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eleanorzine FOR THE NERDY, GEEKY, AND OH SO CHEEKY summer 2010 issue 03

Kawaii for the Sexaii (Sexy)

The Japan Diaries Gal Top 10

Dissecting the gal with the doll’s


WTH is eleanorzine? Eleanor zine is created for: The outsiders, the geeks, the dweebs, the nerds, the trend setters and not followers, the girl who can beat anyone at smash bros, the girl who dreams of having high tea in Japan, the girl who sits alone in the cafeteria, the girl who is sometimes thought of as weird, odd, and peculiar, the girl who likes fashion, but perhaps not the main stream, the girl who swims against the flow vs. going with the flow, the girl who blogs about polaroids, purikura, and holga. This zine is for the knitters, the stitchers, and the all around crafsters—the girl who downloads Japanese magazines, and doesn’t need help at Game Stop. This zine is created for you by girls like you. Whether you are 12 or 112, we hope to cater to a place to find where you belong, because magazines usually don’t cater to us, so we decided to create our own. So keep blogging, watch Ninja warrior, and dominate on Steam, we promise to bring what interests you back into the magazine realm, because if we don’t who will. Questions, professional inquiries, mysteries of the universe contact us at: eleanorzine@gmail.com

editor’s letter

Finally summer has arrived. Soon we’ll all too quickly start griping about the heat even though it seems like we were just whining over this rubbish weather we all have had recently. So instead of falling into our usually funks, get out there and try something new! Maybe it’s time to try out a new style—eleanorzine is dissecting the gyaru! From street snaps, to in depth inquiries we are helping you understand what’s the difference between girl and gal. Whatever it is you’re into ellie is sure to find something for you to love and enjoy the summer.

Big hug little hug, Bianca.


table of contents

our biggest issue ever!!!

5 WTH is eleanorzine 6 Editor’s Letter 9 Contributor’s 11 God Save the Gyaru 13 Getting Giddy 23 eleanorzine: StREET 29 WRLP 31 Blogger Style 67 DIY 77 Kawaii for the Sexaii (sexy) 85 The Japan Diaries 93 Nerdy Girl 105 Geek Out 117 Usagi’s Story Book 119 Trendy to Try 121 Advertise, Contribute 123 Special Thanks 125 Coming in September 7




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contributors Bianca is the mama bear to the zine you call eleanor. Everyday her blood, sweat, and tears go into the zine, so we all can enjoy something made for girls who are just a bit pelculiar.

Bianca, Chicago

PetSugar, New York

Hana is more than just a pretty face. She is a confident girl who believes in following your dreams. Follow hers through her diary entries and on her blog.

Hana, Tokyo



Ellen is taking a year away from college and living with her grandma in Sapporo. Follow her misadventures and new experiences through her diary and her blog.

Petsugar brings to you Kawaii for the Sexaii (sexy). Her mission to bring cute to the masses is a never ending battle that she is willing to endure just so we can sit back and enjoy the cute.


Ellen , Sapporo

Mistu is just a girl with an idea. She’s bringing Japanese fashion to the masses, and dissecting the gyaur with us. Learn more about gal on her site.


Mitsu, Texas




Recently there has been ample information on the death of Gal; the one of Japans many ‘anti-fashion’ subcultures that have taken over the mainstream. While gal may still be a newborn idea in the west, in Japan it has been going on strong since the bubble gum pop era of the 90s. According to the laws of fashion trends usually have a 5 year life span, first it’s introduced, then somewhere down the line wal-mart is cranking it out, then finally it’s in the dollar bin. One trend can constantly reinvent itself but change color or cuts, but first it’s in then it’s out, then give it a couple of years it will be back. Many people debated Gal to be nothing more than just a trend, just like rapping grandmas. But for something to be simply just a fad it has lasted well over 20 years. Do trends normally last that long? I don’t see anyone wearing cross colors or JNCO jeans anymore (thank goodness) and those wear a trend. I’m sure people thought the idea of women wearing pants was a funny trend but that” trend” is older than most of us reading this magazine. So is gal dead or is it simply a new subculture? Everyone thought hipsters wouldn’t lasts pasts the 1940s but if you go to any local thrift store they are crawling out woodwork. Perhaps it’s up to society to decide. Nobody talks in valspeak, but we sure do use “like” a lot. Maybe it will evolve into something new something better. Until then, viva la gyaru!

Getting Giddy

1. Lashes, Lashes and more lashes:

Gal Top Ten

Looking for the top 10 ten thing that a girl needs to make it to gal perfection? Take a looky-loo at this list to get you towards the road of gal-dom.

Okay we understand some of us are allergic to eye lash glue, others may be inexperienced to falsie application. But listen ladies, if you want that gal wow factor, it starts in the eyes. Still not feeling the lashes, there are some mascaras that will give you a similar effect, but nothing will ever compare to a full set of lashes. If you are beginner we suggest NOT spending all your money on designer lashes. Try ebay, we found some lashes for under 3 dollars INCLUDING shipping. PLUS, they make great accent lashes, which is a great gateway to full lashes is to start with accent lashes. So get a curling ladies!

2. Finding your genre:

Don’t believe the myth that gal is all mini skirts and high heels. There are many styles of gal from B-gyaru, to Mori Gal. Do a little research, (and not on google image search you’ll find some serious out of date garbage out there) May we suggest going to the 109 website and research current gal trends. Or read a few gal mags, if you don’t have the cash to by them online, or live no where near a Japanese market, check out livejounral/japanesemagazinescans. We suggest popteen, Scawaii, Jelly, Egg, and Ranzuki.


Getting Giddy

3. Get staples: Gal is all about coordinates.

Flip through some zines and find some you can emulate. Get key trend pieces, for this summer it would be the usamimi, cancan hat, denim shirt, florals, and even tie dye. Character goods such as Mickey and Snoopy shirts are also a plus and you can find those basically everywhere. Try to have key pieces and create an entire look versus just wearing a mickey t with your old jeans and chucks. Try a Mickey Shirt, under and Demin shirt, over a nautical skirt a with a can can hat or usa mimi. It’s important to have head to toe looks than just one piece. This keeps it gal and not just ordinary.

