XXC Issue #6

Page 22

The bike rests next to the “grenzstein.”

I have a qu ick cola in a pu b,press the shu tter bu tton of m y cam era thrice and off I g o... I w ant to reach the g oal.If I hu rry I can m ake it w ithin seven days. So the land flies by and near M ittelham m er I pass throu g h a m oist dale. T he slow river R eg nitz literally attracts m illions of g nats. Since there are no m ore border g u ards arou nd they start feasting on m e rig ht at the “Staatsg renze” (state lim it) sig n. 3 flats, 1,255 km ,17.760 m eters ofclim bing and 7 days later I finished the G ST . XXC SEASON TWO: ISSUE SIX

This year’s event T he G renzsteintrophy 2010 w ill start on the 17th of Ju ne. B efore G erm an reu nification in O ctober 1990 this date m arked the W est G erm an national holiday know n as “D ay of G erm an U nity”,rem em bering the G D R u prising in 1953 that w as su ppressed by Soviet troops. In 2010 the rou te g oes in the opposite direction starting in the V og tland and heading north w ith the g oal of reaching the coast of the B altic Sea at the Priw all in Travem ünde. W ith eig ht riders m aking it to M ittelham m er in 2009, the 2010 G PS track is som ew hat confirm ed. E ng lish Inform ation at w w w.grenzsteintrophy.de PAGE 22


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