indiana insurance verification

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indiana insurance verification indiana insurance verification Related

Cars for teens with good gas mileage and cheap on insureance? im looking for a reliable car that gets good gas mileage but cheap on insurance. any ideas?? What to do if someone doesn't want to use car insurance to pay for accident but pay privately? Someone just rear ended me. There are deep scratches on the bumper. He has car insurance, but doesn't want to use it. I got most of his information - driver's license #, car insurance info, ect. What are the steps I should take? My car insurance company said I have to call in and report accidents as soon as they happen. Should I do this in case he doesn't follow through and pay me for repairs? Should I go get an estimate right now, and have him send me a check?" Insurance on a 2000 mustang.? I'm 18 and have always wanted a mustang. I have heard insurance is high on them and would like to get an idea on what,I'll have to pay for insurance on it? Can any one give me an idea on about what the cost of insurance would be?" How much does Acrft Maint insurance cost for mechanics and owners on cessnas from 172's and up? Insurance For light aircraft like private aircraft from small cessna 172's to a gulfstream 1 or 2. I'm 23 and a female. I've never bought car insurance before. Who's cheaper Geico or Progressive? Is wanting to pay $100 a month unrealistic? Light collision on the highway...covered by insurance? my girlfriend was driving my car, and i was sleeping so i didn't see what happened... she was driving on the most left lane, and there was a car on the right hand side of our car.. again, i didn't see what happened, but she told me that car didn't stay on his lane, and slightly crossed to our lane, then the front of our car hit the back of that car... no one is injured, my gf and that driver both stopped on the shoulder and see if there are any damages... but it was at night, and too dark to see anything... that man said he is just going to go home and drive away... after we went back home, we found out there are some scratches and some dent on the front of my car... i took it to the auto

body shop, and it the people there said it's gonna cost about $900 to fix it... should i contact my insurance company..? or is it not covered..? (sorry, i know i am all new to this...)" What is the average insurance cost for Mopeds/Scooters? Im 18 and im looking to buy a moped or scooter and im just wondering what I should expect to pay on insurance. 50cc/125cc - 3rd Party. If I was to pay monthly, would 20/month be a reasonable estimate?" I was hit by a car. Which insurances should be reported? Okay... I was driving my parents car to work. I am 19. No tickets or crashes since I was 15 and a half. I was rear ended when I stopped for an ambulance. My parents have insurance on that car, but I am not on their policy. I did have my mother's permission to use the vehicle. I have my own liability insurance but on a car that I sold several months ago. I maintained that insurance just in case anything happened. The woman that hit me immediately admitted blame. She also admitted blame to the officer that came out to see us. In fact, she cut him off to admit blame. I hope I am good to go as far as any sort of payment for damages. I understand if I get ticketed for not being on their policy... I just don't want to have to pay for my parent's car out of pocket, I can't afford that. Do all three party's insurances need to be reported? My dad is trying to tell me that my insurance is the only one that needs be reported as well as the woman's that hit me. I disagree. I think that all three need to be - but he's older and wiser than me. I think he just doesn't want his rate to increase so he's trying to make me call the woman and tell her to not report their insurance. Fml, i'm confused. thanks." Ho much for my car insurance? How do I add to moms plan? I am turning 16 and need to know about the cost of car insurance. Can anyone give me an estimate 2,000 a year??? here is some info: *16 years old * Male *Live in Tampa * Sedan few years old * Good grades * Summer Job *Student *car fully paid *has alarm ant ABS Also my mom cannot add me to hers because she gets a special insurance from her company and you have to be 21 to be added to her plan. So I would have to do my own? I thought legally you have to be 18 to have your own insurance. So does she cancel her company insurance and do different company and then add me under her? Sorry if this doesn't really make sense I am confused." I really need a cheap auto car insurance? i need a car insurance my record its not really that good!!! does anyone know about any car insurance that deal whit this kind of drivers on new jersey How much would car insurance cost for a new driver? liability.? im bout to be able to get my car so i need to kno how much car insurance will cost for me. new driver. and liability coverage. Cheapest car insurance for a 18 year old male?

