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natural system studio Yap Haw Ping 575513

Oscillation exercise

A set of dots move from side to side. The frequency of the oscillation increases from top to bottom. The effect is a series of unfolding structures including spirals and beats.

int howManyOscillators = 30; Oscillator[] osSet = new Oscillator[howManyOscillators]; int beginY = 0; int endY = 800; float Ylocation = beginY; float Yincrement = (endY - beginY) / (howManyOscillators-1); float beginFrequency = 1; float frequencyValue = beginFrequency; float frequencyIncrement = 0.02; void setup() { for (int i=0;i<howManyOscillators;i++) { osSet[i] = new Oscillator(Ylocation,frequencyValue); Ylocation += Yincrement; frequencyValue += frequencyIncrement; } size(400,800); smooth(); frameRate(30); //noLoop(); } void draw() { background(1); for (int i = 0;i<howManyOscillators;i++) { osSet[i].update(); } } class Oscillator { float angle = 0; float angleIncrement = TWO_PI / 360; float centre, maximumDisplacement, frequency, verticalPosition; int dotRadius; float xPosition; Oscillator(float verticalPositionIn, float frequencyIn) { centre = 200; maximumDisplacement = 150; frequency = frequencyIn; dotRadius = 15; verticalPosition = verticalPositionIn; } void update() { xPosition = centre + maximumDisplacement * sin(angle * frequency); fill(255,255,255); stroke(255,255,255); ellipse(xPosition,verticalPosition,dotRadius,dotRadius); angle += angleIncrement; if (angle == (TWO_PI - angleIncrement)) angle = 0; } }

Movement People + Attraction/Repulsion class Agent{ PVector pos, vel, followSum, escapeSum; color c;

ArrayList agents; ArrayList attrPoints; ArrayList repPoints; int agentsAmount=17000; int attrAmount=7; int repAmount=7; void setup(){ size(900,600,P2D); stroke(0); agents=new ArrayList(); attrPoints=new ArrayList(); repPoints=new ArrayList(); for(int i=0;i<attrAmount;i++){ attrPoints.add(new PVector(round(random(10,width-10)), round(random(10,height-10))));//create attraction points } for(int i=0;i<repAmount;i++){ repPoints.add(new PVector(round(random(10,width-10)), round(random(10,height-10))));//create repulsion points } for(int i=0;i<agentsAmount;i++){ agents.add(new Agent(round(random(10,width-10)), round(random(10,height-10))));//create agents } } void draw(){ background(70); for(int i=0;i<agents.size();i++){ Agent a =(Agent)agents.get(i); a.move(); a.display(); } for(int i=0;i<attrPoints.size();i++){//display attraction points PVector aPt=(PVector)attrPoints.get(i); fill(0,100,200); ellipse(aPt.x,aPt.y,10,10); } for(int i=0;i<repPoints.size();i++){//display repulsion points PVector rPt=(PVector)repPoints.get(i); fill(200,0,100); ellipse(rPt.x,rPt.y,10,10); } }

Agent(int _x, int _y){ pos=new PVector(_x,_y); vel=new PVector(0,0); followSum=new PVector(0,0); escapeSum=new PVector(0,0); c=color(random(255),random(255),random(255)); } void move(){ vel.add(follow()); vel.add(escape()); vel.limit(1); pos.add(vel); } void display(){ set((int)pos.x,(int)pos.y,c); } PVector follow(){///////////attraction force followSum.mult(0); int count=0; for(int i=0; i<attrPoints.size();i++){ PVector aPt=(PVector)attrPoints.get(i); float d=pos.dist(aPt); if (d<450){//attraction distance PVector dir = PVector.sub(aPt,pos); dir.normalize(); dir.div(d); followSum.add(dir); count++; } } if (count > 0) { followSum.div(count); } return followSum; } PVector escape(){///////////repulsion force escapeSum.mult(0); int count=0; for(int i=0; i<repPoints.size();i++){ PVector rPt=(PVector)repPoints.get(i); float d=pos.dist(rPt); if (d<450){//repulsion distance PVector dir = PVector.sub(rPt,pos); dir.normalize(); dir.div(d); escapeSum.sub(dir); count++; } } if (count > 0) { escapeSum.div(count); } return escapeSum; } }

class World {

Particle System - Bright Chaser

PImage loadedImage; // image to store float[][] vals; int w,h; World(String toImg){ loadedImage=loadImage(toImg); //load the source image loadedImage.resize(width,height); loadedImage.loadPixels(); //load the pixel array w = loadedImage.width; h = loadedImage.height; vals = new float[w][h]; loadVals(); //loadBlank(); }

