Creu'r cysylltiadaucymru cylchlythyr rhag 13 c&e

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Creu’r Cysylltiadau Rhifyn 3 o 8

Yn y rhifyn hwn:

Rhagfyr 2013

Comisiynydd y Gymraeg a’r trydydd sector Creu'r Cysylltiadau


Bwrdd Gwasanaethau Lleol


Mae Gweinidogion Cymru wrthi’n drafftio’r safonau, ac mae disgwyl i’r rhain fod ar waith erbyn diwedd 2014. Yn raddol dros y blynyddoedd nesaf bydd y safonau hyn yn cymryd lle cynlluniau iaith statudol.



Sut fydd y safonau yn effeithio ar y trydydd sector? Mae Comisiynydd y Gymraeg yn cydnabod rôl y trydydd sector yn hyrwyddo ac yn hwyluso’r Gymraeg. Yn aml, mae mudiadau’r trydydd sector yn gweithio’n uniongyrchol gyda’r cyhoedd felly mae’n hanfodol bwysig eu bod yn cynnig gwasanaethau dwyieithog er mwyn cyfathrebu’n effeithiol â’r cyhoedd.

Gweithdai a Hyfforddiant






Cymunedau yn Gyntaf


Gweithio mewn 9 Partneriaeth Cyswllt


Mae llawer wedi bod yn holi beth fydd effeithiau posib Mesur y Gymraeg (Cymru) 2011 ar y trydydd sector yng Nghymru.

Mae rhai mudiadau trydydd sector yn cael eu henwi yn y Mesur fel cyrff a fydd yn gorfod cydymffurfio â’r safonau. Bydd rhaid i fudiadau trydydd sector eraill gydymffurfio oherwydd eu bod yn cael dros £400,000 o arian cyhoeddus, neu os ydynt yn gweithredu ar ran mudiad arall sy’n gorfod cydymffurfio â’r safonau. Yn draddodiadol, mae mudiadau’r trydydd sector yn arloesol wrth adnabod anghenion defnyddwyr eu gwasanaethau ac wrth weithredu’n gynhwysol. Mae llawer o fudiadau’r trydydd sector yn gweithredu’n ddwyieithog er nad oes dim pwysau deddfwriaethol arnynt i wneud hynny. Maent yn deall bod yna nifer o fanteision o gynnig gwasanaethau dwyieithog.   

Mae’n cyd-fynd â’u hunaniaeth genedlaethol Mae’n arfer da Mae arnynt eisiau darparu gwasanaeth Cymraeg er mwyn parchu dewis iaith y defnyddiwr

Wrth i fwy o siaradwyr Cymraeg deimlo’n hyderus wrth ofyn am wasanaethau Cymraeg, bydd mwy o bwysau ar fudiadau i ddarparu gwasanaethau dwyieithog. Mae Comisiynydd y Gymraeg yn bwriadu hyrwyddo defnydd gwirfoddol y trydydd sector o’r Gymraeg ac annog siaradwyr Cymraeg i ddefnyddio’r gwasanaethau hynny. Bydd angen i’r Comisiynydd gynnal dadansoddiad bylchau er mwyn sicrhau dealltwriaeth well o unrhyw gymorth y gall fod ar y sector ei angen. Mae Comisiynydd y Gymraeg yn awyddus i weithio mewn partneriaeth er mwyn osgoi dyblygu gwaith mewn hinsawdd economaidd anodd. Bydd y Comisiynydd hefyd yn hyfforddi mudiadau i’w paratoi at y newid yn y ddeddfwriaeth. Mae uned trydydd sector y Comisiynydd wrthi’n paratoi cynllun gwaith a fydd yn dangos y ffordd y mae Comisiynydd y Gymraeg yn bwriadu gweithio gyda’r trydydd sector yng Nghymru 2013- 2015. Mae’r Comisiynydd yn awyddus i gael ymatebion i’r cynllun gwaith, a bydd yn hysbysebu’r ffordd o ddweud eich dweud ar ei gynnwys yn un o rifynnau Rhwydwaith i ddod.

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Creu’r Cysylltiadau

Creu'r Cysylltiadau Nod prosiect Creu’r Cysylltiadau yw cynorthwyo i gyflawni’r Cynllun Integredig Sengl drwy gryfhau gallu mudiadau’r trydydd sector i gyfrannu’n effeithiol at ddylunio, datblygu a darparu gwasanaethau cyhoeddus. A ydych yn fudiad yn y Trydydd Sector sy’n darparu gwasanaethau cyhoeddus? Neu a hoffech chwarae mwy o ran yn darparu gwasanaethau cyhoeddus? Os felly, a fyddech cystal â threulio munud neu ddau’n llenwi’r holiadur hwn? Cliciwch yma Hefyd bydd yr arolwg Dadansoddiad o Anghenion Hyfforddi a Chefnogi yn cynorthwyo’r Swyddog Creu’r Cysylltiadau a swyddogion eraill yn eich Cyngor Gwirfoddol Sirol i ddarparu’r cymorth cywir i’ch mudiad i’ch galluogi i chwarae mwy o ran yn dylunio gwasanaethau cyhoeddus. I lenwi’r arolwg Dadansoddiad o Anghenion Hyfforddi a Chefnogi, Cliciwch yma