Cheapest car insurance for a 18 year old male? Who has the best & affordable dental and medical insurance? I need a lot of work on my teeth and I will know it will be expensive. I'm trying to find a good and affordable insurance for dental and medical. I would like my copay to be no more than 20% and my deductible to be no more than $3,000 & doctor visits no more than $30. Can anyone help me out? I'm also looking for not only me but my child as well." Where is the cheapest insurance in Michigan? I'm an 18 year old driver, that hasn't been driving for long. I drive a 1999 Cavalier base model coupe. I also pay almost 300 a month for insurance through liberty mutual... Is there anywhere that insures young drivers for cheaper than that? I really cant afford 300 a month, plus 100 for a car payment, not to mention gas and repairs...." How does uninsured motorist car insurance work? I was hit, not my fault. First accident. The guy that hit me has insurance, but I guess im wanting to know if im going to have to pay out of pocket my deductible for my uninsured motorist even though he has insurance? (don't know how the insurance works)" How can insurance companies find out if you have a pre-existing condition?? I have heard people mention the MIB as a source, but where do they get their info? I thought medical records were strictly private, how do they find out your past medical info? Ty!" Best car insurance provider for person in early 20's? Which provider is best suited for in this age group, located in California? Thanks!" Do teens need insurance when they are issued their learner's permit? And if so what is the cheapest, most discounted method to get insurance?" Why did geico increase my auto insurance rate for no reason? My renewed 6-month policy has increased by $120 for seemingly no reason. Haven't had any wrecks or tickets. I called geico to inquire, and was told that all rates in Texas have increased. Have other insurance companies rates increased as well?" Can a person with fully comp insurance drive an uninsured car? Can a person with fully comp insurance drive an uninsured car? I have cancelled my insurance on my car as MOT is over. It's in a garage so don't matter. But if My father takes it to the MOT place can he drive it with his fully comp insurance he has on his

car? What's the insurance estimate for a 2003 Toyota Celica? I am turned 17 recently and I want to buy a Toyota Celica because I think its cool. i understand that if I want to know the insurance I just get a quote but that takes long. And if someone has other suggestions for a cool list of cars for teen drivers please help. 17 year old and my car insurance quote is 835. Genuine? Just passed my text and i asked my driving instructor where i can get the best cheap quote? its third party but i dont mind. its a 1.4 corsa. He said he recommends all his pupils to I Dont understand though? Why when i look at everyone elses questions i see quotes for 3000+. I Used go compare and i also got that. but this (the first site) i went direct to and i got it for 835. Am i missing something? Thankyou:) Car accident and lapse of insurance...? Alright, this is part two of my question. To recap, on March 25 I was in a two car motor vehicle accident in California. I had no idea that my insurance had lapsed because I had moved before the notice was sent out. Therefore, I told the police that I had insurance under my current holder. Both parties feel the other person was at fault for this accident. My car was totaled while his only had minor damage. Myself and my passenger were hurt, while the other car's passengers werent. Now, my questions are as follows: 1. Do I need to call the police and let them know that I had no insurance, but just reinstated it yesterday? 2. Will I be facing jail time or just fines? I am willing to pay anything in order to clear this up. 3. Will I lose my license? 4. What other steps do I now need to take to resolve this issue? I've never had a wreck before and I have a clean criminal record, so I am a newbie to this process. Please help me!" Is there any way a 16 year old minor can get car insurance in his own name in SC? From what I have read it seems like all I have to do is get my parents permission to get my own plan in my name and that's it. And if you can please give me some car insurance agencies that will give minors car insurance. thank you Car modifications and insurance? Hey I'm young with my first car so insurance is high. What modifications will either not affect my premium or affect it by a little. Thanks indiana insurance verification indiana insurance verification What is the cheapest insurance company? What is the cheapest insurance company?

