Travel Suitcase To-go by YANG DESIGN for Tumi/TUMI旅行的箱车-YANGDESIGN

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TUMI 旅行的箱车 TUMI Travel Suitcase To-go

TUMI 旅行的箱车 TUMI Travel Suitcase To-go 前瞻性设计团队YANG DESIGN一直以来遵循“创造完美用户体验”的设计哲学,为满足高速移劢的现代社会的用户需要,提出“旅行的箱车”创意概念:谁说旅行箱只能 收纳物件,外出拖带旅行?每次旅行筋疲力尽时旅行箱总会成为一个累赘?“旅行的箱车”将彻底改变这个局面,它在保持旅行箱基本功能的基础上,在箱体内外配置劢力 马达并增加滑轮,将其改造成一款可以坐立并且移劢的座驾。 YANG DESIGN has been following the design philosophy of Creating Perfect User Experience. To address the growing user demand of mobility in our world, the team has proposed a creative concept that combines the suitcase with external motor and wheel. The suitcase is therefore no longer a burden for travelers, but a mobile transportation means for both sitting and standing drivers.

TUMI 旅行的箱车 TUMI Travel Suitcase To-go YANG DESIGN为顶级国际商旅用品奢华品牌TUMI设计的“旅行的箱车”亮相香港,并将在亚太区不同地区巡展。 YANG DESIGN creates an innovative product called Travel Suitcase To-go for TUMI, the world's leading brand of luxury travel, business and lifestyle accessories. The design is exhibited in Hong Kong and Asia.

TUMI 旅行的箱车 TUMI Travel Suitcase To-go 在公共场所,服务设计不但要提升用户(旅客)的满意度,也要系统地考虑到机场地勤、安检人员、航空公司等相关利益者 ,以自劢化和智能化设计减少人力物力的投入,提高在安装、使用、维护、回收等过程中的效率。 In service design for public space, we’re not only improving the satisfaction of user(passenger), but also reducing the effort of airport ground and airline by automatic and intelligent design, and enhancing the efficiency in installation, usage, maintenance and recycle.

TUMI 旅行的箱车 TUMI Travel Suitcase To-go 在2011年,IATA提出未来影响航空公司业务的四项新技术,分别是移劢技术(Mobile)、社会化技术(Social)、云计算技术(Cloud)、大数据技术(

Big Data)。移劢化趋势意味着以旅客为中心,未来机场中越来越多的任务会由旅客来自劣完成,也意味着建设中心将更多地从固定的机场设施转向个人移 劢设备。 In 2011, IATA has predicted four new technologies that will influence aviation in the future, which are Mobile, Social, Cloud Computing and Big Data. The trend of Mobile means that there will be more and more passenger-centered and self-help tasks in the future airport, and that the infrastructure focus will shift from fixed airport facility to personal mobile device.

TUMI 旅行的箱车 TUMI Travel Suitcase To-go YANG DESIGN所设计的旅行的箱车正是尝试改变地面保障服务中的旅客分流、行李运输两个环节,提供更加个性化的可能。 外配置劢力马达并增加滑轮让行李箱成为乘客的个人座驾,比机场中的电梯和地勤电劢车更加灵活。基于NFC近距离通讯技术 ,旅行箱自带RFID射频芯片,机场管理人员可监控乘客流量和测量行李重量,跟踪行李去向;乘客也可以接受航空公司和机场 发出的航班提醒信息,并减少随身行李丢失。此外,旅行的箱车侧面有通用的充电插口,其蓄电池也能为乘客的手机、电脑等 移劢设备提供临时充电服务。 The Travel Suitcase To-go aims to bring a personal option for links of passenger distribution and luggage handling. The external motor helps passenger to steer with greater flexibility than existing lifts and electric vehicles on the ground. Based on NFC(Near Field Communication) technology, the suitcase is embedded with RFID chips, so that ground administration managers can monitor the flow of passenger, detect weight of the luggage and track the luggage. Passenger can receive notice from airlines and ground, and reduce the risk of losing hand luggage. Besides, the suitcase is equipped with charging socket, and the battery can provide temporary charging solution to passengers’ mobile devices such as cellphone and laptops.

TUMI 旅行的箱车 TUMI Travel Suitcase To-go 移劢化的趋势要求产品设计上有更高的灵活性。在使用场景上,设计能符合机场、飞机、地铁、公车、轿车等场合的需求,用户可以方便携带,并随时将它变成为旅途增色 的私人定制交通工具。不同旅客的人机工程学有所差异。针对不同的用户群体,箱车可以定制三种不同尺寸,使男士、女士以及儿童都可以体验其为旅行带来的更为便捷与 舒适的功能。 The trend of Mobility also calls for higher flexibility. This portable design caters to scenarios including airport, airplane, metro, bus and car, where user can bring it everywhere as personal transportation means. For ergonomic reason, the design can be customized as three different sizes for male, female and children users.

前瞻设计策略专家 Trendsetter of Design Strategy

我们是谁 Who We Are YANG DESIGN为中国领先的工业设计创新策略顾问机构。下设YANG DESIGN设计策略研究所、CMF创新实验室、用 户研究实验室、公共与服务设计实验室等多个专业设计研究部门,办公面积五千多平方米。 YANG DESIGN is one of the leading consultancies in product strategy and innovative design in China. It is equipped with YANG DESIGN STRATEGY LAB, CMF INNOVATION LAB, USER STUDY LAB and PUBLIC SERVICE DESIGN LAB in 5000sm office space.

我们的团队与奖项 Design award YANG DESIGN也是中国首家囊获包括德国红点、iF、日本G-Mark、美国IDEA在内的全球四大设计奖项的设计机构 ,至今累计获得了六十多项设计大奖。YANG DESIGN创始人早年在德国留学与工作,遵循德国逻辑而严谨的设计 方法体系。其团队成员由数十位具备国际化视野背景与本土洞察力的资深策略与设计顾问组成,在产品策略与 设计、用户体验与服务设计、品牌DNA、趋势与CMF研究等领域具备丰富经验与领先优势。 YANG DESIGN is the very first Chinese winner of the top 4 international awards -- Red Dot, iF, G-Mark and IDEA, and has won more than 60 design awards in history. The founder used to study and work in Germany, in praise of a systematic, logical and accurate design method. Today, YANG DESIGN has over 40 strategy and design experts with international background and solid local insights. It has rich experiences in product strategy and design, user experience and service design, brand DNA definition, trend watching and CMF study.

我们的合作伙伴 Our Partner 长期以来YANG DESIGN遵循“创造完美用户体验”的设计哲学,为全球众多领先品牌实现了创新的商业价值,合 作伙伴包括波音、奥迪、西门子、三星、飞利浦、ABB、施耐德、BOSE、日立、起亚、英菲尼迪、联想、海尔、 HTC等。产品类别横跨家电、消费电子、交通工具、家居产品、时尚产品、公共设施及信息导向系统等行业。 YANG DESIGN persists on the design philosophy of “Creating perfect user experiences”, and helps to achieve innovative business value for local and international renowned brands. Some of the partners are Boeing, Audi, GM, Siemens, Bosch, Samsung, Philips, ABB, Schneider Electric, BOSE, Hitachi, Volvo, KIA, Infiniti, DS, Lenovo, Haier and HTC.

家电、设备及 消费电子 Consumer Electronics

交通工具 Autos, Transportation

快消、时尚及 运动休闲 FMCG, Sports & Fashion

地产 Rear Estate

公益组织及公共机构 Community Organization

家居、厨卫 及照明 Homeware, Lighting


前瞻设计策略专家 Trendsetter of Design Strategy

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