4. Spend Wisely:

Being gal does not have to equal being broke. Yes is fantastic to have brand items, but sometimes with high trend items that will not be loved next week, it’s probably best to save your money. Forever 21, Uniqlo, and H&M are great places to start and find items (actually found in Japanese stores) Find pieces that speak to you, look in magazine that feature western stores and go to that store! Only spend the big $$ on items you absolutely adore, like a WC t shirt or a pair of really nice shoes. Plus these pieces can be worn multiple ways, versus a crazy trend items you’ll only wear once.


Getting Giddy

5. Be Beautiful in the inside:

No one likes Gal Nazis, no one like gossip, and just plain meanness. DO NOT be a gal who brings others down. Gal is more than just the clothes you wear. Don’t be the girl who rips others apart for their looks especially if you are not even working it yourself. Jealous looks terrible on everyone. And beautiful western gals we all love such as Mistu, Jenny, and Sara Mari, never had an ugly thing to say about anyone. Stay away from childish cliques and gossip circles, find true friends, whether they are gal or not, and be real friends even under all the blush.

6. Don’t believe the hype:

Circle Lenses do not auto-magically make you gal. They can be great! But they don’t make you gal. Circle lenses may look cute on one girl and scary on another. Some girls eye diameter is actually the same size of a circle lense, others have a big impact. Try it out, see if you like it, or maybe you just want to change your eye color. BUT AGAIN, having circle lenses does not automatically transform you into a gal queen. Some great gals don’t even wear them at all. Just check out Sara Mari.


7. Uzzlang is not the same:

Be careful not to fall into Korean fashion which may appear to be gal to an untrained eye, but it is another type a style. Portuguese may sound like Spanish, but they are totally different, just like Gal and Korean fashion. This is why it’s so important to study it, tumblr has great gal overload pictures that will raise for gal I.Q by like 100 points!

8. Gal is not for the lazy:

Getting Giddy

Yep, if you sign that dotted line saying you want to be gal, expect to work for it. Expect to study it, expect to understand the culture behind those circle lenses. If you do not want to do your hair, if you do not want to wear heels, if you do not want to wear make up, then perhaps gal is not for you. You can still admire it, but gal is not really a Halloween costume, some people really live this lifestyle every day, so don’t offend those who worked hard on this lifestyle by coping out. It may take months to get gal right, that’s okay. You might get sick, your feet may swell, you might get split ends, that’s okay! Every lifestyle has it exceptions. Just don’t get weighed down by excuses.


9. Find an icon:

Wakamatsu Chinatsu is a great role model, Nana Suzuki, Tsubasa, are fantastic as well. You look at these girls and they are just more than a magazine coordinate. Study their blogs, it helps you understand personal style. Being gal is more than just emulating, it’s about finding yourself in a culture. At first, you might play copy cat, later on, you’ll find coordinates that say “you.” And no one else but, “YOU.”

10. It’s okay:

So maybe you just admire gal, maybe you’re a RN and can’t be gal, maybe you could care less for gal—and that’s just fine. More importantly than any of the other rules, it’s most important to stay true to yourself. Being gal is not worth putting you into debt, nor is it worth you trying to weigh 70lbs (unless you are 7 years old). If you feel like being gal is a chore and not a joy, don’t do it. Find what makes you happy. Sure like anything we love it may have its bad days, but it’s always about being yourself and loving yourself. If you feel in any way that gal is turning you into the girl you don’t want to be, then don’t be her, find your bliss.


eleanorzine: StREET

What a better way to celebrate a summer of gal than to have street snaps representing some of the best and brightest gals this side of the world wide web.

The beautiful Becci 24

Kimberely (Chizuka 18, Brielle Game Designer


Kaarina (Kaachan LJ) 18, Brisbane, Australia, Student

Alanna Cambridge,UK 23, Sales


Want to be in our next issue of street snaps? Send all submissions to: eleanorzine@gmail.com attn: streetsnap! We look forward from hearing from you soon ;D

Becci ,Ă–rebro, Sweden 23, Student Kirakira-dreams.blogspot.com

WRLP WATCH: Go outside, go to the beach! TV can wait, most shows are in syndication at this point anyway :P

READ: Jeffery Brown American Virgin Nothing like a good summer read, check out American Virgin, and expect to never look at a virgin the same way again.

LISTEN: Summer concerts anyone? Lollapoolza, Pitchfork, Boonaroo, check out your local concerts and get rockin!

PLAY: STEAM is now available for Mac! Finally we can figure out who’s the better between PC and Mac through some friendly competitions in the computer gaming world. Counterstrike anyone? Or maybe we’ll just play the new rocket night adventures.


Blogger Style

Gal Chica Boom! We had to get inside the head of some of some of the best gals the western world has to offer. Check out this rainbow collation of Gal Beauts, from their humble beginnings to their dominating presence, and we dare you to not be inspired!

Kristiina aka (Keikk ‘cake’) HauteKeikk.com, 21 Helsinki, Finland

Q: What got you interested in gal? I’m think it came along with Japanese street fashion in general that I probably got into through Japanese music and partly manga as many of us probably did back in the day. Also I was always scrolling through the FRUiTS books and noticed myself adoring the gal inspired outfits the most before I even really recognized them to be gal!

Q: What were you into previously? I’ve never really liked the strict classifications and borderlines between styles so this one would be hard to answer to. I’ve always carried loads of pink and loads of accessories. I’ve had the pink hide hair and I’ve worn ribbons and Hamtaro headbands in it. At times it’s been more CALI surfer, at times decora mixed with lolita, and at times more scene inspired.