How much would auto insurance cost me? Im 16. The car im going to get is a chevy comaro 40k.? Dont tell me to go to my local car dealer thing to ask. How much would liability insurance cost? I need to know how much it would cost to have general liability insurance and E&O.; I live in California. thanks. "What comes first, insurance or the car?" When buying my first car, what comes first? Obtaining car insurance, or buying the car? I know you kinda can't have one without the other, so how does it work?" Best Car Insurance For A 15 1/2 Year Old In California? Im Turning 15 1/2 Soon, And Im Ready To Take Drivers Ed And Drivers Training.. And I Need I To Find Insurance, That IS CHEAP, I Cant Spend That Much Per Month On Insurance. My Parents Car Insurance Which Is AAA.. Only Insures Drivers Over The Age Of 21 Or Something Like That. I Just Need To Know What Insurance Is Cheapest For Me?.. And Is There Insurance What Insures Me For Whatever Car I Drive? Do I Need To Get Insurance On Every Car I Drive." Do insurance companies charge more for sports cars? Do insurance companies in the US charge more for sports cars than they do for passenger cars? Where can I find affordable car insurance in PA for college students? I will be learning to drive pretty soon and I want to know the cheapest and affordable car insurance out there for students. Which car insurance is better GMAC or Allstate? I currently have AAA insurance, but I don't like my agent, so I am switching. GMAC and Allstate both gave me good rates, so I am trying to decide between the two. Please let me know of your experience with either company. Thanks!" I need insurance on my car and need to keep the cost low as possible? Will it be ok to cut out the no claims protection or is this a must, I have over ten years, is there any other way to keep it low. Thanks" Who do I contact when a taxi driver has no private insurance? Who do I contact when a taxi driver has no private insurance?

What's the insurance for a lamborghini gallardo? NO! i'm not looking foward on buying one.. Cant afford it. People told me insurance for this car was $1000 a MONTH.. but i asked a couple people with lamborghinis in gas stations more Can i get affordable baby health insurance? Can i get affordable baby health insurance? How long does it take to recieve a settlement from an insurance company? my husband was in a car accident jan of 07 he hurt is back and hasnt been able to work as much as he used to. we filed a suit against the other drivers insurance company and we just now in sept of 08 got a settlement offer of 7,000! not to sound greedy but that seems like it's just enough to pay his medical costs?! it's been a long time i no that the insurance company wants us to settle for the least amount possible, but i feel like if we don't settle for this amoung were going to be waiting another two years! i'd like to hear from anyone who knows anything about this any advice on what we should do settle or wait? and if we do settle how long before we get a check? thank you.." Life Insurance - Can I insure my mom? I am 34 years old. My mom is in her late 60's and in good health. Can I get a life insurance policy on her and collect on it when she passes? I can't imagine this being so - how could insurance companies stay in business if it were this easy? The monthly rates that I'm seeing seem to good to be true - I'd be stupid to not do it. I'm thinking I must be missing something. Is life insurance only for accidental death? Thank you. How much is insurance for a bmw z3? I'm a male 16 yr old , just got a 1999 bmw z3 convertible. 30,000 miles for $6,999 (sweet deal!!) what would insurance be? My record is clean (of coarse) and straight A's. more" How are illegal immigrants getting free health care? I heard in a lot of debate about illegal immigrants and how they care free services such as health care. I became a U.S citizen two years ago and I've been trying to find cheaper and quality health care, but I couldn't. I researched free health care online, but can't find it. I don't have health insurance, so whenever I visit the doctor, I either pay upfront if it's about $200 or they send me the bills if its way higher. So how are illegal immigrants getting free health care?" Dental Insurance question? On my dental insurance card, I have a primary care dentist listed on it. Does this mean that I must go to this dentist in order to have the insurance pay for my appointments or can I go to any dentist that accepts my insurance without having to

switch my primary care dentist and still receive the insurance benefits? Will the insurance cover less if I don't go to the primary care dentist? Thanks!" Home Insurance? If your insurance runs say from 1st November 07 to 1st November 08 and if you make a claim in January 07, and then make another claim on 26th November 07. Does this mean that this is counted as 2 claims differernt years or is this claims counted the same year?" Will I be able to drive my mom's car without my name on the insurance? I live in Canada, and I am listed under my dad's insurance on his car as an occasional driver, but not my moms because it is more costly. My parents are on vacation and left me both vehicles. My dad's car won't start, so I need to drive my mom's to get to and from work. Will I be okay to drive it even if I'm not listed as an occasional driver on her car, but I am on my dads? They both have the same car insurance company" Why should my family's insurance go up if i get a car? I'm 17 and am currently on my parents insurance plan, so there are 3 of us with only 2 cars. I'm listed on the truck, b/c it has more horsepower. I'm about to buy a '92 Prelude, and they said the insurance would go up about $122 for 6 months. This doesn't seem too bad, but if i'm now driving my own cheap car, why is that a greater risk than driving the truck with full coverage, not just liability? It seems like it should almost go down, because there's a lower chance that i will crash up one of the more expensive/higher hp cars. Is that just the way it works or is there a better option for me? My agent also said my own policy would make it even more expensive, which i could see, because we wouldn't get the multiple driver or car discount." Can a non-relative be added onto ones insurance? Example: A friend and his daughter that are living with me He has no insurance, and wont be getting any for at least 6 months, and I am helping to support her. I would like to add her onto my insurance so she is at least covered in case of emergency." "Is insurance on a kitcar cheaper than a standard car,ie,toyota mr2 with ferrari body kit,?" Is insurance on a kitcar cheaper than a standard car,ie,toyota mr2 with ferrari body kit,?" How do I get the rest of the money for my car that insurance wont pay for? So I purchased a 2012 Dodge Avenger from Carmax and made the mistake of not getting Gap insurance. Two weeks later a girl ran a red light and totalled my brand new car. Her insurance is only going to pay 16,800 when i paid 19,400 with tax title and license. I dont think i should have to pay money out of pocket for someone elses mistake. What can I do?"

