life. During the tour, the

new AromaBright™ Toothpaste will be available for presale prior to the official launch in February. In January, the newly reformulated Believe™ essential oil blend will arrive in Japan. Japanese members are anxiously looking forward to what is coming up next for Young Living!


The European market is looking forward to an exciting New Year tour covering 15 cities in six European countries. Attendees will have the opportunity to learn more about new product offerings, highly anticipated business tools, and informative presentations led by Marc Schreuder, Young Living’s vice president of research and formulations; the European corporate team; and local leaders! The eagerly anticipated dates for the Provence farm harvest have exhilarated Young Living oil enthusiasts around Europe, who are keen to discover the birthplace of Young Living, visit the home of the YL Provence collection, and discover the wonders of the surrounding area. Visit YLProvence.com for more information! The ongoing European IGC Vacation Challenge is a fantastic opportunity to have businessbuilding efforts rewarded with a trip to the 2014 International Grand

January Promotions 250 PV Reward – Order 250 PV or more and receive a free Thieves Spray, Thieves Waterless Hand Purifier, Valor roll-on, and Clarity 15 ml*.

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THIEVES SPRAY: CONTAINS all-natural ingredients formulated to distribute the power of therapeutic-grade essential oils in your home and during travel. It is ideal for use on door handles, toilet seats and any surface that needs cleansing. Thieves Waterless Hand Purifier: is an all-natural purifier designed to cleanse and refresh the hands. It can be used by adults and children to keep hands clean and promote good hygiene, without the use of water. It's a fantastic travel companion no matter where you are. Dermatologist tested. Valor Roll-on: is an empowering combination of therapeutic-grade essential oils that works with both the physical and spiritual aspects of the body to increase feelings of strength, courage, and self-esteem

Convention and participate in special VIP activities throughout the week. With countless rank advancements, two new Diamonds, fantastic growth, and new sales records, 2013 was an extremely successful year for Young Living Europe. We are looking with great anticipation for more excitement in 2014!


Upcoming Global Events Raindrop Technique February 8 Atlanta, GA

Discovering Nature’s Remedies January 25 Sacramento, CA February 8 Phoenix, AZ

Introductory Meetings January 9 Lehi, UT

Young Living Australia is kicking off the new year by introducing the new Basic Starter Kit and five additional Essential Rewards kits! These include the Home, Beauty, Balance, Lifestyle, and Wellness kits. Young Living will celebrate its 20th anniversary at the International Grand Convention in June. To encourage Australian members to take part in the festivities, we have launched a new incentive. For more details, visit your Virtual Office.

January 13 Spokane, WA


February 1 Birmingham, AL Special NingXia Nitro meeting with Stevie Baggs, Jr.

During these cold months, Young Living Canada has stayed hot, with a record-breaking month in November. Our members continue to exceed all expectations, which leads the Young Living Global Headquarters staff to try to keep up with their staggering pace! We are looking forward to expanding our product offerings in the new year.

in the face of adversity. Renowned for its strengthening qualities, Valor enhances an individual's internal resources. It has also been found to help energy alignment in the body. Clarity: promotes a clear mind and alertness. It contains stimulating oils, including peppermint and rosemary, which have been used for many years to promote clarity. Clarity™ can also be used to help revive alertness or wakefulness.

January 14 Portland, OR Riverside, CA (Spanish) January 15 San Diego, CA Sacramento, CA (Spanish) January 16 Las Vegas, NV January 23 St. George, UT San Antonio, TX (Spanish)

February 3 Vancouver, BC, CAN February 4 Houston, TX February 5 Austin, TX February 6 Dallas, TX Houston, TX (Spanish) February 18 Nashville, TX February 20 Tampa, FL (Spanish) February 21 New York, NY (Spanish)

Celebrate, discover, and get inspired to make your dreams a reality this June at our 20-year anniversary International Grand Convention!

190 PV Reward – Order 190 PV and receive a free Thieves Spray, and Thieves Waterless Hand Purifier*. *Conditions apply. Visit your Virtual Office for details.

Visit YoungLiving.com/Convention for all the details.

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