Bwrdd Gwasanaethau Lleol Conwy a Sir Ddinbych - Cynhwysiant Ariannol Mae Cynhwysiant Ariannol Gyda’n Gilydd yn brosiect gan y bwrdd gwasanaethau lleol a gefnogir gan Gronfa Gymdeithasol Ewrop drwy Lywodraeth Cymru. Nod Cynhwysiant Ariannol Gyda’n Gilydd yw datblygu gwaith partneriaeth a gwella mynediad pobl at y gwasanaethau ariannol, cyngor a chefnogaeth y mae arnynt eu hangen, gan leihau tlodi yn y pen draw. Dyma amcanion y prosiect:  gwella’r cydlynu a’r cydweithio strategol rhwng gwasanaethau ar draws siroedd Conwy a Dinbych  sicrhau bod cynhwysiant ariannol yn cael ei integreiddio a’i gynnwys wrth ddarparu gwasanaethau i fudiadau perthnasol yn y sector cyhoeddus, y sector preifat a’r trydydd sector  gwella mynediad at wasanaethau gwybodaeth a chyngor am gynhwysiant ariannol a fydd yn sicrhau bod pobl yn siroedd Conwy a Dinbych yn cael eu grymuso i reoli dyfodol economaidd heriol. Mae Swyddogion Creu’r Cysylltiadau yn falch o fod yn rhan o’r prosiect gwerth chweil hwn ac o fod yn bresennol wrth iddo gael ei lansio’n swyddogol ar 26 Medi. Roedd yr achlysur yn nodi cyhoeddiad Adroddiad Cychwynnol y prosiect a lansiad y Rhaglen beilot Codi Ymwybyddiaeth. Roedd y Gweinidog Cymunedau a Threchu Tlodi, Jeff Cuthbert AC, yn bresennol yn ystod y bore a dywedodd yn ei araith ‘Mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi ymrwymo i weithredu i fanteisio pobl sy’n profi tlodi neu sydd mewn perygl o dlodi. Dyna pam mae mor braf gweld y gwaith sy’n cael ei wneud i sicrhau bod cynhwysiant ariannol yn cael ei gynnwys wrth ddarparu gwasanaethau i sefydliadau’r sector cyhoeddus, y sector preifat a’r trydydd sector’. Andrew Bowden yw Cadeirydd y Cyd-fwrdd Gwasanaethau Lleol, Prif Weithredwr Cartrefi Conwy ac mae’n Aelod o Fwrdd y Prosiect, ac meddai ef ’Erbyn Rhagfyr 2014 gobeithir y bydd gan Fwrdd Gwasanaethau Lleol Conwy a Sir Ddinbych ei ddull integredig ei hun ar gyfer cynhwysiant ariannol a thystiolaeth gref o’r ffordd y mae model o’r fath wir yn addas i leihau tlodi a gwella bywydau pobl yn siroedd Conwy a Dinbych’. Mae pwyslais y prosiect yn cael ei roi ar waith mewn partneriaeth rhwng mudiadau’r trydydd sector a’r sector cyhoeddus, meithrin gallu a gweithio gyda gwasanaethau sydd eisoes yn bod er mwyn sicrhau atgyfeirio ac arwyddbostio effeithiol. Wrth i’r prosiect symud i’r cam cyflawni, roedd y lansiad yn gyfle ardderchog i gydnabod y cyfraniadau gwerthfawr gan y mudiadau sy’n bartneriaid a’r rhanddeiliaid hyd yma.

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Cydgynhyrchu ‘Cydgynhyrchu’? Chwyldroadol ynteu dim ond gair ffasiynol arall? Pam mae dull cydgynhyrchu yn bwysig i ni gyd. Mae anghenion pobl a chymunedau yn cael eu diwallu orau pan maent yn cael eu gwerthfawrogi, pan wrandewir arnynt a phan maent yn cael eu cynnwys wrth i wasanaethau gael eu cynllunio a’u darparu yn eu cymunedau. Mae ‘cydgynhyrchu’ yn fwy na gair ffasiynol arall am ‘weithio gyda’n gilydd’, mae’n chwyldroadol mewn sawl ffordd gan ei fod yn golygu mwy o gydraddoldeb rhwng gweithwyr proffesiynol a dinasyddion. Y newyddion da yw bod llwyth o enghreifftiau arbennig o unigolion, teuluoedd a chymunedau yn cynorthwyo i lunio gwasanaethau cyhoeddus gwell gan gynnwys gwasanaethau i deuluoedd agored i niwed, pobl ifanc a phobl â dementia. Yr her i ni gyd yw lledaenu’r math hwn o ymarfer da. Mae mudiad cydgynhyrchu yn magu momentwm yng Nghymru gyda Gweinidogion allweddol yn hyrwyddo gwerth democrateiddio gwasanaethau. Rydym am sicrhau bod RhCT yn adeiladu ar ei hanes toreithiog o gydymddibyniaeth a chydweithredu i fod yn rhan ohono. Pan fydd pobl a chymunedau yn cael eu cydnabod yn ehangach fel rhan o’r ateb, bydd cyfoeth o botensial cudd yn cael ei ryddhau. Rydym yn gwybod hyn gan fod rhai cymunedau yn RhCT eisoes wedi cydgynhyrchu er mwyn lleihau troseddu, gwella canlyniadau addysgol a gwella eu hamgylchedd lleol. Yn ogystal â lledaenu ymarfer da, rydym yn sefydlu cyfres o brosiectau ymchwil weithredol cyffrous gyda phrifysgolion a darparwyr gwasanaethau lleol. Bydd y prosiect yn ymchwilio i ffyrdd o’i gwneud yn haws i wasanaethau cyhoeddus brif-ffrydio cydweithio a chydgynhyrchu. Wrth i sefyllfa o’r fath gael ei chreu, bydd canlyniadau cymdeithasol positif yn datblygu’n gyflym. A yw’ch mudiad, neu’r mudiadau rydych yn gwybod amdanynt, yn cydgynhyrchu? I ba raddau y mae defnyddwyr eich gwasanaethau/aelodau o’r gymuned yn cael eu gwerthfawrogi o ddifrif fel asedau (ac NID yn dreth ar adnoddau)?  Pa mor dda ydych chi’n adnabod defnyddwyr eich gwasanaethau, eu sgiliau a’u diddordebau y gall fod arnynt eisiau eu defnyddio i sicrhau buddion personol a chymdeithasol?  I ba raddau ydych yn dylunio ac yn darparu gwasanaethau gydag aelodau o’r gymuned / darparwyr gwasanaethau?  A oes gennych berthynas ‘rhoi a chymryd’ â defnyddwyr eich gwasanaethau a darparwyr? Sut ydych yn diolch i bobl am eu hamser / cyfraniad?  I ba raddau ydych yn cefnogi rhwydweithiau cefnogi cymheiriaid i ddefnyddwyr gwasanaethau / aelodau o’r gymuned rannu gwybodaeth a sgiliau â’i gilydd?  I ba raddau mae’ch mudiad yn dymchwel y rhwystrau rhwng gweithwyr proffesiynol a defnyddwyr gwasanaethau / aelodau o’r gymuned? A oes gan eich mudiad brofiad o hyn? Os felly, hoffem glywed gennych! Cysylltwch â Jenny 01443 846200 / Gweld astudiaeth achos ar gydgynhyrchu.  

