YES PHILIPPINES Newsmagazine UK Edition - March 2019 (Issue 10)

Page 14

2 Decem ber

All Filipinos no matter what time period they lived, possess the same quality of perseverance that make us who we are It?s safe to say that this month has been a great month for Filipinos From fashion, to sports, to celebrating one another - Pinoys always do it right, and that is because we never give up. It?s important to remember to keep hopeful and have dreams because that?s what will help us succeed

TH IS M ar ch w e'r e goi n g to be cel ebr ati

n m an y di ffer en t w ays

This issue will look at our fellow kababayans from past,present,and maybe even future Our cover featuresa young Filipina model who is already catching the eyes of many,as the face of a M orrison?s campaign This issue also features several successstories including Filipino designers who showcased in London Fashion W eek,and the victory of Pinoy singersin a competition in London M ore of our kababayanswere present in the well known House of iKons Fashion Show and even our traditional T?nalak weaves have made an appearance in this season's fashion week

Other than being champions in the arts,we Pinoyshave been doing well in sports In this issue you can read about how we Filipinoscan do anything,Fil-Brit boxer Youssef Khoumari kept our spirits high winning his latest fight and remaining undefeated W hile the Benguet Volleyball Club successfully raised money to help Filipinosback home

Filipinosare known to strive and are known for being hard working Our OFW s

are one of the most hardworking of them all, you can read about the new M igrant W orkers Centre that just opened up this month,which is meant to help OFW swho might be struggling Filipino women should also be celebrated,asInternational W omen?s Day recently happened,the FW A-UK had their celebration at the Royal Thames-Yacht Club where they had speakers inspire other women to endeavour

Here in the UK,many pinoyswork in the medical field,but what were the first Filipinosdoing when they came here?This month we are bringing in a new series: The First Filipinos in the UK,where we tell you storiesof our ancestorswho lived here before us all Our first story is about Juan De La Cruzwho travelled to Liverpool in the mid 19th century Even then,just like today, Filipinoswere finding themselves in the shores of the United Kingdom in hopes for a better life All Filipinosno matter what time period they lived,possess the same quality of perseverance that make us who we are

It?s safe to say that this month has been a great month for Filipinos From fashion,to sports,to celebrating one another - Pinoys alwaysdo it right,and that is because we never give up It?s important to remember to keep hopeful and have dreams because that?swhat will help us succeed

We write our own editorial content/materials and not just reprint them from websites and Philippine publications.
We are a TRUE PUBLISHER and not a FRANCHISE PUBLISHER. We are a true Community Newspaper as we feature the people, stories, events and activities of Filipinos living in the UK & Republic of Ireland on our paper from cover to cover We have a more extensive distribution covering the UK & Ireland. Let t er From The Publisher
pi n os
n g Fi l i

Why Benguet Arabica

Coffee is the best

OFFEE l over s say a cup of coffee i n the m or n i n g m ak es your day

But coffee dr i n k er s w oul d cl ai m , i t?s up to your coffee!

W ell, coffee experts say the best Arabica coffee in the Philippines is grown in the highlands, particularly in the province of Benguet

Produced in the upland farms of Atok, Itogon, La Trinidad, Tuba, Kibungan, and Tublay in Benguet, this variety of coffee blends well with the upland climate to produce the country?s top- coffee blend

Because of distinct taste and quality,Benguet Arabica Coffee is now a leading coffee brand in the market

During the 3rd Philippine Coffee Conference held in

Baguio City in M arch last year, Benguet- grown Arabica coffee emerged as the champion for the best Arabica coffee in the country, besting entries from other regions Judges, international and local coffee experts, unanimously voted for the Arabica coffee entry of Oliver Oliem of Caliking,Atok, that blends the characteristics of apricot, lemongrass, pomelo, oolong Tea and the aroma of a rose, as the best

Other Benguet coffee entries that won in the 2018 Philippine Coffee Quality Competition were those of Restie Labi Tacio of Atok, and Belen M acanes of Sagpat,Kibungan in third and fifth places,respectively

W hat br i n gs the di sti n cti ve taste of Ben guet Ar abi ca coffee?

Oliver Oliem,chair of the Cordillera Regional Coffee Council,elaborated how the distinct and great taste of their produce had pushed the coffee industry to be now the province?s booming industry

Oliem explained the entire system in production tells it all

Grown from seedlings of their own nurseries, farmers grow their coffee plants through pure organic farming without using pesticides or any chemical input

He shared that Benguet farmers practice multi- cropping in their coffee lands by planting other crops in between coffee trees like anthurium, strawberries and vegetables to add more income

During harvest, usually in the months of November to M arch, farmers do not strip-off the coffee beans They pick only the ripened ones one by one,leaving the unripe beans This assures that the beans come from selected pick

In drying, farmers adapt elevated- drying system where de-hulled coffee beans are spread on drying beds, instead of just putting them on the ground This way, the beans are kept away from soil microbes making it arsenic-free adding a factor to its distinct taste,Oliem said

Shirley Palao-ay,President of the Tuba Benguet Coffee Growers Association, Inc (TUBENGCOGA), informed that among Benguet coffee farmers, the production of ?honey-blend?Arabica coffee is gaining headway

Processors do not wash hulled beans before drying to retain the natural sugar in their coffee-produce Even without sweetening,this brewed coffee comes naturally sweet,she said

Dry coffee beans sell from P300/kg-P350/kg among traders,which sometimeseven go higher

Oliem noted the price is dictated based on the coffee grade given by trained cup Q-graders, who classify the quality of the coffee

Gr ow i n g i n dustr y

W ith the fast-growing market of the Benguet Arabica Coffee caused by increasing demand in the market, the 300 coffee farmers of Benguet grew to be more than a thousand in five years

The coffee industry is becoming a lucrative source of income among farmers in the province This translates to more families being able to send their children to college, more families having better homesand more families assured of brighter future

Oliem acknowledged the coffee industry of Benguet has not reached this far without interventions from government agencies like the Department of Agriculture,Agricultural Training Institute, Benguet State University,Department of Trade and Industry, Department of Agrarian Reform and PhilM ech thru their support-programs on certified seedling production, organic farming, improved post- harvest facilities and marketing promotion (JDP/LL-PIA CAR)

6 MARCH 2019
7 ISSUE 6 Legal Advice! FREE Com e t o our free legal advice sessions at our Earls Court office every Tuesday from 5:00 pm Just book an appoint m ent .

Pinoy Movie Marathon... on

Thi s m on th the Un i ted K i n gdom w as for tun ate en ough to be show er ed w i th Pi n oy fi l m s al l avai l abl e on Netfl i x The m ovi es Fi l i pi n o m ovi es you can catch on Netfl i x i n cl ude a m i x of di ffer en t gen r es fr om our favour i te r om com s to hi stor y It?s been qui te som e ti m e si n ce Asi an dr am as ? m or e speci fi cal l y K -dr am as have star ted getti n g i n ter n ati on al atten ti on , can the Fi l i pi n os be n ext?