Q: What other things do you enjoy? Regardless how much I love fashion it feels good to completely forget about it too at times. I like hanging out in guy company talking about everything but fashion. Baking sweet things, dancing, singing and hard work out are my favorite ways to relax.

Q: Do you feel like there are strict gal rules or do you play by your own? I feel that mixing up different styles is part of what makes style so much fun. In my opinion a stylish gal knows how to play with style and isn’t afraid to disobey the unwritten ‘rules’ of that specific style. I try to keep this in mind when sculpting my own!

Q: What makes someone gal and someone just cute? As I’m sure a lot of other people that are more into gal fashion would say I also feel that gal is more like a lifestyle or an attitude than just a plain superficial thing. A gal doesn’t take herself too seriously and has that same playful attitude towards fashion but at the same time she’s sure of herself and knows who she is and wants to be. Even in the sweetest of gals there’s that determination and confidence behind the cuteness!

Q: Who are your idols? My number one style icon is singer Koda Kumi. Some gal models that I look up to are Tsubasa Masuwaka, Natsumi Yoshida and Yuuki Yamamoto.

Arianna Jay (AJ), 21 icecreamfactory.livejournal.com Vancouver, BC

Q: What got you interested in gal? The first time I encountered gyaru was the last time I was in Japan, December 2008, just before the New Year. (So, a year and a half ago now I guess!) Surprisingly, this did not happen in Tokyo; it happened in Osaka. There were these girls in the livehouses at v-kei shows, and some on the streets in Umeda/Amemura who were dressed like this... Also in Shinsaibashisuji. It was actually the girls here, a specific group, walking down the street close to the Dotonbori that really made me go -- hey. This is a seriously impressive, head-turning style. And I really liked it. My interest grew from there.


Q: What were you into previously? Before that point, I was v-kei. For a lot of years. I dressed visual, had all the piercings, chains, the crazy, short, allover-the-place hair, dark make... That kind of thing. XD; Looking back at it now, it actually didn’t look awful on me - but it didn’t really suit me like gal does. :3

Q: What other things do you enjoy? Outside of the basic gal interests (shopping, fashion, etc) I looooove to cook. I also love to write, sing/do karaoke, ride horses, go extreme camping, research new things, go driving, listen to indies visual music - though I love all types, all genres, in a whole bunch of different languages - I also like to sculpt, and paint pottery. Want to know another random one? I also love building forts in forests or hoodoos! Haha.

Q: Do you feel like there are strict gal rules or do you play by your own? I don’t really feel like there are strict gal ‘rules’, per se, but I do think - in my opinion - there are some common denominators more people should pay attention to. For example, the general style of gal make. People say that you can do a gal look without makeup/a lot of makeup, but that’s simply not really true. Hair and makeup are the main defining looks of gal. Anyone can wear a short skirt and high boots, but that does not automatically make them gyaru. Not even skin tone (tan/ not tan) makes a girl gal or not anymore. Plus, there always needs to be room for the fashion to evolve - so I don’t believe there ever even should be strict gal rules. If what’s popular changes - for example, if suddenly it was the majority rule for gyaru to stop being so obvious as gyaru because of their huge, adorned eyes or voluminous, styled locks, and it took a turn towards lower-key hair and make? Then, that would be the next evolution. Things always must change eventually.

Q: What makes someone gal and someone just cute? I think I sort of answered part of this already... xD But really, it is all about the styling. The way coordinate pieces work together instead of as separates, the way that hair is styled or makeup is executed. People tend not to realize that there are very specifics ways that these things are done! I know that I certainly didn’t... when I started posting to the gal communities, I maybe had a little sense of style, but I didn’t see things the same way I do now. It takes time, and a lot of attention to detail! And one should always, always be willing to listen to constructive commentary and advice. I am sure that I have a lot that can be improved upon, and will continue to try and do so. But there is a very specific styling to gyaru, and it’s quite elusive to start with! But, detail, detail, detail.

Q: Who are your idols? Well, style idols or personal idols? ;D My style idols... are the street-gyaru. The people who go out there and strut this stuff every day. Plus, these are the girls who really know what is going on with the fashion... magazines give some guidance and some ideas, but they’re no substitute for the kind of dedication, effort, and fashion prowess that these ladies have. So I’d definitely have to say they’re my idols.

Blogger Style

Charlotte Hompe.19 agejoperfect.blogspot.com Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Q: What got you interested in gal? Haha, shall I be honest? The first thing that got me into gal was Men’s egg model Ryo Imai.. Sometimes one needs a primitive drive to find what turns out to be their favourite hobby ;)

Q: What were you into previously? I was interested in Lolita fashion, and I’m still interested, it’s just a bit on a hold right now.

Q What other things do you enjoy? I love anything fashion related and I enjoy food! Going out for dinner is one of my favourite hobbies, I like the kind of food you can stuff yourself with but I also love new and exciting tastes that require all of your attention.


Q: Do you feel like there are strict gal rules or do you play by your own? Well there are some guidelines of course, and personaly I try hard to fit into a set look because I like to chase goals but I think gal fashion is getting more and more versatile. As long as the make up is mori and the hair is taken care of, they can get away with almost anything.

Q: What makes someone gal and someone just cute? That’s a difficult question! What makes someone stick out of the cute mob and makes her gal is probebly..the outrageous factor, there must be something wild and daring about a gal, whether it’s the hair or the hotpants, the bob or the boyfriend jeans, it’s got to be progressive in some way.

Q: Who are your idols? I have lots of idols haha, but I’d say Sakurina, Ayurina and Shizuka Mutou (All Ageha) are my favourites when it comes to style.

Liv., 17 liv-is-alive.blogspot.com Copenhagen, Denmark

Q: What got you interested in gal? I was getting tired of my (now former) style and had remembered some gyaru things I had seen, while I was in Japan the year previously. I also saw some girls on the Danish forum for Japanese fashion starting to get into gal fashion, one already good and another one well on her way. I started reading Egg and Ranzuki online and then suddenly one day, after a lot of people had been rude to me, I decided to start on my gyaru-ness. My wardrobe was wrong and I knew that, but I didn’t want to wait any longer, because suddenly I knew I wanted to be gal.