Tudalen 4

Creu’r Cysylltiadau

Gweithdai a Hyfforddiant Gweithdy Ymgyrchu Cafodd bob Cyngor Gwirfoddol Sirol yng Nghymru y cyfle i weithio gyda’r elusen ymgyrchu, Sefydliad Sheila McKechnie gyda chymorth Ymddiriedolaeth Tudor, i gynnal gweithdy o’r enw ‘Cyflwyniad i strategaeth a chynllun ymgyrchu’. Roedd swyddogion Creu’r Cysylltiadau Conwy a Sir Ddinbych wrth eu boddau â’r cyfle i arwain y gweithdy hynod ddiddorol hwn a oedd yn llawn gwybodaeth. Daeth pymtheg o fudiadau draw i ddysgu mwy a chawsant y cyfle i edrych ar ffyrdd gwahanol o ymgyrchu, sut i roi strategaeth yn ei lle, ymarfer gwneud cyflwyniad i ennill cefnogaeth i’ch ymgyrch a sut i mobileiddio eu hunain i ‘ysgogi newid neu atal newid’. Yna rhoddodd Harmit Kambo, a oedd yn hwyluso’r gweithdy o Sefydliad Sheila McKechnie, dasg i dimau bach wedi’i seilio ar astudiaeth achos, i ddatblygu strategaeth sylfaenol, gan benderfynu ar brif nod yr ymgyrch, pwy fydd y gynulleidfa darged i wneud i’r newid ddigwydd a chytuno ar yr ystod o dactegau y byddent yn eu defnyddio i sicrhau llwyddiant. Yn y prynhawn, cafwyd panel arbenigwyr, a oedd yn cynnwys Ann Jones AC a’r newyddiadurwraig Clare Savage, a roddodd eu barn ar y pwnc ac yna ateb cwestiynau gan gyfranogwyr gan roi’r cyfle iddynt ystyried ymhellach sut i ddefnyddio systemau gwleidyddol a’r cyfryngau i gryfhau eu strategaeth ymgyrchu. Cafodd y gweithdy groeso da iawn. Yn ôl adborth cyfranogwyr, roeddynt yn teimlo eu bod wedi’u hysgogi i ymgyrchu ac yn deall sut i wneud hynny yn effeithiol.

Creu’r Cysylltiadau’n troi’r trydydd sector yn wyrdd yng Nghonwy a Sir Ddinbych! Ar 3 Hydref cynhaliwyd cwrs hyfforddi ar systemau rheoli amgylcheddol yn y Ganolfan Cyn-filwyr Dall ar y cyd rhwng Swyddogion Prosiect Creu’r Cysylltiadau yng Nghonwy a Sir Ddinbych a Busnes Cymru. Mae systemau a pholisïau rheoli amgylcheddol yn allweddol i fudiadau’r trydydd sector maent yn ofynnol nid yn unig fel rhan o’r broses dendro ond hefyd yn arbed arian i fudiadau drwy leihau faint o ynni maent yn ei ddefnyddio, lleihau gwastraff adnoddau ac, wrth gwrs, lleihau effaith y mudiad ar yr amgylchedd. Yn ogystal â darganfod bod ar Gymru angen ‘3 planed’ i gynnal ein defnydd o ynni ar hyn o bryd, edrychodd y grŵp hefyd ar beth ellir ei wneud i reoli eu heffeithiau amgylcheddol yn lleol. Rhoddwyd amlinelliad o bolisi i gyfranogwyr weithio arno a llyfr gwaith asesu i ganfod ble y gellid cael yr effaith fwyaf, yn amgylcheddol ac yn ariannol. Ar ôl yr hyfforddiant, dywedodd cyfranogwyr fod ganddynt ddealltwriaeth well o systemau rheoli amgylcheddol a mwy o hyder i weithredu polisïau a systemau amgylcheddol. Bydd y tîm nawr yn cynorthwyo’r grwpiau trydydd sector hyn i weithredu eu Systemau Rheoli Amgylcheddol.

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Hyfforddiant Ymgysylltu â’r Cyhoedd “Mecanwaith syml y gellir ei roi ar waith wrth ymgysylltu â’r cyhoedd” Cynhaliodd Cymdeithasau Gwasanaethau Gwirfoddol Sir Gâr, Sir Benfro a Cheredigion hyfforddiant ar y cyd gyda Chyfranogaeth Cymru ar 14 Tachwedd yn Hermon, Sir Benfro. Roedd yr hyfforddiant yn annog cyfranogwyr i edrych ar y 10 Egwyddor Genedlaethol i Ymgysylltu â’r Cyhoedd a’r Pecyn Cymorth Gwerthuso. Roedd yr adborth o’r cwrs yn bositif iawn:  Syniadau diddorol y gellir eu defnyddio yn fy ngwaith  Cyfuniad da o wybodaeth a chyfranogi Roedd y cyfranogwyr yn bwriadu defnyddio’r hyn roeddynt wedi’i ddysgu yn eu mudiadau:  Argymell egwyddorion ac arferion ymgysylltu  Am drafod y potensial i ddefnyddio’r pecyn cymorth i brosiect newydd I weld rhestr o’r mudiadau sydd wedi cymeradwyo’r Egwyddorion Cenedlaethol ar gyfer Ymgysylltu â’r Cyhoedd, cliciwch yma.

Ymgynghoriadau: Rhaglen De Cymru Yn ystod Gorffennaf 2013 bu’r Swyddog Creu’r Cysylltiadau ym Mhen-y-bont ar Ogwr yn gweithio gyda chydweithwyr i drefnu nifer o ddiwrnodau i gefnogi’r ymgynghoriad cyhoeddus ar gyfer rhaglen De Cymru. Roedd chwe Bwrdd Iechyd yn rhan o Raglen De Cymru gan adolygu’r ffordd y mae rhai gwasanaethau ysbyty yn cael eu darparu ledled y De. Roedd hyn yn cynnwys dyfodol gofal mamolaeth a newyddanedig dan arweiniad meddyg ymgynghorol, gwasanaethau plant mewn ysbytai a meddygaeth frys. Gallai’r newidiadau arfaethedig fod wedi effeithio ar y gwasanaethau a gynigir ar hyn o bryd yn Ysbyty Tywysoges Cymru, Pen-y-bont. Ochr yn ochr â digwyddiadau a drefnodd Bwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Abertawe Bro Morgannwg, trefnodd Cymdeithas Mudiadau Gwirfoddol Pen-y-bont ddiwrnodau ymgynghori gan gynnwys fforymau, grwpiau cymunedol, archfarchnadoedd, gwyliau, canolfannau cymunedol, caffis a chawsant eu hategu gan ddefnydd o’r cyfryngau cymdeithasol er mwyn ceisio cyrraedd cynifer o ddinasyddion lleol â phosib a chodi ymwybyddiaeth o’r newidiadau posib. Llwyddodd y swyddog Creu’r Cysylltiadau i ennill cefnogaeth gwirfoddolwyr lleol, mudiadau, grwpiau a staff yn yr ysbyty i gefnogi’r ymgyrch ymwybyddiaeth. Cafwyd ymateb rhagorol i’r ymgynghoriad gan gael dros 61,000 o ymatebion o Dde Cymru gyfan. Roedd gan y mwyafrif o bobl ddealltwriaeth ac yn ymddangos eu bod yn cefnogi’r newidiadau wrth i’r mwyafrif ddewis y model 5 ysbyty, ond roedd gwahaniaeth barn o ran ym mha 5 ysbyty y dylai’r gwasanaethau aros. Mae Cymdeithas Mudiadau Gwirfoddol Pen-y-bont wedi cael ei chanmol am ei harbenigedd ar ymgysylltu a’r cymorth a roddodd i’r broses ymgynghori o fewn Bwrdd Iechyd Abertawe Bro Morgannwg ac ar lefel y Bwrdd Gwasanaethau Lleol. Oherwydd natur a nifer yr ymatebion, mae ychydig o oedi wedi bod wrth benderfynu, ond mae disgwyl y canlyniad yn fuan iawn. I gael gwybodaeth am yr ymgynghoriad hwn neu weld yr adborth a roddwyd, ewch i:

Tudalen 6

Creu’r Cysylltiadau

Mike y Marchog yn “Creu’r Cysylltiad” Dros y misoedd diwethaf mae Geraint Jones, sef Swyddog Cymorth y Bwrdd Gwasanaethau Lleol sydd wedi’i leoli yng Nghymdeithas Mudiadau Gwirfoddol Gwent a’i ariannu gan brosiect Creu’r Cysylltiadau, wedi bod yn gweithio’n agos gyda’r Rhwydwaith Rhieni. Mudiad trydydd sector yw’r Rhwydwaith hwn sydd ar waith ledled Bwrdeistref Caerffili. Sefydlwyd y Rhwydwaith Rhieni yn 2000 yn sgil ymgynghoriad a gynhaliwyd gan rieni ar gyfer rhieni. Mae dros 500 o rieni a gofalwyr yn aelodau o’r Rhwydwaith sy’n rhoi cyfle unigryw i rieni gael llais yn y ffordd o gynllunio a darparu gwasanaethau sy’n effeithio arnynt a’u teuluoedd. Cynigiodd y Swyddog Creu’r Cysylltiadau gymorth i’r Rhwydwaith yn wreiddiol i sicrhau bod y mudiad a’i aelodau yn rhan o’r ymgynghoriad ar gyfer y Cynllun Integredig Sengl. Ers hynny mae Geraint wedi cynghori’r mudiad ar sicrhau cynrychiolaeth ar Bwyllgor Cyswllt y Sector Gwirfoddol ac Is-grŵp y Byrddau Gwasanaethau Lleol - sy’n cydlynu Ymgysylltiad â Dinasyddion. Bu i’r Rhwydwaith fabwysiadu’r Egwyddorion Cenedlaethol ar gyfer Ymgysylltu a chafodd ei gontractio gan Gynllun Plant a Phobl Ifanc Caerffili i ddatblygu “Pecyn Cymorth Cyfranogaeth Rhieni” at ddefnydd mudiadau wrth ymgysylltu â rhieni/gofalwyr. Defnyddiodd y Rhwydwaith yr Egwyddorion Cenedlaethol ar gyfer Ymgysylltu fel craidd y ddogfen hon. Bwriedir i’r ddogfen gael ei defnyddio ar ei phen ei hun neu ochr yn ochr â’r pecyn cymorth cyfranogaeth plant a phobl ifanc a ddatblygodd Fforwm Ieuenctid Caerffili. Gobeithir y bydd Cyfranogaeth Cymru yn cydnabod y ddogfen hon ac y bydd y Rhwydwaith yn gallu rhoi cymorth ymgynghorol i gyrff sydd am ei defnyddio. “ Drwy weithio gyda’r Swyddog Creu’r Cysylltiadau, roeddwn yn gallu deall yn well y rôl a’r prosesau y gall llais y rhieni gyfrannu atynt. Diolch yn fawr am eich cymorth gyda hyn.” – Michelle Jones Rheolwr Prosiect Bydd y Rhwydwaith Rhieni yn “Astudiaeth Achos Byw” yn yr hyfforddiant sydd ar ddod ar yr Egwyddorion Cenedlaethol ar gyfer Ymgysylltu a gynhelir yn Hafodyrynys ddydd Mercher 13 Tachwedd 2013.

Ar beth mae Mike yn edrych? Atebion yn y post

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Cydweithio Rhanbarthol Cydweithio i Ddarparu Gwasanaethau: Daeth Jeff Cuthbert AC, y Gweinidog Cymunedau a Threchu Tlodi, i siarad â chynulleidfa fawr yng Nghanolfan Halliwell yng Nghaerfyrddin, ar gyfer agoriad fforwm ar Gydweithio i Ddarparu Gwasanaethau. Siaradodd am y Bil Cenedlaethau’r Dyfodol, yr angen i gymunedau fod yn y canol, nawr ac yn y dyfodol, a’r angen i greu swyddi, galluogi twf a mynd i’r afael â thlodi a chynaliadwyedd. Roedd uwch aelodau o Fwrdd Iechyd Hywel Dda yn bresennol ynghyd â Phrif Swyddogion Gweithredol Cynghorau Gwirfoddol Sirol o sir Gâr, Ceredigion a sir Benfro, cydweithwyr yn y sector statudol, a darparwyr gwasanaethau yn y trydydd sector. Canolbwynt y drafodaeth oedd datblygiadau strategol diweddar yn ardal Hywel Dda ac ymatebion effeithiol i heriau darparu gwasanaethau. Mae’r Rhwydwaith Iechyd, Gofal Cymdeithasol a Lles yn cael ei gynnal gan yr Hwyluswyr Iechyd a Gofal Cymdeithasol/Lles ym mhob un o’r tair sir er mwyn codi ymwybyddiaeth a chyfrannu at gynlluniau, polisïau a strategaethau gofal iechyd a allai effeithio ar ddarparwyr gofal iechyd yn y trydydd sector yn ardal Bwrdd Iechyd Hywel Dda. Mae swyddogion prosiect Creu’r Cysylltiadau yn gweithio gyda’r Byrddau Gwasanaethau Lleol, y sector gwirfoddol a’r gymuned, ac yn cryfhau’r cysylltiadau rhyngddynt, er mwyn datblygu gwasanaethau sy’n diwallu anghenion lleol. Mae hyn yn rhan o brosiect y Byrddau Gwasanaethau Lleol - Datblygu a Chyflawni Blaenoriaethau a ariennir gan Gronfa Gymdeithasol Ewrop, drwy Lywodraeth Cymru. Cyflwynodd Gareth Coles, Swyddog Darparu Gwasanaethau Cyhoeddus yn WCVA, ei adroddiad diweddar o’r enw ‘Rhoi Pobl yn y Canol’, papur sy’n hyrwyddo ‘cydgynhyrchu’. Bu i Peter Llewellyn, Cyfarwyddwr Cynorthwyol Partneriaethau Strategol, Bwrdd Iechyd Hywel Dda, gyflwyno’r Cod Ymarfer Comisiynu ar gyfer contractau gwasanaethau’r Trydydd Sector, a fydd yn allweddol ar gyfer cynllunio’r gweithlu a darpariaeth gofal iechyd yn y trydydd sector. Rhoddwyd cyflwyniadau ar weithredu deddfwriaeth ynghylch y Gymraeg, Cydraddoldeb ac Amrywiaeth, a Diogelu. Roedd y rhain o ddiddordeb i’r sector, gan y byddant yn effeithio ar gynllunio ar gyfer recriwtio a hyfforddi. Rhoddodd Dr Phil Kloer, Cyfarwyddwr Gwasanaethau Clinigol, Bwrdd Iechyd Hywel Dda, y wybodaeth ddiweddaraf ar ddatblygiad Grwpiau Rheoli Iechyd Poblogaethau, grwpiau cynllunio clinigol newydd Bwrdd Iechyd Hywel Dda.

