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The Misfits’ in

Hello! We are The Misfits. We are a bunch of guys and gals who have decided to travel the world and visit the places in their grandeur for our personal pleasure. However, we couldn’t help but realize the importance of having the experience for everyone to get, and so we planned to make a series of adventures with documentations for the world to see. Together as a team, we explore famous and exotic locales from the ground up, and make you, the readers, feel like you’re in the place as you flip the page.

Ladies and gentlemen, this is SITE|SEEING.

Be part of the journey. Walk the bustling streets. Buy the special food. See the skyscrapers. Know their history. A traveler’s job is not only to know about the things from somewhere, but rather to feel the life of every city, of every village, and of every town. As you read along this magazine, follow us through the various spots of the beautiful city of Paris, from the street cafÊs to the world -famous Eiffel Tower and Louvre Museum.

Bon voyage.

What We’ll See... I. The City of Paris....................................................................................1

What is “Paris”?................................................................................3

What is “Paris”? II.............................................................................6

A Semi-different World...................................................................7

II. The Hotspots of Paris..........................................................................9

Eye Candies.....................................................................................11

The Eiffel Tower..............................................................................15

Eye Candies II................................................................................20

III. Review................................................................................................27

Here’s How The Day Went............................................................29

IV. This is Where It Ends........................................................................35 V. Contributors Page.............................................................................37


Prelude by Aaron Mangalili

Traveling has been a discussion all over the virtual community. A lot of youth these days and even some elders are blogging themselves about their travel, lifestyle and other interesting things that catch the attention of netizens. Imagine traveling to different places that you have been dreaming of going but not having at least one photo to remember them. How would you feel about that? Most would feel frustrated. Therefore, here are some simple steps to travel to one of the most beautiful places in the world, Paris France, and have fun in doing so. First, save up! Traveling to a foreign land cost a lot of money and it’s not just the plane tickets. There are other needs to consider like


hotels, food, and transportation. Second, make time! All the money saved up for the trip will be for naught if the schedule is always packed with different activities/events. One can never enjoy being at Paris with all the unfinished business left at home. Third, travel with the right people. Traveling with the right people will always make a fun adventure. They are the kind of people whom always know how to make the best of the situation. Fourth, know the spot. Search the best places to go, book a posh hotel to stay and never forget to capture that aesthetic picture of you wearing that modish trench coat. Last, enjoy every moment you can in the place that you have never been to before.


I. The City of Paris


What is “Paris”? by Aaron Mangalili

“The beauty of a city can also be embedded in its name.” Traveling isn’t just a passion or a hobby, but rather a full-time job that happens to come with a whole lot of perks. The team has gone to a city known as the “The City of Love”, a country that is well known because of the famous city. In the city that has timeless familiarity with recognizable architectural icons and lovely cuisine, it also has modish boutique and priceless treasures. Paris is the capital of France, located in the north-central part the country. For centuries, Paris has been one of the most valued and attractive cities in the world with its rich history and culture. Paris was founded towards the end of the 3rd century BC by

the Gauls who were at the time called Parisii. In 52 BC, Julius Caesar’s legions conquered the territory, founding the Roman city Lutetia on the earlier settlement. This city has since been one of the most visited places in the world, being particularly attractive to lovers for its romantic and classical place. One of the most famous attractions in the city is the Eiffel Tower. The tower composed of wrought iron lattice on the Champ de Mars. It is named after the engineer Gustave Eiffel, whose company designed and built said tower. In summary, Paris is one of the most beautiful and elegant city you’ll evervisit.




