Per YMAC’s Rule Book, the Code of Conduct for Members states:
All members and staff have a right to safety, dignity and respect at all times even though native title process may involve strong emotions and difficult decisions.
The Code of Conduct for Members requires:
compliance with the Act and the Rule Book;
notification to the Corporation of any change in address within 28 days;
compliance with all Code of Conduct adopted by the Corporation;
treating other members, directors and staff with respect and dignity;
in all circumstances refrain from the use of abusive, threatening or obscene language or language that may otherwise give offence to other members and staff;
to not behave in a way that significantly interferes with the operation of the Corporation and of Corporations meetings;
attendance of the General meetings;
not to use confidential information for their own personal advantage, to the advantage of family members or their native title claim group in any improper manner or to cause harm or detriment to any person, body or YMAC;
not to attend any meetings or to be in the office under the influence of alcohol or non-prescribed drugs;
not to use corporation resources (including the service of staff members) for private purposes.
Non-compliance of the Code of Conduct may result in the member being removed from meetings and/or barred from YMAC premises until there is an improvement in behaviour.