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Creu’r Cysylltiadau

Cymunedau yn Gyntaf Creu’r cysylltiadau gyda rhaglen Cymunedau yn Gyntaf

Mae’r swyddog Creu’r Cysylltiadau ym Mhen-y-bont ar Ogwr wedi cefnogi Cymunedau yn Gyntaf gyda’i rhaglen newydd drwy hwyluso cyfarfodydd fforwm y Clwstwr yn nhair ardal Pen-y-bont. Mae Cymunedau yn Gyntaf Pen-y-bont yn Rhaglen sy’n Canolbwyntio ar y Gymuned gan gefnogi agenda ‘Trechu Tlodi’ Llywodraeth Cymru. Nod y rhaglen yw adeiladu ar lwyddiannau Cymunedau yn Gyntaf ers ei lansio yn 2001 ac mae’n cadw’r gorau o’r rhaglen flaenorol. Mae rhaglen Cymunedau yn Gyntaf yn anelu at leihau’r bwlch o ran addysg, sgiliau, economi ac iechyd rhwng ein hardaloedd mwyaf difreintiedig a’r rhai mwy cefnog. Bu i gyfarfodydd ym mis Gorffennaf ym mhob un o’r tair ardal ganolbwyntio ar ymgysylltu a chynllun cynnwys Cymunedau yn Gyntaf. Hyrwyddodd y swyddog yr ‘Egwyddorion ar gyfer ymgysylltu â’r gymuned’ a hwyluso ystod o weithdai a rhoi’r cyfle i bobl fynegi eu barn ar gynnal y rhaglen yn unol â’r egwyddorion hynny. Ym mis Tachwedd 2013 bu i’r swyddog Creu’r Cysylltiadau hwyluso digwyddiadau clystyrau Cymunedau yn Gyntaf eto, gan roi’r cyfle i drigolion lleol, aelodau etholedig, mudiadau trydydd sector a staff yr awdurdod lleol glywed mwy am y cyfleoedd dysgu yn eu hardal, cwrdd â thîm newydd Cymunedau yn Gyntaf a chymryd rhan mewn gweithdai lle trafodwyd angen cymunedol, rhanddeiliaid a chyfleoedd i bartneriaid gydweithio. Mae’r cymorth a gynigiwyd wedi cael ei werthfawrogi ac mae’n sicrhau bod mudiadau traws-sector yn ymwybodol o’r gwaith sy’n cael ei wneud ym mhob clwstwr a bod gwaith rhaglen Cymunedau yn Gyntaf yn cyd-fynd ag amcanion strategol ehangach y bwrdd gwasanaethau lleol ym Mhen-y-bont. Pwysleisiodd Lynne Berry, Rheolwr Partneriaeth ac Integreiddio: ’Mae rhaglen CyG ym Mhen-y-bont yn canolbwyntio ar weithio mewn partneriaeth gyda chymunedau, y trydydd sector a mudiadau sy’n bartneriaid. Drwy weithio gyda Chymdeithas Mudiadau Gwirfoddol Pen-y-bont i gynllunio, trefnu a chynnal cyfarfodydd clystyrau CyG, roeddem yn gallu dod ag ystod eang o wybodaeth ac arbenigedd at ei gilydd i ennyn diddordeb cymunedau yn y rhaglen. Mae adborth o’r cyfarfodydd wedi bod yn bositif a gobeithiwn barhau â’r bartneriaeth hon i wneud digwyddiadau’r dyfodol yn well fyth.’

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Gweithio mewn Partneriaeth: Gweithdy Partneriaeth y Trydydd Sector Roedd gweithdy’r Trydydd Sector, o’r enw ‘Llwybrau at Ddarparu ac Ymgysylltu’, ar 26 Medi yn llwyddiant gyda 32 o bobl yn bresennol. Roedd y gweithdy wedi’i seilio ar Ddadansoddi Anghenion Hyfforddi a chanfod Canlyniadau sy’n cael eu cyflawni yn unol â’r Cynllun Integredig Sengl. Mae canlyniadau’r Gwerthusiadau a’r dadansoddiad wrthi’n cael eu hystyried ac yna byddant yn cyfarwyddo fy ngwaith at ble sydd ei angen yn ôl y canlyniadau. Mae gwerthusiadau a’r Dadansoddiad yn ymddangos yn bositif iawn, gyda mudiadau yn barod i gymryd rhan. Bydd y wybodaeth y mae’r mudiadau wedi’i darparu hefyd yn cael ei rhannu â’r Bwrdd Gwasanaethau Lleol a’r Rhwydwaith sydd i’w ganfod yn y Cynlluniau Gweithredu a’r adroddiadau Eithrio. Bydd y gwaith presennol yn galluogi darparwyr gwasanaethau yn y trydydd sector i hyrwyddo eu mudiad ac yn galluogi’r Bwrdd Gwasanaethau Lleol i glywed lleisiau o’r sector gwirfoddol a sefydlu llwybrau o’r mudiad dan sylw at broses gomisiynu a chaffael gynaliadwy.