How much does renters insurance usually run? I'm 25 and this is a pretty new concept to me. My new landlord (a management company) suggested that everyone get it For our own Protection. I just need a ball park number. Thanks. Need cheap health insurance for my family....? Im unemployed and currently receiving unemployment. I need leads or info on cheap or affordable health insurance for my 3 children and I. I live in Dallas, Texas if that helps or makes any difference." indiana insurance verification indiana insurance verification I have a friend who say he knows a guy who works for a car insurance company and can guarantee cheaper quotes? Does this sound normal for staff to be able to do this as I have had a similar offer from someone else a while ago. I am just worried that they may set up a policy but when I go to make a claim its not a real policy or something. Please note it is a significant discount as well and he can also get me quotes on cars I wouln't otherwise get insured on as a normal customer All sounds a bit to good to be true! Question about car insurance?? my boyfriend and i have been discussing selling my car and sharing his (to save money, one less insurance/payment each month). My question is without having insurance (unless i went on his), will that make my insurance go up more the next time i own a vehicle? my current provider (progressive) increased my rate because i was uninsured for 3 or 4 days, and im curious if this is what will happen if say, im uninsured for a few months. THANKS!!!" How much will my insurance be on a BMW 114i? Ow much will my insurance be roughly on a brand new BMW 114i 25K, I'm 17 yrs old and I think this car is a 1.6l, please tell me how much the insurance will be for me, I need a price with and without my parents added to the policy, my address is 2, bd8 0bw. 2012 plate 3/5 door hatchback Petrol" AAA Insurance In California & Speeding Tickets? Does AAA insurance allow you to go to traffic school so your insurance rates don't go up? it's my first time offense "What company can I use to purchase private dental insurance in Seattle, WA?" which dental company can I use to purchase affordable dental care privately, not through an employee? For anyone age 18 and over and would cover basic dental visits and surgery such more"

What model Acura Integra is the best for customization and performance? What model Acura Integra is the best for customization and performance And based on your answer what would insurance be (16 yrs old) and how much is the car itself. Who pays my car insurance? As a Christmas gift my boyfriend bought me an X6. I didnt ask any questions because he and my parents got into a fight about it because they didnt think it was appropriate so I dont know anything about whos name its under or insurance or anything, anyways. Im almost positive the car is under his name, but will the insurance be under his name since the car is under his name or would the car insurance be under my name since it was a gift to me?" What % of my budget should health insurance be? Me and my bf are trying to figure out if we have enough money to move out on our own. We are full time students. Once we get married we will be making about 26000 a year after tuition and books. We can get an appartment for about 600-700 in our area, no car payments, car insurance will be 150 to cover both of our cars...what i'm not sure about is the health insurance and food costs...does it sound like we have enough to scrape by on our own?" What is the average cost of mobile home insurance in Florida? Is it higher in different areas Teenager Car insurance? Approximately, how much will it cost to insure a car? I'm 18, just got my license and the car that I'm going to buy is 2008 Mini Cooper S, I live in Los Angeles, CA and GPA more" Car insurance in ontario? Ok so im about to buy my first used car and i have no idea how getting insurance for your car works. im going to call around to find the best rate but do insurance companies normally make you pay anything up front? i was told that sometimes they make you pay for two months right away. is this true? i have enough for one month of insurance up front but i want to make sure i save enough money to do so if that is usually the case thanks. Buying Insurances with a G1 licenses in Ontario.? I recently just bought a car. Its registered to me. Although it does not have any insurances right now. I have my G1, but I want to insure this car now, so I can drive it. (obviously with a licensed driver). I think I read that I can purchase insurances as a G1 driver, and just list someone else as the primary driver, until I get my G2. Does anyone know how expensive this might be? If I had my G2, the lowest insurance quote for my car I could find is about $450 a month. However, since I will be listing