It?s gr eat to see m or e an d m or e Fi l i pi n o fi l m s bei n g r ecogn i zed i n Eur ope, especi al l y w i th the am oun t of OFW s an d m i gr an ts l i vi n g her e It?s getti n g easi er to spot our cul tur e i n w ester n soci ety M or e an d m or e atten ti on i s bei n g gi ven to Fi l i pi n o Cui si n e as w el l In Lon don ther e ar e n ew Fi l i pi n o r estaur an ts poppi n g up ever y coupl e of m on ths Not on l y i s our food getti n g m or e popul ar but so i s our m usi c The Fi l i pi n o cr eati ve scen e i s getti n g m or e an d m or e ?w or l d cl ass?an d i t?s gr eat to see other s appr eci ati n g w hat w e can cr eate, an d appr eci ati n g our cul tur e at the sam e ti m e H er e i s a l i st of al l the Pi n oy m ovi es you can see r i ght n ow on Netfl i x, al on g w i th descr i pti on s of each fi l m

Philippines were colonized and tell the story of how the Filipinos lived in war

Bi n ge W atch: Am o

IM BD Rating:6 4/10

Tom boy

IM BD Rating:5 3/10

Vice Ganda stars in thiscomedy where he plays all 4 leading characters,which makes the film even funnier right from the beginning

For a good cr y: K i ta K i ta

IM BD Rating:79/10

This film isincredibly touching,and cute but without that cheesinessmost Pinoy movies have It?s cinematography isoutstanding,and the love story will fill your heart with joy

Educati on al : H en er al Lun a & Goyo: The Boy Gen er al

IM BD Rating:77/10 and 71/10

Both these films are set in the time the

Thisdark series looks at the modern drug war currently happening in the Philippines It?s set in M anila and followsthe lives of several Filipinos

In di e Fi l m : Bi r dshot

IM BD Rating:6 7/10

A beautifully filmed movie that revolves around a family in M indanao and the endangered Philippine Eagle

Popul ar Rom Com : M y Ex an d W hys

IM BD Rating:6/10

If you wanna watch something light,this isa great choice It has a great love-story about a young couple ?a blogger and the guy who broke her heart

Cl assi c Rom Com : A Secon d Chan ce

IM BD Rating:6 9/10

This film isa staple in Filipino pop culture,it?s the go-to movies to introduce your friendsto Filipino drama

A Good Laugh: Gi r l Boy Bak l a

Other films you can find on UK N etflix :

All of You ?Romance, IM BD Rating:4 8/10

Can? t help falling in love ?Romance IM BD Rating:71/10

Four sisters and a W edding ?RomCom IM BD Rating:72/10

She?s dating the Gangster ?RomCom IM BD Rating:74/10

Beauty and the Bestie Drama,IM BD Rating: 5 2/10

You?re my Boss Romance,IM BD Rating:6 2/10

Bride for Rent RomCom,IM BD Rating:6 5/10

The M istressDrama/Romance,IM BD Rating: 6 2/10

The Breakup Playlist Romance,IM BD Rating: 6 4/10

It Takes a M an and a W oman Romance,IM BD Rating:6 6/10

Ang Tanging Ina Nyong Lahat Comedy,IM BD

Rating:6 4/10

8 MARCH 2019
Im ages by Wikim edia Com m ons
9 MARCH 2019


Her fascinating journey to the world of modelling

ONE thi n g ever yon e shoul d n ote about Fi li pi n os i s our abi l i ty to just br i n g pr i de to our coun tr y an d on e fi el d that w e parti cu l ar l y thr i ved on i s the w or l d of beauty

From the 2018 M iss Universe Catriona Gray to Asia?sNext Top M odel?s first Filipino winner M aureen W roblewitz,there?s no denying the beauty of Pinaysand how it can easily captivate.

Of course,the little onesshouldn't be neglected when we talk about the fashion industry Enter Francesca Beatrice San Juan, another Filipina whose face and grace captured the hearts of United Kingdom. W hat?s more?She?s just 13 years old

So who is Francesca Beatrice?Go through one catalogue of M orrisons?or go to the shop and you'll most likely see this adorable face as she?s one of the brand's models for their children?s clothing line

As with kids who have found their calling earlier on,Francesca entered the world of fashion at the young age of five years old She and her family took the first step,calling one modelling agency who luckily was happy with Francesca?s performance and envisioned her future on the modelling world They eventually had her sign up and her career has been building ever since Bagging her most recent job is a deal with M orrisons Chosen against thousands of children who dreams of being one of the faces of the clothing line,Francesca even-

10 MARCH 2019
Continued on to next page
Francesca has been one of Nut m eg s brand m odels for t heir children's clot hing line at Morrison s

tually was chosen

W hen asked to pinpoint Francesca?sbig break, the family couldn? t just decide on one moment Instead,they narrowed it to four experiences that they feel like made the most impact on the young girl?scareer For one,she was featured on Girl Talk M agazine She was featured in six issues in total - two of those issues had her on the front cover Next,she also became a part of a documentary on child modelling which premiered on Channel 4 back in 2016

Third was when she became a part of the House of Ikons Fashion Show for the last three years which is founded and owned by Savita Kaye (CEO) House of Ikons is one of the United Kingdom's biggest and prestigiouskids fashion show, She was back in House in Ikons last February and represented five designer two of which are Filipina designers,one isAthea Couture (M ilano),which is owned by M ilan based Filipina designer Jocelyn Gacad

Another Filipina designer isM itch Desunia who is based in the Philippines and recently opened her children?s couture under M ode by M itch Desunia brand The other 3 are British designers namely M e clothing by Krissie Colton,Be Unique Be You by Anne W ilkinson and M onilka M Couture by M onika Richert

The last moment brings us to Francesca?s breakthrough with M orrisons Supermarket and their Nutmeg Kidsclothing line wherein her photos, where she exudes confidence along with an adorable grin,were used for the line?sonline and in-store catalogue ?I am honoured and privileged to have worked with brands and designers from all over the world,?

Francesca said,noting how great the experience was so far

Other than immersing herself in the world of catwalks and photoshoots,Francesca still values her education as

she is currently in Year 8 in an all-girls Catholic school. Francesca isalso just as talented in the arts asshe ison the catwalk and in front of a camera In addition to her studies,she?s attending O?Farrell?s Dance School of Linda Firmin and taking private piano lessons from Boram Choi,a film score composer and music producer based in the UK

Of course,all these wouldn't have been possible without her parents,both of whom are nurses Her father migrated from the Philippines back in 2001while her mother went to the UK in 2002

"W e are here behind her in all times, especially on her future endeavours," they said,noting how proud they are of Francesca when asked about their thoughts on their daughter having a knack for modelling For Francesca, entering the world of fashion didn't just open up opportunities for her Yes,it's a dream come true for a child to be tapped by various companies and to be the face of a particular brand

Past all the glitzand glamour of the industry,Francesca also supports charities like Little Princess Trust which she donated more than 12inches of her hair to make wigs for children with cancer She also attends charity fashion show to raise money for Cancel Cancel Africa and Naomi House & Jacksplace hospices fro children At the end of the day,it's more than just the pretty clothes for Francesca "It helps me build confidence and character,"she said about her modelling career,stating that it had helped immensely when it comes to her self-esteem

11 MARCH 2019
Continued fr om page 10
Designer : ATHEA COUTURE Milano Phot o Credit : Mira Dem et er Designer: Monika M Cout ure Phot o Credit : Mira Dem et er Designer: Mode by Mit ch Desunia Phot o Credit : Mira Dem et er Designer : Be Unique Be You Phot o Credit : Mira Dem et er Designer : Be Unique Be You Phot o Credit : Mira Dem et er

Filipino Designers Make it Big in London Fashion Week

FILIPINO fashi on desi gn er s m ade a bol d statem en t dur i n g the Febr uar y i n stal m en t of thi s year ?s London Fashi on W eek w i th desi gn s ai m ed at suppor ti n g com m un i ti es an d r al l yi n g behi n d the cause of w om en em pow er m en t

Davaoeña designer Cheri- Lou Aranjuez launched her new line at a London Fashion W eek show in M illennium Gloucester Hotel on 16 February featuring bags that were hand crafted by the female inmates of Compostela Valley?s M ontevista District Jail and fabrics woven by stay-at-home mothers

?I am very, very proud to raise the Philippine flag higher and bolder,? gushed Aranjuez, whose second time it was to participate in London Fashion W eek under the House of Ikons

Proceeds from the sales of Aranjuez?s designs during the show will be donated to the M ayas Foundation, which provides support for rape survivors

M itch Desunia, the Filipino fashion designer behind M ode UK also launched her children?s line during London Fashion W eek Desunia launched a new collection of whimsical occasion dresses for children featuring vibrant colours and playful designs

?Philippine fashion designers are becoming more visible during the biannual London Fashion W eek,? said Ambassador Antonio M Lagdameo

?Representation during London Fashion W eek is important because it is an opportunity to put Philippine fashion on the radars of influential fashion buyers,editors,and trend forecasters ?