Q: What were you into previously? For 2 years I called myself decora, as in decora-kei, but I really wasn’t. I didn’t really follow the style’s guidelines and I just did what I randomly liked to do. But decora is still the best way to describe my style at that time. But in Denmark people have a lot of prejudices against such fashion styles and I was laughed at daily.


Q: What other things do you enjoy? I really enjoy reading. I read manga, American/European comics and regular books. I love the Uglies-series by Scott Westerfeld, Jane Austen’s books and Peter Pan is my favorite book of all time. In comics the favorite is Elfquest and in manga I really don’t know – I love too many. I love sewing – I make my own clothes and/or make the ones I buy different. I loooove spending money but I also like spending them with care.I am a cosplayer and I sew all of my cosplays. I love challenging myself in aspects of sewing. I adore taking pictures – especially of people I love - and I like to have fun with my friends. The best feeling is when I feel good-looking, walking beside a good (girl)friend and I know that I can talk about whatever, because the friend loves me.

Q: Do you feel like there are strict gal rules or do you play by your own? I really feel like the western gal communities have set up a whole lot of rules. I think this is absolutely ridiculous because there are no rules in Japan. For example: The western communities say that red lipstick is a big NOGO. But what is it that I see in the Japanese mags? Gals starting to wear red lipstick. In some months it will probably be okay to wear in the western “guidelines”. In the beginning I did follow a lot of those guidelines and that made me an all right gal. But I didn’t get any better before I started thinking outside of that “rule box”. The thing that develops me as a gal now is my ability to think for myself and try out a whole bunch of things. If the gals in Japan didn’t play by their own rules the scarf-in-the-hair trend wouldn’t have appeared this year. If gals in Japan hadn’t thought outside of the box, gyaru fashion had never been created in the first place.

Q: What makes someone gal and someone just cute? I actually believe that is the mere belief in being gal. If one does not think one is gal, then one certainly isn’t. But if they think they are, they will gradually be able to do anything with their style and still look gal. Being gyaru is all about charisma, make-up and confidence in oneself. I only became what I’d say is really gal when I started thinking of myself as a gal – when I crossed the line of “I want to be/look gal” and started to think “hell, I am gal!” Not to say that I think of myself as the perfect gal, I’m just my version of a gal.

Q: Who are your idols? I actually wouldn’t say I have idols. I did in the beginning. At that time I really loved Yuma Takahashi – Yumachi from Egg – as an idol, but now I see her as a source of inspiration. Right now I really love a bunch of models and bloggers, but none of them are my idols. I love watching videos of Japanese gals. I once saw some gals with fake nails on and watched them handle different things. I had always thought that the Japanese gyarus could do anything with their looong nails and that I just sucked, but they sucked just as bad as I did. I love the fact that I am now beginning to see them – the models, the Japanese gals - as normal people. Even the models aren’t stars in my eyes – they are just ordinary people with irregular jobs. I like those “here is my room”-features some of the magazines do sometimes – they really break the fantasy of the models being dazzling and magnificent all day long, haha. Today I just love looking at other gals and watching them love the style.

Monica Tang, 20 monicatang.com Oslo, Norway

Q: What got you interested in gal? At school, five years ago, a random guy randomly said I was a “ganguro”. I had orange bleached hair and was tanned back then, so I guess that was why he did called me that. I didn’t know what it was, so when I got home I googled it. The pics of ganguro I saw back then was the “californian girl” look. They were tanned (fake, so they were so orange LOL!), had yellow bleached hair and a lot of thick makeup. I was in love! I already had that tan and hair color, and I wanted to adopt their makeup style! They were asian, like me - and I wanted to achive the big-eye look as those girls did!

Q: What were you into previously? I have been into a lot, but I was always fail hahaha. I was even into goth for two years. I tried to find pics, but I didn’t find any. I was a huuuuuuuuuge fail back then hahahaha. I guess I was very insecure and didn’t know where to fit. But now, in gal style I feel complete!


Q: What other things do you enjoy? I LOVE playing Xbox 360... CoD:MW2 is the game being in the console at the moment. I am working with ranking up so I can enjoy prestige mode, lol. Internet (or just doing stuff on the computer) is also something I really enjoy... I’m so addicted to check communities/email and such. I’m running Linux on my computer, and sometimes things just don’t work - so I am just trying to figure out what to do with the problem, which I enjoy doing haha. I also enjoy cooking food - mostly without any reciepes. I love to see how things turns out! I also have a little dog, and much of my time (and money omg) is spent on her. I try to do the best to make her happy! Decorating stuff is also a thing I like to do... My cell phone, computer monitor, computer cabinet, computer speakers, camera... well, almost all of my gadgets are decorated!

Q: Do you feel like there are strict gal rules or do you play by your own? Before, when I was insecure I did follow the “rules” aka being clones of other gals. The typically hair color, style, makeup... Well, anything. I don’t think that was an bad idea, because back then I learned the basics. All the small things that made a gal look... gal. Now, when I am more secure, I am not afraid of experiment with stuff. High heels is a example - they are almost required in this style - but since I got a boyfriend that isn’t tall, I have to work with flats. Trying to get some flats in to my style was a challenge, because I still wanted to look gal.

Q: What makes someone gal and someone just cute? I don’t think I should say anything to this, because some people can take it too seriously, haha. But MY opinion is actually the basics. Following the trends, having styled hair, taken care of nails... done the makeup right. I have seen a lot of girls here with the style that could fit into gal, but her hair/makeup did not look gal - so in my eyes she was just a stylish girl. And I have also seen girls with gal makeup/hair, but their style did not look gal - so they were just good with makeup. So, basically - I think the things that make someone gal is the whole package. Even though, it is possible to look gal without some of the basics. An example would be the makeup. Nude lips is typical for gals, but some gal does pull of the red lipstick - but they are often making the other basics more bold (bigger hair, heels, nails)

Q: Who are your idols?