someone else as a primary driver, like my dad, would the price be significantly cheaper?" What does a saliva test took for when getting life insurance? What does a saliva test took for when getting life insurance? Insurance sells up or down? This is a question addressed to current ly licensed Insurance agents abroad; therefore, my question is concerning the economy crisis we Americans are facing right now and with that, is Life & health Insurance coverage on the fall or rise? I have been waiting to start this career but not too assured that right now is the best time for this." Is full comp' car insurance worth having ? Apart from paying lower premiums and having to pay for repairs to ones own vehicle are there any disadvantages to just having third party fire and theft insurance ? I've had full comp for years, my car (10 years old ) was walloped by an unknown driver reversing in my driveway which caused broken lights and superficial bodywork damage, I've since been told by my insurance company that it's not economically viable to repair it - they would write it off less a 150 excess fee. Apparently, according to my garage this is common practise on any car over five years old. Yet at no time did the insurance company advise me of this so essentially I was paying extra for nothing. So, do you know of any other reason why I should keep the full comp' or just change to third party ?" Insurance and modifications? i have a 3 speed auto porsche 944 '-85. obviously it is quite expensive to insure, and this particular model is quite slow. so i was wondering what would be the complications in shoving a 944 S2 engine under the bonnet, and the turbo from the 944T model? both mechanically the complications and what insurance companies would make of it. could i not just get away with telling them nothing? after all it would still be a 944-of sorts!" Motorcycle Insurance question? I recently bought a motorcycle and i'm just about to buy insurance but i am abit confused, I'm thinking of getting the Third party fire & theft insurance, which means i wont get no claim if I crash my bike but what if the other drive is at fault? Does their insurance cover my damage or what? thank you" How to get Temporary Car Insurance for one week in Florida? Heres the deal. In May a couple of my friends and I are going to fly into Florida to visit some relatives. They have an extra car that nobody uses on a day to day basis, so instead of renting a car for the week... we would rather drive this car around. The problem is insurance... I don't know anything about this if its possible or not. Is there anyway to get one of us insured to drive the car for a week, we are all insured drivers here in Michigan if that matters. Also would it make any difference that the car we are

using is my Aunt's, so we are closely related. Any information, experience with this type of situation, contact numbers etc. would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!" How much is my car payment and insurance? Hey, everyone else is asking the same 2 stupid questions, now it's my turn!" Is there dental insurance with the Affordable Health Care Act? Is there dental insurance with the Affordable Health Care Act? Do you need the VIN to purchase insurance? my husband bought a car at an auction today with his friend, we will have the car tomorrow by 1pm but were hoping to get insurance bought in the morning, do we need the VIN to purchase insurance so he can drive it tomorrow?" I was in an auto accident without insurance. What am I facing? I was in a car accident yesterday. I live in California. I had no insurance at the time, although I was unaware that my girlfriend had not sent in my quarterly paryment and was actually driving without insurance for almost 3 months. The day after the accident I went in to the Highway Patrol's office and spoke to the officer who took the report and informed him I discovered I had no insurance. He didnt seem all that concerned and thanked me for going in. As for the accidnet itself, I belief I will be found at fault as I did not brake in time and rear end a small car who in turn hit the car infront of her. I was traveling at about 30 mph when I started to brake and I heard the firefighter at the seen tell the chp he thought it was 25-30 mph. If anyone could tell me what I am facing legally and finacially. I read online I will automatically have a one year driver's license suspension. Is this accurate and is this all? WIll I ge a ticked or fine? I would also like for someone to rule out jail time. The driver immediately infront of me had good damage to the back of her car and was taken to the hospital with minor injuries. Her daughter called me the day after the accident and told me she was at her house but wanted her car fixed soon because she wanted to return home in another state. I suggested she call her own insurance and let them know I was inot insured. THe other driver in front and her passenger were also taken to the hospital with minor injuries and their car had minor damage when I looked at it at the time of the accident. I have not heard from them. Financially can anyone tell me what I am facing? I understand I will be responsible, but I also understand that the other parties' insurances will have to cover their own drivers. If so will I simply be responsible for their deductable. I am more concerned with the legal aspects than the financial. I am an single father of three and need to be there for my kids. Thank you to whoever can help!" "Insurance estimate way to low, help?" Ok, So about 2 weeks ago I was at a friends house. When I walked out and was getting ready to get into my truck, I noticed all four windows from the passenger side and drivers side smashed out, along with my truck being keyed all around on every panel. I called my insurance company the next day and a few days later they sent someone to give an estimate. I wasn't there though. So I then received a check in the mail, along with the breakdown of the estimate. They gave me $2,600, minus my deductable left me stuck with a check for $1,600. I felt that was way to cheap for a