Last year,a designer from Cagayan de Oro, M artha Rodriguez launched her new line of high-end bags for men and women featuring the traditional textiles of M indanao?s T?boli,Yakan,and Tausug communities Rodriguez is the founder and designer behind Vesti, a brand that easily grabbed the attention of fashionistas in the September 2018 London Fashion W eek

London Fashion W eek is one of the four major Fashion W eeks in the world,aside from Paris,New York,and M ilan It is the only fashion week that happens twice a year,on February when autumn/winter collections are launched, and on September for the subsequent spring/summer seasons

It ?s in t he bag!

Cheri-Lou Aranjuez feat ured a line of bags she co-creat ed w it h t he fem ale inm at es of Com post ela Valley?s Mont evist a Dist rict Jail. Photo courtesy of Cheri-Lou Aranjuez

MARCH 2019 12
Cheri-Lou Aranjuez
13 MARCH 2019 To advertise please contact the Advertising Department on 0208 133 8668 SEND US NEWS OF YOUR COMMUNITY EVENTS & ACTIVITIES Nurses: Earn up t o £26 per hour HCAs: Earn up t o £12 per hour 18 Beadm an Road, Cheshunt , Hert fordshire, EN8 9FR " The agency t hat t ruly cares" Mob: 07850 041028 | 07462 404123 Em ail: paul@bryleecarest affing co uk Web: bryleecarest affing co uk We welcome details of your stories, including success, awards, appointments and events Send your items by mail to : info@yesphilnewsmag com

Filipinos shine at House of Ikons Fashion Show

TH E H ouse of Ik on s Fashi on Show l ast 16th an d 17th Febr uar y 2019 had a di ffer en t per specti ve thi s year Savi ta K aye, the foun der of H ouse of Ik on s m ade sur e the fashi on show w as i n cl usi ve by show casi n g pl us-si zes

?Lady Kay?as Savita is fondly known,raised awareness to the fashion industry encouraging that fashion should make people dressup with confidence and be themselves Designers collections during the show were focused on dressing up people of different sizes,backgrounds and nationality - thus creating integration from boutique collections to collections for red carpet events

The event aimed to highlight the importance of diversity and being you It wasabout letting the world know that consumers dictate fashion and not the other way around This would let the designers know that including plussizes is the way forward when they market their collections All the different segments of the show were beautifully crafted to perfection House of Ikons without question is the best platform for emerging designers

For the first time M itch Desunia,the first Philippine designer to do a show at House of Ikons 4 years ago, and the First Philippine designer to do a show in M onaco in the summer of 2018 presented her M ODE children collection

It was a proud moment to see our very own Filipina

beauty title holders and gorgeous models at the show; namely,Christa Borja,the reigning M iss W orld Peace Queen 2018, Kacey Coleen,M iss Summer W orld 2018 and Kiarra Ferreira,M iss Teen Global 2015

Having watched every show of House of Ikonsfor the past four years,I personally can say that one adorable and pretty child model blossomed since the first time she came out of her shell when she was still 3 years old She was the youngest model in that show then,and modelled for M itch Desunia collections

Julia Eclarinal-M urdock,now 6 years old,is in every inch a professional child model She has her own style and wasfull of confidence as she swayed with grace on the catwalk Every time Julia is on the ramp you can see her eyes glow with pride as she loves and enjoys what she was doing Julia made sure that she continuously improves herself in each and every show asshe modelled for two designers during the last House of Ikons show

As acknowledgement to the unending support given by House of Ikonsto Filipino talents,members of Davawenyo UK assisted Savita Kaye as volunteers during the 16th and 17th February 2019 shows They were also in attendance during the 20th January 2019 House of Ikons casting During the event Davawenyo UK members promoted Tinalak material to Josh,the youngest designer of House of Ikons To House of Ikons- ahuge thank you for continuously supporting Filipino talents and thank you to the Filipino talentsfor making usproud Filipinosin the process

14 MARCH 2019
Kiarra Ferreira - Miss Teen Global 2015 Julia Ec arina -Murdock Christ a Borja - Miss World Peace Queen 2018
Filipino m
t he
w it h
Kacey Coleen - M ss Sum m er World 2018
edia covering
event Davaw enyo-UK m em bers and t he aut hor Josh t he youngest designer Mit ch Desunia, designer of MODE Children s Collect ion w it h Filipino buyers
15 MARCH 2019


The Story of Juan de la Cruz (1846-1911)

MY gr eat gr an dfather , Juan de l a Cr uz, w as bor n i n M an i l a, Phi l i ppi n es on 24th Jun e 1846

Hisparents were M ariano and Josefina M ariano was a shipwright/boat builder

A Filipino genealogist based in the USA told me that asM ariano was a shipwright from M anila,it was almost certain that he worked at the Spanish Naval Dockyard in Cavite I have tried to find out more information about the marriage of M ariano and Josefina but have found it very difficult

The earliest record I have of Juan is when he married my great grandmother,Elizabeth Ann W inn,in Liverpool on 22November 1869 at the church of St Nicholas On their marriage certificate Juan?soccupation isshown as Ship?s Cook and that of hisfather as Shipwright I haven? t been able to trace Juan in Liverpool before that date but can calculate roughly when he arrived

To give you some background to the connection between Liverpool,England and M anila,Philippines Spain had been a colonial power from the 16th century and had a monopoly on trade with its overseas dependenciesuntil Cuba was taken by Great Britain in 1762 In 1763 Spain exchanged Florida for Cuba that Spain allowed international trade to Cuba but put a high import tax on goodslanded from foreign ships

In 1834 the Spanish-owned Philippine Islands were opened up to foreign trade and a customs house wasbuilt in the capitol,M anila

During the 19th century Liverpool had flourished to become the main port of the British Empire and a number of Liverpool merchants found entry to Spain?s lucrative colonial trade by using Spanish vessels In 1841there was a regular packet or mail service from Liverpool to Cuba and by 1849 this service wasshared by four Liverpool merchants One of these advertised the first

sailing of a Spanish vessel loading cargo at Liverpool for M anila I believe that it was around this time that the first sailors from M anila were recruited by these ships and found their way to Liverpool

This trade was well established by 1863 when two Basque master mariners,Ramon de Larrinaga and Jose Antonio Olano formed a partnership To make

sure that ships on the packet service to M anila were completely Spanish-owned,the Spanish government had a ship-inspector in Liverpool Before a vessel could be registered under the Spanish flag it had first to enter a Spanish port for inspection and confirmation of ownership and then pay a registration tax Ramon de Larrinaga and Jose Antonio Olano had been trading as ship-chandlers in Liverpool since 1859 as Olano,Larrinaga & Company In 1863 the two families registered a company in Bilbao named Olano y Compania as a ship-owning company to finance the purchase of ships to be managed from Liverpool

From then on trade between Liverpool and the Spanish colonies flourished The lines first

16 MARCH 2019
Juan de la Cruzmarried hiswife Elizabeth Ann Winn or Lizziein Liverpool on 22 November 1869 Juan arrived in Liverpool in themid-1800sasa sailor workingasa ship'scook

vessel,OLANO,sailed from Liverpool on 22nd M arch 1864 with a cargo for M anila,returning almost 12 monthslater with a cargo of sugar, coffee,hemp and teak logs These voyages would have taken the vessels down into the South Atlantic Ocean and around the Cape of Good Hope,South Africa to the Philippines

Then in 1869 the SuezCanal was opened in Egypt which reduced the sailing distance between Liverpool and M anila from 15,000 miles to 9,600 miles

Both myself and a friend,Tony De Asha,also of Filipino descent,believe that it was during this time from 1863 that our Filipino ancestors became attracted to enlisting as crew on these vessels Tony?sgreat grandfather appeared in Liverpool in 1867and mine in 1869 W e know of many othersliving in Liverpool and the surrounding area who also have Filipino sailors as ancestors