Aina Tanaka, Hiromi Endo is two I want to list... Other than that, I don’t really have any idols. I am more interested in magazines and stuff, and the co-ordinates. I love being inspired by the magazines!

DIY: usamimi

Here is an awesome DIY project brought to you by Violet from violetlebeaux.com Her ingenious way of making a usamimi out of a lonely sock has us digging through out closet figuring out what else can we use to make our self more gyaru.


So first step! If you’re using fabric, measure out how long you need the scarf to be (measure around your head and then add extra for the point little ears) and cut two long rectangles. Because I am using stockings I’ve skipped this step.


fabric (or sock) thin wire scissors needle thread I decided to go one step further on the saving money front and instead of using fabric I saved time and effort by using a pair of stockings that I bought but didn’t end up fitting They had a cute patten so I’ve been looking for another way to use them and this is perfect!


Now cut the ends into points. I folded mine in half to ensure that the ends were exactly the same shape.



If you are using normal fabric then sew down the straight sides to form a long tube (don’t sew the ends yet!). If you’re using stockings then you already have a long tube like below ^_^

Turn your tube inside out. Fold the wire in half.


Now get your thin wire ready! I am using 2 lengths of wire because the wire I had was too thin to shape the fabric properly. So cut a length of wire that is long enough to go all the way around the outside of your tube. Leave an extra few inches so there is room to tie the ends together.


Using your needle and thread, sew up the pointy end. Use a plain old running stitch, nothing fancy. I’m hand stitching because my sewing machines are all in storage but if you can use a machine or an over-locker I would definitely suggest it!



Keep going all the way down the side until you reach the other open edge. If you started out with fabric that you sewed together then you might just be able to weave the wire through the stitches you already made.


Now let’s start adding the wire, this is what will make the ear parts nice and stiff. Line the wire up with the point and starting from there use a blanket stitch to attach the wire to the edge of the fabric. When you stitch you should only pick up a few threads from the fabric, this will ensure that when you turn it inside out you can’t see gigantic stitches.

When you get to the other end use a running stitch to close up one side and then continue with the wire up the edge. You should have a little wire overlapping the edge which we will use to close it up later.


This is roughly what you should end up with… And as you can see I have left over wire poking out from the top.


Now repeat along the other side but stop when you reach the opening.Using the hole, turn the whole thing inside out…


Cut the wire down so it’s only 1cm longer than the tip, then twist the two ends together and fold them down. And you end up with this:



Now hold it flat, fold the raw edges in and sew up the gap like in the picture below. Try to hide your stitches as much as possible by only poking through a tiny bit of the exposed fabric. Make sure to sew the points of the wire really well so it doesn’t pop through ^_^

You hopefully end up with something like this…

Which will hold it’s shape like this!

And Wallah! You’re Done, happy crafting ^_^ (visit violet at her blog: violetlebeaux.com)


Sexaii (Sexy) by Pet Sugar

Pencil! Paper! Girls! This is the kind of art

that soothes the girl soul. Unfortunately as girls mature, the medium changes to something more “progressive”... oil paints and Photoshop (or a combination of both... I can never tell anymore). The desire for this art exists within all of us, but high school girl sketchbooks are often a confused mess of girls they wished they looked like and diary entries they hope will be discovered (be honest!). The girls who are strong enough to side swipe such insecurity-driven, lukewarm, so-called creativity and create some whole-hearted girl art are absolutely impossible to find. YET I NEED IT. I want to see what I could never create yet instinctively tried desperately to.

Okay I’m seeming awfully dejected and desperate for a girl who has found what she’s looking for! Sorry about that! Hope you weren’t thinking I’d implode at the end of this and the art would be my blood spatter. Wait.. is there blood splatter with implosions. Why did I have to sound smart and use the word “implosion?” Damn it explosion, okay, explosion. Okay so I’m fine and I’m happy and I’m about to show you three artists that GET IT. These ladies still use paper and pens and pencils and markers and even white-out sometimes. They are the equivalent of awesome sticker collections, your first pastel-colored eyeshadow and hanging out at Ben & Jerry’s.

I want it to hit all the right spots. None of that under-indulgent stuff. No I don’t mean sketches of hot anime chicks (don’t pretend you don’t know). My list of demands is getting crazy I know. I’m starting to wonder if its getting too weird and specific to apply to girlkind anymore. I’m just going to hope that I’m THE girl prototype and keep on with this.

art by ester kim all rights reserved

ester kim's diary (esterlovesyou.com)

art by ester kim all rights reserved

Baby Panda’s Treasures


art by baby panda all rights reserved

RADIATION EYES Collection (radiationeyes.deviantart.com)

art by radiation eyes all rights reserved

The Japan Diaries Hello Again Friends...

Hana and Ellen Back for more action. Two girls living on opposite islands of Japan. Both not orginally from the land. Hana a girl from the states and Ellen a girl from the outback, both find peace in the cooliest of countires. Always growing; always changing, these are their diaries of what it’s really like in Japan...



It`s 10:30am, sunny and I don`t have work for a few more hours. This is my favorite type of morning: open window, hot coffee with cream and sugar, and sitting on the floor in my pajamas. I don`t remember much of earlier aside from Sho giving me a kiss goodbye before he left for work and tucking me back into bed. I woke up next to a stuffed hamster, so I suppose he put that next to me. Most mornings start this way and most evenings end in the a similar manner just with more video games, dinner and Sho trying to make me laugh. Around 11:00 I start my morning jog. I like jogging to the traditional Japanese park in my area. It is only about 15minutes away on foot but it feels like a completely different place. There aren`t enough trees in Tokyo but this small park is filled with trees, flowers, and tiny ponds. No doubt it will also be filled with older men taking pictures with their fancy cameras. You can`t have a park in Japan without some older person taking photos. I can smell it when I get close enough, even if I can`t see it. The flowers are in bloom these days, leaving the air sweet. Every inhale relaxes me further, every exhale takes my stress with it. I know I get stressed out in Japan, living in a different country does that but I know how to fight the stress. Today, I am fighting it. I am meeting my friend after work for drinks. Nothing like a bit of gossip and wine to cheer a person up. Or at least me.