brand new paint job and to replace my windows, so I went around and got quite a few estimates of my own. They ranged between $5,800 - $7,000. I faxed them over the estimates, and what they told me was that the way they worked was I'm supposed to show them their estimate and they are supposed to work with the shop owner from there. So today I went, and as the shop owner was reading through the estimate, he was laughing and pointing things out, saying they can't be serious. He said there is basically no shop that would do all that work for cheap. He says I might need a lawyer. Any advice guys? Because all I want is my truck fixed, and its turning into a big ordeal. I drive a 2003 Chevy Silverado just in case that matters. I also still have they check they gave me sitting my my drawer, haven't cashed it." Adding teenager to car insurance? I'm turning 16 in a few months and my parents said if i paid for the extra cost they would put me on their policy and i was wondering how much money it would be Cheap car insurance for 28 yr old? I have a 2003 Grand Am. I've had it for a year. Until recently I had it in my mothers insurance policy. But hers has expired now and I would like to have it put under my own policy. I've had my license since I was 20. I've never had any violations, not even a speeding ticket. What are some cheap car insurance for my situation. I live in Kentucky." indiana insurance verification indiana insurance verification What is a good and cheap insurance for a Acura Rsx 2002? I just recently got my license and want to know of good and cheap insurance for my car. Do I qualify for low cost Health Insurance? I'm under 21 & still living at home. I live at home with my mother & sibling. My mother can't afford insurance through her work beings it'll be almost 1/3 of her paycheck a month. I work part time as a waitress making under 5,000 a year for now as I look for a full time job. So my question is: Do I qualify for any type of low cost health insurance to cover just myself? I've tried looking on sites like health .gov but because my mom has insurance available through her work it's basically saying i'm screwed out of insurance of my own. I need all 4 wisdom teeth pulled asap, as well as basic medical check ups & such that I can't afford on my waitressing salary. I really need all the help I can get. Please answer. & no, my job doesn't provide any insurance." Affordable dental insurance that includes braces? I live in Santa Maria Ca,93458" Peugeot 206 gti insurance cost?

Does anyone know roughly how much it would cost for first time insurance? I'm 18 by the way. Kawasaki Ninja 500R insurance? Dose any one know how much the insurance would be on a Kawasaki Ninja 500R for someone that is about 18 with no accidents, or speeding tickets and good-ish grades?" How much did your car insurance rate increase when your 16 year old began driving? he amount my insurance went up may have nothing to do with your insurance increase. There are way, way too many variables" "What happens if you have health insurance through your job, then have to get new health insurance?" If you have health insurance with your employer then quit, how can you get new health insurance with your new employer because aren't they going to see all your pre-existing history from your old insurance company?" Car Insurance and Tickets? My room mate just got two tickets. One for changing lanes without using a blinker and another for not having his headlights on at 9 o'clock at night. He had just left a parking lot. He had a previous ticket for going 12 over the speed limit which was moved to a parking violation. Will these new tickets affect his insurance rates? He has State Farm and lives in Saint Louis. Should he just pay it or get it fixed? Full-Time College student looking for affordable health care in Ca.? I go to Moorpark College full-time and I am looking for a health care plan that is preferably a PPO but an HMO is okay.. I am looking to pay less than 200 dollars a month and I am looking to pay no deductible. I am not looking to get insurance through the government.. I have found one through Health Net. It is an HMO. $0 deductible. $50 office visit. $205 / month. maternity coverage. If there is anything better out there, please let me know." Anyone know about life/disability insurance? I'm doing a project for school and it wants to know What ALL life insurance covers and What ALL disability insurance covers but im confused. Is there a certain thing that every life insurance covers and a certain thing every disability insurance covers? If you could help, id appreciate it. Thanks :D" 16 year old male car insurance? Im going to be 16 soon, and my uncle said that I could use his 1968 Corvette. However, I found out about the insurance. My friend said it would be several thousand dollars a month, and I don't believe him. So, what would be the cost of my car

