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Folk Culture in Turkey TR Turkish Kebap Team

TRADITIONAL FOOD The variety of products in Asia and Anatolia.*Interaction with numerous different culturesover a long historical process.*The new tastes developed in the palace kitchens of the Seljuk and Ottoman Empires. Turkish cuisine is very diverse. Here are the most popular

ISKENDER KEBAB Iskender Kebab or Iskender dรถner is one of the famous kebab dishes in Bursa region. It started in 1867 at Kayhan Bazaar. In fact, what makes Iskender Kebab is the butter, tomato sauce, yogurt next to it and the fat pita bread pieces underneath

MANTI MantÄą is a kind of Turkish meal which is boiled in water. You can put small pieces of meat in dough. You can serve it by putting(dropping)yoghurt, tomato paste, and butter. MantÄą tastes delicious.

Grape Leaf Rolls with Olive Oil(Zeytinyağlı Yaprak Dolması) It is made with vine leaves cooked with olive oil and stuffed with rice-spice mixture. It is served cold and also referred to as “sarma”, which means “wrapping” in Turkish.


Ayran is the most common cold beverage. It is a mixture of yogurt, water and salt.


Baklava is an important dumpling in Turkish cuisine. It is made by placing walnuts, pistachios, almonds or hazelnuts among the thin pastries according to the region. It is generally sweetened with sugar sorbet. Also, honey sorbet can be used.


The unusual wealth and variety of Turkish folk music and dance attracts the attention of people from all over the world. Many of the melodies and movements have very ancient origins stemming from the many different aspects of Turkish culture that form the background of modern Turkey.

The 'bar' in Erzurum province, the 'halay' in the east and southeast, the 'hora' in Thrace, the 'horon' in the Black Sea, 'spoon dances' in and around Konya,'lezginka' in Kars and Ardahan and the Zeybek are the best known examples of these.


Nasreddin Hoca is a 13th century humorist, sage and folk hero of the Seljuk period. He was a philosopher, wise, witty man with a good sense of humor. His stories have been told almost everywhere in the world, spread among the tribes of Turkic World and into Persian, Arabian, African and along the Silk Road to China and India cultures, later also to Europe.

Karagรถz and Hacivat are the lead characters of the traditional Turkish shadow play.The central theme of the plays are the contrasting interaction between the two main characters. They are perfect foils of each other: in the Turkish version Karagรถz represents the illiterate but straightforward public, whereas Hacivat belongs to the educated class.

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