Work passes quickly and painlessly. I actually like my work now, so I have few complaints about what I do. It feels weird to write that when I know so many people with complaints of their own. I had plenty to complain about only 4-5 months ago so I know how it feels to be on the other side of the spectrum. I spent too long drinking. It is always just one-more which leads to four glasses before we both have to go home and make dinner. But it is so nice to talk to someone who understands--everything. The cultural misunderstandings in our relationships, someone to share recipes with, to bitch about fashion trends we don`t like in Japan etc. Rehashed conversation but new drama is always happening in some way--whether it is mother-in-laws, arguments, or friends doing crazy, unexplainable things there is always a new story to talk about during out evening chats. I want to make a list in this little diary of mine just to clear my head--but I doubt anyone wants to view a list of possible dinners. What should I write in here? If I had been asked two years ago, before I met Sho or right around...my life would have been a lot more interesting. Parties and dating-lots of dating--and stereotypical single-girl behavior. Oh well. This is my life now. Time to make dinner and wait for Sho`s not-so-grand appearance. Tonight I think we`ll watch a movie.


Saturday..(May) Today Sho and I have a double date with his brother and his brother`s new girlfriend in Shibuya. WHAT DO I WEAR? I don`t want to dress up too much in case the other woman feels awkward but...I don`t want to be too casual. Sho is putting on his hat. This is annoying. I wish he would dress up more and do his hair...he looks so much more handsome that way. Come on! Why should I dress up and he do nothing? So unfair. Fine fine. I think I will wear my shirt by Lanvin over my Eiffel tower print t-shirt tucked in with a wide belt and with black shorts, black tights and boots. Sho is still wearing his hat. Oh well.

shibuya 109 & the park whereI I jog :)

Home now. Can I say one thing? AWKWARD. I know my Japanese is not very good despite living here for...a while. I can`t be bothered to study but I can understand some things. One thing I will NEVER understand: the Japanese woman`s need to squeal and screech while thinking it is cute. Maybe guys like that? I don`t know. She was nice, normal...but that voice. She had a normal voice and then she had...a flirting voice...and Sho`s bother...I don`t even want to get into it. Awkward. Fun, but awkward. Sho`s brother dressed in a suit though. Clearly trying to get laid. I had a lot of fun teasing him about it. Glad he isn`t my boyfriend though haha. However, I have concluded three facts: 1. I will never be good at karaoke. 2. Sho`s brother will always rock at karaoke and he should have been a professional singer. 3. Sho and I will always start dancing and acting silly while everyone else sings. Well, I guess it shouldn`t be so surprising-we did meet in a club after all. The day was long. I`m tired. Sho is watching some Japanese TV Show. I should add a fourth fact: I will never understand the appeal of Japanese comedy. Yes, I get that some things are funny but it is just...so...stupid...and chessy...and...not good. Maybe I can convince him to play Mario Brothers. Time to plot.

a n a H

Till Next Time

Last Day of work...

for a month...

june 2010 My new hair colour has been receiving good reception from most people on the Internet and in real life. A common comment I get in real life now is that I don’t look Japanese anymore, haha... It’s only a matter of time until the colour starts to fade into an Asian blonde, aww. I had my last shift before I go back to Melbourne for a bit over a month with this new Japanese lady, she’s all ethnic and chilled, I reckon she’s cool as. She was super friendly and easy to work with. Since it was my final day, the guy in the kitchen cooked me my favourite meal! The kitchen guy and I are pretty good mates, it’s weird to think that he’s older than my dad!



After work, I spent a couple of hours trying to find birthday presents for my friends back in Melbourne (belated, on time, and early) but I couldn’t find anything that seemed appropriate... Ahhh, I’m the worst when it comes to choosing presents! So I gave up and went to Ootoya to have unlimited non-alcoholic drinks and a parfait. Felt re-energised and attempted to resume my present hunting... But couldn’t find anything.....(oh well)

Love from Ellen purikura with new hair colour

Dissecting the gal with

Mitsu started off as just any other girl on the internet expressing herself with a blog. Little did she know that it would explode into a worldwide phenomenon. Now she has moved from just being a fan of al to a gyaru guru. But no worries there is no “Gal Nazi” here, she doesn’t care if you stick to the rules, her only rule is to stay true to yourself. The advice she offers is free, and the wisdom she pertains is priceless. We decided we must snag an interview with this Texas Gal Beaut while we still can. We know that the praise Mitsu has received so far is merely the tip of the iceberg. We’re guessing she’s going to become the Japanese fashionista version of the Satioralist. Book deal, anyone? (Mitsu: LOL I’m open to offers.)



Eleanorzine: To begin, we want to know a little bit about you. So, when did your love for Japanese Fashion begin? Did you always like gal? Did you start in fruits style (like so many of us sadly have DX ) Mistu: I did like Japanese fashion before I started living in Japan, but only as a casual interest. I worked for a clothing company that imported British cyber clothing into the US, so I was very into outlandish fashion. When I first ran into the Fruits books I liked them, but I didn’t feel the connection to them other than some of the people also dressed cyber in them. We wore some of the same brands, so I was really happy with the overseas connection. I didn’t always like gal, it wasn’t until I moved to Japan in 2007 that I had any concept of what was gal more than just too much tanning and platforms. Thankfully early gal had changed much into 2007. EZ: When did you start having your own style versus mimicking Ranzuki, etc…? Mitsu: Well for me the magazines came second to seeing gals in shops, in clubs and on the streets. So I guess I had a backwards education.Being in Japan your learning curve can be steep since you’re there always visually absorbing the fashion. I think in 2007 I had good days and quite a few fail days.No one is perfect at gal during their first attempts. That includes the Japanese populace.