What is “Paris”? II by Vee Calog

“From Paris with Love? Well, you can say that.” Love is without a doubt the most common word one can think of whenever the name Paris is mentioned. Paris is internationally known as the City of Love, as it may be considered the most romantic city in the world. A place, where you can enjoy its alluring ambiance with a lover and where you can strengthen your passion for each other. A city filled with attraction such as the famous Eiffel Tower, The Louvre, The Notre-Dame de Paris, The Arc de Triomphe and many more fetching structures that will leave you breathless and awestruck in every glance you partake in the wonderful scenery. Indeed you will fall in love with Paris. Each aspect of Paris plays a part into building the most romantic city in


the world the way it is recognized today. For many, Paris may be considered as a complex representation of art as seen in their sophisticated architecture, deep history, rich culture, and their amorous language. Also, being a multi-cultural city makes it more colourful with a twist. While it may look like a pastiche passionately painted on a calm afternoon, it may also look as magnificent as the stars at night, as it is also given the name The City of Lights. Paris is the capital in France, the largest city in the country. Surrounding it are cities like Lille, Reims, Dijon, Orléans, and De Havre, one as beautiful as the other. The city is divided into two territories, which are the Left Bank and the Right Bank, by the Seine River.

A Semi-different World by Gwyn Daleon

“Two places can be so similar and so different at the same time.” As far and as foreign as they are from each other, there are very distinct similarities and differences between Paris, The City of Light and Cagayan de Oro City, The City of Golden Friendship. For instance, people in Cagayan de Oro City love food as much as Parisians do. An example of this is bread. Bread is one of the most consumed foods in both of the cities. In Paris, a piece of bread can cost up to €0.81 or Php50.00 per piece whereas we can avail bread in Cagayan de Oro city for as low as Php2.00 or €0.04. Both Parisians and Cagay-anons enjoy a quality dining experience. Fine dining is especially popular among both peoples. However, word on the street has it that some Parisian waiters can be somewhat rude; Cagay-anon waiters are little friendlier. In terms of clothing, Cagay-anons and Parisians

are very fashionable in their own way. Parisians often wear heavy clothing to protect themselves from the cold weather, while Cagay-anons wear lighter clothes to help them deal with the city heat. Clothes in Paris are more expensive than those of in Cagayan de Oro city. For example, a pair of Levis can cost you Php3,000 whereas you can buy the same pair of jeans in Cagayan de Oro city for Php1,500. It’s not impossible not to fall for Paris. There’s so much to adore about the romantic and sophisticated French capital, like the architecture, art, cuisine, and of course, fashion. Undoubtedly, it does a great job in representing French culture as a whole. Because of this, Paris is one of the most visited cities in the world. Paris will cost you a lot of money; much more than what Cagayan de Oro city will.




II. The Hotspots of Paris 10

Eye Candies by Joseph Tangcalagan

“Nothing is sweeter than the sight of Paris.” Paris is a city of attraction filled with beautiful structures and tourist spots, including one of the most famous monuments in the world, the Eiffel tower, which is the emblematic of Paris. It was designed by Alexander-Gustave Eiffel and was built for the Paris exhibition 1889. Another great attraction in Paris is the Louvre museum so if you love art, this is the perfect place for you. This museum is a house of fine arts in Paris, housing more than 30,000 artworks from antiquities to medieval European arts and paintings from the 15th to 19th centuries.

construction of the cathedral took more than 150 years. Another one is the Musee d’Orsay which is one of Paris’ top attractions. The museum is housed in an expansive space and collections represent the work of all the masters of impressionism, ranging from classic impressionist masters Degas, Manet, Monet, and Renoir poat impressionist artists like Bonnard Cézanne amd Van Gogh. One more of Paris’ attractions is the Place de la concorde which was created between 1755 and 1775 by the architect of King Louis XV. This octagonal place, in the heart of the 18th century Paris. The Place de la concorde has beautiful dimensions surrounding it making it one of the most beautiful squares of Paris. It was also the scene of the key historical events like King Louis’ execution which was part of the Napolean’s triumphal route. This next spot is not just an

In continuation, another attraction in Paris is the Notre-Dame Cathedral which stands in the heart of Paris on the Ile de la Cité. Founded by King Louis IX and bishop Maurice de Sully in 1163, it has now become a great tourist attraction. The



attraction but also a dedication to the victorious French armies of the revolution and the first empire. Napolean ordered to build this in 1806 but wasn’t able to live to see the completion of this building in 1836. This building is called the Arc de Triomphe and was designed by JF Chalgrin. This features life-size or bigger figures the victories, departure, and glorious return of the French armies. Lastly, we have the Sainte-Chapelle. Located in the Palais de justice on the Ile de la CitÊ. SainteChapelle is considered a rare jewel of the middle ages. This structure is a masterpiece of high gothic architecture built from 1242-1248. This is for King Louis IX to house precious Christian relics which King Louis acquired from the Byzantine Emperor.


