visual are you all

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AI R ES RU AA L L Mindset of Thai Lecturers & Graphic Designers

t e c h n i q u e s

Creative Visual Paradigm



add iti on

alp hab et


\03 alter native uese

alter native media



amb igu ity

ani mat ion


\07 asso ciat ion

car too ns



chan ge t he p rodu ct

close -up & cropp ing



coin cide nce

collag e & ph otomon tage



come & pl ay

comic strip seque nce



coin cide nce

deco rati ons



dis gus ing

dist orti on


\19 doub le e xpos ure

eco nom y



expec tatio n con found ed

exag gera tion


\23 fa c e

fan tas y



fin e a rt

geom etri c de sign


\27 hu mo r

inco ngru ity



meta morp hosi s

metap hor & analo gy




miss ing link

modi fica tion



non-v erbal image

omiss on & sugge stion



outsta ndind photog arph

Y o s s a n o n M a k u n Communiation Design 5 3 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 3 7 FA21B

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