Dyfyniadau gwerthuso o 26 Medi   

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‘Roedd yn ddiddorol a braf oedd treulio amser yn archwilio’r Cynllun Integredig Sengl ac yn trafod ein gwasanaethau.’ NYAS ‘Llawn gwybodaeth, wedi dysgu llawer o bethau newydd.’ Age Cymru Gwent ‘Ychydig iawn a wyddwn ni ar hyn o bryd, ond rydym yn dysgu. Roedd yn ddiddorol a theimlwn y gallwn helpu.’ Ambiwlans St. John ‘Llawn gwybodaeth, wedi’i drefnu’n dda o ystyried bod 2 siaradwr wedi methu â dod.’ Homestart Blaenau Gwent ‘Roedd yn wych cael siarad â mudiadau gwirfoddol eraill am y Cynllun Integredig Sengl.’ Cyngor Ar Bopeth ‘Llawer iawn o wybodaeth, gan egluro’n glir beth mae’r Cynllun Integredig Sengl yn ei olygu.’ Cymorth Canser Gwent

Canlyniadau’r digwyddiad:     

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Cydgynhyrchu wedi’i amlygu fel y pwnc y mae angen hyfforddiant/gwybodaeth arno fwyaf, gyda dylunio gwasanaethau cynaliadwy yn ail. Hoffai tua 20% o’r mudiadau gynyddu neu newid y gwasanaethau maent yn eu darparu. Y wybodaeth roedd mudiadau ei hangen fwyaf oedd ynghylch y Byrddau Gwasanaethau Lleol, eu strwythur ac ym mha ffordd y gellid cynnwys defnyddwyr gwasanaethau. Nid oedd gan tua 25% o’r mudiadau yr hyder i weithio ar y cyd/mewn consortia. Cafodd y sgôr am gymorth y ‘swyddog Creu’r Cysylltiadau’ ei sgiwio ychydig oherwydd i deitl fy swydd, ‘Swyddog Cymorth y Bwrdd Gwasanaethau Lleol’ greu dryswch ond dywedodd 70% ei fod yn Dda neu’n Ardderchog. Yr ymateb arall oedd ‘ddim yn gwybod’. Dywedodd 80% fod y cymorth wedi gwella cyfleoedd i gymryd rhan mewn dylunio gwasanaethau. Roedd 90% yn ymwybodol o’r Egwyddorion Cenedlaethol ar gyfer Ymgysylltu ond o’r

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Creu’r Cysylltiadau

Making the Connections Issue 3 of 8 Editions

Inside this issue:

December 2013

The Welsh Language Commissioner and the third Sector Making the Connections


Many have been asking what are the possible effects that the The Welsh Language (Wales) Measure 2011 will have on the third sector in Wales.

The Local Service Board


Welsh Ministers are in the process of drafting the standards, and they are expected to be in place by the end of 2014. Gradually over the next few years these standards will replace statutory Welsh language schemes.

Co Production


Workshops & Training


How will standards affect the third sector? The Welsh Language Commissioner recognises the third sector’s role in promoting and facilitating the Welsh language. Third sector organisations often work directly with the public therefore it’s vitally important that they offer bilingual services in order to communicate effectively with the public.





Communities First


Partnership Working




Some third sector organisations are named in the Measure as bodies which will have to comply with standards. Other third sector organisations will have to comply due to the fact they are receiving over £400,000 of public Money, or if they are acting on behalf of another organisation which has to comply with standards. Traditionally, third sector organisations are innovative in identifying their service users’ needs and operating inclusively. Many third sector organisations operate bilingually even though there is no legislative pressure on them to do so. They understand that there are many advantages to offering bilingual services.   

It conforms to their national identity It’s good practice They want to provide a Welsh language service in order to respect the user’s language choice

As more Welsh speakers feel confident in asking for Welsh medium Services, there will be increasing pressure on organisations to provide bilingual services. The Welsh Language Commissioner aims to promote the third sector’s voluntarily use of the Welsh Language and to encourage Welsh speakers to make use of those services. The Commissioner will need to complete a gap analysis to gain a better understanding of any support that the sector might need. The Welsh Language Commissioner is eager to work in partnership to avoid duplicating work in a difficult economical climate. The Commissioner will also provide training for organizations to prepare them for the change in legislation. The Commissioner’s third sector unit is in the process of preparing a work plan which will demonstrate how the Welsh Language Commissioner intends to work with the third sector in Wales 2013- 2015. The Commissioner is eager to gain responses to the work plan, and will be advertising how you can have your say on its contents in a future issue of Network.

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Making the Connections The Making the Connections project aims to support the delivery of the Single Integrated Plan (SIP) through strengthening the capacity of third sector organisations to contribute effectively to public service design, development and delivery Are you a Third Sector organisation who delivers public services? Or would like to become more involved in public service delivery? If so please could you spend a few minutes completing this questionnaire? Please click here Also the Training and Support Needs Analysis survey will assist the Making the Connections Officer and other officers at your CVC to provide the right support to your organisation to enable you to become more involved in public service design. To complete the Training and Support Needs Analysis survey, Please click here

Conwy and Denbighshire’s Local Service Board - FIT for purpose! Financial Inclusion Together or FIT, is a local service board project supported by the European Social Fund through Welsh Government. Financial Inclusion Together aims to develop partnership working and improve people's access to the financial services, advice and support they need, ultimately reducing poverty. The FIT projects objectives are to:  improve the strategic co-ordination and collaboration of services across Conwy and Denbighshire  to ensure that financial inclusion is integrated and embedded into the normal service delivery of relevant public, private and third sector organisations  improve access to quality financial inclusion information and advice services which will ensure that people in Conwy and Denbighshire are empowered to manage a challenging economic future. The Making the Connections Officers are proud to be a part of this worthwhile project and were pleased to go along to the official launch on the 26th September. The event marked the release of the project’s Baseline Report and the launch of the pilot Awareness Raising Programme. The morning was attended by the Minister for Communities and Tackling Poverty, Jeff Cuthbert AM who during his speech said ‘The Welsh Government is committed to taking action to benefit people experiencing, or at risk of poverty. That is why it is so pleasing to see the work being done to ensure financial inclusion is integrated and embedded into the service delivery of public, private and third sector organisations’. Andrew Bowden, Chair of the Joint Local Service Board, Chief Executive of Cartrefi Conwy and Project Board Member said ’By December 2014 it is hoped that Conwy and Denbighshire LSB will have it’s own integrated approach to financial inclusion and strong evidence of how such a model really is fit for reducing poverty and improving the lives of people within Conwy and Denbighshire’. The emphasis of the project is firmly on partnership working between third sector and public sector organisations, building capacity and working with existing services to ensure effective referrals and sign posting. As the project moves into the delivery phase the launch was a great opportunity to recognise the valuable contributions from partner organisations and stakeholders to date.