So there you have it, several of the many beautiful spots located in Paris. Paris is a beautiful city, perfect to spend time in for your vacation.


The Eiffel Tower by Jay Ann Cabradilla

“A decent inquiry to begin with, clearly, is: why was the Eiffel Tower worked in any case? “ To stamp the 100year commemoration of the French Revolution, Paris facilitated the World’s Fair, and needed to check the event with something genuinely terrific. A space on the Champs de Mars was the proposed site for a unique structure, and more than 100 modelers and originators submitted thoughts. The structure was to be utilized as the door for the World’s Fair – the passageway to the piece – so it should have been something really amazing.

styles that were famous in the eighteenth and nineteenth hundreds of years, as indicated by Gudek Snajdar. Be that as it may, its material really influenced it to emerge. The Eiffel Tower is additionally a more law based, and along these lines current, structure than different landmarks of the time, as indicated by Gudek Snajdar. Gustave Eiffel demanded that lifts be incorporated into the pinnacle, yet they must be foreign from an American organization in light of the fact that no French organization could meet the quality standard.The pinnacle was proposed as an impermanent structure that should

The Eiffel Tower is irrefutably present day in its shape, which is particular from the Neo-Gothic, Neo-Renaissance and Neo-Baroque


have been evacuated following 20 years. However, as time passed, individuals never again needed to see the pinnacle go.

venture destroyed, thus he begin making the pinnacle an imperative instrument for established researchers. Days after its opening, Eiffel introduced a meteorology research center on the third floor of the pinnacle. He welcomed researchers to utilize the lab for their investigations on everything from gravity to power. Eventually, in any case, it was the pinnacle’s approaching stature, not its lab, that spared it from termination.

The triumphant offer originated from the development firm of Alexandre-Gustave Eiffel, a prestigious scaffold manufacturer and engineer. While he is regularly credited with the outline of this now-famous structure, history has uncovered that it was really his aide, Maurice Koechlin, who did a significant part of the first plan and point by point schematics of the Tower. It took over two years to finish, and comprises of more than 2.5 million bolts and 18,000 individual bits of fashioned iron. Several individuals attempted to finish the fantastic structure before the opening of the Exposition. When it was done, it stood almost 1,000 feet tall – making it the tallest structure on the planet, a title it held for over 40 years.

While it appears to be unimaginable today, the French government almost tore down the Eiffel Tower in 1909, only twenty years after it was built, since it was just expected to be a transitory display. Many French subjects had likewise voiced their worry that it defaced the profile of the city, and some even called it a “blemish”. Be that as it may, the vital estimation of the pinnacle as a radio reception apparatus couldn’t be denied, so the City chose to keep the structure set up. On the off chance that they hadn’t, they would

Gustave Eiffel was additionally not excited about observing his most loved


have wrecked the most well known paid vacation destination on the planet.

structure’s convenience as a remote broadcast transmitter. The French military utilized the pinnacle to discuss remotely with ships in the Atlantic Ocean and capture foe messages amid World War I.

40 years after its development, its title as the tallest artificial structure on the planet was placed in risk, when the Chrysler Building was built in New York. Not having any desire to be beaten by the Americans, a radio reception apparatus was added to the highest point of the Eiffel Tower, conveying it to its present tallness of 1,063 feet, making it 17 feet taller than its American challenger. Be that as it may, a year in the wake of recovering the title, the Empire State Building was raised, besting out at 1,454 feet in stature, denoting the finish of the Eiffel Tower’s rule over the sky.

