Jubilee Times 2021 Summer Collection

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e e l i b u


s e im

7 1 0 2 E C N I S d u o r p s r e e l i b u J g n i k a m


6 . l o V

special school life in

the past two years! (P.2)

s u o i v e r P e u iss

Editor's Note Hi boys and girls! Welcome back to school! This year has been very special. We had to stay home to learn and could seldom return to school. It changed the way we see studying! Now we can learn anywhere and meet our friends and teachers at any time! We're all in this together to support each other! I'm also glad to tell you this year we have two new editors! Welcome them!

Ms Esti

M r Le e

Ms Pearl

Miss travelling? Don't forget to read the

travel "blog"! (P.5)

P.2 Feature Special Issue

How are you, YCMCJ? T

he past two years have been unique to every one of us. The

COVID pandemic has changed all aspects of our daily life and studying at school is no

exception. So while we were only staying at

home, how did we learn? Let's look at the photos and videos below to remind you some of the

memorable moments in 2019-2021!

We cou ld n ot g for ath a c er t lass oge pho the tea t r o. che rs u sed , th pho our e tos stu den to m ts ake See cla ? M ss p r Le ost e b ers eca ! me a b ug!

Inste ad

We lo ve Je sus, s o eve ry mo we ha rning d mo rning assem bly tim We sa e! ng so ngs a nd pr ayed Jesus to ! We felt . :)

M ini Q Do you u i z know


h o w many school days th e r e were in 2020 on aver age? A. 3 1

B. 7 5

(An swe r on P.6)


exception (n.)

例外 值得紀念的

memorable (adj.)

C. 1 02

instead (adv.) grateful (adj.)

取⽽代之 感恩的

nd a g n i r a bo n a e 't m n s e o d e rm e t o f h a t y a an ns m o s s d e e l n sig e d Having s r che a e T ! life in a g r n b i n s r lea ve u a g , g san e m o s. S u r o to f s s u e i t t i h v i g act tau l n o e o v h e sc ina H s M s! s! o e e k o d j i v d tol ing k d o n o a c s de a m teaser e W food! l a c o l k coo


i n a t s i k Pa

Duri ng th e su spen sion, their our s prac choo tices lmat on Z es d oom start id no ed f for o t giv ilmin u r e up g rig on ht af help ter s ed u musi choo s wit cal! l res h the We ume m Film d. O akeu ing f ur pa p. D or th on't rent e mu s they sica l ook l is s uch an u nfor ? gett able mem ory!

anniver sary

profess ional

tedious (adj.)

沉悶的 巴基斯坦的

Pakistani (adj.)

anniversary (n.)

周年 紀念 專業的

professional (adj.)



P.4 Authors Future

The Naughty Triceratops Baby Written by

Lee E O (4C) Millions of years ago, a triceratops mum was walking in the forest with her baby. Triceratops had three horns and a bony frill on their heads. The Triceratops baby was naughty! He saw some


and walked away from his mum. After a while, he

suddenly realised that he was alone. He shouted, "Mum! Where are you?" He felt scared. His screaming


a scary T-

Rex's attention.

T-Rex had hundreds of teeth. Each tooth was as big as a banana. T-Rex had a very powerful bite. T-Rex found the baby! T-Rex wanted to eat him! The baby was frozen with fear when he saw T-Rex. The baby was so scared, it lost


Luckily, the baby's mum was on her way! She rushed at the T-rex and used her horns to attack T-Rex. She hurt his leg badly so he escaped in a rush. The baby woke up and


his mum for being naughty.

- The End -


蜻蜓 道歉

吸引 )知覺

dragonflies (n.)

attracted (v.)

apologize (v)

consciousness (n


P.5 Feature P.5 Special

A Relaxing Trip to Koh Samui Written by by Mac MAK (5C)


ast summer holiday, my parents and I went to Koh Samui. Do you know

where Koh Samui is? It is a wonderful island in Thailand. We ate delicious seafood and did thrilling water activities there!

When you visit Koh Samui, you can go to a unique seafood restaurant and sit outside along the beach. There are many different kinds of seafood like fresh jumbo lobsters, spicy crabs and king-sized prawns. It is very tasty and juicy! The fantastic scenery and beautiful sunsets are very impressive. Also, the local musicians play the ukulele in the streets.

Do not miss the sun and beach activities there. For example, you can join the windsurfing club to enjoy water fun with your own personal coach. You can even sunbathe on a white sandy beach.

On the whole, Koh Samui is an amazing place for a memorable journey. If you are looking for a relaxing trip, Koh Samui is the best choice for you!

Take a v i s i Koh Sam t in ui now

D P.6 Ask Emma Write and

o you feel like you have no one to talk to about

your problems? No one that won't judge you and will take your questions seriously? If you have a problem or question that you want help or need answers to, you've come to the right place!