World world; ArrayList<Mover> pop = new ArrayList<Mover>(); //Mover global properties int numMovers = 5000; int searchRad = 5; float maxSpeed =2; a //world global properties float fadeSpeed = 1; void setup(){ size(800,800); smooth(); world = new World(“ gradient.png” ); //populate the sketch for (int i = 0; i<numMovers;i++){ Mover m = new Mover(new PVecto r(random(width),random(height)), new PVector(random(-maxSpeed,maxSpeed),random(maxSpeed,maxSpeed)), 1); pop.add(m); } } void draw(){ background(255); world.drawImage(); world.fade(); //run the pop for (Mover m:pop){ m.run(); } } void keyPressed(){ if(key==’s’ ){ saveFrame(hour()+minute()+second()+ “ .png” ); } }

void loadVals(){ //fill up the brightness values array for (int i = 0;i<w;i++){ for (int j = 0;j<h;j++){ vals[i][j]=brightness(loadedImage.pixels[(j*w)+i]); } } } void loadBlank(){ for (int i = 0;i<w;i++){ for (int j = 0;j<h;j++){ vals[i][j]=0; } //get a value from the image float getAt(int x, int y){ return vals[x][y]; } //fade the image void fade(){ for (int i = 0;i<w;i++){ for (int j = 0;j<h;j++){ if(vals[i][j]>fadeSpeed) vals[i][j]=vals[i][j]-fadeSpeed; } } } //write a new value to the image void setAt(int x, int y, float v){ v = constrain(v,0,255); vals[x][y]=v; } void modAt(int x, int y, float v){ float mod = constrain(vals[x][y]+v,0,255); vals[x][y]=mod; } void drawImage(){ loadPixels(); for (int i = 0;i<w;i++){ for (int j = 0;j<h;j++){ float b= constrain(vals[i][j],0,255); pixels[(j*w)+i] = color(b); } } updatePixels(); } }

Social Interaction between people in Queen Victoria Market hybridisation

int CheckpointNumber = 50; // Number of checkpoints int PersonNumber = 200; // Number of person(s) float CheckpointX; // Distance among checkpoints (in X-axis) ArrayList Checkpoint; ArrayList Person; void setup() { size(720, 480); background(255); smooth(); ellipseMode(RADIUS); Checkpoint = new ArrayList(); for(int i = 0; i < CheckpointNumber; i++) { CheckpointX += width/CheckpointNumber; // Make a checkpoint every [CheckpointX] pixels Checkpoint.add(new Checkpoint(CheckpointX, noise(CheckpointX) * height)); // Add checkpoints and randomize the height of the checkpoints } BuildPath(); // Build the paths for the person(s) Person = new ArrayList(); for(int i = 0; i < PersonNumber; i++) { Person.add(new Person()); } } void draw() { background(0); stroke(255, 0); DrawLines(); // Display the paths for(int i = 0; i < Person.size(); i++) { Person P = (Person) Person.get(i); P.Update(); P.Display(); } } void keyPressed(){ if(key==’s’){ saveFrame(hour()+minute()+second()+ “.png”); } }

// Create paths between the checkpoints void BuildPath() { boolean bIsInRange; for(int i = 0; i < CheckpointNumber; i++) { Checkpoint CP = (Checkpoint) Checkpoint.get(i); for(int j = 0; j < CheckpointNumber; j++) { Checkpoint OCP = (Checkpoint) Checkpoint.get(j); bIsInRange = dist(CP.X, CP.Y, OCP.X, OCP.Y) > 0 && dist(CP.X, CP.Y, OCP.X, OCP.Y) < 150; if(bIsInRange == true) // Make paths with checkpoints within range { CP.OpenCP[CP.OpenCPNumber] = j; CP.OpenCPNumber += 1; } void DrawLines() { for(int i = 0; i < CheckpointNumber; i++) { Checkpoint CP = (Checkpoint) Checkpoint.get(i); for(int j = 0; j < CP.OpenCPNumber; j++) { Checkpoint OCP = (Checkpoint) Checkpoint.get(CP.OpenCP[j]); line(CP.X, CP.Y, OCP.X, OCP.Y); } } }

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