To return to my great grandfather,Juan de la Cruz His wife,Elizabeth,appears in the 1871 census for Liverpool as Lizzie Delacruse aged 18 years,living at 27Frederick Street,Liverpool together with her son,Frank,aged 6 months Also living at that address isElizabeth?s sister, M ary Domingo,aged 21who had also married a Filipino sailor Their younger sister,Alma W inn,aged 14 isalso living there The head of the household is given as Santerygo Delacruse, aged 30,a seaman,born in M anilla and hiswife Jane,born in Ireland It was a number of years before I discovered that Santerygo was actually Santiago Delacruzand on his marriage certificate his father was also M ariano de la Cruz,a shipwright,so it turns out that Juan?s family were living at his brother

Santiago?s boarding house

From online records I have traced Juan de la Cruzon a number of voyages from the UK and Europe to North America and the Far East In the meantime,he faithfully kept returning to hiswife in Liverpool and they had many other children who were,Francis Vincent,born 1870, Josephine born 1873,John,my grandfather, born 1876,M adeline,born 1878,Johanna,born 1881,Eleanor,born 1885,Benjamin,born 1891 and Henry,born 1896

Sadly,his sons Benjamin and Henry were killed while serving with the British Army in the First W orld W ar The youngest,Henry, aged 19,died in Gallipoli,Turkey,on 15th August 1915 and has no known grave Benjamin,aged 23years,was killed in Passchendaele,Belgium on 10th November 1917and has no known grave

Josephina de la Cruzmarried a Eulalio Roza in 1896 I can? t be sure if Eulalio Roza was also a Filipino They had a son,Francis Vincent Roza, whose daughter,Lilian Patricia Roza,became a famous singer in the 1940?s to the 1960?sas

Lita Roza Her sister,Alma Roza also had a singing career as Alma W arren

In April 1911,Juan was granted naturalisation as a British citizen having applied as a citizen of the United States of America Juan de la Cruz died in a shipwreck on the Scottish island of Islay on 4th November 1911 For years we had been told that he had died at sea but no one knew where or when I interviewed an old cousin of my dad in the 1990?s He told me that Juan had died in 1911,in a shipwreck in Scotland,the year he was born From those cluesI managed to trace the story of the shipwreck He remembers that as the men of the family were away at sea or had died in the First W orld W ar,he was brought up by hisde la Cruzmother,grandmother and aunts,all Liverpool women but they only spoke Spanish at home Bearing in mind that the father,Juan, had come from the Philippines,I think that they were not speaking Castellano Spanish but the dialect of Chavacano

17 MARCH 2019
Juan becamea British citizen in April 1911 and hisname anglicised to "John". The author castingflowersinto thesea in Islay, Scotland asa tributeto wherehisgreat grandfather died in 1911 Juan died on 4 November 1911 when the vessel Ocean he wason got shipwrecked on theScottish island of Islay The aut hor t urns 72 years old t his year and is a ret iree living in Warringt on w it h his w ife

Kiarra Ferreira

17 years old

Mitcham, South London

A-levels student studying Economics, Mathematics, and History

Wants to be an Accountant someday

Mother: Melissa Pingul Ferreira (Lubao, Pampanga)


MARCH 2019 18
FEBRUARY 2019 19

to Rent? scheme found discriminatory on the 1st of March 2019

The scheme requireslandlords to check prospective tenants leave to remain in the UK Failure to do so could lead to prosecution,fine or even imprisonment From its inception the scheme wascriticised by many as a way of passing the responsibility of immigration checks to landlords with the view to promoting a ?hostile environment?against illegal immigrants Critics of the scheme have repeatedly argued that the scheme does not work and only results to discrimination The High Court affirmed thisin the case of R (Joint Council for the W elfare of Immigrants) v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2019]

EW HC 452 (Admin) that the government?s Right to Rent scheme causes racial discrimination in breach of the European Convention on Human Rights The Judge was clear and arguably damning of the scheme, stating:

In my judgment,the answer to thisissue lies in the findings I have already made in relation to causation It is my view that the Scheme introduced by the Government does not merely provide the occasion or opportunity for private landlords to discriminate but causes them to do so where otherwise they would not The State hasimposed a scheme of sanctions and penaltiesfor landlords who contravene their obligationsand,as demonstrated,landlords have reacted in a logical and wholly predictable way The safeguards used by the Government to avoid discrimination,namely online guidance,telephone advice and codes of conduct and practice,have proved ineffective In my judgment,in those circumstances,the Government cannot wash itshands of responsibility for the discrimination which is taking place by asserting that such discrimination is carried out by landlords acting contrary to the intention of the Scheme ? I have come to the firm conclusion that the Defendant [the Government] has failed to justify the Scheme,indeed

it hasnot come close to doing so On the basis that the first question for the court to decide is whether Parliament?s policy,accorded all due respect,is manifestly without reasonable foundation,I so find On that basis,there is no balancing of competing interests to be performed However,even if I am wrong about that,I would conclude that,in the circumstances of thiscase,Parliament?spolicy has been outweighed by its potential for race discrimination As I have found,the measures have a disproportionately discriminatory effect and I would assume and hope that those legislators who voted in favour of the Scheme would be aghast to learn of its discriminatory effect?

The Government have said that it will appeal the Decision so the scheme in itscurrent form remains It is disappointing that despite considerable evidence provided by JCW I and others that the scheme is discriminatory,the Government hasfailed to acknowledge this They appear to adopt a ?the end justifies the means?approach in that as long as a hostile environment can continue against illegal immigrants,any by-product of the scheme such as discrimination is an acceptable consequence

M ost will accept that Immigration control is crucial for any


The Government is tasked with ensuring that an effective immigration system is in place

The Government?s power to introduce such laws must however be tempered with checks and balances and the High Court in thiscase hasexamined the effect of the scheme with reference to considerable evidence and has concluded that the ?Right to Rent?scheme is discriminatory It is baffling that the Government petulantly insists in its continuance of the scheme It is akin to the controversial ?Certificate of Approval?process that previously required couples to obtain permission to marry from the Home Office That scheme wasin force for years despite a finding by the House of Lords judgment in Baiai (30th July 2008),that it wasdiscriminatory The Government finally abandoned the scheme on the 9th of M ay 2011,three years after the Court?s Decision against the scheme I hope that the Government will not take as long to abolish the ?Right to Rent?scheme which is clearly untenable in its continuance

20 MARCH 2019 Phot o court esy of NHS
FREE LEGAL ADVICE!!! IM M IGRATION CORNER Ms Lira Sim on Cabat bat is a senior part ner and founder of Douglass Sim on Solicit ors w it h over 25 years legal experience She specialises in all aspect s of Im m igrat ion, Hum an Right s and Fam ily law She is renow ned for her t enacious and frank advice as reflect ed in her success rat e in Im m igrat ion Tribunals, Judicial Review and High Court cases For det ails of t he successful appeals, visit t he w ebsit e w w w douglass-sim on com Com e t o our free legal advice sessions at our Earls Court office every Tuesday from 5:00 pm Just book an appoint m ent
ON the 1st of Febr uar y 2016 the Gover n m en t i n tr oduced the ?Ri ght to Ren t?schem e Gi ven i ts fun cti on , i t w as ar guabl y m i sn am ed as i ts pur pose w as n ot to pr ovi de Ten an ts w i th ?r i ghts?to r en t but to l i m i t i t
The Government?s power to introduce such laws must however be tempered with checks and balances and the High Court in this case has examined the effect of the scheme with reference to considerable evidence and has concluded that the ?Right to Rent?scheme is discriminatory.
21 Decem ber 2018 COMMUNITY NEWS

T?nalak in London Fashion Week



EAVING is not only a treasured skill handed down from generation to generation in the family; it is also a community endeavour whose end product is a visual and tactile representation of the collective experience of a particular society,? said M adame Linda F Lagdameo,spouse of Ambassador Antonio M Lagdameo, in a speech she delivered to an audience of ASEAN diplomats and diplomatic spouses, and representatives of UKbased cultural and fashion institutions during T?nalak: Unravelling the Secrets of the Dream W eavers at Romulo Café on 22 February The talk was hosted by M adame Lagdameo under the Philippine chairmanship of the ASEAN London Committee and is the Embassy?s official London Fashion W eek event