EZ: What advice do you have for girls who are just starting off in gal? Mitsu: Define gal for yourself. Decide what being gal for you means, how much work you want to put in it, what you feel you need to achieve that.Then just give yourself a lot of time and practice. EZ: What inspired you to create “the doll?” (first universaldoll.blogspot.com, now universal-doll.com) Mitsu: I started posting on kogal_panel livejournal.com community back in 2008 because I felt there was a big disconnect in how people were interpreting the trends. It was mostly just every 2 months I’d list current trends I saw in stores and items I had bought in 109 that matched those trends. EZ: Why not have a blog that talks more about you rather than fashion? Mitsu: Oh dear several reasons… I consider myself a private person, and so that always comes into play. I also consider my life quite boring, even when I’m in Japan. I’m still stuck commuting and doing the daily grind most everyone does. The rest of my life would be discussing how much I love my animals, my current loves and hates of the political world and other silliness. Also, I prefer offering up something to the world. If it’s going to be a hobby, I’d rather it be a useful hobby.


EZ:Did you ever feel like you were just talking to yourself, that no one would visit the doll? Mitsu: Oh gosh yes. Once I moved from kogal_panel to the doll, I wondered who would follow. I also doubted myself, even though I was living in Tokyo and heading to 109 weekly I questioned why should I be the one forecasting trends.I can’t express how elated I am people read. It still touches me when I read a kind word or receive a comment. I’m very thankful for any and all input. EZ: What is it about your advice that makes it so valid? Mitsu:Oh dear. I definitely can’t speak on that. If people feel it’s valid, then I really appreciate that. Most of the time, my advice starts out from someone asking me a question. If I answer it in a way they like,then I’m happy. EZ: Do you ever get any negativity towards your blog? Mitsu: Some, but it’s rare. It upsets me, because I blog from a very positive place, so that someone can feel negativity about it makes me question I’m not doing enough to spread positivity. I think gal is a very positive fashion. It urges people to express themselves, it allows for several forms, and it provides a very girl power attitude in its magazines that is missing from Japanese society.



EZ:Why do you think there is so much negativity in the western gal world? Mitsu: I have no clue to be honest. I wasn’t involved with in when I first got into gal, I was simply living in Japan and had no clue of a english-language gal groups. When I finally ran into it, it was a bit shocking. It wasn’t what I used to living in Japan. EZ: How do you feel about scene girls “going gal?” Mitsu: Everyone has to start somewhere and if scene was their previous clothing love that’s fine. I do feel however that some may consider it another make-up choice for photo shoots and nothing more. I do find that a bit upsetting since gal as cosplay ignores the lifestyle choices Japanese do make to go into gal. EZ: How do you think of “gals” who make excuses for why they don’t go 100% in their style, ie they don’t have money for Japanese clothes, they’re too lazy to wake up early to put on make-up, they don’t know how to use a curling iron? Mitsu: If they want to make excuses that’s fine. However, the gals that really improve and enjoy gal are the ones who do thrift their style or get up that extra hour or work hard to try out fun hairstyles. We all have waves in gal life where we should’ve gone to the hairstylist 2 weeks ago, or our makeup hasn’t been as good as we can do it, or we have too many lazy clothing days at once. The key is realizing you’re at a low ebb and making the effort to get out of it.

EZ:Were do you see “the doll” in 5 years? Do you think you’ll still like gal? Mitsu: 5 years, wow. I think it depends. I do plan to go to graduate school next year, but I hope to spend summers in Japan still. The doll might be a bit constrained since graduate school will be the monster that eats up my time instead of gal, we’ll just have to see. I’ll always like gal. There’s too many wonderful memories I’ve had that I would’ve never experienced without it. EZ: Are you a nerdy girl at heart? Mitsu: Oh absolutely. I’ve always been the girl in the odd clothes in the library. EZ: What do you geek out about? Mitsu: I’m obsessed with the Caucasus region. In Borders you’ll find me reading Foreign Affairs magazine instead of Vogue. I am the biggest sports nut. I watch ESPN Sportscenter even in Japan (via Slingbox). I’m useless during the French Open, le Tour de France, and the US Open for Tennis especially.


EZ: Do you have any non Japanese interest that our readers may be surprised that you like. Mitsu: I like soft vinyl toys, bearbricks, and I’m obsessed with BIG TOE from the Uglydoll plush toy collection. I think I have 30 big toes. I’ve even met their creator David Horvath when he was in Tokyo and got his signature. EZ: Do you see yourself living in Japan for extend periods of time? Mitsu: Probably not. I think that has to do with family and my man for as much as anything else. I appreciate having them in my life too much toconsider leaving them for too long. EZ:And lastly, EleanorZine is made for nerdy girls who love fashion and are not ashamed of being themselves, what can you say to our readers so they feel confident to be themselves? Mitsu: You’ve only got one life, so you might as well be yourself. I promise it’s tons more fun that way.