insurance(an estimate)? Thank you for your time!" Car insurance for student under 18? i wanna know how much insurance cost in one month, if i'm an international student and i buy used car, my insurance isn't related to any one... thank you" Can the insurance of a car I own cover 16 year old girl driver? Can the insurance of a car I own cover 16 year old girl driver? A IF Car insurance question? For example. Got a insurance paper from Jan 1st 2010 to Jan 1st 2011 But i stoped the insurance at June 2010 for example, after that i get pulled at July so police checked the papers and see its still with insurance and let me go? How you think about it? Means you dont have to pay insurance and wont get res until you got into a accident and the other side wants to tell the insurance company?" Question on auto insurance? I am quite new to owing a car and getting insurance, when obtaining quotes what are some of the questions that you ask the insurance agent? Also, are there different policies that cover if your vehicle is stolen or does this come in the standard policy? Any other useful info that anyone could provide will be appreciated. Thanks." Best insurance company for a 16 year old driving a v6 or v8 camaro? best insurance company for a 16 year old driving a v6 or v8 camaro? my thought is that while a v6 camaro might be reasonable to insure a 16 year old driver with, the v8 wouldbe some unuearthly figure in the 8 digits. i know its based on SO many things, but im just asking if anyone has a HUNCH about what insurance company is the best/cheapest for a teen driving a camaro? assume its a v8, ad it cant get any worse if it ended up being a v6, if you know what i mean. btw dont say american faimily. they wont even insure a person with less than 5 years driving experience driving a v8 camaro AT ALL, let alone at a huge rate. finally, do you think there is any way on earth for insurance for a 16year old driving a (2000 lets just say for example) camaro v8? including all the little bonuses like good grades, clean record, etc. all of which i have. thanks so much for your answers! they REALLY help!" How long does it take to be under insurance for car? i need to know how long will it take for my parents car insurance to be under me as soon as i get my license so i can start driving already im in texas ?? Cheap young driver insurance? im 17 and im looking for some cheap car insurance and on the price compare websites it is too expensive does anyone know of a company that does it for a fair price?

Looking for Health Insurance that allows 5 year old as primary member? We live in Texas, I'm looking for health insurance for our 5 year old daughter. My husband has coverage through his employer and I have the option of being covered under his plan as well. However, our premium would increase by $400 a month if we add her to that plan. I am looking for an inidividual plan that will allow only her to be covered. So far I've found that the primary member must be over 18. Anyone know of a company that offers this? We can't afford the extra $400 but we wouldn't qualify for any government assistance program. She has no illness and she had tubes put in her ears a few years back, that about covers her medical history. Thanks in advance for any info!" What is an affordable health insurance in the quad cities area? My boyfriend is looking for an affordable heath insurance because he was just recently lad off and he needs health insurance so i was wondering if anybody knew of any. I would get him on mine that i get though my work but i cant because we are not married. So please help me out "Cons, why accept mandated car insurance, but bash on affordable health care?" ACA is unconstitutional, but car insurance isn't?" much does a old ford mondeo cost in insurance? Its 1.8 Turbo diesel if that helps?!!!!!! What if auto insurance does not fully cover property damages? If an insurance company is asking for extra money for the driver at fault because the property damages did not cover all fees and the at fault driver does not have a job or any income what will the consequences be? (If you are bothered by this question or do not agree, please do not answer and move on thank you!)" Insurance when you first pass your test! WHO IS THE CHEAPEST? I am looking to insure a citrone C2 1.1 and wonder who the cheapest place is? That question aside, Who is the cheapest to get insured with when you first pass your test? I am 18, Just passed. Steve" What is group insurance n? does anyone know what group insurance n is??? indiana insurance verification indiana insurance verification

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