Bionic Design E- bike Released by Peugeot and YANG DESIGN

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标志汽车发布YANG DESIGN仿生设计智能电动单车 Bionic Design E- bike Released by Peugeot and YANG DESIGN

近日,北京国家体育馆迎来了2015年标致及东风标致品牌之夜暨全新508上市发布会,由前瞻设计策略专家YANG DESIGN为全新508打造的雄狮仿 生智能电动单车E-BIKE也揭开了神秘面纱。 Recently, Peugeot brand new 508 press conference was held in Beijing national stadium. An E-bike with bionic design inspired by Lion, which was designed for new 508 by YANG DESIGN, was unveiled.

在工业设计中,仿生设计指的是在对自然生物体,包括动物、植物、微生物、人类等所具有的典型外部形态的认知基础上,寻求对产品形态的突破和 创新,幵应用于前瞻性的交通工具、家居、可穿戴设备等领域。历史上,人类曾模仿鸟类翅膀的飞行原理设计了滑翔机,根据空气动力学原理仿照鸭 子头形状设计了高速列车,幵依照青蛙眼睛的特殊构造研制了用于监视飞机起落和跟踪人造卫星的电子蛙眼。 In industrial design, bionic design is based on the understanding for the typical external form of natural organisms, including animals, plants, microorganisms, human etc. It then leads to the breakthrough and innovation of product form and applied to forward-looking design fields including aviation, transportation, tools, home furnishing and wearable devices.

YANG DESIGN此次将工业设计中的仿生设计运用到前瞻智能交通工具中,在雄狮的形体线条中捕捉它所拥有的力量感,幵在单车设计中演绎这种力 量感。全新标致508是利用对雄狮的仿生设计,将猫科动物的优雅与狮子的力量感完美地体现在汽车造型上;而此次的508E-BIKE也是有异曲同工之 妙,紧绷弓起的背部线条、蓄势待发的后腿、肌肉收缩的腹部,所有的线条汇聚形成了一种向前冲刺的力量感,由此组成了一辆颇具动感与力量的智 能电动单车。 In the new bike, YANG DESIGN applied bionic design to the forward-looking smart vehicles, by capturing the power of lion and strength. New Peugeot 508 was inspired by the bionic design of a lion. 508 E - BIKE also shared similar principals. Tight arched back line, the hind leg, contraction of the abdominal muscles, all of the lines suggested a forward-moving strength ready to sprint. This form was filled with power and motion.

在YANG DESIGN发布的《2016-2017中国设计趋势报告》中提到,在环境恶化和科技创业的社会浪潮中,智能和移动健康已经成为未来产品设计中 必须考虑的大趋势。508 E-BIKE 智能电动单车后轮车架部分安装了电力发动装置,支持车灯照明、导航设备、手机充电等功能。508 E-BIKE 智能电 动单车前把手处安装智能芯片及触控面板,可实现防盗、定位、报警以及健康等多项功能。 As mentioned in the 2016-2017 China design trends report by YANG DESIGN, intelligence and mobile health care has become a trend which must be considered in future product design. Rear wheel of 508 e-bike has power generation assembly. It can transfer kinetic energy into electrical power. Front handle can display the GPS guidance system and driving data. The sensor can realize multiple functions such as security, positioning, security and health alarm.

我们是谁 Who We Are YANG DESIGN为中国领先的工业设计创新策略顾问机构。下设YANG DESIGN设计策略研究所、CMF创新实 验室、用户研究实验室、公共与服务设计实验室等多个专业设计研究部门,办公面积五千多平方米。 YANG DESIGN is one of the leading consultancies in product strategy and innovative design in China. It is equipped with YANG DESIGN STRATEGY LAB, CMF INNOVATION LAB, USER STUDY LAB and PUBLIC SERVICE DESIGN LAB in 5000sm office space.

我们的团队与奖项 Design award YANG DESIGN也是中国首家囊获包括德国红点、iF、日本G-Mark、美国IDEA在内的全球四大设计奖项的设计 机构,至今累计获得了六十多项设计大奖。YANG DESIGN创始人早年在德国留学与工作,遵循德国逡辑而严 谨的设计方法体系。其团队成员由数十位具备国际化视野背景与本土洞察力的资深策略与设计顾问组成,在产 品策略与设计、用户体验与服务设计、品牌DNA、趋势与CMF研究等领域具备丰富经验与领先优势。 YANG DESIGN is the very first Chinese winner of the top 4 international awards -- Red Dot, iF, G-Mark and IDEA, and has won more than 60 design awards in history. The founder used to study and work in Germany, in praise of a systematic, logical and accurate design method. Today, YANG DESIGN has over 40 strategy and design experts with international background and solid local insights. It has rich experiences in product strategy and design, user experience and service design, brand DNA definition, trend watching and CMF study.

我们的合作伙伴 Our Partner 长期以来YANG DESIGN遵循“创造完美用户体验”的设计哲学,为全球众多领先品牌实现了创新的商业价值, 合作伙伴包括波音、奥迪、西门子、三星、飞利浦、ABB、施耐德、BOSE、日立、起亚、英菲尼迪、联想、 海尔、HTC等。产品类别横跨家电、消费电子、交通工具、家居产品、时尚产品、公共设施及信息导向系统等 行业。 YANG DESIGN persists on the design philosophy of “Creating perfect user experiences”, and helps to achieve innovative business value for local and international renowned brands. Some of the partners are Boeing, Audi, GM, Siemens, Bosch, Samsung, Philips, ABB, Schneider Electric, BOSE, Hitachi, Volvo, KIA, Infiniti, DS, Lenovo, Haier and HTC. 家电、设备及 消费电子

Consumer Electronics


Autos, Transportation

快消、时尚及 运动休闲

FMCG, Sports & Fashion


Rear Estate

公益组织及公共机构 Community Organization

家居、厨卫 及照明 Homeware, Lighting

微信公众号:YANG DESIGN 新浪微博:@YANGDESIGN官方微博 官方网站: Email: Telephone: 8621-6280 2294

上海市淞兴西路258号,半岛1919创意园10号楼 Building 10,BOUND1919,No.258 West SongxingRoad,Shanghai.

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