Mitsu's faves

Favorite model: Maya Mori from Jelly Favorite clothing:Onesies Favorite CD/Band at the moment: Drake and DJ ACE Fave Make: I’m really into skincare lately and Lush’s Mask of Magnanimity does amazing brightening work. Vacation Spot?: Arizona spas. Love a good dry heat Current Lip stick, Blush, and Mascara?: Blush: MAC Margin (an orangey shade) Lipstick: MAC lipstick in Myth (nude) & MAC Creamsheen Glass in Partial to Pink Mascara: MAC Prolash I guess I’m a MAC girl. ^_^

Favorite Magazine:Jelly and The Economist Mac or Pc: Mac Type of Cell: US: Iphone Japan: AU WIN w61pt Dream Car: Continental Bentley GT Video Game:Lumines. Puzzle games are so addicting! Favorite Show: Bones & Sportscenter Favorite Movie: Raise the Red Lantern & Bladerunner Favorite blog: metafilter.com Cats or Dogs:Both Favorite Food: Spinach & Pumpkin Pie

Geek Out

We decided to follow in suit of some of our favorite Japanese magazines and ask some of our favorite bloggers:

What’s in yo bag!?


enny’s bag sushi-cat.net j

Cher 15th Anniversary Bag Blackberry iPod Touch with M&M earbuds Pedometer Wallet Metro Card Keys Coin purse rose flavored mints

Large black Anna Sui pouch holds: compact mirror emergency hair ties emergency black eyeliner emergency nail file lip glosses lotion eye drops

Blue lace Egoist pouch holds: emergency medicines! antacids carmex Dramamine for motion sickness band-aids!

pet sugar’s bag dropdeadkawaii.blogspot.com

1. generic ibuprofen with no need to explain! 2. $10 dollar kohl’s gift card my boss gave me. 3. hello kitty sticker that fell off my friends phone. 4. lone pink pen cap 5. keys with pepper spray included and broken little twin stars keychain (just a star now). 6. PetSugar business cards in red card holder. 7. pens 8. strange japanese tin container i often put more ibuprofen in. 9. amazing imyourpresent hair bow with little baby deer image. 10. marc jacobs lipstick pen bianca gave meeeeee :)))

11. giant wallet from urban outfitters. 12. jewel embedded pink strawberry pendant from bff meredith that i saw in her room, got jealous of, then found out was bought for meee!!! 13. indian red pouch with beading i put my antibacterial gel in to prevent leaks (and be cute about it) 14. my samsung rogue turned upside down because i customized the cutest ever cover for it! 15. strawberry chapstick that leaves crazy white residue. 16. listerine pocket pack for... making outttttt. 17. free tissue pack i got from jlist order. never use it but good to have. 18. spare keys with pink heart macaron and bow charm. 19. random Nuriko keychain from Fushigi Yuugi someone gave me. I wanted to have Miaka but SHE had to have Miaka. 20. my brown sugar girls pouch for laundry quarters (yes i can’t seperate the laundry purpose from them). 21. lime crime lipstick in that awesome orange creamsicle color.

liv’s bag liv-is-alive.blogspot.com

Money and all my cards; credit card, study ID-card, fitness card Lip balm – I have braces, so my lips get dry very easy - + braces elastics Student year calendar 2009-2010 with homemade cover + pencil Transportation pass – a monthly ticket to the busses, metros and trains The book/manga I am reading Keys Make-up purse Cell phone + charger Hair bands – you never know when you need to get your hair out of the way Umbrella Flats – if I’m wearing heels for more than 7 hours Water and biscuits + fruit A sanitary towel just for safety Computer

charlotte’s bag agejoperfect.blogspot.com Sunglasses eau de toilette lipgloss face powder ballpen agenda Phone (Samsung star) eyelash adhesive and lens container mirror wallet Olllld iPod nano passport painkillers crackers lights for on my bicycle.

keikk’s bag hautekeikk.com

Bracelets Earrings ponytail holders and bobby pins, Perfume; Flora By Gucci Versace Bright Crystal deodorant vanilla lotion mini hairspray Lee Stafford dry shampoo Mp3 player and my momentarily undecorated cell phone Keys x 2. I always keep a spare one in my purse! Shades Makeup baggy, choco lash box, Hello Kitty pocket mirror

Rienda fold-out mirror Toshiba pocket video camera and Nintendo DS usually with Mini Ninjas or Poker Rilakkuma card holder Prada wallet coin baggy passport Folder for important papers, some pens, current book, planner Victoria’s Secret Coffee tumbler Roll out grocery shopping bag with piggy print Lime flavored mints and cassis gum

usagi’s story book

wish you were here!

“take some time to soak up the sun, forget the diet, and be cute this summer”

xoxo usagi 118


d n e r

y r T to

Beam Me up Scouty! With current trends spectating both retro looks of the 1960s and keeping with “thrifting” mentalities, it’s no surprise that wearing boy scout uniforms is starting to become all the rage. With designers like Dear Creatures, and magazine like Zipper soon everyone will be holding up their scouts honor in vintage boy scout shirts. Mix it up with a demin shorts and perhaps some cowboy boots. Keep it cute without looking cartoony. Whatever your flavor is hurry up and snatch one up from your local Salvation Army before they are all bought up by major retailers. (image from zipper May 2010)

Advertise in eleanorzine

We need your help to stay a float as an online zine. With prices as low as $25 for a half page spread, $50 for a full page, and $75 for a two page spread, why not get your business or blog booming with eleanor readers as your faithful customers. Plus your contribution can keep eleanorzine coming back for months to come!

Donate to eleanorzine

Don’t have a business, no worries! Eleanorzine, gladly accepts chairtable donation as well. Every little bit counts, and every little bit helps to continue a nerdy, geeky, cheeky voice out there for girls like you!

Contribute to eleanorzine

Feel like you represent an eleanor girl? Send us street snaps, DIYs, art work, or whatever! If you feel like it represents the zine, we want to see it! We love letters and we want to hear from you :D

Special Thanks: to mom, new york couture, nerdy girl Mitsu, all the gal bloggers, my japan diaries girls, pet sugar the artist of all the works that are within the zine from street snaps to tumblr...and to you for making this possible... thank you


Coming in September:

British Invasion! put on your red coats, the british are coming Creative Costumes, Tis the Season

Kawaii for the Sexaii (Sexy)

The Japan Diaries And so much more nerdy, geeky, and cheeky stuff!!


eleanorzine Stay nerdy, geeky, and cheeky eleanorzine@gmail.com thank you

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