Dear Emma

y o j n e I . e m i t n o k r o w e m o h y m h s i n i f r e v e n n a c I ! e m p e l l e b h u o u r o t y n n i a s c y e a s a w l a Ple m a I . e m i t f o k c a r t e s o l s y a w l a I d n a o s d e t m ’ a n g d i r d e I t e u s p u m a c e b r o e t playing co a l p u d e y a t s I e s u a c e b s s a l c n i p e e l s a l l a f r e h t i e I e s u beca my homework. ! e r o m y n a e l b u o r t n i e b o t t n a w I really don’t

Yours, Anonymous

Dear An onymou s,

Thank yo u for yo ur letter ! I am so glad you your pro blem! He wrote to re are so me, bec me ause we can eas . ily fix


First of all, you should m ake you r own ti much tim me tabl e you h e. Then ave to d you will o your h know ex omewor your lun actly ho k. You c ch. w an do y our hom ework a fter you finish Secondl y, you sh ouldn’t p lay com puter ga you star t to pla mes bef y comp ore you uter ga finish yo mes, yo ur home homewo u will lo work. If se track rk. You c an play of time after fin and for ishing yo get to d ur home o your work an d revisio n. Thirdly, i f you do n’t know how to d o your h you can omewor ’t find th k, you ca e answe n check r, you ca your tex n ask fo t book. I r help. Y f ou can a sk your f riends o r parent s. Keep in touch an d let us know if you Yours, better! Emma


Answer: B


trouble (n)


a m m E k s A ! e r e h

anonymous (adj)


建議 處理

suggestions (n) managed (v)

P.7 P.7 Opinions W Teen's

hat do you think about space exploration? Should we

explore the outer space which we know very little about? Does it cost too much? Are you afraid of what we might find out there? Here are some opinions from our P6 students.



Climate change continuously causes threats and the Earth may soon run out of space for us to live. So, I think space exploration is definitely important. There are eight planets in our solar system. Out of these planets there’s only Mars that may be suitable for us to live on, but it is only a 50% chance. There may be some more liveable planets that we haven’t found yet. We need to keep exploring so that we can find more space to live.

While we explore the universe,we will find new organisms or even aliens that may be useful and helpful to us. It is exciting to find new living things! Even though space exploration is seen as dangerous technology is developing rapidly. Space equipment is getting safer and safer. So I think we need to keep exploring space to find out if we really are alone in the universe!.

G N O L E U H C G N U E H 6C

I don’t think exploring space is important because space exploration is a waste of resources. Going to the moon, we need to make rockets first. Many experiments are done and many resources are used. Sometimes it fails. Therefore, a lot of money, rare resources and energy are wasted as a result. A lot of rubbish is produced too which causes air


and water pollution. Second, exploring space is

dangerous because every year, some astronauts die when they are exploring space. This is very troublesome.

Many people think that exploring space is important, so that they can make more scientific


But I don’t think so, because

although we explore space, we will only know more about space. It won’t bring many benefits to our daily life. It won’t improve our living quality and it will not make us wealthy.

In conclusion, exploring space can only benefit us on a small scale and it is too dangerous. The risks outweigh the benefits.


climate change (n.) run out of (v.)



pollution (n.) discovery (n.)

污染 發現



P.8 Opinions

fter all these zoom lessons and self-learning days, do

you think we can replace teachers with computers in the future? We discussed with our P6 students and also asked them what they think about learning from home Let's have a look at their opinions!

Many students are using e-books to learn new knowledge because they



classroom e-books






and and









that are








interesting, which can increase student’s interest in learning. Also, E-books contain










information, will help us to reduce the number of teachers.

You may think that teachers can answer questions informatively, but with a computer, you can find almost everything in less than a minute with high accuracy. Using computers to learn new knowledge can also save

resources because we won’t need wood for so much paper.

In conclusion, nowadays an increasing number of students rely on computers for research. Others have decided to leave the traditional way of learning and prefer online schools. So, I think that we can easily replace some teachers with computers.


COVID-19 has forced us to teach and learn online, leading to the question if we can replace teachers with computers. Some say that we can but I don't agree with this statement.

I have experienced online teaching through zoom and I think that I am less motivated to learn. Computers are machines and because they cannot interact with students, we get bored and demotivated easily. Computers can't understand a student’s study progress. It just teaches you what you should learn and although it is more you











technology is more advanced and useful. We always need to do revision and search for information online, but if the electricity does not work or the internet connection is too slow, it will

disrupt learning.

I think face-to-face learning is more fun and interesting. We can learn easily and clearly. I prefer face-to-face learning and therefore I don’t agree that we can replace teachers with computers in the future.


傳統的 資源

有效率的 打擾

traditional (adj.)

efficient (adj.)

resources (n.)

disrupt (v.)

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