The talk is the first in a series aimed at raising awareness on Philippine design and on the heritage, cultural significance, and the traditional and contemporary uses of Philippine textiles

According to M adame Lagdameo,the woven cloth is both practical and spiritual,ordinary and symbolic, and it contains markers of a community?s identity, culture, history, and dreams

The Embassy?s Cultural Officer,Vice Consul Stacy Danika Alcantara-Garcia led the discussion about T?boli culture and the t?nalak Alcantara- Garcia highlighted the significance of the t?nalak in T?boli culture and shared with the guests the common threads that bind t?nalak and the process of weaving it with other similar Southeast Asian weaving traditions

?If there is one take-away from today?s conversation that I would want everyone to have,it is the realisation that the Philippines? textile and weaving heritage is not an isolated design tradition, but one that is interwoven in the greater tapestry of Southeast Asian design,?she said

Apart from the talk, the Philippine Embassy in London through its Cultural Diplomacy Unit mounted a capsule exhibit juxtaposing the traditional and contemporary interpretations of the t?nalak and the traditional attire of the T?boli Featured brands included T?nalak Home and VESTI, both M indanaobased brands which continue to work closely with the T?boli community in incorporating t?nalak and T?boli cultural elements in contemporary designs

T'nalak is the traditional textile of the T'bo i community of South Cotabato Philippines The cloth is woven through a backstrap oom through a technique cal ed resistance dyeing where the pattern unfolds as the weaving process progresses When weav ng, the T'boli weavers do not refer to any written pattern but instead to mental images a legedly from dreams inspired by the spir t of the abaca, Fu Dalu In fact, according to T'boli culture, the best weavers are chosen by Fu Dalu thereby making the weaving process a truly spir tual and divine act vity Photo courtesy of Team Tnalak

T'na ak is a much sought after material for bags and minaudieres with VESTI, a Mindanao-based brand for luxury bags blaz ng the trail in its use in contemporary designs VESTI CEO and Designer Martha Rodriguez developed a col ect on to honour Tboli culture, as she worked on t nalak with brass, mother of pear , and tennum fabric Photo courtesy of VESTI

22 MARCH 2019
PHOTO CAPTION: Madame Linda F Lagdameo, spouse of Ambassador Antonio M Lagdameo officially we comes the guests to T?nalak: Unravelling the Secrets of the Dream Weavers Photo by Eric Ricafort Madame Linda F Lagdameo (centre) explains complex process of weaving the t?na ak to Madame Thipayasuda Suvanajata (left), spouse of the Thai Ambassador; and Madame Hana Afija Satrijo (right), spouse of the Indonesian Ambassador Photo by Eric Rcafort Vice Consul Stacy Danika Alcantara-Garcia, the Embassy?s Cultural Officer, leads the discuss on on the common threads shared by the T?boli weaving heritage and the greater Southeast Asian weaving heritage Photo by Eric Ricafort
23 MARCH 2019

The Philippines Bags Albion Grand Prix!

Well done, Marlon and Denise!


ONGRATULATIONS,M arlon M acabaya,for winning the 6th Stars of the Albion Grand Prix 2019, beating competitors from all over the world with his haunting rendition of The Prayer and Somewhere Denise Lagrosa,the other contestant from the Philippines, took 2nd making it a grand slam for the Philippines wowing the judges with W ishing You W ere Somehow Here Again and Piece of Sky They successfully followed in the footsteps of last year?s winner,Rachel Gabreza

On the 2nd of M arch, Yes Philippines was fortunate to have been invited to watch the 6th Stars of the Albion International Singing Competition at the Russian Culture UK building on High Street Kensington Supporting the two contestants were their mentors, M arielle M amaclay and Rj Buena,who were all here under the auspices of Vega Entertainment Productions together with Nieves Bates of Candid Records, the company M acabaya used to record for as Enrique M arcos

M arlon and Denise went up against competitors from Latvia, Ukraine, Bangladesh, Saudi Arabia,United Kingdom,Spain,Portugal,Germany,M alta,Georgia,Greece,Bulgaria,and Armenia It was a pleasant surprise to meet the representative of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Raymund Ruben,whose mother is from Leyte with a Saudi father

The Stars of the Albion Grand Prix International Singing Competition is organised by M usica Nova, the UK's International Academy of M usic, and the W orld Association of Performing Arts It aimsto bring together ?extraordinary,talented singers from across the world "

Philippines Wins Back-to-Back Victory in International Singing Tilt

FILIPINO singers M arlon M acabaya and Denise M elanie Du Lagrosa landed first and second place respectively in London?s prestigious Stars of Albion Grand Prix 2019,an international performing arts festival and competition that took place from 01-03 M arch

M acabaya?s win marks the Philippines?back- to- back victory in the said competition

Last year,Rachel Gabreza of the Organisasyon ng mga Pilipinong M ang-aawit (OPM ) was hailed as the Starsof Albion Grand Prix 2018 W inner

The two Philippine representatives who are part of the Euro Talent Festival beat 45 other singers,13 instrumentalists and 8 theatre and dance groups in the competition?s final round This year?s contestants come from 23 countries: United Kingdom, China, Russia, USA, Israel, M alta, Italy, Greece, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia,Republic of the Philippines,India,Bangladesh,Democratic Republic of Congo, Ghana, Bulgaria, Latvia, Ukraine, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Romania, Hungary, Republic of Belarus

M acabaya and Lagrosa are both seasoned performing artists in the Philippines M acabaya, who hails from M alaybalay,Bukidnon,was a former recording artist under the screen name,Enrique M arcos; while Lagrosa,who hails from Antipolo,Rizal,has variousperformancesunder her belt

?W e are very proud of M arlon?s and Denise?s achievement,? said Ambassador Antonio M Lagdameo ?By winning in this international competition,they have proven once more that Filipino talent is indeed world-class ?

About the Competition

Stars of the Albion is an annual event which brings together extraordinary talented musicians, dancers and artists from around the world The competition is organised and promoted by M usica Nova,the International Academy of M usic,a leading bilingual establishment in London to offer music education to children (from 4 years old) and adults from early start to advanced professional level It is held under the Patronage of the W orld Association of Performing Arts (W APA)

The competition consists of two rounds: Round 1is based on video recordings (DVD/YouTube) while Round 2 is open to the public and is held at concert venues in central London with the final Gala concert of winners and celebrity guests held at the prestigiousRudolf Steiner Theatre

24 MARCH 2019
Ambassador Antonio M Lagdameo receives Stars of A bion Grand Prix winner Marlon Macabaya (left) and second placer Denise Melan e Du Lagrosa (right) at the Embassy a day after Team Phil ppines? momentous victory was declared
Photo byStacy Garcia
25 MARCH 2019

H E Phi l i ppi n e Em bassy i n Lon don

Migrant Workers Center for UK OFWs Now Open T

r ecen tl y l aun ched the M i gr an t W or k er s an d Other Over seas Fi li pi n o W or k er s Resour ce Cen ter (M W OFRC) at Nor th Acton on 10 M ar ch i n the pr esen ce of var i ous r epr esen tati ves fr om Lon don ?s Fi l i pi n o com m un i ty.

Located right across the North Acton tube station, the M W OFRC will serve as a temporary shelter for distressed Filipinos in the United Kingdom (UK), particularly those who ran away from their abusive employers Apart from serving as a temporary shelter,the M W OFRC will also serve as a counselling center as well as a place where OFW s can avail of free skills training offered by the Philippine Overseas Labor Office ? Overseas W elfare W orkers Administration (POLO-OW W A).