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Co Production ‘Coproduction’? Revolutionary or just another buzz word? Why the co-production approach matters to all of us. The needs of people and communities best met when they are properly valued, listened to and involved in service planning and delivery in their own communities. ‘Co-production’ is not just another buzz word for ‘working together’, in many ways it is revolutionary because it is about much greater equality between professionals and citizens. The good news is that there are loads of amazing examples of individuals, families and communities helping to shape better public services including services for vulnerable families, young –people and people with dementia. All of our challenge is to take this kind of great practice to scale. The co-production movement is gathering momentum in Wales with key Ministers promoting the value of democratising services. We want to make sure that RCT builds upon its rich heritage of mutuality and co-operation to be part of it. When people and communities are more widely recognised as part of the solution a whole wealth of latent potential will be unleashed. We know this because already some communities within RCT have coproduced radically reduced crime, improved educational outcomes and improved their local environment. As well as disseminating great practice we are setting up a series of exciting action research projects with universities and local service providers. The projects will explore ways to make collaboration and coproduction easier for public services to mainstream. As this kind of climate is achieved, positive social outcomes will rapidly unfold.     

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Is your organisation, or are the organisations that you know co-producing? To what extent are your service users/community members really, really valued as a sets (and NOT as a drain on resources)? How well do you know your service users , their skills and interest that they may want to use to achieve personal and social benefits? To what extent do you design and deliver services with community members / service providers? Do you have a ‘give and take’ relationship with your service users and providers? How do you thank people for their time / involvement? To what extent do you support peer support networks for active service users / community members to share knowledge and skills with each other? To what extent does your organisation break down the barriers between professionals and service users / community members?


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Making the Connections

Workshops and Training Campaigning Workshop All CVCs in Wales were given the opportunity to work with the Campaigning charity, Sheila McKechnie Foundation (SMK) and supported by The Tudor Trust, to hold a workshop on ‘Introduction to campaign strategy and planning’. The Conwy and Denbighshire Making the Connections officers were thrilled at the opportunity to host this really interesting and informative event. Fifteen organisations came along to find out more and were given the opportunity to explore the different ways to campaign, how to put a strategy in place, practice making a pitch to win support for your campaign and how to mobilise themselves to ‘influence change or prevent change’. Harmit Kambo, who facilitated the event from SMK, then gave small teams a task based on a case study, to develop a basic strategy, deciding the key aim of the campaign, who will be the target audience to make the change happen and agree the range of tactics you would employ to ensure success. An expert panel attended in the afternoon, which included Ann Jones, AM and journalist Clare Savage gave their perspectives on the topic and stayed for a question and answer session to allow delegates to further explore how to use both political systems and the media to enhance their campaigning strategy. The workshop was very well received. Feedback from attendees, they felt motivated to campaign and understood how to do this effectively.

Making the Connections turning the third sector green in Conwy and Denbighshire! On 3rd October a training course on Environmental management systems was held at the Blind Veterans Centre as a joint venture between Making the Connections Project Officers in Conwy and Denbighshire and Business Wales. Environmental management systems and policies are key to third sector organisations - they are not only required as part of the tendering process but also save the organisation money by reducing energy outgoings and resource wastage and of course reduce the impact of the organisation on the environment. As well as discovering that Wales currently requires ‘3 planet earths’ to support our energy consumption, the group also looked at what can be done to manage their environmental impacts locally. Participants were given an outline policy to work on and an assessment workbook to identify where the biggest impact, both environmentally and in cost savings, could be made. Following the training attendees reported greater understanding of environmental management systems and increased confidence in implementing environmental policies and systems. The team will now support these third sector groups to action their Environmental Management Systems.

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Public Engagement Training “A simple mechanism that can be implemented in community engagement” CAVS, PAVS and CAVO delivered joint training with Participation Cymru on the 14th November in Hermon, Pembrokeshire. The training encouraged participants to look at the 10 National Principles for Public Engagement and Evaluation toolkit Feedback from the course was very positive:  Thought provoking ideas that can be utilised in my practice  Good mix of information and participation Participants intend on using what they have learnt back a their organisations:  Advocate engagement principles and practice  Going to discuss potential for using the toolkit with new project For a list of organisations that have endorsed the National Principles of Public Engagement, click here .

Consultations: The South Wales Programme In July 2013 the Making the Connections Officer in Bridgend worked with colleagues to organise a number of days to support the public consultation for the South Wales programme. The South Wales programme consisted of six partner Health Boards who were reviewing the way in which some hospital services were provided across South Wales. This included the future of consultant-led maternity and neonatal care, inpatient children's services and emergency medicine (A&E). The changes proposed could have impacted on the services currently offered within the Princess of Wales Hospital, Bridgend. Alongside the ABMU organised events, consultation days were organised by BAVO and these included forums, community groups, supermarkets, festivals, community centres, cafés and they were supplemented through use of social media in order to try and reach as many local citizens as possible and raise awareness of the possible changes. The Making The Connections officer managed to gain support of local volunteers, organisations, groups and staff within the hospital to support the awareness campaign. There was an outstanding response for the consultation which received over 61,000 responses across South Wales. The majority of people had an understanding and appear to support the changes with the majority also opting for the 5 hospital model, but there was a difference of opinion as to which five hospitals the services would remain in. BAVO has received commendation for its engagement expertise and the support which it offered to the consultation process within ABMU and at LSB level. Due to the nature and amount of responses there has been a slight delay in decision making, but the outcome is due imminently. If anyone would like to look at information relating to this consultation or the feedback given you may go to:

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Making the Connections

Mike the Knight “Makes the Connection” Over the last few months Geraint Jones the GAVO Caerphilly, based Local Service Board Support Officer funded under the Making The Connection Project MtC has been working closely with The Parent Network (PN). PN is a third sector organisation working across Caerphilly Borough. The Parent Network (PN) was established in 2000 following a consultation carried out by parents for parents. PN now has a membership of over 500 parents and carers offering a unique opportunity for parents to get their voices heard in the planning and delivery of services that affect them and their families. The MtC Officer initially offered support to PN to ensure that the organisation and its members were involved in the consultation for the Single Integrated Plan (SIP). Since then Geraint has advised the organisation on achieving representation at both the local Voluntary Sector Liaison Committee and the Local Service Boards Sub Group - which coordinates Citizen Engagement. PN as an organisation had adopted the National Principles of Engagement and had been contracted by Caerphilly CYPP to develop a “Parent Participation Toolkit” for use by organisations when engaging with parents/carers. The Network used the National Principles of Engagement as the core of this document. The document is designed to be used as stand alone or to be used alongside the children and young peoples participation toolkit developed by the Caerphilly Youth Forum. It is hoped that this document will become recognised by Participation Cymru and PN will be able to deliver consultancy support to bodies who wish to use it. “ Working with the MtC Officer I was better able to understand the role and processes that the parents voice was able to feed into. Many thanks for your support with this.” – Michelle Jones Project Manager PN will be “a Living Case Study” at the upcoming National Principles of Engagement training event to be held in Hafodyrynys on Wednesday November 13 th 2013.