The pinnacle is as yet home to more than 120 recieving wires, broadcasting both radio and TV motions all through the capital city and past. The Eiffel Tower “gave Paris the most discernable outline,” said Polansky. Its particular look has made it a persevering image of Paris. In any case, as per Gudek Snajdar, something other than its striking shape makes it a symbol of the city. “Paris was a focal point of present day workmanship and painting at the time (late 1800s), home to vote based system, and facilitating the

In 1910, the city of Paris restored Eiffel’s concession for the pinnacle in view of the


primary world presentation,” she said. “It was intended to be an origination of present day engineering, as well. At the point when the Nazis took Paris amid the Second World War, Hitler requested the structure devastated, however the request was never done. Maybe even the Nazis really wanted to take a gander at this amazing structure and be awed. Since the center of the twentieth century, it has swelled in prominence as worldwide travel has expanded, and the French government now thinks of it as a national fortune. It is repainted at regular intervals, and invites guests 365 days a year.

guests regularly take the challenging ascend of more than 600 stages, or decide on one of the eight lifts situated in the base legs of the structure. The four fundamental bases, in case you’re at any point lost in Paris, are situated in accordance with the focuses on a compass.

Today, more than 7 million individuals visit the Eiffel Tower every year – and more than 250 million have gone to it since its development. Those photo-snapping



Eye Candies II by Meg Soriano

“Sweet things still come with a price, but they are worth it.” Paris. Capital of France and one of Europe’s major centres of finance, commerce, fashion, science, and the arts. For a newcomer to the city, it takes a long while before the city sights get boring. The place is beautiful. However, it can also be a tad overwhelming and your time might not be enough to try every single café or visit every single shopping avenue, and so on. I mean, the day only has so many hours, and your legs can only take so much strolling. That’s what I’m here to do: list recommendations so that you have a place to start. First up are the hotels. For all you tourists and aspiring travellers to the city of love, I suggest that you read this, as it can be difficult to find a good hotel unless you already know where to start looking.

The hotel my friends


and I resided in was the Shangri-La hotel. Elegant and luxurious, this hotel has a right to boast about the services they offer, particularly in the quality of their rooms. One of the things that amplified the excellence of our stay was that the two hotel rooms we booked had a splendid view of the Eiffel Tower from either of our balconies. It was a magical experience, being able to glance at one of the most famous works of architecture and engineering from our window. With these perks and more –namely a hot tub, bar, restaurant, and laundry service- I think that Shangri-La reaches the bar set for 5 star hotels. Alternatively, should you be looking for a residence whose price is not as steep, I suggest you check out Hotel de l’Arcade. It is known to be a lovely place, with impeccable service, and magnificent rooms. It has free

Wi-Fi, air condition, laundry service, and is pet friendly. The hotel staffs have numerous reviews on their warmth and openness to the guests, and the hotel is located in a nice area. Granted, the price per night might be a bit more than most people can handle, but with the provided facilities, it is quite worth it.

more, in Faubourg, and the smaller boutiques like Colette and Starcow in the Rue Saint-Honoré part. Moving on, we have The Champs-Élysées, an avenue known for its theatres, cafés, and luxury shops. It is commonly described as ‘the most beautiful avenue in the world’, and these claims don’t seem so incredulous when you see it for yourself. Food, fashion and entertainment can all be found here, making it a place where you can easily waste your day away in enjoyment.

Next up is shopping. Now, from all you ladies reading this, a significant number of us can agree: Paris and the numerous shops and shopping districts could be our equivalent to heaven. I mean, Prada? Versace? Gucci? Louis Vuitton? It’s like a dream come true.

Up on third are the cafés. While they may not be as filling as restaurants, lounging in cafés with a nice atmosphere can bring you a sense of relaxation, and give rest to your aching feet. These cafés can truly set the mood and give you a moment to breathe, have a small snack, and appreciate the fact that, yes, you’re actually sitting in a café in Paris.