?Upholding the rights and welfare of Filipinos in the UK and Ireland is one of the Embassy?s utmost priorities,?said Ambassador Antonio M . Lagdameo. ?The establishment of this resource center underscores how seriously we take our commitment to ensure the safety and security of all Filipinos under the Embassy?s jurisdiction ?

The M W OFRC is equipped with basic amenities and is managed by led by POLO- OW W A, which is led by Philippine Labor Attaché Amuerfina Reyes and POLO W elfare Officer M arie Consolacion M arquez

"The M igrant W orkers and Other Overseas Filipinos Resource Center will serve not only as a temporary refuge for migrant workers who may be in distress,but it will likewise be a center for their empowerment through skills enhancement programs, deepening of their understanding of their rights and obligations as workers, and engaging them in productive undertakings,among others," said Labor Attaché Reyes

Ambassador Antonio M Lagdameo and Labor Attaché Amuerfina Reyes lead the ribbon cutting ceremony to officially launch the Migrant Workers and Other Overseas Filipino Workers Resource Center (MWOFRC) in London The MWOFRC is fully equipped with the basic functional amenities to accommodate those seeking a shelter as well as those who wish to take advantage of the various free skills training modules offered by the Embassy. Labor Attaché Amuerfina Reyes and POLO Welfare Officer Connie Marquez take the lead in establishing London?s first Philippine MWOFRC. Photo by Stacy Garcia
27 MARCH 2019

Filipino filmmaker in London premiere J

HETT Tolentino,the Filipino producer who has won 3 Tony Awards and 1 Grammy for his Broadway productions, premiered his film,Life Is W hat You M ake It,in the recently concluded London International Film-makers Festival at Novotel London W est last 22nd of February An entry in the Short Documentary category,the autobiographical film waswritten, directed,and produced by Jhett and YesPhilippines was there to cover the event

From the UK,Jhett travelled to the Philippines for the southern leg of the national tour of the play he produced,M Butterfly

Global Filipino Radio broadcasts from London

GLOBAL Fi l i pi n o Radi o: K ur u-k ur o sa Esk i n i ta i s the l atest addi ti on to a ver y acti ve m edi a com m u n i ty cater i n g to Fi l i pi n os i n the Un i ted K i n gdom an d i n Eur ope Br oadcasti n g vi a a pod cast on Satur days usi n g Facebook Li vestr eam , i t has so far pr oduced 4 l i ve show s w atched by thousan ds of foll ow er s fr om ar oun d the w or l d

GFR is the platform for Filipinos worldwide who believe in freedom,democracy,justice,human rights,the Rule of Law and the value of Filipino lives to express themselves,to give and exchange opinons, to ask questions, to criticise the powers that be, to make suggestions, to raise complaints (sumbungan), to make people aware of issues, problems and challenges, and even to entertain and inform others M ore than this,it aims to restore pride and respect to Overseas Filipinos,who have been much beleaguered in the past 3 years by what has been happening to the Philippines and its impact on the country and its people in the worldwide arena

The current format of Global Filipino Radio is panel discussion or one to one interviews with ordinary Filipinos and those who are in politics,government, business,media,celebrities and those who make the news Perhaps one day when the mid-term elections are over,we could cover more regular topics of interest particularly to Overseas Filipinos, our main target audience, as well as their stakeholders in the Philippines

People are welcome to input whatever affects Filipinos back home and in overseas countries

The moderators of Global Filipino Radio will ensure that we remain respectful,decent and that we maintain acceptable standards of discussion and debate Hopefully,our values and behaviours are visible in the four podcasts we have successfully done

Of course as with any new ventures,there are things we learn everytime we go on air,and we hope that technological and production improvements will be a constant to ensure we reach our audience with the best audio and visuals possible

Global Filipino Radio podcasts are for anyone interested in Filipinos and the Philippines Kindly listen regularly,but please let us make it a 2way communication by leting us know what you think

Global Filipino Radio: Kuru-kuro sa Eskinita was founded by Gene Alcantara, M yra de Villa,Emy Angeles,Oliver Lausand Lino Lopez

28 MARCH 2019
Tony & Grammy Awardee Jhett Tolentino With friends at Romulo Cafe At the Hammersmith Novotel Hotel for the premiere GFR being a portable podcast held one session at a founder's house
Toadvertise PleasecontacttheAdvertisingDept 02081338336 yesphilnewsmaguk@gmail com
GFR with some supporters of the podcast

New Pinoy Eatery opens in Broadway Market Tooting

ALOT of Filipinos are passionate about food, we all love to eat M ore and more people are acknowledging the flavours that Philippine cuisine has to offer,and as a result more Filipino restaurants are opening up worldwide Not only more Jollibee?s,but now even fusion restaurants,and specialty restaurants that highlight Pinoy cuisine as well But let?s go back to the basics - the traditional Filipino eatery

Have you heard of the newest spot for Filipino food?It?s called Chef Jojo M analo Eatery!

Jojo M analo, a talented Chef from Sariaya, Quezon has finally made one of his dreams come true M analo, who works as the chef manager during match days for the famous Chelsea Football Club opened his own eatery in Tooting last January He was always interested in culinary and has been working in the industry here in the UK since 2011 His passion for food,especially Filipino pushed him to start his own business

You can find Chef Jojo M analo Eatery in Broadway M arket 1936,Unit 52,29 Tooting High Street,Tooting,London,SW 17 0RJ They are open everyday except Tuesdaysfrom 10am to 6pm

29 MARCH 2019 NANNIES & HOUSEKEEPERS URGENTLY REQUIRED 4 CharlotteSt , Fitzrovia, London W1T2LP Cont act : 0207 580 6551 or 0770 702 0115 www josephinerestaurant co uk 343 Kensington High Street London, W8 6NW Cont act : 020 3141 6390 FOOD DIRECTORY Th e Best Filip in o St r eet Food in Bat h , Som er set THE ISLAND, TERRACE WALK, BATH, BA1 1LN 07841649857 From January 15 to April 14 The Sun & 13 Cant ons 21 Great Pulteney Street Carnaby, London W1F9NG FILIPINO FILIPINO JAPANESE STREET FOOD / POP-UP THE ORIGINAL KAMAYAN LUTONGPINOYRESTAURANT 10 Kenw ay Road Ear s Court London SW5 0RR SINCE 1996 020 7244 0007 F24, Bang Bang Oriental Food Hall 399 EdgwareRoad London NW9 0FH 07903 925694

N the 23r d of Febr uar y, the Eur opean Netw or k of Fi l i pi n o Di aspor a Un i ted K i n gdom cel ebr ated i ts an n i ver sar y w i th a di n n er an d dan ce at the M i l l en n i um

Gl oucester H otel

ENFiD UK holds charity gala O

It was attended by members of the different UK Filipino community organisations, even from as far away as Swansea and Birmingham The guests of honour were Ambassador and M rs Antonio M Lagdameo and Consul General Senen M angalile and Yes Philippines was there to support the event with Sonny Laragan acting asthe emcee for the evening

As a registered charity,the event wasorganised to raise funds for the various projects of ENFiD UK here and in the Philippines The current Board of Trustees are: Christian Estrada, Chair; Ronald Sipat, Deputy Chair-Northern Ireland; M adelyn Richardson,Vice Chair-England; Leny Oanes Dadula,Vice Chair- W ales; Danilo Cantero, Vice Chair- Scotland; M ervic M onocillo, Secretary; Ronnie del Barrio, Public Relations; Janette Vicera,Treasurer; M athie Smith,Auditor; M aria Basford, Assistant Treasurer; Regin Dullas, Board M ember; Ricardo Gacayan, Board M ember; Glenn M apanao, Board M ember with Novomar Ramos, Edwin Dela Cruz, and Gene Alcantara asAdvisers

30 MARCH 2019
31 MARCH 2019


MARCH 8, 2019, a Fr i day

i n Lon don , an d w hatever day al l over the w or l d, com m un i ti es an d or gan i sati on s stood sti l l to pay hom age an d tr i butes to W OM EN

