Crossroads Church 2017 Annual Report

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Reaching thousands. Giving away millions.

Table of Contents 03 Letter from Pastor Tim 05 Next Steps 07 The Numbers 13 Monday Night Church 15 Youth / ccKids 19 Multimedia 21 Outside Our Walls 24 Community 25 Financials 27 Stories

There really is no other community in this world that compares with the local church. Every church has a story to tell. A story of how God uses imperfect people to change an imperfect world. We share this report to celebrate our unique story and to share what God is doing through you. Every number in this report represents more than just accounting and metrics. It represents what God is doing in and through our church. Every number represents a story of pain, suffering, hope and salvation. Numbers are always important to us, which is why we track them and share them with you. But do not forget that each number tells a story. That story is powerful and precious to God and to us. As I look back over last year, I believe that it was a year of development for me and for our church. I believe that God is preparing us for what He has for us in the years to come. I have found great truth in this verse: “Using a dull ax requires great strength, so sharpen the blade. That’s the value of wisdom; it helps you succeed.” (Ecclesiastes 10:10 NLT) God must give us deep roots before we can bear great fruit. God is still working in us so that He can reach the world through us. This past year we continued to make progress for our Build The House initiative. We know that in God’s timing this vision will become a reality for the thousands of families we feel called to reach. We are hopeful to begin construction in the near future and continue to press forward toward reaching thousands and giving away millions. I want to thank each and every one of you who give, serve and lead in this community. Our church is unique and beautiful because of you. Your faithfulness and generosity to God through this church continues to humble me. I am forever grateful for the way you partner with me and my family to help people get on the path to God. We are truly on a journey together. On the Path Together, Pastor Tim


2017 Pastor Tim


Next Steps Salvations

381 179

Since Launch 4,321


Since Launch 1,423 05


The Numbers Attendance

Weekly Avg



Avg Attendance




Avg Attendance






Second-Time Guests



Easter He is not here; He has risen, just as He said. Come and see the place where He lay. Matthew 28:6



2,700+ In Attendance


“The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and the will call Him Immanuel (which means ‘God with us’).” Matthew 1:23


3,100+ In Attendance





Weekly Avg





Weekly Avg





A Volunteer Story by Natalie Woltz

There is a young lady in our girls youth group who was very reserved in the beginning. She seemed awkward around the new girls in the group and as a result, we didn’t see her for several months. She eventually returned and during the “Bold Lessons” we were discussing being humble and obedient. The group was struggling to figure out what a certain question was asking when my husband and I felt like it was time to share our story. When we were finished, the young lady looked shocked and asked why we did it. She confessed that she too was a former addict. I was humbled. This was her secret. Seeing her release it and confide in our group, I could see a different side of her when she left that night. I absolutely love leading the girls high school youth group in Lancaster! It requires me to dig down to a part of myself I don’t tap into often. I am beyond blessed! The girls have an impact on me as well. Seeing them praise Jesus, serving at every moment they can, and giving of their time is inspirational to me. My spirit is renewed seeing how wide their love is for Jesus. It’s just so wonderful to see God’s handy work in the lives of our youth.


Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come. The old has gone, the new is here! 2 Corinthians 5:17



Multi-Media Instagram

1,347 3,187 826 Followers

Facebook Likes



App Downloads

5761 Postcard Mailers



Homes Reached

Spotify Followers

976 Most Watched Series

Good Intentions


Outside Our Walls Impact Week

Hours Served


$9,322 Volunteers




Shoe Drops Bed Brigade


Pairs of shoes.



Beds given away.


10 missionaries $5100+ towards multiple projects.



24 missionaries Clean-up & salvage from Hurricane Harvey. Dominican Republic

21 missionaries 30 Water Filtration Systems installed.


Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” And I said, “Here I am. Send me!” Isaiah 6:8 23

Community People Connected

1,521 156

Groups Volunteers


Financials $391,541 Operations




$1,516,716 Facilities



Outreach/ Missions Total


Restricted Expense

(Missions & Youth Camp)



Local and Global Missions and Outreach, Missionary Support. Outreach Reserves 2016 = $17, 222 2017 = $39, 841 Total = $57, 063



Revenue General Offering One-Fund End of Year Offering

Other Income

Total Restricted Expense

(Missions & Youth Camp)

$2,491,873 $79,692 $23,006 $2,594,571

Interest, Store, Other



Cassandra & Cody When I started attending Crossroads my life was out of control. My marriage was falling apart and I wasn’t the mother I wanted to be. Even though I was attending church, I wasn’t completely dedicating my life to Jesus. Eventually, I hit rock bottom. I found myself in the midst of a divorce. It was a dark place. I was drinking every weekend to block the pain. There were so many problems that we felt we couldn’t fix. I decided to sign up for Starting Point and life started changing immediately. I was happier than I had been in a while and I got some news that stunned me: I was pregnant! How was I going to tell my soon to be ex-husband that after so many failed attempts at trying to conceive, now we are expecting?


We took this as a sign and began working on our marriage. We saw it as a blessing from God, and with His help our marriage could be something beautiful again. When our daughter was born there was a knot in her umbilical cord. The doctor said that one wrong movement could have taken her from us. Thankfully, Mya is healthy and happy. They called her a blessing—they don’t know how right they are. Our once divided family was whole again. My husband now attends church willingly and hearing him talking to strangers about God melts my heart. God has answered so many prayers in our life and though our journey is just now beginning we are thankful and happy to have found Him and be living the life we are now.


The Riffels Our small group has been together for over a year. As a result, our family has been blessed by new friends. When we first moved here we had no church, no friends, and no family nearby. Thanks to our small group we now have all of those. Joining a small group has changed our lives. I couldn’t imagine life without these amazing people God has brought into it. Our group has been through job changes, financial struggles, and many of the ups and downs families face in life. Because of the strength of our relationships we stand side-by-side through all of these things. We have created our own little support system. It’s comforting to know we can talk to each other about most anything and that someone is there letting


you know everything will be okay. We have learned that no matter how bad it gets God isn’t punishing us, He’s doing something amazing through it all. We continue to trust in God and dive into his word in various ways. Growing in our faith together, with such amazing people, is an incredible feeling. A large church can be intimidating and making connections on Sunday morning can seem like an impossible task, but being part of a small group makes the church feel small. We sit together at services and have fellowship after. I can think of nothing more fulfilling than leading a small group. We are truly blessed!


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