If you enjoy these things, I encourage you to take a walk down Rue Saint-Honoré. It offers a mix of classic designer and concept stores, giving the street some appreciated variety. It may be a bit confusing, since before it was divided into two parts: Rue Saint-Honoré and Rue du Faubourg Saint Honoré, and has since been joined into one street. If you’re looking for those designer brands though, you can find shops like Prada, Versace, Hermese, and

One of the best cafés I had been to in my brief time in the city of love has got to be Le Peloton Café. The servers here are quite friendly and accommodating, nev-




er hesitating to provide the best service to their guests. For the coffee drinkers, I would recommend you try their Cappuccino. It is one of the best ones I have had in a long, long time. Accompany that with their waffles, and it will taste absolutely divine. While it is generally a very quiet café, complete with relaxing music and a wonderful ambiance, I recommend that you visit at around 3 o’clock in the afternoon, since not a lot people go there at that time. Highly rated, delicious food and drink, homey feel, and a casual environment, Le Peloton Café is definitely a favourite of mine.

are restaurants in Paris. Do be warned, though. These restaurants are outstanding, and the food is well worth the price, but wow. If my friends and I hadn’t had such a large budget, then I sure would’ve gotten a heart attack when I first viewed any of these menus. The restaurant we frequented the most was the L’abeille, which was in the Shangri-la hotel, so we didn’t have to walk very far to get there. L’abeille is elegant, and also very cozy, and is recommended for evening dining. There is a garden there with an Eiffel tower view. It is definitely a top class restaurant, with professional and accommodating staff. They have an extensive wine menu, ranging from all sorts of classy drinks with only the highest quality. It is definitely one of the most expensive places we dined in.

Then, we have good old Starbucks. While some may think it as overrated or expensive, no one can deny just how international this coffee shop has become. As such, there’s not much for me to explain here. You can never go wrong with your regular order from this coffee shop, though. If you would like a bit of familiarity away from home, or would like to see the difference between here and there, then by all means, don’t let anyone stop you from getting your coffee. To follow up the cafés, these

Le Cinq can be found in the Four Seasons Hotel. A gourmet restaurant, it gives the feeling of dining like royalty while still keeping a comfortable atmosphere. The food is –as I’ve said – is very pricey, but the service provided and the quality of the


food justifies the expense. The wine selection provided by Le Cinq is one of the best that we have tried, and the service is outstanding and highly rated. I highly recommend this restaurant to anyone who wants to dine in style. And that is the end! I hope that me sharing facts and my personal opinions of the different places in Paris has helped you to form your own opinions and curiosity. I hope that what I wrote gives you a basis and an idea of which places in Paris to visit, and where to look for things. Hopefully, I was able to make that overwhelmingly huge city a bit less intimidating, and encourage you to go out and seek out the places I recommended, and hopefully form your own opinions, or even find some note-worthy places yourselves.



III. Review



A Brief Recollection by Matthew Vallecer IV

“Paris is a place and time to remember.” Paris, France is one of the most amazing and beautiful places that you will ever visit. It is filled with historic artworks and architecture, and has a lot of magnificent landmarks such as The Arc De Triomphe, Versailles, and the most famous landmark in Paris, the Eiffel Tower. Paris is visited by over seven million people each year, because of its breath-taking views and overwhelming atmosphere. Tourists will surely never get bored when they’re in Paris, as there are so many things to see on the beautiful city. It is also known as by its many titles like; “The City of Lights”, “The City of Romance”, and “The Culinary Capital of the World”. Our story began at the largest international airport in Paris, Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport or also known as the Roissy Airport. Early morning after our plane landed, when our feet

touched foreign ground, the feeling was breathtaking and our sense of adventure was at its maximum. Luckily, the airport was not that crowded for the day and we got to explore a bit. Jay Ann was awestruck near the escalator. Meg and Gwyn were getting some coffee by the Coffee stand. Jojan and I came back from the nearby restroom. Narrylm and Noah were discussing about work off to the side. Then we met up and got ourselves a cab to take us to our hotel, which was a 45-minute drive. Once we arrived, there standing in front of us was the famous 5-Star Hotel, ShangriLa. We were astounded by its beauty and popularity that it made us nervous yet excited to actually spend our time here in this grand hotel. After checking-in, we went to our respective rooms with the girls having their own room and the boys in theirs. Some