It is a special day for all women,a chance to self-congratulate with a vigorous pat at the back,or a smug high five Such an achievement has taken a long way of recognition all the way back to the early 20th century, February 28,1909,to be exact when it wascelebrated as National W omen's Day in New York by the Socialist Party of America It wasonly in 1975 that the United Nations adopted it,changed it to International W omen's Day Ever since then this could be a day to stage protestson women's rights such asthe right to vote,to end violence against women,equality for women,or a day to celebrate womanhood ,or both

FW A-UK celebrated International W omen's Day with a forum at Royal Thames Yacht Club,a prestigious setting in Knightsbridge,a stone's throw at the iconic Harrods facade On RSVPinvitations only,more than 62 ladies positively responded and filled the blue chairs in the spacious Paget Room,a podium in front and anewly commissioned FW A-UK banner explaining its visions and goals W omen,kababaihan, mujer,donna, femme,frau,in whatever language they are known when they come together there is always an indescribable hubbub But,this was actually delightful

M ost of them knew each other and hadn't seen each other for a time due to work and family commitments Some were so glad to have met new friends The happy interlude over coffee/tea and sandwichescontinued until the microphone crackled Carol Panday,the FW A-UK Secretary, designated asthe M aster of Ceremonies for the afternoon,announced the start of the forum with a prayer from Eleanor Templeman,the ViceChair The FW A UK Executive Board was called on a line-up,all looking up hopeful for new members!

The theme for the forum was W omen of Substance and Action,very appropriate for the afternoon as Carol presented inspirational women from the audience She called on Cynthia Barker, the first Filipina politician in the UK elected as Councillor,Dr Remy Reyes,the Global Pinoy awardee,Zanie del M undo,Atty Crystal Dias, Adelina Duenas,Cynthia Barker awardees of Filipina W omen?sNetwork (FW N) M ost Influential W omen all women of substance and everyone happened to be an FW A-UK member

A great hush descended when the Chair,Jeannette Thomson, was called and rose to welcome the ladies and a handful of brave gentlemen at the event She emphasised the reason for the FW A-UK?s theme ?W omen of Substance and Action,?to highlight the achievements of every woman in the room and as a collective organisation - FW A-UK have been around for 31years The Association?s scholarsand support a school programme in the Philippines are successful In the UK,itscharitable projects include supporting the senior citizensof the community, vulnerable individuals aswell as victims domestic violence The organisation continues to liaise with the Philippine Embassy and other UK charities to provide assistance to the disadvantaged individuals

Jeannette added that FW A-UK is collaborating with other Filipino organisationsre other charitable projects She also reiterated that the Association is not content and complacent,it continues to evolve and is moving with the changing times FW A-UK is raising itsprofile and is taking advantage of itsregistered charity status and working endlessly to acquire funding from the UK government FW A-UK is exploring all opportunities so that it will continue to thrive to its full potential

Jeannette then introduced the Resource Speaker, Consul Stacy Danika Alcantara,Third Secretary and Vice Consul of the Philippine Embassy in London She took usback to her childhood in Dumaguete and Cebu,her struggles as a family member and a student Young asshe wasshe talked with utmost candour and transfixed us with her determination to rise from every difficulty that she encountered

She stood out asan excellent human being,one worthy to emulate She acquainted the group with the cultural projects of the Embassy and hoped to meet more Filipino associationslike the FW A UK In appreciation and expression of gratitude Consul Stacy Danika Alcantara-Garcia was presented with an FW N book about accomplished and successful women,an antique bookmark to go with it,chocolates to munch while reading it and a flowering orchid plant to keep her company!

The afternoon ended with a question and answer phase,a few inspirational talks from future entrepreneurs in the audience,endless networking and of course more ?kodakan? And all the while, the afternoon was being recorded by ABS-CBN, The Filipino Channel (TFN) Once more we affirm our solidarity with our sisters to continue our fight for equality,and for social and economic reforms,'til the next International W omen's Day

32 MARCH 2019
Phot o By: St acy Danika Garcia IWD 2019 Aw ardees IWD 2019 Board FWA group Consul St acey Garcia speaking before t he group FWA giving a t oken of appreciat ion t o Consul St acy Garcia

LOSE to 30 overseas Filipino workers in London signed up for the Speech Development course offered by the Philippine Embassy in London through the Philippine Overseas Labor Office ? Overseas W orkers W elfare Administration (POLO- OW W A)

PH Embassy Launches Free Speech Development Course C

The first session took place on 16 February 2019 with Londonbased broadcast journalist Sonny Laragan as the group's mentor ABS-CBN Senior News Reporter Rose Eclarinal is expected to join the group in one of the sessions

According to Labor Attaché Amuerfina Reyes,the four-week programme aims to build the participants?sense of confidence when speaking in front of a crowd and to equip participants with important skills in interviewing sources M edia ethics is also an important topic that will be discussed throughout the module in order to promote the importance of responsible journalism

"There are several stories waiting to be told," said Ambassador Antonio M Lagdameo "But in order for these stories to become relevant,they must be told in an effective and responsible way"

POLO- OW W A continues to offer new modules in its free skills training programme, which has been running for the last nine years Last year, POLOOW W A conducted more than 30 skills trainings for close to 800 participants For more information on the latest course offerings, please contact POLOOW W A by email at polo london13@yahoo co uk or through Facebook,


1st Batch of OFWs Graduate in Embassy's Photography Course

AROUND 30 overseas Filipino workers in London successfully completed the free photography training offered by the Philippine Embassy through the Philippine Overseas Labor Office-Overseas W orkers W elfare Administration (POLO-OW W A) on 11February

The photography module is one of the newest free skills training modules offered this year aimed at empowering OFW s to learn new skills that can possibly lead to a profitable business or startup

"Photography isn't just a hobby but a career," said Ambassador Antonio M Lagdameo who delivered a brief message during the group exhibit "W hile talent and a keen eye for art are important, it is also a skill that can be learned and developed W e hope that those who finished this course will find new possibilities in the new skill they have learned "

Professional London- based photographer Elijah Villanueva mentored the participants during the training and played a key role in conceptualising and mount-

ing the exhibit

The exhibit, "Imagine," challenged the participants to view the community they currently live in with fresh eyes

?W e aim in this course is to bring out the artistic talent ng mga kababayan natin as a way of expressing themselves, and also as a way of sharing their lives as overseasFilipino workers here in the United Kingdom,?said Villanueva

According to PayScale com, photographers in the UK earn an average of GBP 21,000 to GBP 34,000 (around Php 1,400,000 to Php 2,300,000) per year, based on an average hourly rate of GBP 10 33 (around Php 700)

POLO-OW W A continues to offer new modules in its free skills training programme, which has been running for the last nine years Last year, POLO- OW W A conducted more than 30 skills trainings for close to 800 participants For more information on the latest course offerings, please contact POLO- OW W A by email at polo london13@yahoo co uk or through Facebook, @POLOOW W ALondon

Broadcast journalist SonnyLaragan sharespractical tipsto the participantson improvingone?s speakingvoice Photo courtesyof POLO-OWWA Thefirst batch of photographystudentsgraduated on 11 Februaryfrom thethree-weekend basicphotographymoduleunder the PhilippineEmbassy?sfreeskillstrainingprogramme Photo byMikki Macabangon

Fil-Briton from Wembley wins Lightweight bout, undefeated in 8 pro fights

Last 9 March 2019, Youssef ?Super ? Khoum ari w on 60-54 against Alexandrs Birkenbergs In an int ense fight at York Hall in Bet hnal Green, Khoum ari rem ained undefeat ed

Current ly he has zero losses in all of his 8 fight s in t he professional career in t he light w eight division

Khoum ari is Filipino-Brit ish and his m ot her is from Sison, Pangasinan Aft er being inspired by t he Morales-Pacquiao m at ch w hen he w as around 8 or 9 years old Khoum ari st art ed boxing He t urned professional at t he young age of 21, and fought in his first pro m at ch last 9 Sept em ber 2017