Mike looking at? Answers in a sealed envelope

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Regional Collaboration Working Together for Service Delivery: Jeff Cuthbert AM, Minister for Communities and Tackling Poverty spoke to a packed audience in the Halliwell Centre in Carmarthen, at the opening of a forum on Working Together for Service Delivery. He covered the Future Generations Bill, the need for communities to be at the centre, now and in the future, and the need to create jobs, enable growth and tackle poverty and sustainability. Senior members of Hywel Dda Health Board were joined by Chief Executive Officers of County Voluntary Councils from the three counties of Carmarthenshire, Ceredigion and Pembrokeshire, statutory sector colleagues, and Third Sector service providers. Discussions focussed on recent strategic developments in the Hywel Dda area and effective responses to the challenges of delivery. The Health, Social Care and Wellbeing Network is run by the Health and Social Care/ Wellbeing Facilitators in each of the three counties to raise awareness and feed into all healthcare planning, policy and strategy that could affect Third Sector healthcare providers in the Hywel Dda Health Board area. The Making the Connections project officers work with and enhance the links between Local Service Boards (LSB), the voluntary sector and the community to develop services that meet local needs. This is part of the LSB Development and Priority Delivery Project which is funded by the European Social Fund, through the Welsh Government. Gareth Coles, Public Service Delivery Officer in WCVA introduced his recently launched report on ‘Putting the People at the Centre’, a paper promoting ‘co-production’. Peter Llewellyn, Assistant Director of Strategic Partnerships, Hywel Dda Health Board introduced the Commissioning Code of Practice for Third Sector service contracts, which will be key to workforce and healthcare delivery planning in the Third Sector. Talks were given on the implementation of legislation around the Welsh Language, Equality & Diversity and Safeguarding. These were of interest to the sector, as they will impact on planning for recruitment and training. Dr Phil Kloer, Director of Clinical Services, Hywel Dda Health Board provided the latest information on the development of Population Health Management Groups, Hywel Dda Health Board’s new clinical planning groups. This was followed by an opportunity to engage in three interactive breakout sessions where to look at Tendering and Procurement, housing related support, and Sensory Impairment.

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Making the Connections

Communities First Making the connections with Communities First

The Making the Connections officer in Bridgend has supported Communities First in their new programme by facilitating their Cluster forum meetings across all 3 areas of Bridgend. Communities First Bridgend is a Community Focused Programme that supports the Welsh Government's ‘Tackling Poverty’ agenda. The programme aims to build on the achievements of Communities First since its launch in 2001 and preserves the best of the previous programme. The Communities First programme aims to contribute to narrowing the education, skills, economic and health gaps between our most deprived and more affluent areas. Meetings held in July in each of the three cluster areas focused on engagement and the Communities First involvement plan. The officer promoted the ‘Principles of community engagement’ and facilitated a range of workshops and gave people the opportunity to express their views on the delivery of the programme in line with those principles. In November 2013 the Making the Connections officer again facilitated the Communities First clusters Learning events where local residents, elected members, third sector organisations and local authority staff could hear more about the learning opportunities within their area, meet the new Communities First team and take part in workshops which discussed community need, identified stakeholders and opportunities for partners to work together. The support offered has been a valued contribution and ensures that cross sector organisations are aware of the work taking place in each cluster and ensures the work of the Communities First programme fits in to the wider strategic aims of the local service board in Bridgend. Lynne Berry Partnership and integration Manager emphasised ’The C1st programme in Bridgend is actively focusing on partnership working with communities, the third sector and partner organisations. By working in partnership with BAVO to plan, organise and deliver the C1st Cluster meetings we were able to bring a wide range of knowledge and experience together to engage communities on the delivery of the programme. Feedback from the meetings has been positive and we hope to continue this partnership to make future events.

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Partnership Working: Third Sector Partnership Workshop The Third Sector workshop ‘Pathways to Delivery & Engagement on 26th September was a success with 32 people in attendance. The workshop was based around Training Needs Analysis and identification of Outcomes being delivered against the Single Integrated Plan. The results of the Evaluations and analysis are currently being looked at and will then direct my work to where it is needed based on the organisation results. Evaluations & the Analyses look very positive in the first instance, with organisations ready to become involved. The information that the organisations have provided will also be shared with the Local S ervice Board and the Network to be identified on the Action Plans and Exception reports. The current work will enable third sector service deliverers to publicise their organisation and enable the LSB to hear voices from the voluntary sector and establish routes from the organisation involved to a sustainable commissioning and procurement process.

Evaluation quotes for 26th September   

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‘I found it interesting & it was good to spend time exploring the SIP & Identifying services that we deliver.’ NYAS ‘Very informative, learned a lot of new information.’ Age Cymru Gwent ‘At the moment we know very little, but we are learning. We found it interesting and feel we may be able to help.’ St. John Ambulance ‘Informative Event, organised well considering 2 speakers were unable to come.’ Homestart Blaenau Gwent ‘Really great to be able to talk to other voluntary organisations about the Single Integrated Plan.’ Citizen’s Advice Bureau ‘A very informative event, clearly stating what the Integrated Plan means.’ Gwent Cancer Support

Outcomes of the event:     

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Co-production was highlighted as the most needed training/information with sustainable service design being second. About 20% of the organisations would like to increase or change the services they deliver. The information mostly needed by organisations was around the LSB and their structure and how service users could be involved. About 25% of the organisations did not have the confidence to work in collaboration/ consortia. The support rating for the ‘Making the Connections officer’ was skewed slightly as my job title of ‘Local Service Board Support Officer’ was confusing but 70% rated it Good or Excellent. With the other response as ‘don’t know’. 80% said the support had improved opportunities to be involved in service design. 90% were aware of the National Principles of Engagement but of these 80% said that they did not know if their organisation was signed up to them.

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Making the Connections

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