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As the sun is rising on the horizon and marking the beginning a new day, so is my heart full of desires and mind filled with enthusiasm. Yes a new day with many expectations and happenings waiting to get happened, the world seems so colorful until I recall those burdens on me from parents family and society and suddenly desires are replaced with sorrow and mind with isolation and together they just don‘t allow me to open my eyes or get conscious. And at that very instant my heart thinks… maybe if I would not have been here then maybe … maybe I would‘ve been at that place where my passion is waiting for me and then that ebullience and those enthusiastic feelings of doing what I actually want to do are driven away. There is no use of getting our task done, without that feeling which is called as ―passion‖ indeed that excitement of doing the undertaking is the most crucial stimulant. Passion is like a heavy dose of adrenaline that boosts up our heart serves as a high voltage to it and the most lavishing factor that heightens our spirits. With passion everything seems so easy and if not then at least it comprises the most important thing that‘s ―fun


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