Tips for taking Act Test are helpful

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Helpful Tips For Taking The ACT Test

Summary 

The maximum score on the ACT is a 36. Out of the 1.8 million students who take the test every year, only about 1,000 get the highest possible ACT score. This elusive perfect score places you at the top of millions of high school students and can be a big boost to your college applications.

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A score of 30 or higher is considered desirable by many colleges, and can increase your chances of receiving scholarships as well as being accepted into some of the most prestigious universities. I personally recommend Y2 Academy as the best ACT Test Preparation classes where you can get your desired score.

Some quick helpful tips for taking the ACT Test:  

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Learn the section directions now. Use the time saved during the test to work on questions. Answer easy questions first. Mark skipped questions in your exam book so you can quickly return to them later. Guess...if you can eliminate at least one choice. You can write in the test book: cross out wrong answers; do scratch work.

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Avoid stray marks on the answer sheet. A machine scores your test and can't distinguish between a correct answer and a careless doodle. Easy questions usually precede hard ones. Mark only one answer per question. Skip any question if you haven't the faintest idea about the answer. You don't lose points.

Understand the scoring! You get a point for a right answer. There is no deduction for omitted answers or for wrong answers. However, filling in each question with even a guess is better than leaving the answer grid blank. Keep checking that you are placing your answer in the correct section and number on the answer sheet.

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Don't spend too much time on any one question. You should spend only seconds on the easiest questions, and hesitate to spend more than 1-2 minutes on even the hardest ones. Remember that the ACT consists of a series of small, timed, mini-tests. Keep track of the time you're allotted for each one and how much time remains.

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Bring a watch to the test center. You can't be guaranteed that there'll be a working clock there. Don't change an answer unless you're sure you made an error. Read the words in the question carefully. Be sure to answer the question asked and not the question you recall from a practice test.

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Know the Question Types to Expect on the ACT * 19 analogies * 19 sentence completion * 40 reading comprehension * 35 math multiplechoices * 15 quantitative comparisons * 10 student-produced responses.

General quick steps for preparing for the Test : Step 1 : ď Ź ď Ź

Study the subject of English very carefully. You will be allowed 45 minutes to complete the English portion of your ACT test, which consists of 75 questions about punctuation, grammar, sentence structure, strategy, organization and style.

Step 2 :  

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Make sure your math skills are up to par. The ACT test includes 60 questions that must be answered in 60 minutes. Each question is based on 11th grade math. suggests memorizing only basic formulas, since complex formulas will not be used on the test.

Step 3 : ď Ź

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Brush up on your skills in science, including your understanding of scientific interpretation, analysis, evaluation, reasoning and problem solving. The test includes 35 questions, which must be answered in a 40 minute time frame.

Step 4 : ď Ź

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Practice your reading comprehension, including your referring and reasoning skills. The reading portion of the ACT test consists of 40 questions that must be answered in 35 minutes.

Step 5 : 

Practice your writing skills if you choose to take this optional portion of the test. The test measures the basic writing and composition skills that should have been taught in your high school English classes. You will have 30 minutes to complete this portion of the test.

Step 1 : ď Ź

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Pack all the supplies you will need to take to the testing center. These supplies usually include a photo ID, your test admission ticket, several number 2 pencils, erasers and a calculator.

Step 2 : ď Ź

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Get as much rest as you can the night before the test. Most people operate better when they are wellrested.

Step 3 : ď Ź ď Ź

Eat a satisfying breakfast. Because the test takes about four hours to complete, you are likely to become very hungry if you do not eat beforehand.

Step 4 : Arrive to the testing center on time. ď Ź You will not be allowed to take the test if you are late. ď Ź

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