Tir Coed Newsletter

Page 7

Engagement Gateway Powys Bolbro Woods, Abermule, Newtown - February to April 2012

Lead: Support: Taster sessions: Sessions: No. volunteer days: No. volunteer hours: Total no. volunteers No. current volunteers:

Colin Titley Carol Thomas 4 10 14 613 11 6

The weather has been challenging but the young people have braved the sessions. All the participants are enjoying the experience, are working well and engaging with the project.

We have had good support from a number of local partnerships, including Careers Wales, Powys Training, Newtown Probation Office, Newtown 16+ Team and Newtown Youth Intervention.

In addition to the project days, one young person is now volunteering for Montgomeryshire Wildlife Trust for one day per week.

One of the young people from the previous Powys Engagement Gateway group has been volunteering with Colin Titley (the Tutor) throughout the Winter and is now supporting the current group as a peer mentor. It is great to see him give advice and share his experiences with the young people of this new group. He will be taking up a place at Newport University in Autumn this year to study Creative Music—hopefully his woodland experience will influence his music! Accreditation Level


Sustainable Woodland Management 2: Introduction to Woodland Management


In progress

Construct Ancillary Structures to Access Routes


In progress

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