34 MARCH 2019
Youssef Khoumari (left) wins every round in his recent fight with Alexandrs Birkenbergs (right) at the York Hall in Bethnal Green
Photo by Errol Jarrett
35 CLASSIFIED Products & Services NANNIES & HOUSEKEEPERS URGENTLY REQUIRED Live-in and daily posit ions available, full-t ime or part -t ime Please call 07886779506 or email july@llamasempserv com t o apply, HELP WANTED DENTAL SERVICES To advertise please contact the Advertsing Dept on 0208 133 8668 advertising@yesphilnewsmag com PINOY STORES 82 QueenswayDental Practice, London, W2 3RL Telephone: 020 7229 6248 Mobile: 0 7752 163159 w w w queensw aydent alpract ice com ORIENTA L PINOY SHOP Wilt on Market , Erdingt on High St reet Sut t on New Road, Erdingt on Birm ingham B23 6RP POP-UP RESTAURANT 07535 554 121 Monday t o Sat urday - 9:00 t o 17:00 Sunday - Closed January 15 to April 14 SARAP Filipino BBQ & Lechon @ The Sun & 13 Cant ons 21 Great Pult eney St , Carnaby London W1F 9NG SEND US NEWS OF YOUR COMMUNITY EVENTS & ACTIVITIES We welcome details of your stories, including success, awards, appointments and events Send your items by mail to : info@yesphilnewsmag com ANNOUNCEMENTS Georgia's 482 Elsw ick Road Elsw ick New cast le upon Tyne NE4 8ED Filipino & Oriental Food Supply MARCH 2019

Benguet Volleyball Club Spikes with a Heart

TH E Ben guet Vol l eybal l Cl ub hel d a r em ar k abl y tr i um phan t Vol l eybal l tour n am en t on the 23r d of Febr uar y, 2019 at the Lon don Nauti cal School i n W ater l oo

Like their previous day tournament in October 2018, the tournament meant to benefit the less fortunate, for example, the victims of natural catastrophes that devastate parts of the Philippines

There is a drive that brings the team together and inspires them not only to deliver their mighty strong spikes for love of their sport,but also to envision a cause that is closest to their heart- to make the lives of their kababayans somehow better with their love of volleyball

For the team, their first full venture into charity league was when their home province of Benguet was ravaged by the wrath of the killer super typhoon Ompong in the historic gold mining town of Itogon,Benguet Philippines in September 2018 The team raised over £1000 and donated the whole amount to the towns affected and it benefitted families that lost footpaths, lost family members and lost their livelihood And inspired by the success of their first charity league ,the Benguet Volleyball Club organized their second One Day League for future endeavours

On the 23rd of February,six teams participated in the event Composing of Filipinos from north to south who share the same passion for the sport The teams were:

1 Reading Bashers - the Champions! Their on point defence and offence has led them to victory M VP Carla Rica has shown tremendous performance during the league The best in service Celine Cabalce has tallied a total of 19 aces from elimination to finals round Also, 2 other members Geraldine and Joan were part of the M ythical Six

2 Zambasulta - 1st runner ups They displayed a strong fighting spirit and a ?never say die?attitude

The veteran spiker Ethel, one of their backbones and Icelle all the way from Birmingham just to play volleyball marched their way into the M ythical 6

3 D?M overs - 2nd runner ups Teamwork was their key The ball distribution of Charity Dangle, the setter was superb which caught the referee?s nod as the best setter of the league Florence Jimenez joined the mythical 6 too

4 London Phoenix - 3rd runners ups Another combative and a veteran team who supports other squad?s events Their spiker Divine completed the M ythical 6

5 London Pride Strikers - 4th runners ups A passionate team on and off the court They also organise charity volleyball and leagues

6 Eagle Stone Ladies - Sportsmanship Award

Knowing their opponent?s ability did not hinder them from playing their ace game They even grabbed the opportunity to improve and most all enjoyed the tourney

It is always an awesome and heart fulfilling to witness a Filipino Community in a foreign land coming together in unity and collaboration through sports It does not only strengthen the camaraderie but somehow eases the homesickness of our other kababayans

To quote Averil Pooten W atan from Pooten Forwarding International, Benguet Team?s sponsor, ?continue to support and empower each other with your achievements ?

The Benguet Volleyball Club is a registered group in England Volleyball It is managed by their Advisor Grisham Carame who manned the stats in the concluded league Spearheading the team is their captain Dhen Su

They would like to thank everyone who supported them especially the sponsors: Pooten Forwarding International and Charity Dangle Shout out of appreciation to the competent and experienced referee M r M el M edenilla To all the participating teams,to the wild crowd and to all who helped in a way for the success of the event

It can also be noted that in November,the Benguet Volleyball Club supported the Spike for a Cause of the LPS Team and even suggested that the victims of typhoon Rosita in M t Province, Philippines as one of their beneficiaries Proving once more that this team is serious,not only about their game, but also about their charity works, making them the Volleyball team with the Heart

M ay the spirit of ?BAYANIHAN? be always alive wherever we Filipinos are

36 MARCH 2019
The Champions - Reading Bashers MVP - Carla Best Server - Celine
Continued on to next page
D' Movers Team London Phoenix London Pride Strikers Zambasulta Eagle Stone Ladies Mythical Six Benguet Volleyball Club Participating Teams and Organisers

Team PhilGB - newest golf club from the UK & Europe joins the 72nd PAL Interclub Golf Tournament

TEAM PhilGB,also known as London Filipino Golf Society,participated in the recent 72nd Philippine Airlines Interclub Golf Tournament dubbed To the Fore in the M en's Division,held at Cebu Country Club and M actan Island Golf Club last M arch 3-9 2019

The team members were : Chester Lomotos (Team Captain)

Rj Saura

Bambi Castro M oy Perez

Shridhar Kumar

Joseph Timbol

Junefer Llena

Kenneth Cue

Boyet M angana

Boyet Dumaan

PAL interclub golf tournament is the oldest amateur golf event in Asia, participated in by different amateur golf clubs around the world with more than 1,000 golfersand 173 teams It is sponsored and organised by Philippine Airlines

Team PhilGB is the newest golf club member the tournament and the first team from Europe and the UK

PAL Interclub: A Philippine Golfing Tradition

Foun ded 71year s ago, the Phi l i ppi n e Ai r l i n es In ter cl ub i s the coun tr y's ol dest, l ar gest an d m ost pr esti gi ous gol f team com peti ti on - w i del y ack n ow l edged as the n ati on al cl ubs cham pi on shi p of the Phi l i ppi n es

The PAL In ter cl ub's statur e der i ves fr om tw o factor s : the hi gh l evel of com peti on - i t i s a show case for the coun tr y's best gol fi n g tal en t - an d the str on g team spi r i t an d fel l ow shi p am on g i ts pl ayer s

Fr om the star t, the PAL In ter cl ub has been about gather i n g gol f afi ci on ados fr om acr oss the coun tr y an d over seas for an an n ual r eun i on , w her e they coul d r en ew ol d fr i en dshi ps an d gai n n ew on es Par ti ci pan ts r etur n year after year , n ot so m uch as to w i n the cham pi on shi p - though that i s a pr i n ci pal goal - but to bask i n the w ar m th of fel l ow shi p an d tr adi ti on

Ther e ar e n o gr an d pr i zes i n the PAL In ter cl ub Ther e i s on l y the k n ow l edge an d hon or that on e has com peted w i th som e of the best gol fer s i n the l an d Thi s, pl us the r em ar k abl e cam ar ader i e am on g i ts pl ayer s an d i ts hal l ow ed hi stor y of over 50 year s, has i m bued the PAL In ter cl ub w i th a un i que char acter an d m ade i t an en dur i n g i n sti tuti on of Phi l i ppi n e gol f

Today,the tour n am en t l ook s ahead to i ts cen ten n i al edi ti on w i th cer ti tude of a season ed gol f pr ofessi on al , pr oud of i ts past an d con fi den t of i ts futur e

ISSUE 6 40

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