of us went to look around and have fun in their room, while others went to unpack their stuff. After a while, we decided to grab a bite outside. We wandered a bit and found a local café. It was nice and relaxing, and their food was delicious. While eating, we discussed on our next agenda. The boys wanted to explore more but the girls wanted to do some shopping. Being the gentlemen that we are, we went with the girls’ idea. The girls went to the shopping district Rue Saint-Honoré. The shops there were designer, and really expensive. They spent a long time just zipping in and out of shops. We trailed after them, just accepting any bags that they handed to us to carry. The avenue isn’t very long, but the girls visited just about every shop, and had just about loaded us with bags and boxes, that the girls had to fill their own arms with designer bags. Some designer brands I remember them spending the most time in were Versace, Prada, Chanel, Gucci, and Valentino. At one point, the guys had to sit down in a nearby res-

taurant and watch over the many bags, while the girls just continued shopping. After the shopping trip the girls had, we all decided to have a brief photo shoot in a few iconic places in Paris. We didn’t spend very long, but it was a rather enjoyable experience. We were all a bit tired after walking around the avenue and then walking around looking for good places to take photos, but our trip in Paris will never be complete without visiting the 1,063 feet tall Eiffel Tower. We used to only see the tower in pictures, but seeing it with your own eyes was mesmerizing. We paid for a small fee and rode the elevator to the top. Seeing the lovely city from above was like watching over a miniature city. So when we saw the end results, the ache in our feet and our arms were worth it. Before we ended the day and went back to our hotel for dinner, we stopped by Le Peloton Café. It was very light and aesthetically pleasing. We intended to just have a small snack there to last us the walk back to Shangri La, but the pastries there were delicious. Macaroons




seemed to be a favorite with Gwyn, and Jay Ann ordered two of their coffee cakes. The rest of us also got delicious snacks, too. They weren’t enough to spoil our appetite for dinner, but they were enough to put something in our stomachs so we wouldn’t be starving. Our last stop of the day was dinner at the L’abeille, the restaurant in the lobby of Shangri La. Since it’s just in our hotel, we stopped by our respective rooms first to freshen up before separately heading down for dinner. Meg and Vee got there first, and were idly reading through separate menus – Vee was reading the a la carte menu, and Meg was browsing through their wines. The table they chose was out in the gardens, giving a nice ambiance and a view of the Eiffel Tower glowing in the near distance. We then began to arrive there, and we ordered when we were all together. The food was splendid, though also pricey, but it was a truly unforgettable way to end our day in Paris, France. When we were in Paris, it was like we had the time


of our lives. The place was beautiful and mesmerizing. We will surely never forget the wonderful experiences and moments we had when we were in that beautiful place. It was truly a memorable experience, to visit a beautiful city like Paris, France.

This is where it ends. The trip is over. It is time to go home. But nonetheless, the memories you have with us will remain as golden as Paris. Stay tuned for our next destination: Amsterdam.

Ladies and gentlemen, this is SITE|SEEING.



The Contributors

Jay Ann Cabradilla The Floral Misfit

Vee Calog The Artsy Misfit

Gwyn Daleon The Fashion Misfit

Noah Densing The Formal Misfit

Aaron Mangalili The Mature Misfit

Meg Soriano The Chic Misfit

Narrylm Tan The “...� Misfit

Joseph Tangcalagan The Mystic Misfit

Matthew Vallecer IV The Party Misfit



Edited by: Noah Densing and Narrylm Tan Submitted to: Ma’am Raya Discipulo Submitted by: The Misfits of 11-Cullen Layout Designer: Noah Densing *This is not for commercial use, and is only for project purposes. Anyone who will be asked for money should not entertain the offers.

January 2018

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